32 results on '"PEER model"'
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2. Saradnjom do rešenja: Priručnik za realizaciju PEER modela rešavanja problema putem saradnje
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
Ovaj priručnik predstavlja rezultat predanog rada i istraživanja u okviru projekta Saradnjom do rešenja: PEER model osnaživanja mladih za konstruktivni dijalog i timski rad. Istraživači sa Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja iz Beograda, uz finansijsku podršku Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije, došli su na ideju da kreiraju program koji bi pomogao adolescentima da bolje sarađuju prilikom rešavanja složenih problema i zadataka. Oslanjajući se na znanja iz sociokulturne psihologije, psihologije individualnih razlika, razvojne psihologije i obrazovnih nauka formulisali smo jedinstven PEER model zajedničkog rešavanja problema. Kroz mnoge sate istraživanja, razvoja materijala i interakcije sa mladima, zajedno smo oblikovali PEER model kao i ovaj priručnik. Ovaj model polazi od toga da je za kvalitetnu i produktivnu saradnju potrebno voditi računa o sledećim aspektima saradnje: 1) osobine ličnosti (Personality), 2) emocionalna inteligencija (Emotional inteligence), 3) razmena ideja putem dijaloga (Exchange) i 4) dostupni resursi (Resources). Svakom slovu PEER modela u ovom priručniku posvetili smo jedno poglavlje. U poglavljima je kratko objašnjen svaki element modela, a zatim su prikazane aktivnosti koje podržavaju razvoj saradnje kod mladih. Kroz sinergiju ovih elemenata, mladi ne samo da formulišu bolja rešenja, već i unapređuju lične kompetencije neophodne za uspešnu saradnju. Naša želja je da ova publikacija bude inspiracija i resurs za sve koji su posvećeni razvoju mladih i unapređenju veština zajedničkog rešavanja problema. Priručnik je pre svega namenjen profesionalcima koji rade sa mladima i koriste grupni rad kao metod u realizaciji aktivnosti za učesnike, bilo da je u pitanju školski ili vanškolski kontekst. Psiholozi, pedagozi, stručni saradnici, nastavnici, vaspitači1 i ostali koji se bave razvojem mladih pronaći će u ovom priručniku korisne smernice i alate usmerene na podržavanje mladih u razvoju njihovih veštin
- Published
- 2024
3. The Influence of Various Role Models on Children's Pro-environmental Behaviours.
- Author
Liang, Mingyue, Chen, Qianying, and Zhou, Yanyan
- Subjects
ROLE models ,SOCIAL learning theory ,WASTE management ,PUBLIC spaces - Abstract
Although most schoolchildren can dispose of their own litter, they are typically not sensitive to environmental issues in the school's public areas. How do we improve children's sensitivity to public environments and cultivate pro-environmental behaviours? Based on Bandura's social learning theory, this study explored the effects of various role models (teachers and peers) on the pro-environmental behaviours of children aged 7–13. A field study was conducted in which examples of postprandial garbage disposal behaviours were provided using role models and the subsequent behaviours of the children were observed. We located the experiment in a real educational context and manipulated the type of role model (teacher or peer) and the behaviour being modelled (positive behaviours involving picking up litter or negative behaviours involving littering). The results showed that different role models had different effects on the subjects' pro-environmental behaviours. Only positive demonstration by teachers significantly improved the subjects' pro-environmental behaviours, that is, teachers' picking up of garbage in front of children significantly improved the children's attention to the environment and their adoption of pro-environmental behaviours. Positive demonstration by peers, negative demonstration by teachers and negative demonstration by peers had no impact on the children's pro-environmental behaviours. The results demonstrate that teachers must be mindful of their role as role models in the educational environment and facilitate students' development of pro-environmental behaviours. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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4. The Influence of Various Role Models on Children’s Pro-environmental Behaviours
- Author
Mingyue Liang, Qianying Chen, and Yanyan Zhou
- Subjects
social learning theory ,pro-environmental behaviours ,teacher model ,peer model ,children ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
Although most schoolchildren can dispose of their own litter, they are typically not sensitive to environmental issues in the school’s public areas. How do we improve children’s sensitivity to public environments and cultivate pro-environmental behaviours? Based on Bandura’s social learning theory, this study explored the effects of various role models (teachers and peers) on the pro-environmental behaviours of children aged 7–13. A field study was conducted in which examples of postprandial garbage disposal behaviours were provided using role models and the subsequent behaviours of the children were observed. We located the experiment in a real educational context and manipulated the type of role model (teacher or peer) and the behaviour being modelled (positive behaviours involving picking up litter or negative behaviours involving littering). The results showed that different role models had different effects on the subjects’ pro-environmental behaviours. Only positive demonstration by teachers significantly improved the subjects’ pro-environmental behaviours, that is, teachers’ picking up of garbage in front of children significantly improved the children’s attention to the environment and their adoption of pro-environmental behaviours. Positive demonstration by peers, negative demonstration by teachers and negative demonstration by peers had no impact on the children’s pro-environmental behaviours. The results demonstrate that teachers must be mindful of their role as role models in the educational environment and facilitate students’ development of pro-environmental behaviours.
- Published
- 2022
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5. An Initial User Study Comparing the Readability of a Graphical Coordination Model with Event-B Notation
- Author
Kühn, Eva, Radschek, Sophie Therese, Hutchison, David, Series editor, Kanade, Takeo, Series editor, Kittler, Josef, Series editor, Kleinberg, Jon M., Series editor, Mattern, Friedemann, Series editor, Mitchell, John C., Series editor, Naor, Moni, Series editor, Pandu Rangan, C., Series editor, Steffen, Bernhard, Series editor, Terzopoulos, Demetri, Series editor, Tygar, Doug, Series editor, Weikum, Gerhard, Series editor, Cerone, Antonio, editor, and Roveri, Marco, editor
- Published
- 2018
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6. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Abstract
Ovaj rad predstavlja prvi prikaz sadržaja i rezultata evaluacije jednog programa za podsticanje veštinasaradnje i timskog rešavanja problema kod mladih. Reč je o treningu koji je osmišljen u okviru projektaPEERSolvers (https://peersolvers.f.bg.ac.rs), a zasnovan na PEER modelu uspešne saradnje, koji je većpredstavljen našoj naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti. Shodno postavkama tog modela, istoimeni (PEER) treningima četiri osnovna segmenta. Prvi segment posvećen je formulisanju i utvrđivanju pravilakonstruktivnog dijaloga i razmene ideje; drugi podrazumeva rad na prepoznavanju i uvažavanju osobinaličnosti odnosno individualnih razlika u timskom radu; treći segment tiče se veština iz oblastiemocionalne inteligencije i podstiče pravilno uočavanje, razumevanje i regulisanje emocija tokomsaradnje; najzad, četvrti deo treninga bavi se umešnošću članova tima da koriste spoljne resurse –prevashodno digitalne izvore podataka – koji su od pomoći u rešavanju problema s kojim se tim suočava.Svakom segmentu posvećen je po jedan tročasovni blok, s tim što prvom segmentu prethodi i kratka uvodnasesija (koja služi uzajamnom upoznavanju i upoznavanju učesnika sa programom rada), dok se poslednjiuliva u završnu rekapitulaciju i evaluaciju treninga. Celokupan trening odvija se u četiri dana isastoji od niza grupnih vežbi i interaktivnih zadataka. Trening je prvi put realizovan u martu tekućegodine, a polaznici su bili učenici drugog razreda iz šest beogradskih srednjih škola (tri gimnazije,tri srednje stručne škole), pri čemu je u svakoj školi treningom obuhvaćena po jedna grupa veličine N= 21. Iskustva trenera potvrđuju da trening može uspešno da se izvede prema predviđenom scenariju;istovremeno, evaluacije učesnika ukazuju na to da je sadržaj treninga za njih relevantan (prosečne ocenerelevantnosti četiriju segmenata iznose 3,39–3,58, na skali od 1 do 4) i da su njime stekli odgovarajućeveštine (prosečne ocene samoopažene kompetentnosti su u rasponu 3,61–3,80). Ipak, uočen je i prostorza
- Published
- 2023
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- Abstract
U ovom radu, izložićemo jedan aspekt treninga kreiranog u okviru projekta „Saradnjom do rešenja: PEER model osnaživanja mladih za konstruktivni dijalog i timski rad” koji se realizuje u okviru programa Ideje, Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije. Cilj rada je predstavljanje treninga namenjenog unapređenju veština mladih u korišćenju interneta kao resursa u saradničkom rešavanju problema. S obzirom na to da su digitalne kompetencije prepoznate kao veštine od izuzetne važnosti u budućnosti, naše interesovanje je bilo usmereno na osnaživanje ove veštine kod srednjoškolaca. Trening je imao nekoliko ciljeva: a) podstaći korišćenje digitalnih resursa za rešavanje problema, pre svega u vidu traganja za informacijama; b) upoznati učesnike sa mogućnostima koje pruža internet kao metaizvor informacija; c) razviti kritički odnos učesnika prema dostupnim informacijama, pre svega u pogledu njihove pouzdanosti. Trening je realizovan tokom marta 2023. godine u šest srednjih škola iz Beograda (tri gimnazije i tri srednje stručne škole). Ukupno 126 učenika drugog razreda srednje škole je završilo trening u celosti (55% ženskog pola). Deo treninga usmeren ka digitalnim kompetencijama realizovan je u okviru jednog dana, u trajanju od tri sata. U prvom delu treninga učesnici su, kroz vođene grupne aktivnosti, došli do zajedničkog određenja pojma resursa i njihove uloge u saradničkom rešavanju problema. Uz to, kroz obuku i zajednički rad upoznati su sa adekvatnim strategijama pretraživanja informacija na internetu. U drugom delu, učesnici su obučeni za primenu kriterijuma procene relevatnosti i tačnosti informacija dobijenih putem zajedničke internet pretrage. Potom, učesnike smo upoznali sa popularnom alatkom za internet pretragu – ChatGPT, uz naglašavanje njegove prednosti u odnosu na uobičajene pretraživače, ali i ograničenja koja se tiču praćenja izvora informacija. Završna aktivnost ticala se primene naučenog, kroz timski rad, na društveno i naučno relevantnom problemu. Rezultati evalua
- Published
- 2023
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- Abstract
Ovaj rad predstavlja prvi prikaz sadržaja i rezultata evaluacije jednog programa za podsticanje veština saradnje i timskog rešavanja problema kod mladih. Reč je o treningu koji je osmišljen u okviru projekta PEERSolvers (https://peersolvers.f.bg.ac.rs), a zasnovan na PEER modelu uspešne saradnje, koji je već predstavljen našoj naučnoj i stručnoj javnosti. Shodno postavkama tog modela, istoimeni (PEER) trening ima četiri osnovna segmenta. Prvi segment posvećen je formulisanju i utvrđivanju pravila konstruktivnog dijaloga i razmene ideje; drugi podrazumeva rad na prepoznavanju i uvažavanju osobina ličnosti odnosno individualnih razlika u timskom radu; treći segment tiče se veština iz oblasti emocionalne inteligencije i podstiče pravilno uočavanje, razumevanje i regulisanje emocija tokom saradnje; najzad, četvrti deo treninga bavi se umešnošću članova tima da koriste spoljne resurse – prevashodno digitalne izvore podataka – koji su od pomoći u rešavanju problema s kojim se tim suočava. Svakom segmentu posvećen je po jedan tročasovni blok, s tim što prvom segmentu prethodi i kratka uvodna sesija (koja služi uzajamnom upoznavanju i upoznavanju učesnika sa programom rada), dok se poslednji uliva u završnu rekapitulaciju i evaluaciju treninga. Celokupan trening odvija se u četiri dana i sastoji od niza grupnih vežbi i interaktivnih zadataka. Trening je prvi put realizovan u martu tekuće godine, a polaznici su bili učenici drugog razreda iz šest beogradskih srednjih škola (tri gimnazije, tri srednje stručne škole), pri čemu je u svakoj školi treningom obuhvaćena po jedna grupa veličine N = 21. Iskustva trenera potvrđuju da trening može uspešno da se izvede prema predviđenom scenariju; istovremeno, evaluacije učesnika ukazuju na to da je sadržaj treninga za njih relevantan (prosečne ocene relevantnosti četiriju segmenata iznose 3,39–3,58, na skali od 1 do 4) i da su njime stekli odgovarajuće veštine (prosečne ocene samoopažene kompetentnosti su u rasponu 3,61–3,80). Ipak, uo
- Published
- 2023
9. Ecological Optimum Population of Binzhou City Based on PEER Model.
- Author
Chen Shuqing
- Subjects
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ENVIRONMENTAL indicators , *POPULATION policy - Abstract
Taking into account the regional carrying capacity. the population capacity and optimum population of Binzhou City from 2007 to 2017 under certain economic, resource and environmental conditions were calculated based on PEER model. The results show that the population capacity of Binzhou City during 2007-2017 ranged from 6.03 million to6.43 million, and ecological optimum population was between 5.05 million and 5.34 million. The actual population of the city was between 3.74 million and 3.94 million. The impact of the "two-child" policy on population growth was small, and there was still room for population growth. The population pressure index was greater than 0.7 and less than 1. showing that economic and resource population carrying capacity had certain surplus but were still not optimistic. Environmental pressure index was relatively high, and population carrying capacity was low. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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10. Effectiveness of Video Modeling in Teaching Following Public Direction Signs for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
- Author
OLÇAY GÜL, Seray, VURAN, Sezgin, GÖNEN, Akın, USLUCAN, Gökhan, and KAYHAN, Hasan Can
- Subjects
TEACHING ,STUDENTS ,AUTISM spectrum disorders ,SOCIAL interaction ,PSYCHOLOGY of students - Abstract
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- Published
- 2019
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11. Perceptions of a Peer Modeling Workplace Physical Activity Intervention for Women.
- Author
Rowland, Sheri A., Cohen, Marlene Z., Pullen, Carol H., Schulz, Paula S., Berg, Kris E., and Yates, Bernice C.
- Subjects
FOCUS groups ,WORK environment ,QUALITATIVE research ,AFFINITY groups ,PHYSICAL activity ,DATA analysis software - Abstract
A workplace physical activity (PA) study tested a novel use of peers to deliver the intervention. Peer models provided vicarious experience for living physically active lifestyles to a group of inactive women. The purpose of this study was to describe participants’ perceptions of the peer modeling intervention. Nine women from the intervention group (n = 26) participated in a 90-minute focus group. Qualitative description using thematic analysis was used to identify themes from the focus group transcript. Two themes about the intervention were “I am left wanting more” and “focus on food.” Two themes about the peer models were “real people” and “it is doable.” Focus group participants perceived the peer modeling PA intervention favorably; however, they desired more attention to healthy eating and more time with peer models. Replication of the study accounting for themes identified by focus group participants is needed to strengthen the peer modeling intervention. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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12. Kinematical Modeling for Main Machines and Integrating into Beverage Packaging Production Line
- Author
Wang, Yong-Chao, Yan, Xiu-Tian, editor, Jiang, Chengyu, editor, and Eynard, Benoit, editor
- Published
- 2008
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13. Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will al
- Published
- 2022
14. The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will al
- Published
- 2022
15. Characteristics of Productive and Unproductive Peer Dialogue in Collaborative Problem-Solving: A Systematic Review
- Author
Jošić, Smiljana, Videnovic, Marina, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Ilic, Ivana, Krstic, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Babic, Dragica, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Nikitović, Tijana, and Altaras Dimitrijevic, Ana
- Subjects
FOS: Psychology ,Educational Psychology ,literature review ,Developmental Psychology ,digital resources ,collaborative problem-solving ,Psychology ,peer dialogue ,PEER model ,Social and Behavioral Sciences ,Education ,adult scaffolding - Abstract
This study is part of the Project PEERSolvers, which aims at conceptualization and designing an evidence-based intervention to promote young people’s capacities for constructive peer interaction and collaborative problem-solving. Previous research indicates that spontaneous peer interaction is often unproductive (Howe and Mercer, 2010). Thus, scholars (e.g. Dawes & Sams, 2004; Mercer et al., 2004; Wegerif & Scrimshaw, 1997) consider it is important to support young people to constructively participate in a dialogue during collaborative problem-solving. Although much is known about the process of peer dialogue (Howe & Abedin, 2013), the systematization of knowledge about characteristics of dialogue that make collaborative problem solving among peers productive or unproductive is lacking. Therefore, we will set out to determine such features in order to conceptualize the intervention model which will promote constructive dialogue and at the same time prevent the occurrence of undesirable ways of communication in teamwork. Furthermore, research findings suggest that adult scaffolding, especially teachers’ plays important role in building youngsters' capacities for constructive dialogue and that digital media could act as resources for effective collaborative problem-solving (e.g. Hathcock et al., 2015; Ratnasari et al., 2019; Sobko et al., 2020). Thus, we intend to systematically review the relevant body of literature not just to identify productive and unproductive dimensions of peer dialogue, but also to target adult scaffolding techniques and the role of digital media as the potential resources in collaborative problem-solving. (see also HYPOTHESES and STUDY TYPE).
- Published
- 2022
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16. The role of socio-emotional competencies in collaborative problem-solving: A systematic review
- Author
Altaras Dimitrijevic, Ana, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Krstic, Ksenija, Nikitović, Tijana, Babic, Dragica, Rajić, Milana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Ivanović, Jovan, Jošić, Smiljana, Ilic, Ivana, Videnovic, Marina, and Baucal, Aleksandar
- Subjects
FOS: Psychology ,dialogue ,socio-emotional competencies ,Educational Psychology ,literature review ,Developmental Psychology ,collaborative problem-solving ,Psychology ,emotional intelligence ,PEER model ,Social and Behavioral Sciences ,IDEJE ,Education - Abstract
This study is part of Project PEERSolvers, which aims at designing an evidence-based intervention to promote young people’s capacities for constructive peer interaction and collaborative problem solving. A major assumption of the Project is that group interaction and collaborative problem solving may be greatly enhanced if participants demonstrate the abilities, competencies and skills encompassed by the construct of emotional intelligence (EI; see e.g., Mayer & Salovey, 1997; Mestre et al., 2016). This assumption is based on prior research which has shown EI to contribute to the quality of social/interpersonal relations (Lopes et al., 2004, 2005; Song et al., 2010) and to play a significant role in teamwork (e.g., Cole et al., 2019; Farh et al., 2012). In the present study we intend to test this assumption and further examine the role of socio-emotional competencies in collaborative problem solving by systematically reviewing the relevant body of literature (see also HYPOTHESES and STUDY TYPE).
- Published
- 2022
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17. Personality and collaborative problem-solving: A systematic review of the role of participants’ traits in group processes and group performance
- Author
Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Krstic, Ksenija, Altaras Dimitrijevic, Ana, Rajić, Milana, Nikitović, Tijana, Babic, Dragica, Jošić, Smiljana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Ivanović, Jovan, Ilic, Ivana, Videnovic, Marina, and Baucal, Aleksandar
- Subjects
FOS: Psychology ,dialogue ,Educational Psychology ,literature review ,personality ,Developmental Psychology ,collaborative problem-solving ,Project PEERSolvers ,Psychology ,PEER model ,Social and Behavioral Sciences ,IDEJE ,Education - Abstract
This study is part of Project PEERSolvers, which aims at designing an evidence-based intervention to develop young people’s capacities for constructive peer interaction and collaborative problem solving. Informed by several previous studies, the Project builds on the assumption that personality traits play a significant role in team processes and performance (e.g., Bell, 2007; Driskell et al., 2006; Morgeson et al., 2005; Peeters et al., 2006; van Vianen & De Dreu, 2001) and that team work may actually be facilitated by diversity in personality profiles (Hammer & Huszczo, 1996), especially if team members are taught to appreciate and take advantage of this diversity (Clinebell & Stecher, 2003). To establish a firm ground for designing the planned intervention, the present study will systematically review the evidence pertaining to the above assumptions and synthesize available findings on the role of personality differences in collaborative problem solving (see also HYPOTHESES and STUDY TYPE). Bell, S. T. (2007). Deep-Level composition variables as predictors of team performance: A meta-analysis. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 595–615. doi: https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.92.3.595 Clinebell, S., & Stecher, M. (2003). Teaching teams to be teams: An exercise using the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and the Five-Factor personality traits. Journal of Management Education, 27, 362–383. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/1052562903027003006 Driskell, J. E., Goodwin, G. F., Salas, E., & O’Shea, P.G. (2006). What makes a good team player? Personality and team effectiveness. Group Dynamics Theory Research and Practice, 10, 249–271. doi: https://doi.org/10.1037/1089-2699.10.4.249 Hammer, A. L., & Huszczo, G. E. (1996). Teams. In A. L. Hammer (Eds.), MBTI applications: A decade of research on the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (pp. 81–103). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. Morgeson, F. P., Reider, M. H., & Campion, M. A. (2005). Selecting individuals in team settings: The importance of social skills, personality characteristics, and teamwork knowledge. Personnel Psychology, 58, 583–611. doi: https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1744-6570.2005.655.x Peeters, M. A. G., Van Tuijl, H. F. J. M., Rutte, C. G., & Reymen, I. M. M. J. (2006). Personality and team performance: A meta-analysis. European Journal of Personality, 20, 377–396. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/per.588 van Vianen, A. E. M., & De Dreu, C. K. W. (2001). Personality in teams: Its relationship to social cohesion, task cohesion, and team performance. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 10, 97-120. doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/13594320143000573
- Published
- 2022
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18. "Should I or shouldn't I?" Imitation of undesired versus allowed actions from peer and adult models by 18- and 24-month-old toddlers.
- Author
Seehagen, Sabine, Schneider, Silvia, Miebach, Kristin, Frigge, Katharina, and Zmyj, Norbert
- Subjects
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PSYCHOLOGY of toddlers , *IMITATIVE behavior in children , *ADULTS , *PERMISSIVENESS , *BEHAVIORAL assessment of infants , *DATA analysis , *BEHAVIOR , *CHILD behavior , *LEARNING , *PSYCHOLOGY of movement , *READABILITY (Literary style) , *AFFINITY groups , *PROMPTS (Psychology) - Abstract
Imitation is a common way of acquiring novel behaviors in toddlers. However, little is known about toddlers' imitation of undesired actions. Here we investigated 18- and 24-month-olds' (N=110) imitation of undesired and allowed actions from televised peer and adult models. Permissiveness of the demonstrated actions was indicated by the experimenter's response to their execution (angry or neutral). Analyses revealed that toddlers' imitation scores were higher after demonstrations of allowed versus undesired actions, regardless of the age of the model. In agreement with prior research, these results suggest that third-party reactions to a model's actions can be a powerful cue for toddlers to engage in or refrain from imitation. In the context of the present study, third-party reactions were more influential on imitation than the model's age. Considering the relative influence of different social cues for imitation can help to gain a fuller understanding of early observational learning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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19. A Practical Tool-Chain for the Development of Coordination Scenarios
- Author
Kuehn, Eva, Faculty of Informatics, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Ferruccio Damiani, Ornela Dardha, TC 6, and WG 6.1
- Subjects
[INFO.INFO-NI]Computer Science [cs]/Networking and Internet Architecture [cs.NI] ,Peer Model ,tool-chain ,[INFO]Computer Science [cs] ,coordination simulation ,coordination modelling - Abstract
Part 4: Modelling: Structures and Implementations; International audience; Coordination scenarios have high demands on concurrency and interaction. However, these are typical sources for flaws in both design and implementation. A modeling approach enables reasoning about distributed algorithms and finding deficiencies right from the beginning. The Peer Model has been introduced as a modeling tool for distribution, concurrency and blackboard-based collaboration and coordination, relying on known foundations like tuple spaces, Petri Nets and Actor Model. A runtime system exists that serves Java developers for prototyping, but still a feasible tool-chain was missing, like for most academic systems.This paper presents a practical new tool-chain for the Peer Model consisting of a graphical modelling tool, building on a drawing program that exports XML. A translator parses the XML and translates it into a newly developed domain specific language that is the basis for code generation. One target is a new, formal automaton-based runtime written in the Go programming language. It allows systematic simulation runs of user models. The demo shows a peer competition scenario, where several players play a game, a global state holds the players’ scores, and in addition each peer maintains a decentralized state. Before taking a move in the game, a peer asserts its current local state to be the same like the global one. If this is the case, it carries out its action and distributes the information about it to all other players for further verification. The scenario captures core coordination mechanisms found in blockchain systems.
- Published
- 2021
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20. The Fidelity Assessment Common Ingredients Tool: Does it Measure Empowerment and Satisfaction with Peer Run Programs?
- Author
Basto, Peter
- Abstract
To investigate whether the Fidelity Assessment Common Ingredients Tool (FACIT) has a relationship between empowerment and satisfaction with people who have psychiatric disabilities and attend Peer Operated Service Programs (POSP) in New Jersey. The FACIT was administered along with the Personal Empowerment Scale (PES), the Making Decisions Empowerment Scale (MDES), and the Self-help Agency Satisfaction Scale (SHASS). Two research assistants administered the FACIT, and on a subsequent visit, administered the three surveys. Canonical correlational analysis (Hair et al., 2015) was used to determine if there was a relationship between the FACIT and satisfaction and empowerment. The study occurred in community POSP where people with psychiatric disabilities attend for mutual self-help, and peer led activities (Swarbrick, 2007). A convenience sample consisting of 206 participants, who self-identified as having a serious mental illness, participated from 19 POSP. Not applicable. The FACIT survey consists of 46 items and six domains and measures how well a peer run organization is adhering to the peer model (Johnsen et al., 2005; SAMHSA, 2011). The PES focuses on independent social functioning (Segal et al., 1995), the MDES measures self-empowerment (Rogers et. al., 1997), and the SHASS measures satisfaction with self-help programs (Segal et al., 2000). Canonical correlational analysis found a relationship between satisfaction and empowerment and the six subscales of the FACIT (p <.05). Canonical weights indicated that PES contributed to the highest variance, and canonical cross loadings had a moderate correlation between PES and the FACIT. Redundancy analysis determined that the shared variance between the FACIT and satisfaction and empowerment was very small. Further analysis discovered that 62% of the FACIT items are about structure and organization, with 27% about empowerment, and 11% about satisfaction. While a relationship was found between empowerment and satisfaction and the FACIT, these do not appear to be the main focus, which is more about how the POSP is structured and organized. Implications for using the FACIT at peer programs will be presented. None. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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21. The Peer-Model tool-chain.
- Author
Kuehn, Eva Maria
- Subjects
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SUPPLY & demand , *VIDEOS - Abstract
Distributed coordination scenarios place high demands on concurrency and interaction. They are therefore a typical source of errors in design and implementation. The Peer Model is a modeling tool for coordination based on blackboard-based collaboration. Its goal is to help developers of coordination software better understand algorithms and identify deficiencies from the beginning. This paper describes the open source implementation of the Peer Model tool-chain, which is made available on GitHub1 and Zenodo2 including a tutorial video published at YouTube3 and Zenodo4. The tool-chain consists of a modeler, translator and simulator. • The Peer Model is a coordination model based on space-based computing. • Model-driven approach for concurrency and distribution. • The Peer Model Tool-Chain consists of a modeler, translator and simulator. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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22. A Framework for Self-Initiative Peer Clustering Agents
- Author
Toifl, Laura
- Subjects
Peer Model ,Peer Clustering ,Framework ,Slime Mold ,P2P systems ,Benchmark - Abstract
In den meisten Peer-to-Peer Netzwerken werden Peers zufällig oder anhand ihrer geografischen Position verbunden. Das kann zu einem Leistungsengpass führen, worunter die Performanz eines solchen Netzwerkes leiden kann. Dieses Problem kann durch die Nutzung von Peer Clustering Algorithmen, welche die Peers anhand bestimmter Charakteristika gruppieren, gelöst werden. Diese Diplomarbeit liefert ein Framework, das systematische Benchmark-Tests von Peer Clustering Algorithmen, deren Auswertung und Vergleich ermöglicht. Die resultierende Applikation basiert auf dem Peer Model, einem koordinationsbasierten Programmiermodell. Außerdem bietet das Framework vielfältige Konfigurationsmöglichkeiten und erlaubt die einfache Austauschbarkeit der verwendeten Peer Clustering Algorithmen.Als weiterer Beitrag werden zwei innovative Algorithmen, Slime Mold und Slime Mold K-Means, die auf dem Lebenszyklus des Dictyostelium discoideum Schleimpilzes basieren, implementiert. Die beiden Algorithmen werden in Kapitel 5 vorgestellt und detailliert beschrieben. Diese werden kompetitiv gemessen, evaluiert und mit den neun folgenden, bekannten konventionellen und schwarm-basierten Algorithmen verglichen: Artificial Bee Colony, Artificial Bee Colony combined with K-Means, Ant-based Clustering, Ant K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means, Genetic K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering, K-Means and Particle Swarm Optimization. Slime Mold und Slime Mold K-Means übertreffen sämtliche andere schwarm-basierten Algorithmen in Bezug auf Ausführungszeit und Qualität der Clustering Lösung. Denn obwohl sie sich meist im Mittelfeld befinden, zeigen sie, im Gegensatz zu anderen Algorithmen, keine extremen, unerwünschten Schwankungen bezüglich der Clustering Effektivität., In most Peer-to-Peer networks, peers are placed randomly or based on their geographical position. This can lead to a performance bottleneck and thus, performance in such networks can be extremely poor. This problem can be solved by using peer clustering algorithms, aiming at grouping peers, which have certain characteristics in common, together as neighbors. This thesis provides a benchmarking framework, which allows the systematic benchmarking, evaluation and comparison of peer clustering algorithms. The resulting application is based on the Peer Model, a coordination-based programming model. Furthermore, the framework provides extensive configuration possibilities and easy exchangeability of the applied peer clustering algorithms.As additional contributions, two innovative algorithms, Slime Mold and Slime Mold K-Means, based on the life-cycle of the Dictyostelium discoideum slime mold are implemented. Those two algorithms are presented and described in detail in Chapter 5. They are competitively benchmarked, evaluated and compared to the following nine well-known conventional and swarm-based algorithms: Artificial Bee Colony, Artificial Bee Colony combined with K-Means, Ant-based Clustering, Ant K-Means, Fuzzy C-Means, Genetic K-Means, Hierarchical Clustering, K-Means and Particle Swarm Optimization. Slime Mold and Slime Mold K-Means outperform all other swarm-inspired algorithms in terms of execution time and quality of the clustering solution. Although they are usually midranged, they never provide unwanted massive increase or decrease in clustering effectiveness results, unlike other peer clustering algorithms.
- Published
- 2021
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23. Teaching students with autism to tie a shoelace knot using video prompting and backward chaining.
- Author
Rayner, Christopher
- Subjects
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SIBLINGS , *MOTOR ability , *HEALTH outcome assessment , *SCALES (Weighing instruments) , *SOCIAL skills education , *VIDEO recording , *ACTIVITIES of daily living , *TEACHING methods , *TREATMENT effectiveness , *INTER-observer reliability , *REHABILITATION of autistic people , *FUNCTIONAL assessment - Abstract
Purpose: To evaluate the effects of video prompting and backward chaining for teaching students with autism to tie a shoelace knot. Method: Videos featuring an adult and a peer or sibling model were used as part of the video prompting procedures to teach three boys with autism to tie a shoelace knot. A backward chaining procedure involving live modelling and verbal instruction was introduced following the video prompting phases. Results: Although the video prompting interventions increased the number of steps in the shoelace tying task completed by each of the participants, the backward chaining procedure was more effective, enabling one participant to reach mastery and a second participant to approach mastery. Conclusion: Practitioners should consider the pre-requisite skills of the participants and the nature of the target behaviour when selecting an intervention to teach daily living skills to individuals with autism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2011
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24. Dynamic LSP Routing in IP/MPLS over WDM Networks.
- Author
Koo, Sunggy, Sahin, Gokhan, and Subramaniam, Suresh
- Subjects
MPLS standard ,COMPUTER network protocols ,WAVELENGTH division multiplexing ,SWITCHING systems (Telecommunication) ,NETWORK routers ,ALGORITHMS - Abstract
We consider an IP/MPLS over WDM network, in which label switched ranters (LSRs) in the IP/MPLS layer are interconnected through optical cross-connects (OXCs) in the optical core network (WDM layer) providing an end-to-end wavelength routing capability. In this paper, we study a dynamic label switched path (LSP) routing problem for the three different network models of the IP/MPLS over WDM network, namely. Overlay, Augmented, and Peer models. For the overlay model, we propose two algorithms: ECF_OVLY and MLH_OVLY. In ECF_OVLY, a network always tries to use existing capacity first, whereas in MLH_OVLY, a network finds a path with the minimum number of logical hops for an LSP request. We also propose, for the augmented model, two simple and efficient dynamic LSP provisioning algorithms, called MCPI_AUG and DCPI_AUG, utilizing different type/amount of summarized capacity information from the WDM layer, namely Minimum CaPacity Information (MCPI) and Detailed CaPacity. Information (DCPI). We compare the proposed algorithms with the existing algorithms available for the overlay [1] and peer [2], [3] models. The algorithms are compared and evaluated using two key performance measures: LSP blocking probability and network (lightpath) utilization. Simulation results show that at low loads with a limited number of ports available in the network. DCPI AUG achieves an order of magnitude better blocking performance than the algorithm in 121 and outperforms the one in [3] by more than three times. It also achieves higher network utilization than the one in [2] by more than 10 % and the one in [3] by 2-7 % depending on the traffic load. Considering the small amount of information that is exchanged between the layers in the augmented model, these results suggest that the augmented model can be a practically good compromise between the overlay and peer models. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2006
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25. Secure Coordination through Fine-Grained Access Control for Space-Based Computing Middleware
- Author
Craß, Stefan
- Subjects
Peer Model ,space-based computing ,access control model ,coordination middleware ,patterns ,XVSM - Abstract
Developing distributed systems with multiple stakeholders and evolving requirements is a highly complex task, which can be simplified by the usage of middleware with suitable coordination abstractions. However, in open environments like the Internet, also security and trust among the participants have to be considered. Each participant must be able to protect access to its own data and services in a flexible way. This also applies to space-based middleware, which enables data-driven coordination among autonomous processes using decoupled communication via shared spaces. This thesis therefore aims at integrating space-based coordination with security by creating a novel authorization concept that adapts well-established access control principles to the characteristic properties of space-based middleware. The concept relies on simple yet expressive authorization rules that restrict operations on specific space partitions, thus allowing for fine-grained access control. Permissions may depend on authenticated subject attributes, properties of the accessed content, and additional context information. This approach enables administrators to grant each participant only permissions that are actually necessary for planned interactions. It is presentedby means of access control models for two related middleware technologies that cover different aspects of space-based coordination. XVSM provides configurable sub-spaces with extensible query features, while the Peer Model supports a hierarchical space structure with customizable coordination logic for conditional message routing and service invocations. Using the intrinsic coordination mechanisms of the respective middleware, authorization policies can be configured independently for each distributed space, whereas administrator privileges for dynamic policy modifications are specified in the same way as regular permissions. Security is further increased by the usage of multiple protection layers, so that permissions need to be acquired at different levels. Due to an integrated delegation and trust concept, the approach is suitable for open environments without fixed trust assumptions. To enable their practical application, the conceptualized access control models are integrated into the respective middleware architectures and their prototypical runtime implementations. Reusability is promoted via the specification of patterns for secure coordination, which provide generic solutions for common coordination tasks by combining the required coordination logic with suitable authorization policies for protecting all involved spaces. The feasibility of the approach is demonstrated via a series of case studies that cover different security constraints and application domains.
- Published
- 2020
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26. Peer model based and actor model based frameworks for search algorithms in unstructured peer-to-peer networks
- Author
Fleischhacker, Lukas
- Subjects
Gnutella ,P2P ,Suchalgorithmus ,Peer Model ,Dictyostelium Discoideum ,k-Walker ,Borkenk��fer ,search algorithm ,Keywords English: P2P ,Actor Model ,Schleimpilz ,Slime Mold ,Bark Beetle ,Akka ,AntNet ,Physarum Polycephalum - Abstract
Aufgrund der F��higkeit verschiedene Ressourcen zu teilen, sind P2P Netzwerke seit Jahrzehnten im Fokus der Forschung. Vor allem die Umsetzung von Suchalgorithmen, um verteilte Ressourcen in unstrukturierten P2P Netzwerken zu finden, ist von spezieller Wichtigkeit, da keine zentrale Sicht auf das Netzwerk existiert. Diese Arbeit geht die Notwendigkeit zur Evaluierung und dem Vergleichen von Suchalgorithmen f��r unstrukturierte P2P Netzwerke, unter der Verwendung von Standardmetriken, an. Sie liefert zwei Umsetzungen eines Frameworks f��r systematische Benchmark-Tests von Suchalgorithmen in unstrukturierten P2P Netzwerken und erm��glicht deren Vergleich. Das Framework wird dabei einmal mit dem Actor Model und einmal mit dem auf koordinationsbasiertem Programmiermodel Peer Model umgesetzt. Beide Umsetzungen unterst��tzen dabei die leichte Austauschbarkeit von Suchalgorithmen. Das zweite Ziel dieser Arbeit ist das Erstellen eines voll verteilten Suchalgorithmus f��r unstrukturierte P2P Netzwerke, basierend auf dem kollektiven Futtersuchverhalten von Borkenk��fern. Des Weiteren wird ein bereits bestehender Algorithmus basierend auf dem Physarum Polycephalum Schleimpilz an die Bed��rfnisse von voll verteilter Suche in unstrukturierten P2P Netzwerken angepasst. Um diese Ziele zu erreichen wird folgende methodische Vorgehensweise angewendet. Nach ausf��hrlicher Literaturrecherche werden die Frameworks zun��chst entworfen und anschlie��end umgesetzt. Als n��chstes werden die beiden neuen Suchalgorithmen entwickelt und in die Frameworks eingebunden. Abschlie��end werden beide Algorithmen kompetitiv gemessen, evaluiert und mit vier bekannten Suchalgorithmen verglichen: Gnutella Flooding, k-Walker, AntNet f��r P2P und SMP2P. Bark Beetle und der angepasste Physarum Polycephalum Algorithmus zeigen beide insgesamt sehr gute Ergebnisse hinsichtlich der Skalierbarkeit in Bezug auf Netzwerkgr����e und -last. Hinsichtlich absoluter Zeit zeigen beide Algorithmen sehr vielversprechende Ergebnisse, wobei lediglich k-Walker etwas bessere Ergebnisse bei Netzwerken mit vielen Replikaten erzielt. In puncto Erfolgsrate zeigt Bark Beetle beinahe so gute Ergebnisse wie Gnutella Flooding, ohne dessen wesentliche M��ngel aufzuweisen. Obwohl die Erfolgsrate f��r die Physarum Polycephalum Anpassung sehr niedrig f��r Netzwerke mit wenig Replikaten ist, wird diese signifikant besser f��r Netzwerke mit vielen Replikaten., Through its ability to share various resources, P2P networks have been in the focus of research for the last decades. Especially the utilization of search algorithms to retrieve the distributed resources in unstructured P2P networks is of major importance, since no global view of the network exists. This thesis addresses the need to evaluate and compare search algorithms for unstructured P2P networks with each other by using standard metrics. It provides two frameworks for systematic benchmarking and comparison of search algorithms in unstructured P2P networks. The first framework is implemented based on the Actor Model and the second one based on the Peer Model (a coordination based programming model). Both frameworks support easy exchangeability of search algorithms. The second goal of this thesis is to create a fully distributed search algorithm for unstructured P2P networks based on the collective feeding of bark beetles. Additionally, an already existing algorithm from a different domain based on the Physarum Polycephalum slime mold is adapted to fully distributed search for unstructured P2P networks. To achieve these goals the following methodological approach is applied. After an extensive literature research, the frameworks are first designed and afterwards implemented. As the next step, the two new search algorithms are developed and implemented into the frameworks. As the final step, both algorithms are benchmarked, evaluated and compared to four existing search algorithms: Gnutella Flooding, k-Walker, AntNet for P2P and SMP2P. Overall, Bark Beetle and the adapted Physarum Polycephalum algorithm show very good scalability regarding growing network size and load. In terms of absolute time, both algorithms show very promising results with only k-Walker having slightly better results for networks with high replication. In terms of success rate, Bark Beetle shows an almost equal good success rate as Gnutella Flooding, without having the same major drawbacks. Although the success rate for the Physarum Polycephalum adaption is very low for networks with small replication, it is significantly better for networks with high replication.
- Published
- 2019
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27. Effectiveness of video modeling in teaching following public direction signs for students with autism spectrum disorders
- Author
Gökhan Uslucan, Sezgin Vuran, Hasan Can Kayhan, Seray Olçay Gül, Akın Gönen, Selçuk Üniversitesi, Sağlık Hizmetleri Meslek Yüksekokulu, Terapi ve Rehabilitasyon Bölümü, Gönen, Akın., Anadolu Üniversitesi, Eğitim Fakültesi, Özel Eğitim Bölümü, and Vuran, Sezgin
- Subjects
evidence-based practices ,autism spectrum disorder ,Video modeling ,direction signs ,Psychology ,peer model ,Humanities ,video modeling ,Education - Abstract
WOS: 000466168300011, Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurobiological disorder characterized by significant difficulties in social interaction and communication, restricted range of behavior and limited areas of interest and stereotypic behaviors. Literature involves a rich variety of studies utilizing an array of effective methods to teach different skills to individuals with ASD. One of these methods has been video modeling which involves watching the video recording of model performing a target behavior. This method has received considerably empirical support. The present study intended to examine the effectiveness of teaching skills to individuals with ASD how to follow signs in finding the restroom in a public setting by utilizing video modeling in which the model is a peer with an ASD. Participants of the study were three male students whose age ranged between 10 and 13. Results of the study showed that video modeling was effective in acquiring, maintaining and generalizing targeted skills. Findings, limitations of the study and its implications for future research as well as practitioners were discussed.
- Published
- 2019
28. Zihinsel Yetersizliği Olan Bireylere Bankamatikten Para Çekme Becerisinin Öğretiminde Bilgisayar Destekli Video Öğretiminin Etkililiği
- Author
Erkan Tekinarslan, İlknur Çiftçi Tekinarslan, Seniha Kurtoğlu, BAİBÜ, Eğitim Fakültesi, Bilgisayar ve Öğretim Teknolojileri Eğitimi Bölümü, Tekinarslan, Erkan, and Tekinarslan, İlknur Çifci
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Strategy and Management ,akran model ,untargeted information ,Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering ,Bankamatikten Para Çekme Becerisi ,Money Withdrawal Skill from ATM ,Intellectual Disability ,Untargeted Information ,Computer aided video instruction ,lcsh:LC8-6691 ,Zihinsel Yetersizlik ,Peer Model ,hedeflenmeyen bilgi ,lcsh:Special aspects of education ,Bilgisayar Destekli Video Öğretimi ,Mechanical Engineering ,Metals and Alloys ,money withdrawal skill from ATM ,Akran Model ,Bilgisayar destekli video öğretimi ,Hedeflenmeyen Bilgi ,zihinsel yetersizlik ,intellectual disability ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDSOCIETY ,Computer Aided Video Instruction ,Bilgisayar destekli video öğretimi,bankamatikten para çekme becerisi,akran model,zihinsel yetersizlik,hedeflenmeyen bilgi ,peer model ,bankamatikten para çekme becerisi - Abstract
WOS:000406884300003 Bu araştırmanın amacı, bilgisayar destekli video öğretiminin (BDVÖ) bankamatikten para çekme becerisinin zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylere öğretilmesinde etkili olup olmadığını incelemektir. Bu amaç doğrultusunda bankamatikten para çekme becerisi, zihinsel yetersizliği olan üç bireye hazırlanan BDVÖ ile öğretilmiştir. Araştırmaya hafif düzeyde zihinsel yetersizliği olan, 16 yaşlarında üç birey katılmıştır. Araştırmada tek denekli araştırma yöntemlerinden katılımcılar arası yoklama evreli çoklu yoklama modeli kullanılmıştır. Zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin bankamatikten para çekme becerisinin BDVÖ aracılığıyla kazanımları ve hedeflenmeyen bilgi kazanım düzeyleri incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları, BDVÖ'nün hafif derecede zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin bankamatikten para çekme becerisini kazanmalarında etkili olduğunu göstermiştir. Ayrıca, öğretimin tamamlanmasının ardından öğrenciler kazanılmış beceriyi sergilemeye devam etmiş ve bu beceriyi farklı bankamatiklere, bankamatik kartlarına, farklı miktarda para ve farklı şifrelere genellemişlerdir. BDVÖ aracılığı ile sunulan hedeflenmeyen bilgi kazanım düzeyine ilişkin bulgular, araştırmaya katılan bireylerin hedeflenmeyen bilgi kazanımını edindiklerini göstermiştir. Araştırmanın sosyal geçerlilik bulguları, zihinsel yetersizliği olan bireylerin bilgisayar destekli video öğretimi ile bankamatikten para çekme becerisinin öğretimine ilişkin görüşlerinin olumlu olduğunu göstermiştir. The purpose of this research is to examine whether computer aided video instruction (CAVI) is effective in teaching of money withdrawal skill from ATM cash machine to individualas with intellectual disabilities. For this purpose, the ability to withdraw money from the ATM was taught by CAVI, which was prepared for three individuals with intellectual disabilities. Three individuals, aged 16, participated in the study with mild intellectual disabilities. In the research, a single subject research method with multiple probe design with probe conditions across subjects was used. Individuals with intellectual disabilities were assessed for their ability to withdraw money from the ATM by means of CAVI and the degree of untargeted knowledge acquisition. The findings of the study show that CAVI is effective in gaining the skill to withdraw money from the ATM for individuals with mild intellectual disabilitiy. In addition, after completion of the instruction, the students continued to exhibit their acquired skill and this skill was generalized to different ATMs, debit cards, different amounts of money and different passwords. Findings related to the level of untargeted knowledge acquisition provided by CAVI have showed that individuals participating in the research received untargeted information. The social validity findings of the study showed that the opinions of individuals about teaching cash withdrawal skills from ATMs through CAVI were positive.
- Published
- 2017
29. Smart food sharing across smart cities: concepts, processes and infrastructure
- Author
Steiner, Konrad
- Subjects
coordination ,Food Sharing ,Peer Model ,smart city ,Koordination ,Mobile Peer Model - Abstract
Um ��berleben zu k��nnen, ben��tigt jeder Mensch Lebensmittel und daher ist eine angemessene Versorgung der gesamten Menschheit mit Essen wichtig. Offensichtlich ist das nicht der Fall - Nahrungsmittelabf��lle und Mangelern��hrung sind die Folgen. In letzter Zeit versuchen immer mehr food sharing Initiativen das Problem zu l��sen, indem sie ��bersch��ssige Lebensmittel weiterverteilen, sind dabei aber nur m����ig erfolgreich. Deshalb ist das Ziel dieser Arbeit einen smarten food sharing Prozess zu beschreiben. Sie besch��ftigt sich mit vielen Aspekten von food sharing und bietet Vorschl��ge f��r Verbesserungen. Ganz besonders wird das Koordinationsproblem das food sharing innewohnt beleuchtet und mit dem Peer Model gel��st. Zu Beginn gibt die Arbeit Einblicke in die globale Lebensmittelversorgung und sch��tzt das m��gliche Potential von food sharing ab. Danach analysiert sie bestehende food sharing L��sungen und Forschung ��ber food sharing und gibt Verbesserungsvorschl��ge. Anschlie��end werden mehrere Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien beschrieben, die in einem verbesserten food sharing Prozess verwendet werden k��nnen. Dabei vergleicht sie g��ngige Koordinationsframeworks und kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass f��r food sharing das Peer Model am besten geeignet ist. Deshalb wird das Koordinationsproblem von food sharing mit dem Peer Model modelliert, f��r seine Java Laufzeitumgebung implementiert und eine Simulation zeigt, dass das Model funktioniert. Abschlie��end beschreibt die Arbeit einen smarten food sharing Prozess und Storyboards veranschaulichen wie Benutzer damit interagieren. Die Weltbev��lkerung mit Essen zu versorgen wird auch zuk��nftig herausfordernd, vor allem wenn sie wie erwartet steigt. Mit food sharing k��nnen heute bereits einige Probleme in der Lebensmittelversorgung verbessert werden, aber aktuelle L��sungen sind nicht effizient genug. Ein smarter food sharing Prozess, wie in dieser Arbeit beschrieben, sollte daher so bald als m��glich eingesetzt werden., Everybody needs food to survive and therefore an appropriate supply of all people with foodstuff is of enormous importance. Obvious this is still not ensured - food waste and undernourishment are direct consequences. Lately, emerging food sharing initiatives try to solve these problem by redistribution of surplus food products, but they are not effective enough. So, the aim of this work is to describe an improved food sharing process. Therefore, the thesis deals with numerous aspects of food sharing and provides several prospects to improve current food sharing solutions. Especially the coordination problem that is inherent to food sharing is considered in detail and solved with a coordination framework called Peer Model. The thesis starts with literature review to get insights about food waste as well as undernourishment and evaluates the possible potential of food sharing. Then it analyses current food sharing solutions and research about food sharing and names improvement opportunities. Afterward it describes several information and communication technologies that can be used for an enhanced food sharing process. At that it compares popular coordination frameworks and comes to the result that the Peer Model is suited best to deal with the coordination problem of food sharing. Thus, the thesis models the coordination parts of food sharing with the Peer Model, implements them for its Java runtime environment and a simulation shows that the model works. Finally, the work describes an advanced smart food sharing process and storyboards illustrate how users interact with it. Supplying the world's population with food will be a challenging task in the future, particularly when the expected growth in population occurs. Today's food sharing solutions can improve some problems of the food supply chain, but current solutions are not efficient enough. Therefore, a smart food sharing process like the one described in this thesis should be implemented as soon as possible.
- Published
- 2017
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30. Performance Comparison of Overlay and Peer Models in IP/MPLS over Optical Networks
- Author
Zhong, Wen-De, Niu, Xiaomei, Chen, Bin, Bose, Sanjay K., and Jin, Yaohui
- Published
- 2005
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31. A model for consumer engagement in eWOM via social media
- Author
Zotos, Yorgos, Hatzithomas, Leonidas, Pigadas, Vassilis, Boutsouki, Christina, and Ζώτος, Γιώργος
- Subjects
Consumer engagement ,Social Sciences ,LIWC software ,PEER model ,Media and Communications ,Social Media - Abstract
Over the last few years consumer engagement has highly attracted the interest of marketing academics and practitioners. The present paper reports the preliminary findings of an ongoing research project on the development of a model for consumer engagement in eWOM via social media. It is suggested that the consumer engagement process in social media moves through four sequential stages; participation, engrossment, emotion sharing and relationship building (the PEER model). The validity of the model in the context of twitter was empirically tested through the use of an online version of the LIWC software. Overall 10.801 tweets for two highly advertised mega-brand events (organized by Apple and Nintendo in the USA) were collected and text analyzed providing strong support to the model.
- Published
- 2014
32. Comparing the pre- and post-specified peer models for key agreement
- Author
Alfred Menezes, Berkant Ustaoglu, and TR102756
- Subjects
Computer Networks and Communications ,Network security ,Computer science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Security definitions ,Cryptography ,Computer security ,computer.software_genre ,Peer model ,Security assurance ,Pre and post ,media_common ,Protocol (science) ,Class (computer programming) ,Security model ,business.industry ,Applied Mathematics ,computer.file_format ,Computer security model ,Agreement ,Identifier ,Computational Mathematics ,Computational Theory and Mathematics ,Security service ,Software security assurance ,Key (cryptography) ,Executable ,business ,computer ,Key agreement protocols - Abstract
13th Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, ACISP 2008; Wollongong, NSW; Australia; 7 July 2008 through 9 July 2008, In the pre-specified peer model for key agreement, it is assumed that a party knows the identifier of its intended communicating peer when it commences a protocol run. On the other hand, a party in the post-specified peer model for key agreement does not know the identifier of its communicating peer at the outset, but learns the identifier during the protocol run. In this paper we compare the security assurances provided by the Canetti-Krawczyk security definitions for key agreement in the pre- and post-specified peer models. We give examples of protocols that are secure in one model but insecure in the other. We also enhance the Canetti-Krawczyk security models and definitions to encompass a class of protocols that are executable and secure in both the pre- and post-specified peer models. © 2008 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
- Published
- 2008
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