36 results on '"Pela' M"'
Search Results
2. Influence of different rearing systems on natural immune parameters in broiler turkeys
- Author
Franciosini, M.P., Bietta, A., Moscati, L., Battistacci, L., Pela, M., Tacconi, G., Davidson, I., and Proietti, P. Casagrande
- Published
- 2011
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3. [d-Pen(p- t BuBzl)5]NPS, a novel ligand for the neuropeptide S receptor: structure activity and pharmacological studies
- Author
Ruzza, C., del Zoppo, L., Malfacini, D., Pela’, M., Trapella, C., Grieco, P., Salvadori, S., Calo’, G., and Guerrini, R.
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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4. Search for WW gamma and WZ gamma production and constraints on anomalous quartic gauge couplings in pp collisions at root s=8 TeV
- Author
Chatrchyan, S. Khachatryan, V. Sirunyan, A. M. Tumasyan, A. and Adam, W. Bergauer, T. Dragicevic, M. Ero, J. Fabjan, C. Friedl, M. Fruhwirth, R. Ghete, V. M. Hartl, C. and Hormann, N. Hrubec, J. Jeitler, M. Kiesenhofer, W. and Knunz, V. Krammer, M. Kratschmer, I. Liko, D. Mikulec, I. Rabady, D. Rahbaran, B. Rohringer, H. Schofbeck, R. and Strauss, J. Taurok, A. Treberer-Treberspurg, W. and Waltenberger, W. Wulz, C. -E. Mossolov, V. Shumeiko, N. and Suarez Gonzalez, J. Alderweireldt, S. Bansal, M. Bansal, S. and Cornelis, T. De Wolf, E. A. Janssen, X. Knutsson, A. and Luyckx, S. Ochesanu, S. Roland, B. Rougny, R. Van Haevermaet, H. Van Mechelen, P. Van Remortel, N. Van Spilbeeck, A. Blekman, F. Blyweert, S. D'Hondt, J. and Heracleous, N. Kalogeropoulos, A. Keaveney, J. Kim, T. J. and Lowette, S. Maes, M. Olbrechts, A. Python, Q. Strom, D. Tavernier, S. Van Doninck, W. Van Mulders, P. Van Onsem, G. P. Villella, I. Caillol, C. Clerbaux, B. De Lentdecker, G. Favart, L. Gay, A. P. R. Leonard, A. and Marage, P. E. Mohammadi, A. Pernie, L. Reis, T. Seva, T. and Thomas, L. Velde, C. Vander Vanlaer, P. Wang, J. and Adler, V. Beernaert, K. Benucci, L. Cimmino, A. and Costantini, S. Crucy, S. Dildick, S. Garcia, G. Klein, B. Lellouch, J. Mccartin, J. Rios, A. A. Ocampo and Ryckbosch, D. Diblen, S. Salva Sigamani, M. Strobbe, N. and Thyssen, F. Tytgat, M. Walsh, S. Yazgan, E. Zaganidis, N. Basegmez, S. Beluffi, C. Bruno, G. Castello, R. and Caudron, A. Ceard, L. Da Silveira, G. G. Delaere, C. du Pree, T. Favart, D. Forthomme, L. Giammanco, A. Hollar, J. Jez, P. Komm, M. Lemaitre, V. Liao, J. Militaru, O. Nuttens, C. Pagano, D. Pin, A. Piotrzkowski, K. and Popov, A. Quertenmont, L. Selvaggi, M. Marono, M. Vidal and Garcia, J. M. Vizan Beliy, N. Caebergs, T. Daubie, E. and Hammad, G. H. Alves, G. A. Brito, L. Correa Martins Junior, M. Pol, M. E. Teles, P. Rebello Alda Junior, W. L. and Carvalho, W. Chinellato, J. Custodio, A. Da Costa, E. M. and De Jesus Damiao, D. De Oliveira Martins, C. Fonseca De Souza, S. and Malbouisson, H. Malek, M. Matos Figueiredo, D. Mundim, L. Nogima, H. Prado Da Silva, W. L. Santaolalla, J. and Santoro, A. Sznajder, A. Tonelli Manganote, E. J. Vilela Pereira, A. Bernardes, C. A. Dias, F. A. Fernandez Perez Tomei, T. R. Gregores, E. M. Mercadante, P. G. Novaes, S. F. and Padula, S. S. Genchev, V. Iaydjiev, P. Marinov, A. and Piperov, S. Rodozov, M. Sultanov, G. Vutova, M. and Dimitrov, A. Glushkov, I. Hadjiiska, R. Kozhuharov, V. and Litov, L. Pavlov, B. Petkov, P. Bian, J. G. Chen, G. M. and Chen, H. S. Chen, M. Du, R. Jiang, C. H. Liang, D. and Liang, S. Meng, X. Plestina, R. Tao, J. Wang, X. and Wang, Z. Asawatangtrakuldee, C. Ban, Y. Guo, Y. Li, Q. and Li, W. Liu, S. Mao, Y. Qian, S. J. Wang, D. and Yang, D. Zhang, L. Zou, W. Avila, C. Sierra, L. F. Chaparro Florez, C. Gomez, J. P. Gomez Moreno, B. and Sanabria, J. C. Godinovic, N. Lelas, D. Polic, D. and Puljak, I. Antunovic, Z. Kovac, M. Brigljevic, V. and Kadija, K. Luetic, J. Mekterovic, D. Morovic, S. and Tikvica, L. Attikis, A. Mavromanolakis, G. Mousa, J. and Nicolaou, C. Ptochos, F. Razis, P. A. Bodlak, M. Finger, M. Finger, Jr., M. Assran, Y. Elgammal, S. Kamel, A. Ellithi Mahmoud, M. A. Mahrous, A. Radi, A. Kadastik, M. and Muntel, M. Murumaa, M. Raidal, M. Tiko, A. Eerola, P. Fedi, G. Voutilainen, M. Harkonen, J. Karimaki, V. and Kinnunen, R. Kortelainen, M. J. Lampen, T. and Lassila-Perini, K. Lehti, S. Linden, T. Luukka, P. and Maenpaa, T. Peltola, T. Tuominen, E. Tuominiemi, J. and Tuovinen, E. Wendland, L. Tuuva, T. Besancon, M. and Couderc, F. Dejardin, M. Denegri, D. Fabbro, B. Faure, J. L. Favaro, C. Ferri, F. Ganjour, S. Givernaud, A. and Gras, P. Hamel de Monchenault, G. Jarry, P. Locci, E. and Malcles, J. Nayak, A. Rander, J. Rosowsky, A. Titov, M. and Baffioni, S. Beaudette, F. Busson, P. Charlot, C. and Daci, N. Dahms, T. Dalchenko, M. Dobrzynski, L. and Filipovic, N. Florent, A. de Cassagnac, R. Granier and Mastrolorenzo, L. Mine, P. Mironov, C. Naranjo, I. N. and Nguyen, M. Ochando, C. Paganini, P. Sabes, D. Salerno, R. Sauvan, J. Sirois, Y. Veelken, C. Yilmaz, Y. and Zabi, A. Agram, J. -L. Andrea, J. Bloch, D. Brom, J. -M. and Chabert, E. C. Collard, C. Conte, E. Drouhin, F. and Fontaine, J. -C. Gele, D. Goerlach, U. Goetzmann, C. and Juillot, P. Le Bihan, A. -C. Van Hove, P. Gadrat, S. and Beauceron, S. Beaupere, N. Boudoul, G. Brochet, S. and Montoya, C. A. Carrillo Chasserat, J. Chierici, R. Contardo, D. Depasse, P. El Mamouni, H. Fan, J. Fay, J. and Gascon, S. Gouzevitch, M. Ille, B. Kurca, T. and Lethuillier, M. Mirabito, L. Perries, S. Alvarez, J. D. Ruiz and Sgandurra, L. Sordini, V. Donckt, M. Vander Verdier, P. and Viret, S. Xiao, H. Rurua, L. Autermann, C. Beranek, S. Bontenackels, M. Calpas, B. Edelhoff, M. Feld, L. and Hindrichs, O. Klein, K. Ostapchuk, A. Perieanu, A. and Raupach, F. Sammet, J. Schael, S. Sprenger, D. Weber, H. and Wittmer, B. Zhukov, V. Ata, M. Caudron, J. and Dietz-Laursonn, E. Duchardt, D. Erdmann, M. Fischer, R. and Guth, A. Hebbeker, T. Heidemann, C. Hoepfner, K. and Klingebiel, D. Knutzen, S. Kreuzer, P. Merschmeyer, M. and Meyer, A. Olschewski, M. Padeken, K. Papacz, P. and Reithler, H. Schmitz, S. A. Sonnenschein, L. Teyssier, D. and Thuer, S. Weber, M. Cherepanov, V. Erdogan, Y. and Flugge, G. Geenen, H. Geisler, M. Ahmad, W. Haj Hoehle, F. Kargoll, B. Kress, T. Kuessel, Y. Lingemann, J. and Nowack, A. Nugent, I. M. Perchalla, L. Pooth, O. Stahl, A. Asin, I. Bartosik, N. Behr, J. Behrenhoff, W. and Behrens, U. Bell, A. J. Bergholz, M. Bethani, A. Borras, K. Burgmeier, A. Cakir, A. Calligaris, L. Campbell, A. and Choudhury, S. Costanza, F. Pardos, C. Diez Dooling, S. and Dorland, T. Eckerlin, G. Eckstein, D. Eichhorn, T. and Flucke, G. Garcia, J. Garay Geiser, A. Grebenyuk, A. and Gunnellini, P. Habib, S. Hauk, J. Hellwig, G. Hempel, M. and Horton, D. Jung, H. Kasemann, M. Katsas, P. and Kieseler, J. Kleinwort, C. Kramer, M. Krucker, D. Lange, W. Leonard, J. Lipka, K. Lohmann, W. Lutz, B. and Mankel, R. Marfin, I. Melzer-Pellmann, I. -A. Meyer, A. B. and Mnich, J. Mussgiller, A. Naumann-Emme, S. Novgorodova, O. Nowak, F. Ntomari, E. Perrey, H. Petrukhin, A. and Pitzl, D. Placakyte, R. Raspereza, A. Cipriano, P. M. Ribeiro Riedl, C. Ron, E. Sahin, M. Salfeld-Nebgen, J. and Saxena, P. Schmidt, R. Schoerner-Sadenius, T. Schroder, M. Stein, M. Trevino, A. D. R. Vargas Walsh, R. Wissing, C. Martin, M. Aldaya Blobel, V. Vignali, M. Centis and Enderle, H. Erfle, J. Garutti, E. Goebel, K. Gorner, M. and Gosselink, M. Haller, J. Hoing, R. S. Kirschenmann, H. and Klanner, R. Kogler, R. Lange, J. Lapsien, T. Lenz, T. Marchesini, I. Ott, J. Peiffer, T. Pietsch, N. and Rathjens, D. Sander, C. Schettler, H. Schleper, P. and Schlieckau, E. Schmidt, A. Seidel, M. Sibille, J. Sola, V. Stadie, H. Steinbruck, G. Troendle, D. Usai, E. and Vanelderen, L. Barth, C. Baus, C. Berger, J. Boser, C. and Butz, E. Chwalek, T. De Boer, W. Descroix, A. and Dierlamm, A. Feindt, M. Guthoff, M. Hartmann, F. Hauth, T. Held, H. Hoffmann, K. H. Husemann, U. Katkov, I. and Kornmayer, A. Kuznetsova, E. Pardo, P. Lobelle Martschei, D. and Mozer, M. U. Muller, T. Niegel, M. Nurnberg, A. and Oberst, O. Quast, G. Rabbertz, K. Ratnikov, F. Rocker, S. Schilling, F. -P. Schott, G. Simonis, H. J. Stober, F. M. Ulrich, R. Wagner-Kuhr, J. Wayand, S. Weiler, T. and Wolf, R. Zeise, M. Anagnostou, G. Daskalakis, G. and Geralis, T. Giakoumopoulou, V. A. Kesisoglou, S. Kyriakis, A. Loukas, D. Markou, A. Markou, C. Psallidas, A. and Topsis-Giotis, I. Gouskos, L. Panagiotou, A. Saoulidou, N. and Stiliaris, E. Aslanoglou, X. Evangelou, I. Flouris, G. and Foudas, C. Jones, J. Kokkas, P. Manthos, N. and Papadopoulos, I. Paradas, E. Bencze, G. Hajdu, C. Hidas, P. Horvath, D. Sikler, F. Veszpremi, V. Vesztergombi, G. and Zsigmond, A. J. Beni, N. Czellar, S. Karancsi, J. and Molnar, J. Palinkas, J. Szillasi, Z. Raics, P. and Trocsanyi, Z. L. Ujvari, B. Swain, S. K. Beri, S. B. and Bhatnagar, V. Dhingra, N. Gupta, R. Kalsi, A. K. Kaur, M. Mittal, M. Nishu, N. Sharma, A. Singh, J. B. and Kumar, A. Kumar, A. Ahuja, S. Bhardwaj, A. Choudhary, B. C. Kumar, A. Malhotra, S. Naimuddin, M. Ranjan, K. and Sharma, V. Shivpuri, R. K. Banerjee, S. Bhattacharya, S. and Chatterjee, K. Dutta, S. Gomber, B. Jain, S. Jain, S. and Khurana, R. Modak, A. Mukherjee, S. Roy, D. Sarkar, S. Sharan, M. Singh, A. P. Abdulsalam, A. Dutta, D. and Kailas, S. Kumar, V. Mohanty, A. K. Pant, L. M. Shukla, P. Topkar, A. Aziz, T. Chatterjee, R. M. Ganguly, S. and Ghosh, S. Guchait, M. Gurtu, A. Kole, G. Kumar, S. and Maity, M. Majumder, G. Mazumdar, K. Mohanty, B. Parida, B. Sudhakar, K. Wickramage, N. Banerjee, S. Dewanjee, R. K. Dugad, S. Arfaei, H. Bakhshiansohi, H. Behnamian, H. and Etesami, S. M. Fahim, A. Jafari, A. Khakzad, M. and Najafabadi, M. Mohammadi Naseri, M. Mehdiabadi, S. Paktinat and Safarzadeh, B. Zeinali, M. Grunewald, M. Abbrescia, M. and Barbone, L. Calabria, C. Chhibra, S. S. Colaleo, A. and Creanza, D. De Filippis, N. De Palma, M. Fiore, L. and Iaselli, G. Maggi, G. Maggi, M. My, S. Nuzzo, S. and Pacifico, N. Pompili, A. Pugliese, G. Radogna, R. and Selvaggi, G. Silvestris, L. Singh, G. Venditti, R. and Verwilligen, P. Zito, G. Abbiendi, G. Benvenuti, A. C. and Bonacorsi, D. Braibant-Giacomelli, S. Brigliadori, L. and Campanini, R. Capiluppi, P. Castro, A. Cavallo, F. R. and Codispoti, G. Cuffiani, M. Dallavalle, G. M. Fabbri, F. and Fanfani, A. Fasanella, D. Giacomelli, P. Grandi, C. and Guiducci, L. Marcellini, S. Masetti, G. Meneghelli, M. and Montanari, A. Navarria, F. L. Odorici, F. Perrotta, A. and Primavera, F. Rossi, A. M. Rovelli, T. Siroli, G. P. and Tosi, N. Travaglini, R. Albergo, S. Cappello, G. and Chiorboli, M. Costa, S. Giordano, F. Potenza, R. and Tricomi, A. Tuve, C. Barbagli, G. Ciulli, V. Civinini, C. D'Alessandro, R. Focardi, E. Gallo, E. Gonzi, S. and Gori, V. Lenzi, P. Meschini, M. Paoletti, S. Sguazzoni, G. Tropiano, A. Benussi, L. Bianco, S. Fabbri, F. and Piccolo, D. Fabbricatore, P. Ferro, F. Lo Vetere, M. and Musenich, R. Robutti, E. Tosi, S. Dinardo, M. E. and Fiorendi, S. Gennai, S. Gerosa, R. Ghezzi, A. Govoni, P. and Lucchini, M. T. Malvezzi, S. Manzoni, R. A. Martelli, A. and Marzocchi, B. Menasce, D. Moroni, L. Paganoni, M. and Pedrini, D. Ragazzi, S. Redaelli, N. de Fatis, T. Tabarelli and Buontempo, S. Cavallo, N. Di Guida, S. Fabozzi, F. and Iorio, A. O. M. Lista, L. Meola, S. Merola, M. Paolucci, P. Azzi, P. Bacchetta, N. Bisello, D. Branca, A. and Carlin, R. Checchia, P. Dorigo, T. Galanti, M. and Gasparini, F. Gasparini, U. Gozzelino, A. Kanishchev, K. and Lacaprara, S. Lazzizzera, I. Margoni, M. Meneguzzo, A. T. and Pazzini, J. Pozzobon, N. Ronchese, P. Sgaravatto, M. and Simonetto, F. Torassa, E. Tosi, M. Triossi, A. Ventura, S. Zotto, P. Zucchetta, A. Gabusi, M. Ratti, S. P. and Riccardi, C. Salvini, P. Vitulo, P. Biasini, M. Bilei, G. M. Fano, L. Lariccia, P. Mantovani, G. Menichelli, M. and Romeo, F. Saha, A. Santocchia, A. Spiezia, A. and Androsov, K. Azzurri, P. Bagliesi, G. Bernardini, J. and Boccali, T. Broccolo, G. Castaldi, R. Ciocci, M. A. and Dell'Orso, R. Donato, S. Fiori, F. Foa, L. Giassi, A. and Grippo, M. T. Kraan, A. Ligabue, F. Lomtadze, T. and Martini, L. Messineo, A. Moon, C. S. Palla, F. Rizzi, A. and Savoy-Navarro, A. Serban, A. T. Spagnolo, P. and Squillacioti, P. Tenchini, R. Tonelli, G. Venturi, A. and Verdini, P. G. Vernieri, C. Barone, L. Cavallari, F. Del Re, D. Diemoz, M. Grassi, M. Jorda, C. Longo, E. and Margaroli, F. Meridiani, P. Micheli, F. Nourbakhsh, S. and Organtini, G. Paramatti, R. Rahatlou, S. Rovelli, C. and Soffi, L. Traczyk, P. Amapane, N. Arcidiacono, R. and Argiro, S. Arneodo, M. Bellan, R. Biino, C. Cartiglia, N. Casasso, S. Costa, M. Degano, A. Demaria, N. and Finco, L. Mariotti, C. Maselli, S. Migliore, E. Monaco, V. Musich, M. Obertino, M. M. Ortona, G. Pacher, L. and Pastrone, N. Pelliccioni, M. Angioni, G. L. Pinna Potenza, A. Romero, A. Ruspa, M. Sacchi, R. Solano, A. and Staiano, A. Tamponi, U. Belforte, S. Candelise, V. and Casarsa, M. Cossutti, F. Della Ricca, G. Gobbo, B. La Licata, C. Marone, M. Montanino, D. Schizzi, A. Umer, T. and Zanetti, A. Chang, S. Kim, T. Y. Nam, S. K. Kim, D. H. Kim, G. N. Kim, J. E. Kim, M. S. Kong, D. J. Lee, S. Oh, Y. D. Park, H. Sakharov, A. Son, D. C. Kim, J. Y. Kim, Z. J. Song, S. Choi, S. Gyun, D. Hong, B. and Jo, M. Kim, H. Kim, Y. Lee, B. Lee, K. S. Park, S. K. Roh, Y. Choi, M. Kim, J. H. Park, C. Park, I. C. Park, S. Ryu, G. Choi, Y. Choi, Y. K. Goh, J. and Kwon, E. Lee, J. Seo, H. Yu, I. Juodagalvis, A. and Komaragiri, J. R. Castilla-Valdez, H. Cruz-Burelo, E. De La and Heredia-de La Cruz, I. Lopez-Fernandez, R. Martinez-Ortega, J. and Sanchez-Hernandez, A. Villasenor-Cendejas, L. M. Carrillo Moreno, S. Vazquez Valencia, F. Salazar Ibarguen, H. A. and Casimiro Linares, E. Morelos Pineda, A. Krofcheck, D. and Butler, P. H. Doesburg, R. Reucroft, S. Ahmad, A. Ahmad, M. Asghar, M. I. Butt, J. Hassan, Q. Hoorani, H. R. and Khan, W. A. Khurshid, T. Qazi, S. Shah, M. A. Shoaib, M. and Bialkowska, H. Bluj, M. Boimska, B. Frueboes, T. and Gorski, M. Kazana, M. Nawrocki, K. Romanowska-Rybinska, K. and Szleper, M. Wrochna, G. Zalewski, P. Brona, G. and Bunkowski, K. Cwiok, M. Dominik, W. Doroba, K. and Kalinowski, A. Konecki, M. Krolikowski, J. Misiura, M. and Wolszczak, W. Bargassa, P. Beirao Da Cruz E Silva, C. and Faccioli, P. Ferreira Parracho, P. G. Gallinaro, M. Nguyen, F. Rodrigues Antunes, J. Seixas, J. Varela, J. Vischia, P. Golutvin, I. Gorbunov, I. Karjavin, V. Konoplyanikov, V. Korenkov, V. Kozlov, G. Lanev, A. Malakhov, A. and Matveev, V. Moisenz, P. Palichik, V. Perelygin, V. and Savina, M. Shmatov, S. Shulha, S. Skatchkov, N. Smirnov, V. Zarubin, A. Golovtsov, V. Ivanov, Y. Kim, V. and Levchenko, P. Murzin, V. Oreshkin, V. Smirnov, I. and Sulimov, V. Uvarov, L. Vavilov, S. Vorobyev, A. and Vorobyev, A. Andreev, Y. Dermenev, A. Gninenko, S. and Golubev, N. Kirsanov, M. Krasnikov, N. Pashenkov, A. and Tlisov, D. Toropin, A. Epshteyn, V. Gavrilov, V. and Lychkovskaya, N. Popov, V. Safronov, G. Semenov, S. and Spiridonov, A. Stolin, V. Vlasov, E. Zhokin, A. Andreev, V. Azarkin, M. Dremin, I. Kirakosyan, M. Leonidov, A. and Mesyats, G. Rusakov, S. V. Vinogradov, A. Belyaev, A. and Boos, E. Dubinin, M. Dudko, L. Ershov, A. Gribushin, A. Klyukhin, V. Kodolova, O. Lokhtin, I. Obraztsov, S. and Petrushanko, S. Savrin, V. Snigirev, A. Azhgirey, I. and Bayshev, I. Bitioukov, S. Kachanov, V. Kalinin, A. and Konstantinov, D. Krychkine, V. Petrov, V. Ryutin, R. and Sobol, A. Tourtchanovitch, L. Troshin, S. Tyurin, N. and Uzunian, A. Volkov, A. Adzic, P. Djordjevic, M. and Ekmedzic, M. Milosevic, J. Aguilar-Benitez, M. Alcaraz Maestre, J. Battilana, C. Calvo, E. Cerrada, M. Chamizo Llatas, M. Colino, N. De La Cruz, B. Delgado Peris, A. and Dominguez Vazquez, D. Escalante Del Valle, A. Fernandez Bedoya, C. Fernandez Ramos, J. P. Ferrando, A. Flix, J. Fouz, M. C. Garcia-Abia, P. Gonzalez Lopez, O. Lopez, S. Goy and Hernandez, J. M. Josa, M. I. Merino, G. Navarro De Martino, E. Perez-Calero Yzquierdo, A. Puerta Pelayo, J. Quintario Olmeda, A. Redondo, I. Romero, L. Soares, M. S. and Willmott, C. Albajar, C. de Troconiz, J. F. Missiroli, M. and Brun, H. Cuevas, J. Fernandez Menendez, J. Folgueras, S. and Gonzalez Caballero, I. Lloret Iglesias, L. Brochero Cifuentes, J. A. Cabrillo, I. J. Calderon, A. Duarte Campderros, J. Fernandez, M. Gomez, G. Gonzalez Sanchez, J. and Graziano, A. Lopez Virto, A. Marco, J. Marco, R. and Martinez Rivero, C. Matorras, F. Munoz Sanchez, F. J. Piedra Gomez, J. Rodrigo, T. Rodriguez-Marrero, A. Y. Ruiz-Jimeno, A. Scodellaro, L. Vila, I. Vilar Cortabitarte, R. and Abbaneo, D. Auffray, E. Auzinger, G. Bachtis, M. and Baillon, P. Ball, A. H. Barney, D. Benaglia, A. and Bendavid, J. Benhabib, L. Benitez, J. F. Bernet, C. and Bianchi, G. Bloch, P. Bocci, A. Bonato, A. Bondu, O. and Botta, C. Breuker, H. Camporesi, T. Cerminara, G. and Christiansen, T. Perez, J. A. Coarasa Colafranceschi, S. and D'Alfonso, M. d'Enterria, D. Dabrowski, A. David, A. De Guio, F. De Roeck, A. De Visscher, S. Dobson, M. and Dupont-Sagorin, N. Elliott-Peisert, A. Eugster, J. Franzoni, G. Funk, W. Giffels, M. Gigi, D. Gill, K. Giordano, D. Girone, M. Giunta, M. Glege, F. Gomez-Reino Garrido, R. Gowdy, S. Guida, R. Hammer, J. Hansen, M. Harris, P. Hegeman, J. Innocente, V. Janot, P. Karavakis, E. and Kousouris, K. Krajczar, K. Lecoq, P. Loureno, C. Magini, N. Malgeri, L. Mannelli, M. Masetti, L. Meijers, F. and Mersi, S. Meschi, E. Moortgat, F. Mulders, M. Musella, P. Orsini, L. Cortezon, E. Palencia Pape, L. Perez, E. and Perrozzi, L. Petrilli, A. Petrucciani, G. Pfeiffer, A. and Pierini, M. Pimia, M. Piparo, D. Plagge, M. Racz, A. and Reece, W. Rolandi, G. Rovere, M. Sakulin, H. and Santanastasio, F. Schafer, C. Schwick, C. Sekmen, S. and Sharma, A. Siegrist, P. Silva, P. Simon, M. Sphicas, P. and Spiga, D. Steggemann, J. Stieger, B. Stoye, M. and Treille, D. Tsirou, A. Veres, G. I. Vlimant, J. R. and Wohri, H. K. Zeuner, W. D. Bertl, W. Deiters, K. and Erdmann, W. Horisberger, R. Ingram, Q. Kaestli, H. C. and Konig, S. Kotlinski, D. Langenegger, U. Renker, D. Rohe, T. Bachmair, F. Bani, L. Bianchini, L. Bortignon, P. and Buchmann, M. A. Casal, B. Chanon, N. Deisher, A. and Dissertori, G. Dittmar, M. Donega, M. Dunser, M. Eller, P. Grab, C. Hits, D. Lustermann, W. Mangano, B. and Marini, A. C. del Arbol, P. Martinez Ruiz Meister, D. Mohr, N. Nageli, C. Nef, P. Nessi-Tedaldi, F. Pandolfi, F. and Pauss, F. Peruzzi, M. Quittnat, M. Rebane, L. Ronga, F. J. Rossini, M. Starodumov, A. Takahashi, M. Theofilatos, K. Wallny, R. Weber, H. A. Amsler, C. Canelli, M. F. and Chiochia, V. De Cosa, A. Hinzmann, A. Hreus, T. Rikova, M. Ivova Kilminster, B. Mejias, B. Millan Ngadiuba, J. and Robmann, P. Snoek, H. Taroni, S. Verzetti, M. Yang, Y. and Cardaci, M. Chen, K. H. Ferro, C. Kuo, C. M. Li, S. W. Lin, W. Lu, Y. J. Volpe, R. Yu, S. S. Bartalini, P. Chang, P. Chang, Y. H. Chang, Y. W. Chao, Y. and Chen, K. F. Chen, P. H. Dietz, C. Grundler, U. Hou, W. -S. Hsiung, Y. Kao, K. Y. Lei, Y. J. Liu, Y. F. Lu, R. -S. Majumder, D. Petrakou, E. Shi, X. Shiu, J. G. and Tzeng, Y. M. Wang, M. Wilken, R. Asavapibhop, B. Simili, E. Adiguzel, A. Bakirci, M. N. Cerci, S. Dozen, C. and Dumanoglu, I. Eskut, E. Girgis, S. Gokbulut, G. and Gurpinar, E. Hos, I. Kangal, E. E. Topaksu, A. Kayis and Onengut, G. Ozdemir, K. Ozturk, S. Polatoz, A. Sogut, K. and Cerci, D. Sunar Tali, B. Topakli, H. Vergili, M. and Akin, I. V. Aliev, T. Bilin, B. Bilmis, S. Deniz, M. and Gamsizkan, H. Guler, A. M. Karapinar, G. Ocalan, K. and Ozpineci, A. Serin, M. Sever, R. Surat, U. E. Yalvac, M. and Zeyrek, M. Gulmez, E. Isildak, B. Kaya, M. Kaya, O. and Ozkorucuklu, S. Bahtiyar, H. Barlas, E. Cankocak, K. and Gunaydin, Y. O. Vardarli, F. I. Yucel, M. Levchuk, L. and Sorokin, P. Brooke, J. J. Clement, E. Cussans, D. and Flacher, H. Frazier, R. Goldstein, J. Grimes, M. Heath, G. P. Heath, H. F. Jacob, J. Kreczko, L. Lucas, C. and Meng, Z. Newbold, D. M. Paramesvaran, S. Poll, A. and Senkin, S. Smith, V. J. Williams, T. Bell, K. W. and Belyaev, A. Brew, C. Brown, R. M. Cockerill, D. J. A. and Coughlan, J. A. Harder, K. Harper, S. Ilic, J. Olaiya, E. Petyt, D. Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H. Thea, A. and Tomalin, I. R. Womersley, W. J. Worm, S. D. Baber, M. and Bainbridge, R. Buchmuller, O. Burton, D. Colling, D. and Cripps, N. Cutajar, M. Dauncey, P. Davies, G. Della Negra, M. Dunne, P. Ferguson, W. Fulcher, J. Futyan, D. and Gilbert, A. Bryer, A. Guneratne Hall, G. Hatherell, Z. and Hays, J. Iles, G. Jarvis, M. Karapostoli, G. Kenzie, M. Lane, R. Lucas, R. Lyons, L. Magnan, A. -M. and Marrouche, J. Mathias, B. Nandi, R. Nash, J. Nikitenko, A. Pesaresi, J. Pela M. Petridis, K. Pioppi, M. Raymond, D. M. Rogerson, S. Rose, A. Seez, C. Sharp, P. and Sparrow, A. Tapper, A. Acosta, M. Vazquez Virdee, T. and Wakefield, S. Wardle, N. Cole, J. E. Hobson, P. R. Khan, A. Kyberd, P. Leggat, D. Leslie, D. Martin, W. Reid, I. D. Symonds, P. Teodorescu, L. Turner, M. Dittmann, J. and Hatakeyama, K. Kasmi, A. Liu, H. Scarborough, T. and Charaf, O. Cooper, S. I. Henderson, C. Rumerio, P. and Avetisyan, A. Bose, T. Fantasia, C. Heister, A. Lawson, P. Lazic, D. Richardson, C. Rohlf, J. Sperka, D. and John, J. St. Sulak, L. Alimena, J. Bhattacharya, S. and Christopher, G. Cutts, D. Demiragli, Z. Ferapontov, A. and Garabedian, A. Heintz, U. Jabeen, S. Kukartsev, G. and Laird, E. Landsberg, G. Luk, M. Narain, M. Segala, M. and Sinthuprasith, T. Speer, T. Swanson, J. Breedon, R. and Breto, G. De La Barca Sanchez, M. Calderon Chauhan, S. and Chertok, M. Conway, J. Conway, R. Cox, P. T. Erbacher, R. Gardner, M. Ko, W. Kopecky, A. Lander, R. Miceli, T. Mulhearn, M. Pellett, D. Pilot, J. Ricci-Tam, F. and Rutherford, B. Searle, M. Shalhout, S. Smith, J. and Squires, M. Tripathi, M. Wilbur, S. Yohay, R. Andreev, V. Cline, D. Cousins, R. Erhan, S. Everaerts, P. and Farrell, C. Felcini, M. Hauser, J. Ignatenko, M. Jarvis, C. Rakness, G. Takasugi, E. Valuev, V. Weber, M. and Babb, J. Clare, R. Ellison, J. Gary, J. W. Hanson, G. and Heilman, J. Jandir, P. Lacroix, F. Liu, H. Long, O. R. Luthra, A. Malberti, M. Nguyen, H. Shrinivas, A. and Sturdy, J. Sumowidagdo, S. Wimpenny, S. Andrews, W. and Branson, J. G. Cerati, G. B. Cittolin, S. D'Agnolo, R. T. and Evans, D. Holzner, A. Kelley, R. Kovalskyi, D. and Lebourgeois, M. Letts, J. Macneill, I. Padhi, S. Palmer, C. Pieri, M. Sani, M. Sharma, V. Simon, S. Sudano, E. Tadel, M. Tu, Y. Vartak, A. Wasserbaech, S. and Wurthwein, F. Yagil, A. Yoo, J. Barge, D. and Bradmiller-Feld, J. Campagnari, C. Danielson, T. Dishaw, A. and Flowers, K. Sevilla, M. Franco Geffert, P. George, C. and Golf, F. Incandela, J. Justus, C. Villalba, R. Magana and Mccoll, N. Pavlunin, V. Richman, J. Rossin, R. and Stuart, D. To, W. West, C. Apresyan, A. Bornheim, A. and Bunn, J. Chen, Y. Di Marco, E. Duarte, J. Kcira, D. and Mott, A. Newman, H. B. Pena, C. Rogan, C. Spiropulu, M. and Timciuc, V. Wilkinson, R. Xie, S. Zhu, R. Y. and Azzolini, V. Calamba, A. Carroll, R. Ferguson, T. and Iiyama, Y. Jang, D. W. Paulini, M. Russ, J. Vogel, H. and Vorobiev, I. Cumalat, J. P. Drell, B. R. Ford, W. T. and Gaz, A. Lopez, E. Luiggi Nauenberg, U. Smith, J. G. and Stenson, K. Ulmer, K. A. Wagner, S. R. Alexander, J. and Chatterjee, A. Chu, J. Eggert, N. Gibbons, L. K. and Hopkins, W. Khukhunaishvili, A. Kreis, B. Mirman, N. and Kaufman, G. Nicolas Patterson, J. R. Ryd, A. Salvati, E. and Sun, W. Teo, W. D. Thom, J. Thompson, J. Tucker, J. and Weng, Y. Winstrom, L. Wittich, P. Winn, D. Abdullin, S. and Albrow, M. Anderson, J. Apollinari, G. Bauerdick, L. A. T. Beretvas, A. Berryhill, J. Bhat, P. C. Burkett, K. and Butler, J. N. Chetluru, V. Cheung, H. W. K. Chlebana, F. and Cihangir, S. Elvira, V. D. Fisk, I. Freeman, J. Gao, Y. Gottschalk, E. Gray, L. Green, D. Grunendahl, S. and Gutsche, O. Hanlon, J. Hare, D. Harris, R. M. and Hirschauer, J. Hooberman, B. Jindariani, S. Johnson, M. and Joshi, U. Kaadze, K. Klima, B. Kwan, S. Linacre, J. and Lincoln, D. Lipton, R. Liu, T. Lykken, J. Maeshima, K. and Marraffino, J. M. Outschoorn, V. I. Martinez Maruyama, S. and Mason, D. McBride, P. Mishra, K. Mrenna, S. and Musienko, Y. Nahn, S. Newman-Holmes, C. O'Dell, V. and Prokofyev, O. Ratnikova, N. Sexton-Kennedy, E. Sharma, S. and Soha, A. Spalding, W. J. Spiegel, L. Taylor, L. and Tkaczyk, S. Tran, N. V. Uplegger, L. Vaandering, E. W. and Vidal, R. Whitbeck, A. Whitmore, J. Wu, W. Yang, F. and Yun, J. C. Acosta, D. Avery, P. Bourilkov, D. Cheng, T. and Das, S. De Gruttola, M. Di Giovanni, G. P. Dobur, D. and Field, R. D. Fisher, M. Fu, Y. Furic, I. K. Hugon, J. and Kim, B. Konigsberg, J. Korytov, A. Kropivnitskaya, A. and Kypreos, T. Low, J. F. Matchev, K. Milenovic, P. and Mitselmakher, G. Muniz, L. Rinkevicius, A. Shchutska, L. and Skhirtladze, N. Snowball, M. Yelton, J. Zakaria, M. and Gaultney, V. Hewamanage, S. Linn, S. Markowitz, P. and Martinez, G. Rodriguez, J. L. Adams, T. Askew, A. and Bochenek, J. Chen, J. Diamond, B. Haas, J. Hagopian, S. and Hagopian, V. Johnson, K. F. Prosper, H. Veeraraghavan, V. Weinberg, M. Baarmand, M. M. Dorney, B. Hohlmann, M. and Kalakhety, H. Yumiceva, F. Adams, M. R. Apanasevich, L. and Bazterra, V. E. Betts, R. R. Bucinskaite, I. Cavanaugh, R. Evdokimov, O. Gauthier, L. Gerber, C. E. Hofman, D. J. Khalatyan, S. Kurt, P. Moon, D. H. O'Brien, C. and Silkworth, C. Turner, P. Varelas, N. Akgun, U. Albayrak, E. A. Bilki, B. Clarida, W. Dilsiz, K. Duru, F. and Haytmyradov, M. Merlo, J. -P. Mermerkaya, H. Mestvirishvili, A. Moeller, A. Nachtman, J. Ogul, H. Onel, Y. Ozok, F. Penzo, A. Rahmat, R. Sen, S. Tan, P. Tiras, E. and Wetzel, J. Yetkin, T. Yi, K. Barnett, B. A. and Blumenfeld, B. Bolognesi, S. Fehling, D. Gritsan, A. V. and Maksimovic, P. Martin, C. Swartz, M. Baringer, P. Bean, A. Benelli, G. Gray, J. Kenny, III, R. P. Murray, M. and Noonan, D. Sanders, S. Sekaric, J. Stringer, R. Wang, Q. and Wood, J. S. Barfuss, A. F. Chakaberia, I. Ivanov, A. and Khalil, S. Makouski, M. Maravin, Y. Saini, L. K. and Shrestha, S. Svintradze, I. Gronberg, J. Lange, D. and Rebassoo, F. Wright, D. Baden, A. Calvert, B. Eno, S. C. and Gomez, J. A. Hadley, N. J. Kellogg, R. G. Kolberg, T. and Lu, Y. Marionneau, M. Mignerey, A. C. Pedro, K. and Skuja, A. Temple, J. Tonjes, M. B. Tonwar, S. C. Apyan, A. Barbieri, R. Bauer, G. Busza, W. Cali, I. A. and Chan, M. Di Matteo, L. Dutta, V. Ceballos, G. Gomez and Goncharov, M. Gulhan, D. Klute, M. Lai, Y. S. Lee, Y. -J. Levin, A. Luckey, P. D. Ma, T. Paus, C. Ralph, D. Roland, C. Roland, G. Stephans, G. S. F. Stockli, F. and Sumorok, K. Velicanu, D. Veverka, J. Wyslouch, B. and Yang, M. Yoon, A. S. Zanetti, M. Zhukova, V. Dahmes, B. and De Benedetti, A. Gude, A. Kao, S. C. Klapoetke, K. and Kubota, Y. Mans, J. Pastika, N. Rusack, R. Singovsky, A. and Tambe, N. Turkewitz, J. Acosta, J. G. Cremaldi, L. M. and Kroeger, R. Oliveros, S. Perera, L. Sanders, D. A. and Summers, D. Avdeeva, E. Bloom, K. Bose, S. Claes, D. R. and Dominguez, A. Suarez, R. Gonzalez Keller, J. Knowlton, D. Kravchenko, I. Lazo-Flores, J. Malik, S. Meier, F. and Snow, G. R. Dolen, J. Godshalk, A. Iashvili, I. and Jain, S. Kharchilava, A. Kumar, A. Rappoccio, S. and Alverson, G. Barberis, E. Baumgartel, D. Chasco, M. and Haley, J. Massironi, A. Nash, D. Orimoto, T. Trocino, D. and Wood, D. Zhang, J. Anastassov, A. Hahn, K. A. Kubik, A. Lusito, L. Mucia, N. Odell, N. Pollack, B. and Pozdnyakov, A. Schmitt, M. Stoynev, S. Sung, K. Velasco, M. Won, S. Berry, D. Brinkerhoff, A. Chan, K. M. and Drozdetskiy, A. Hildreth, M. Jessop, C. Karmgard, D. J. and Kellams, N. Kolb, J. Lannon, K. Luo, W. Lynch, S. and Marinelli, N. Morse, D. M. Pearson, T. Planer, M. and Ruchti, R. Slaunwhite, J. Valls, N. Wayne, M. Wolf, M. and Woodard, A. Antonelli, L. Bylsma, B. Durkin, L. S. and Flowers, S. Hill, C. Hughes, R. Kotov, K. Ling, T. Y. and Puigh, D. Rodenburg, M. Smith, G. Vuosalo, C. Winer, B. L. Wolfe, H. Wulsin, H. W. Berry, E. Elmer, P. and Halyo, V. Hebda, P. Hunt, A. Jindal, P. Koay, S. A. and Lujan, P. Marlow, D. Medvedeva, T. Mooney, M. Olsen, J. and Piroue, P. Quan, X. Raval, A. Saka, H. Stickland, D. and Tully, C. Werner, J. S. Zenz, S. C. Zuranski, A. and Brownson, E. Lopez, A. Mendez, H. Vargas, J. E. Ramirez and Alagoz, E. Barnes, V. E. Benedetti, D. Bolla, G. and Bortoletto, D. De Mattia, M. Everett, A. Hu, Z. Jha, M. K. Jones, M. Jung, K. Kress, M. Leonardo, N. Pegna, D. Lopes Maroussov, V. Merkel, P. Miller, D. H. and Neumeister, N. Radburn-Smith, B. C. Shipsey, I. Silvers, D. and Svyatkovskiy, A. Wang, F. Xie, W. Xu, L. Yoo, H. D. and Zablocki, J. Zheng, Y. Parashar, N. Stupak, J. and Adair, A. Akgun, B. Ecklund, K. M. Geurts, F. J. M. Li, W. Michlin, B. Padley, B. P. Redjimi, R. Roberts, J. and Zabel, J. Betchart, B. Bodek, A. Covarelli, R. de Barbaro, P. Demina, R. Eshaq, Y. Ferbel, T. and Garcia-Bellido, A. Goldenzweig, P. Han, J. Harel, A. and Miner, D. C. Petrillo, G. Vishnevskiy, D. Zielinski, M. and Bhatti, A. Ciesielski, R. Demortier, L. Goulianos, K. and Lungu, G. Malik, S. Mesropian, C. Arora, S. Barker, A. and Chou, J. P. Contreras-Campana, C. Contreras-Campana, E. and Duggan, D. Ferencek, D. Gershtein, Y. Gray, R. and Halkiadakis, E. Hidas, D. Lath, A. Panwalkar, S. Park, M. Patel, R. Rekovic, V. Robles, J. Salur, S. and Schnetzer, S. Seitz, C. Somalwar, S. Stone, R. Thomas, S. Thomassen, P. Walker, M. Rose, K. Spanier, S. and Yang, Z. C. York, A. Bouhali, O. Eusebi, R. Flanagan, W. and Gilmore, J. Kamon, T. Khotilovich, V. Krutelyov, V. and Montalvo, R. Osipenkov, I. Pakhotin, Y. Perloff, A. Roe, J. Rose, A. Safonov, A. Sakuma, T. Suarez, I. and Tatarinov, A. Toback, D. Akchurin, N. Cowden, C. Damgov, J. Dragoiu, C. Dudero, P. R. Faulkner, J. Kovitanggoon, K. Kunori, S. Lee, S. W. Libeiro, T. Volobouev, I. and Appelt, E. Delannoy, A. G. Greene, S. Gurrola, A. Johns, W. Maguire, C. Mao, Y. Melo, A. Sharma, M. Sheldon, P. Snook, B. Tuo, S. Velkovska, J. Arenton, M. W. and Boutle, S. Cox, B. Francis, B. Goodell, J. Hirosky, R. and Ledovskoy, A. Li, H. Lin, C. Neu, C. Wood, J. and Gollapinni, S. Harr, R. Karchin, P. E. Don, C. Kottachchi Kankanamge Lamichhane, P. Belknap, D. A. Borrello, L. and Carlsmith, D. Cepeda, M. Dasu, S. Duric, S. Friis, E. and Grothe, M. Hall-Wilton, R. Herndon, M. Herve, A. and Klabbers, P. Klukas, J. Lanaro, A. Lazaridis, C. Levine, A. Loveless, R. Mohapatra, A. Ojalvo, I. Perry, T. and Pierro, G. A. Polese, G. Ross, I. Sarangi, T. Savin, A. and Smith, W. H. Woods, N. CMS Collaboration
- Subjects
Astrophysics::High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena ,High Energy Physics::Phenomenology ,High Energy Physics::Experiment - Abstract
A search for WV gamma triple vector boson production is presented based on events containing a W boson decaying to a muon or an electron and a neutrino, a second V (W or Z) boson, and a photon. The data correspond to an integrated luminosity of 19.3 fb(-1) collected in 2012 with the CMS detector at the LHC in pp collisions at root s = 8 TeV. An upper limit of 311 fb on the cross section for the WV gamma production process is obtained at 95% confidence level for photons with a transverse energy above 30 GeV and with an absolute value of pseudorapidity of less than 1.44. This limit is approximately a factor of 3.4 larger than the standard model predictions that are based on next-to-leading order QCD calculations. Since no evidence of anomalous WW gamma gamma or WWZ gamma quartic gauge boson couplings is found, this paper presents the first experimental limits on the dimension-eight parameter f(T,0) and the CP-conserving WWZ gamma parameters kappa(W)(0) and kappa(W)(C). Limits are also obtained for the WW gamma gamma parameters a(0)(W) and a(C)(W).
- Published
- 2014
5. A proteomic approach to investigate the mechanism of action of anticancer peptides
- Author
Genovese, Filippo, Gualandi, Alessandra, Taddia, Laura, Caselli, Monica, Ponterini, Glauco, Ferrari, Stefania, Marverti, Gaetano, Guerrini, R., Pela', M., Pavesi, Giorgia, Trapella, C., and Costi, Maria Paola
- Subjects
- 2013
6. Estratto fenolico da acque di vegetazione nella dieta e stato ossidativo di pecore nella fase di transizione
- Author
DE VINCENZI, Sergio, Moscati, L., Ruggeri, S., Mattioli, Simona, Pela, M., Antolini, A., Cestola, E., and Pauselli, Mariano
- Published
- 2013
7. Risposta immunitaria e dieta integrata con lino estruso in ovini da latte nel periparto
- Author
Acuti, Gabriele, Pela, M, Antolini, A, Cagiola, M, TRABALZA MARINUCCI, Massimo, Mughetti, L, and Moscati, L.
- Subjects
lino estruso ,periparto ,ovini da latte ,Risposta immunitaria - Published
- 2010
8. [ d-Pen( p-BuBzl)]NPS, a novel ligand for the neuropeptide S receptor: structure activity and pharmacological studies.
- Author
Ruzza, C., Zoppo, L., Malfacini, D., Pela', M., Trapella, C., Grieco, P., Salvadori, S., Calo', G., and Guerrini, R.
- Abstract
Neuropeptide S (NPS) regulates different biological functions by selectively activating a G protein coupled receptor named NPSR. Previous studies identified [ d-Pen]NPS as a NPSR antagonist. This study investigated the structure activity relationship of [ d-Pen]NPS by alkylation of the thiol group of d-Pen with different aliphatic and aromatic moieties. Nine compounds were synthesised and assayed in calcium mobilization studies, performed in HEK293 cells expressing the recombinant mouse NPSR. All compounds behaved as pure NPSR antagonists of moderate to high potency, in a similar manner to the reference peptide. The most potent compounds were obtained using alkylating groups as cyclic aromatic moieties. [ d-Pen( p-BuBzl)]NPS, the best compound of this series, was further investigated in vivo, where it fully prevented the stimulatory effects of supraspinal NPS on mouse locomotor activity. [ d-Pen( p-BuBzl)]NPS is proposed as a novel pharmacological tool which could be useful to investigate in vitro and in vivo biological functions regulated by the NPS/NPSR receptor system. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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9. Investigations of some parameters of natural immunity in meat Turkeys reared outdoors,Indagine su alcuni parametri di immunità naturale in Tacchini da carne allevati all'aperto
- Author
Maria Pia FRANCIOSINI, Proietti, P. C., Moscati, L., Battistacci, L., Pela, M., and Tacconi, G.
10. Proteomic approach to the identification of early phase biomarker for anticancer peptides targeting thefolate pathway
- Author
Genovese, F., Gualandi, A., Taddia, L., Ponterini, G., Gaetano Marverti, Pirondi, S., Guerrini, R., Pela, M., Pavesi, G., Trapella, C., and Costi, M. P.
11. Proteomic Approach to the Detection of the Mechanism of Action of Anticancer Peptides
- Author
Genovese, F., Gualandi, A., Taddia, L., Caselli, M., Ponterini, G., Marverti, G., Pirondi, S., Guerrini, R., Pela, M., Pavesi, G., Trapella, C., and Maria Paola Costi
- Subjects
anticancer drugs ,ovarian cancer ,proteomics ,peptides ,thymidylate synthase
12. The magnetic cluster blocking in Fe 0.35V 2O 5 spin glass
- Author
Pȩła, M. and Polaczek, A.
- Published
- 1980
- Full Text
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13. Genome-Wide Approach Identifies Natural Large-Fragment Deletion in ASFV Strains Circulating in Italy During 2023.
- Author
Torresi C, Biccheri R, Cammà C, Gallardo C, Marcacci M, Zoppi S, Secondini B, Riverso C, Soler A, Casciari C, Pela M, Rossi E, Pellegrini C, Iscaro C, Feliziani F, and Giammarioli M
- Subjects
- Animals, Italy epidemiology, Swine, Genotype, Phylogeny, African Swine Fever Virus genetics, African Swine Fever virology, African Swine Fever epidemiology, Genome, Viral, Sequence Deletion genetics
- Abstract
African swine fever (ASF), characterized by high mortality rates in infected animals, remains a significant global veterinary and economic concern, due to the widespread distribution of ASF virus (ASFV) genotype II across five continents. In this study, ASFV strains collected in Italy during 2022-2023 from two geographical clusters, North-West (Alessandria) and Calabria, were fully sequenced. In addition, an in vivo experiment in pigs was performed. Complete genomic sequencing of 30 strains revealed large-fragment deletions and translocations. In Alessandria, five samples showed two different deletions in the 5' genomic region: a ~4340 bp deletion (positions ~9020-13,356 in Georgia 2007/1) in four samples and a 2162 bp deletion (positions 17,837-19,998) in one sample. Another strain showed a truncation of 1950 bp at the 3' end. In Calabria, strains showed a 5137 bp deletion (positions 10,755-15,891) and ~2 kb truncations in the 3' region. Two strains showed a translocation from the region 1-2244 to positions 188,631-190,584. In vivo characterization of the deleted strain 22489.4_2312/RC/2023 revealed identical disease progression to the wild-type strain, with severe ASF symptoms in inoculated pigs. This study is the first to report natural deleted strains of ASFV in Italy, revealing unique genomic deletions distinct from those in previously known strains.
- Published
- 2025
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14. Clinical and biobehavioral phenotypic assessments and data harmonization for the RE-JOIN research consortium: Recommendations for common data element selection.
- Author
Cruz-Almeida Y, Mehta B, Haelterman NA, Johnson AJ, Heiting C, Ernberg M, Orange D, Lotz M, Boccanfuso J, Smith SB, Pela M, Boline J, Otero M, Allen K, Perez D, Donnelly C, Almarza A, Olmer M, Balkhi H, Wagenaar J, and Martone M
- Abstract
Background: The Restoring Joint Health and Function to Reduce Pain (RE-JOIN) Consortium is part of the Helping to End Addiction Long-term® (HEAL) Initiative. HEAL is an ambitious, NIH-wide initiative to speed scientific solutions to stem the national opioid public health crisis. The RE-JOIN consortium's over-arching goal is to define how chronic joint pain-mediating neurons innervate different articular and peri -articular tissues, with a focus on the knee and temporomandibular joints (TMJ) across species employing the latest neuroscience approaches. The aim of this manuscript is to elucidate the human data gathered by the RE-JOIN consortium, as well as to expound upon its underlying rationale and the methodologies and protocols for harmonization and standardization that have been instituted by the RE-JOIN Consortium., Methods: The consortium-wide human models working subgroup established the RE-JOIN minimal harmonized data elements that will be collected across all human studies and set the stage to develop parallel pre-clinical data collection standards. Data harmonization considerations included requirements from the HEAL program and recommendations from the consortium's researchers and experts on informatics, knowledge management, and data curation., Results: Multidisciplinary experts - including preclinical and clinical researchers, with both clinician-scientists- developed the RE-JOIN's Minimal Human Data Standard with required domains and outcome measures to be collected across projects and institutions. The RE-JOIN minimal data standard will include HEAL Common Data Elements (CDEs) (e.g., standardized demographics, general pain, psychosocial and functional measures), and RE-JOIN common data elements (R-CDE) (i.e., both general and joint-specific standardized and clinically important self-reported pain and function measures, as well as pressure pain thresholds part of quantitative sensory testing). In addition, discretionary, site-specific measures will be collected by individual institutions (e.g., expanded quantitative sensory testing and gait biomechanical assessments), specific to the knee or TMJ. Research teams will submit datasets of standardized metadata to the RE-JOIN Data Coordinating Center (DCG) via a secure cloud-based central data repository and computing infrastructure for researchers to share and conduct analyses on data collected by or acquired for RE-JOIN. RE-JOIN datasets will have protected health information (PHI) removed and be publicly available on the SPARC portal and accessible through the HEAL Data Ecosystem., Conclusion: Data Harmonization efforts provide the multidisciplinary consortium with an opportunity to effectively collaborate across decentralized research teams, and data standardization sets the framework for efficient future analyses of RE-JOIN data collected by the consortium. The harmonized phenotypic information obtained will significantly enhance our understanding of the neurobiology of the pain-pathology relationships in humans, providing valuable insights for comparison with pre-clinical models., Competing Interests: The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests: RE-JOIN Consortium investigators reports financial support was provided by National Institutes of Health. Yenisel Cruz-Almeida reports a relationship with Journal of Pain that includes: board membership and consulting or advisory. If there are other authors, they declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (© 2024 The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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15. Genetic Characterization of African Swine Fever Italian Clusters in the 2022-2023 Epidemic Wave by a Multi-Gene Approach.
- Author
Giammarioli M, Torresi C, Biccheri R, Cammà C, Marcacci M, Dondo A, Razzuoli E, Fusco G, Casalinuovo F, Scicluna MT, Dei Giudici S, Martin AMM, Rossi E, Casciari C, Pela M, Iscaro C, Gallardo C, Marocco G, Orrico M, and Feliziani F
- Subjects
- Animals, Italy epidemiology, Swine, Disease Outbreaks, Epidemics, Genetic Variation, African Swine Fever epidemiology, African Swine Fever virology, African Swine Fever Virus genetics, African Swine Fever Virus isolation & purification, African Swine Fever Virus classification, Phylogeny, Genotype, Sus scrofa virology
- Abstract
The first report of African swine fever virus (ASFV) genotype II in Italy in 2022 marked the beginning of a significant invasion in at least eight Italian regions with different infection clusters. In this study, we used the multi-gene approach to investigate the epidemiological associations between ASFV strains causing cases and outbreaks in wild boar and pigs in Italy from January 2022 to the end of 2023. Our results confirm that all the tested ASFV-positive Italian samples belonged to genotype II and show high homology with genotype II ASFV sequences previously collected in Eurasian countries. Molecular characterization revealed the presence of four genetic groups in Italy. The majority of African swine fever (ASF) samples analyzed in the current study (72%) belonged to genetic group 3, which was the most representative in Europe. The results also provide evidence of the prevalence of genetic group 19 (15.9%). In addition, we identified new putative genetic groups, genetic group 25 (9.1%) and genetic group 26 (3.0%), which have never been described before. This is the first detailed report on the molecular characterization of more than 130 ASFV strains circulating in Italy.
- Published
- 2024
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16. High-Pressure Processing of Different Tissue Homogenates from Pigs Challenged with the African Swine Fever Virus.
- Author
Petrini S, Brutti A, Casciari C, Calderone D, Pela M, Giammarioli M, Righi C, and Feliziani F
- Subjects
- Animals, Swine, Pressure, Kidney virology, Viral Load, Virus Inactivation, Spleen virology, African Swine Fever Virus physiology, African Swine Fever virology
- Abstract
African swine fever (ASF) is a disease that is a growing threat to the global swine industry. Regulations and restrictions are placed on swine movement to limit the spread of the virus. However, these are costly and time-consuming. Therefore, this study aimed to determine if high-pressure processing (HPP) sanitization techniques would be effective against the ASF virus. Here, it was hypothesized that HPP could inactivate or reduce ASF virus infectivity in tissue homogenates. To test this hypothesis, 30 aliquots of each homogenate (spleen, kidney, loin) were challenge-infected with the Turin/83 strain of ASF, at a 10
7.20 median hemadsorption dose (HAD)50 /mL. Subsequently, eight aliquots of each homogenate were treated with 600 millipascal (600 MPa) HPP for 3, 5, and 7 min. Six untreated aliquots were used as the controls. Virological results showed a reduction in the viral titer of more than 7-log. These results support the validity of the study hypothesis since HPP treatment was effective in inactivating ASFV in artificially prepared samples. Overall, this study suggests the need for further investigation of other ASFV-contaminated meat products., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflicts of interest.- Published
- 2024
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17. Assessment of BoAHV-1 Seronegative Latent Carrier by the Administration of Two Infectious Bovine Rhinotracheitis Live Marker Vaccines in Calves.
- Author
Petrini S, Righi C, Costantino G, Scoccia E, Gobbi P, Pellegrini C, Pela M, Giammarioli M, Viola G, Sabato R, Tinelli E, and Feliziani F
- Abstract
Seronegative latent carriers (SNLCs) are animals that carry the virus without detectable antibodies and pose a risk for disease transmission and diagnostic challenges, suggesting the importance of consideration of marker vaccines in managing them. Therefore, in this study, we evaluated two modified live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) marker vaccines (single and double deletions) for their ability to generate SNLC calves. These vaccines were administered to four groups (n = 3 in each group) of three-month-old calves in the presence or absence of passive immunity. Three hundred days after the first vaccination and after confirming the IBR seronegativity of all animals, dexamethasone was administered intravenously for five consecutive days. Only animals immunized with the modified live IBR marker vaccine (single deletion) in the absence of passive immunity exhibited a more enduring immune response than those vaccinated in the presence of passive immunity. Moreover, the administration of a modified live IBR marker vaccine (double deletion) to calves with passive immunity generated SNLC. These findings underscore the potential of live IBR marker vaccine (double-deletions) to aid serological diagnostic tools and develop vaccination protocols in achieving the desired immune response, particularly in the context of latent carrier status, offering valuable insights into optimizing vaccination strategies for effective IBR control.
- Published
- 2024
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18. The Production of Recombinant African Swine Fever Virus Lv17/WB/Rie1 Strains and Their In Vitro and In Vivo Characterizations.
- Author
Petrini S, Righi C, Mészáros I, D'Errico F, Tamás V, Pela M, Olasz F, Gallardo C, Fernandez-Pinero J, Göltl E, Magyar T, Feliziani F, and Zádori Z
- Abstract
Lv17/WB/Rie1-Δ24 was produced via illegitimate recombination mediated by low-dilution serial passage in the Cos7 cell line and isolated on PAM cell culture. The virus contains a huge ~26.4 Kb deletion in the left end of its genome. Lv17/WB/Rie1-ΔCD-ΔGL was generated via homologous recombination, crossing two ASFV strains (Lv17/WB/Rie1-ΔCD and Lv17/WB/Rie1-ΔGL containing eGFP and mCherry markers) during PAM co-infection. The presence of unique parental markers in the Lv17/WB/Rie1-ΔCD-ΔGL genome indicates at least two recombination events during the crossing, suggesting that homologous recombination is a relatively frequent event in the ASFV genome during replication in PAM. Pigs infected with Lv17/WB/Rie1-Δ24 and Lv17/WB/Rie1/ΔCD-ΔGL strains have shown mild clinical signs despite that ASFV could not be detected in their sera until a challenge infection with the Armenia/07 ASFV strain. The two viruses were not able to induce protective immunity in pigs against a virulent Armenia/07 challenge.
- Published
- 2023
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19. Evaluation of Haematological and Immunological Parameters of the ASFV Lv17/WB/Rie1 Strain and Its Derived Mutant Lv17/WB/Rie1/d110-11L against ASFV Challenge Infection in Domestic Pigs.
- Author
Franzoni G, Petrini S, Mészáros I, Dei Giudici S, Righi C, Olasz F, Zinellu S, Tamás V, Pela M, Gallardo C, Zádori Z, Oggiano A, and Feliziani F
- Abstract
African swine fever virus (ASFV) is the etiological agent of a haemorrhagic disease that threatens the global pig industry. There is an urgency to develop a safe and efficient vaccine, but the knowledge of the immune-pathogenetic mechanisms behind ASFV infection is still very limited. In this paper, we evaluated the haematological and immunological parameters of domestic pigs vaccinated with the ASFV Lv17/WB/Rie1 strain or its derived mutant Lv17/WB/Rie1/d110-11L and then challenged with virulent Armenia/07 ASFV. Circulating levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), 13 key cytokines and 11 haematological parameters were evaluated throughout the study. Lv17/WB/Rie1 triggered an inflammatory response, with increased levels of CRP and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and induced lymphopenia, thrombocytopenia and a decline in red blood cell (RBC) parameters, although this was transitory. Lv17/WB/Rie1/d110-11L triggered only transitory thrombocytopenia and a mild inflammatory reaction, with no increase in serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, but it raised IL-1Ra levels. Both strains counteracted several adverse reactions elicited by virulent challenge, like thrombocytopenia, a decline in RBC parameters, and inflammation. Within this paper, we provided a deep portrayal of the impact of diverse ASFV strains on the domestic pig's immune system. A better understanding of these immune-pathological mechanisms would help to design suitable vaccines against this disease.
- Published
- 2023
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20. Complete Genome of African Swine Fever Virus Genotype II in Central Italy.
- Author
Giammarioli M, Marcacci M, Scicluna MT, Cersini A, Torresi C, Curini V, Ancora M, Rinaldi A, Sala MG, Rossi E, Casciari C, Pela M, Pellegrini C, Iscaro C, Cammà C, and Feliziani F
- Abstract
We report here the whole-genome sequence of the African swine fever virus (ASFV) genotype II, strain 20355/RM/2022_Italy, identified in a wild boar in the city of Rome (Lazio region, Italy) in April 2022., Competing Interests: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
- Published
- 2023
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21. Molecular Characterization of the First African Swine Fever Virus Genotype II Strains Identified from Mainland Italy, 2022.
- Author
Giammarioli M, Alessandro D, Cammà C, Masoero L, Torresi C, Marcacci M, Zoppi S, Curini V, Rinaldi A, Rossi E, Casciari C, Pela M, Pellegrini C, Iscaro C, and Feliziani F
- Abstract
African swine fever (ASF) is responsible for important socio-economic effects in the global pig industry, especially for countries with large-scale piggery sectors. In January 2022, the African swine fever virus (ASFV) genotype II was identified in a wild boar population in mainland Italy (Piedmont region). This study describes the molecular characterization, by Sanger and next-generation sequencing (NGS), of the first index case 632/AL/2022 and of another isolate (2802/AL/2022) reported in the same month, in close proximity to the first, following multiple ASF outbreaks. Phylogenetic analysis based on the B646L gene and NGS clustered the isolates 632/AL/2022 and 2802/AL/2022 within the wide and most homogeneous p72 genotype II that includes viruses from European and Asian countries. The consensus sequence obtained from the ASFV 2802/AL/2022 isolate was 190,598 nucleotides in length and had a mean GC content of 38.38%. At the whole-genome level, ASF isolate 2802/AL/2022 showed a close genetic correlation with the other representative ASFV genotype II strains isolated between April 2007 and January 2022 from wild and domestic pigs in Eastern/Central European (EU) and Asian countries. CVR subtyping clustered the two Italian ASFV strains within the major CVR variant circulating since the first virus introduction in Georgia in 2007. Intergenic region I73R-I329L subtyping placed the Italian ASFV isolates within the variant identical to the strains frequently identified among wild boars and domestic pigs. Presently, given the high sequence similarity, it is impossible to trace the precise geographic origin of the virus at a country level. Moreover, the full-length sequences available in the NCBI are not completely representative of all affected territories.
- Published
- 2023
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22. Identification of a Workpiece Temperature Compensation Model for Automatic Correction of the Cutting Process.
- Author
Zawada-Tomkiewicz A, Tomkiewicz D, and Pela M
- Abstract
This article describes a system for measuring and compensating for errors resulting from the cutting process in order to improve the accuracy of the workpiece. Measurements were performed by means of an automatic measurement unit. The diameter of the workpiece was measured at two points, and at the same time, the temperature at the end face of the workpiece was measured. These measurements were used in Statistical Process Control (SPC). Based on the measured values, the process stability was checked and an error correction value was determined for the next item. Moreover, the value of the correction was influenced by the assumed value of tool wear, in accordance with the adopted model, and the possibility of achieving the assumed surface quality. The diameter of the workpiece for SPC purposes was measured under industrial conditions using an automatic measurement unit, which indicates that the temperature of the workpiece during the measurement was significantly higher than the reference temperature. The study focuses on the possibility of identifying a workpiece temperature compensation model in measurements of the workpiece diameter for the purpose of introducing an additional change in the correction value. It was found that a model with a constant correction value and a linear model poorly reflect the nature of the changes. On the other hand, the Autoregressive with Extra Input (ARX) model and the Nonlinear Autoregressive with Extra Input (NLARX) model, with a neural network, are able to map the inertia of the system and map the process with greater accuracy. In this way, measurements performed in industrial conditions can more accurately determine the possibility of achieving the assumed tolerance of the finished product. At the same time, the research shows that the temperature compensation model is nonlinear, and that the maximum possible machining accuracy of the workpiece can be achieved thanks to the repeatable measurement and compensation technique.
- Published
- 2022
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23. Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of an Inactivated Marker Vaccine against Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) in Water Buffalo ( Bubalus bubalis ).
- Author
Petrini S, Martucciello A, Grandoni F, De Matteis G, Cappelli G, Giammarioli M, Scoccia E, Grassi C, Righi C, Fusco G, Galiero G, Pela M, De Mia GM, and De Carlo E
- Abstract
Recent studies have explored the seropositivity of Bovine alphaherpesvirus 1 (BoHV-1) in water buffaloes, suggesting the urgency for developing strategies to eradicate the virus involving both cattle and water buffaloes. However, in Europe, the glycoprotein E (gE) deleted marker vaccines against BoHV-1 are commercially available only for the cattle industry. This study, for the first time, evaluated the safety and efficacy of a commercial inactivated gE-deleted marker vaccine in water buffalo. Five animals devoid of BoHV-1-neutralizing antibodies were vaccinated via intramuscular route. Five additional animals served as an unvaccinated control group. Sixty days after the first immunization, all animals were experimentally infected with a virulent BoHV-1via intranasal route. A detectable BoHV-1-humoral immune response was observed in the vaccinated group on post-vaccination day 30, whereas the antibodies appeared on post-challenge day 10 in the control group. Moreover, the vaccinated animals neither show viral shedding nor clinical signs compared to the control upon challenge. However, post-challenge, the BoHV-1-specific humoral and cell-mediated immune responses were significantly more increased in vaccinated animals than the control animals. Overall, the present study provides evidence of both the safety and efficacy of an inactivated gE-deleted marker vaccine against BoHV-1 in water buffaloes.
- Published
- 2021
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24. Bovine malignant catarrhal fever: case reporting in Central Italy.
- Author
Pesca C, Gobbi M, Palombi C, Forte C, Pavone S, Stazi M, Pela M, Cruciani D, and D'Avino N
- Subjects
- Animals, Cattle, Cattle Diseases blood, Fatal Outcome, Herpesviridae Infections blood, Herpesviridae Infections diagnosis, Italy, Malignant Catarrh blood, Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction veterinary, Cattle Diseases diagnosis, Gammaherpesvirinae isolation & purification, Herpesviridae Infections veterinary, Malignant Catarrh diagnosis
- Abstract
A case of malignant catarrhal fever (MCF) occurred in a 4‑month‑old calf housed in a semi‑intensive herd in central Italy is described. The herd was in strict cohabitation with a group of domestic sheep. The calf displayed clinical signs that resembled the acute form of MCF and, after a few days of antibiotic and anti inflammatory therapy, died in September 2016. The diagnosis was confirmed in vivo in blood by detection of ovine herpesvirus type 2 DNA through real‑time PCR. At necropsy, the gross post‑mortem findings were typical of MCF and the histological and molecular assays confirmed the presence of the virus. The sheep flock was suspected to be the source of the infection. In Italy, as well as in Europe, there is little data regarding the epidemiology and the recurrence of the disease in herds of cattle, due to the lack of an active surveillance plan and to a major consideration of MCF between differential diagnosis.
- Published
- 2019
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25. The periosteal requirement and temporal dynamics of BMP2-induced middle phalanx regeneration in the adult mouse.
- Author
Dawson LA, Yu L, Yan M, Marrero L, Schanes PP, Dolan C, Pela M, Petersen B, Han M, and Muneoka K
- Abstract
Regeneration of mammalian limbs is restricted to amputation of the distal digit tip, the terminal phalanx (P3). The adjacent skeletal element, the middle phalanx (P2), has emerged as a model system to investigate regenerative failure and as a site to test approaches aimed at enhancing regeneration. We report that exogenous application of bone morphogenetic protein 2 (BMP2) stimulates the formation of a transient cartilaginous callus distal to the amputation plane that mediates the regeneration of the amputated P2 bone. BMP2 initiates a significant regeneration response during the periosteal-derived cartilaginous healing phase of P2 bone repair, yet fails to induce regeneration in the absence of periosteal tissue, or after boney callus formation. We provide evidence that a temporal component exists in the induced regeneration of P2 that we define as the "regeneration window." In this window, cells are transiently responsive to BMP2 after the amputation injury. Simple re-injury of the healed P2 stump acts to reinitiate endogenous bone repair, complete with periosteal chondrogenesis, thus reopening the "regeneration window" and thereby recreating a regeneration-permissive environment that is responsive to exogenous BMP2 treatment.
- Published
- 2017
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26. Analogous cellular contribution and healing mechanisms following digit amputation and phalangeal fracture in mice.
- Author
Dawson LA, Simkin J, Sauque M, Pela M, Palkowski T, and Muneoka K
- Abstract
Regeneration of amputated structures is severely limited in humans and mice, with complete regeneration restricted to the distal portion of the terminal phalanx (P3). Here, we investigate the dynamic tissue repair response of the second phalangeal element (P2) post amputation in the adult mouse, and show that the repair response of the amputated bone is similar to the proximal P2 bone fragment in fracture healing. The regeneration-incompetent P2 amputation response is characterized by periosteal endochondral ossification resulting in the deposition of new trabecular bone, corresponding to a significant increase in bone volume; however, this response is not associated with bone lengthening. We show that cells of the periosteum respond to amputation and fracture by contributing both chondrocytes and osteoblasts to the endochondral ossification response. Based on our studies, we suggest that the amputation response represents an attempt at regeneration that ultimately fails due to the lack of a distal organizing influence that is present in fracture healing.
- Published
- 2016
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27. Validation of mismatch negativity and P3a for use in multi-site studies of schizophrenia: characterization of demographic, clinical, cognitive, and functional correlates in COGS-2.
- Author
Light GA, Swerdlow NR, Thomas ML, Calkins ME, Green MF, Greenwood TA, Gur RE, Gur RC, Lazzeroni LC, Nuechterlein KH, Pela M, Radant AD, Seidman LJ, Sharp RF, Siever LJ, Silverman JM, Sprock J, Stone WS, Sugar CA, Tsuang DW, Tsuang MT, Braff DL, and Turetsky BI
- Subjects
- Acoustic Stimulation, Adolescent, Adult, Aged, Electroencephalography, Endophenotypes, Feasibility Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Neuropsychological Tests, Psychiatric Status Rating Scales, Reproducibility of Results, Schizophrenia complications, Schizophrenia drug therapy, Schizophrenia genetics, Smoking physiopathology, Socioeconomic Factors, Young Adult, Auditory Perception physiology, Brain physiopathology, Event-Related Potentials, P300, Evoked Potentials, Auditory, Schizophrenia physiopathology
- Abstract
Mismatch negativity (MMN) and P3a are auditory event-related potential (ERP) components that show robust deficits in schizophrenia (SZ) patients and exhibit qualities of endophenotypes, including substantial heritability, test-retest reliability, and trait-like stability. These measures also fulfill criteria for use as cognition and function-linked biomarkers in outcome studies, but have not yet been validated for use in large-scale multi-site clinical studies. This study tested the feasibility of adding MMN and P3a to the ongoing Consortium on the Genetics of Schizophrenia (COGS) study. The extent to which demographic, clinical, cognitive, and functional characteristics contribute to variability in MMN and P3a amplitudes was also examined. Participants (HCS n=824, SZ n=966) underwent testing at 5 geographically distributed COGS laboratories. Valid ERP recordings were obtained from 91% of HCS and 91% of SZ patients. Highly significant MMN (d=0.96) and P3a (d=0.93) amplitude reductions were observed in SZ patients, comparable in magnitude to those observed in single-lab studies with no appreciable differences across laboratories. Demographic characteristics accounted for 26% and 18% of the variance in MMN and P3a amplitudes, respectively. Significant relationships were observed among demographically-adjusted MMN and P3a measures and medication status as well as several clinical, cognitive, and functional characteristics of the SZ patients. This study demonstrates that MMN and P3a ERP biomarkers can be feasibly used in multi-site clinical studies. As with many clinical tests of brain function, demographic factors contribute to MMN and P3a amplitudes and should be carefully considered in future biomarker-informed clinical studies., (Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2015
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28. A novel and facile synthesis of tetra branched derivatives of nociceptin/orphanin FQ.
- Author
Guerrini R, Marzola E, Trapella C, Pela' M, Molinari S, Cerlesi MC, Malfacini D, Rizzi A, Salvadori S, and Calo' G
- Subjects
- Animals, Dose-Response Relationship, Drug, Electric Stimulation, Injections, Intraventricular, Ligands, Male, Mice, Molecular Conformation, Opioid Peptides administration & dosage, Opioid Peptides chemistry, Structure-Activity Relationship, Nociceptin Receptor, Nociceptin, Eating drug effects, Opioid Peptides pharmacology, Receptors, Opioid agonists
- Abstract
Branched peptides have been found to be useful in several research fields however their synthesis and purification is complicated. Here we present a novel and facile synthesis of tetra branched derivatives of nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ). Three N/OFQ tetra branched derivatives were prepared using novel cores (PWT1, PWT2 and PWT3) containing a maleimido moiety. [Cys(18)]N/OFQ-NH2 was linked to the cores via thiol-Michael reaction characterized by high yield and purity of the desired final product. In the electrically stimulated mouse vas deferens PWT-N/OFQ derivatives mimicked the inhibitory action of the natural sequence showing similar maximal effects and 3 fold higher potencies. The NOP selective antagonist SB-612111 antagonized the effects of N/OFQ and PWT derivatives with similar pKB values (8.02-8.48). In vivo after supraspinal administration PWT2-N/OFQ stimulated food intake in mice mimicking the action of N/OFQ. Compared to the natural peptide PWT2-N/OFQ was 40 fold more potent and elicited larger effects. These findings suggest that the PWT chemical strategy can be successfully applied to biologically active peptides to generate, with unprecedented high purity and yield, tetra branched derivatives displaying an in vitro pharmacological profile similar to that of the natural sequence associated, in vivo, to increased potency and effectiveness., (Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2014
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29. Use of milk amyloid A in the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis in dairy ewes.
- Author
Miglio A, Moscati L, Fruganti G, Pela M, Scoccia E, Valiani A, and Maresca C
- Subjects
- Animals, Female, Mastitis metabolism, Serum Amyloid A Protein metabolism, Sheep, Mastitis diagnosis, Milk chemistry, Serum Amyloid A Protein chemistry, Sheep Diseases diagnosis
- Abstract
Subclinical mastitis (SM) is one of the most important diseases affecting dairy ewes worldwide, with negative impact on the animal health, farm income and public health. Animals with SM often remain untreated because the disease may not be revealed. Increase in somatic cell count (SCC) and positive bacteriology for mastitis pathogens in milk samples are indicative of SM but the evidence of only one of these alterations must suggest an uncertain SM (UM). UM is defined when positive bacteriological examination (Latent-SM) or SCC>500 000 cells/ml (non-specific-SM) are detected in milk. Nevertheless, SCC and bacteriological examination are expensive, time consuming and are not yet in use at the farm level in dairy ewes. Recently, a sensitive acute phase protein, amyloid A, displaying multiple isoforms in plasma and different body fluids including mammary secretion (milk amyloid A-MAA), has been investigated as a marker of mastitis in cows and, in a few studies, in sheep. The aim of this trial was to compare the concentration of MAA of single udder-halves in ewes with healthy udder-halves (HU-control group) and naturally occurring subclinical mastitis, both confirmed (SM group) and uncertain (UM groups: Latent-SM and non-specific-SM), for monitoring udder health. The reliability of a specific ELISA kit for the measurement of MAA was also tested. During a 3-month trial period, 153 udder halves were assigned to the experimental groups based on their health status: 25 with SM, 40 with UM (11 with latent-SM and 29 with non-specific-SM) and 88 HU. SCC and bacteriological analysis were performed to establish the control and subclinical mastitis groups. MAA concentrations in milk samples were measured using a specific commercially milk ELISA kit. The data were submitted to statistical analysis. Significant (P<0·05) differences among the groups SM, non-specific-SM and HU were detected with the SM having the highest level and HU the lowest. MAA concentration is affected by the udder health status and is a useful indicator of subclinical mastitis and increased SCC in sheep.
- Published
- 2013
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30. Demand and modality of directed attention modulate "pre-attentive" sensory processes in schizophrenia patients and nonpsychiatric controls.
- Author
Rissling AJ, Park SH, Young JW, Rissling MB, Sugar CA, Sprock J, Mathias DJ, Pela M, Sharp RF, Braff DL, and Light GA
- Subjects
- Acoustic Stimulation, Adult, Brain Mapping, Case-Control Studies, Electroencephalography, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Photic Stimulation methods, Reaction Time physiology, Attention physiology, Contingent Negative Variation physiology, Event-Related Potentials, P300 physiology, Schizophrenia complications, Sensation Disorders etiology
- Abstract
Background: Mismatch negativity (MNN) and P3a are event related potential (ERP) measures of early sensory information processing. These components are usually conceptualized as being "pre-attentive" and therefore immune to changes with variations in attentional functioning. This study aimed to determine whether manipulations of attention influence the amplitudes and latencies of MMN and P3a and, if so, the extent to which these early sensory processes govern concurrent behavioral vigilance performance in schizophrenia patients and normal subjects., Methods: Schizophrenia patients (SZ; n = 20) and Nonpsychiatric Control Subjects (NCS; n = 20) underwent auditory ERP testing to assess MMN and P3a across 4 EEG recording sessions in which attentional demand (low vs. high) and sensory modality of directed attention (visual vs. auditory) were experimentally varied., Results: Across conditions, SZ patients exhibited deficits in MMN and P3a amplitudes. Significant amplitude and latency modulation were observed in both SZ and NCS but there were no group-by-condition interactions. The amount of MMN amplitude attenuation from low- to high-demand tasks was significantly associated with increased vigilance performance in both SZ and NCS groups (r = -0.67 and r = -0.60). Several other robust associations were also observed among neurophysiologic, clinical and cognitive variables., Conclusions: Attentional demand and modality of directed attention significantly influence the amplitude and latencies of "pre-attentive" ERP components in both SZ and NCS. Deficits in MMN and P3a were not "normalized" when attention was directed to the auditory stimuli in schizophrenia patients. The adaptive modulation of early sensory information processing appears to govern concurrent attentional task performance. The temporal window reflecting automatic sensory discrimination as indexed as MMN and P3a may serve as a gateway to some higher order cognitive operations necessary for psychosocial functioning., (Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2013
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31. Neural substrates of normal and impaired preattentive sensory discrimination in large cohorts of nonpsychiatric subjects and schizophrenia patients as indexed by MMN and P3a change detection responses.
- Author
Takahashi H, Rissling AJ, Pascual-Marqui R, Kirihara K, Pela M, Sprock J, Braff DL, and Light GA
- Subjects
- Adult, Cohort Studies, Electroencephalography, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Signal Processing, Computer-Assisted, Attention physiology, Brain physiopathology, Evoked Potentials physiology, Schizophrenia physiopathology
- Abstract
Objective: Schizophrenia (SZ) patients have information processing deficits, spanning from low level sensory processing to higher-order cognitive functions. Mismatch negativity (MMN) and P3a are event-related potential (ERP) components that are automatically elicited in response to unattended changes in ongoing, repetitive stimuli that provide a window into abnormal information processing in SZ. MMN and P3a are among the most robust and consistently identified deficits in SZ, yet the neural substrates of these responses and their associated deficits in SZ are not fully understood. This study examined the neural sources of MMN and P3a components in a large cohort of SZ and nonpsychiatric control subjects (NCS) using Exact Low Resolution Electromagnetic Tomography Analyses (eLORETA) in order to identify the neural sources of MMN and P3a as well as the brain regions associated with deficits commonly observed among SZ patients., Methods: 410 SZ and 247 NCS underwent EEG testing using a duration-deviant auditory oddball paradigm (1-kHz tones, 500ms SOA; standard p=0.90, 50-ms duration; deviant tones P=0.10, 100-ms duration) while passively watching a silent video. Voxel-by-voxel within- (MMN vs. P3a) and between-group (SZ vs. NCS) comparisons were performed using eLORETA., Results: SZ had robust deficits in MMN and P3a responses measured at scalp electrodes consistent with other studies. These components mapped onto neural sources broadly distributed across temporal, frontal, and parietal regions. MMN deficits in SZ were associated with reduced activations in discrete medial frontal brain regions, including the anterior-posterior cingulate and medial frontal gyri. These early sensory discriminatory MMN impairments were followed by P3a deficits associated with widespread reductions in the activation of attentional networks (frontal, temporal, parietal regions), reflecting impaired orienting or shifts of attention to the infrequent stimuli., Conclusions: MMN and P3a are dissociable responses associated with broadly distributed patterns of neural activation. MMN deficits among SZ patients appear to be primarily accounted for by reductions in medial prefrontal brain regions that are followed by widespread dysfunction across cortical networks associated with P3a in a manner that is consistent with hierarchical information processing models of cognitive deficits in SZ patients. Impairments in automatic stimulus discrimination may contribute to higher-order cognitive and psychosocial deficits in SZ., (Published by Elsevier Inc.)
- Published
- 2013
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32. Disentangling early sensory information processing deficits in schizophrenia.
- Author
Rissling AJ, Braff DL, Swerdlow NR, Hellemann G, Rassovsky Y, Sprock J, Pela M, and Light GA
- Subjects
- Adult, Electroencephalography, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Attention physiology, Cerebral Cortex physiopathology, Evoked Potentials, Auditory physiology, Schizophrenia physiopathology
- Abstract
Objective: The disentangling of early sensory information processing deficits and examination of their relationships to demographic and clinical factors are important steps for the validation of potential biomarkers and/or endophenotypes of schizophrenia. The aims of the present study were to characterize commonly used sensory event-related potential deficits, to determine whether they are (1) distinct from one another and (2) independently associated with important clinical characteristics., Methods: MMN, P3a and RON event-related potentials (ERP) were recorded from schizophrenia patients (SZ; n=429) and nonpsychiatric comparison subjects (NCS; n=286). Subgroup analyses on demographic and clinical variables were performed., Results: Schizophrenia patients exhibited robust ERP deficits at frontocentral electrodes (MMN: d=1.10; P3a: d=0.87; RON: d=0.77), consistent with previous studies. Each ERP component uniquely accounted for variance in amplitude and schizophrenia deficits. Amplitude reductions occurred with increasing age in both NCS and SZ patients. A small subset of patients prescribed combinations of 1st and 2nd generation antipsychotics exhibited significantly reduced MMN amplitude relative to other medication-defined subgroups., Conclusions: MMN, P3a, and RON are dissociable deficits with distinct relationships to age and medication status in schizophrenia patients, potentially reflecting divergent pathophysiological processes. Reduced MMN in patients taking multiple antipsychotic medications appear to be attributable to greater severity of symptoms and functional impairments, rather than a medication effect., Significance: Independent information processing deficits in schizophrenia patients may differentially contribute to the commonly observed deficits in neurocognitive and psychosocial functioning., (Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.)
- Published
- 2012
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33. Characterization of neurophysiologic and neurocognitive biomarkers for use in genomic and clinical outcome studies of schizophrenia.
- Author
Light GA, Swerdlow NR, Rissling AJ, Radant A, Sugar CA, Sprock J, Pela M, Geyer MA, and Braff DL
- Subjects
- Adult, Female, Humans, Longitudinal Studies, Male, Middle Aged, Schizophrenia genetics, Schizophrenia physiopathology, Biomarkers analysis, Endophenotypes analysis, Neuropsychological Tests standards, Schizophrenia diagnosis
- Abstract
Background: Endophenotypes are quantitative, laboratory-based measures representing intermediate links in the pathways between genetic variation and the clinical expression of a disorder. Ideal endophenotypes exhibit deficits in patients, are stable over time and across shifts in psychopathology, and are suitable for repeat testing. Unfortunately, many leading candidate endophenotypes in schizophrenia have not been fully characterized simultaneously in large cohorts of patients and controls across these properties. The objectives of this study were to characterize the extent to which widely-used neurophysiological and neurocognitive endophenotypes are: 1) associated with schizophrenia, 2) stable over time, independent of state-related changes, and 3) free of potential practice/maturation or differential attrition effects in schizophrenia patients (SZ) and nonpsychiatric comparison subjects (NCS). Stability of clinical and functional measures was also assessed., Methods: Participants (SZ n = 341; NCS n = 205) completed a battery of neurophysiological (MMN, P3a, P50 and N100 indices, PPI, startle habituation, antisaccade), neurocognitive (WRAT-3 Reading, LNS-forward, LNS-reorder, WCST-64, CVLT-II). In addition, patients were rated on clinical symptom severity as well as functional capacity and status measures (GAF, UPSA, SOF). 223 subjects (SZ n = 163; NCS n = 58) returned for retesting after 1 year., Results: Most neurophysiological and neurocognitive measures exhibited medium-to-large deficits in schizophrenia, moderate-to-substantial stability across the retest interval, and were independent of fluctuations in clinical status. Clinical symptoms and functional measures also exhibited substantial stability. A Longitudinal Endophenotype Ranking System (LERS) was created to rank neurophysiological and neurocognitive biomarkers according to their effect sizes across endophenotype criteria., Conclusions: The majority of neurophysiological and neurocognitive measures exhibited deficits in patients, stability over a 1-year interval and did not demonstrate practice or time effects supporting their use as endophenotypes in neural substrate and genomic studies. These measures hold promise for informing the "gene-to-phene gap" in schizophrenia research.
- Published
- 2012
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34. Synthesis and separation of the enantiomers of the neuropeptide S receptor antagonist (9R/S)-3-oxo-1,1-diphenyl-tetrahydro-oxazolo[3,4-a]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid 4-fluoro-benzylamide (SHA 68).
- Author
Trapella C, Pela M, Del Zoppo L, Calo G, Camarda V, Ruzza C, Cavazzini A, Costa V, Bertolasi V, Reinscheid RK, Salvadori S, and Guerrini R
- Subjects
- Crystallography, X-Ray, Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy, Models, Molecular, Oxazolidinones pharmacology, Pyrazines pharmacology, Receptors, Neuropeptide metabolism, Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization, Stereoisomerism, Oxazolidinones chemical synthesis, Oxazolidinones isolation & purification, Pyrazines chemical synthesis, Pyrazines isolation & purification, Receptors, Neuropeptide antagonists & inhibitors
- Abstract
This study reports the synthesis, chromatographic separation, and pharmacological evaluation of the two enantiomers of the neuropeptide S receptor (NPSR) antagonist (9R/S)-3-oxo-1,1-diphenyl-tetrahydro-oxazolo[3,4-a]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid 4-fluoro-benzylamide (SHA 68). The (9R)-3-oxo-1,1-diphenyl-tetrahydro-oxazolo[3,4-a]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid 4-fluoro-benzylamide (compound 10) and (9S)-3-oxo-1,1-diphenyl-tetrahydro-oxazolo[3,4-a]pyrazine-7-carboxylic acid 4-fluoro-benzylamide (compound 10a) were synthesized and their purity assessed by chiral chromatography. The absolute configuration of the enantiomer 10 has been assigned from the crystal structure of the corresponding (S)-phenyl ethyl amine derivative 8. Calcium mobilization studies performed on cells expressing the recombinant NPSR demonstrated that compound 10 is the active enantiomer while the contribution of 10a to the NPSR antagonist properties of the racemic mixture is negligible.
- Published
- 2011
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35. Further studies on the pharmacological profile of the neuropeptide S receptor antagonist SHA 68.
- Author
Ruzza C, Rizzi A, Trapella C, Pela' M, Camarda V, Ruggieri V, Filaferro M, Cifani C, Reinscheid RK, Vitale G, Ciccocioppo R, Salvadori S, Guerrini R, and Calo' G
- Subjects
- Animals, Caffeine pharmacology, Cell Line, Eating drug effects, Exploratory Behavior drug effects, Humans, Male, Maze Learning drug effects, Mice, Motor Activity drug effects, Rats, Anti-Anxiety Agents pharmacology, Behavior, Animal drug effects, Neuropeptides pharmacology, Oxazolidinones pharmacology, Pyrazines pharmacology, Receptors, Neuropeptide antagonists & inhibitors
- Abstract
Neuropeptide S (NPS) regulates various biological functions by selectively activating the NPS receptor (NPSR). Previous studies demonstrated that the non-peptide molecule SHA 68 acts as a selective NPSR antagonist. In the present study the pharmacological profile of SHA 68 has been further investigated in vitro and in vivo. In cells expressing the mouse NPSR SHA 68 was inactive per se up to 10microM while it antagonized NPS-stimulated calcium mobilization in a competitive manner showing a pA(2) value of 8.06. In the 10-50mg/kg range of doses, SHA 68 counteracted the stimulant effects elicited by NPS, but not those of caffeine, in mouse locomotor activity experiments. In the mouse righting reflex assay SHA 68 fully prevented the arousal-promoting action of the peptide. The anxiolytic-like effects of NPS were slightly reduced by SHA 68 in the mouse open field, fully prevented in the rat elevated plus maze and partially antagonized in the rat defensive burying paradigm. Finally, SHA 68 was found poorly active in antagonizing the NPS inhibitory effect on palatable food intake in rats. In all assays SHA 68 did not produce any effect per se. In conclusion, the present study demonstrated that SHA 68 behaves as a selective NPSR antagonist that can be used to characterize the in vivo actions of NPS. However the usefulness of this research tool is limited by its poor pharmacokinetic properties., (Copyright (c) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2010
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36. Structure-activity studies on the nociceptin/orphanin FQ receptor antagonist 1-benzyl-N-{3-[spiroisobenzofuran-1(3H),4'-piperidin-1-yl]propyl} pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide.
- Author
Trapella C, Fischetti C, Pela' M, Lazzari I, Guerrini R, Calo' G, Rizzi A, Camarda V, Lambert DG, McDonald J, Regoli D, and Salvadori S
- Subjects
- Animals, Behavior, Animal drug effects, CHO Cells, Cricetinae, Cricetulus, Electric Stimulation, Guinea Pigs, Humans, Ileum drug effects, Male, Mice, Piperidines administration & dosage, Piperidines chemical synthesis, Protein Binding, Rats, Rats, Sprague-Dawley, Spiro Compounds administration & dosage, Spiro Compounds chemical synthesis, Structure-Activity Relationship, Vas Deferens drug effects, Nociceptin Receptor, Narcotic Antagonists, Piperidines chemistry, Piperidines pharmacology, Receptors, Opioid metabolism, Spiro Compounds chemistry, Spiro Compounds pharmacology
- Abstract
Twelve derivatives of the nociceptin/orphanin FQ (N/OFQ) receptor (NOP) antagonist 1-benzyl-N-{3-[spiroisobenzofuran-1(3H),4'-piperidin-1-yl]propyl} pyrrolidine-2-carboxamide (Comp 24) were synthesized and tested in binding experiments performed on CHO(hNOP) cell membranes. Among them, a novel interesting NOP receptor antagonist (compound 35) was identified by blending chemical moieties taken from different NOP receptor ligands. In vitro in various assays, Compound 35 consistently behaved as a pure, highly potent (pA(2) in the range 8.0-9.9), competitive and NOP selective antagonist. However compound 35 was found inactive when challenged against N/OFQ in vivo in the mouse tail withdrawal assay. Thus, the usefulness of the novel NOP ligand compound 35 is limited to in vitro investigations.
- Published
- 2009
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