1. Gender Equality in SOCRATES. Final Report. SCRE Research Report.
- Author
Scottish Council for Research in Education., Pirrie, Anne, Wilson, Valerie, Powney, Janet, and Hamilton, Sheila
- Abstract
SOCRATES is the European Community education action program. SOCRATES I began in 1995 and ended in 1999. SOCRATES II, begun in 2000, continues until December 31, 2006. This study sought to identify how both the principles and practices of equal opportunities between women and men were interpreted in a sample of 100 centralized and 113 decentralized projects. Projects from Socrates I and II are included in the analysis. The findings from Phase 1 analyzed 100 centralized projects that referred to equal opportunities for women and men in their applications for funding and from Phase 2 focused on how the theme of gender equity was addressed in decentralized projects in Austria, Spain, France, Hungary, Norway, Slovenia, and the United Kingdom. The summarized findings include: (1) a small number of projects (16) made provision for people of either sex perceived to be underrepresented in certain occupations; (2) the majority of both centralized and decentralized projects were categorized by the researchers as examples of gender mainstreaming; (3) the best examples of such projects ensured that (a) gender balance amongst both participants and staff was approximately 50/50, (b) the method of course delivery and/or the course materials were designed to appeal to either sex, (c) project activities involved both women and men and girls and boys, and (d) teachers or course leaders were sensitized to issues of gender equality and involved in ensuring that the above criteria were met; and (4) in the case of Erasmus, there was a significant gender imbalance in respect to staff and student participation in mobility actions due to (a) gender imbalances in particular areas and (b) subject areas that lent themselves to study abroad. Contains nine references and nine appendices. (BT)
- Published
- 2002