Namen magistrske naloge je prikazati pomembnost, inherentnost in specifično vlogo entitete NÈGOTÓVOSTI, na področju varnostnih ved (Securitiy Studies). Glavni cilj naloge je koncepcija, utemeljitev in nova definicija znanstvenega subjekta NÈGOTÓVOSTI, na področju varnostnih ved (Securitiy Studies). Primarno metodo naloge predstavlja dialektični diskurz in Dialektika, ki skozi interdisciplinarni pristop, ter nadalje metodo primerjalne deskriptivne analize in študije primerov, omogoča doseg začrtanih ciljev. V skladu z namenom in ciljem naloge je: V drugem poglavju o Dialektiki: opredeljen semantični, metodološki, ter miselni okvir s katerim je ustvarjena osnova za dosego zastavljenega cilja. V tem kontekstu je osvetljena dialektika varnosti, kjer je prikazana njena normativna, vrednostna in materialna modaliteta. V tretjem poglavju o kontingenci: semantično in teoretično opredeljena kontingenca kot pogoj za nastanek nègotóvosti, ter predstavljen njen filozofski in varnostni aspekt. Pri slednjem je opredeljen pojem motivirane kontingence in prikazana pomembnost kontingence na varnostnem področju, kjer le ta predstavlja miselno podstat koncepta D&D(Denial & Deception) – zanikanje in preslepitev. Koncept D&D je ključen za varovanje občutljivih informacij. V četrtem poglavju o nègotóvosti: skozi tri ključne procesne faze: 1. ENTITETO, (faza I.), 2. IDENTITETO, (faza II.), 3. MATERIALIZACIJO. (faza III.), zasnovan, opredeljen, definiran, ter materializiran subjekt nègotóvosti. V tem oziru je v prvi fazi zasnovan interdependentni model kontingentnega okolja(IMKO), v drugi fazi sledi subjektivizacija entitete v subjekt-identieto. S pomočjo filozofije in modalne logike, na osnovi dialektične sinteze fenomenološkega in racionalno-logičnega pristopa, ter prikaza dialektičnih relacij med védenjem in znanjem, resnico in gotóvostjo, ter njuno subjektivno in objektivno modaliteto, je ustvarjena definicija nègotóvosti. V tretji fazi je opredeljen model »INCERTUS«, kot osnova in analitično ogrodje(framework) za analizo dveh študij primerov. V petem in šestem poglavju študij primerov: apliciran in s tem validiran model »INCERTUS«, kjer sta z njegovo pomočjo analizirana dva praktična primera: »Romska problematika v republiki Sloveniji« in «Palestinska problematika v Izraelu« V sedmem poglavju: so predstavljeni zaključki, ter je v razpravi dodatno aplicirana na novo ustvarjena definicija nègotóvosti, kjer se je pokazala njena dodana vrednost in uporabnost tudi na področju politične filozofije ter mednarodnih odnosov. The main aim of the master thesis hereinafter is to note the importance, intrinsic value and specific role of UNCERTAINTY in the field of Security Studies. The main objective is the conception, argumentation and a new definition of the scientific subject of uncertainty in the context of security studies. In regard to methodology, Dialectics and dialectical discourse is applied as the primary method, followed by an interdisciplinary approach, comparative descriptive analysis method and a model-based double case study analysis. In accordance with the main aim and stated objectives, the following chapters include: The 2nd chp. about Dialectics: presents the semantical, methodological and mental frame as the cornerstone for the achievement of the set out objectives. The dialectics of security is presented, where the normative, values-based and material modalities of security are explained. The 3rd chp about Contingency: explains the semantical and theoretical concept of contingency as the main cause for the existence of uncertainty. Philosophical perspective of contingency is upgraded with the motivated contingency concept, relevant for application in the field of security. Motivated contingency is shown as the philosophical backbone of the D&D – denial and deception approach, crucial in regard to the protection of sensitive information. The 4th chp. about uncertainty: through the process of 3 evolution phases: 1.ENTITY (phase I.), 2.IDENTITY (phase II.), 3.MATERIALIZATION (phase III.), the subject of uncertainty is conceived, explained and defined. In this regard the interdependence model of contingent environment (IMCE) is created, followed by the 2nd phase, where the subjectivization of the entity occurs. Based on Philosophy, Modal Logic and dialectical synthesis of phenomenological and rational approach, different dialectical antinomies are discussed. Relations between knowledge and know-how with modalities of subjective and objective truth and certainty, serving as basis for the definition of uncertainty. In the 3rd phase the model »INCERTUS« is developed as the framework for the analysis of the two case studies. The 5th & 6th chp's: represent the analysis of the case studies, with the application and validation of the »INCERTUS« model, serving as the framework for the analysis of: »The Roma problem in Slovenia« and »The Palestinian problem in Israel«. The 7th chp: represents the conclusions of the thesis, supplemented with discussion, based on the newly defined subject of uncertainty. Added value and broad applicabiltiy of this subject is emphasized, shown to be very useful also in the field of political philosophy and international relations.