Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) are poised to bring about a technological paradigm shift akin to the micro-electronics revolution of the late 20th century. Emerging applications include next generation telecommunication networks and data centers, quantum computers, autonomous vehicles, and lab-on-a-chip systems. Co-integration of photonics and electronics on the same chip enables advanced technologies by using high-speed electrical signals to control the properties of light such as intensity, wavelength, phase, polarization, and spatial distribution. To date, most photonic ICs operate with the fundamental quasi-traverse-electric or quasi-transverse-magnetic polarization, but lack dynamic polarization control capable of synthesizing arbitrary polarizations. Current integrated polarization controllers suffer from at least one of the following: insertion losses of up to 3 dB, inability to generate all polarizations, or narrow optical bandwidth. To overcome these limitations, we leverage silicon optical waveguides that exhibit Berry’s phase, a topological effect that is inherently broadband and low loss. We develop a design framework for an integrated polarization state generator and numerically demonstrate generation of all possible polarizations with an output polarization extinction ratio that can be tuned over ±30 dB at telecommunication wavelengths. Our approach utilizes a single continuous waveguide such that insertion loss is primarily due to propagation loss. To extend our approach to control of light’s spatial degree of freedom, we examine guided light from the perspective of angular momentum, where the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom correspond to light’s spin and orbital angular momentum, respectively. We uncover novel features of light’s angular momentum in integrated waveguides which are of fundamental and technological interest. We leverage our results to demonstrate conversion between the higher order E_21^x and E_12^x modes via Berry’s phase, generation of guided light with orbital angular momentum, and azimuthal force on a dielectric particle.Controlling light’s polarization and spatial properties in guided wave devices adds powerful functionality to PICs and is particularly promising for (a) quantum computing where qubits can be encoded on both the polarization and spatial degrees of freedom (b) on-chip sensors for analytes that are sensitive to the polarization and spatial properties of light, such as chiral molecules, and (c) on-chip manipulation of particles or cells for micro-machines, opto-fluidic pumps, and advanced biological applications. In summary, this dissertation aims to advance the state-of-the-art in control of optical polarization and spatial distribution on chip, enabling disruptive PICs for next generation technologies.