111 results on '"Pavlović-Babić, Dragica"'
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2. PEER Training: Building successful collaborative problem-Solving Skills in Adolescents
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Rajić, Milana, Krstić, Ksenija, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Rajić, Milana, Krstić, Ksenija, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
This paper presents a PEER training program aimed at building and strengthening collaboration and problem-solving skills among adolescents. The program is integral to the PEERSolvers project (https://peersolvers.f.bg.ac.rs) and follows the PEER model designed to enhance successful collaboration among adolescents. The training includes the four main segments of the PEER model. The first segment focuses on formulating and establishing rules for constructive dialogue and exchange (E) of ideas.The second involves recognising and respecting personality (P) and individual differences in teamwork. The third addresses skills of emotional intelligence (E), promoting the importance of proper recognition, understanding and regulation of emotions during collaboration. Finally, the fourth part of the training deals with team member’s ability to use external resources (R), primarily digital data sources, to scaffold problem-solving. Each segment is a three-hour block, with an introductory and concluding session and includes a series of group exercises and interactive tasks. The conceptualisation of the training in accordance with the PEER model offers a novel and comprehensive approach to collaborative problem-solving aimed to equip both researchers and teachers with evidence-based tools for enhancing students’ collaborative problem-solving skills. The training was carried out in six Belgrade high schools (3 grammar schools and three vocational schools), involving approximately 21 second-year students per school. Trainer experiences confirm that the training can be conducted successfully according to the planned scenario. Also, the trainees found the training relevant and felt confident enough to engage in it.
- Published
- 2024
3. Saradnjom do rešenja: Priručnik za realizaciju PEER modela rešavanja problema putem saradnje
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
Ovaj priručnik predstavlja rezultat predanog rada i istraživanja u okviru projekta Saradnjom do rešenja: PEER model osnaživanja mladih za konstruktivni dijalog i timski rad. Istraživači sa Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Instituta za pedagoška istraživanja iz Beograda, uz finansijsku podršku Fonda za nauku Republike Srbije, došli su na ideju da kreiraju program koji bi pomogao adolescentima da bolje sarađuju prilikom rešavanja složenih problema i zadataka. Oslanjajući se na znanja iz sociokulturne psihologije, psihologije individualnih razlika, razvojne psihologije i obrazovnih nauka formulisali smo jedinstven PEER model zajedničkog rešavanja problema. Kroz mnoge sate istraživanja, razvoja materijala i interakcije sa mladima, zajedno smo oblikovali PEER model kao i ovaj priručnik. Ovaj model polazi od toga da je za kvalitetnu i produktivnu saradnju potrebno voditi računa o sledećim aspektima saradnje: 1) osobine ličnosti (Personality), 2) emocionalna inteligencija (Emotional inteligence), 3) razmena ideja putem dijaloga (Exchange) i 4) dostupni resursi (Resources). Svakom slovu PEER modela u ovom priručniku posvetili smo jedno poglavlje. U poglavljima je kratko objašnjen svaki element modela, a zatim su prikazane aktivnosti koje podržavaju razvoj saradnje kod mladih. Kroz sinergiju ovih elemenata, mladi ne samo da formulišu bolja rešenja, već i unapređuju lične kompetencije neophodne za uspešnu saradnju. Naša želja je da ova publikacija bude inspiracija i resurs za sve koji su posvećeni razvoju mladih i unapređenju veština zajedničkog rešavanja problema. Priručnik je pre svega namenjen profesionalcima koji rade sa mladima i koriste grupni rad kao metod u realizaciji aktivnosti za učesnike, bilo da je u pitanju školski ili vanškolski kontekst. Psiholozi, pedagozi, stručni saradnici, nastavnici, vaspitači1 i ostali koji se bave razvojem mladih pronaći će u ovom priručniku korisne smernice i alate usmerene na podržavanje mladih u razvoju njihovih veštin
- Published
- 2024
4. One Attempt to Measure Collaboration Between Students During Group Work
- Author
Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, and Pavlović Babić, Dragica
- Abstract
Contribution Collaborative problem-solving (CPS) skills have become an inevitable part of workforce readiness in contemporary society (Graesser et al., 2018). Numerous studies have shown that CPS is a powerful learning tool that could lead to more creative, efficient and comprehensive solutions than other approaches (Fiore, 2008). Sometimes it is the only possible way to solve complex problems. That is not surprising that the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD, 2019) includes the development of collaboration skills in the education development agenda for 2030. A lot of attempts were made to introduce CPS in everyday educational practice. However, the benefits of the CPS often fail to be achieved (Le et al., 2018). Collaborative problem-solving is usually defined as working together toward a common goal (Hesse et al., 2015). It includes interdependency between group members in joint activity and shared responsibility for the group results. Despite many contributions, there is a lack of instruments for measuring student-specific versions of collaborative processes during group work (Wang et al., 2009). The focus is often on the effect of this type of learning assessed through achievement data (Jansen, 2010) while the quality of the collaborative process is beyond research aims. Usually, self-assessment tools were used for this purpose accompanied by methodological limitation of subjective assessments. In these attempts, students' perceptions and experience with CPS are not distinguished from the quality of collaboration present during group work. Also, collaboration is assessed as an individual skill separate from its nature as a joint activity. This study aims to construct an instrument for assessing the quality of collaboration between students while trying to solve a complex problem. This study is part of the larger project PEERSovers with a focus on designing an evidence-based training program for enhancing high-school students' collaborat
- Published
- 2024
5. Evaluation of High School Programme for Gifted Pupils in Physics and Sciences in Serbia - Experience in Regional Cooperation -- SEENET-MTP Network
- Author
Djordjevic, Goran S., Pavlovic-Babic, Dragica, and Stankovic, Jelena
- Subjects
Physics - Physics Education ,Physics - Physics and Society - Abstract
The "High school class for students with special abilities in physics" was founded in Nis, Serbia (http://tesla.pmf.ni.ac.rs/f_odeljenje/) in 2003. The basic aim of this project has been introducing a broadened curriculum of physics, mathematics, computer science, as well as chemistry and biology. Now, eight years after establishing of this specialized class, we present analyses of the pupils' skills in solving rather problem oriented test, as PISA test, and compare their results with the results of pupils who study under standard curricula. Also, an external evaluation conducted more recently, shows that Special physics class students performed higher on science knowledge test in comparison with students from control groups (grammar school and special math class students). Establishing of the Special physics class as an interesting educational experiment and its development has been connected, in a sense, with activities of the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. We present the main achievements of the Network and their possible impact to the students. We make conclusions and remarks that may be useful for the future work that aims to increase pupils' intrinsic and instrumental motivation for physics and sciences, as well as to increase the efficacy of teaching physics and science., Comment: 14 pages, to appear in Romanian Reports in Physics
- Published
- 2011
6. Dialogical PISA: correct answers are all alike, every incorrect answer is incorrect in its own way
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, and Jošić, Smiljana
- Published
- 2018
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7. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Nikitović, Tijana, Jošić, Smiljana, Mojović, Kristina, Krstić, Ksenija, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Nikitović, Tijana, Jošić, Smiljana, Mojović, Kristina, Krstić, Ksenija, and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Published
- 2023
8. Saradnjom do boljeg rešenja, a vežbom do uspešne saradnje: PEER trening za podsticanje veština kolaborativnog rešavanja problema u srednjoškolskoj populaciji.
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smilja, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smilja, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Published
- 2023
9. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Published
- 2023
10. Konceptualna analiza, operacionalizacija i empirijska provera konstrukta informacijske pismenosti
- Author
Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Tošković, Oliver, Vulić, Ivana, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Tošković, Oliver, and Vulić, Ivana
- Abstract
Informacijska pismenost (IP) je skup znanja, veština i stavova potrebnih za definisanje i razumevanje informacijskih problema, pretragu, odabir i interpretaciju informacija kao i njihovu sintezu. Ova kompetencija je široko prepoznata kao značajan ishod obrazovanja i ključna kompetencija potrebna ljudima u savremenom društvu. Ovaj rad je imao za ciljeve da teorijski proveri smislenost informacijske pismenosti kao zasebnog konstrukta kao i da ispita mogućnost da se on operacionalizuje i empirijski validira. Kada je reč o prvom cilju, možemo zaključiti da – i ako koncept informacijske pismenosti ima određenih sličnosti sa drugim konstruktima – on nije redundantan u odnosu na njih već ima određene samosvojne elemente i specifičan pedagoški značaj. Kao odgovor na drugi i treći cilj studije, kreiran je instrument sadržan od problemskih zadataka sa ciljem da meri informacijsku pismenost koji je zatim testiran na uzorku 296 srednjoškolaca i studenata sa i bez iskustva relevantnog za informacijsku pismenost poput pohađanja programa za istraživačko mišljenje i rad sa podacima i informacijama. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da kreirani instrument odlikuju strukturna valjanost kao i inkrementalna valjanost u odnosu na mere čitalačke pismenosti kao već utemeljen konstrukt sa kojim IP deli određene komponente. Takođe, pokazalo se da mera informacijske pismenosti razlikuje grupe ispitanika kako se to očekuje – ispitanici sa relevantnim iskustvom postižu bolje rezultate na testu IP od onih bez iskustva. Istraživanje je dalje pokazalo da su određena akademska i istraživačka iskustva statistički značajni prediktori postignuća na testu IP što podržava hipotezu da se ova kompetencija može razvijati različitim obrazovnim postupcima o čemu posebno diskutujemo na kraju ovog rada., Information literacy (IL) is a set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for defining and understanding information problems–searching, selecting, interpreting and integrating information. This competence is widely recognized as a significant educational outcome and a key competence required in contemporary society. This study examined the possibility of (1) conceptualizing, (2) measuring, and (3) empirically validating IL as a meaningful and distinct psychological construct. Regarding the first aim, we conclude that – despite certain overlaps between IL and other literacy constructs (e.g., reading, scientific, and digital literacy) – it is not a redundant concept, but seems to have its unique elements and specific educational relevance. When it comes to the other two goals of this study, an instrument containing problem-based tasks to measure IL was created and then psychometrically scrutinized with a sample of 296 high-school and university students with and without experience relevant for IL such as attending research programs and working with information and data. The results of correlational and confirmatory factor analyses suggest that IL is closely related to reading literacy; nevertheless, in hierarchical regression analyses it incrementally predicted academic achievement over the latter construct. Analyses of group differences also yielded theoretically meaningful and expected patterns, showing those with relevant prior experience to score higher on IL than other respondents. The results further reveal that certain academic and research experiences are statistically significant predictors of the IL score, thus supporting the hypothesis that this competence can be developed through education and bearing important practical implications for building IL.
- Published
- 2023
11. Learning collaboration in the school context in Serbia: Student perceptions
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, and Mojović Zdravković, Kristina
- Abstract
The increasing interest in collaboration as an educational competence important for successful schooling and a productive adult professional and civic life can be seen in the expanding literature and research evidence (e.g. Rychen & Salganik, 2003; National Research Council, 2011). Collaboration is marked as one of the social and emotional skills on the 2030 education development agenda, defined by the intergovernmental Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2019). Collaborative problem solving (CPS) is an umbrella term for a variety of pedagogical models that enable students to learn by engaging in joint activities, relying on each other, integrating individual knowledge, skills, and efforts (Lai, 2011). With appropriate support and scaffolding, CPS could have a greater positive effect on student achievement, and peer social relationships than competitive and individual learning (e.g. Gillies, 2016; Johnson & Johnson, 2002). The focus of this study is on students experience with CPS as simetric peer interaction during the regular school classes. These perceptions and experiences represented a base for examining how CPS is applying in context of secondary schools in Serbia. The research suggests that a productive collaboration requires both cognitive skills (e.g. Campbell, 2021; Shi et al, 2021), as well as social and emotional skills (e.g. Newman, 2016; Rogat & Adams-Wiggins, 2015). That is why we paid attention how students have reported about cognitive (e.g, argumentation, consideration and evaluation of various perspectives...) and social and emotional aspects (group cohesion, tolerance, atmosphere...) of collaborative work. Analysing student responses to semi-structured interviews showed that, with certain inconsistencies and overlaps, two models of cooperation are clearly differentiated, presented here by key features. Model 1 is oriented towards an efficient use of resources, including time, with a dominant utilitarian goal - getting th
- Published
- 2023
12. Individual education plan as an agent of inclusiveness of the educational system in Serbia: Different perspectives, achievements and new dilemmas
- Author
Kovač-Cerović Tinde, Jovanović Olja, and Pavlović-Babić Dragica
- Subjects
inclusive education ,individual educational plan ,activity theory ,multipleperspective design ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
This paper consolidates data gathered through four recently conducted research studies on inclusive education in Serbia, all of them based on multiple-perspective design and mixed method approach. The main purpose is to explore achievements and unresolved contradictions in the implementation of individual education plan as a critical tool in the schooling of students who need additional support. The results suggest that the introduction of individual education plans has produced multiple contradictions between “old habits” of schools and teachers and new tasks required by inclusive educational policy. Different attempts to resolve these contradictions are evident in the school practice, changing the use of individual education plans, the understanding of inclusive education of all involved actors and at the same time transforming the everyday education practice. Findings are discussed in the light of activity theory. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 179018]
- Published
- 2016
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13. From Collaboration to Solutions: Encouraging Collaborative Problem Solving through School Practice
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović Zdravković, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, and Milićević, Ivana
- Subjects
socio/emotional competencies ,problem solving ,intervention study ,cooperation ,профессиональное сообщество обучения ,peers - Abstract
The aim of this paper is to present a viable, psychologically based framework designed for systematical promotion of the adolescents’ capacities for collaborative problem solving and possibilities for their cultivation through everyday school practice. Specifically, a model for designing teacher-training programs is proposed, wherein several elements of effective collaborative problem solving are drawn together. 9th International scientific conference Technics and informatics in education – TIE 2022 16-18 September 2022 Proceedings: [http://www.ftn.kg.ac.rs/konferencije/TIE2022/docs/Proceedings%20TIE2022.pdf]
- Published
- 2022
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14. Approaches to assessment of student academic achievements: A critical review
- Author
Kuzmanović Dobrinka and Pavlović-Babić Dragica
- Subjects
assessment ,student academic achievements ,psychometric assessment ,authentic assessment ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
This paper is aimed at providing a comparative overview and critical analysis of the most important approaches to the assessment of student academic achievements, first and foremost, the classic psychometric and authentic assessment. The following are discussed: philosophical/epistemological viewpoint, nature of knowledge, educational discourse, assessment procedures, as well as potential possibilities and limitations of the abovementioned approaches. We provide a concise overview of the most important conceptual and methodological changes in the field of assessment of student academic achievements during the last decades of the 20th century. The contemporary view of assessment implies inevitable changes in the assessment approaches and practices hitherto, shifting the focus to the very process and context of assessment, as well as to self-assessment as a part of learning process. Instead of the usual juxtaposition of the most important approaches to assessment of student achievements, we argue that each of them, under certain circumstances, can contribute to the formation of the image about the student and his/her potentials which would be as objective and comprehensive as possible.
- Published
- 2011
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15. Reading habits of secondary school students in Serbia
- Author
Krnjaić Zora, Stepanović Ivana, and Pavlović-Babić Dragica
- Subjects
secondary school students ,free time ,reading habits ,press ,internet ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
Within the research study about free time, interests, cultural needs and habits of secondary school students, their reading habits were studied in particular. The paper is aimed at exploring the reading habits of secondary school students, which are expressed through different media, first and foremost, through book reading, as well as through reading the press and using the internet, and to determine the connection between them. The research was conducted by means of a questionnaire on the sample of 2426 students from 26 secondary schools from nine Serbian towns. The results referring to the level of development of reading habits of our secondary school students indicate that: 12% of students do not read; 21% read only the required reading; 40% read the required reading and occasionally the books that are not required; 20% read the required reading and often other books as well; and 7% are passionate readers. Secondary school students do not have a formed habit of using library services and most frequently read popular literature and popular science. The most frequently read texts in the press refer to leisure and sports. More developed reading habits of secondary school students are related to reading the sections on culture in daily newspapers, reading popular science magazines and using educational software. Educational implications of the paper indicate that it is necessary to develop students’ reading habits through teaching and learning and to encourage students to use both books and the modern media for learning purposes.
- Published
- 2011
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16. Prepoznavanje pogrešnih shvatanja u radu sa podacima kao osnova za unapređenje matematičke pismenosti
- Author
Lužanin, Zorana, Mašulović, Dragan, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Verbić, Srđan, Lužanin, Zorana, Mašulović, Dragan, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, and Verbić, Srđan
- Abstract
Kritičko rezonovanje, rad sa podacima, i donošenje odluka u neizvesnim situacijama predstavljaju važne kompetencije u ličnom i profesionalnom radu pojedinca pa su u skladu sa tim takva znanja i veštine prepoznati kao važne kompetencije matematičke pismenosti. Pored opšte potrebe za matematičkom pismenošću kada su u pitanju neizvesnost i podaci, dinamično okruženje u kojem inženjeri svakodnevno rade je zahtevno i neprekidno donosi nove izazove u vidu mnogih raznolikih i neprestanih promena koje zahtevaju mnoštvo stručnih kompetencija i netehničkih znanja i veština kao što su donošenje odluka u neizvesnim situacijama, kritičko rezonovanje i veštine rada sa podacima. S obzirom da nema straživanja koja se bave ispitivanjem rezonovanja studenata tehničkih fakulteta iz Srbije kada su u pitanju određeni koncepti iz verovatnoće, statistike i rad sa podacima, ova studija ima za cilj da prikaže uvid u trenutno stanje i ukaže na potrebu za unapređenjem obrazovanja u ovoj oblasti. Cilj ove studije nije da izmeri „školsko“ znanje studenta iz verovatnoće i statistike već da ispita rezonovanje i proceni postignuća studenata prilikom rešavanja zadataka koji su pokazatelji različitih tipova miskoncepcija zasnovanih na nedovoljnom poznavanju, razumevanju ili primeni osnovnih koncepata iz verovatnoće, statistike i rada sa podacima. Istraživanje prikazano u ovoj tezi sprovedeno je u tri dela. Cilj prvog dela istraživanja je da se ispita u kojoj meri su studenti tehničkih fakulteta iz područja rada elektrotehnike podložni sledećim tipovima miskoncepcija: zanemarivanju veličine uzorka, zanemarivanju osnovnog skupa, miskoncepciji šansi, iluzornoj korelacija i miskoncepcijama vezanim za evaluaciju verovatnoće konjunktivnih i disjunktivnih događaja. S obzirom da su studenti koji učestvuju u ovoj studiji završili formalno douniverzitetsko obrazovanje, ova studija će pokazati i ima li razlike u uspešnosti studenata u prevazilaženju miskoncepcija između studenata koji su imali nastavu i onih k, Critical reasoning, working with data, and decision-making in uncertain situations represent important competencies in one's personal and professional work. In accordance with that, such skills and knowledge have been recognized as important competencies of mathematical literacy. Apart from the generalneed for mathematical literacy in terms of uncertainty and data, the dynamic surroundings in which engineers work day-to-day is very demanding and constantly brings new challenges, such as various relentless changes which require specialist competencies and non-technical skills and knowledge, e.g., decision making in uncertain situations, critical thinking, and skills for working with data. Considering there is no research that examines the reasoning of Serbian students of technical faculties related to particular concepts from probability, statistics, and working with data, this study aims at representing the current state and pointing out the need for the improvement of education in this area. This study doesn’t aim at measuring students' “school” knowledge of probability and statistics; its purpose is rather to investigate students' reasoning and to evaluate students’ achievements while solving the assignments prone to different types of misconceptions based on insufficient familiarity, understanding or implementation of basic concepts from probability, statistics and working with data.The research explained in this thesis has been conducted into three parts. The goal of the first part of the research is to test the extent to which the students of technical faculties are prone to the following types of misconceptions: insensitivity to sample size, base rate neglected, misconceptions of chance, illusory correlation, and biases in the evaluation of conjunctive and disjunctive events. Considering that the participants of this study are students who finished their formal pre-university education, this study is also going to show whether there is any difference in the ef
- Published
- 2022
17. Testing and Implementing the Peer Model of Collaborative Problem-Solving: Project Peersolvers
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will al
- Published
- 2022
18. The peer model: A new framework for promoting collaborative problem-solving in young people
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, Ivanović, Jovan, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Altaras Dimitrijević, Ana, Krstić, Ksenija, Jolić Marjanović, Zorana, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Videnović, Marina, Jošić, Smiljana, Nikitović, Tijana, Mojović, Kristina, Rajić, Milana, and Ivanović, Jovan
- Abstract
Project PEERSolvers aims at establishing a valid, evidence-based approach to building young people’s capacities for collaborative problem-solving (CPS). Specifically, the Project’s goal is to design and test an innovative training program based on the PEER model, i.e., targeting four elements of effective CPS: Personality, Exchange in dialogue, Emotional Intelligence, and Resources. In this paper, we outline the methodological framework for achieving this goal. Overall, the Project will employ a mixed-methods approach and include 600 participants. In the first phase, our objective is to develop a PEER model-based training for adolescents based on data about individual and group-level factors of (un)productive peer interaction; personal themes through which these factors appear in CPS; and adolescents’ past experiences with and attitudes towards CPS. These data will be collected in two qualitative studies, via individual interviews with participants and observations of their spontaneous behavior during CPS. In the second phase, our objective is to implement the PEER model-based training and test it in two intervention studies. The first study will examine the training’s effects on two group-level variables: quality of interaction during CPS; and quality of the solution to the presented real-world (complex) problems. Also, we will use the data from this study to make final adjustments to the PEER model-based training. The second intervention study will test the effects of the final version of the training on two individual-level variables: scientific and civic problem-solving competencies; and participants’ subjective experience of CPS. Both intervention studies will use an experimental design with repeated measures (pretest-training-posttest). The experimental group will receive the PEER model-based training and have the opportunity to practice CPS in triads with an experienced instructor providing scaffolding and digital media as resources; the control group will al
- Published
- 2022
19. Reading literacy as a measure of the quality of education: Estimates based on PISA 2009 data
- Author
Pavlović-Babić Dragica and Baucal Aleksandar
- Subjects
reading literacy ,PISA ,quality of education ,Psychology ,BF1-990 - Abstract
The definition of reading literacy in the PISA study, similar to other international studies of reading, emphasizes the importance of reading for active participation in society, thereby promoting the ability of students to critically analyze information and use it for different purposes. The study examined the level of reading literacy in fifteen-year-old students in different countries, whether there was progress compared to previous cycles of testing, the development of the individual literacy components, and the distribution of students by levels of reading literacy. The sample included fifteen-year-old students, regardless of the grade they had attended at the time of testing. The study was conducted in 190 schools, with the total of 5,523 students tested. The data show that the average achievement of students in Serbia in the domain of reading literacy is still below average compared to the achievement of students from OECD countries, but the results were significantly higher when compared to 2006. The most conspicuous change between two cycles of testing occurred at lower achieving levels of reading literacy, which indicates that the dominant way of teaching in schools is through traditional lectures and oriented towards the adoption of academic knowledge. The progress achieved in the average score for reading literacy scale can be seen as a result of greater involvement and greater motivation of students and teachers, the more apparent support of officials in the PISA 2009 study than in 2006 study, as well as a result of substantial changes in general social context in which students were educated. .
- Published
- 2010
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20. The analysis of actual and symbolic models of secondary school students in Serbia
- Author
Stepanović Ivana, Pavlović-Babić Dragica, and Krnjaić Zora
- Subjects
role models ,actual models ,symbolic models ,secondary school students ,Theory and practice of education ,LB5-3640 - Abstract
This paper deals with role models of secondary school students in Serbia. In the course of adolescence, there is a gradual separation from parental figures, and other persons become role models for behavior. For that reason, secondary school population is of interest when analyzing this phenomenon, particularly bearing in mind that role models influence not only social, but also other aspects of development. We analyzed role models from students' personal (actual models) and public life (symbolic models). The main aim was to determine who their actual and symbolic models are, and why secondary school students look up to them. Based on the data on secondary school students' actual models, it is possible to identify who important persons from their milieu are and why they are important to them. The data about the categories in which symbolic models can be divided, as well as about their occurrence, indicate the young people's system of values in these analyses. The sample comprises 2426 students from 26 schools in 9 Serbian towns. Actual and symbolic models were examined in separate questions, where students were asked to name up to three people from their private life or the world of celebrities that they look up to. 53,9% of students named their actual models, the most common being their mothers. Nearly half the examinees (49,3%) stated their symbolic models are public figures. Most symbolic models are from the world of show-business. The results show that parental figures remain the models of behavior throughout adolescence. The data about the categories of symbolic models show the young are drawn to the world of entertainment and indicate a weak role of schools as a potential source of models in the fields of science and culture who would promote cognitive values.
- Published
- 2009
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21. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Buđevac, Nevena, Jovanović Milanović, Olja, Plazinić, Ljiljana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Buđevac, Nevena, Jovanović Milanović, Olja, and Plazinić, Ljiljana
- Abstract
The aim of this research was to examine whether teaching strategies that have proved their effectiveness on students' cognitive achievements in ordinary classroom instruction have effects on non-cognitive educational outcomes: academic motivation, self-efficacy and anxiety of students in TV instruction. This type of distance learning took place in the last trimester of academic year of 2019/20, due to the school closures caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. We used a mix-method design in the research. Data from 1908 students of all grades of primary school on their experience of self-efficacy, motivation, intrinsic and instrumental motivation, as well as on the degree of anxiety in situations of learning a given subject in TV instruction were collected during the May of 2020. Students provided data on the last class of natural or social science they had watched, as well as their assessments of the quality of teaching in the given class. An observational protocol was created for coding and evaluating 25 teaching practices in TV clasess, grouped into 9 teaching strategies within the domains of direct instruction, emotional support and cognitive activation. A qualitative analysis was conducted to describe teaching practices in TV instruction in detail. We have found that the specific level of motivation, self-efficacy and anxiety of an individual student mostly comes from the factors that the student brings into the learning situation, and teaching strategies, although relatively small, significantly contribute to explaining differences between students. At the same time, teaching strategies explain much of the difference in the average level of measured outcomes between groups of students who attended different classes. We determined that the domain of emotional support was positively related to the student's level of intrinsic motivation and self-efficacy, and negatively to the level of amotivation and anxiety. The domain of direct instruction is significantly related to
- Published
- 2021
22. Psihološka tranzicija ka inkluzivnom nastavniku u kontekstu inkluzivne obrazovne politike
- Author
Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Petrović, Danijela S., Jovanović Milanović, Olja, Jokić, Tijana, Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Petrović, Danijela S., Jovanović Milanović, Olja, and Jokić, Tijana
- Abstract
U skladu sa sociokulturnim teorijskim pretpostavkama, primena nove obrazovne politike je kreativni i interpretativni proces pregovaranja značenja politike kroz svakodnevnu praksu u institucionalnom kontekstu. Cilj istraživanja je razumeti kako su predmetni nastavnici na profesionalnim putanjama pregovarali iskustvo inkluzivnog obrazovanja i kako su medijatori u sociokulturnom kontekstu posredovali to iskustvo. Težimo da razumemo da li je inkluzivno obrazovanje u Srbiji predmetnim nastavnicima donelo prekid profesionalnih putanja, kako je pregovaranjem značenja inkluzivnog obrazovanja uspostavljen kontinuitet profesionalnih putanja (tranzicija) i kako su institucionalni artefakti posredovali te procese. Primenom integrisane sekvencijalne strategije, prikupili smo i analizirali kvantitativne i kvalitativne podatke o profesionalnom iskustvu predmetnih nastavnika tokom desetogodišnjeg sprovođenja inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Rezultati pokazuju da su strukture značenja koje su nastavnike vodile na profesionalnim putanjama postale nedovoljno dobri vodiči za prakse u kontekstu inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Međutim, nisu svi nastavnici prošli tranziciju u pravcu „inkluzivnog nastavnika“. Naime, nastavnici sa različitim profesionalnim ideologijama pregovarali su značenja različite opštosti i u različitim domenima profesionalnog iskustva. Dodatno, nisu svi nastavnici uvek imali na raspolaganju adekvatne resurse koji bi podržali tranziciju ka agensnom nastavniku – sistemske prakse nisu uvek bile koherentne u pogledu značenja i pozicija koje propisuju i legitimišu, a različite školske prakse, podele posla i pravila su validirala višestruka poimanja inkluzivnog obrazovanja. Shodno zaključcima, istraživanje je iznedrilo preporuke za dopunu teorijskog okvira i profesionalni razvoj nastavnika., In line with sociocultural theoretical assumptions, implementation of new educational policy is a creative and interpretive process of meaning negotiation through everyday practices in institutional context. Goal of the research is to understand how subject teachers negotiated experiences of inclusive education along their professional trajectories and how artefacts in the sociocultural context mediated these processes. We tend to understand whether inclusive education policy in Serbia caused a rupture in professional trajectories of subject teachers, how negotiation of meaning of inclusive education repaired the rupture (transition) and how institutional artefacts mediated these processes. Through integrated sequential strategy, we collected and analysed quantitative and qualitative data on professional experiences of subject teachers during its ten-year-long implementation. Results showed that meaning structures which teachers used to navigate professional trajectories became inadequate guides for practical action in the context of inclusive education. However, not all teachers transitioned towards “inclusive teacher”. Teachers with different professional ideologies negotiated meanings at different levels of abstraction and in different domains of professional experience. Additionally, adequate resources that would support transition towards “inclusive teacher” were not always at disposal for all teachers – system practices were not always coherent in the meaning and positions they prescribe and legitimate, and different schools’ practices, division of labour and rules validated multiple meanings of inclusive education. Given this, the research offered recommendations for adjusting theoretical framework and for teacher professional development.
- Published
- 2021
23. Neformalno učenje na radnom mestu i socijani identiteti
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Baucal, Aleksander, Popadić, Dragan, Malešev, Milana D., Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Baucal, Aleksander, Popadić, Dragan, and Malešev, Milana D.
- Abstract
Predmet istraživanja je eksploracija procesa neformalnog uèenja na radnom mestu i njegovog odnosa sa višestrukim socijalnim identitetima pojedinca. Cilj je bio da utvrdimo da li su i na koji naèin povezani višestruki socijalni identiteti pojedinaca i proces njihovog neformalnog uèenja na radnom mestu. Takoðe i na koji naèin socijalni identiteti pojedinaca mogu da se dovedu u vezu sa korišæenjem, stvaranjem ili odbacivanjem prilika za uèenje na radnom mestu. Istraživanje je eksplorativno, u skladu sa interpretativnom paradigmom i kvalitativnom metodologijom. Prikupljanje podataka, analiza i interpretacija raðeni su u skladu sa utemeljenom teorijom. Uzorak èine ukupno 33 zaposlena na ne-menadžerskim pozicijama u meðunarodnoj organizaciji koja se bavi revizijom – 10 zaposlenih kroz program prakse, 12 saradnika i 11 viših saradnika. Izbor ispitanika napravljen je u skladu sa principima namernog uzorkovanja i biranjem lancem preporuka, a sa ciljem dobijanja maksimalne varijacije. Polustrukturirani intervjui su obavljeni u dve vremenske taèke - na poèetku i na kraju revizorske sezone. Izmeðu intervjua zadat je i jedan upitnik otvorenog tipa. Na osnovu nalaza napravljen je teorijski model odnosa izmeðu identiteta pojedinca i njegovog uèenja na radnom mestu. Elementi modela su: pojedinac u sadašnjem trenutku, vizija sebe u buduænosti, socijalni i organizacioni kontekst, investiranost i uèenje na radnom mestu kao proces socijalnog postajanja. Istraživanje ukazuje na moguænost da pojam identiteta, kako je definisan u objedinjenoj teoriji identiteta Burka i saradnika, koji funkcioniše kao shema koji je osnova percepcije, razmišljanja i delovanja u svetu, može da bude dobra dopuna socio-kulturnih teorija uèenja na radnom mestu., The topic of this research is exploration of the informal learning in the workplace process and its relationship with multiple social identities of an individual. The goal was to establish whether the multiple social identities and informal learning in the workplace process are related and in which way they are related. We wanted to understand the way in which social identities of an individual can be related to using, creating, or refusing learning opportunities in the workplace. The research is exploratory, within the framework of interpretative paradigm and qualitative methodology. Data collection, analysis and interpretation were conducted using grounded theory approach. The sample consists of 33 employees on non-managerial positions in a global auditing company - 10 interns, 12 associates and 11 senior associates. We used purposive and snowball sampling approaches, aiming to maximise variations within the sample. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in two points of time - at the beginning and at the end of the auditing season. One open-ended questionnaire was administered between the interviews. We created a theoretical model of relationship of individual identities and learning in the workplace based on the research findings. The elements of this model are Individual at moment, Vision of oneself in the future, Social and organisational context, Investment, and Learning in the workplace as social becoming. The research results suggest that the concept of identity defined in Burke`s and associates` unified identity theory, as a scheme which is a basis of perception, thinking and acting in the world, can be a fruitful add-on to socio-cultural theories of learning in the workplace
- Published
- 2020
24. Empirijska provera konstrukta digitalne pismenosti i analiza prediktora postignuća
- Author
Baucal, Aleksander, Kovač Cerović, Tinde, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Radunović, Desanka, Kuzmanović, Dobrinka R., Baucal, Aleksander, Kovač Cerović, Tinde, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Radunović, Desanka, and Kuzmanović, Dobrinka R.
- Abstract
Digitalna pismenost (ili digitalna kompetencija) predstavlja jednu od osam ključnih kompetencija za celoživotno učenje i razvoj u današnjem globalnom, informacionom, digitalizovanom društvu. Reč je o međupredmetnoj kompetenciji koja omogućava sticanje drugih ključnih kompetencija, ali i predstavlja nužan preduslov za lični (socijalni, profesionalni, kulturni) razvoj svakog pojedinca. Pravo na sticanje veština digitalne pismenosti smatra se jednim od osnovnih prava današnje dece i mladih. Dok je u međunarodnim obrazovno-političkim dokumentima značaj digitalne pismenosti prepoznat pre više od decenije, naučno razumevanje samog konstrukta i sistematsko podučavanje veštinama digitalne pismenosti u okviru formalnog obrazovanja, nisu na očekivanom nivou..., Digital literacy (or digital competence) is one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning and development in today's global, information, digital society. It is a transversal key competence, which, as such, enables the acquisition of other key competences, but also serves as a necessary prerequisite for the personal (social, professional, cultural) development of each individual. The right to acquire digital literacy skills has become one of the basic children's rights in the digital age. Although the international education policy documents recognised the significance of digital literacy over a decade ago, the scientific understanding of the construct and systematic teaching of the digital literacy skills within formal education have still not reached the expected level.
- Published
- 2018
25. School-level facilitators of inclusive education: the case of Serbia
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Simić, Nataša, Friedman, Eben, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Simić, Nataša, and Friedman, Eben
- Abstract
Relying on Bronfenbrenner's ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factors that contribute to effective implementation of inclusive education. We also explored how government policy, with emphasis on individual education plans, school teams, Roma assistants and inter-sectorial committees, is implemented at the school level. Qualitative data were collected from various informants (students, parents, teachers, school associates, Roma assistants and local community representatives) in five schools selected on the basis of regional distribution and success in supporting diverse student needs. Two core categories of school-level facilitators were generated: inclusive practices and inclusive culture. Within the first category, which refers to concrete actions and relationships in the school and local community, five themes emerged: individualisation and use of individual education plans; cooperation between teachers and school inclusive education expert team; cooperation with internal and external specialists; cooperation with parents, and cooperation with the local community. The second category, which reflects beliefs, values and implicit school norms, was further divided into five subcategories: willingness for life-long learning; proactive stance; sense of teamwork; sophisticated personal philosophies of development and learning; and acceptance of difference. We concluded that successful schools have developed into professional learning communities. Finally, recommendations for improving relevant practices were provided.
- Published
- 2018
26. Empirijska provera konstrukta digitalne pismenosti i analiza prediktora postignuća
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Kovač Cerović, Tinde, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Radunović, Desanka, Baucal, Aleksandar, Kovač Cerović, Tinde, Pavlović Babić, Dragica, and Radunović, Desanka
- Abstract
Digitalna pismenost (ili digitalna kompetencija) predstavlja jednu od osam ključnih kompetencija za celoživotno učenje i razvoj u današnjem globalnom, informacionom, digitalizovanom društvu. Reč je o međupredmetnoj kompetenciji koja omogućava sticanje drugih ključnih kompetencija, ali i predstavlja nužan preduslov za lični (socijalni, profesionalni, kulturni) razvoj svakog pojedinca. Pravo na sticanje veština digitalne pismenosti smatra se jednim od osnovnih prava današnje dece i mladih. Dok je u međunarodnim obrazovno-političkim dokumentima značaj digitalne pismenosti prepoznat pre više od decenije, naučno razumevanje samog konstrukta i sistematsko podučavanje veštinama digitalne pismenosti u okviru formalnog obrazovanja, nisu na očekivanom nivou ..., Digital literacy (or digital competence) is one of the eight key competences for lifelong learning and development in today's global, information, digital society. It is a transversal key competence, which, as such, enables the acquisition of other key competences, but also serves as a necessary prerequisite for the personal (social, professional, cultural) development of each individual. The right to acquire digital literacy skills has become one of the basic children's rights in the digital age. Although the international education policy documents recognised the significance of digital literacy over a decade ago, the scientific understanding of the construct and systematic teaching of the digital literacy skills within formal education have still not reached the expected level.
- Published
- 2018
27. The Big Improvement in PISA 2009 Reading Achievements in Serbia: Improvement of the Quality of Education or Something Else?
- Author
Pavlović Babić, Dragica, primary and Baucal, Aleksandar, additional
- Published
- 2018
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28. First comprehensive monitoring of inclusive education in Serbia: selected findings
- Author
Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Jokić, Tijana, Jovanović, Olja, Jovanović, Vitomir, Gutvajn, Nikoleta, and Milja, Vujačić
- Subjects
education system ,inclusive education ,Serbia - Abstract
The paper authored by Tinde Kovač-Cerović, Dragica Pavlović-Babić, Tijana Jokić, Olja Jovanović and Vitomir Jovanović First comprehensive monitoring of inclusive education in Serbia: selected findings, presents selected findings of the first comprehensive evaluation of inclusive education in Serbia, five years after its systemic introduction. This evaluation is based on indicators defined by the Framework for monitoring inclusive education in Serbia. The research was conducted on a representative sample of 28 schools, and it encompassed 1537 students, 794 parents and 742 teachers. The structure of the framework, which implies predefined indicators and criteria, as well as the assessment of that same indicator by various informants, enabled the identification of the areas which are strong points in our education system, as well as areas that require immediate system development. The results of the monitoring constitute a reliable basis for improving the policy and practice of inclusive education in Serbia. Naziv zbirke: Biblioteka "Pedagoška teorija i praksa" 42
- Published
- 2016
29. School-level facilitators of inclusive education: the case of Serbia
- Author
Pavlović Babić, Dragica, primary, Simić, Nataša, additional, and Friedman, Eben, additional
- Published
- 2017
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30. Development of reading competency through scaffolded peer interaction and individual activity
- Author
Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Stepanović-Ilić, Ivana, Buđevac, Nevena, Tošković, Oliver, Jošić, Smiljana, Baucal, Aleksandar, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Stepanović-Ilić, Ivana, Buđevac, Nevena, Tošković, Oliver, and Jošić, Smiljana
- Abstract
The central theme in which this study is positioned is the role of others in the cognitive competencies development. For several decades, the research of this area has been providing us with a substantial corpus of evidence about the importance of social interaction for cognitive development. However, present knowledge of this field has not given us a lot of evidence about the power of mediated and enhanced children’s activity depending on whether it is performed individually or with another person. The key research question of the following paper refers to comparing the roles of mediated individual work and mediated cooperation in the development of new abilities or qualitatively new patterns of thought. The influence of investigated factors has been examined in the case of development of an important life competency - reading competency. Available empirical findings of a small number or studies performed in Serbia reveal alarming evidence about competencies in this domain, which was all the more reason for selecting this competency. Thus, the imposing question was what to kind of incentives we should expose children in order for them to adequately understand the materials they are reading. The research has been conducted in three phases, based on experimental designs with repeated measures. In the pre-test phase, children’s initial achievements on the reading competencies’ tasks have been identified. Afterwards, in the experimental phase, factors type of interaction and type of support children receive have been varied in different groups. Finally, after two weeks, in a post-test phase, children’s achievement has been re-tested. The sample comprised 329 ten-year-olds from three different schools in Serbia. The obtained data has been analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. In other words, apart from quantitative data on children’s achievement in different phases of testing, the analysis also included the data obtained through video recording of all interactions, Centralna tema u koju je smeštena ova istraživačka studija je uloga drugih u razvoju kognitivnih kompetencija. Već nekoliko decenija istraživanja ove oblasti obezbeđuju nam znatan korpus podataka o važnosti socijalne interakcije u kognitivnom razvoju. Međutim, dosadašnja saznanja iz ove oblasti nisu nam dala puno podataka o snazi posredovane i osnažene aktivnosti dece u zavisnosti od toga da li istu aktivnost izvršavaju samostalno ili sa još nekom osobom. Ključno istraživačko pitanje u radu koji sledi odnosi se na upoređivanje uloga koju posredovani samostalni rad i posredovana saradnja imaju u u razvoju novih sposobnosti ili kvalitativno novih obrazaca mišljenja. Uticaj ispitivanih faktora proveren je na primeru razvoja jedne važne životne kompetencije - čitalačka kompetencija. Dostupni empirijski nalazi malog broja istraživanja u Srbiji pokazuju zabrinjavajuće podatke o kompetencijama u ovom domenu, što je bio razlog više za izbor ove kompetencije. Pitanje koje se stoga nama nametnulo je kakvoj vrsti podsticaja treba da izložimo decu kako bi adekvatno razumela materijale koje čitaju. Istraživanje je izvedeno iz tri dela, po uzoru na eksperimentalne nacrte sa ponovljenim merenjima. U pretestu su određena početna postignuća dece na zadacima čitalačke kompetencije.Zatim su u eksperimentalnojfaziu različitim grupama varirani faktori tipa interakcije i tipa podrške koju deca dobijaju.Konačno, nakon dve nedelje, u posttest faziponovo su proveravanapostignućadece. Uzorak je činilo 329 desetogodišnjaka iz tri različite škole u Srbiji. Istraživanjem su prikupljeni podaci koji su analizirani na kvanitativan i kvalitativan način. Drugim rečima, pored kvanitativnih podataka o postignućima dece u različitim momentima testiranja u analizu su uključeni i podaci dobijeni video-snimanjem svih interakcija koje su nastale kao produkt dizajniranog eksperimenta. Rezultati kvanitativne analize pokazali su da postignuće dece na retestu zavisi i od obuke koju dete prolazi i od tipa inter
- Published
- 2017
31. How we can support success in solving mathematical problems?
- Author
Anić, Ivan and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Subjects
program PISA ,problem solving ,strategies for solving tasks ,probability ,rešavanje problema ,matematička pismenost ,strategije rešavanja zadataka ,mathematical literacy ,verovatnoća ,OECD/PISA - Abstract
Osnovno istraživačko pitanje kojim se bavimo u ovom radu je pitanje identifikovanja pogrešnih strategija i osnovnih prepreka u rešavanju problemskih zadataka iz matematike, kako bi se definisale uspešne podrške u procesu rešavanja, a koje dovode do uspeha. Istraživanje je realizovano u dve faze. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem, u uslovima individualnog rada ili rada u paru na zadatku, nastojali smo da utvrdimo na koje načine učenici greše i na koje poteškoće nailaze pri rešavanju zadataka smeštenih u realan kontekst, kao i da se utvrdi koje od tih grešaka i poteškoća su tipične. Analizom sadržaja verbalnih iskaza učenika tokom rešavanja zadataka izdvojeni su problemi koji čine strategije rešavanja neefikasnim. Kvantitativnim istraživanjem proveravali smo u kojoj meri su greške i poteškoće ustanovljene u prethodnoj fazi tipične, što može biti jasan dijagnostički znak koji ukazuje na sistemski nedostatak u nastavi matematike i instrumentima za procenu postignuća učenika. Uzorak učenika obuhvata petnaestogodišnjake, odnosno učenike prvog razreda iz četiri srednje škole u Beogradu. U kvalitativnom delu istraživanja učestvovalo je petnaest učenika, a u kvantitativnom trista sedamdeset i devet učenika. Uzorak škola je prigodan, a u svakoj školi su testirana cela odeljenja koja su nasumično izabrana. Uzorak zadataka čini šest problemskih matematičkih zadataka, od kojih su četiri preuzeta iz međunarodnog programa provere učeničkih postignuća (OECD/PISA), a dva su sastavili autori ovog rada. Zadaci su smešteni u realan kontekst i u skladu su sa uzrastom i iskustvima ispitanika. Zadaci testiraju različite matematičke kompetencije i graduirani su po kompleksnosti. Analizom sadržaja verbalnih iskaza učenika tokom rešavanja zadataka izdvojili su se sledeći problemi koji čine strategije rešavanja neefikasnim: (1) Izbor relevantnih podataka - pokazalo se da su učenici imali pogrešna očekivanja da svi dati podaci moraju da se upotrebe da bi se došlo do rešenja; (2) Čitanje slikom datih podataka - slika je ometala proces rešavanja zadataka na sledeće načine: pogrešno interpretiranje slike, pogrešno interpretiranje zbog nejasnoće u grafičkom prikazu podataka, proveravanje i upoređivanje podataka koji su dati slikom i tekstom, što dovodi do usporavanja procesa rešavanja zadatka; (3) Povezivanje različitih faza u rešavanju zadatka - pokazalo se a učenici pokušavaju da direktno dođu do rešenja bez prethodne analize raspoloživih podataka; (4) Predstavljanje, shemom ili na mentalnom planu, podataka o prostornom rasporedu objekata. Na osnovu uočenih problema, intervenisali smo u zadacima tako da se izbegnu tipične greške ili pomogne učenicima u prelasku na naredne faze rešavanja problema. Za svaki zadatak formulisane su dve olakšane verzije: B verzija, u kojoj je dat direktniji prikaz podataka, i C verzija, u kojoj se učenici navode na prvi korak u rešavanju zadatka za potrebe ovog rada prikazane su analize koje se odnose na problemski zadatak iz oblasti verovatnoće u kojem su podaci dati grafikom. U kvalitativnom delu istraživanja se pokazalo da većina učenika zna za pojam verovatnoće, iako se sa tim pojmom nisu susreli u školi, i prevode ga pojmovima 'šansa' ili 'mogućnost'. Taj pojam je toliko prirodan učenicima da neki nisu ni znali da u školi nisu učili ništa o verovatnoći. Rezultati kvantitativnog dela istraživanja pokazuju da je veći problem učenicima da podele problem u faze nego sam koncept verovatnoće. Jasno je da ovaj koncept treba na jedan naivan način mnogo ranije izučavati u školi, a najviše zbog velikog značaja koji verovatnoća i statistika igraju u savremenom društvu. Statističko-verovatnosni koncepti se danas ubrajaju u opšteobrazovne, i skoro da nema poslova gde se za prijem ne rade testovi koji sadrže probleme iz ove oblasti. Problem manjka verovatnoće i statistike u nastavi matematike u Srbiji je sistemski i biće bolje za nastavu matematike ako se ovi koncepti uskoro nađu u nižim razredima osnovne škole. Problemi iz verovatnoće i statistike su po svojoj prirodi realistični i mogu u velikoj meri inspirisati učenike. Osim toga, poznavanje osnovnih statističkih koncepata proširuje učenicima mogućnosti za istraživački rad, ne samo iz predmeta matematika već i u drugim oblastima. Nalazi istraživanja mogli bi da imaju implikacije i na sistemska rešenja koja se primenjuju u obrazovanju, ali i na svakodnevnu nastavnu praksu. Inoviranje programa inicijalnog obrazovanja nastavnika matematike, kao i programa kurikuluma za osnovne i srednje škole, trebalo bi da ide u pravcu podržavanja nastavničkih kompetencija za problemsku i projektno organizovanu nastavu kojom bi se podržali viši oblici mišljenja kod učenika. U očekivanju promena na sistemskom nivou moguće je unaprediti i svakodnevni rad u učionici tako što bi se kroz problemske zadatke i kooperativni rad učenika na njima postigao viši stepen angažovanja učenika u nastavi, podigao kvalitet nastave i unapredila obrazovna postignuća učenika u oblasti matematike. The basic research question dealt with in this study is how to identify the main obstacles that students encounter in solving tasks in mathematics in order to define typical steps in mastering the mathematical skills needed for solving the applied tasks. In conceptual terms, this study is situated into the contemporary definition of mathematical literacy as a competence that allows the individual to understand the world in which he/she lives, and makes him/her qualified to make informed decisions (e.g. OECD / PISA). This research had two phases. Study was divided into two phases, both of them included sample of first-grade high school students, which is consistent with the PISA criteria for determining sample. During students' individual or interactive work on tasks, their comments were collected as qualitative data in order to determine the ways in which students make mistakes, what are the difficulties encountered if the tasks are placed in a realistic context, and to determine which of these errors and problems are typical. Content analysis of students' verbal communication during task solving served to extract the problems that make solving strategies ineffective. In the second (quantitative) phase of our research, we tested if they could be used as a clear diagnosis that indicates a systemic deficiency in the teaching of mathematics and instruments for assessing student achievement. The sample consisted of 379 first grade students of Belgrade high schools. The results show that the concept of probability is intuitively close to the students' experience. Narrative rather than a graphical display of data is more efficient support in problem solving. Suggesting step-by-stepapproach to problem solving significantly increases performance. Recommendation for teaching practice is to introduce the concept of probability at earlier school ages and to integrate it with other themes in mathematics. Problem-solving strategies should be developed through active teaching of mathematics, in particular the skills of subdivision of a problem into stages.
- Published
- 2015
32. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Bjekić, Dragana, Čaprić, Gordana M., Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Bjekić, Dragana, and Čaprić, Gordana M.
- Abstract
Education quality is reflected in the level of youth capacity building which is based on the development of competences and skills needed for personal growth and active participation in the society today. Countries that support social inclusion, equality, employment, innovation and competitiveness are focussed on assuring quality education for their citizens. The way to improve education quality, especially at the school level, is therefore one of the key themes in educational psychology, but it is also a foudation for a large number of educational reforms which are continuously implemented. As from 2000 quality assurance mechanisms have been developed in Serbia on the basis of clearly defined standards and procedures of evaluation which serve the purpose of continuous improvement of the system or educational institution development (i.e. internal and external school evaluation, professional teacher development, etc.). These are implemented in order to assure quality of school practices and to provide better teaching and learning quality which enable students to reach higher educational achievements. Although there are numerous research studies on how teaching and learning quality can be improved at the school level, current findings leave many issues open (i.e. how the teacher(s) and the school contribute improvement of teaching and learning quality; how the school features contribute students’ success and how specific intervention features may contribute the latter; to what extent cooperation and horizontal learning within the school are important for the improvement of teaching and learning quality and students' achievements, etc.). All these factors create a foundation for a study which explores their joint application and the impact on school development and students' achievements, as well as the conditions under which they become effective. x The paper describes the conducted research study whose aim was to determine how external evaluation affects school impr
- Published
- 2016
33. School-level facilitators of inclusive education: the case of Serbia.
- Author
Pavlović Babić, Dragica, Simić, Nataša, and Friedman, Eben
- Subjects
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FACILITATORS (Persons) , *INCLUSIVE education , *EDUCATION , *QUALITATIVE research , *EDUCATION policy - Abstract
Relying on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factors that contribute to effective implementation of inclusive education. We also explored how government policy, with emphasis on individual education plans, school teams, Roma assistants and inter-sectorial committees, is implemented at the school level. Qualitative data were collected from various informants (students, parents, teachers, school associates, Roma assistants and local community representatives) in five schools selected on the basis of regional distribution and success in supporting diverse student needs. Two core categories of school-level facilitators were generated: inclusive practices and inclusive culture. Within the first category, which refers to concrete actions and relationships in the school and local community, five themes emerged: individualisation and use of individual education plans; cooperation between teachers and school inclusive education expert team; cooperation with internal and external specialists; cooperation with parents, and cooperation with the local community. The second category, which reflects beliefs, values and implicit school norms, was further divided into five subcategories: willingness for life-long learning; proactive stance; sense of teamwork; sophisticated personal philosophies of development and learning; and acceptance of difference. We concluded that successful schools have developed into professional learning communities. Finally, recommendations for improving relevant practices were provided. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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34. Reading habits of secondary school students in Serbia
- Author
Krnjaić, Zora, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Subjects
čitalačke navike ,srednjoškolci ,press ,slobodno vreme ,internet ,secondary school students ,reading habits ,free time ,štampa - Abstract
U okviru istraživačke studije o slobodnom vremenu, interesovanjima, kulturnim potrebama i navikama srednjoškolaca posebno su ispitivane njihove čitalačke navike. Cilj rada je da sagledamo čitalačke navike srednjoškolaca koje se ispoljavaju u različitim medijima, pre svega, kroz čitanje knjiga, ali i kroz čitanje štampe i korišćenje interneta i da utvrdimo njihovu povezanost. Istraživanje je izvršeno na osnovu upitnika na uzorku od 2426 učenika iz 26 srednjih škola iz devet gradova u Srbiji. Rezultati o razvijenosti čitalačkih navika naših srednjoškolaca govore da: 12% učenika ne čita; 21% čita samo obaveznu lektiru; 40% čita lektiru i ponekad knjige koje nisu obavezne; 20% čita lektiru, a često i druge knjige; a 7% su pasionirani čitaoci. Srednjoškolci nemaju formiranu naviku korišćenja usluga biblioteka, a najčešće čitaju popularnu literaturu i popularnu nauku. Najčitaniji tekstovi u štampi se odnose na razonodu i sport. Razvijenije čitalačke navike srednjoškolaca povezane su sa čitanjem rubrika koje se odnose na kulturu u dnevnim novinama, čitanje naučnopopularnih časopisa i korišćenje edukativnih kompjuterskih softvera. Pedagoške implikacije rada ukazuju da je neophodno razvijati čitalačke navike učenika kroz nastavu i učenje i podsticati učenike da koriste i knjige i savremene medije u saznajne svrhe. Within the research study about free time, interests, cultural needs and habits of secondary school students, their reading habits were studied in particular. The paper is aimed at exploring the reading habits of secondary school students, which are expressed through different media, first and foremost, through book reading, as well as through reading the press and using the internet, and to determine the connection between them. The research was conducted by means of a questionnaire on the sample of 2426 students from 26 secondary schools from nine Serbian towns. The results referring to the level of development of reading habits of our secondary school students indicate that: 12% of students do not read; 21% read only the required reading; 40% read the required reading and occasionally the books that are not required; 20% read the required reading and often other books as well; and 7% are passionate readers. Secondary school students do not have a formed habit of using library services and most frequently read popular literature and popular science. The most frequently read texts in the press refer to leisure and sports. More developed reading habits of secondary school students are related to reading the sections on culture in daily newspapers, reading popular science magazines and using educational software. Educational implications of the paper indicate that it is necessary to develop students' reading habits through teaching and learning and to encourage students to use both books and the modern media for learning purposes.
- Published
- 2011
35. Approaches to assessment of student academic achievements: A critical review
- Author
Kuzmanović, Dobrinka and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Subjects
student academic achievements ,psychometric assessment ,assessment ,autentično procenjivanje ,authentic assessment ,psihometrijsko procenjivanje ,procenjivanje ,obrazovna postignuća učenika - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada je uporedni prikaz i kritička analiza najvažnijih pristupa procenjivanju obrazovnih postignuća učenika, pre svega, klasičnog psihometrijskog i autentičnog procenjivanja. Razmatrani su: filozofsko-epistemološko polazište, priroda znanja, pedagoški diskurs, postupci procenjivanja, kao i potencijalne mogućnosti i ograničenja navedenih pristupa. Dat je sažet prikaz najvažnijih konceptualnih i metodoloških promena u oblasti procenjivanja obrazovnih postignuća učenika tokom poslednjih decenija XX veka. Savremeni pogled na procenjivanje implicira neizbežne promene u dosadašnjim pristupima i praksama procenjivanja, s pomeranjem fokusa na sam proces i kontekst procenjivanja, kao i na samoprocenjivanje kao deo procesa učenja. Umesto uobičajenog suprotstavljanja najvažnijih pristupa procenjivanju učeničkih postignuća, u radu se zastupa stanovište da svaki od njih, pod određenim uslovima, može doprineti formiranju što objektivnije i sveobuhvatnije slike o učeniku i njegovim potencijalima. This paper is aimed at providing a comparative overview and critical analysis of the most important approaches to the assessment of student academic achievements, first and foremost, the classic psychometric and authentic assessment. The following are discussed: philosophical/epistemological viewpoint, nature of knowledge, educational discourse, assessment procedures, as well as potential possibilities and limitations of the abovementioned approaches. We provide a concise overview of the most important conceptual and methodological changes in the field of assessment of student academic achievements during the last decades of the 20th century. The contemporary view of assessment implies inevitable changes in the assessment approaches and practices hitherto, shifting the focus to the very process and context of assessment, as well as to self-assessment as a part of learning process. Instead of the usual juxtaposition of the most important approaches to assessment of student achievements, we argue that each of them, under certain circumstances, can contribute to the formation of the image about the student and his/her potentials which would be as objective and comprehensive as possible.
- Published
- 2011
36. Solving mathematical problems in real context: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of achievement
- Author
Anić, Ivan and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Subjects
task solving strategies ,cognitive competencies ,program PISA ,kognitivne kompetencije ,problem solving ,rešavanje problema ,matematička pismenost ,maythematical literacy ,strategije rešavanja zadataka ,the PISA programme - Abstract
Osnovno istraživačko pitanje kojim se bavi ovaj rad je pitanje identifikovanja osnovnih prepreka na koje učenici nailaze pri rešavanju zadataka iz matematike, kako bi se definisali tipični koraci u ovladavanju matematičkim veštinama potrebnim za rešavanje primenjenih zadataka. U konceptualnom pogledu, rad je uklopljen u savremena određenja matematičke pismenosti kao kompetencije koja omogućava pojedincu da razume svet u kojem živi i da je osposobljen da donosi zasnovane odluke (npr. OECD/PISA). Istraživanje je realizovano u dve faze. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem, u uslovima individualnog ili interaktivnog rada na zadatku, nastojali smo da utvrdimo na koje načine učenici greše i na koje poteškoće nailaze pri rešavanju zadataka smeštenih u realan kontekst, kao i da utvrdimo koje su od tih grešaka i poteškoća tipične. Analizom sadržaja verbalnih iskaza učenika tokom rešavanja zadataka izdvojeni su problemi koji čine strategije rešavanja neefikasnim. Kvantitativnim istraživanjem proveravali smo u kojoj meri su greške i poteškoće ustanovljene u prethodnoj fazi tipične, što može biti jasan dijagnostički znak koji ukazuje na sistemski nedostatak u nastavi matematike i instrumentima za procenu postignuća učenika. Uzorak je činilo 379 učenika prvog razreda beogradskih srednjih škola. Rezultati pokazuju da se uklanjanjem suvišnog podatka iz matematičkog zadatka statistički značajno podiže uspešnost u rešavanju, što ukazuje na to da učenici uspešno rešavaju one zadatke u kojima su selektovani podaci koji su potrebni za predviđene matematičke procedure. Preporuka je da se nastavnom praksom podržava i razvija veština selekcije podataka - da se iz velikog broja raspoloživih podataka izdvoje samo oni koji su neophodni u procesu rešavanja zadataka. The basic research issue that this paper is dealing with relates to the question of identifying major obstacles the students meet when solving mathematical tasks, in order to define typical steps in acquiring mathematical skills necessary for solving applied tasks. Concetualization wise, our work is in accordance with contemporary definitions of mathematical literacy, seen as a competence which enables the individual to understand the world in which they live and to reach sound decisions (e.g. OECD, PISA). The research was conducted in two phases. By a qualitative research, in the conditions of individual and interactive work on the task, we tried to establish the ways in which the students make mistakes and the difficulties they encounter when solving the tasks situated in real context, as well as to determine which of these mistakes and difficulties are typical. By analyzing the students' verbal comments during the performance we singled out the problems which make the selected strategies inefficient. Using quantitative analysis we tried to establish which mistakes and difficulties, determined in the previous phase, are typical and might be taken as a clear diagnostic signal indicating a systemic lack in teaching mathematics and instruments for measuring students' achievements. The sample comprised 379 first-grade students from secondary schools in Belgrade. The results show that after removal of redundant data from a mathematical task successfulness in solving it increases statistically significantly, which indicates that students successfully solve those tasks which contain only selected data, necessary for the application of adequate mathematical procedures. Our suggestion is that teaching practice should support and develop the skill of data selection, i.e. from numerous data to select only those which are necessary in the process of task solving.
- Published
- 2011
37. Kako se može pospešiti uspešnost učenika u rešavanju matematičkih problema?
- Author
Anić, Ivan, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Anić, Ivan, and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Abstract
Osnovno istraživačko pitanje kojim se bavimo u ovom radu je pitanje identifikovanja pogrešnih strategija i osnovnih prepreka u rešavanju problemskih zadataka iz matematike, kako bi se definisale uspešne podrške u procesu rešavanja, a koje dovode do uspeha. Istraživanje je realizovano u dve faze. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem, u uslovima individualnog rada ili rada u paru na zadatku, nastojali smo da utvrdimo na koje načine učenici greše i na koje poteškoće nailaze pri rešavanju zadataka smeštenih u realan kontekst, kao i da se utvrdi koje od tih grešaka i poteškoća su tipične. Analizom sadržaja verbalnih iskaza učenika tokom rešavanja zadataka izdvojeni su problemi koji čine strategije rešavanja neefikasnim. Kvantitativnim istraživanjem proveravali smo u kojoj meri su greške i poteškoće ustanovljene u prethodnoj fazi tipične, što može biti jasan dijagnostički znak koji ukazuje na sistemski nedostatak u nastavi matematike i instrumentima za procenu postignuća učenika. Uzorak učenika obuhvata petnaestogodišnjake, odnosno učenike prvog razreda iz četiri srednje škole u Beogradu. U kvalitativnom delu istraživanja učestvovalo je petnaest učenika, a u kvantitativnom trista sedamdeset i devet učenika. Uzorak škola je prigodan, a u svakoj školi su testirana cela odeljenja koja su nasumično izabrana. Uzorak zadataka čini šest problemskih matematičkih zadataka, od kojih su četiri preuzeta iz međunarodnog programa provere učeničkih postignuća (OECD/PISA), a dva su sastavili autori ovog rada. Zadaci su smešteni u realan kontekst i u skladu su sa uzrastom i iskustvima ispitanika. Zadaci testiraju različite matematičke kompetencije i graduirani su po kompleksnosti. Analizom sadržaja verbalnih iskaza učenika tokom rešavanja zadataka izdvojili su se sledeći problemi koji čine strategije rešavanja neefikasnim: (1) Izbor relevantnih podataka - pokazalo se da su učenici imali pogrešna očekivanja da svi dati podaci moraju da se upotrebe da bi se došlo do rešenja; (2) Čitanje slikom datih, The basic research question dealt with in this study is how to identify the main obstacles that students encounter in solving tasks in mathematics in order to define typical steps in mastering the mathematical skills needed for solving the applied tasks. In conceptual terms, this study is situated into the contemporary definition of mathematical literacy as a competence that allows the individual to understand the world in which he/she lives, and makes him/her qualified to make informed decisions (e.g. OECD / PISA). This research had two phases. Study was divided into two phases, both of them included sample of first-grade high school students, which is consistent with the PISA criteria for determining sample. During students' individual or interactive work on tasks, their comments were collected as qualitative data in order to determine the ways in which students make mistakes, what are the difficulties encountered if the tasks are placed in a realistic context, and to determine which of these errors and problems are typical. Content analysis of students' verbal communication during task solving served to extract the problems that make solving strategies ineffective. In the second (quantitative) phase of our research, we tested if they could be used as a clear diagnosis that indicates a systemic deficiency in the teaching of mathematics and instruments for assessing student achievement. The sample consisted of 379 first grade students of Belgrade high schools. The results show that the concept of probability is intuitively close to the students' experience. Narrative rather than a graphical display of data is more efficient support in problem solving. Suggesting step-by-stepapproach to problem solving significantly increases performance. Recommendation for teaching practice is to introduce the concept of probability at earlier school ages and to integrate it with other themes in mathematics. Problem-solving strategies should be developed through active teaching of
- Published
- 2015
38. Reading literacy as a measure of the quality of education: Estimates based on PISA 2009 data
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica and Baucal, Aleksandar
- Subjects
kvalitet obrazovanja ,reading literacy ,čitalačka pismenost ,quality of education ,PISA - Abstract
Određenje čitalačke pismenosti u PISA studiji, slično kao i u drugim međunarodnim ispitivanjima veštine čitanja, stavlja naglasak na značaj čitanja za aktivnu participaciju u društvu, čime se promoviše sposobnost učenika da kritički razmatra pročitane informacije i koristi ih u različite svrhe. Ispitivanjem se utvrđivalo do koje mere je razvijena čitalačka pismenost petnaestogodišnjaka iz različitih zemalja, da li postoji napredovanje u odnosu na prethodne cikluse testiranja, koliko su razvijene pojedine komponente pismenosti, kao i kakva je raspodela učenika po nivoima čitalačke pismenosti. Uzorak obuhvata mlade čiji je kalendarski uzrast 15 godina, bez obzira na razred u kojem se nalaze u trenutku ispitivanja. Ispitivanje je izvršeno u 190 škola, a ukupno je ispitano 5.523 učenika. Dobijeni podaci pokazuju da je prosečno postignuće učenika iz Srbije u domenu čitalačke pismenosti i dalje ispod proseka u odnosu na postignuće učenika iz OECD zemalja, ali i da su rezultati značajno bolji u odnosu na 2006. godinu. Najveće promene između dva ciklusa testiranja desile su se na nižim nivoima čitalačke pismenosti, što ukazuje na to da je nastava u školama dominantno predavačka i usmerena ka usvajanju akademskih znanja. Ostvareni napredak u prosečnom skoru na skali čitalačke pismenosti može se posmatrati kao rezultat većeg angažovanja i veće motivacije i učenika, i nastavnika, i resornog ministarstva u okviru PISA 2009 studije nego što je to bio slučaj 2006. godine, kao i opštim društvenim kontekstom u kojem su se školovali ispitivani učenici. . The definition of reading literacy in the PISA study, similar to other international studies of reading, emphasizes the importance of reading for active participation in society, thereby promoting the ability of students to critically analyze information and use it for different purposes. The study examined the level of reading literacy in fifteen-year-old students in different countries, whether there was progress compared to previous cycles of testing, the development of the individual literacy components, and the distribution of students by levels of reading literacy. The sample included fifteen-year-old students, regardless of the grade they had attended at the time of testing. The study was conducted in 190 schools, with the total of 5,523 students tested. The data show that the average achievement of students in Serbia in the domain of reading literacy is still below average compared to the achievement of students from OECD countries, but the results were significantly higher when compared to 2006. The most conspicuous change between two cycles of testing occurred at lower achieving levels of reading literacy, which indicates that the dominant way of teaching in schools is through traditional lectures and oriented towards the adoption of academic knowledge. The progress achieved in the average score for reading literacy scale can be seen as a result of greater involvement and greater motivation of students and teachers, the more apparent support of officials in the PISA 2009 study than in 2006 study, as well as a result of substantial changes in general social context in which students were educated. .
- Published
- 2010
39. The analysis of actual and symbolic models of secondary school students in Serbia
- Author
Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, and Krnjaić, Zora
- Subjects
uzori ,symbolic models ,role models ,srednjoškolci ,modeli ,secondary school students ,actual models ,idoli - Abstract
U radu je ispitivano na koga se ugledaju srednjoškolci u Srbiji. U adolescenciji dolazi do postepenog odvajanja od roditeljskih figura i modeli ponašanja postaju druge osobe. Zato je srednjoškolska populacija zanimljiva za istraživanje ove vrste, posebno kada se ima u vidu da modeli deluju na socijalni aspekt, ali i na druge aspekte razvoja. Ispitivani su modeli iz sfere privatnog (uzori) i javnog života (idoli). Osnovni cilj bio je da se utvrdi ko su uzori i idoli srednjoškolaca, i zbog čega se oni ugledaju na njih. Na osnovu podataka o uzorima srednjoškolaca moguće je identifikovati ko su značajne osobe u njihovom okruženju i zašto su im važne. Podaci o kategorijama u koje se mogu svrstati idoli i o njihovoj zastupljenosti u istraživanjima ove vrste predstavljaju pokazatelj vrednosnog sistema mladih. Uzorak čini 2426 učenika iz 26 škola iz devet gradova u Srbiji. Uzori i idoli ispitivani su odvojenim pitanjima, u kojima su učenici navodili do tri osobe iz privatnog i javnog života na koje se ugledaju. Uzore navodi 53,9% učenika. Najčešći uzor su majke. Približno polovina ispitanika (49,3%) ima idole među javnim ličnostima. Idoli su najčešće iz sveta estrade. Rezultati pokazuju da roditeljske figure ostaju modeli ponašanja i u adolescenciji. Podaci o kategorijama idola govore o okrenutosti mladih ka svetu zabave i ukazuju na slabo delovanje škole kao potencijalnog izvora modela iz sveta nauke i kulture koji promovišu saznajne vrednosti. This paper deals with role models of secondary school students in Serbia. In the course of adolescence, there is a gradual separation from parental figures, and other persons become role models for behavior. For that reason, secondary school population is of interest when analyzing this phenomenon, particularly bearing in mind that role models influence not only social, but also other aspects of development. We analyzed role models from students' personal (actual models) and public life (symbolic models). The main aim was to determine who their actual and symbolic models are, and why secondary school students look up to them. Based on the data on secondary school students' actual models, it is possible to identify who important persons from their milieu are and why they are important to them. The data about the categories in which symbolic models can be divided, as well as about their occurrence, indicate the young people's system of values in these analyses. The sample comprises 2426 students from 26 schools in 9 Serbian towns. Actual and symbolic models were examined in separate questions, where students were asked to name up to three people from their private life or the world of celebrities that they look up to. 53,9% of students named their actual models, the most common being their mothers. Nearly half the examinees (49,3%) stated their symbolic models are public figures. Most symbolic models are from the world of show-business. The results show that parental figures remain the models of behavior throughout adolescence. The data about the categories of symbolic models show the young are drawn to the world of entertainment and indicate a weak role of schools as a potential source of models in the fields of science and culture who would promote cognitive values.
- Published
- 2009
40. Faktori napredovanja na testu čitalačke pismenosti: predstave o znanju i karakteristike školskog konteksta
- Author
Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Petrović, Danijela, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Trebješanin, Biljana, Jovanović, Vitomir P., Baucal, Aleksander, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Petrović, Danijela, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Trebješanin, Biljana, and Jovanović, Vitomir P.
- Abstract
Osnovni cilj ovog rada je a) da se identifikuje s tepen povezanosti merenih faktora sa napredovanjem učenika na testu čitalačke pismenosti i b) da se utvrde i opišu karakteristike onih škola čiji učenici napreduju više i manje u odnosu na očekivanje formirano na osnovu regresione prave prosečnog socio-ekonomskog statusa učenika je dne škole i prosečnog napredovanja učenika te škole na testu čitalačke pismenosti koncipiranim u okviru PISA studije i da se na osnovu rezultata formulišu mere obrazovne politike koje mogu povećati postignuća načih učenika. U teorijskom delu rada opisani su faktori koji su uticali na promenu paradigme u merenju obrazovnih ishoda u psihologijji obrazovanja i koji su doveli do korišćenja konceptualizacije obrazovnih ishoda merenih na način kako je to urađe no u ovoj studiji. Ovi faktori su kategorisani u dve grupe: 1) u grupu onih uticaja koji su došli iz same nauke na osnovu empirijskih i teorijskih proučavanja, kao što su silaženje sa scene logičkog pozitivizma u psihologiji najvidljivije kroz pad bihejviorizma i uspon kognitivističkih, socijalno-kognitivističkih i konstruktivističkih teorija učenja, a zatim i razvijanje kompleksnih statističkih tehnika za konstrukciju psiholoških testova (IRT) 2) u grupu onih uticaja koji nisu došli iz same nauke već su posledica različitih političkih, demografskih i ekonomskih promena, kao što su npr. javljanje praksi testiranja, uticaj globalizacije i razvoj savremenih tehnologija. Prikazan je referentni okvir PISA studije i čitalačke pismenosti u okviru nje, kao i konceptualne, empirijske i teorijske kritike na račun PISA studije kao i kontraargumenti u prilog svrsishodnosti ovakvog načina merenja obrazovnih postignuća učenika. Na osnovu više teorijskih modela uspešne škole, kao što je to OECD-ov model uspešne škole, model decentralizovane (autonomne) škole i dinamički model efektivne škole, kreiran je referentni okvir za kvalitativnu analizu koja je koriščena u fazi identifikacije karakteristika uspeš, The main goal of this research is a) to identify the correlation between the measured factors with the progress of students in reading literacy test, and b) to a provide description of the characteristics of those schools whose students achieve more and achieve less compared to the expectations formed on the basis of regression line between average socio-economic status of school and average student progress in school reading literacy test set up in the PISA study. In the theoretical part of the paper there are described factors that influenced the shift of paradigm in the measurement of educational outcomes in educational psychology and that led to the use of conceptualizations of educational outcomes as they are measured in this study. These factors of influence are categorized into two groups: 1) in the group that have came out of the science on the basis of empirical and theoretical studies, as descent of logical positivism in psychology most evident through the fall of behaviorism and rise of cognitive psychology and social-constructivistic learning theories, as well as development of complex statistical techniques for the construction of psychological tests (IRT) 2) in the group of influences that did not come from science per se, but are consequences of different political, demographic and economic changes, such astesting practices, the impact of globalization and the development of new technology. Referent framework is presented for PISA reading literacy studies and within it, there are presented conceptual, empirical and theoretical criticisms of the PISA studies and counter-arguments in favor of the usefulness of this method in measuring student achievement as well. Based on several theoretical models of successful schools, such as the OECD's model of successful schools, decentralized model of autonomous school and a dynamic model of effective schools, framework for qualitative analysis is created, which is used in the process of identifying the characteri
- Published
- 2014
41. Nastavničke brige i načini njihovog prevazilaženja
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač Cerović, Tinde, Rajović, Vera, Simić, Nataša M., Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač Cerović, Tinde, Rajović, Vera, and Simić, Nataša M.
- Abstract
Predmet ovog istraživanja bile su nastavničke brige, definisane kao teme koje su od interesa za nastavnika, izazivajući bilo negativna, bilo pozitivna osećanja, a u vezi sa kojima nastavnik namerava da uloži određen napor da ih razume i/ili razreši. Glavni cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi koje to profesionalne brige doživljavaju budući nastavnici, pripravnici i nastavnici predmetne nastave sa više godina radnog iskustva, kao i na koje načine pokušavaju da prevaziđu te brige, odnosno koje spoljašnje i lične resurse koriste prilikom njihovog prevazilaženja. Oslanjajući se na razvojni model briga Frensis Fuler i njenih sledbenika, prema kojima se različite brige javjaju u različitim fazama profesionalnog razvoja, nastojala sam i da utvrdim da li postoje razlike u brigama, pa i strategijama prevazilaženja između studenata, pripravnika i nastavnika. Još jedan od ciljeva bio je utvrditi na koji način su motivacija za bavljenje poslom nastavnika i ciljevi koje oni nastoje (ili bi nastojali) da ostvare u radu sa učenicima povezani sa brigama i strategijama njihovog prevazilaženja u svakoj od tri grupe ispitanika. Budući da sam se interesovala za lična i grupna značenja i razmevanju iskustva ispitanika u svoj njegovoj kompleksnosti, a da se u našoj sredini do sada nisu ispitivale nastavničke brige i strategije prevazilaženja tih briga, odlučila sam se za interpretativnu paradigmu i kvalitativnu metodlogiju. Svrsishodnim uzorkovanjem, a u skladu sa principom maksimalne varijacije, obavljeno je 57 polustrukturisanih konstruktivističkih intervjua – 19 sa studentima završnih godina takozvanih „nastavničkih“ fakulteta, odnosno potencijalnim budućim nastavnicima predmetne nastave, 16 sa pripravnicima, odnosno nastavnicima predmetne nastave u osnovnim školama sa najviše dve godine radnog iskustva, i 22 sa nastavnicima predmetne nastave iz osnovnih škola sa više od pet godina radnog iskustva. Podaci su interpretirani primenom kombinacije utemeljene teorije i kvalitativne analize sa, This research looked at teacher concerns, defined as topics that are of interest for teachers, causing both positive and negative emotions, issues that a teacher intends to put effort in, so to understand and/or resolve them. The main goal of the research was to determine what professional concerns experience student teachers, novices and subject teachers with several years of work experience, as well as to discover the coping mechanisms, i.e. personal and external resources which are employed in order to overcome them. Relying on the developmental model of teachers concerns of Francis Fuller and her followers, according to which different concerns appear at different stages of professional development, I was striving to determine whether there were differences in concerns and coping strategies between student teachers, novices and in-service teachers. Additional goal was to find out in which way motivation for teaching and goals planned to be achieved with students are related to concerns and coping mechanisms in all three groups of participants. Since I was interested in personal and group meanings and understanding of participants’ experience in all its complexity, and since there were no studies dealing with teacher concerns and means of overcoming them in Serbia hitherto, I opted for interpretative paradigm and qualitative methodology. Applying purposive sampling, in line with the principle of maximal variation, 57 semi-structured constructivist interviews were conducted – 19 with the students finishing their studies at the “teacher faculties”, i.e. potential prospective subject teachers, 16 with the novices, i.e. subject teachers working in primary schools, with less than two years of work experience, and 22 with subject teachers working in primary schools, with more than five years of work experience at school. Data was interpreted by applying combination of grounded theory and qualitative content analysis, more specifically – thematic and evaluative analysis
- Published
- 2014
42. Heuristike za maksimizaciju informacione vrednosti računarskih testova znanja
- Author
Tenjović, Lazar, Knežević, Milan, Božić, Milan, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Trivić, Dragica, Verbić, Srđan, Tenjović, Lazar, Knežević, Milan, Božić, Milan, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Trivić, Dragica, and Verbić, Srđan
- Abstract
Informaciona vrednost testa znanja definisana je kao mera preciznosti određivanja traženih svojstava testa ili osobina ispitanika. Kako informaciona vrednost testa nije jednoznačna već zavisi od konkretnih ciljeva i zadataka ispitivanja, mogući načini maksimizacije informacione vrednosti opisivani su u kontekstu testiranja različite namene. Kod sumativnih testova, čiji je jedini cilj određivanje postignuća, informaciona vrednost testa je sadržana u Fišerovoj informacionoj funkciji. Za testove koji se rade kao probni, dijagnostički ili formativni, nema informacione funkcije koja bi jednoznačno odredila informacionu vrednost testa. Za takve testove informacionu vrednost u svakom konkretnom slučaju određujemo numerički, pre svega korišćenjem simulacija odgovora na testove znanja. Cilj istraživanja prikazanog u ovoj disertaciji je određivanje uslova pod kojim računarski testovi znanja omogućavaju nepristrasno i precizno procenjivanje znanja, odnosno šta i koliko ispitanici znaju, kao i razmatranje mogućih dopunskih izvora podataka o ponašanju ispitanika, posebno vremena odgovora na pitanje, kao i različitih načina obrade podataka dobijenih testiranjem. Ova disertacija kroz sekundarnu analizu četiri računarska testa znanja i mnoštvo simulacija vrednuje niz heuristika koje bi mogle da budu praktične smernice za pripremu, razvoj i proveru računarskih testova znanja. Korišćenjem simulacija odgovora za četiri tipa testa, upoređivana je informaciona vrednost testova koju dobijamo korišćenjem različitih modela analize odgovora i metoda procene postignuća. Rezultati simulacija otkrivaju da svi klasični i IRT modeli pokazuju pristrasnost u procenjivanju parametara stavki, ali da se u velikoj meri slažu kada se procenjuje postignuće ili mesto ispitanika na rang-listi. Analizom tipičnog načina selekcije pitanja na osnovu diskriminativnosti na probnom testu procenjen je najmanji broj ispitanika na kojem pouzdano možemo da uočimo pitanja koja imaju loše metrijske karakteristike. Vre, Information value of a knowledge test is defined as a measure of tests’ and examinees’ characteristics estimation precision. Since the information value of a test is not unique, but depends on specific examination goals, possible ways of information value maximization are described in contexts of various testing goals. For summative tests, whose primary goal is to estimated student’s achievement, the information value of a knowledge test is contained in Fisher information function. Information function as a measure of information value is not applicable for trial, diagnostic, or formative tests. For such tests and specific testing goals, information value can be numerically calculated, mostly through usage of test response simulations. Goal of research presented in this dissertation is to determine conditions that enable unbiased and precise knowledge estimation through computer tests, i.e. to determine what and how much students know, as well as to discuss possibilities to engage additional sources of information about students’ behavior, especially item response time, as well as various ways of testing data analysis. This dissertation, through the analysis of four computer tests and many test simulations, evaluates an array of heuristics, which could give practical recommendations for preparation, development, and review of computer knowledge tests. Using test response simulations for four test types, comparisons of tests’ information value is made for several models of analysis and methods of achievement estimation. Simulations’ results reveal that all examined classic and IRT models show bias in estimation of item parameters, while, on the other hand, all of them show high consistency in estimation of students’ achievement or ranking. Also, the least number of examinees necessary for determination of poor item metric characteristics is estimated using simulations of typical selection method based on item discrimination coefficient. Item response time is systemat
- Published
- 2014
43. Uticaj pedagoških koncepcija nastavnika na nastavni proces
- Author
Baucal, Aleksander, Šefer, Jasmina, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, Radišić, Jelena, Baucal, Aleksander, Šefer, Jasmina, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Kovač-Cerović, Tinde, and Radišić, Jelena
- Abstract
Studija ispituje povezanost izmeĊu uvjerenja (koncepcija) nastavnika o nastavi i uĉenju i njihovih aktivnosti unutar uĉionice; tj. u kojoj mjeri su svakodnevne aktivnosti u uĉionici pod uticajem uvjerenja nastavnika o procesu nastave i uĉenja, te koje su mogućnosti uĉenika za uĉenje u svjetlu tih vjerovanja. Da bismo istraţili ovaj problem osmišljena je studija korišćenjem istraţivaĉkog nacrta mješovitog tipa, sekvencijalno eksplanatorne kategorije. U istraţivanju je uĉestvovalo 96 nastavnika srednjih škola iz Beograda (nastavnici srpskog jezika i matematike). Razliĉiti tipovi nastavnika s obzirom na njihova uvjerenja i dominantne prakse rada izdvojeni su na osnovu sledećih instrumenata: Lista uvjerenja nastavnika, Skala samoefikasnosti nastavnika (Teachers‟ Sense of Efficacy Scale - kratka forma) i Lista praksi nastavnika. Na prvom instrumentu su izdvojene dvije znaĉajne dimenzije „moderan“ i „tradicionalan“ nastavnik, zadovoljavajućih pouzdanosti (0.866 i 0.820). Na skali samoefikasnosti izdvojene su dimenzije koje govore o doţivljaju nastavnika koliko uspješno motiviše i podstiĉe uĉenike i koliko uspješno ostvaruje disciplinu na ĉasu; pouzdanost 0.836 i 0.747. Skalom praksi izdvojeno je tri seta praksi prisutnih u radu tokom školske godine usmjerene na: participaciju uĉenika, struktuaciju aktivnosti na ĉasu i stvaranje dobre atmosfere (pouzdanost od 0.743 do 0.812). Klaster analizom je na osnovu pomenutih dimenzija izdvojeno ĉetiri tipa nastavnika: (1) “laissez faire” (eklektiĉan pristup nastavi, odsustvo praksi usmjerenih na strukturiranje aktivnosti i stvaranje atmosfere uz nizak doţivljaj sposobnosti ostvarivanja discipline), (2) “tradicionalni” (odsustvo praksi usmjerenih na participaciju uĉenika i stvaranje atmosfere, uvjerenje da je nastavnik taj koji prenosi znanje i tradicionalniji pristup nastavi), (3) “tradicionalni sa dobrom atmosferom” (struktuira aktivnosti na ĉasu, ulaţe u atmosferu, visok doţivljaj samoefikasnosti u vezi sa disciplinom) i (4) “mode, The research focuses on teachers‟ beliefs on teaching and learning exploring how everyday classroom activities and practices are affected by these beliefs and expectations and what learning possibilities for the students in the light of those beliefs are therefore created. Study employs a sequential explanatory mixed methods research design involving a sample of 96 upper secondary teachers teaching mathematics and Serbian language and literature. To identify teachers‟ beliefs we employed three Likert type questionnaires (Teachers‟ beliefs scale, Teachers‟ Sense of Efficacy Scale and Teachers‟ practices list). Basic dimensions around which teachers‟ beliefs on teaching and learning could be organized are identified by the factor analysis. In total seven dimensions were derived (reliabilities from 0.743 to 0.866) which were then used in a cluster analysis to distinguish among different types of teachers in respect to their reported beliefs and dominant practices in the classroom. Four groups of teachers were distinguished: (1) “laissez faire” (eclectic approach to teaching, absence of structuring and creating atmosphere practices with experience of low capacity in maintaining discipline); (2) “traditional” (absence of participating and creating atmosphere practices, more traditional approach to teaching); (3) “traditional stressing atmosphere” (structures activities in class, stresses atmosphere, experience of high capacity in maintaining discipline) and (4) “modern” (creates atmosphere, stresses students‟ participation, more modern approach to teaching). Qualitative methods (videotaping of classroom interaction and interviews) have been made with each of the selected type representative to deepen the understanding of reported teacher practices and meaning that is prescribed to each. All videotaped interactions have been transcribed using conversational analysis approach. Classes have been analyzed from two different aspects; interactional patterns ongoing in class be
- Published
- 2013
44. Razvojni efekat simetrične vršnjačke interakcije tokom početnog ovladavanja čitalačkom pismenošću
- Author
Baucal, Aleksander, Lalović, Dejan, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Trebješanin, Biljana, Buđevac, Nevena, Baucal, Aleksander, Lalović, Dejan, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Trebješanin, Biljana, and Buđevac, Nevena
- Abstract
Rad se bavi mogućnostima podsticanja razvoja čitalačke pismenosti kroz simetričnu vršnjačku interakciju. Čitalačka pismenost jedna je od ključnih kompetencija, kako za akademski uspeh, tako i da produktivno učešće u savremenom društvu, zbog čega se smatra osnovnim sredstvom obrazovanja i individualnog razvoja. Nadovezujući se na dosadašnje nalaze o razvojnoj delotvornosti simetrične vršnjačke interakcije (interakcije u koju svi učesnici ulaze bez kompetencije potrebne da reše zadatak sa kojim su suočeni), ova studija proširuje saznanja o njenim efektima na domen razvoja čitalačke pismenosti. S obzirom na značajnu ulogu prvih godina školovanja u ovladavanju čitanjem, ovo istraživanje fokusira se na decu prvog i četvrtog razreda. Osim toga, dosadašnji nalazi o delotvornosti simetrične vršnjačke interakcije ne nude direktne podatke o njenim efektima na uzrastima na kojima proces decentracije nije završen, što je bio dodatan motiv da se bavimo ulogom ovog vida interakcije u razvoju novih kompetencija na pomenutim uzrastima. Ciljevi rada bili su: (1) da se ispita na koji način deca, kroz zajedničku aktivnost u simetričnoj interakciji, mogu razvijati čitalačku pismenost; (2) da se proveri da li se i na koji način čitalačka pismenost može unapređivati kroz simetričnu interakciju i na uzrastima na kojima proces decentracije još uvek nije završen; (3) da se omogući uvid u teškoće sa kojima se deca suočavaju tokom početnih faza ovladanja čitanjem i utvrdi da li se one mogu ublažiti kroz ovaj tip vršnjačke interakcije..., The study is addressing the topic of reading literacy development through symmetrical peer interaction. Reading literacy is treated as one of the key competencies influencing academic success as well a s efficient participation in modern society. For that reason it is considered as an important tool in education and individual development. In continuation with previous results concerning the effectiveness of symmetrical peer interaction (an interaction which all the participants enter without a competence needed to complete the task they are faced with) this study broadens our knowledge about its effects on reading literacy development. Having in mind the importance of the first few years of education for the reading skills development, the research focuses on firstJ and fourthJgraders. Besides that, preceding results about symmetrical interaction effects do not offer direct data about its effectiveness at the ages before the decentration process is over, which was the additional motive to look at the role of this interaction type in the new competence development at the aforementioned ages. The aims of this study were: (1) to explore if (and in which way) children can develop reading literacy skills through joint activity within symmetrical interaction; (2) to check if reading literacy can develop through symmetrical interaction at the ages before the decentration process is finished; (3) to look at the difficulties children are faced with during the starting phases of reading literacy development and to investigate if they can be reduced through this kind of interaction...
- Published
- 2013
45. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Maćešić-Petrović, Dragana, Matejić-Đuričić, Zorica, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra, Maćešić-Petrović, Dragana, Matejić-Đuričić, Zorica, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, and Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
- Abstract
This paper is engage in issues the properties of motivational factors in the process of mastering of natural and social contents in school. The overall objective of this research relates to the determination of the connection between factors which are the sources of motivation and academic performance of students with mild intellectual disabilities to acquire the syllabus of the subject of the nature of society. Student sample of this study includes 120 respondents of both sexes. Criteria for selection included following: IQ characteristic for students with mild intellectual disability, which ranged from 51 to 69, with calendar age from 12 to 15 years and 11 months (for each year were examined thirty children), school age which involved students from fifth to eighth grade (for each class were examined thirty students), and the absence of neurological, psychiatric, sensory, expressed emotional and multiple disturbance. In this study, the following instruments were used: Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire) (Deci, Hodges, Pierson, & Tomassone, 1992), Prosocial Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Ryan and Connell, 1989), Social Status of the Family Questionnaire (Đigić, 2007), The Problems in Schools Questionnaire (PIS), Deci, Schwartz, Sheinman, & Ryan, 1981), Perceptions of Parents Scales (Grolnick, Deci , & Ryan, 1997) and Criterion Test of Knowledge for Subject of Nature and Society, which is specifically designed for this research. There were presented the results of explorative study for basic characteristics of students motivation, then the quality of curricular content for subject of nature and society ,and the type of connection of motivational variables (academic self-regulation, prosocial self-regulation, teacher support, parental support and socio-economic and cultural status of the family) with the relevant variables of school achievement Summary (mastering subject of nature and society is presented in five areas - geography, biology, history, physics, and c
- Published
- 2013
46. Role factors of motivation in mastering of content Nature and society in children with mild intellectual disability
- Author
Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra, Maćešić-Petrović, Dragana, Matejić-Đuričić, Zorica, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra, Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra, Maćešić-Petrović, Dragana, Matejić-Đuričić, Zorica, Japundža-Milisavljević, Mirjana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, and Đurić-Zdravković, Aleksandra
- Abstract
This paper is engage in issues the properties of motivational factors in the process of mastering of natural and social contents in school. The overall objective of this research relates to the determination of the connection between factors which are the sources of motivation and academic performance of students with mild intellectual disabilities to acquire the syllabus of the subject of the nature of society. Student sample of this study includes 120 respondents of both sexes. Criteria for selection included following: IQ characteristic for students with mild intellectual disability, which ranged from 51 to 69, with calendar age from 12 to 15 years and 11 months (for each year were examined thirty children), school age which involved students from fifth to eighth grade (for each class were examined thirty students), and the absence of neurological, psychiatric, sensory, expressed emotional and multiple disturbance. In this study, the following instruments were used: Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire) (Deci, Hodges, Pierson, & Tomassone, 1992), Prosocial Self-Regulation Questionnaire (Ryan and Connell, 1989), Social Status of the Family Questionnaire (Đigić, 2007), The Problems in Schools Questionnaire (PIS), Deci, Schwartz, Sheinman, & Ryan, 1981), Perceptions of Parents Scales (Grolnick, Deci , & Ryan, 1997) and Criterion Test of Knowledge for Subject of Nature and Society, which is specifically designed for this research. There were presented the results of explorative study for basic characteristics of students motivation, then the quality of curricular content for subject of nature and society ,and the type of connection of motivational variables (academic self-regulation, prosocial self-regulation, teacher support, parental support and socio-economic and cultural status of the family) with the relevant variables of school achievement Summary (mastering subject of nature and society is presented in five areas - geography, biology, history, physics, and c, Ovaj rad se bavi pitanjima svojstva motivacionih činilaca u procesu školskog savladavanja prirodnih i društvenih sadržaja. Opšti cilj ovog istraživanja se odnosi na utvrđivanje povezanosti faktora koji čine izvore motivacije i školskog postignuća učenika s lakom intelektualnom ometenošću u savladavanju programskih sadržaja nastavnog predmeta Priroda i društvo. Uzorak učenika ovog istraživanja uključuje 120 ispitanika, oba pola. Kriterijumi za izbor ispitanika podrazumevali su: količnik inteligencije učenika karakterističan za laku intelektualnu ometenost, koji se kretao u okvirima od 51 do 69, kalendarski uzrast od 12 godina do 15 godina i 11 meseci (za svaku kalendarsku godinu ispitano je po tridesetoro dece), školski uzrast koji je podrazumevao uključivanje učenika od V do VIII razreda (za svaki razred je ispitano po tridesetoro učenika) i odsustvo neuroloških, psihijatrijskih, senzornih, izraženih emocionalnih i višestrukih smetnji. U ovom istraživanju korišćeni su sledeći instrumenti: Upitnik akademske samoregulacije (Academic Self-Regulation Questionnaire) (Deci, Hodges, Pierson, & Tomassone, 1992), Upitnik prosocijalne samoregulacije (Prosocial Self-Regulation Questionnaire) (Ryan and Connell, 1989), Upitnik o socijalnom statusu porodice (Đigić, 2007), Upitnik problema u školi (The Problems in Schools Questionnaire (PIS), Deci, Schwartz, Sheinman, & Ryan, 1981), Skala procene roditeljske podrške (Perceptions of Parents Scales) (Grolnick, Deci, & Ryan, 1997) i Kriterijumski test znanja iz nastavnog predmeta Priroda i društvo, koji je posebno konstruisan za potrebe ovog istraživanja. Prikazani su rezultati eksplorativnog istraživanja osnovnih karakteristika motivacije učenika, potom kvaliteta savladanosti programskih sadržaja nastavnog predmeta Priroda i društvo i načini povezanosti Rezime motivacionih varijabli (akademska samoregulacija, prosocijalna samoregulacija, podrška nastavnika, roditeljska podrška i socio-ekonomski i kulturni status porodice) sa relevan
- Published
- 2013
47. Structure of abilities and skills of critical thinking
- Author
Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Krnjaić, Zora, Pešić-Matijević, Jelena, and Gošović, Radmila
- Subjects
programs for critical thinking development ,structure of critical thinking ability ,struktura sposobnosti kritičkog mišljenja ,programi za razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja - Abstract
Produkt teorijskog razmatranja pojma kritičko mišljenje je i određivanje njegovih konstituenata - specifičnih sposobnosti i veština kroz koje se kritičko mišljenje manifestuje. U našem modelu struktura ove sposobnosti je viđena kao trodimenzionalna. Jednu dimenziju konstitutivnih elemenata čine bazične pretpostavke svakog, pa i kritičkog mišljenja: uočavanje i razumevanje relacija, izvođenje i zasnivanje sudova, dokazivanje i opovrgavanje, razlikovanje prirode saznajnih kategorija. Drugu dimenziju čine distinktivne karakteristike kritičkog mišljenja: evaluativnost osetljivost na kontekst i metakognitivnosL Treću dimenziju čine manifestacije kritičkog mišljenja ili kritičko mišljenje u užem smislu kritička recepcija - čitanje i slušanje, kritička produkcija, konstrukcija znanja, rešavanje problema i donošenje odluka. Bazični i primenjeni programi za razvijanje kritičkog mišljenja u pojedinim disciplinama dizajnirani su tako da podstiču i kultivišu konstitutivne sposobnosti kritičkog mišljenja u uslovima redovne nastave. Theoretical elaboration of the concept of critical thinking results in determination of its constituents - specific abilities and skills through which critical thinking is manifested. In our model the structure of this ability is conceptualized as tri-dimensional. One dimension of the constitutive elements is made of basic assumptions of any thinking identification and understanding of relations, derivation and grounding of the judgments, evidencing and denial, differentiation of cognitive categories. The second dimension is made of distinctive features of critical thinking: evaluativeness, sensitivity to context and metacognitivity. The third dimension is composed of manifestation of critical thinking or critical thinking in the narrow sense: critical reception ù reading and listening, critical production, knowledge construction, problem solving and decision making. The basic and applied programs for the development of critical thinking in certain disciplines have been designed to stimulate and cultivate critical thinking abilities in regular teaching programs.
- Published
- 2001
48. Evaluation of high school programme for gifted pupils in physics and sciences in Serbia - experience in regional cooperation - SEENET-MTP network
- Author
Đorđević, G.S., Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Stanković, J., Đorđević, G.S., Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, and Stanković, J.
- Abstract
The "High school class for students with special abilities in physics" was founded in Nis, Serbia (http://tesla.pmf.ni.ac.rs/f_odeljenje/) in 2003. The basic aim of this project has been introducing a broadened curriculum of physics, mathematics, computer science, as well as chemistry and biology. Now, eight years after establishing of this specialized class, we present analyses of the pupils' skills in solving rather problem oriented test, as PISA test, and compare their results with the results of pupils who study under standard curricula. Also, an external evaluation conducted more recently, shows that Special physics class students performed higher on science knowledge test in comparison with students from control groups (grammar school and special math class students). Establishing of the Special physics class as an interesting educational experiment and its development has been connected, in a sense, with activities of the Southeastern European Network in Mathematical and Theoretical Physics. We present the main achievements of the Network and their possible impact to the students. We make conclusions and remarks that may be useful for the future work that aims to increase pupils' intrinsic and instrumental motivation for physics and sciences, as well as to increase the efficacy of teaching physics and science.
- Published
- 2012
49. Čitalačke navike srednjoškolaca u Srbiji
- Author
Krnjaić, Zora, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Krnjaić, Zora, Stepanović Ilić, Ivana, and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Abstract
U okviru istraživačke studije o slobodnom vremenu, interesovanjima, kulturnim potrebama i navikama srednjoškolaca posebno su ispitivane njihove čitalačke navike. Cilj rada je da sagledamo čitalačke navike srednjoškolaca koje se ispoljavaju u različitim medijima, pre svega, kroz čitanje knjiga, ali i kroz čitanje štampe i korišćenje interneta i da utvrdimo njihovu povezanost. Istraživanje je izvršeno na osnovu upitnika na uzorku od 2426 učenika iz 26 srednjih škola iz devet gradova u Srbiji. Rezultati o razvijenosti čitalačkih navika naših srednjoškolaca govore da: 12% učenika ne čita; 21% čita samo obaveznu lektiru; 40% čita lektiru i ponekad knjige koje nisu obavezne; 20% čita lektiru, a često i druge knjige; a 7% su pasionirani čitaoci. Srednjoškolci nemaju formiranu naviku korišćenja usluga biblioteka, a najčešće čitaju popularnu literaturu i popularnu nauku. Najčitaniji tekstovi u štampi se odnose na razonodu i sport. Razvijenije čitalačke navike srednjoškolaca povezane su sa čitanjem rubrika koje se odnose na kulturu u dnevnim novinama, čitanje naučnopopularnih časopisa i korišćenje edukativnih kompjuterskih softvera. Pedagoške implikacije rada ukazuju da je neophodno razvijati čitalačke navike učenika kroz nastavu i učenje i podsticati učenike da koriste i knjige i savremene medije u saznajne svrhe., Within the research study about free time, interests, cultural needs and habits of secondary school students, their reading habits were studied in particular. The paper is aimed at exploring the reading habits of secondary school students, which are expressed through different media, first and foremost, through book reading, as well as through reading the press and using the internet, and to determine the connection between them. The research was conducted by means of a questionnaire on the sample of 2426 students from 26 secondary schools from nine Serbian towns. The results referring to the level of development of reading habits of our secondary school students indicate that: 12% of students do not read; 21% read only the required reading; 40% read the required reading and occasionally the books that are not required; 20% read the required reading and often other books as well; and 7% are passionate readers. Secondary school students do not have a formed habit of using library services and most frequently read popular literature and popular science. The most frequently read texts in the press refer to leisure and sports. More developed reading habits of secondary school students are related to reading the sections on culture in daily newspapers, reading popular science magazines and using educational software. Educational implications of the paper indicate that it is necessary to develop students' reading habits through teaching and learning and to encourage students to use both books and the modern media for learning purposes.
- Published
- 2011
50. Rešavanje matematičkih problema u realnom kontekstu - kvalitativna i kvantitativna analiza postignuća
- Author
Anić, Ivan, Pavlović-Babić, Dragica, Anić, Ivan, and Pavlović-Babić, Dragica
- Abstract
Osnovno istraživačko pitanje kojim se bavi ovaj rad je pitanje identifikovanja osnovnih prepreka na koje učenici nailaze pri rešavanju zadataka iz matematike, kako bi se definisali tipični koraci u ovladavanju matematičkim veštinama potrebnim za rešavanje primenjenih zadataka. U konceptualnom pogledu, rad je uklopljen u savremena određenja matematičke pismenosti kao kompetencije koja omogućava pojedincu da razume svet u kojem živi i da je osposobljen da donosi zasnovane odluke (npr. OECD/PISA). Istraživanje je realizovano u dve faze. Kvalitativnim istraživanjem, u uslovima individualnog ili interaktivnog rada na zadatku, nastojali smo da utvrdimo na koje načine učenici greše i na koje poteškoće nailaze pri rešavanju zadataka smeštenih u realan kontekst, kao i da utvrdimo koje su od tih grešaka i poteškoća tipične. Analizom sadržaja verbalnih iskaza učenika tokom rešavanja zadataka izdvojeni su problemi koji čine strategije rešavanja neefikasnim. Kvantitativnim istraživanjem proveravali smo u kojoj meri su greške i poteškoće ustanovljene u prethodnoj fazi tipične, što može biti jasan dijagnostički znak koji ukazuje na sistemski nedostatak u nastavi matematike i instrumentima za procenu postignuća učenika. Uzorak je činilo 379 učenika prvog razreda beogradskih srednjih škola. Rezultati pokazuju da se uklanjanjem suvišnog podatka iz matematičkog zadatka statistički značajno podiže uspešnost u rešavanju, što ukazuje na to da učenici uspešno rešavaju one zadatke u kojima su selektovani podaci koji su potrebni za predviđene matematičke procedure. Preporuka je da se nastavnom praksom podržava i razvija veština selekcije podataka - da se iz velikog broja raspoloživih podataka izdvoje samo oni koji su neophodni u procesu rešavanja zadataka., The basic research issue that this paper is dealing with relates to the question of identifying major obstacles the students meet when solving mathematical tasks, in order to define typical steps in acquiring mathematical skills necessary for solving applied tasks. Concetualization wise, our work is in accordance with contemporary definitions of mathematical literacy, seen as a competence which enables the individual to understand the world in which they live and to reach sound decisions (e.g. OECD, PISA). The research was conducted in two phases. By a qualitative research, in the conditions of individual and interactive work on the task, we tried to establish the ways in which the students make mistakes and the difficulties they encounter when solving the tasks situated in real context, as well as to determine which of these mistakes and difficulties are typical. By analyzing the students' verbal comments during the performance we singled out the problems which make the selected strategies inefficient. Using quantitative analysis we tried to establish which mistakes and difficulties, determined in the previous phase, are typical and might be taken as a clear diagnostic signal indicating a systemic lack in teaching mathematics and instruments for measuring students' achievements. The sample comprised 379 first-grade students from secondary schools in Belgrade. The results show that after removal of redundant data from a mathematical task successfulness in solving it increases statistically significantly, which indicates that students successfully solve those tasks which contain only selected data, necessary for the application of adequate mathematical procedures. Our suggestion is that teaching practice should support and develop the skill of data selection, i.e. from numerous data to select only those which are necessary in the process of task solving.
- Published
- 2011
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