415 results on '"P. Mangiarotti"'
Search Results
2. Scenarios for the Altamira cave CO2 concentration from 1950 to 2100
- Author
Sáez, Marina, Benavente, David, Cuezva, Soledad, Huc, Mireille, Fernández-Cortés, Ángel, Mialon, Arnaud, Kerr, Yann, Sánchez-Moral, Sergio, and Mangiarotti, Sylvain
- Published
- 2024
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3. Proton, deuteron and triton flow measurements in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.4$ GeV
- Author
HADES collaboration, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chlad, L., Ciepal, I., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Greifenhagen, R., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Kämpfer, B., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Singh, U., Smyrski, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Wójcik, D., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
High precision measurements of flow coefficients $v_{n}$ ($n = 1 - 4$) for protons, deuterons and tritons relative to the first-order spectator plane have been performed in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.4$ GeV with the High-Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at the SIS18/GSI. Flow coefficients are studied as a function of transverse momentum $p_{t}$ and rapidity $y_{cm}$ over a large region of phase space and for several classes of collision centrality. A clear mass hierarchy is found for the slope of $v_{1}$, $d v_{1}/d y^{\prime}|_{y^{\prime} = 0}$ where $y^{\prime}$ is the scaled rapidity, and for $v_{2}$ at mid-rapidity. Scaling with the number of nucleons is observed for the $p_{t}$ dependence of $v_{2}$ and $v_{4}$ at mid-rapidity, which is indicative for nuclear coalescence as the main process responsible for light nuclei formation. $v_{2}$ is found to scale with the initial eccentricity $\langle \epsilon_{2} \rangle$, while $v_{4}$ scales with $\langle \epsilon_{2} \rangle^{2}$ and $\langle \epsilon_{4} \rangle$. The multi-differential high-precision data on $v_{1}$, $v_{2}$, $v_{3}$, and $v_{4}$ provides important constraints on the equation-of-state of compressed baryonic matter., Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, 4 tables; Figs. 11 updated; The manuscript has associated data in the HEPData repository: https://doi.org/10.17182/hepdata.152804
- Published
- 2022
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4. Performance of a MQXF Nb3Sn Quadrupole Magnet Under Different Stress Level
- Author
Bermudez, Susana Izquierdo, Ambrosio, Giorgio, Bordini, Bernardo, Bourcey, Nicolas, Ferracin, Paolo, Troitino, Jose Ferradas, Troitino, Salvador Ferradas, Fiscarelli, Lucio, Fleiter, Jerome, Guinchard, Michael, Mangiarotti, Franco, Perez, Juan Carlos, Takala, Eelis, and Todesco, Ezio
- Subjects
Physics - Applied Physics - Abstract
In a dipole or in a quadrupole accelerator magnet, the displacement of the coil turns induced by the electromagnetic forces can cause quenches limiting the magnet performance. For this reason, an azimuthal preload is applied to avoid azimuthal movements of the coil up to the required operational current. However, several tests showed that accelerator magnets can operate with a partial preload, i.e. that coil unloading during the ramp does not prevent reaching higher currents. This issue is particularly relevant for Nb3Sn magnets, where the loads applied to the Nb3Sn filaments can reach the degradation limits of critical current. In order to investigate the impact of coil preload on the quench performance, the MQXFS6 short model quadrupole for the High Luminosity Upgrade was tested under an azimuthal preload at 80% of the short sample current, reaching 93% of short sample current at 1.9 K. The preload was then released to 60%, still showing ability to operate in the range of 80-85% of short sample current as required by HL-LHC project. With this lower preload, the ability of going above 90% of short sample was lost, and a significant training appeared above 85%. When the preload was restored to the original 80% value, the magnet reached with few quenches 95% of short sample (13.4 T peak field). Magnetic measurements confirm the larger movement of the coil in the case with lower preload, and agree with finite element simulations.
- Published
- 2022
5. Impact of the Coulomb field on charged-pion spectra in few-GeV heavy-ion collisions
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Ciepał, I., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Linev, S., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Nabroth, M., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Parpottas, Y., Parschau, M., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schild, N., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Singh, U., Smyrski, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Sumara, K., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
In nuclear collisions the incident protons generate a Coulomb field which acts on produced charged particles. The impact of these interactions on charged pion transverse-mass and rapidity spectra, as well as on pion-pion momentum correlations is investigated in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.4 GeV. We show that the low-mt part of the data ($m_t < 0.2$ GeV/c$^2$) can be well described with a Coulomb-modified Boltzmann distribution that also takes changes of the Coulomb field during the expansion of the fireball into account. The observed centrality dependence of the fitted mean Coulomb potential deviates strongly from a $A_{part}^{2/3}$ scaling, indicating that, next to the fireball, the non-interacting charged spectators have to be taken into account. For the most central collisions, the Coulomb modifications of the HBT source radii are found to be consistent with the potential extracted from the single-pion transverse-mass distributions. This finding suggests that the region of homogeneity obtained from two-pion correlations coincides with the region in which the pions freeze-out. Using the inferred mean-square radius of the charge distribution at freeze-out, we have deduced a baryon density, in fair agreement with values obtained from statistical hadronization model fits to the particle yields., Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, to be published in EPJA
- Published
- 2022
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6. Comparison with experimental data of different theoretical approaches to high-energy electron bremsstrahlung including quantum coherence effects
- Author
Mangiarotti, A., Sona, P., and Uggerhøj, U. I.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
The basic expressions for the differential nuclear bremsstrahlung cross section at high electron energy, as derived under different theoretical approaches and approximations to quantum coherence effects, are compared. The Baier-Katkov treatment is reformulated to allow introduction of the same value of the radiation length in all calculations. A dedicated Monte Carlo code is employed for obtaining photon energy spectra in the framework of the Baier-Katkov approach taking into account multiphoton emission, attenuation by pair production, and pile-up with photons from the background. The results of Monte Carlo simulations for both the Migdal and Baier-Katkov descriptions are compared to all available data that show the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal suppression. The issue of the sensitivity of the experiments to the difference of the two approaches is investigated., Comment: 32 pages, 25 figures, full paper
- Published
- 2021
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7. Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes
- Author
Bussi, Claudio, Mangiarotti, Agustín, Vanhille-Campos, Christian, Aylan, Beren, Pellegrino, Enrica, Athanasiadi, Natalia, Fearns, Antony, Rodgers, Angela, Franzmann, Titus M., Šarić, Anđela, Dimova, Rumiana, and Gutierrez, Maximiliano G.
- Published
- 2023
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8. Correlated pion-proton pair emission off hot and dense QCD matter
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Blume, C., B"ohmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Ciepal, I., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fr"ohlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernh"auser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., H"ohne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., K"ampfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., M"untz, C., M"unzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Singh, U., Smyrski, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Str"obele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Wojcik, D., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
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Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
In this letter we report the first multi-differential measurement of correlated pion-proton pairs from 2 billion Au+Au collisions at \sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.42 GeV collected with HADES. In this energy regime the population of \Delta(1232) resonances plays an important role in the way energy is distributed between intrinsic excitation energy and kinetic energy of the hadrons in the fireball. The triple differential d3N/dM{\pi}pdpTdy distributions of correlated {\pi}p pairs have been determined by subtracting the {\pi}p combinatorial background using an iterative method. The invariant-mass distributions in the \Delta(1232) mass region show strong deviations from a Breit-Wigner function with vacuum width and mass. The yield of correlated pion-proton pairs exhibits a complex isospin, rapidity and transverse-momentum dependence. In the invariant mass range 1.1 < Minv (GeV/c2) < 1.4, the yield is found to be similar for {\pi}+p and {\pi}-p pairs, and to follow a power law
^{\alpha}, where is the mean number of participating nucleons. The exponent {\alpha} depends strongly on the pair transverse momentum (pT) while its pT-integrated and charge-averaged value is {\alpha} = 1.5 \pm 0.08stat \pm 0.2sys., Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures - Published
- 2020
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9. Directed, elliptic and higher order flow harmonics of protons, deuterons and tritons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.4$ GeV
- Author
HADES collaboration, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Ciepal, I., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golosov, O., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Mamaev, M., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Rathod, N., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Singh, U., Smyrski, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Wójcik, D., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Flow coefficients $v_{n}$ of the orders $n = 1 - 6$ are measured with the High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI for protons, deuterons and tritons as a function of centrality, transverse momentum and rapidity in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 2.4$ GeV. Combining the information from the flow coefficients of all orders allows to construct for the first time, at collision energies of a few GeV, a multi-differential picture of the angular emission pattern of these particles. It reflects the complicated interplay between the effect of the central fireball pressure on the emission of particles and their subsequent interaction with spectator matter. The high precision information on higher order flow coefficients is a major step forward in constraining the equation-of-state of dense baryonic matter., Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures; Figs. 2, 3 and 5 updated from re-analysis of data including UrQMD model predictions. Plotting error in Fig. 4 corrected; Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett
- Published
- 2020
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10. Charged pion production in $\mathbf{Au+Au}$ collisions at $\mathbf{\sqrt{s_{NN}}}$ = 2.4$\mathbf{GeV}$
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Boehmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Ciepal, I., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Froehlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhaeuser, R., Glaessel, S., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Malige, A., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Muentz, C., Muenzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Pysz, K., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rathod, N., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Singh, U., Smyrski, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Stroebele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Wojcik, D., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present high-statistic data on charged pion emission from Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm{NN}}}$ = 2.4 GeV (corresponding to $E_{beam}$ = 1.23 A GeV) in four centrality classes in the range 0 - 40$\%$ of the most central collisions. The data are analyzed as a function of transverse momentum, transverse mass, rapidity, and polar angle. Pion multiplicity per participating nucleon decreases moderately with increasing centrality. The polar angular distributions are found to be non-isotropic even for the most central event class. Our results on pion multiplicity fit well into the general trend of the world data, but undershoot by $2.5 \sigma$ data from the FOPI experiment measured at slightly lower beam energy. We compare our data to state-of-the-art transport model calculations (PHSD, IQMD, PHQMD, GiBUU and SMASH) and find substantial differences between the measurement and the results of these calculations., Comment: 17 pages, 19 figures, 4 tables
- Published
- 2020
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11. Proton number fluctuations in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.4 GeV Au+Au collisions studied with HADES
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., B"ohmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fr"ohlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernh"auser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., H"ohne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., K"ampfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kohls, M., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., M"untz, C., M"unzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Str"obele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
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Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present an analysis of proton number fluctuations in $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.4 GeV Au+Au collisions measured with the High-Acceptance DiElectron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI. With the help of extensive detector simulations done with IQMD transport model events including nuclear clusters, various nuisance effects influencing the observed proton cumulants have been investigated. Acceptance and efficiency corrections have been applied as a function of fine grained rapidity and transverse momentum bins, as well as considering local track density dependencies. Next, the effects of volume changes within particular centrality selections have been considered and beyond-leading-order corrections have been applied to the data. The efficiency and volume corrected proton number moments and cumulants Kn of orders n = 1, . . . , 4 have been obtained as a function of centrality and phase-space bin, as well as the corresponding correlators C_n . We find that the observed correlators show a power-law scaling with the mean number of protons, i.e. $C_n \propto
^n$, indicative of mostly long-range multi-particle correlations in momentum space. We also present a comparison of our results with Au+Au collision data obtained at RHIC at similar centralities, but higher $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$., Comment: 35 pages, 33 figures - Published
- 2020
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12. Identical pion intensity interferometry at sqrt(s_{NN})=2.4 GeV
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kornas, F., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spies, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Wójcik, D., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
High-statistics $\pi^-\pi^-$ and $\pi^+\pi^+$ femtoscopy data are presented for Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_\mathrm{NN}}=2.4$ GeV, measured with HADES at SIS18/GSI. The experimental correlation functions allow the determination of the space-time extent of the corresponding emission sources via a comparison to models. The emission source, parametrized as three-dimensional Gaussian distribution, is studied in dependence on pair transverse momentum, azimuthal emission angle with respect to the reaction plane, collision centrality and beam energy. For all centralities and transverse momenta, a geometrical distribution of ellipsoidal shape is found in the plane perpendicular to the beam direction with the larger extension perpendicular to the reaction plane. For large transverse momenta, the corresponding eccentricity approaches the initial eccentricity. The eccentricity is smallest for most central collisions, where the shape is almost circular. The magnitude of the tilt angle of the emission ellipsoid in the reaction plane decreases with increasing centrality and increasing transverse momentum. All source radii increase with centrality, largely exhibiting a linear rise with the number of participants, irrespective of transverse momentum. A substantial charge-sign difference of the source radii is found, appearing most pronounced at low transverse momentum. The extracted source parameters are consistent with the extrapolation of their energy dependence down from higher energies., Comment: 20 pages, 19 figures, 7 tables. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1811.06213
- Published
- 2019
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13. Biomolecular condensates modulate membrane lipid packing and hydration
- Author
Mangiarotti, Agustín, Siri, Macarena, Tam, Nicky W., Zhao, Ziliang, Malacrida, Leonel, and Dimova, Rumiana
- Published
- 2023
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14. Wetting and complex remodeling of membranes by biomolecular condensates
- Author
Mangiarotti, Agustín, Chen, Nannan, Zhao, Ziliang, Lipowsky, Reinhard, and Dimova, Rumiana
- Published
- 2023
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15. Comparison of AMD calculations with experimental data for peripheral collisions of 93Nb+93Nb,116Sn at 38 MeV/nucleon
- Author
Piantelli, S., Olmi, A., Maurenzig, P. R., Ono, A., Bini, M., Casini, G., Pasquali, G., Mangiarotti, A., Poggi, G., Stefanini, A. A., Barlini, S., Camaiani, A., Ciampi, C., Frosin, C., Ottanelli, P., and Valdre', S.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
Experimental data concerning binary events in peripheral collisions for the systems 93Nb+93Nb and 93Nb+116Sn at 38 MeV/nucleon, collected with the Fiasco setup, are compared with calculations performed with the dynamic code AMD, coupled with the statistical code Gemini used as an afterburner. The comparison focuses on the properties of the quasiprojectile (QP) and on the total multiplicities of the emitted light charged particles. A good reproduction of the average mass ratio, charge Z and c.m. angle of the QP is obtained in the examined impact parameter range (b~7-12 fm). Concerning the light charged particles, a general agreement is found for the total emitted charge, while some discrepancy remains for the multiplicities of the various species, especially for the protons which are always overestimated by the calculations., Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures
- Published
- 2019
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16. Sub-threshold production of K^{0}_{s} mesons and {\Lambda} hyperons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au
- Author
HADES collaboration, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Selyuzhenkov, I., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P., and Leifels, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present first data on sub-threshold production of K0 s mesons and {\Lambda} hyperons in Au+Au collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 2.4 GeV. We observe an universal
scaling of hadrons containing strangeness, independent of their corresponding production thresholds. Comparing the yields, their scaling, and the shapes of the rapidity and the pt spectra to state-of-the-art transport model (UrQMD, HSD, IQMD) predictions, we find that none of the latter can simultaneously describe all observables with reasonable \c{hi}2 values., Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures - Published
- 2018
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17. Identical pion intensity interferometry in central Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Matulewicz, T., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Piasecki, K., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Wojcik, D., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We investigate identical pion HBT intensity interferometry for central Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV. High-statistics $\pi^-\pi^-$ and $\pi^+\pi^+$ data are measured with HADES at SIS18/GSI. The radius parameters, derived from the correlation function depending on relative momenta in the longitudinal-comoving system and parametrized as three-dimensional Gaussian distribution, are studied as function of transverse momentum. A substantial charge-sign difference of the source radii is found, particularly pronounced at low transverse momentum. The extracted Coulomb-corrected source parameters agree well with a smooth extrapolation of the center-of-mass energy dependence established at higher energies, extending the corresponding excitation functions down towards a very low energy. Our data would thus rather disfavour any strong energy dependence of the radius parameters in the low energy region., Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, updated author and grant lists
- Published
- 2018
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18. Boron-10 lined RPCs for sub-millimeter resolution thermal neutron detectors: Feasibility study in a thermal neutron beam
- Author
Margato, L. M. S., Morozov, A., Blanco, A., Fonte, P., Fraga, F. A. F., Guerard, B., Hall-Wilton, R., Höglund, C., Mangiarotti, A., Robinson, L., Schmidt, S., and Zeitelhack, K.
- Subjects
Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors - Abstract
The results of an experimental feasibility study of a position sensitive thermal neutron detector based on a resistive plate chamber (RPC) are presented. The detector prototype features a thin-gap (0.35 mm) hybrid RPC with an aluminium cathode lined with a 2 ${\mu}$m thick $^{10}B{_4}C$ neutron converter layer enriched in $^{10}B$ and a float glass anode. A detection efficiency of ${\approx}$ 6.2 ${\%}$ was measured for the neutron beam (${\lambda}$ =2.5 ${\AA}$) at normal incidence. A spatial resolution better than 0.5 mm FWHM was demonstrated.
- Published
- 2018
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19. Wide acceptance measurement of the K$^-$/K$^+$ ratio from Ni+Ni collisions at 1.91A GeV
- Author
Piasecki, K., Herrmann, N., Averbeck, R., Andronic, A., Barret, V., Basrak, Z., Bastid, N., Benabderrahmane, M. L., Berger, M., Buehler, P., Cargnelli, M., Čaplar, R., Cordier, E., Crochet, P., Czerwiakowa, O., Deppner, I., Dupieux, P., Dželalija, M., Fabbietti, L., Fodor, Z., Gasik, P., Gašparić, I., Grishkin, Y., Hartmann, O. N., Hildenbrand, K. D., Hong, B., Kang, T. I., Kecskemeti, J., Kim, Y. J., Kirejczyk, M., Kiš, M., Koczon, P., Korolija, M., Kotte, R., Lebedev, A., Leifels, Y., Fèvre, A. Le, Liu, J. L., Lopez, X., Mangiarotti, A., Manko, V., Marton, J., Matulewicz, T., Merschmeyer, M., Münzer, R., Pelte, D., Petrovici, M., Rami, F., Reischl, A., Reisdorf, W., Ryu, M. S., Schmidt, P., Schüttauf, A., Seres, Z., Sikora, B., Sim, K. S., Simion, V., Siwek-Wilczyńska, K., Smolyankin, V., Stoicea, G., Suzuki, K., Tymiński, Z., Wagner, P., Weber, I., Widmann, E., Wiśniewski, K., Xiao, Z. G., Xu, H. S., Yushmanov, I., Zhang, Y., Zhilin, A., Zinyuk, V., and Zmeskal, J.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The FOPI Collaboration at the GSI SIS-18 synchrotron measured charged kaons from central and semi-central collisions of Ni+Ni at a beam energy of 1.91A GeV. We present the distribution of the K$^-$\K$^+$ ratio on the energy vs polar angle plane in the nucleon-nucleon center-of-mass frame, with and without subtraction of the contribution of $\phi$(1020) meson decays to the K$^-$ yield. The acceptance of the current experiment is substantially wider compared to the previous measurement of the same colliding system. The ratio of K$^-$ to K$^+$ energy spectra is expected to be sensitive to the in-medium modifications of basic kaon properties like mass. Recent results obtained by the HADES Collaboration at 1.23A and 1.76A GeV indicate that after inclusion of the $\phi$ meson decay contribution to the K$^-$ production no difference between the slopes of the K$^-$ and K$^+$ energy spectra is observed within uncertainties. For our data a linear fit to this ratio obtained after subtraction of the $\phi$ meson contribution still shows a decrease with kinetic energy, although a constant value cannot be rejected. The contribution of $\Lambda(1520) \rightarrow p\text{K}^-$ decays estimated from fitting the thermal model to the experimental yields appears to be another factor of moderate relevance., Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables (1 appendix table)
- Published
- 2018
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20. Test Results of the CERN HL-LHC Low-$\beta$ Quadrupole Short Models MQXFS3c and MQXFS4
- Author
Mangiarotti, Franco, Bajas, Hugues, Ambrosio, Giorgio, Bajko, Marta, Bordini, Bernardo, Bourcey, Nicolas, Duda, Michal, Desbiolles, Vincent, Feuvrier, Jerome, Fleiter, Jerome, Bermudez, Susana Izquierdo, Chiuchiolo, Antonella, Devred, Arnaud, Ferracin, Paolo, Fiscarelli, Lucio, Mentink, Matthias, Nobrega, Alfred, Pepitone, Kevin, Ravaioli, Emmanuele, Schmalzle, Jesse, Todesco, Ezio, Perez, Juan Carlos, Vallone, Giorgio, Willering, Gerard, and Yu, Miao
- Subjects
Nb3Sn ,low beta quadrupole ,quench ,superconducting magnets ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Materials Engineering ,General Physics - Abstract
For the high luminosity upgrade of the CERN large hadron collider, lower β∗ quadrupole magnets based on advanced Nb3Sn conductors will be installed on each side of the ATLAS and compact muon solenoid (CMS) experiment insertion zones. As part of the technological developments needed to achieve the required field gradient of 132.6 T/m within a 150-mm aperture, short length model magnets, named MQXFS, are tested both at the CERN SM18 and Fermilab test facilities. The model magnets rely on two types of Nb3Sn conductors (restack rod process (RRP) and powder-in-tube (PIT)) and on an innovative bladders and keys design to provide mechanical support against the Lorentz forces. In 2016 and 2017, the powering tests of the first two models MQXFS3 (RRP) and MQXFS5 (PIT) proved that nominal performance (16.5 kA) could be reached with excellent memory of the quench current after thermal cycle. However both magnets showed a slow training behavior with clear observations of voltage disturbances before the quench. Besides, only MQXFS5 could reach ultimate current (17.9 kA) whereas erratic behavior was observed on MQXFS3 due to conductor local degradation at the head of one of the coils. In 2018, this limiting coil was changed and the applied azimuthal prestress increased. While ultimate current could then be reached, no stable current could be maintained due to identified defect on the outer layer of the new coil. Finally the outcome of the test of the new model MQXFS4, featuring the final RRP conductors that will be used for the series production and variation on the inner layer quench heater designs are here reported in details.
- Published
- 2019
21. Test Results of the CERN HL-LHC Low-β Quadrupole Short Models MQXFS3c and MQXFS4
- Author
Mangiarotti, F, Bajas, H, Ambrosio, G, Bajko, M, Bordini, B, Bourcey, N, Duda, M, Desbiolles, V, Feuvrier, J, Fleiter, J, Bermudez, SI, Chiuchiolo, A, Devred, A, Ferracin, P, Fiscarelli, L, Mentink, M, Nobrega, A, Pepitone, K, Ravaioli, E, Schmalzle, J, Todesco, E, Perez, JC, Vallone, G, Willering, G, and Yu, M
- Subjects
Nb3Sn ,low beta quadrupole ,quench ,superconducting magnets ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Materials Engineering ,General Physics - Abstract
For the high luminosity upgrade of the CERN large hadron collider, lower β∗ quadrupole magnets based on advanced Nb3Sn conductors will be installed on each side of the ATLAS and compact muon solenoid (CMS) experiment insertion zones. As part of the technological developments needed to achieve the required field gradient of 132.6 T/m within a 150-mm aperture, short length model magnets, named MQXFS, are tested both at the CERN SM18 and Fermilab test facilities. The model magnets rely on two types of Nb3Sn conductors (restack rod process (RRP) and powder-in-tube (PIT)) and on an innovative bladders and keys design to provide mechanical support against the Lorentz forces. In 2016 and 2017, the powering tests of the first two models MQXFS3 (RRP) and MQXFS5 (PIT) proved that nominal performance (16.5 kA) could be reached with excellent memory of the quench current after thermal cycle. However both magnets showed a slow training behavior with clear observations of voltage disturbances before the quench. Besides, only MQXFS5 could reach ultimate current (17.9 kA) whereas erratic behavior was observed on MQXFS3 due to conductor local degradation at the head of one of the coils. In 2018, this limiting coil was changed and the applied azimuthal prestress increased. While ultimate current could then be reached, no stable current could be maintained due to identified defect on the outer layer of the new coil. Finally the outcome of the test of the new model MQXFS4, featuring the final RRP conductors that will be used for the series production and variation on the inner layer quench heater designs are here reported in details.
- Published
- 2019
22. The HL-LHC Low-β quadrupole magnet MQXF: From short models to long prototypes
- Author
Ferracin, P, Ambrosio, G, Anerella, M, Bajas, H, Bajko, M, Bordini, B, Bossert, R, Bourcey, N, Cheng, DW, Chlachidze, G, Cooley, LD, Troitino, SF, Fiscarelli, L, Fleiter, J, Guinchard, M, Bermudez, SI, Krave, S, Lackner, F, Mangiarotti, F, Marchevsky, M, Marinozzi, V, Muratore, J, Nobrega, A, Pan, H, Perez, JC, Pong, I, Prestemon, S, Prin, H, Ravaioli, E, Sabbi, GL, Schmalzle, J, Tavares, SS, Stoynev, S, Todesco, E, Vallone, G, Wanderer, P, Wang, X, and Yu, M
- Subjects
High Luminosity LHC ,Interaction Regions ,Low-beta Quadrupoles ,Nb3Sn magnets ,Electrical and Electronic Engineering ,Condensed Matter Physics ,Materials Engineering ,General Physics - Abstract
Among the components to be upgraded in LHC interaction regions for the HiLumi-LHC projects are the inner triplet (or low-β) quadrupole magnets, denoted as Q1, Q2a, Q2b, and Q3. The new quadrupole magnets, called MQXF, are based on Nb3Sn superconducting magnet technology and operate at a gradient of 132.6 T/m, with a conductor peak field of 11.4 T. Q1 and Q3 are composed of magnets (called MQXFA) fabricated by the U.S. Accelerator Upgrade Project (AUP), with a magnetic length of 4.2 m. Q2a and Q2b consist of magnets (called MQXFB) fabricated by CERN, with a magnetic length of 7.15 m. After a series of short models, constructed in close collaboration by the US and CERN, the development program is now entering in the prototyping phase, with CERN on one side and BNL, FNAL, and LBNL on the other side assembling and testing their first long magnets We provide in this paper a description of the status of the MQXF program, with a summary of the short model test results, including quench performance, and mechanics, and an update on the fabrication, assembly, and test of the long prototypes.
- Published
- 2019
23. Centrality determination of Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV with HADES
- Author
HADES collaboration, Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Froehlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhaeuser, R., Golubeva, M., Greifenhagen, R., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Hoehne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kaempfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kuehn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Muentz, C., Muenzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Stroebele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The centrality determination for Au+Au collisions at 1.23A GeV, as measured with HADES at the GSI-SIS18, is described. In order to extract collision geometry related quantities, such as the average impact parameter or number of participating nucleons, a Glauber Monte Carlo approach is employed. For the application of this model to collisions at this relatively low centre-of-mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}} = 2.42$ GeV special investigations were performed. As a result a well defined procedure to determine centrality classes for ongoing analyses of heavy-ion data is established.
- Published
- 2017
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24. $\Sigma^0$ production in proton nucleus collisions near threshold
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Chernenko, P. Bordalo S., Deveaux, C., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fonte, O. Fateev P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gill, K., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hlavac, T. Hennino S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, M. Jurkovic B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krebs, E., Kuc, H., Kunz, A. Kugler T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Maurus, S., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, R. Münzer L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Wüstenfeld, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The production of $\Sigma^{0}$ baryons in the nuclear reaction p (3.5 GeV) + Nb (corresponding to $\sqrt{s_{NN}}=3.18$ GeV) is studied with the detector set-up HADES at GSI, Darmstadt. $\Sigma^{0}$s were identified via the decay $\Sigma^{0} \rightarrow \Lambda \gamma$ with subsequent decays $\Lambda \rightarrow p \pi^{-}$ in coincidence with a $e^{+}e^{-}$ pair from either external ($\gamma \rightarrow e^{+} e^{-}$) or internal (Dalitz decay $\gamma^{*}\rightarrow e^{+} e^{-}$) gamma conversions. The differential $\Sigma^0$ cross section integrated over the detector acceptance, i.e. the rapidity interval $0.5 < y < 1.1$, has been extracted as $\Delta\sigma_{\Sigma^{0}} = 2.3 \pm (0.2)^{stat} \pm \left(^{+0.6}_{-0.6}\right)^{sys} \pm (0.2)^{norm}$ mb, yielding the inclusive production cross section in full phase space $\sigma^{total}_{\Sigma^{0}} = 5.8 \pm (0.5)^{stat} \pm \left(^{+1.4}_{-1.4}\right)^{sys} \pm (0.6)^{norm} \pm (1.7)^{extrapol}$ mb by averaging over different extrapolation methods. The $\Lambda_{all}$/$\Sigma^{0}$ ratio within the HADES acceptance is equal to 2.3 $\pm$ $(0.2)^{stat}$ $\pm$ $(^{+0.6}_{-0.6})^{sys}$. The obtained rapidity and momentum distributions are compared to transport model calculations. The $\Sigma^{0}$ yield agrees with the statistical model of particle production in nuclear reactions., Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2017
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25. Publisher Correction: Stress granules plug and stabilize damaged endolysosomal membranes
- Author
Bussi, Claudio, Mangiarotti, Agustín, Vanhille-Campos, Christian, Aylan, Beren, Pellegrino, Enrica, Athanasiadi, Natalia, Fearns, Antony, Rodgers, Angela, Franzmann, Titus M., Šarić, Anđela, Dimova, Rumiana, and Gutierrez, Maximiliano G.
- Published
- 2023
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26. Analysis of pion production data measured by HADES in proton-proton collisions at 1.25 GeV
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., Sarantsev, A. V., and Nikonov, V. A.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,J.2 - Abstract
Baryon resonance production in proton-proton collisions at a kinetic beam energy of 1.25 GeV is investigated. The multi-differential data were measured by the HADES collaboration. Exclusive channels with one pion in the final state ($np\pi^{+}$ and $pp\pi^{0}$) were put to extended studies based on various observables in the framework of a one-pion exchange model and with solutions obtained within the framework of a partial wave analysis (PWA) of the Bonn-Gatchina group. The results of the PWA confirm the dominant contribution of the $\Delta$(1232), yet with a sizable impact of the $N$(1440) and non-resonant partial waves., Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2017
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27. Analysis of the exclusive final state npe$^+$e$^-$ in quasi-free np reaction
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Morinière, E., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P., and Sarantsev, A. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,J.2 - Abstract
We report on the investigation of dielectron production in tagged quasi-free neutron-proton collisions by using a deuteron beam of kinetic energy 1.25 GeV/u inpinging on a liquid hydrogen target. Our measurements with HADES confirm a significant excess of $e^+e^-$ pairs above the $\pi^{0}$ mass in the exclusive channel $dp \to npe^{+}e^{-}(p_{spect})$ as compared to the exclusive channel $ppe^{+}e^{-}$ measured in proton-proton collisions at the same energy. That excess points to different bremsstrahlung production mechanisms. Two models were evaluated for the role of the charged pion exchange between nucleons and double-$\Delta$ excitation combined with intermediate $\rho$-meson production. Differential cross sections as a function of the $e^+e^-$ invariant mass and of the angles of the virtual photon, proton and electrons provide valuable constraints and encourage further investigations on both experimental and theoretical side., Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures
- Published
- 2017
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28. Deep sub-threshold {\phi} production and implications for the K+/K- freeze-out in Au+Au collisions
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcy, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Szala, M., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
We present data on charged kaons (K+-) and {\phi} mesons in Au(1.23A GeV)+Au collisions. It is the first simultaneous measurement of K and {\phi} mesons in central heavy-ion collisions below a kinetic beam energy of 10A GeV. The {\phi}/K- multiplicity ratio is found to be surprisingly high with a value of 0.52 +- 0.16 and shows no dependence on the centrality of the collision. Consequently, the different slopes of the K+ and K- transverse-mass spectra can be explained solely by feed- down, which substantially softens the spectra of K- mesons. Hence, in contrast to the commonly adapted argumentation in literature, the different slopes do not necessarily imply diverging freeze- out temperatures of K+ and K- mesons caused by different couplings to baryons., Comment: Corrected and updated version, 28 November 2017
- Published
- 2017
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29. $\Delta$(1232) Dalitz decay in proton-proton collisions at T=1.25 GeV measured with HADES
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Belounnas, A., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Chlad, L., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Filip, P., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Maurus, S., Metag, V., Michel, J., Morinière, E., Mihaylov, D. M., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Nowakowski, K. N., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petukhov, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rodriguez-Ramos, P., Rosier, P., Rost, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Scozzi, F., Seck, F., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Usenko, E., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wiebusch, M. G., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., Zumbruch, P., and Sarantsev, A. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,J.2 - Abstract
We report on the investigation of $\Delta$(1232) production and decay in proton-proton collisions at a kinetic energy of 1.25 GeV measured with HADES. Exclusive dilepton decay channels $ppe^{+}e^{-}$ and $ppe^{+}e^{-}\gamma$ have been studied and compared with the partial wave analysis of the hadronic $pp\pi^{0}$ channel. They allow to access both $\Delta^+ \to p\pi^0(e^+e^-\gamma)$ and $\Delta^+ \to pe^+e^-$ Dalitz decay channels. The perfect reconstruction of the well known $\pi^0$ Dalitz decay serves as a proof of the consistency of the analysis. The $\Delta$ Dalitz decay is identified for the first time and the sensitivity to N-$\Delta$ transition form factors is tested. The $\Delta$(1232) Dalitz decay branching ratio is also determined for the first time; our result is (4.19 $\pm$ 0.62 syst. $\pm$ 0.34 stat.) $\times $ 10$^{-5}$, albeit with some model dependence., Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures
- Published
- 2017
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30. Inclusive {\Lambda} production in proton-proton collisions at 3.5 GeV
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Deveaux, C., Dreyer, J., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gill, K., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krebs, E., Kuc, H., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Maurus, S., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Morozov, S., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramos, S., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataroe, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The inclusive production of {\Lambda} hyperons in proton-proton collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 3.18 GeV was measured with HADES at the GSI Helmholtzzentrum f\"ur Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt. The experimental data are compared to a data-based model for individual exclusive {\Lambda} production channels in the same reaction. The contributions of intermediate resonances such as {\Sigma}(1385), {\Delta}++ or N* are considered in detail. In particular, the result of a partial wave analysis is accounted for the abundant pK$^+${\Lambda} final state. Model and data show a reasonable agreement at mid rapidities, while a difference is found for larger rapidities. A total {\Lambda} production cross section in p+p collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 3.18 GeV of {\sigma}(pp $\to$ {\Lambda} + X) = 207.3 $\pm$ 1.3 +6.0 -7.3 (stat.) $\pm$ 8.4 (syst.) +0.4 -0.5 (model) {\mu}b is found., Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2016
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31. The $\bf{\Lambda p}$ interaction studied via femtoscopy in p + Nb reactions at $\mathbf{\sqrt{s_{NN}}=3.18} ~\mathrm{\bf{GeV}}$
- Author
Adamczewski-Musch, J., Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Atomssa, E. T., Behnke, C., Berger-Chen, J. C., Biernat, J., Blanco, A., Blume, C., Böhmer, M., Bordalo, P., Chernenko, S., Deveaux, C., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Fonte, P., Franco, C., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gill, K., Golubeva, M., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Harabasz, S., Hennino, T., Hlavac, S., Höhne, C., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kardan, B., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krebs, E., Kuc, H., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Mahmoud, T., Maier, L., Maurus, S., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Müntz, J. Michel C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rost, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmidt-Sommerfeld, K., Schuldes, H., Sellheim, P., Siebenson, J., Silva, L., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Strzempek, P., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Wendisch, C., Wirth, J., Wüstenfeld, J., Zanevsky, Y., and Zumbruch, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We report on the first measurement of $p\Lambda$ and $pp$ correlations via the femtoscopy method in p+Nb reactions at $\mathrm{\sqrt{s_{NN}}=3.18} ~\mathrm{GeV}$, studied with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES). By comparing the experimental correlation function to model calculations, a source size for $pp$ pairs of $r_{0,pp}=2.02 \pm 0.01(\mathrm{stat})^{+0.11}_{-0.12} (\mathrm{sys}) ~\mathrm{fm}$ and a slightly smaller value for $p\Lambda$ of $r_{0,\Lambda p}=1.62 \pm 0.02(\mathrm{stat})^{+0.19}_{-0.08}(\mathrm{sys}) ~\mathrm{fm}$ is extracted. Using the geometrical extent of the particle emitting region, determined experimentally with $pp$ correlations as reference together with a source function from a transport model, it is possible to study different sets of scattering parameters. The $p\Lambda$ correlation is proven sensitive to predicted scattering length values from chiral effective field theory. We demonstrate that the femtoscopy technique can be used as valid alternative to the analysis of scattering data to study the hyperon-nucleon interaction., Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2016
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32. Centrality dependence of subthreshold $\phi$ meson production in Ni+Ni collisions at 1.9A GeV
- Author
Piasecki, K., Tymiński, Z., Herrmann, N., Averbeck, R., Andronic, A., Barret, V., Basrak, Z., Bastid, N., Benabderrahmane, M. L., Berger, M., Buehler, P., Cargnelli, M., Čaplar, R., Cordier, E., Crochet, P., Czerwiakowa, O., Deppner, I., Dupieux, P., Dželalija, M., Fabbietti, L., Fodor, Z., Gasik, P., Gašparić, I., Grishkin, Y., Hartmann, O. N., Hildenbrand, K. D., Hong, B., Kang, T. I., Kecskemeti, J., Kim, Y. J., Kirejczyk, M., Kiš, M., Koczon, P., Korolija, M., Kotte, R., Lebedev, A., Leifels, Y., Fèvre, A. Le, Liu, J. L., Lopez, X., Mangiarotti, A., Manko, V., Marton, J., Matulewicz, T., Merschmeyer, M., Münzer, R., Pelte, D., Petrovici, M., Rami, F., Reischl, A., Reisdorf, W., Ryu, M. S., Schmidt, P., Schüttauf, A., Seres, Z., Sikora, B., Sim, K. S., Simion, V., Siwek-Wilczyńska, K., Smolyankin, V., Stoicea, G., Suzuki, K., Wagner, P., Weber, I., Widmann, E., Wiśniewski, K., Xiao, Z. G., Xu, H. S., Yushmanov, I., Zhang, Y., Zhilin, A., Zinyuk, V., and Zmeskal, J.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We analysed the $\phi$ meson production in central Ni+Ni collisions at the beam kinetic energy of 1.93A GeV with the FOPI spectrometer and found the production probability per event of $[8.6 ~\pm~ 1.6 ~(\text{stat}) \pm 1.5 ~(\text{syst})] \times 10^{-4}$. This new data point allows for the first time to inspect the centrality dependence of the subthreshold $\phi$ meson production in heavy-ion collisions. The rise of $\phi$ meson multiplicity per event with mean number of participants can be parameterized by the power function with exponent $\alpha = 1.8 \pm 0.6$. The ratio of $\phi$ to $\text{K}^-$ production yields seems not to depend within the experimental uncertainties on the collision centrality, and the average of measured values was found to be $0.36 \pm 0.05$., Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2016
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33. Statistical model analysis of hadron yields in proton-nucleus and heavy-ion collisions at SIS 18 energies
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Destefanis, M., Dohrmann, F., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gilardi, C., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lange, J. S., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Moriniere, E., Mousa, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmah, A., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wisniowski, M., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Nuclear Theory - Abstract
The HADES data from p+Nb collisions at center of mass energy of $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 3.2 GeV are analyzed by employing a statistical model. Accounting for the identified hadrons $\pi^0$, $\eta$, $\Lambda$, $K^{0}_{s}$, $\omega$ allows a surprisingly good description of their abundances with parameters $T_{chem}=(99\pm11)$ MeV and $\mu_{b}=(619\pm34)$ MeV, which fits well in the chemical freeze-out systematics found in heavy-ion collisions. In supplement we reanalyze our previous HADES data from Ar+KCl collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$= 2.6 GeV with an updated version of the statistical model. We address equilibration in heavy-ion collisions by testing two aspects: the description of yields and the regularity of freeze-out parameters from a statistical model fit. Special emphasis is put on feed-down contributions from higher-lying resonance states which have been proposed to explain the experimentally observed $\Xi^-$ excess present in both data samples.
- Published
- 2015
34. K*(892)+ production in proton-proton collisions at E_beam = 3.5 GeV
- Author
HADES Collaboration, Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Mihaylov, D., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Svoboda, O., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present results on the K*(892)+ production in proton-proton collisions at a beam energy of E = 3.5 GeV, which is hitherto the lowest energy at which this mesonic resonance has been observed in nucleon-nucleon reactions. The data are interpreted within a two-channel model that includes the 3-body production of K*(892)+ associated with the Lambda- or Sigma-hyperon. The relative contributions of both channels are estimated. Besides the total cross section sigma(p+p -> K*(892)+ + X) = 9.5 +- 0.9 +1.1 -0.9 +- 0.7 mub, that adds a new data point to the excitation function of the K*(892)+ production in the region of low excess energy, transverse momenta and angular spectra are extracted and compared with the predictions of the two-channel model. The spin characteristics of K*(892)+ are discussed as well in terms of the spin-alignment., Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures, 1 table
- Published
- 2015
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35. Extracellular Vesicle Mobility in Collagen I Hydrogels Is Influenced by Matrix-Binding Integrins.
- Author
Tam, Nicky W., Becker, Alexander, Mangiarotti, Agustín, Cipitria, Amaia, and Dimova, Rumiana
- Published
- 2024
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36. Study of the quasi-free $np \to np \pi^+\pi^-$ reaction with a deuterium beam at 1.25 GeV/nucleon
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A. V., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Braun-Munzinger, P., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Destefanis, M., Díaz, J., Dohrmann, F., Dybczak, A., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O. V., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gil, A., Gilardi, C., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Kirschner, D., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kotte, R., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Kurilkin, A., Kurilkin, P., Ladygin, V., Lang, S., Lange, J. S., Lapidus, K., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Morinière, E., Mousa, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Vasiliev, T., Weber, M., Wisniowski, M., Wojcik, T., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., and Zhou, P.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The tagged quasi-free $np \to np\pi^+\pi^-$ reaction has been studied experimentally with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at GSI at a deuteron incident beam energy of 1.25 GeV/nucleon ($\sqrt s \sim$ 2.42 GeV/c for the quasi-free collision). For the first time, differential distributions for $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ production in $np$ collisions have been collected in the region corresponding to the large transverse momenta of the secondary particles. The invariant mass and angular distributions for the $np\rightarrow np\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ reaction are compared with different models. This comparison confirms the dominance of the $t$-channel with $\Delta\Delta$ contribution. It also validates the changes previously introduced in the Valencia model to describe two-pion production data in other isospin channels, although some deviations are observed, especially for the $\pi^{+}\pi^{-}$ invariant mass spectrum. The extracted total cross section is also in much better agreement with this model. Our new measurement puts useful constraints for the existence of the conjectured dibaryon resonance at mass M$\sim$ 2.38 GeV and with width $\Gamma\sim$ 70 MeV.
- Published
- 2015
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37. Subthreshold Xi- Production in Collisions of p(3.5 GeV)+Nb
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A. V., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O. V., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Results on the production of the double-strange cascade hyperon $\mathrm{\Xi^-}$ are reported for collisions of p\,(3.5~GeV)\,+\,Nb, studied with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at SIS18 at GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Heavy-Ion Research, Darmstadt. For the first time, subthreshold $\mathrm{\Xi^-}$ production is observed in proton-nucleus interactions. Assuming a $\mathrm{\Xi^-}$ phase-space distribution similar to that of $\mathrm{\Lambda}$ hyperons, the production probability amounts to $P_{\mathrm{\Xi^-}}=(2.0\,\pm0.4\,\mathrm{(stat)}\,\pm 0.3\,\mathrm{(norm)}\,\pm 0.6\,\mathrm{(syst)})\times10^{-4}$ resulting in a $\mathrm{\Xi^-/(\Lambda+\Sigma^0)}$ ratio of $P_{\mathrm{\Xi^-}}/\ P_{\mathrm{\Lambda+\Sigma^0}}=(1.2\pm 0.3\,\mathrm{(stat)}\pm0.4\,\mathrm{(syst)})\times10^{-2}$. Available model predictions are significantly lower than the estimated $\mathrm{\Xi^-}$ yield., Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures
- Published
- 2015
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38. Partial Wave Analysis of the Reaction $p(3.5 GeV)+p \to pK^+\Lambda$ to Search for the '$ppK^-$' Bound State
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., and Sarantsev, A. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Employing the Bonn-Gatchina partial wave analysis framework (PWA), we have analyzed HADES data of the reaction $p(3.5GeV)+p\to pK^{+}\Lambda$. This reaction might contain information about the kaonic cluster "$ppK^-$" via its decay into $p\Lambda$. Due to interference effects in our coherent description of the data, a hypothetical $\overline{K}NN$ (or, specifically "$ppK^-$") cluster signal must not necessarily show up as a pronounced feature (e.g. a peak) in an invariant mass spectra like $p\Lambda$. Our PWA analysis includes a variety of resonant and non-resonant intermediate states and delivers a good description of our data (various angular distributions and two-hadron invariant mass spectra) without a contribution of a $\overline{K}NN$ cluster. At a confidence level of CL$_{s}$=95\% such a cluster can not contribute more than 2-12\% to the total cross section with a $pK^{+}\Lambda$ final state, which translates into a production cross-section between 0.7 $\mu b$ and 4.2 $\mu b$, respectively. The range of the upper limit depends on the assumed cluster mass, width and production process., Comment: 7 Pages, 5 Figures
- Published
- 2014
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39. ARC: A compact, high-field, fusion nuclear science facility and demonstration power plant with demountable magnets
- Author
Sorbom, B. N., Ball, J., Palmer, T. R., Mangiarotti, F. J., Sierchio, J. M., Bonoli, P., Kasten, C., Sutherland, D. A., Barnard, H. S., Haakonsen, C. B., Goh, J., Sung, C., and Whyte, D. G.
- Subjects
Physics - Plasma Physics ,Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors - Abstract
The affordable, robust, compact (ARC) reactor conceptual design study aims to reduce the size, cost, and complexity of a combined fusion nuclear science facility (FNSF) and demonstration fusion Pilot power plant. ARC is a 200-250 MWe tokamak reactor with a major radius of 3.3 m, a minor radius of 1.1 m, and an on-axis magnetic field of 9.2 T. ARC has rare earth barium copper oxide (REBCO) superconducting toroidal field coils, which have joints to enable disassembly. This allows the vacuum vessel to be replaced quickly, mitigating first wall survivability concerns, and permits a single device to test many vacuum vessel designs and divertor materials. The design point has a plasma fusion gain of Q_p~13.6, yet is fully non-inductive, with a modest bootstrap fraction of only ~63%. Thus ARC offers a high power gain with relatively large external control of the current profile. This highly attractive combination is enabled by the ~23 T peak field on coil with newly available REBCO superconductor technology. External current drive is provided by two innovative inboard RF launchers using 25 MW of lower hybrid and 13.6 MW of ion cyclotron fast wave power. The resulting efficient current drive provides a robust, steady state core plasma far from disruptive limits. ARC uses an all-liquid blanket, consisting of low pressure, slowly flowing fluorine lithium beryllium (FLiBe) molten salt. The liquid blanket is low-risk technology and provides effective neutron moderation and shielding, excellent heat removal, and a tritium breeding ratio >= 1.1. The large temperature range over which FLiBe is liquid permits blanket operation at 900 K with single phase fluid cooling and a high-efficiency Brayton cycle, allowing for net electricity generation when operating ARC as a Pilot power plant., Comment: 35 pages, 32 figures
- Published
- 2014
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40. Medium effects in proton-induced $K^{0}$ production at 3.5 GeV
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Korcyl, G., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Münzer, R., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., Zanevsky, Y., Gaitanos, . T., and Weil, J.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present the analysis of the inclusive $K^{0}$ production in p+p and p+Nb collisions measured with the HADES detector at a beam kinetic energy of 3.5 GeV. Data are compared to the GiBUU transport model. The data suggest the presence of a repulsive momentum-dependent kaon potential as predicted by the Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). For the kaon at rest and at normal nuclear density, the ChPT potential amounts to $\approx 35$ MeV. A detailed tuning of the kaon production cross sections implemented in the model has been carried out to reproduce the experimental data measured in p+p collisions. The uncertainties in the parameters of the model were examined with respect to the sensitivity of the experimental results from p+Nb collisions to the in-medium kaon potential., Comment: 13 pages, 14 figures
- Published
- 2014
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41. Lambda hyperon production and polarization in collisions of p(3.5 GeV) + Nb
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A. V., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O. V., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Results on $\Lambda$ hyperon production are reported for collisions of p(3.5 GeV) + Nb, studied with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at SIS18 at GSI Helmholtzzentrum for Heavy-Ion Research, Darmstadt. The transverse mass distributions in rapidity bins are well described by Boltzmann shapes with a maximum inverse slope parameter of about $90\,$MeV at a rapidity of $y=1.0$, i.e. slightly below the center-of-mass rapidity for nucleon-nucleon collisions, $y_{cm}=1.12$. The rapidity density decreases monotonically with increasing rapidity within a rapidity window ranging from 0.3 to 1.3. The $\Lambda$ phase-space distribution is compared with results of other experiments and with predictions of two transport approaches which are available publicly. None of the present versions of the employed models is able to fully reproduce the experimental distributions, i.e. in absolute yield and in shape. Presumably, this finding results from an insufficient modelling in the transport models of the elementary processes being relevant for $\Lambda$ production, rescattering and absorption. The present high-statistics data allow for a genuine two-dimensional investigation as a function of phase space of the self-analyzing $\Lambda$ polarization in the weak decay $\Lambda\rightarrow p \pi^-$. Finite negative values of the polarization in the order of $5-20\,\%$ are observed over the entire phase space studied. The absolute value of the polarization increases almost linearly with increasing transverse momentum for $p_t>300\,$MeV/c and increases with decreasing rapidity for $y < 0.8$., Comment: accepted by Eur. Phys. J. A
- Published
- 2014
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42. Global models for 222Rn and CO2 concentrations in the Cave of Altamira
- Author
Sáez, M., Mangiarotti, S., Cuezva, S., Fernández-Cortés, A., Molero, B., Sánchez-Moral, S., and Benavente, D.
- Published
- 2021
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43. Associate K^0 production in p+p collisions at 3.5 GeV: The role of Delta(1232)++
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Arnold, O., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kunz, T., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Münzer, R., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wustenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
An exclusive analysis of the 4-body final states $\mathrm{\Lambda + p + \pi^{+} + K^{0}}$ and $\mathrm{\Sigma^{0} + p + \pi^{+} + K^{0}}$ measured with HADES for p+p collisions at a beam kinetic energy of 3.5 GeV is presented. The analysis uses various phase space variables, such as missing mass and invariant mass distributions, in the four particle event selection (p, $\pi^+$, $\pi^+$, $\pi^-$) to find cross sections of the different production channels, contributions of the intermediate resonances $\mathrm{\Delta^{++}}$ and $\mathrm{\Sigma(1385)^{+}}$ and corresponding angular distributions. A dominant resonant production is seen, where the reaction $\mathrm{\Lambda + \Delta^{++} + K^{0}}$ has an about ten times higher cross section ($\mathrm{29.45\pm0.08^{+1.67}_{-1.46}\pm2.06\,\mu b}$) than the analogous non-resonant reaction ($\mathrm{2.57\pm0.02^{+0.21}_{-1.98}\pm0.18\,\mu b}$). A similar result is obtained in the corresponding $\Sigma^{0}$ channels with $\mathrm{9.26\pm0.05^{+1.41}_{-0.31}\pm0.65\,\ mu b}$ in the resonant and $\mathrm{1.35\pm0.02^{+0.10}_{-1.35}\pm0.09\,\mu b}$ in the non-resonant reactions., Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures
- Published
- 2014
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44. Baryon resonance production and dielectron decays in proton-proton collisions at 3.5 GeV
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., König, I., König, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Pałka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,J.2 - Abstract
We report on baryon resonance production and decay in proton-proton collisions at a kinetic energy of $3.5$ GeV based on data measured with HADES. The exclusive channels $pp \rightarrow np\pi^{+}$ and $pp \rightarrow pp\pi^{0}$ as well as $pp \rightarrow ppe^{+}e^{-}$ are studied simultaneously for the first time. The invariant masses and angular distributions of the pion-nucleon systems were studied and compared to simulations based on a resonance model ansatz assuming saturation of the pion production by an incoherent sum of baryonic resonances (R) with masses $<2~$ GeV/$c^2$. A very good description of the one-pion production is achieved allowing for an estimate of individual baryon-resonance production-cross-sections which are used as input to calculate the dielectron yields from $R\rightarrow pe^+e^-$ decays. Two models of the resonance decays into dielectrons are examined assuming a point-like $RN \gamma^*$ coupling and the dominance of the $\rho$ meson. The results of model calculations are compared to data from the exclusive $ppe^{+}e^{-}$ channel by means of the dielectron and $pe^+e^-$ invariant mass distributions., Comment: 17 pages, 14 figures
- Published
- 2014
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45. Searching a Dark Photon with HADES
- Author
HADES Collaboration, Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Boehmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Froehlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhaeuser, R., Goebel, K., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kaempfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Kruecken, R., Kuc, H., Kuehn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Muentz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Petousis, V., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schuldes, H., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Stroebele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wuestenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Phenomenology - Abstract
We present a search for the e+e- decay of a hypothetical dark photon, also names U vector boson, in inclusive dielectron spectra measured by HADES in the p (3.5 GeV) + p, Nb reactions, as well as the Ar (1.756 GeV/u) + KCl reaction. An upper limit on the kinetic mixing parameter squared epsilon^{2} at 90% CL has been obtained for the mass range M(U) = 0.02 - 0.55 GeV/c2 and is compared with the present world data set. For masses 0.03 - 0.1 GeV/c^2, the limit has been lowered with respect to previous results, allowing now to exclude a large part of the parameter region favoured by the muon g-2 anomaly. Furthermore, an improved upper limit on the branching ratio of 2.3 * 10^{-6} has been set on the helicity-suppressed direct decay of the eta meson, eta-> e+e-, at 90% CL.
- Published
- 2013
46. An upper limit on hypertriton production in collisions of Ar(1.76 AGeV)+KCl
- Author
HADES Collaboration, Agakishiev, G., Belver, D., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Destefanis, M., Dohrmann, F., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gilardi, C., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Lang, S., Lange, J. S., Lapidus, K., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Miche, J., Morinière, E., Mousa, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Rehnisch, L., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Scheib, T., Schmah, A., Schuldes, H., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spatarof, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wisniowski, M., Wüstenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment ,High Energy Physics - Experiment - Abstract
A high-statistic data sample of Ar(1.76 AGeV)+KCl events recorded with HADES is used to search for a hypertriton signal. An upper production limit per centrality-triggered event of $1.04$ x $10^{-3}$ on the $3\sigma$ level is derived. Comparing this value with the number of successfully reconstructed $\Lambda$ hyperons allows to determine an upper limit on the ratio $N_{_{\Lambda}^3H}/N_{\Lambda}$, which is confronted with statistical and coalescence-type model calculations.
- Published
- 2013
47. Experimental investigation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect in low-Z targets
- Author
Andersen, K. K., Andersen, S. L., Esberg, J., Knudsen, H., Mikkelsen, R. E., Uggerhøj, U. I., Wistisen, T. N., Sona, P., Mangiarotti, A., and Ketel, T. J.
- Subjects
High Energy Physics - Experiment ,Physics - Instrumentation and Detectors - Abstract
In the CERN NA63 collaboration we have addressed the question of the potential inadequacy of the commonly used Migdal formulation of the Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal (LPM) effect by measuring the photon emission by 20 and 178 GeV electrons in the range 100 MeV - 4 GeV, in targets of LowDensityPolyEthylene (LDPE), C, Al, Ti, Fe, Cu, Mo and, as a reference target, Ta. For each target and energy, a comparison between simulated values based on the LPM suppression of incoherent bremsstrahlung is shown, taking multi-photon effects into account. For these targets and energies, we find that Migdal's theoretical formulation is adequate to a precision of better than about 5%, irrespective of the target substance., Comment: 8 pages, 13 figures
- Published
- 2013
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48. Inclusive pion and eta production in p+Nb collisions at 3.5 GeV beam energy
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Boehmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbbietti, L., Fateev, O., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Froehlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhaeuser, R., Goebel, K., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kaempfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Kruecken, R., Kuc, H., Kuehn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Muentz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Stroebele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wuestenfeld, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
Data on inclusive pion and eta production measured with the dielectron spectrometer HADES in the reaction p+93Nb at a kinetic beam energy of 3.5 GeV are presented. Our results, obtained with the photon conversion method, supplement the rather sparse information on neutral meson production in proton-nucleus reactions existing for this bombarding energy regime. The reconstructed e+e-e+e- transverse-momentum and rapidity distributions are confronted with transport model calculations, which account fairly well for both pi0 and eta production., Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Physical Review C
- Published
- 2013
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49. pK+\Lambda final state: towards the extraction of the ppK- contribution
- Author
Fabbietti, L., Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A. V., Berger-Chen, J-C, Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Castro, E., Chernenko, S., Christ, T., Destefanis, M., Dohrmann, F., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Eberl, T., Fateev, O. V., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzon, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Gilardi, C., Golubeva, M., Gonzalez-Diaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Kanaki, K., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kotte, R., Krasa, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lange, J. S., Lapidus, K., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Moriniere, E., Mousa, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Otwinowski, J., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Sobolev, Yu. G., Spataro, A. Solaguren-Beascoa Negre S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfel, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The reaction p(@3.5\,GeV)+p -> p+\Lambda + K^+ can be studied to search for the existence of kaonic bound states like ppK^- leading to this final state. This effort has been motivated by the assumption that in p+p collisions the \Lambda(1405) resonance can act as a doorway to the formation of the kaonic bound states. The status of this analysis within the HADES collaboration, with particular emphasis on the comparison to simulations, is shown in this work and the deviation method utilized by the DISTO collaboration in a similar analysis is discussed. The outcome suggests the employment of a partial wave analysis to disentangle the different contributions to the measured pK^+\Lambda final state., Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, proceeding of the HYP2012 conference Nucl. Phys. A (2013)
- Published
- 2013
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50. Baryonic resonances close to the Kbar-N threshold: the case of Lambda(1405) in pp collisions
- Author
Agakishiev, G., Balanda, A., Belver, D., Belyaev, A. V., Berger-Chen, J. C., Blanco, A., Böhmer, M., Boyard, J. L., Cabanelas, P., Chernenko, S., Dybczak, A., Epple, E., Fabbietti, L., Finocchiaro, P., Fonte, P., Friese, J., Fröhlich, I., Galatyuk, T., Garzón, J. A., Gernhäuser, R., Göbel, K., Golubeva, M., González-Díaz, D., Guber, F., Gumberidze, M., Heinz, T., Hennino, T., Holzmann, R., Ierusalimov, A., Iori, I., Ivashkin, A., Jurkovic, M., Kämpfer, B., Karavicheva, T., Koenig, I., Koenig, W., Kolb, B. W., Kornakov, G., Kotte, R., Krása, A., Krizek, F., Krücken, R., Kuc, H., Kühn, W., Kugler, A., Kurepin, A., Ladygin, V., Lalik, R., Lang, S., Lapidus, K., Lebedev, A., Liu, T., Lopes, L., Lorenz, M., Maier, L., Mangiarotti, A., Markert, J., Metag, V., Michalska, B., Michel, J., Müntz, C., Naumann, L., Pachmayer, Y. C., Palka, M., Parpottas, Y., Pechenov, V., Pechenova, O., Pietraszko, J., Przygoda, W., Ramstein, B., Reshetin, A., Rustamov, A., Sadovsky, A., Salabura, P., Schmah, A., Schwab, E., Siebenson, J., Spataro, S., Spruck, B., Ströbele, H., Stroth, J., Sturm, C., Tarantola, A., Teilab, K., Tlusty, P., Traxler, M., Trebacz, R., Tsertos, H., Vasiliev, T., Wagner, V., Weber, M., Wendisch, C., Wüstenfel, J., Yurevich, S., and Zanevsky, Y. V.
- Subjects
Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
We present an analysis of the Lambda(1405) resonance produced in the reaction p+p->Sigma^{pm}+pi^{mp}+K+p at 3.5 GeV kinetic beam energy measured with HADES at GSI. The two charged decay channels Lambda(1405) -> Sigma^{\pm}+pi^{\mp} have been reconstructed for the first time in p+p collisions. The efficiency and acceptance-corrected spectral shapes show a peak position clearly below 1400 MeV/c^2. We find a total production cross section of sigma_{Lambda(1405)}=9.2 +- 0.9 +- 0.7 +3.3-1.0 mub. The analysis of its polar angle distribution suggests that the Lambda(1405) is produced isotropically in the p-p center of mass system., Comment: 5 pages 3 figures
- Published
- 2012
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