25 results on '"Petrović, Ana M."'
Search Results
2. Insights into Land-Use and Demographical Changes: Runoff and Erosion Modifications in the Highlands of Serbia
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Petrović, Ana M., Manojlović, Sanja, Srejić, Tanja, Zlatanović, Nikola, Petrović, Ana M., Petrović, Ana M., Manojlović, Sanja, Srejić, Tanja, and Zlatanović, Nikola
- Abstract
This research investigates the effects of land use/land cover (LULC) and demographical changes on runoff and erosion processes in the watersheds of border highlands in Serbia. It provides an interdisciplinary approach, linking demography (human geography) with physical geography (hydrology and geomorphology). (A) A predominant decrease in curve number (CN), a key hydrological indicator, is recorded in more than 20 watersheds in Eastern and Southeastern Serbia, largely due to continuous depopulation and abandonment of arable land over recent decades. In contrast, minor CN changes are dominant in over 10 watersheds in Western and Southwestern Serbia. (B) Through cluster analysis, four regions are spatially delineated by changes in four key indicators: runoff, soil erosion, agricultural land use, and rural population. Soil erosion change is correlated with the deagrarianisation and depopulation processes at a significance of p < 0.0001 with r = 0.580 and r = 0.629, respectively. The border watersheds are being studied for the first time using a complex approach that analyses the relationships between changes in demography, land use, surface runoff, and soil erosion. The study results contribute to a better understanding of sustainable land management and risk management in the hilly and mountainous border regions, which are particularly vulnerable to torrential flooding and soil erosion.
- Published
- 2024
3. Challenges of Reliable Power Supply with an Emphasis on Renewables
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Conticelli, Elisa, Section editor, Leal Filho, Walter, Series Editor, Marisa Azul, Anabela, editor, Brandli, Luciana, editor, Lange Salvia, Amanda, editor, and Wall, Tony, editor
- Published
- 2021
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4. Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Potential
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Brandli, Luciana Londero, Section editor, Leal Filho, Walter, Series Editor, Marisa Azul, Anabela, editor, Brandli, Luciana, editor, Lange Salvia, Amanda, editor, and Wall, Tony, editor
- Published
- 2021
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5. Hydrological analysis of the September 2014 torrential floods of the Danube tributaries in the Eastern Serbia
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Novković, Ivan, and Kostadinov, Stanimir
- Published
- 2021
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6. Determining Streamflow Patterns in North Macedonia Using PCA and AHC Analysis
- Author
Radevski, Ivan, primary, Gorin, Svemir, additional, Zlatanoski, Vladimir, additional, Petrović, Ana M., additional, Kuzmanoski, Arse, additional, Manevska, Emilija, additional, and Markoski, Blagoja, additional
- Published
- 2024
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7. Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Potential
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., primary
- Published
- 2020
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8. Challenges of Reliable Power Supply with Emphasis on Renewables
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., primary
- Published
- 2020
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9. Unveiling Torrential Flood Dynamics: A Comprehensive Study of Spatio-Temporal Patterns in the Šumadija Region, Serbia.
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Leščešen, Igor, and Radevski, Ivan
- Subjects
FLOOD risk ,DISTRIBUTION (Probability theory) ,FLOODS ,GOODNESS-of-fit tests ,DEATH rate ,INFRASTRUCTURE (Economics) - Abstract
This paper presents a comprehensive analysis of flood frequency and a spatio-temporal characterization of historical torrential floods in the Šumadija region using water discharge datasets and documented events. A chronology of 344 recorded torrential flood events, spanning from 1929 to 2020, illustrates the region's vulnerability, with a death toll exceeding 43. The study defines the intra-annual primary and secondary peaks of torrential flood occurrences and explains their spatial distribution. Furthermore, the identification of suitable probability distribution functions underscores the necessity of tailored approaches for effective flood risk management in this diverse geographical environment. The study employed Flood Frequency Analysis (FFA) and goodness-of-fit tests, including the Kolmogorov–Smirnov (K-S) and Cramér–von Mises (CvM) tests, to assess the frequency and magnitude of flood events and evaluate diverse distribution functions. The main results include the identification of suitable probability distribution functions for each river within the region, emphasizing the need for tailored approaches in flood risk management. Additionally, discharge values for various return periods offer crucial insights for informed decision-making in flood risk management and infrastructure planning. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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10. Spatiotemporal review of the torrential flood phenomenon in the Morava river basin
- Author
Petrović Ana M. and Ristić Ratko
- Subjects
torrential floods ,spatiotemporal distribution ,Zapadna Morava ,Južna Morava ,Velika Morava ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
Phenomenon of torrential floods as the most destructive and the most frequent natural hazards in Serbia with serious socioeconomic, cultural and environmental consequences deserve special attention. In this paper, data collection strategy and data analysis with the aim of spatiotemporal characterization of the torrential flood phenomenon in the largest national, Morava river basin, are presented. A dataset (derived from the Inventory of torrential floods in Serbia) of 479 registered torrential flood events with over 84 casualties for the period 1926-2013 is presented. Monthly distribution of registered torrential floods indicates that the majority of events with the highest share of death toll occurred in the late spring, from May to the end of June. According to the annual distribution there is a linear increase of torrential flood occurrence in the course of 88 years, but decrease of death toll is found. The greatest number of torrential flood events and casualties is registered in the Južna Morava river basin (watersheds of Nišava, Toplica, Veternica, Jablanica). The results of this work can be of great value in the implementation of the Flood Directive of the European Commission on a river basin level as well as for the future natural hazards information system in Serbia. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007III]
- Published
- 2015
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11. Challenges of torrential flood risk management in Serbia
- Author
Petrović Ana M.
- Subjects
torrential flood ,frequency ,impact ,risk management ,Geography (General) ,G1-922 - Abstract
Torrential floods are the natural hydrological hazards manifesting as a consequence of extreme rainfall episodes which have a quick response from the watersheds of small areas, steep slopes and intensive soil erosion. Taking in consideration the nature of torrential flood (sudden and destructive occurrence) and the fact they are the most frequent natural hazards in Serbia, torrential flood risk management is a real challenge. Instead of partial solutions for flood protection, integrated torrential flood risk management is more meaningful and effective. The key steps should be an improvement of the legal framework on national level and an expansion of technical and biological torrent control works in river basins. Consequences for society can be significantly reduced if there is an efficient forecast and timely warning, rescue and evacuation and if affected population is educated about flood risks and measures which can be undertaken in case of emergency situation. In this paper, all aspects of torrential flood risk management are analyzed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 47007 III]
- Published
- 2015
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12. Оптимално планирање електроенергетске инфраструктуре ветроелектрана великих снага
- Author
Petrović, Ana M. and Đurišić, Željko
- Subjects
electricity infrastructure, wind farm, optimization, wind turbine, internal cable network, connection point ,електроенергетска инфраструктура, ветроелектранa, оптимизација, ветроагрегат, интерна кабловска мрежа, прикључна тачка - Abstract
Предмет истраживања докторске дисертације је развој математичких модела за унапређење економских и техничких услова планирања и изградње ветроелектране. Основни доприноси су следећи: 1. Развијен је математички модел за оптимизацију избора ветроагрегата. У дисертацији је развијен математички модел за оптимизацију избора ветроагрегата за познату статистику ветра. Основни елементи при оптимизацији избора ветроагрегата су: висина стуба, пречник ветротурбине и називна снага ветрогенератора. Модел врши варијацију кључних параметара и прорачун укупних актуелизовних трошкова ветроагрегата, као и годишње производње електричне енергије. У наведеном оптимизационом проблему постоје техничка ограничења у погледу минималних и максималних вредности параметара које намеће сам произвођач опреме, а може уважити и ограничења која намеће локација на којој се планира изградња ветроелектране. Модел је базиран на генетском алгоритму који након одређеног броја итерација долази до оптималних резултата који задовољавају функцију циља и задата ограничења. Развијени алгоритам и математички модел имају општи карактер тј. применљиви су за оптимизацију избора ветроагрегата за локације са различитим параметрима ветра. Применом модела обезбеђује се оптимално искоришћење потенцијала ветра на одређеној локацији, а тиме и већи профит власнику ветроелектране. Као улазни подаци користе се параметри Вејбулове статистике ветра и висински коефицијент смицања ветра. На конкретним примерима ветроелектрана на локацијама са различитим параметрима Вејбулове статистике ветра демонстрирана је практична употребљивост предложеног математичког модела. 2. Развијен је математички модел за прорачун оптималне површине попречног пресека проводника у интерној кабловској мрежи ветроелектране. Како просторни распоред ветроагрегата у ветроелектранама велике снаге карактерише релативно велика међусобна удаљеност, дужина кабловске колекторске мреже може бити неколико десетина, па и стотина километара, те су губици електричне енергије у њој значајни. Коришћење већих пресека каблова у односу на техничке захтеве је често оправдано и може обезбедити значајно повећање ефикасности, као и боље енергетске показатеље електране. Модел развијен у дисертацији врши прорачун оптималног пресека кабла на који је прикључен произвољан број ветроагрегата, кроз оптимизацију односа инвестиционих и експлоатационих трошкова тј. трошкова услед губитака по јединици дужине кабла. С обзиром на то да се инвестициони трошкови издвајају на почетку, односно у фази изградње ветроелектране, а трошкови услед губитака се генеришу током експлоатације, врши се актуелизација трошкова, односно користи се динамички економски модел. Предност представљеног модела је што су прорачуни оптималне топологије и пресека каблова распрегнути, односно могу се решавати одвојено. Применом развијеног модела у планерској фази развоја пројекта ветроелектране може се оптимизовати сваки од фидера на који је прикључен произвољан број ветроагрегата. На конкретном примеру ветроелектране у Банату показано је да се оптималним избором пресека каблова могу значајно смањити трошкови производње, односно повећати укупан профит током животног века ветроелектране. 3. Развијен је математички модел за избор оптималног напонског нивоа и оптималне тачке прикључења ветроелектрана великих снага на преносну мрежу. Избор оптималне тачке прикључења ветроелектране на преносну мрежу представља захтеван задатак који мора обухватити бројне факторе. У великом броју случајева у погледу прикључења ветроелектране на преносну мрежу постоје конкурентне тачке прикључења, па се поставља питање избора оптималне тачке у којој ће ветроелектрана бити прикључена и Резиме iv Докторска дисертација Ана Петровић пласирати произведену електричну енергију током експлоатације. Потенцијалне тачке прикључења могу се разликовати по удаљености, али и у погледу напонског нивоа, па се избор тачке прикључења проширује и на избор напонског нивоа на који ће бити прикључена ветроелектрана. Развијени модел врши прорачун укупних актуелизованих инвестиционих и експлоатационих трошкова прикључења на преносну мрежу, у функцији удаљености од прикључне тачке. Поред трошкова одржавања, у експлоатационе трошкове су сврстани и трошкови неиспоручене електричне енергије услед нерасположивости мреже. Oптималан напонски ниво и оптимална тачка прикључења одређени су прорачуном критичних удаљености конкурентних прикључних тачака ветроелектране одређене инсталисане снаге, за које су трошкови прикључења једнаки. Развијени математички модел омогућава операторима преносног система, као и инвеститорима, да оптимално сагледају и планирају прикључење ветроелектране на преносну мрежу. На примеру реалног инжењерског проблема прикључења ветроелектране Чибук 1 у јужном Банату демонстрирана је практична употребљивост развијеног математичког модела. 4. Развијен је лабораторијски модел темељног уземљивача ветроагрегата за експериментално одређивање карактеристика уземљивача ветроагрегата. Нарочита пажња у току изградње ветроелектране посвећује се пројектовању уземљивачког система. У кабловском рову заједно са енергетским кабловима полажу се бакарна ужад која повезују темељне уземљиваче ветроагрегата. Темељни уземљивач ветроагрегата изводи се полагањем уземљивача у бетонски темељ, лоциран под површином земље, у облику затворених контура (прстенова) од бакарних трака које се спајају са арматуром у темељу. Електрична својства оваквог уземљивача су одређена геометријом уземљивача, карактеристикама бетона, арматуре, саставом тла и стањем тла (доминантно садржајем влаге). Због своје сложене конструкције, темељни уземљивач ветроагрегата је веома тешко математички моделовати. Ради одређивања карактеристика уземљивача које су од значаја за његово димензионисање развијен је физички модел темељног уземљивача ветроагрегата, који представља еквивалент реалном моделу уземљивача комерцијалног произвођача. Уземљивач је положен у тло чије су карактеристике у погледу електричне проводности вариране. Анализирани су резултати добијени мерењима на умањеном моделу уземљивача. The subject of the doctoral dissertation is development of mathematical models for the improvement of economic and technical conditions of planning and construction of wind farms. The main contributions are the following: 1. A mathematical model for optimal wind turbine selection has been developed. In the dissertation, a mathematical model for optimal wind turbine selection, for known wind statistics, was developed. The main elements for wind turbine optimization are: the hub height, the wind turbine diameter, and the wind turbine rated power. The model varies key parameters and calculates the total wind turbine actualization costs, as well as the annual electricity production. In the mentioned optimization problem, there are technical limitations regarding the minimum and maximum values of parameters imposed by the equipment manufacturer. The model is based on a genetic algorithm which, after a certain number of iterations, leads to optimal results that satisfy both, the optimisaton function and the given constraints. The developed algorithm and mathematical model have a general character ie. can be used to optimize WT selection for locations with different wind parameters. The application of the model ensures optimal use of wind potential at a certain location, and also provides a higher profit to the owner of the wind farm. The parameters of the Weibull wind statistics and the wind shear coefficient are used as input data. The practical applicability of the proposed mathematical model was demonstrated on specific examples of WPPs at locations with different Weibull parameters. 2. A mathematical model for the calculation of the optimal cross-section of cables of the wind farm internal cable network has been developed. As the spatial arrangement of wind turbines in wind farms is characterized by a relatively large distance from each other, the length of the cable collector network can be several tens or even hundreds of kilometers, so electricity losses are significant. The use of larger cable cross-sections in relation to technical requirements is often justified, and can provide a significant increase in efficiency and better energy performance of the power plant. The model developed in the dissertation calculates the optimal cable cross-section to which an arbitrary number of wind turbines is connected, through the optimization of the ratio of investment and operating costs, i.e. costs due to losses per unit length of cable. Considering that investment costs are segregated at the beginning i.e. in the phase of wind power plant construction, and the costs of losses are generated during operation in each year, the costs are actualized i.e. a dynamic economic model is used. The advantage of the presented model is that the calculations of the optimal topology and cable crosssection are decoupled i.e. they can be solved separately. By applying the developed model in the planning phase of the wind power plant project, each of the connection feeders to which an arbitrary number of WTs are connected can be optimized. On specific example of wind power plant in Banat region is shown that the optimal choice of cable cross-section can significantly reduce production costs, i.e. increase the total profit during the lifetime of the wind farm. 3. A mathematical model for the selection of the optimal voltage level and the optimal point of connection of large wind power plants to the transmission network has been developed. The selection of the optimal wind farm connection point is a demanding task that must include many parameters. In many cases of connecting a wind farm to the transmission network there are competing connection points, so the question is how to choose the optimal point at which wind farm will be connected and deliver the produced energy during operation. Potential connection points can differ in distance, but also in terms of voltage level, so the choice of connection point is extended in terms of choosing the voltage level to which the wind farm will be connected. The developed model calculates the total actualized investment and operating costs of connection to the transmission network, as a function of the distance from the connection point. In Abstract vi Докторска дисертација Ана Петровић addition to maintenance costs, operating costs also include the costs of undelivered electricity due to the unavailability of the network. The optimal voltage level and the optimal connection point are determined by calculating the critical distances of competing connection points for wind power plant of a certain rated power, for which the connection costs are equal. The developed mathematical model enables transmission system operators, as well as investors, to optimally consider and plan the connection of wind power plants to the transmission network. The practical applicability of the proposed mathematical model is demonstrated on the example of a real engineering problem of connecting the WPP Čibuk 1, located in South Banar region. 4. A laboratory model of the wind turbine grounding has been developed for the experimental determination of the grounding system characteristics. During the construction of the wind power plant, special attention is given to the design of the earthing system. Copper ropes are laid in the cable trench together with the power cables, which connect the basic earthing conductors of the wind turbine. The basic earthing of the wind turbine is performed by laying the earthing in a concrete foundation, located below the ground surface, in form of closed contours (rings) of copper strips that are connected to the reinforcement in the foundation. The electrical properties of such an earthing system are determined by the earthing conductor geometry, concrete characteristics, reinforcement characteristics, soil composition and soil condition (dominantly moisture content). Due to its complex construction, the grounding of the wind turbine is very difficult to model mathematically. In order to determine the characteristics of the earthing system that are important for its sizing, a physical model of the wind turbine earthing system has been developed, which is equivalent to the real model of the earthing system of a commercial manufacturer. The grounding conductor is laid in the ground whose characteristics in terms of electrical conductivity vary. The results obtained by measurements on a scale model of the earthing system were analyzed.
- Published
- 2022
13. Application of run-off model as a contribution to the torrential flood risk management in Topčiderska Reka watershed, Serbia
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Kovačević-Majkić, Jelena, and Milošević, Marko V.
- Published
- 2016
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14. The Impact of Depopulation on Reduction of the Peaks of Torrential Floods in Selected Watersheds of the Southeastern Serbia
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., primary, Kostadinov, Stanimir, additional, and Manojlović, Sanja, additional
- Published
- 2022
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15. Historical torrential flood events in the Kolubara river basin
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Dragićević, Slavoljub S., Radić, Boris P., and Milanović Pešić, Ana Z.
- Published
- 2015
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16. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Đurišić, Željko, Petrović, Ana M., Đurišić, Željko, and Petrović, Ana M.
- Abstract
The subject of the doctoral dissertation is development of mathematical models for the improvement of economic and technical conditions of planning and construction of wind farms. The main contributions are the following: 1. A mathematical model for optimal wind turbine selection has been developed. In the dissertation, a mathematical model for optimal wind turbine selection, for known wind statistics, was developed. The main elements for wind turbine optimization are: the hub height, the wind turbine diameter, and the wind turbine rated power. The model varies key parameters and calculates the total wind turbine actualization costs, as well as the annual electricity production. In the mentioned optimization problem, there are technical limitations regarding the minimum and maximum values of parameters imposed by the equipment manufacturer. The model is based on a genetic algorithm which, after a certain number of iterations, leads to optimal results that satisfy both, the optimisaton function and the given constraints. The developed algorithm and mathematical model have a general character ie. can be used to optimize WT selection for locations with different wind parameters. The application of the model ensures optimal use of wind potential at a certain location, and also provides a higher profit to the owner of the wind farm. The parameters of the Weibull wind statistics and the wind shear coefficient are used as input data. The practical applicability of the proposed mathematical model was demonstrated on specific examples of WPPs at locations with different Weibull parameters. 2. A mathematical model for the calculation of the optimal cross-section of cables of the wind farm internal cable network has been developed. As the spatial arrangement of wind turbines in wind farms is characterized by a relatively large distance from each other, the length of the cable collector network can be several tens or even hundreds of kilometers, so electricity losses are signif
- Published
- 2022
17. Intra-Annual Dynamics Dissolved Solids and Suspended Sediment in the Extreme Hidrological Events – Case Study Nišava River
- Author
Manojlović, Sanja, Manojlović, Sanja, Petrović, Ana M., Srejić, Tanja, Manojlović, Sanja, Manojlović, Sanja, Petrović, Ana M., and Srejić, Tanja
- Abstract
Dynamics of totall dissolved solids (TDS) and suspended sediment concentrations (SSC) were monitored on the river Nišava at the hydrological station Dimitrovgrad. Water samples were collected each day in the period from 01.01.2010–31.12.2010. TDS concentration followed a seasonal pattern imposed by the availability of water, with higher concentrations recorded in low-flow periods and lower concentration in the highflow period. SSC was extremely variable and dominate mainly with specific high-flow events. Mean annual discharge (Q=6.68 m3/s, q=13.9 l/s/km2) over the year was 3.3 times higher than the average for the period of 50 years. In the study period, the annual transport dissolved load (Qd) was 36962.8 t (specific load Qds=76.7 t/km2/yr) and suspended sediment load (Qs) was 98861.9 t (specific load Qss=205.1 t/km2/yr). The transport of dissolved load and suspended sediment load shows temporal variations in different seasons. The analysis revealed that the maximum loads was transferred during the winter (Qd=43.3% and Qs=56.8% of the annual transport) and spring season (Qd=37.9% and Qs=38.9% of the annual transport). A comparative analysis of Q, Qd, and Qs show that the suspended sediment shows greater variability and exponential pattern of transport. For instance, 90% of the time was required to export 65% of the total water and transported 77% of the total dissolved load and only 22% total suspended sediment load. The most extreme precipitation episodes and extreme temperatures events was recorded in February 2010. The floods in February contributed by 44.8% of the total Qs transport over the study period. These findings have important implications for water resource management in the context of sediments mobilization, erosion, channel management, water quality and ecological functions.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
- Subjects
STREAMFLOW ,WATER management ,HYDROLOGICAL stations ,PRINCIPAL components analysis ,HIERARCHICAL clustering (Cluster analysis) ,WATERSHEDS - Abstract
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- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristić, Ratko, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Đukić, Vesna, Petrović, Ana M., Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristić, Ratko, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Đukić, Vesna, and Petrović, Ana M.
- Abstract
Torrential floods (flash floods) belong to the natural hydrological hazards which arecharacterized by sudden occurrence of maximal discharge and sediment transport intorrents. Torrential flood wave is a concentrated water flow of severe ruinous powerwhich is a result of interaction of intensive rainfalls and specific characteristics ofwatershed. Their appearance is sudden, duration is short and concequenes aredestructive, so that torrential flood risk management performs a real challenge.Spatial and temporal review of this phenomenon is given for the territory of Serbia,south of the Sava River and the Danube River, considering torrents on Vrsacka hills andFruska hills in Vojvodina. In this work, the first inventory of torrential flood in Serbiafor the period 1915-2013, numbers 848 torrential flood events with over 133 casualtiesand severe material damages. Torrential flood frequency within a year and a researchperiod is defined, proposal of report of torrential flood event and criteria forcategorization of torrential flood events according to material damages are given, andfurther development and upgrading of inventory is proposed. On the base of availabledata on extreme torrential flood events from inventory, statistic analysis of relationshipbetween specific maximal discharge and several factors of their occuerence in thewatersheds shows significant dependency.Specific and variable characteristic of microclimate and relief, geological terrain,pedological and vegetation cover and land use, perform a unique combination of factorsand conditions of torrential flood occurrence in each watershed. Therefore, hydrographsof flood waves represents characteristics of watershed and rainfalls. In this work, factorsof torrential flood occurrence are analized in detail and physically based spatiallydistributed hydological models of flow, by using program Shetran, are developed. Forthis purpose, two representative torrential watersheds are chosen, watershed ofTopciderska river (p
- Published
- 2014
20. Фактори настанка бујичних поплава у Србији
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristić, Ratko, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Đukić, Vesna, Petrović, Ana M., Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristić, Ratko, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Đukić, Vesna, and Petrović, Ana M.
- Abstract
Бујичне поплаве припадају групи природних хидролошких непогода које секарактеришу изненадном појавом максималних протицаја вода и проноса наносана бујичним токовима. Бујични поплавни талас представља концентрисани токводе огромне разорне снаге чија је појава условљена интеракцијом интезивнихпадавина и специфичних карактеристика слива. Њихова појава је нагла, трајањекратко, а дејство изузетно деструктивно, па управљање ризицима од бујичнихпоплава представља прави изазов.Просторно - временска представа овог феномена дата је за територију Србије,јужно од Саве и Дунава, узимајући у обзир бујичне токове на Вршачким брдима иФрушкој гори у Војводини. Израђен је први инвентар бујичних поплава у Србијиу коме је, за период 1915.-2013. године, регистровано 848 догађаја бујичнихпоплава са преко 133 људске жртве и огромним материјалним штетама.Дефинисана је учесталост појаве бујичних поплава у току године и у токуистаживаног периода, дат је предлог извештаја о догађајима бујичних поплава идати су критеријуми за категоризацију догађаја бујичних поплава премаматеријалним штетама, и предложен даљи развој инвентара. На основу доступнихподатака о екстремних догађајима бујичних поплава изведена је статистичкаанализа зависности специфичног максималног протицаја од више фактора у сливуи нађене су значајне повезаности испитиваних варијабли.Специфичне и варијабилне карактеристике климе и рељефа, геолошке основе,педолошког и вегетационог покривача и начина коришћења земљиштапредстављају јединствену комбинацију фактора и услова појаве бујичних поплавау сваком сливу. На тај начин, хидрограми поплавних таласа одражавајукарактеристике слива и кишних падавина. У овом раду су детаљно анализиранифактори појаве бујичних поплава и разрађени физички базирани, просторнодистрибутивни хидролошки модели отицаја, употребом програмског пакетаShetran, за репрезентативне сливове – слив Топчидерске реке до профилаРаковица и слив Топлице до профила Магово. Први експериментални слив налазисе у брдској, а други, Torrential floods (flash floods) belong to the natural hydrological hazards which arecharacterized by sudden occurrence of maximal discharge and sediment transport intorrents. Torrential flood wave is a concentrated water flow of severe ruinous powerwhich is a result of interaction of intensive rainfalls and specific characteristics ofwatershed. Their appearance is sudden, duration is short and concequenes aredestructive, so that torrential flood risk management performs a real challenge.Spatial and temporal review of this phenomenon is given for the territory of Serbia,south of the Sava River and the Danube River, considering torrents on Vrsacka hills andFruska hills in Vojvodina. In this work, the first inventory of torrential flood in Serbiafor the period 1915-2013, numbers 848 torrential flood events with over 133 casualtiesand severe material damages. Torrential flood frequency within a year and a researchperiod is defined, proposal of report of torrential flood event and criteria forcategorization of torrential flood events according to material damages are given, andfurther development and upgrading of inventory is proposed. On the base of availabledata on extreme torrential flood events from inventory, statistic analysis of relationshipbetween specific maximal discharge and several factors of their occuerence in thewatersheds shows significant dependency.Specific and variable characteristic of microclimate and relief, geological terrain,pedological and vegetation cover and land use, perform a unique combination of factorsand conditions of torrential flood occurrence in each watershed. Therefore, hydrographsof flood waves represents characteristics of watershed and rainfalls. In this work, factorsof torrential flood occurrence are analized in detail and physically based spatiallydistributed hydological models of flow, by using program Shetran, are developed. Forthis purpose, two representative torrential watersheds are chosen, watershed ofTopciderska river (p
- Published
- 2014
21. The Inventory and Characterization of Torrential Flood Phenomenon in Serbia
- Author
Petrović, Ana M., Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Petrović, Ana M., Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, and Dragićević, Slavoljub
- Abstract
Torrential floods are the most destructive and most frequent natural disasters in Serbia with severe social, economic, cultural, and environmental consequences that deserve special attention. This paper presents a data-collection strategy and data analysis in terms of spatial and temporal characterization of the torrential flood phenomenon in Serbia for the last 99 years. Based on the available information obtained from various reliable sources, we registered 848 torrential flood events for 1915-2013. The registered number of deaths from torrential floods is over 133, including 24 people from 1991 to 2010. Monthly distribution of registered torrential floods indicates that the majority of floods occurred in Serbian territory in late spring (from May to the end of June) and the greatest number of torrential floods is registered in Southern Morava basin. This work resulted in creating a first inventory of torrential floods in Serbia and its analysis for the purpose of the spatial and temporal distribution and characterization of this phenomenon. The inventory on torrential floods will be integrated in future in a unique multi-user database on natural hazards in Serbia, and it should become a part of the European database of natural hazards.
- Published
- 2014
22. Torrential flood prevention in the Kolubara river basin
- Author
Kostadinov, Stanimir, primary, Dragićević, Slavoljub, additional, Stefanović, Tomislav, additional, Novković, Ivan, additional, and Petrović, Ana M., additional
- Published
- 2017
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23. Torrential flood prevention in the Kolubara river basin
- Author
Kostadinov, Stanimir, Kostadinov, Stanimir, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Stefanović, Tomislav, Novković, Ivan, Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Kostadinov, Stanimir, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Stefanović, Tomislav, Novković, Ivan, and Petrović, Ana M.
- Abstract
One of the most vulnerable parts to natural hazards in Serbia is Kolubara river basin. In the past, during the period from 1929 to 2013, 121 torrential flood events in the Kolubara river basin were recorded which show that this territory is extremely vulnerable to the torrential floods. The extreme event which occurred in May 2014 causing the catastrophic material damages and casualties was the latest and historical flood. The analysis of natural conditions in the Kolubara basin uniformly showed that this area is predisposed to a greater number of torrential floods due to its geomorphological, hydrological and land use properties. Torrential floods are closely related to the intensity and spatial distribution of erosive processes in the upper part of the Kolubara basin. The estimation of soil erosion potential is generally achieved by Erosion Potential Model (EPM). For the purposes of determining the degree of torrential properties in various water streams in the Kolubara basin, the calculation of susceptibility to torrential floods was assessed by Flash Flood Potential Index (FFPI). More than half of the basin area (57.2%) is located within the category of very weak and weak erosion (Z(sr) = 0.35), but the category of medium erosion is geospatially very common. Such a distribution of medium erosion category provides conditions for generating, i.e. production of sediment which would boost torrential properties of water streams. After the classification of the obtained FFPI values it was determined that 25% of the Kolubara basin is very susceptible to torrents and this data should be seriously taken into consideration. Based on the analyses, the best and most successful manner of defence is prevention which consists of the integrated river basin management system (integrated torrent control system) so that technical works in hydrographic networks of torrents and biological and biotechnical works on the slope of the basin would be the best solution. Permanent control
- Published
- 2017
24. Extreme climate events and erosion control in headwater catchments of Serbia
- Author
Kostadinov, Stanimir, Kostadinov, Stanimir, Košanin, Olivera, Petrović, Ana M., Dragićević, Slavoljub, Kostadinov, Stanimir, Kostadinov, Stanimir, Košanin, Olivera, Petrović, Ana M., and Dragićević, Slavoljub
- Published
- 2017
25. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristić, Ratko, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Đukić, Vesna, Petrović, Ana M., Kostadinov, Stanimir, Ristić, Ratko, Zlatić, Miodrag, Dragićević, Slavoljub, Đukić, Vesna, and Petrović, Ana M.
- Abstract
Torrential floods (flash floods) belong to the natural hydrological hazards which are characterized by sudden occurrence of maximal discharge and sediment transport in torrents. Torrential flood wave is a concentrated water flow of severe ruinous power which is a result of interaction of intensive rainfalls and specific characteristics of watershed. Their appearance is sudden, duration is short and concequenes are destructive, so that torrential flood risk management performs a real challenge. Spatial and temporal review of this phenomenon is given for the territory of Serbia, south of the Sava River and the Danube River, considering torrents on Vrsacka hills and Fruska hills in Vojvodina. In this work, the first inventory of torrential flood in Serbia for the period 1915-2013, numbers 848 torrential flood events with over 133 casualties and severe material damages. Torrential flood frequency within a year and a research period is defined, proposal of report of torrential flood event and criteria for categorization of torrential flood events according to material damages are given, and further development and upgrading of inventory is proposed. On the base of available data on extreme torrential flood events from inventory, statistic analysis of relationship between specific maximal discharge and several factors of their occuerence in the watersheds shows significant dependency. Specific and variable characteristic of microclimate and relief, geological terrain, pedological and vegetation cover and land use, perform a unique combination of factors and conditions of torrential flood occurrence in each watershed. Therefore, hydrographs of flood waves represents characteristics of watershed and rainfalls. In this work, factors of torrential flood occurrence are analized in detail and physically based spatially distributed hydological models of flow, by using program Shetran, are developed. For this purpose, two representative torrential watersheds are chosen, watershed
- Published
- 2014
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