In recent years there has been an increase in the number of children incapable of adapting to the process of education. This is due to increasing difficulty of school education programs and more demanding individual requirements for schoolchildren. Some researchers have reported convincing evidence of correlation between learning problems and central nervous system developmental disorders [13, 18]. According to N. N. Zavadenko et al. [3], distinctly manifested problems of behavior and school education are observed in 31.6% of school children. The attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was diagnosed in 7.6% of cases [7, 12, 14, 15, 22-25]. The term attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was first suggested in 1980 in the classification of the American Psychiatric Association DSM-III (1980). In the last revised version of the International Classification of Diseases (1994), ADHD was attributed to clause F-90 (hyperkinesia disorders), where it is used as a substitute for the terms motor hyperactivity or hyperdynamia. According to a modern viewpoint, ADHD combines syndromes of general motor hyperactivity, motor unrest, sporadic impulsive movements, and attention disorders. The morbidity of ADHD in children ranges from 4 to 28% [6, 18]. Children with ADHD are characterized by high risk of asocial states and mental disorders [10, 17]. Cognitive and behavioral disorders persist in 70% of adolescents and more than 50% of adults diagnosed with ADHD in childhood. Adults with ADHD are characterized by slower progress in studies and career, high distress, and social skill deficiency [1, 2]. According to the literature, retardation of cognitive processes in children with ADHD is due to morphofunctional immaturity of some brain structures [4, 11, 19, 21, 26, 27]. Nevertheless, the aspects of early diagnosis of cognitive disorders in school children using special software are still urgent. Development of new instruments for examination of the cognitive sphere in children (computer testing systems Psikhomat, Ritmotest, Mnemotest, Binatest) provides a promising opportunity for detailed research into basic cognitive processes. Objective quantitative evaluation of the cognitive sphere makes it possible to prognosticate intellectual development of children and allows these methods to be used not only for diagnosis but also for prophylaxis and correction of cognitive disorders.