Celostna grafična podoba (krajše CGP) in promocijski material sta ena izmed ključnih orodij vsake organizacije ter pogosto prvi stik med organizacijo in uporabniki, zato je pomembno, da se preko le-teh ustvari dober prvi vtis. V diplomskem delu je opisana posodobitev CGP in oblikovanje promocijskega materiala za Šahovsko društvo Krka Novo mesto, ki je eno izmed vodilnih šahovskih društev na Dolenjskem. Namen je bil ustvariti enotno podobo ter s tem povečati prepoznavnost društva. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in eksperimentalni del. V teoretičnem delu so opredeljeni pojmi CGP ter njegovi elementi. Opisani so promocijski material ter njegova pomembnost, logotip, barve, tipografija, spletna stran in družabna omrežja, spletno oglaševanje in programska oprema. V eksperimentalnem delu so opredeljene metode dela. Za oblikovanje so uporabljeni programi Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign in Adobe Xd. Predstavljeno je društvo, njegova zgodovina, delovanje, vizija in želje za promocijski material. Analizirana je trenutni CGP. V rezultatih je opravljena analiza šestih podobnih društev. Slikovno so prikazani in opisani rezultati dela: posodobitev logotipa, izbira barvne sheme, izbira tipografije, dodatni grafični elementi, vizitka, pisemska ovojnica, dopisni list, mapa, šahovski formular, darilna vrečka, šahovski zvezek, skodelica, obesek za ključe, kemični svinčnik, zloženka, akreditacije, ovratni trakovi, nalepke, spletne objave, oblikovanje spletne strani, e-poštni podpis in priročnik celostne grafične podobe. Na koncu so rezultati dela ovrednoteni s pomočjo toplotnih zemljevidov spletnega programa Zyro. Corporate identity and promotional material are one of the key communication tools of every organization and often times represent the first contact between an organization and its users and therefore have essential impact on creating a good first impression. This diploma thesis describes the update of the current corporate identity and designing of new promotional material for Chess Club Krka Novo mesto, which is one of the leading chess clubs in the Dolenjska region. The aim was to unify its image and thereby increase the recognisability of the club. The thesis is divided into theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part defines corporate identity and its elements, such as promotional material and its importance, logotype, colors, typography, website and social networks, online advertising and software used to create it. In the experimental part work methods are defined. Programmes Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign and Adobe Xd are used for designing. History, current operations, vision and the club’s requests regarding the promotional materials are described. The current corporate identity of the club and six other Slovenian clubs are analyzed. The results are described with text and images: updating of the logotype, color scheme, typography, additional graphic elements, business card, letter envelope, letterhead, folder, chess score sheet, gift bag, chess notebook, coffee mug, keychains, pens, leaflet, lanyards, stickers, social media post templates, website design, e-mail signature and corporate identity manual. In the end, the results of the work are evaluated with the help of heat maps from the online programme Zyro.