労働形態の変貌は,多様な働態を辿っているが,1970年代後半からのコンピュータ化は,作業姿勢保持における筋収縮を「静的」にする度合いを高くして,労働負担は,雇用形態の変化や長時間労働化などによって労働者の健康保持に多くの課題を顕在化させている。「静的」筋収縮の実証は,筋電図学的に局所筋緊張の継続する形として指摘し,労働生理学的な局所筋の収縮における強度-持久時間から許容される負荷強度は,%MVC10%以下であること,静的筋収縮は,動的筋収縮と異なる負担過多要因があり,また,反復速度は,急速な筋疲労を生起させる主因になる。筋負担は,農作業動作でもみられ,新しい道具の利用による負担の軽減例についても紹介し,疲れを過大にしない回復を重要視するなどの働き方を替える作業管理と職場環境の人間工学的改善を目指した安全衛生教育が重要である。, The study of workload in Japan was introduced as the science of labor study by TERUOKA, G. (1921). A primary problem in this kind of research is elucidation of workload. Owing to the progress in mechanization and automation, the metabolic rate of industrial work was considerably reduced in recent years, but local muscular load sometimes causes physical disorders including local pain. Specially, repetitive operations prevalent in modern industries demand frequent dynamic as well as static contractions of muscles. In a subdivided workload in which neurological strain continues, it is difficult to recover from fatigue recovery easily. Moreover, the incidence of such related lifestyle diseases as cancer, cerebrovascu1ar disease, and heart disease has increased. This is mainly because of an increase in the percentage of the aged population. But there are not a few cases of lifestyle diseases among workers in their prime. It seems that workers pay more attention to their health when they are aware of a decline in physical fitness or have some actual health problems. In this article, I considered health, physical fitness, and their influence on life expectancy level, pumpkin harvest farm workers. This investigation of Tohoku area farmers showed haw the change from limited part line load manually skilled work to mechanized, work effected physical ability.