24 results on '"PROSENC, Irena"'
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2. Quando acqua e sole bastano a consolare
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2022
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4. La ricezione delle opere di Giorgio Bassani in Slovenia
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2021
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5. La narrazione della memoria nell'opera di Primo Levi
- Author
Prosenc, Irena
- Abstract
Primo Levi, best known for his autobiographical texts narrating his internment in Auschwitz, analyses the notion of memory in numerous texts. Th e author observes that the unreliability of memory may undermine the verisimilitude of autobiographical narration. In his works memory has complex functions as an active process realised in the preservation and narration of memories. In If Th is Is a Man, Levi limits the object of his narration to what he personally witnessed and experienced. In Th e Truce he operates a selection of memories, whilst the essay Th e Drowned and the Saved is based on data provided by a substantial corpus of concentration camp literature. Th e purpose of Levi's memorial testimony is to restore certain annihilated aspects of the past and contribute towards the reconstruction of lost personal and collective identities. Furthermore, Levi realises that his narrative functions as some sort of artifi cial memory representing a protective barrier between the present and the traumatic past, whilst also keeping authentic memories at bay and blocking his immediate access to them. Primo Levi, ki je najbolj poznan po avtobiografskih delih, v katerih pripoveduje o ujetništvu v Auschwitzu, se v številnih besedilih ukvarja s pojmom spomina. Opozarja, da lahko nezanesljivost spomina zamaje verodostojnost avtobiografske pripovedi. Spomin ima v njegovih delih kompleksne funkcije kot aktiven proces, ki se realizira prek ohranjanja in pripovedovanja spominov. V delu Ali je to človek avtor predmet pripovedovanja omeji na to, kar je sam videl in doživel. V Premirje uvrsti izbor spominov, medtem ko se v eseju Potopljeni in rešeni opre na podatke iz obsežne taboriščne literature. Namen njegovega pričevanja na temelju spomina je, da nasprotuje izničenju ter prispeva k ponovni izgradnji izgubljene osebne in kolektivne identitete. Levi poleg tega ugotavlja, da pripoved deluje kot nekakšen umetni spomin, ki predstavlja zaščitno pregrado med sedanjostjo in travmatično preteklostjo, hkrati pa izriva pristne spomine in avtorju onemogoča neposreden dostop do njih. more...
- Published
- 2018
- Author
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ENLIGHTENMENT , *KARST , *TRAVEL literature , *NATURALISTS , *TRAVEL , *TRAVEL hygiene - Abstract
Alberto Fortis (1741-1803), a prominent representative of the Italian Enlightenment, made several journeys to the Kvarner Gulf and Dalmatia. His Travels into Dalmatia made him famous in Europe and kindled an interest in this relatively unknown area. Besides travelling extensively to the Adriatic coastal regions, Fortis travelled from Trieste to Ljubljana across the Karst and recounted his journey in The Oryctographic Letter. Despite being one of his minor works, the letter is an important indication of the author's interest in Carniola, especially its Karst phenomena, and of his contacts with Balthasar Hacquet, a naturalist active in Carniola. Fortis' books were present in the extensive library belonging to Žiga Zois, a leading promoter of science in that period, and were probably available to his intellectual circle. Whilst Fortis' contacts with intellectuals living in Carniola are far from reaching the extent of his connections with Dalmatia, his exchanges with Hacquet, as well as the presence of his books indicate the existence of contacts between the Carniolan intellectual milieux and the Italian Enlightenment. On the basis of critical studies and printed sources consisting mostly of texts published by Fortis, the article highlights certain aspects of Fortis' travels and explorations as well as his contacts with representatives of the Carniolan Enlightenment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] more...
- Published
- 2020
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7. Pripovedovanje spomina v delih Prima Levija
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2018
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8. Variazioni sulla rosa: Catalfamo, Antonio (2014) Variazioni sulla rosa. Chieti: Edizioni Tabula fati. ISBN 978-88-7475-388-8, 115 pp., 10 EUR
- Author
Prosenc, Irena
- Published
- 2016
9. Le donne ai margini nella opere di Berta Bojetu Boeta
- Author
Prosenc, Irena
- Subjects
Berta Bojetu Boeta ,Escritoras ,Mujeres en la literatura - Published
- 2015
10. Variazioni sulla rosa
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2016
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11. 'Cosas que entre vivientes no se dicen': la reticencia como estrategia narrativa en Primo Levi
- Author
Prosenc, Irena
- Subjects
Autobiografía ,Reticence ,Primo Levi ,Estrategias narrativas ,Auschwitz ,Reticencia ,Narrative strategies ,Autobiography - Abstract
El artículo analiza el papel de la reticencia en las obras autobiográficas de Primo Levi que narran su cautiverio en el campo de exterminio de Auschwitz. Su concepción de la narración autobiográfica, elevada a testimonio y sometida a una rigurosa reducción de lo narrable como experiencia directa, puede deducirse a través de las numerosas autorreflexiones del propio autor. Levi examina las diferentes problemáticas que se derivan, entre las cuales la memoria y la complejidad de la figura del testigo, que (se) considera insuficiente desde el punto y hora en que no ha sufrido la demolición proyectada por el sistema de los campos de concentración. Mientras tales aspectos se explicitan de forma extensiva, el autor, por el contrario, se abstiene de comentar otro tipo de omisiones que a nivel estilísitco son características de su producción autobiográfica como la reticencia. La naturaleza de la reticencia es doble: por un lado se une a lo inenarable; por otro, reclama la atención precisamente sobre aquello que se evita narrar invitando al lector a completar el sentido del enunciado. El artículo explora la hipótesis de que la reticencia, en los textos de Levi, se relaciona con aquellos momentos de intensa carga emotiva, que emanan de los testimonios de la persecución sufrida por el autor y por toda la comunidad judía y de los cuales el escritor se hace portavoz. La reticencia se configura como una eficaz estrategia narrativa, un modo de narrar lo indecible, haciendo hincapié sobre la intensidad de sentimientos The article analyses the role of reticence in Primo Levi’s autobiographical works which narrate his imprisonment at the Auschwitz death camp. The author’s numerous comments allude to his conception of autobiographical narrative, elevated to testimony and subjected to a rigorous reduction of that which can be narrated to direct experience. Levi examines the various issues arising from this conception, including memory and the complex figure of the witness, considered as deficient for not having undergone the demolition programmed by the concentration system. While these issues are rendered thoroughly explicit, however, the author refrains from commenting on another, stylistic type of omission which is characteristic of his autobiographical production: reticence. The nature of reticence is essentially two-fold: while on the one hand, it is connected to that which cannot be narrated, on the other hand, it draws attention precisely to what is not being narrated by inviting the reader to complete the meaning of the utterance. The article explores the hypothesis that reticence in Levi’s texts is connected to moments of intense emotion arising from the testimony of persecution suffered by the author and by the entire Jewish community, on behalf of which the author acts as a spokesperson. Reticence appears as an effective narrative strategy, a way of narrating that which cannot be told through creating pathos. more...
- Published
- 2014
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This paper aims to show that the place of enunciation influences the production of utterances about the discursive construction of events happening in another society. We take the example of two Belgian writers, Simon Leys and Charles Paron, who lived in Hong Kong and Beijing respectively during the Chinese Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). The places where they lived induced original analyses and isolated them from their social fields, even beyond their ideological positions. We first study their relationship with both the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the discursive productions about it in Europe, and what drove them to write in forms that were unusual to them. We then analyze the conditions of construction of the representations of the revolution. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR] more...
- Published
- 2019
13. La Terrasanta fra alterità e prossimità nel
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2015
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14. Lo sguardo attraverso il mito: la figura del poeta in due opere di Claudio Magris*
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2015
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15. Un modo diverso di dire io. La presenza dei libri nelle opere di Primo Levi
- Author
Prosenc, Irena and Prosenc, Irena
- Published
- 2014
16. Mit o Argonavtih v romanu Na slepo Claudia Magrisa
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Prosenc, Irena
- Published
- 2014
18. Le merveilleux dans Huon de Bordeaux
- Author
Prosenc, Irena, primary
- Published
- 1998
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19. ZGODOVINSKE KORENINE ITALIJANSKE LJUDSKE PRAVLJICE: analiza treh firenških pripovedi iz zbirke Fiabe italiane Itala Calvina
- Author
Rijavec, Andreja and Prosenc , Irena
- Subjects
folk traditions ,Italo Calvino ,ljudska izročila ,Tuscany ,Toskana ,antične kulture ,fairy tales ,pravljice ,ancient cultures - Abstract
V magistrski nalogi je obravnavan svet pravljic in kako so si te kratke zgodbe skozi zgodovino utrle pot v svetovno literaturo. V času evropskega romantičnega gibanja se je v ljudeh ponovno zbudilo zanimanje za preteklost in korenine lastnega naroda. Brata Grimm sta s svojo zbirko pravljic spodbudila mnoge učenjake doma in po svetu, da so začeli zapisovati in skrbno beležiti vse, kar je spadalo v okvir ljudskega izročila. Delo se osredotoča na Italijo in na začetke zbiranja ljudskega pripovedništva na tem območju. Rdeča nit naloge je zbirka italijanskih pravljic, Fiabe italiane, izpod peresa Itala Calvina. Naloga se posveča toskanskim pravljicam, natančneje trem iz firenškega okrožja. Znotraj teh pripovedi se je pod drobnogled vzel specifičen predmet oz. motiv, ki bi lahko v povezavi z antičnimi tradicijami pravljico prikazali v drugačni luči. Magistrska naloga se posveča vprašanju ali je v italijanskih ljudskih pravljicah možno najti povezave s preteklimi kulturami, običaji, verovanji, mitološkimi zgodbami in legendami. The master’s thesis presents the world of fairy tales and how these short stories have paved their way throughout history into the world literature. During the European romantic movement, people reconnected with their nations past and origins. With the appearance of the Grimm brother’s collection of fairy tales, came the urge to write down and document the worlds traditions and folklore. The thesis focuses on Italy and its beginnings of documentation and collection of folk literature. The attention is dedicated to fairy tales, Fiabe italiane, written by Italo Calvino. The thesis focuses on Tuscany fairy tales, specifically on three Florentine narrations. It examines a specific object or motif that could be connected with ancient traditions or could portray the tale in a different light. The master’s thesis focuses on the question of whether connections can be made with past cultures, customs, beliefs, mythological stories and legends with Italian folk tales. more...
- Published
- 2021
20. Prisotnost spolnih stereotipov in spolno zaznamovanih vlog v pravljicah v berilu I fili del racconto 1
- Author
Sirk, Nina, Prosenc , Irena, and Hočevar, Andreja
- Subjects
Vladimir Propp ,education ,spolni stereotipi ,gender roles ,vzgoja ,fairy tales ,spolne vloge ,pravljice ,gender stereotypes - Abstract
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problematiko prisotnosti spolnih stereotipov in spolno zaznamovanih vlog v pravljicah. Ugotavljamo, ali in v kolikšni meri so le-ti prisotni v pravljicah v berilu, ki ga otroci uporabljajo pri pouku književnosti v 1. razredu nižje srednje šole s slovenskim učnim jezikom v Italiji. V magistrskem delu analiziramo devet pravljic iz berila s pomočjo strukturalistične analize Vladimirja Proppa in kvalitativne vsebinske analize. Z njima ugotavljamo, kako so v pravljicah prikazani ženski in moški liki in ali so v njih prisotni spolni stereotipi ter spolne vloge. Izsledki kažejo, da vloge in funkcije ženskih likov slednje postavljajo v pasivno pozicijo. Iz opisov ženskih likov vidimo, da so ti pasivni, čustveni in nemočni ter nikoli ne izražajo poguma, prebrisanosti, inteligentnosti idr., kot je to značilno za moške like v analiziranih pravljicah. Poleg tega pravljice locirajo ženske like v notranji prostor in zasebno sfero ter gospodinjska opravila postavljajo zgolj v njihovo domeno. Ženski liki so torej stereotipno prikazani: v pravljicah so prisotni spolni stereotipi, ki utrjujejo strukturno prevlado moškega nad žensko. The master’s thesis will discuss the presence of gender stereotypes and gender roles in fairy tales. We will determine whether and to what extent these concepts are present in nine fairy tales in the textbook I fili del racconto 1 (2014). The textbook is used for Italian literature in 1st grade of lower secondary Slovenian language school in Italy. We will use Vladimir Propp’s structuralist analysis and qualitative content analysis. With these analyses we shall determine how female and male characters are portrayed in fairy tales and whether gender stereotypes and gender roles are present. The results show that the roles and functions of female characters put these characters in a passive position. The description of female characters shows that they are passive, emotional and powerless and that they never express courage, cunning, intelligence, etc., in contrary to the male characters. In addition, fairy tales locate female characters in an interior setting and in the private sphere and present household chores as a woman's responsibility. We conclude that female characters are stereotypically portrayed: in these fairy tales, gender stereotypes are present and they reinforce the dominance of men over women. more...
- Published
- 2020
21. Shakespeare in Italija: Italijanski viri in italijanska mesta v Beneškem trgovcu in Romeu in Juliji
- Author
Orbanić, Jasna, Prosenc , Irena, and Maver, Igor
- Subjects
The Merchant of Venice ,Italy ,Italija ,Romeo in Julija ,William Shakespeare ,Romeo and Juliet ,Beneški trgovec - Abstract
William Shakespeare je eden izmed najbolj znanih dramatikov in njegove drame so pogosto povezane z Italijo in njeno kulturo. Moja magistrska naloga raziskuje prav te povezave med Bardom in Italijo, pri čemer je analiza osredotočena na Shakespearjevi drami Romeo in Julija in Beneški trgovec. Omenjeni drami sta analizirani v povezavi z italijanskimi novelami avtorjev Mattea Bandella, Masuccia Salernitana, Luigija Da Porta in Giovannija Fiorentina. Analize odkrivajo podobnosti in razlike med dramama in italijanskimi viri ter podajajo nove ugotovitve o tej temi. Prvi del naloge je teoretične narave, njegov namen je pojasniti razmere v Angliji v času elizabetinskega obdobja in jih primerjati s stanjem Apeninskega polotoka v času italijanskih mest-držav. Teoretični del je dobra podlaga za razumevanje političnih, verskih in kulturnih okoliščin obeh družb, dodatno pa pojasnjuje tudi vidik intertekstualnosti in prikaz mest v književnosti. Analitični del s pomočjo izčrpne tekstualne analize povezuje teoretični del in omenjene italijanske vire s Shakespearjevima dramama. William Shakespeare is one of the world’s best known playwrights and quite a few of his plays are somehow connected to Italy and its culture. This research paper takes a closer look at these connections between the Bard and Italy, focusing mainly on two of his plays, The Merchant of Venice and Romeo and Juliet. The analysis of the Italian novellas by authors Matteo Bandello, Masuccio Salernitano, Luigi Da Porto and Giovanni Fiorentino underlines the similarities and differences between them and the plays and provides new findings on this topic. The first part is of theoretical nature and its function is to explain the conditions in England during the Elizabethan period and compare them to the state of the Apennine peninsula during the period of the Italian city-states. The theoretical part functions as the basis for understanding political, religious and cultural aspects of the two diverse societies and additionally explains the aspect of intertextuality and the representation of cities in literature. The analytical part uses the theoretical information provided at the beginning of the paper and, by means of detailed textual analysis, connects the Italian sources to Shakespeare’s plays. more...
- Published
- 2019
22. La enseñanza de la cultura de los países hispano e italiano hablantes a través de las canciones
- Author
Usar, Veronika, Prosenc , Irena, and Šifrar Kalan, Marjana
- Subjects
didaktika ,udc:811.13'243:37.091.3(043.2) ,španščina ,tuji jeziki ,kultura ,Italija ,pesem ,Španija ,italijanščina ,magistrska dela - Abstract
Namen pričujočega magistrskega dela je potrditi hipotezo, da so pesmi uporabno in avtentično gradivo pri poučevanju španščine in italijanščine kot tujega jezika v Sloveniji. Uporaba pesmi pri poučevanju tujih jezikov ima že dokaj dolgo zgodovino, čeprav so le-te po navadi služile za prikaz določenih slovničnih struktur, uvedbi novega besedišča ali motiviranju učencev, le redko pa se profesorji omenjenih jezikov odločijo, da bodo s pomočjo pesmi prikazali določen kulturni vidik špansko in italijansko govorečih držav. Kljub temu je analiza učbenikov, priročnikov in spletnih strani, ki so na voljo profesorjem obeh jezikov, pokazala, da obstaja možnost predstavitve kulture špansko in italijansko govorečih držav s pomočjo pesmi in da obstaja tudi nekaj gradiv, ki so posvečena prav temu. Dodatek k magistrskemu delu (Anexo) predstavlja didaktizacije italijanskih in španskih pesmi, ki jih je mogoče uporabiti v razredu in preko katerih je mogoče uvesti različne kulturne teme. Didaktizacije so namenjene različnim nivojem jezika (v skladu s Skupnim evropskim jezikovnim okvirjem).The present master's thesis seeks to confirm the hypothesis that songs are helpful and authentic materials for teaching Spanish and Italian as foreign languages in Slovenia. Using songs in foreign language lessons has a fairly long history, however, they have mostly served to provide examples of certain grammatical structures, introduce new vocabulary or to motivate students, since teachers of the aforementioned languages seldom decide to acquaint 3 students with a certain cultural aspect of Spanish and Italian speaking countries through songs. The analysis of textbooks, manuals and websites available to teachers of both languages has nevertheless shown that presenting the cultures of Spanish and Italian speaking countries by using songs is achievable and that there are even some teaching materials intended for that use. The Annex (Anexo) to the master's thesis serves to introduce the didactization of Italian and Spanish songs suitable for classroom use and for the discussion on selected cultural topics. Examples of didactization are designed for different language proficiency levels (based on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). more...
- Published
- 2019
23. Pravljica kot didaktično sredstvo pri pouku italijanščine v drugem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole
- Author
Budin, Kristina, Štefanc, Damijan, and Prosenc , Irena
- Subjects
didaktika jezika ,tuji jeziki ,udc:82.0-343(043.2) ,italijanščina ,osnovne šole ,magistrska dela ,pravljica - Abstract
Magistrsko delo preučuje pravljico in njeno vlogo pri pouku italijanščine v drugem vzgojnoizobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole. Najprej je predstavljena pravljica kot literarna zvrst, zgodovina njenega raziskovanja in teoretični pristopi, ki so se pri tem oblikovali. Sledi poglavje o pravljici kot literarni zvrsti namenjeni otroku in o njenem vplivu na različnih področjih otrokovega razvoja. Vsa ta spoznanja so vplivala na to, da je pravljica postala zanimiva tudi na področju poučevanja tujih jezikov. Razlogi za njeno uporabo pri pouku tujega jezika so številni pravljica motivira, spodbuja domišljijo, seznanja z ritmom in intonacijo tujega jezika, služi za razvoj različnih jezikovnih zmožnosti in prinaša drugačen pristop k poučevanju tujega jezika. Pravljica je otrokom razumljiva, ker se z njo srečujejo že v maternem jeziku. Poleg tega ima veliko besedilnih in jezikovnih značilnosti, ki olajšujejo razumevanje besedila v tujem jeziku, kar učence motivira za nadaljnje učenje. Med te značilnosti štejemo: časovno sosledje, ponavljanja, predvidljivost, preprosto slovnico, konkretno besedišče in konkretno vsebino. Kljub temu morajo učitelji pravljico didaktično pripraviti, da lahko z njo dosegajo zastavljene učne cilje in razvijajo jezikovne zmožnosti v tujem jeziku. Empirični del naloge tako poskuša prikazati uporabo pravljice pri pouku italijanščine. V empiričnem delu smo zajeli poglede treh učiteljic, ki pri pouku italijanščine uporabljajo tudi pravljico. Izkazalo se je, da jih je k uporabi pravljice spodbudila priprava na tekmovanje, v sklopu katere so učence seznanile s pravljico v italijanščini. Spoznale so, da pravljica učence motivira in ima številne lastnosti, ki jih lahko uporabijo pri poučevanju tujega jezika. Poznavanje vsebine pravljice, bogato slikovno gradivo, preproste slovnične strukture in konkretno besedišče učencem olajšajo učenje italijanščine. Didaktična priprava pravljice se je razlikovala glede na to, kakšne pravljice so intervjuvane učiteljice izbrale. Tiste pravljice, ki so že prirejene za pouk tujega jezika, ne potrebujejo dodatnih priprav, saj so že same naravnane tako, da učitelja usmerjajo pri delu. Za razliko od teh pa potrebujejo avtentične pravljice podrobnejšo didaktično pripravo, kjer učitelj navadno poenostavi slovnični čas in besedišče ter po potrebi pravljico tudi skrajša. Med intervjuvanimi učiteljicami se je razlikovala tudi sama uporaba pravljice pri pouku. Učencem so pravljico posredovale na različne načine s pripovedovanjem ali s predvajanjem posnetka. Aktivnosti, ki so jih izvedle po poslušanju, so se navezovale predvsem na razumevanje besedila ter na razvoj besedišča. Pred poslušanjem pravljice pa aktivnosti niso izvajale, oziroma so se te navezovale zgolj na predstavitev likov ali poteka učne ure. The dissertation studies the fairytale and its role in in the second educational period of elementary schools Italian classes. Firstly, the fairytale is introduced as a literary genre with history of its research and theoretical approaches that were formed in the process. This in followed by a chapter about the fairytale as a literary genre that is meant for children and about its influence on different areas of the child`s development follows. All these findings have influenced the interest in the use of fairytale in the area of teaching foreign languages. There are many reasons for its use in foreign language: fairytales motivate, encourage imagination, familiarize with the rhythm and intonation of a foreign language, serve for the development of diverse language capabilities and bring a different approach to teaching a foreign language. The fairytale is understandable to children as they already encounter it in their mother tongue. In addition, it has many textual and linguistic features that relieve the comprehension of the text in foreign language, which motivates the students for further learning. This characteristics are considered to be: time sequence, repetitions, predictability, simple grammar, concrete text and content. Nevertheless, the teachers have to prepare the fairytale didactically, so they can achieve the imposed curriculum goals and develop language skills in the foreign language with it. Therefore the empirical part tries to present the use of fairytales in the Italian classes. In the empirical part, we have gathered the perspective of three teachers that use fairytales in their Italian lessons. It was shown that they were encouraged in the use of fairytales by preparing for a competition in which they had to familiarize the students with a fairytale in Italian. They have realised that fairytales motivate students and have many features that can be used in teaching a foreign language. Knowing the contents of a fairytale, rich visual material, simple grammar structures and specific vocabulary facilitates learning Italian for the students. Didactic preparation of the fairytale varies according to the fairytale that the interviewed teachers have chosen. The fairytales that are already rearranged for the foreign language lessons do not need additional preparations, as they are already oriented to direct the teacher at work. As opposed to these, authentic fairytales need a more detailed didactic preparation, where the teacher usually simplifies the grammar tense and text and if necessary, shortens the fairytale. Among the interviewed teachers the sole use of fairytales in the classroom differed. They delivered the fairytale in different ways with narration or with video streaming. Activities that they have carried out after the listening were mostly related to text comprehension and vocabulary development. However, they did not perform any activities before the listening or these were simply linked to character introduction or the course of lessons. more...
- Published
- 2018
24. Miriam, Cinzia ed Ester : tre volti di un personaggio 'indescrivibile'
- Author
Roić, Sanja, Speelman, Raniero, and Prosenc, Irena
- Subjects
personaggio letterario femminile ,romanzi triestini ,finzione ,autobiografismo - Abstract
Nei tre romanzi triestini di Fulvio Tomizza La città di Miriam (1972), L'amicizia (1980) e I Rapporti colpevoli (1992), contenenti evidenti tracce di autobiografismo, le tre donne che determinano le vicende affettive ed esistenziali dei tre protagonisti sono Miriam, Cinzia ed Ester. Cerco di mettere in evidenza le similitudini e le differenze di questi tre personaggi in quanto, a mio avviso, essi rappresentano tre volti di un unico personaggio femminile in prospettiva diacronica, che il protagonista, omonimo dell'autore nel terzo romanzo, aveva caratterizzato come 'indescrivibile'. more...
- Published
- 2018
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