1. Vrijeme “novih” otočanki: etnografija stvaranja budućnosti doseljenica na Lastovu
- Author
Perinić Lewis, Ana, Blagaić, Marina, Perinić Lewis, Ana, and Blagaić, Marina
- Abstract
U ovome radu analiziramo iskustva migracija žena na otok Lastovo tijekom posljednjih dvadesetak godina s fokusom na razloge njihova doseljenja, njihove percepcije “otočnoga vremena” i refleksije o temporalnostima koje žive u svakodnevici. Usmjerile smo se i na procese stvaranja budućnosti, razumijevajući je kao jedan od modaliteta društveno i kulturno oblikovanih iskustava temporalnosti. Analizom građe prikupljene metodom polustrukturiranih intervjua, nastojale smo interpretirati proces zamišljanja budućnosti doseljenica na otok te uočile važnost otočne rezidencijalnosti kao preduvjeta ostvarenja takvih imaginarija u kojima životni stil, slobodno vrijeme i kreativnost zauzimaju važnu ulogu. Zanimalo nas je kreiranje i pregovaranje željene i ostvarene kvalitete života na otoku. Osim toga, analizirale smo iskustvo otočnoga vremena i ritma te procjene (ne)uklopljenosti “novih” otočanki u percipirane otočne temporalnosti. U radu se ukazuje na presjecišta osobnog i kolektivnog, otočnog i izvanotočnog, kulturnog, rodnog i klasnog u kontekstu raznovrsnih temporalnosti koje se otvaraju kroz doseljeničko iskustvo života na otoku., In this paper, we analyze the experiences of women moving to the island of Lastovo in the last twenty or so years, focusing on the reasons for their migration, their perception of “island time” and their reflections on the temporalities that they live in their everyday life. We also focus on the processes of creating the future, regarding future as a socially and culturally determined modes of experiencing temporality. Based on material collected through semi-structured interviews, we attempt to interpret the women incomers’ processes of imagining the future. We note the importance of island residence as a prerequisite for the realization of such imaginaries, where one’s lifestyle, free time and creativity play a significant role. We were interested in how the desired and realized quality of life on the island was created and negotiated. Moreover, we analyzed the experience of island time and rhythm and the evaluation of the (lack of) integration of these “new” island women into perceived island temporalities. The paper explores the intersections of what is personal and collective, what is island-related and off-island, as well as what is cultural, gender and class-related in the context of various temporalities that appear as a result of the incomers’ experience of island life.
- Published
- 2024