The institutional bases of modernization of the language policy model are investigated. It is substantiated that the institutional basis for the modernization of political networks of the language policy model is Ukrainian or other. language (at different times – it is Kiev, Church Slavonic, Old Ukrainian, Russian, etc.) as a state institution, which in the XV and XVI centuries. used in church translations and in the service of God. The language policy of modernization affected the church sphere precisely when the Ukrainian church became independent, when priests had the opportunity to conduct services and read sermons in Ukrainian (Church Slavonic). The definition of "modernization" is given, which we understand as: cultural and democratic changes; renewal of the activity of a certain institution or branch, which carries significant vestiges of the past and is subordinated to its tasks; profound changes in the educational authoritarian worldview; revision of the principles of functioning of education, its reform in accordance with the new requirements. The activity of those institutions that the independent Ukrainian state inherited from the USSR is described, one of the reasons for its collapse is that this superpower tried to build a stateless monolingual society, which in the new democratic conditions cannot function constructively and fully. It turned out that ignoring national, in particular linguistic factors, was one of the factors of the viability of the empire, as a multinational state needs a pluralism of political and ideological views. Emphasis is placed on the fact that with the restoration of independence, new democratic institutions (the President’s Institute, the Legislative Institute, which is the Verkhovna Rada in Ukraine, the Executive Institute – the Cabinet of Ministers, and a network of judicial, communication, administrative, educational and other institutions) have defined the type of construction. model of language policy in Ukraine, which is monocultural, as well as – the democratic direction of development of its language policy. It is determined that the indicator of the political networks of the model is the Ukrainian language as a state institution, as well as other political institutions that regulate language policy, determine its vector of development and solve language and political problems. In this sense, it is revealed that the tension arises due to the competition of two main political institutions and their ideologies – national-democratic and communist, which provoke confrontation, for example, in areas of Ukrainian and Russian nationalisms. It was found that the modernization of the political network of the language policy model took place during the rule of Kuchma and other pro-Russian politicians, who steadily and purposefully led the Ukrainian community to its polarization, division and language-political crisis. Given the activities of various political institutions, as well as the vision of the state and its model of language policy, it was found that between the "right" (national democratic political forces) and "left" (Communists, Socialists, Social Democrats, etc.) political institutions arise misunderstandings, confrontations and linguistic-political conflicts that occur during the discussion of language laws, their ratification and adoption. It has been proven that the functioning of the institutions that are the basis for the modernization of the political network of the language policy model depends on the prevailing ideology, political culture of the subjects, political consciousness and political behavior.