59. Pericnemis stictica Selys. - Eastcoast Gvt.: Deli. Soekaranda. 1 ♀ (Kruger). Benkoelen Res.,: Redjang. Soebanajam. 1 ♀ (Ris). S. Lampoeng Res.: Mt. Tanggamoes. Gisting. 500 m. 1 ♀ Sept. 26. 1933. Toxopeus leg. - Abd. 49. hw. 37 mm. One of the smallest specimens which I have seen. I possess some ♀ ♀ from Mt. Slamat and Mt. Raoeng. in Java. which are of the same size or even smaller; in this respect the species is a very variable insect. Differs from Javan females only in that the pterostigma is brown surrounded by a broad yellow border. instead of being entirely yellow. In the structure of its prothorax the present ♀ is identical with Javan ones., Published as part of Lieftinck, M. A., 1935, A Synopsis of the Odonata (Dragonflies) of Sumatra, pp. 1-23 in Miscellanea Zoologica Sumatrana 1 on page 10, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3251875, {"references":["Kruger. L. Die Odonaten von Sumatra. I ~ III. Stett. ent. Zeitg. 59 - 63. 1898 - 1902.","Ris. F. Odonaten von Sumatra, gesammelt von Edward Jacobson. Zool. Meded. Leiden. 10. 1927."]}