Submerged batch cultivation under controlled environmental conditions of pH 3.8, temperature 30°C, and KLa≥200 h−1 (above 180 mMO2 l −1 h−1 oxygen supply rate) produced a maximum (12.0 g·l −1) SCP (Candida utilis) yield on the deseeded nopal fruit juice medium containing C/N ratio of 7.0 (initial sugar concentration 25 g·l −1) with a yield coefficient of 0.52 g cells/g sugar. In continuous cultivation, 19.9 g·l −1 cell mass could be obtained at a dilution rate (D) of 0.36 h−1 under identical environmental conditions, showing a productivity of 7.2 g·l −1·h−1. This corresponded to a gain of 9.0 in productivity in continuous culture over batch culture. Starting with steady state values of state variables, cell mass (CX−19.9 g·l −1), limiting nutrient concentration (Cln−2.5 g·l −1) and sugar concentration (CS−1.5 g·l −1) at control variable conditions of pH 3.8, 30°C, and KLa 200 h−1 keeping D=0.36 h−1 as reference, transient response studies by step changes of these control variables also showed that this pH, temperature and KLa conditions are most suitable for SCP cultivation on nopal fruit juice. Kinetic equations obtained from experimental data were analysed and kinetic parameters determined graphically. Results of SCP production from nopal fruit juice are described.