21 results on '"Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman"'
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2. A meta-analysis uncovers the first sequence variant conferring risk of Bell’s palsy
- Author
Skuladottir, Astros Th., Bjornsdottir, Gyda, Thorleifsson, Gudmar, Walters, G. Bragi, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Moore, Kristjan Helgi Swerford, Olason, Pall I., Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., Sigurpalsdottir, Brynja, Sveinbjornsson, Gardar, Eggertsson, Hannes P., Magnusson, Sigurdur H., Oddsson, Asmundur, Bjornsdottir, Anna, Vikingsson, Arnor, Sveinsson, Olafur A., Hrafnsdottir, Maria G., Sigurdardottir, Gudrun R., Halldorsson, Bjarni V., Hansen, Thomas Folkmann, Paarup, Helene, Erikstrup, Christian, Nielsen, Kaspar, Klokker, Mads, Bruun, Mie Topholm, Sorensen, Erik, Banasik, Karina, Burgdorf, Kristoffer S., Pedersen, Ole Birger, Ullum, Henrik, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, Stefansson, Hreinn, and Stefansson, Kari
- Published
- 2021
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3. A genome-wide meta-analysis uncovers six sequence variants conferring risk of vertigo
- Author
Skuladottir, Astros Th., Bjornsdottir, Gyda, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Petersen, Hannes, Rognvaldsson, Solvi, Moore, Kristjan Helgi Swerford, Olafsson, Pall I., Magnusson, Sigurður H., Bjornsdottir, Anna, Sveinsson, Olafur A., Sigurdardottir, Gudrun R., Saevarsdottir, Saedis, Ivarsdottir, Erna V., Stefansdottir, Lilja, Gunnarsson, Bjarni, Muhlestein, Joseph B., Knowlton, Kirk U., Jones, David A., Nadauld, Lincoln D., Hartmann, Annette M., Rujescu, Dan, Strupp, Michael, Walters, G. Bragi, Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., Jonsdottir, Ingileif, Holm, Hilma, Thorleifsson, Gudmar, Gudbjartsson, Daniel F., Sulem, Patrick, Stefansson, Hreinn, and Stefansson, Kari
- Published
- 2021
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4. In silico analysis of glycinamide ribonucleotide transformylase inhibition by PY873, PY899 and DIA
- Author
Batool, Sidra, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Mushtaq, Gohar, Parvaiz, Fahed, and Kamal, Mohammad A.
- Published
- 2017
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5. Large genome-wide association study identifies three novel risk variants for restless legs syndrome
- Author
Didriksen, Maria, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Dowsett, Joseph, Bell, Steven, Erikstrup, Christian, Pedersen, Ole B., Sørensen, Erik, Jennum, Poul J., Burgdorf, Kristoffer S., Burchell, Brendan, Butterworth, Adam S., Soranzo, Nicole, Rye, David B., Trotti, Lynn Marie, Saini, Prabhjyot, Stefansdottir, Lilja, Magnusson, Sigurdur H., Thorleifsson, Gudmar, Sigmundsson, Thordur, Sigurdsson, Albert P., Van Den Hurk, Katja, Quee, Franke, Tanck, Michael W. T., Ouwehand, Willem H., Roberts, David J., Earley, Eric J., Busch, Michael P., Mast, Alan E., Page, Grier P., Danesh, John, Di Angelantonio, Emanuele, Stefansson, Hreinn, Ullum, Henrik, and Stefansson, Kari
- Published
- 2020
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6. Association of AADAC Deletion and Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in a Large European Cohort
- Author
Bertelsen, Birgitte, Stefánsson, Hreinn, Riff Jensen, Lars, Melchior, Linea, Mol Debes, Nanette, Groth, Camilla, Skov, Liselotte, Werge, Thomas, Karagiannidis, Iordanis, Tarnok, Zsanett, Barta, Csaba, Nagy, Peter, Farkas, Luca, Brøndum-Nielsen, Karen, Rizzo, Renata, Gulisano, Mariangela, Rujescu, Dan, Kiemeney, Lambertus A., Tosato, Sarah, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Ingason, Andres, Unnsteinsdottir, Unnur, Steinberg, Stacy, Ludvigsson, Pétur, Stefansson, Kari, Kuss, Andreas Walter, Paschou, Peristera, Cath, Danielle, Hoekstra, Pieter J., Müller-Vahl, Kirsten, Stuhrmann, Manfred, Silahtaroglu, Asli, Pfundt, Rolph, and Tümer, Zeynep
- Published
- 2016
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7. Genetic architecture of childhood neuropsychiatric and involuntary movement disorders
- Author
Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Kári Stefánsson, Hreinn Stefánsson, Læknadeild (HÍ), Faculty of Medicine (UI), Heilbrigðisvísindasvið (HÍ), School of Health Sciences (UI), Háskóli Íslands, and University of Iceland
- Subjects
Tourette syndrome ,Bioinformatics ,Tourette heilkenni ,Intracranial volume ,Genamengi ,Áráttu- og þráhyggjuröskun ,Doktorsritgerðir ,Genetics ,Obsessive-compulsive disorder ,Erfðafræði ,ADHD ,GWAS ,Restless leg syndrome ,Lífupplýsingafræði - Abstract
Neurodevelopmental disorders on the impulsivity-compulsivity spectrum are chronic disabling conditions with an early onset. High rates of comorbidity have been reported between Tourette syndrome (TS), Tics disorder (Tics), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and these disorders share cross-disorder risk, conferred by common variants. In this thesis the focus is on the genetics of human intracranial volume (ICV) and five impulsivity-compulsivity spectrum neurological disorders (Tourette, Tics, OCD, ADHD, and restless legs syndrome (RLS)) with the aim of finding novel sequence variants conferring risk of these behaviours and study their cross disorder risk. The genetics of these disorders is complex. Despite large meta analyses, relatively few sequence variants have been associated with these disorders and perturbed biochemical pathways have not been clearly outlined. Better understanding of their genetic underpinnings may greatly improve and accelerate diagnosis, give insights into disease processes, and point to novel targets for drug therapies. Copy number variations (CNVs) introduce insertion/deletion throughout the genome thereby impacting gene expression through gene dosage effect. A candidate gene study confirms AADAC deletion as a risk factor for TS. Moreover, a group of rare, recurrent CNVs, so called neuropsychiatric CNVs, confer high risk of ADHD. This association highlighted shared genetic risk of ADHD with ASD and schizophrenia. The GWAS meta-analysis of TS didn’t find any significant association while aggregate risk score of common variants confirmed polygenic nature of TS. Through large meta-analyses, more sequence variants conferring risk of diseases of the impulsivity-compulsivity spectrum have been uncovered. Colocalization analyses were used to identify affected genes and Mendelian randomization to search for causal relationships, with a focus on the biological insights these associations are beginning to produce. Variations in ICV can impact brain structure-function relationships. The GWAS meta-analysis of ICV uncovered 64 sequence variants explaining 5.0% of the trait’s variance. Genetic correlation analysis shows positive correlation between ICV and cognitive abilities and neurological traits. Phenome-wide genetic correlation (GC) and causal analyses were used to dissect complex polygenic nature of TS, Tics, ADHD, OCD, and RLS. GC of these five disorders with 1,140 published GWAS studies identified 59 common genetically correlated traits (FDR < 0.05). The hierarchical clustering of 59 correlated traits identified five latent clusters: (1) neuropsychiatric or neurotic disorders, (2) emotional disorders, (3) peripheral and muscular pain (4) obesity / poor lifestyle, and (5) cognition / learning traits. Rare and common variants associate with TS, ADHD, RLS, and ICV. The key question is whether variants, associated with structural changes in the brain, cause neurological disorders through their effect on brain structure or alternatively whether genetic predisposition to certain neurological disorders impacts brain structure or development. Bidirectional MR analyses of 34 correlated disorders compared with ICV revealed that ICV either has a causal effect on a neurodevelopmental disorder (ADHD) as well as on a neurodegenerative disorder (Parkinson’s) or these causal relationships may be driven by traits closely correlated with ICV., Taugaþroskaraskanir á hvatvísis-þráhyggju rófinu eru þrálát og hamlandi einkenni sem koma oft fram snemma á lífsleiðinni. Há tíðni fylgiraskana finnast samhliða Tourette heilkenni (TS), kækjum (Tics), þráhyggju- og áráttu- hegðun (OCD), athyglisbrest með og án ofvirkni röskun (ADHD), og einhverfurófsröskun (ASD) og dæmi eru um að sömu algengu breytileikarnir auka áhættu á mismunandi röskunum. Þessi ritgerð fjallar um erfðafræði rúmmáls heila og fimm taugaþroskaraskana á hvatvísis-þráhyggju rófinu (Tourette, Tics, OCD, ADHD, og fótaóeirð (RLS)) með það að markmiði að finna nýja breytileika sem ávísa áhættu af því að þróa þessar svipgerðir og að rannsaka áhættu á krossröskun. Erfðafræði þessara raskana er flókin. Þrátt fyrir stórar safngreiningar (meta-analysis), hafa tiltölulega fáir breytileikar fundist sem ávísa áhættu á þessum röskunum, né varpað ljósi á þá líffræðilegu ferla sem þar liggja að baki. Betri skilningur á erfðafræðilegri undirstöðu þessara raskana gæti stórbætt og flýtt fyrir greiningu, gefið betri innsýn inn í sjúkdómsferlið og bent á nýjar lyfjameðferðir. Eintakabreytileikar annaðhvort koma fyrir innskotum eða eyða út svæðum í erfðamenginu og hafa þannig áhrif á hversu mikið er tjáð af genum sem eru á þeirra áhrifasvæði. Leit í líklegum genum staðfestir að úrfelling á AADAC geninu er áhættu þáttur fyrir Tourette heilkenni. Þar að auki, höfum við sýnt fram á tengls á milli ákveðinna eintakabreytileika, sem hafa áður verið tengdir við einhverfu og geðklofa, og ADHD. Þessi fylgni varpar ljósi á þá erfðafræðilegu áhættu sem ADHD deilir með einhverfu og geðklofa. Safngreining niðurstaðna úr víðtækri erfðamengisleit skilaði engum erfðabreytileikum sem voru í marktægt hærri tíðni í TS en í viðmiðunarhópi. Þó staðfestir samanlagt arfgerðar-skor fjölgena eðli Tourette heilkennis. Stórar safngreiningar hafa auðkennt nýja breytileika sem ávísa áhættu á röskun á hvatvísis-þráhyggju rófinu. Staðsetning breytileika og aðrar aðferðir hafa verið notaðar til að tengja breytileika við gen og Mendelsku slembivali beitt til að rýna í orsakasamhengi, með fókus á líffræðilega ferla þessi gen taka þátt í. Breytileiki í rúmmáli heilans getur haft áhrif á tengsl á milli uppbyggingu og virkni í heilanum. Stór safngreining niðurstaðna úr víðtækri erfðamengisleit á rúmmáli heilans hefur leitt í ljós 64 breytileika í erfðamenginu sem útskýra um iv 5.0% dreifni svipgerðarinnar. Erfðafylgnigreining (GC) sýnir jákvæða fylgni á milli rúmmáls heilans og vitrænna hæfileika og taugasjúkdóma. Breið svipgerða erfðafylgni greining og orsakagreiningar voru notaðar til að kryfja flókin fjölgena sambönd á milli TS, kækja, ADHD, OCD og RLS. GC þessara fimm raskana á móti 1,140 birtra niðurstaðana úr heilgenóms erfðatengslaleitum, bar kennsl á 59 algeng svipbrigði sem eru sýna marktæka erfðafylgni (FDR < 0.05). Stigveldis þyrpingagreining á þessu 59 svipgerðum leiddi í ljós fimm dulda klasa; (1) taugaþroska- og geðraskanir, (2) tilfinningar raskanir, (3) útlima og vöðva verkir, (4) offita / óheilbrigður lífstíll, (5) vitsmuna / lærdóms svipgerðir. Sjaldgæfir og algengir breytielikar hafa verið tengdir við TS, ADHD, RLS og rúmmál heilans. Lykil spurning er hvort breytileikarnir, sem hafa verið tengdir við breytingar í heila, valdi taugasjókdómum í gegnum áhrifin sem þeir hafa á heilann, eða hvort erfðafræðileg tilhneiging til að þróa taugasjókdóma hefur áhrif á uppbyggingu og þroska heilans. Tvíátta Mendelsk slmbivals greining á 34 svipgerðum, með innbyrgðis fylgni, samanborið við rúmmál heilans gaf til kynna að rúmmál heilans annað hvort hefur áhrif á taugaþroska raskanir (ADHD) og taugasjókdóma (Parkinson’s) eða þá að orsakasamhengið sé stýrt af svipgerðum sem sýna sterka fylgni við rúmmál heilans., Gran support from the Marie Curie Initial Training Networks TS-EUROTRAIN (FP7-PEOPLE [Grant No. GA 316978]), and deCODE Genetics/Amgen, Iceland.
- Published
- 2022
8. Thirty novel sequence variants impacting human intracranial volume
- Author
Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, primary, Einarsson, Gudmundur, additional, Bustamante, Mariana, additional, Gisladottir, Rosa S, additional, Walters, G Bragi, additional, Jonsdottir, Gudrun A, additional, Skuladottir, Astros Th, additional, Bjornsdottir, Gyda, additional, Magnusson, Sigurdur H, additional, Asbjornsdottir, Bergrun, additional, Unnsteinsdottir, Unnur, additional, Sigurdsson, Engilbert, additional, Jonsson, Palmi V, additional, Palmadottir, Vala Kolbrun, additional, Gudjonsson, Sigurjon A, additional, Halldorsson, Gisli H, additional, Ferkingstad, Egil, additional, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, additional, Thorleifsson, Gudmar, additional, Holm, Hilma, additional, Thorsteinsdottir, Unnur, additional, Sulem, Patrick, additional, Gudbjartsson, Daniel F, additional, Stefansson, Hreinn, additional, Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E, additional, Ulfarsson, Magnus O, additional, and Stefansson, Kari, additional
- Published
- 2022
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9. TrFAST: A Tool to Predict Signaling Pathway-specific Transcription Factor Binding Sites
- Author
Seemab, Umair, Ain, Qurrat ul, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Saeed, Zafar, and Rashid, Sajid
- Published
- 2012
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10. MotViz: A Tool for Sequence Motif Prediction in Parallel to Structural Visualization and Analyses
- Author
Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman and Rashid, Sajid
- Published
- 2012
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11. A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 50 genetic loci associated with carpal tunnel syndrome
- Author
Skuladottir, Astros Th, Bjornsdottir, Gyda, Ferkingstad, Egil, Einarsson, Gudmundur, Stefansdottir, Lilja, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Oddsson, Asmundur, Olafsdottir, Thorunn A., Saevarsdottir, Saedis, Walters, G. Bragi, Magnusson, Sigurdur H., Bjornsdottir, Anna, Sveinsson, Olafur A., Vikingsson, Arnor, Hansen, Thomas Folkmann, Jacobsen, Rikke Louise, Erikstrup, Christian, Schwinn, Michael, Brunak, Søren, Banasik, Karina, Ostrowski, Sisse Rye, Troelsen, Anders, Henkel, Cecilie, Pedersen, Ole Birger, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, Gudbjartsson, Daniel F., Sulem, Patrick, Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., Stefansson, Hreinn, Stefansson, Kari, Skuladottir, Astros Th, Bjornsdottir, Gyda, Ferkingstad, Egil, Einarsson, Gudmundur, Stefansdottir, Lilja, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Oddsson, Asmundur, Olafsdottir, Thorunn A., Saevarsdottir, Saedis, Walters, G. Bragi, Magnusson, Sigurdur H., Bjornsdottir, Anna, Sveinsson, Olafur A., Vikingsson, Arnor, Hansen, Thomas Folkmann, Jacobsen, Rikke Louise, Erikstrup, Christian, Schwinn, Michael, Brunak, Søren, Banasik, Karina, Ostrowski, Sisse Rye, Troelsen, Anders, Henkel, Cecilie, Pedersen, Ole Birger, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, Gudbjartsson, Daniel F., Sulem, Patrick, Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., Stefansson, Hreinn, and Stefansson, Kari
- Abstract
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common entrapment neuropathy and has a largely unknown underlying biology. In a genome-wide association study of CTS (48,843 cases and 1,190,837 controls), we found 53 sequence variants at 50 loci associated with the syndrome. The most significant association is with a missense variant (p.Glu366Lys) in SERPINA1 that protects against CTS (P = 2.9 × 10-24, OR = 0.76). Through various functional analyses, we conclude that at least 22 genes mediate CTS risk and highlight the role of 19 CTS variants in the biology of the extracellular matrix. We show that the genetic component to the risk is higher in bilateral/recurrent/persistent cases than nonrecurrent/nonpersistent cases. Anthropometric traits including height and BMI are genetically correlated with CTS, in addition to early hormonal-replacement therapy, osteoarthritis, and restlessness. Our findings suggest that the components of the extracellular matrix play a key role in the pathogenesis of CTS.
- Published
- 2022
12. A genome-wide meta-analysis identifies 53 sequence variants associating with carpal tunnel syndrome
- Author
Skuladottir, Astros, primary, Bjornsdottir, Gyda, additional, Ferkingstad, Egil, additional, Einarsson, Gudmundur, additional, Stefansdottir, Lilja, additional, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, additional, Olafsdottir, Thorunn, additional, Saevarsdottir, Saedis, additional, Walters, G., additional, Magnusson, Sigurdur, additional, Oddson, Asmundur, additional, Bjornsdottir, Anna, additional, Sveinsson, Olafur, additional, Vikingsson, Arnor, additional, Hansen, Thomas, additional, Jacobsen, Rikke, additional, Erikstrup, Christian, additional, Schwinn, Michael, additional, Brunak, Søren, additional, Banasik, Karina, additional, Ostrowski, Sisse, additional, Troelsen, Anders, additional, Henkel, Cecilie, additional, Pedersen, Ole, additional, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, additional, Gudbjartsson, Daniel, additional, Sulem, Patrick, additional, Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir, additional, Stefansson, Hreinn, additional, and Stefansson, Kari, additional
- Published
- 2022
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13. A meta-analysis uncovers the first sequence variant conferring risk of Bell’s palsy
- Author
Skuladottir, Astros Th, Bjornsdottir, Gyda, Thorleifsson, Gudmar, Walters, G. Bragi, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Moore, Kristjan Helgi Swerford, Olason, Pall I., Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., Sigurpalsdottir, Brynja, Sveinbjornsson, Gardar, Eggertsson, Hannes P., Magnusson, Sigurdur H., Oddsson, Asmundur, Bjornsdottir, Anna, Vikingsson, Arnor, Sveinsson, Olafur A., Hrafnsdottir, Maria G., Sigurdardottir, Gudrun R., Halldorsson, Bjarni V., Hansen, Thomas Folkmann, Paarup, Helene, Erikstrup, Christian, Nielsen, Kaspar, Klokker, Mads, Bruun, Mie Topholm, Sørensen, Erik, Banasik, Karina, Burgdorf, Kristoffer S., Pedersen, Ole Birger, Ullum, Henrik, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, Stefansson, Hreinn, Stefansson, Kari, Skuladottir, Astros Th, Bjornsdottir, Gyda, Thorleifsson, Gudmar, Walters, G. Bragi, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Moore, Kristjan Helgi Swerford, Olason, Pall I., Thorgeirsson, Thorgeir E., Sigurpalsdottir, Brynja, Sveinbjornsson, Gardar, Eggertsson, Hannes P., Magnusson, Sigurdur H., Oddsson, Asmundur, Bjornsdottir, Anna, Vikingsson, Arnor, Sveinsson, Olafur A., Hrafnsdottir, Maria G., Sigurdardottir, Gudrun R., Halldorsson, Bjarni V., Hansen, Thomas Folkmann, Paarup, Helene, Erikstrup, Christian, Nielsen, Kaspar, Klokker, Mads, Bruun, Mie Topholm, Sørensen, Erik, Banasik, Karina, Burgdorf, Kristoffer S., Pedersen, Ole Birger, Ullum, Henrik, Jonsdottir, Ingileif, Stefansson, Hreinn, and Stefansson, Kari
- Abstract
Bell’s palsy is the most common cause of unilateral facial paralysis and is defined as an idiopathic and acute inability to control movements of the facial muscles on the affected side. While the pathogenesis remains unknown, previous studies have implicated post-viral inflammation and resulting compression of the facial nerve. Reported heritability estimates of 4–14% suggest a genetic component in the etiology and an autosomal dominant inheritance has been proposed. Here, we report findings from a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies uncovering the first unequivocal association with Bell’s palsy (rs9357446-A; P = 6.79 × 10−23, OR = 1.23; Ncases = 4714, Ncontrols = 1,011,520). The variant also confers risk of intervertebral disc disorders (P = 2.99 × 10−11, OR = 1.04) suggesting a common pathogenesis in part or a true pleiotropy.
- Published
- 2021
14. In Silico Structure Modeling and Molecular Docking Analysis of Phosphoribosyl Pyrophosphate Amidotransferase (PPAT) with Antifolate Inhibitors
- Author
Bibi, Nousheen, primary, Parveen, Zahida, additional, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, additional, and Kamal, Mohammad Amjad, additional
- Published
- 2019
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15. Association of AADAC Deletion and Gilles de la Tourette Syndrome in a Large European Cohort
- Author
Leerstoel Hout, Experimental psychopathology, Bertelsen, Birgitte, Stefánsson, Hreinn, Riff Jensen, Lars, Melchior, Linea, Mol Debes, Nanette, Groth, Camilla, Skov, Liselotte, Werge, Thomas, Karagiannidis, Iordanis, Tarnok, Zsanett, Barta, Csaba, Nagy, Peter, Farkas, Luca, Brøndum-Nielsen, Karen, Rizzo, Renata, Gulisano, Mariangela, Rujescu, Dan, Kiemeney, Lambertus A, Tosato, Sarah, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Ingason, Andres, Unnsteinsdottir, Unnur, Steinberg, Stacy, Ludvigsson, Pétur, Stefansson, Kari, Kuss, Andreas Walter, Paschou, Peristera, Cath, Danielle, Hoekstra, Pieter J, Müller-Vahl, Kirsten, Stuhrmann, Manfred, Silahtaroglu, Asli, Pfundt, Rolph, Tümer, Zeynep, Leerstoel Hout, Experimental psychopathology, Bertelsen, Birgitte, Stefánsson, Hreinn, Riff Jensen, Lars, Melchior, Linea, Mol Debes, Nanette, Groth, Camilla, Skov, Liselotte, Werge, Thomas, Karagiannidis, Iordanis, Tarnok, Zsanett, Barta, Csaba, Nagy, Peter, Farkas, Luca, Brøndum-Nielsen, Karen, Rizzo, Renata, Gulisano, Mariangela, Rujescu, Dan, Kiemeney, Lambertus A, Tosato, Sarah, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Ingason, Andres, Unnsteinsdottir, Unnur, Steinberg, Stacy, Ludvigsson, Pétur, Stefansson, Kari, Kuss, Andreas Walter, Paschou, Peristera, Cath, Danielle, Hoekstra, Pieter J, Müller-Vahl, Kirsten, Stuhrmann, Manfred, Silahtaroglu, Asli, Pfundt, Rolph, and Tümer, Zeynep
- Published
- 2016
16. Molecular Interaction Study of N1-p-fluorobenzyl-cymserine with TNF-α, p38 Kinase and JNK Kinase
- Author
Batool, Sidra, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, Greig, Nigel H., Rehan, Mohd, and Kamal, Mohammad A.
- Subjects
Molecular Docking Simulation ,Amyloid beta-Peptides ,Alzheimer Disease ,MAP Kinase Kinase 4 ,Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha ,Physostigmine ,tau Proteins ,Cholinesterase Inhibitors ,Inflammation Mediators ,p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases ,Article - Abstract
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease distinguished by progressive memory loss and cognitive decline. It is accompanied by classical neuropathological changes, including cerebral deposits of amyloid- beta peptide (Aβ) containing senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) of phosphorylated tau (p-tau), and clusters of activated glial cells. Postmortem studies strongly support a critical role for neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of AD, with activated microglia and reactive astrocytes surrounding senile plaques and NFTs. These are accompanied by an elevated expression of inflammatory mediators that further drives Aβ and p-tau generation. Although epidemiological and experimental studies suggested that long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may lessen AD risk by mitigating inflammatory responses, primary NSAID treatment trials of AD have not proved successful. Elevated systemic butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) levels have been considered a marker of low-grade systemic inflammation, and BuChE levels are reported elevated in AD brain. Recent research indicates that selective brain inhibition of BuChE elevates acetylcholine (ACh) and augments cognition in rodents free of the characteristic undesirable actions of acetylcholinesterase- inhibitors (AChE-Is). Hence, centrally active BuChE-selective-inhibitors, cymserine analogs, have been developed to test the hypothesis that BuChE-Is would be efficacious and better tolerated than AChE-Is in AD. The focus of the current study was to undertake an in-silico evaluation of an agent to assess its potential to halt the self-propagating interaction between inflammation,Aβ and p-tau generation. Molecular docking studies were performed between the novel BuChE-I, N1-p-fluorobenzyl-cymserine (FBC) and inflammatory targets to evaluate the potential of FBC as an inhibitor of p38, JNK kinases and TNF-α with respect to putative binding free energy and IC50 values. Our in-silico studies support the ability of FBC to bind these targets in a manner supportive of anti-inflammatory action that is subject to molecular dynamics and physiochemical studies for auxiliary confirmation.
- Published
- 2013
17. In silico analysis of the amido phosphoribosyltransferase inhibition by PY873, PY899 and a derivative of isophthalic acid
- Author
Batool, Sidra, primary, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, additional, and Kamal, Mohammad A., additional
- Published
- 2013
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18. Prediction of Structure of Human WNT-CRD (FZD) Complex for Computational Drug Repurposing
- Author
Ain, Qurrat U., primary, Seemab, Umair, additional, Rashid, Sajid, additional, Nawaz, Muhammad Sulaman, additional, and Kamal, Mohammad A., additional
- Published
- 2013
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19. Nanoneurotoxicity to Nanoneuroprotection Using Biological and Computational Approaches
- Author
IQBAL, ALMAS, primary, AHMAD, IQRA, additional, KHALID, MOHAMMAD HASSAN, additional, NAWAZ, MUHAMMAD SULAMAN, additional, GAN, SIEW HUA, additional, and KAMAL, MOHAMMAD A., additional
- Published
- 2013
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20. Molecular interaction study of N1-p-fluorobenzyl-cymserine with TNF-α , p38 kinase and JNK kinase.
- Author
Batool S, Nawaz MS, Greig NH, Rehan M, and Kamal MA
- Subjects
- Amyloid beta-Peptides biosynthesis, Inflammation Mediators antagonists & inhibitors, Molecular Docking Simulation, Physostigmine chemistry, tau Proteins biosynthesis, Alzheimer Disease physiopathology, Cholinesterase Inhibitors pharmacology, MAP Kinase Kinase 4 antagonists & inhibitors, Physostigmine analogs & derivatives, Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha antagonists & inhibitors, p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases antagonists & inhibitors
- Abstract
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is an age-related neurodegenerative disease distinguished by progressive memory loss and cognitive decline. It is accompanied by classical neuropathological changes, including cerebral deposits of amyloid- beta peptide (Aβ) containing senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) of phosphorylated tau (p-tau), and clusters of activated glial cells. Postmortem studies strongly support a critical role for neuroinflammation in the pathogenesis of AD, with activated microglia and reactive astrocytes surrounding senile plaques and NFTs. These are accompanied by an elevated expression of inflammatory mediators that further drives Aβ and p-tau generation. Although epidemiological and experimental studies suggested that long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may lessen AD risk by mitigating inflammatory responses, primary NSAID treatment trials of AD have not proved successful. Elevated systemic butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) levels have been considered a marker of low-grade systemic inflammation, and BuChE levels are reported elevated in AD brain. Recent research indicates that selective brain inhibition of BuChE elevates acetylcholine (ACh) and augments cognition in rodents free of the characteristic undesirable actions of acetylcholinesterase- inhibitors (AChE-Is). Hence, centrally active BuChE-selective-inhibitors, cymserine analogs, have been developed to test the hypothesis that BuChE-Is would be efficacious and better tolerated than AChE-Is in AD. The focus of the current study was to undertake an in-silico evaluation of an agent to assess its potential to halt the self-propagating interaction between inflammation,Aβ and p-tau generation. Molecular docking studies were performed between the novel BuChE-I, N1-p-fluorobenzyl-cymserine (FBC) and inflammatory targets to evaluate the potential of FBC as an inhibitor of p38, JNK kinases and TNF-α with respect to putative binding free energy and IC50 values. Our in-silico studies support the ability of FBC to bind these targets in a manner supportive of anti-inflammatory action that is subject to molecular dynamics and physiochemical studies for auxiliary confirmation.
- Published
- 2013
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21. Molecular docking study of catecholamines and [4-(propan-2-yl) phenyl]carbamic acid with tyrosine hydroxylase.
- Author
Parveen Z, Nawaz MS, Shakil S, Greig NH, and Kamal MA
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Animals, Catecholamines metabolism, Dopamine chemistry, Dopamine metabolism, Humans, Models, Molecular, Molecular Sequence Data, Neurons enzymology, Sequence Alignment, Structural Homology, Protein, Substantia Nigra enzymology, Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase metabolism, Carbamates chemistry, Catecholamines chemistry, Ligands, Parkinson Disease enzymology, Protein Interaction Domains and Motifs, Tyrosine 3-Monooxygenase chemistry
- Abstract
Parkinson's disease is a major age-related neurodegenerative disorder. As the classical disease-related motor symptoms are associated with the loss of dopamine-generating cells within the substantia nigra, tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), the rate-limiting enzyme in the synthesis of catecholamines has become an important target in the development of Parkinson's disease drug candidates, with the focus to augment TH levels or its activity. By contrast, TH inhibitors are of relevance in the treatment of conditions associated with catecholamine over-production, as occurs in pheochromocytomas. To aid characterizing new drug candidates, a molecular docking study of catecholamines and a novel hypothetical compound [4-(propan-2-yl) phenyl]carbamic acid (PPCA) with TH is described. Docking was performed using Autodock4.2 and results were analyzed using Chimera1.5.2. All the studied ligands were found to bind within a deep narrow groove lined with polar aromatic and acidic residues within TH. Our results corroborated a 'hexa interacting amino acids unit' located in this deep narrow groove crucial to the interaction of PPCA and the studied catecholamines with TH, whereby the 'His361-His336 dyad' was found to be even more crucial to these binding interactions. PPCA displayed a binding interaction with human TH that was comparable to the original TH substrate, L-tyrosine. Hence PPCA may warrant in vitro and in vivo characterization with TH to assess its potential as a candidate therapeutic., Competing Interests: Declared none.
- Published
- 2012
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