104 results on '"Präsidialsystem"'
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2. Pragmatische Interessenverbände oder bloß Mittel zur Macht? Parlamentarische Zusammenschlüsse im interrevolutionären Kirgistan aus koalitionstheoretischer Perspektive (2010-2020)
- Author
Neuling, Lucas and Neuling, Lucas
- Abstract
Durch ein Verfassungsreferendum im Jahr 2010 wurde die Koalition in Artikel 70(3) als Instrument des kirgisischen Parlamentes (Dschogorku Kenesch) zur Mehrheitsfindung kodifiziert. Bei keiner absoluten Mehrheit für eine Partei bestand seitdem der Zwang zur Koalitionsbildung, was die Fraktionen als zentrale Akteure parlamentarischer Prozesse etablierte. Der Beitrag analysiert für den Zeitraum zwischen 2010 und 2020 interne Strukturen kirgisischer Koalitionen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Stabilität des jungen Parlamentarismus, dem mit der Machtergreifung Sadyr Dschaparows und der Rückkehr zu einem präsidialen Regierungssystem 2021 ein Ende gesetzt wurde.
- Published
- 2023
3. The post-Erdoğan vision of Turkish opposition
- Author
Şar, Edgar and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
- Subjects
Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ,parliamentarism ,Turkey ,Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) ,Präsidentschaftswahl ,Great Depression ,change of government ,Türkei ,bilateral relations ,elections ,gesellschaftliche/politische Opposition ,politische Partei ,Oppositionspartei ,Parteienbündnis ,präsidiales Regierungssystem ,parlamentarisches System ,Wahl/Abstimmung ,Implikation ,Cumhuriyet Halk Partisi (Türkiye) ,Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (Türkiye) ,Erdoğan, Recep Tayyip ,Rechtsstaatlichkeit ,Außenpolitik einzelner Staaten ,außenpolitische Einzelprobleme ,politisches Programm ,internationale Beziehungen ,Political science ,Machtwechsel ,Weltwirtschaftskrise ,economic policy ,bilaterale Beziehungen ,Nation Alliance ,political program ,international relations ,Partei ,political change ,Präsidialsystem ,politische Reform ,Rechtsstaat ,Regierungswechsel ,"Table of Six" ,foreign policy ,party ,change in power ,Politikwissenschaft ,opposition ,political reform ,constitutional state ,Außenpolitik ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,politisches System ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,politischer Wandel ,political system ,Justice and Development Party (AKP) ,Parlamentarismus ,presidential election ,Wirtschaftspolitik ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,European Union (EU) ,EU - Abstract
Nearly a year after its formation, the Nation Alliance, consisting of six opposition parties ("Table of Six"), finally started to act like a full-fledged electoral alliance against the ruling bloc under President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The six opposition leaders have long been criticised for failing to take concrete steps towards embodying a viable political alternative to the People’s Alliance of the ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) since they publicly signed the joint manifesto for Turkey’s transition into the "Strengthened Parliamentary System" in February 2022. Although the alliance has yet to announce its joint presidential candidate, it has manifested an unprecedentedly comprehensive joint platform in nine policy areas, including the rule of law, public administration, social policy, economy, and foreign policy. The 200-page joint document provides a comprehensive overview of what changes Turkey can be expected to go through in the short and medium terms should the Nation Alliance manage to defeat President Erdoğan's ruling bloc in the upcoming elections, which will probably take place on 14 May 2023. Even though it would not immediately offer a solution to various issues in Turkey-EU relations, a possible opposition victory could bring bilateral relations back to an institutional framework, whereby both parties can cooperate in a productive way to work out their problems and focus on common interests. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2023
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4. South Korea: The Lasting Pitfalls of the 'Imperial Presidency'
- Author
Jörg Michael Dostal
- Subjects
Verfassung ,Ostasien ,Sociology and Political Science ,Far East ,Reform ,constitutional reform ,imperial presidency ,Moon Jae-in ,presidentialism ,Yoon Suk-yeol ,political system ,Südkorea ,Systems of governments & states ,Präsidialsystem ,politische Macht ,constitution ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,South Korea ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,political power ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,politisches System - Abstract
The use of the term 'imperial presidency' in South Korea refers to the fact that the country's 1987 constitution grants the state's highest office holder de facto imperial powers with regard to domestic and foreign policy making. This version of the term therefore differs from Arthur M. Schlesinger's usage in the US context, which was critical of the discretionary powers exercised by US presidents in efforts to subvert the checks and balances of the US Constitution. Concentrating political power in the South Korean presidency severely curtails the work of the other political institutions, including its parliament (the National Assembly). Every time the presidency changes hands, the leadership structures of all other public institutions are subjected to major restructuring according to political loyalty, which interrupts their routine functioning. Overall, the presidency in its current form is dysfunctional and works as a barrier against democratic deepening. This article examines why lengthy debate over South Korea's imperial presidency has so far failed to result in comprehensive constitutional reform.
- Published
- 2023
5. Pragmatische Interessenverbände oder bloß Mittel zur Macht? Parlamentarische Zusammenschlüsse im interrevolutionären Kirgistan aus koalitionstheoretischer Perspektive (2010-2020)
- Author
Lucas Neuling
- Subjects
Kirgisistan ,parliament ,political system ,Parlament ,Koalitionsbildung ,Systems of governments & states ,Präsidialsystem ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,coalition formation ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,Kyrgyzstan ,politisches System - Abstract
Durch ein Verfassungsreferendum im Jahr 2010 wurde die Koalition in Artikel 70(3) als Instrument des kirgisischen Parlamentes (Dschogorku Kenesch) zur Mehrheitsfindung kodifiziert. Bei keiner absoluten Mehrheit für eine Partei bestand seitdem der Zwang zur Koalitionsbildung, was die Fraktionen als zentrale Akteure parlamentarischer Prozesse etablierte. Der Beitrag analysiert für den Zeitraum zwischen 2010 und 2020 interne Strukturen kirgisischer Koalitionen und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Stabilität des jungen Parlamentarismus, dem mit der Machtergreifung Sadyr Dschaparows und der Rückkehr zu einem präsidialen Regierungssystem 2021 ein Ende gesetzt wurde.
- Published
- 2023
6. Sequences of presidential-term-Limit reforms: Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa
- Author
Charlotte Heyl and Mariana Llanos
- Subjects
Politik ,Sub saharan ,Latin Americans ,Institutionalisation ,Politikwissenschaft ,political history ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Systems of governments & states ,Systemveränderung ,system change ,Amtszeit ,Amtszeitbegrenzung ,Afrika südlich der Sahara ,Political science ,Development economics ,Limit (mathematics) ,Democratization ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,autoritäres System ,Africa South of the Sahara ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Presidential system ,Demokratisierung ,politische Geschichte ,politischer Wandel ,authoritarian system ,democratization ,political change ,Präsidialsystem ,Institutionalisierung ,Term (time) ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Lateinamerika ,Latin America ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,ddc:320 ,Political Science and International Relations ,presidential system ,institutionalization ,ddc:321 ,politics ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,Third wave - Abstract
In this article we take a longitudinal view on presidential-term-limit reforms in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa since the third wave of democratization. Many countries in the two regions (re-)introduced term limits at this time as a democratic safeguard against personal rule and power abuses. Since then, term limits have been contested by a plethora of reform attempts. Such reforms are commonly seen as a risk to democracy since stable institutions are considered essential for democratic consolidation, while term-limit eliminations are associated with processes of autocratization. From the literature on democratic consolidation, institutionalization and presidential-term-limit reforms we distil theoretical expectations on term-limit-reform paths across time and examine how they relate to the evolution of the political regime. To empirically investigate reform paths across regions we apply the research method of sequence analysis. We find that the stability of term-limit rules is more prevalent than expected, but that this stability sometimes masks institutional ineffectiveness under authoritarian regimes. Rule instability induced by frequent reforms can be part of a piecemeal path towards autocratization, but it can also reflect an open-ended tug of war between authoritarian tendencies and democratic resistance.
- Published
- 2021
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7. 2018's 'Political System Change' and Its Impact on Party Politics in Türkiye
- Author
İçener, Zeyneb Çağlıyan and İçener, Zeyneb Çağlıyan
- Abstract
The Republic of Türkiye was founded on Ottoman parliamentary tradition introduced in 1878. However, debates on system change have always been on the agenda. The Turkish political elite has occasionally presented proposals on the need to shift from a parliamentary to a presidential system. The times of political crises set a suitable ground for such favourable arguments. This article focuses primarily on the realisation of the systemchange witnessed under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s leadership. In the first part, it argues that the three-phase strategy of the AK Party has made its political dreams come true. An issue is fi rst popularised, then narrativised, and fi nally securitised. Consequently, the new presidential government system was adopted with the April 16th, 2017 referendum. The article analyses how the system change has modifi ed the formation of such alliances among the political parties beyond customary ways. It questions to what extent this novel dimension of party politics would be sustainable. The second part thus elaborates on the formation of alliances and the efforts to make them functional on the way to consensual politics. Lijphart’s classification of democracies as majoritarian governments versus consensus governments has provided a theoretical base for a discussion on the return to a strengthened parliamentary system. The article sheds light on the new dynamics of government/opposition relations and their influence on Turkish democracy.
- Published
- 2022
8. Sequences of presidential-term-Limit reforms: Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa
- Author
Heyl, Charlotte, Llanos, Mariana, Heyl, Charlotte, and Llanos, Mariana
- Abstract
In this article we take a longitudinal view on presidential-term-limit reforms in Latin America and sub-Saharan Africa since the third wave of democratization. Many countries in the two regions (re-)introduced term limits at this time as a democratic safeguard against personal rule and power abuses. Since then, term limits have been contested by a plethora of reform attempts. Such reforms are commonly seen as a risk to democracy since stable institutions are considered essential for democratic consolidation, while term-limit eliminations are associated with processes of autocratization. From the literature on democratic consolidation, institutionalization and presidential-term-limit reforms we distil theoretical expectations on term-limit-reform paths across time and examine how they relate to the evolution of the political regime. To empirically investigate reform paths across regions we apply the research method of sequence analysis. We find that the stability of term-limit rules is more prevalent than expected, but that this stability sometimes masks institutional ineffectiveness under authoritarian regimes. Rule instability induced by frequent reforms can be part of a piecemeal path towards autocratization, but it can also reflect an open-ended tug of war between authoritarian tendencies and democratic resistance.
- Published
- 2022
9. Institutionalising Authoritarian Presidencies: Polymorphous Power and Russia’s Presidential Administration
- Author
Fabian Burkhardt
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,History ,Sociology and Political Science ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Systems of governments & states ,organizational analysis ,Russia ,Verwaltungsapparat ,Power (social and political) ,Exekutive ,Organisationsprinzip ,Political science ,organizational principle ,administrative organization ,Black box (phreaking) ,Presidential system ,Authoritarianism ,Präsidialsystem ,Kreml ,Präsidialverwaltung ,Informalität ,Governance ,Institutionalisierung ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,executive power ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Political economy ,institutionalization ,presidential system ,Russland ,ddc:321 ,institutionalism ,Institutionalismus ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,Administration (government) ,Organisationsanalyse - Abstract
This article attempts to open up the ‘black box’ of the Russian Presidential Administration (‘the Kremlin’). Borrowing from the literature on institutional presidencies and institutional approaches to authoritarianism, I argue that the administration institutionalised over the years of study, 1994–2012. More stable and predictable procedures enhanced administrative presidential powers but personalism and non-compliance with presidential orders remained. Original data on budget, staff, units, organisational structure and presidential assignments demonstrate that presidential power ought to be conceptualised as a polymorphous phenomenon that varies depending on the level of analysis. Researchers should refrain from over-personalising accounts of authoritarian regimes at the expense of more structural, organisational elements such as ‘institutional presidencies’.
- Published
- 2020
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10. 2018's 'Political System Change' and Its Impact on Party Politics in Türkiye
- Author
Zeyneb Çağlıyan İçener and Fakülteler, İnsan ve Toplum Bilimleri Fakültesi, Siyaset Bilimi ve Uluslararası İlişkiler Bölümü
- Subjects
Turkey ,democracy ,party politics ,political system ,Systems of governments & states ,Systemveränderung ,system change ,Türkei ,Präsidialsystem ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Türkiye, Turkey, System Debate, Change, Presidential System, Party Politics, Democracy ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Parteipolitik ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,politisches System ,Demokratie - Abstract
The Republic of Türkiye was founded on Ottoman parliamentary tradition introduced in 1878. However, debates on system change have always been on the agenda. The Turkish political elite has occasionally presented proposals on the need to shift from a parliamentary to a presidential system. The times of political crises set a suitable ground for such favourable arguments. This article focuses primarily on the realisation of the system change witnessed under Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s leadership. In the first part, it argues that the three-phase strategy of the AK Party has made its political dreams come true. An issue is first popularised, then narrativised, and finally securitised. Consequently, the new presidential government system was adopted with the April 16th, 2017 referendum. The article analyses how the system change has modifi ed the formation of such alliances among the political parties beyond customary ways. It questions to what extent this novel dimension of party politics would be sustainable. The second part thus elaborates on the formation of alliances and the efforts to make them functional on the way to consensual politics. Lijphart’s classification of emocracies as majoritarian governments versus consensus governments has provided a theoretical base for a discussion on the return to a strengthened parliamentary system. The article sheds light on the new dynamics of government/opposition relations and their infl uence on Turkish democracy.
- Published
- 2022
11. Turkey's presidential system after two and a half years: an overview of institutions and politics
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Adar, Sinem, Seufert, Günter, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Adar, Sinem, and Seufert, Günter
- Abstract
Turkey's new Presidential System has failed to realise the goals that it was said to achieve with its introduction despite the disapproval of half the population. Contrary to the ruling party’s claims in favour of the new governance system, two and a half years after its introduction, parliament is weaker, separation of powers is undermined, the judiciary is politicised, institutions are crippled, economic woes are mounting and authoritarian practices prevail. Despite the almost unlimited and unchecked power that the new system grants to the President over institutions, his space for political manoeuvre is, surprisingly, narrower than it was in the parliamentary system. Providing the otherwise divided opposition a joint anchor of resistance, the Presidential System unintentionally breathed life into the inertia of Turkey’s political party setting. The formation of splinter parties from the ruling party, primarily addressing the same conservative electorate, alongside the changing electoral logic with the need to form alliances to win an election, poses a serious challenge to the ruling party and its leader - the President. Despite the oppositional alliance’s electoral victory in 2019 local elections, it is at the moment unclear whether the forming parties share a common vision for steps towards democratic repair. Together with the institutional havoc caused by the Presidential System, the blurry outlook of the opposition requires caution about an easy and rapid positive transformation. While the European Union should be realistic in regard to expectations towards democratic reform, it should also strike a balance between cooperation in areas of mutual benefit and confronting Ankara when necessary to protect the interests of the European Union and its member states. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2021
12. Revolution again in Kyrgyzstan: forward to the past?
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Schmitz, Andrea, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Schmitz, Andrea
- Abstract
Kyrgyzstan's presidential election and constitutional referendum on 10 January 2021 represent the provisional endpoint of a series of violent episodes that has gripped the country since October 2020. The victory of the populist Sadyr Japarov and approval for his plan to reintroduce a presidential system of government prepares the ground for a dismantling of democratic principles and rule of law, so that politically Kyrgyzstan is set to look more like its Central Asian neighbours. A new constitution is in preparation. The draft bears the portents of a neo-traditional roll-back that rebuffs a young generation demanding more democracy and rule of law, and has the potential to deeply polarise the nation. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2021
13. Kirgistans dritte Revolution
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Schmitz, Andrea, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Schmitz, Andrea
- Abstract
Die Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 10. Januar 2021 und das damit verbundene Verfassungsplebiszit sind das Ergebnis einer von Gewalt begleiteten Dynamik, die Kirgistan seit Oktober 2020 in Atem hält. Mit der Wahl des Populisten Sadyr Japarov zum Präsidenten und der Zustimmung zu der von ihm forcierten Wiedereinführung eines Präsidialsystems wird der Weg bereitet für einen Abbau demokratischer und rechtsstaatlicher Prinzipien, mit dem sich Kirgistan den politischen Verhältnissen in den zentralasiatischen Nachbarstaaten annähert. Eine neue Verfassung ist in Vorbereitung. Der Entwurf trägt die Handschrift von Akteuren, die eine Pfadumkehr unter neo-traditionalen Vorzeichen anstreben. Er düpiert eine junge Generation politischer Kräfte, die für mehr Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit eintreten, und ist geeignet, das Land anhaltend zu polarisieren. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2021
14. Perilous Presidentialism or Precarious Power-Sharing? Hybrid Regime Dynamics in Myanmar
- Author
Bünte, Marco and Bünte, Marco
- Abstract
Although Myanmar's transition from military rule has been thoroughly studied, research into the evolving presidential system is lacking. This article maps Myanmar's unique hybrid form of presidentialism and characterises executive-legislative relations between 2012 and 2017. It not only examines institutions themselves but also explores how actors within them have acted and shifted strategically. It is argued that elite-behaviour determines how institutions work. Myanmar's 2008 constitution imposed by the military established a hybrid presidential system with a formally powerful president. The first phase under President Thein Sein saw competitive yet cooperative executive-legislative relations between President Thein Sein and the ambitious House Speaker Shwe Mann, both members of the former military regime. However, this power-sharing arrangement of former members of the military regime became increasingly fragile with the rise of Aung San Suu Kyi and her attempt to change the 2008 constitution. After the election victory of the National League for Democracy (NLD) and the passage of the state counsellor law, a de facto semi-presidential system was established – Burmese style. Since then, the frontline has been between the civilian and military parts of the administration.
- Published
- 2021
15. Party presidentialization in post-Suharto Indonesia
- Author
Ufen, Andreas and Ufen, Andreas
- Abstract
Indonesia presents an extremely rare quasi-experimental research case: the constitutional reforms and the transition to full presidentialism have effected a presidentialization of political parties that is largely in line with the changes predicted by the model of Samuels and Shugart [2010. Presidents, parties and prime ministers: How separation of powers affects party organization and behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]. Especially the rise of the new president and his difficult relationship with his own party are testimony to this. But a closer look reveals that the model has to be adapted to Indonesian politics. Presidents have tools to forge grand coalitions and to overcome the dualism to an extent. The size and history of political parties as well as wider socio-economic changes, that is an increasing oligarchization of party organization, have to be considered. Moreover, highly personalized vehicle parties serving the interests of a presidential candidate have emerged. It follows that institutional and structural incentives combined have produced a party system consisting of different party types.
- Published
- 2021
16. Kirgistans dritte Revolution
- Author
Schmitz, Andrea, Stiftung Wissenschaft Und Politik, and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
- Subjects
Kirgisistan ,Populismus ,parliament ,Politikwissenschaft ,Dschaparow, Sadyr ,Regierungssystem ,Wahlforschung/Wahlanalyse ,Nationale Wahlen ,Wahlfälschungen/Wahlbetrug ,domestic policy ,plebiscite ,Präsidentschaftswahl ,constitutional amendment ,Systems of governments & states ,change of government ,Volksabstimmung ,political development ,Wahlkampf ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Staatsoberhaupt ,Kyrgyzstan ,Political science ,politisches System ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,politische Entwicklung ,head of state ,Innenpolitik ,political system ,Parlament ,Protest ,Präsidialsystem ,populism ,Regierungswechsel ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Verfassungsänderung ,election campaign ,presidential election ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen - Abstract
Die Präsidentschaftswahlen vom 10. Januar 2021 und das damit verbundene Verfassungsplebiszit sind das Ergebnis einer von Gewalt begleiteten Dynamik, die Kirgistan seit Oktober 2020 in Atem hält. Mit der Wahl des Populisten Sadyr Japarov zum Präsidenten und der Zustimmung zu der von ihm forcierten Wiedereinführung eines Präsidialsystems wird der Weg bereitet für einen Abbau demokratischer und rechtsstaatlicher Prinzipien, mit dem sich Kirgistan den politischen Verhältnissen in den zentralasiatischen Nachbarstaaten annähert. Eine neue Verfassung ist in Vorbereitung. Der Entwurf trägt die Handschrift von Akteuren, die eine Pfadumkehr unter neo-traditionalen Vorzeichen anstreben. Er düpiert eine junge Generation politischer Kräfte, die für mehr Demokratie und Rechtsstaatlichkeit eintreten, und ist geeignet, das Land anhaltend zu polarisieren. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2021
17. Revolution again in Kyrgyzstan: Forward to the past?
- Author
Schmitz, Andrea, Stiftung Wissenschaft Und Politik, and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
- Subjects
Kirgisistan ,Populismus ,parliament ,Politikwissenschaft ,Dschaparow, Sadyr ,Regierungssystem ,Wahlforschung/Wahlanalyse ,Nationale Wahlen ,Wahlfälschungen/Wahlbetrug ,domestic policy ,plebiscite ,Präsidentschaftswahl ,constitutional amendment ,Systems of governments & states ,change of government ,Volksabstimmung ,political development ,Wahlkampf ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Staatsoberhaupt ,Kyrgyzstan ,Political science ,politisches System ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,politische Entwicklung ,head of state ,Innenpolitik ,political system ,Parlament ,Protest ,Präsidialsystem ,populism ,Regierungswechsel ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Verfassungsänderung ,election campaign ,presidential election ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen - Abstract
Kyrgyzstan's presidential election and constitutional referendum on 10 January 2021 represent the provisional endpoint of a series of violent episodes that has gripped the country since October 2020. The victory of the populist Sadyr Japarov and approval for his plan to reintroduce a presidential system of government prepares the ground for a dismantling of democratic principles and rule of law, so that politically Kyrgyzstan is set to look more like its Central Asian neighbours. A new constitution is in preparation. The draft bears the portents of a neo-traditional roll-back that rebuffs a young generation demanding more democracy and rule of law, and has the potential to deeply polarise the nation. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2021
18. Turkey's presidential system after two and a half years: An overview of institutions and politics
- Author
Adar, Sinem, Seufert, Günter, Stiftung Wissenschaft Und Politik, and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
- Subjects
Turkey ,constitutional amendment ,Systems of governments & states ,Internationale Beziehungen ,Türkei ,politische Macht ,decision making ,party in power ,politische Entscheidung ,Entscheidungsfindung ,Bilateral international relations ,political power ,politisches System ,international relations ,political system ,Präsidialsystem ,International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Verfassungsänderung ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Regierungspartei ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Verhältnis zwischen obersten Staatsorganen ,Verteilte Macht ,Adalet ve Kalkinma Partisi (Türkiye) ,Verhältnis Partei - Staat ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik ,EU ,political decision ,ddc:327 - Abstract
Turkey's new Presidential System has failed to realise the goals that it was said to achieve with its introduction despite the disapproval of half the population. Contrary to the ruling party’s claims in favour of the new governance system, two and a half years after its introduction, parliament is weaker, separation of powers is undermined, the judiciary is politicised, institutions are crippled, economic woes are mounting and authoritarian practices prevail. Despite the almost unlimited and unchecked power that the new system grants to the President over institutions, his space for political manoeuvre is, surprisingly, narrower than it was in the parliamentary system. Providing the otherwise divided opposition a joint anchor of resistance, the Presidential System unintentionally breathed life into the inertia of Turkey’s political party setting. The formation of splinter parties from the ruling party, primarily addressing the same conservative electorate, alongside the changing electoral logic with the need to form alliances to win an election, poses a serious challenge to the ruling party and its leader - the President. Despite the oppositional alliance’s electoral victory in 2019 local elections, it is at the moment unclear whether the forming parties share a common vision for steps towards democratic repair. Together with the institutional havoc caused by the Presidential System, the blurry outlook of the opposition requires caution about an easy and rapid positive transformation. While the European Union should be realistic in regard to expectations towards democratic reform, it should also strike a balance between cooperation in areas of mutual benefit and confronting Ankara when necessary to protect the interests of the European Union and its member states. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2021
19. New political parties and the reconfiguration of Turkey's political landscape
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Çevik, Salim, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Çevik, Salim
- Abstract
The recent emergence of two splinter parties from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) points to a deepening crisis within the party and growing discontent toward party leader and president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Although the leaders of the two new parties, Ali Babacan and Ahmet Davutoğlu, are both former high-ranking AKP politicians, they differ significantly in their style of politics and ideological leanings. Babacan is trying to position himself at the center of Turkey's ideological spectrum and emphasize issues of good governance and the rule of law. Davutoğlu is aiming for the more conservative voters, focusing on the moral shortcomings of the current regime. Davutoğlu's strategy has better chances in the short term, whereas Babacan is poised for a long game. The importance of both parties relies on their potential to attract votes from the AKP base. In a country that is deeply divided into two almost equal-sized camps that support Erdoğan and oppose him, even a small fraction of votes shifting from the AKP to the opposition can be a game changer. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2020
20. Institutionalising Authoritarian Presidencies: Polymorphous Power and Russia's Presidential Administration
- Author
Burkhardt, Fabian and Burkhardt, Fabian
- Abstract
This article attempts to open up the ‘black box’ of the Russian Presidential Administration (‘the Kremlin’). Borrowing from the literature on institutional presidencies and institutional approaches to authoritarianism, I argue that the administration institutionalised over the years of study, 1994–2012. More stable and predictable procedures enhanced administrative presidential powers but personalism and non-compliance with presidential orders remained. Original data on budget, staff, units, organisational structure and presidential assignments demonstrate that presidential power ought to be conceptualised as a polymorphous phenomenon that varies depending on the level of analysis. Researchers should refrain from over-personalising accounts of authoritarian regimes at the expense of more structural, organisational elements such as ‘institutional presidencies’.
- Published
- 2020
21. Probleme des indischen Föderalismus
- Author
Rothermund, Dietmar and Rothermund, Dietmar
- Abstract
Die Indische Union stellt die Europäische Union sowohl im Hinblick auf ihre Größe, aber auch in Bezug auf ihren Integrationsgrad in den Schatten. Doch während der europäische Föderalismus sich von unten nach oben entwickelt, ist der indische Föderalismus ein "Föderalismus von oben". Das hat sich aus seiner kolonialen Herkunft ergeben. Die von Britisch Indien übernommene Verfassungsstruktur war nur deshalb föderalistisch, weil die Briten das Dilemma bewältigen mussten, eine graduelle Übertragung von Selbstverwaltungsrechten an gewählte indische Gremien mit einer Stützung der unabsetzbaren zentralen Exekutive zu verbinden. Die neue föderale Verfassung von 1935 enthielt neben der Bundesverfassung eine Einheitsverfassung für alle Provinzen Britisch Indiens. "Provincial autonomy" - wie diese Konstruktion beschönigend genannt wurde - war die Schaffung einer politischen Arena für die indischen Politiker, die ihre Kräfte binden und vom Widerstand gegen die Zentralgewalt ablenken sollte.
- Published
- 2020
22. Das Präsidialsystem in Kolumbien: Eine biopolitische Analyse. Rafael Núñez und Álvaro Uribe im Vergleich.
- Author
Vega, Luis Felipe
- Subjects
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PRESIDENTIAL system , *TWENTY-first century , *NINETEENTH century ,COLOMBIAN politics & government - Abstract
In Colombia, the centralization of power through legal system dependency and legislative power in relation to the executive power can be considered as a historical constant since the beginning of the nation buildings process. Authoritarian regimes propound under the figure of president until end of 20th century the unsolved problem of citizenship. In this sense, it is clear that the presidential system in Colombia is permanently attached to a consolidation of image about an absolute crisis, which is based on the rationality of the government to implement more radical administrative measures. Sovereign power is embodied in these phases of Republican images in Colombia through the figures of Presidents Alvaro Uribe and Rafael Núñez. Their speeches and management practices are central to the political analysis of this article. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
- Author
- Subjects
ISRAELI history, 1993- ,NEW democracies ,PRIME minister elections ,LEGISLATIVE bodies ,POLITICAL systems ,POLITICAL science - Abstract
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- Published
- 2008
24. New political parties and the reconfiguration of Turkey's political landscape
- Author
Çevik, Salim, Stiftung Wissenschaft Und Politik, and Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit
- Subjects
Turkey ,foundation of a party ,Politikwissenschaft ,party system ,Systems of governments & states ,Türkei ,Parteigründung ,Davutoğlu, A ,Babacan, A ,Potential ,Implikation ,politisches Programm ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Technokratie ,Political science ,politisches System ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Ideologie ,political program ,Partei ,political system ,ideology ,government ,technocracy ,Regierung ,Präsidialsystem ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Parteiensystem ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,party ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen - Abstract
The recent emergence of two splinter parties from the Justice and Development Party (AKP) points to a deepening crisis within the party and growing discontent toward party leader and president, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Although the leaders of the two new parties, Ali Babacan and Ahmet Davutoğlu, are both former high-ranking AKP politicians, they differ significantly in their style of politics and ideological leanings. Babacan is trying to position himself at the center of Turkey's ideological spectrum and emphasize issues of good governance and the rule of law. Davutoğlu is aiming for the more conservative voters, focusing on the moral shortcomings of the current regime. Davutoğlu's strategy has better chances in the short term, whereas Babacan is poised for a long game. The importance of both parties relies on their potential to attract votes from the AKP base. In a country that is deeply divided into two almost equal-sized camps that support Erdoğan and oppose him, even a small fraction of votes shifting from the AKP to the opposition can be a game changer. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2020
25. Autocratisation by Term Limits Manipulation in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Author
Andrea Cassani
- Subjects
Cultural Studies ,Sub saharan ,Sociology and Political Science ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Politikwissenschaft ,lcsh:DT1-3415 ,0507 social and economic geography ,Sub-Saharan Africa ,term limits ,autocratisation ,personal rule ,presidential system ,Subsahara-Afrika ,Amtszeitbeschränkungen ,Autokratisierung ,personalistische Herrschaft ,Präsidialsystem ,Systems of governments & states ,Development ,050701 cultural studies ,lcsh:Social Sciences ,Political science ,Development economics ,050602 political science & public administration ,Personal Rule ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,media_common ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Presidential system ,05 social sciences ,lcsh:International relations ,Democracy ,0506 political science ,Term (time) ,lcsh:H ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,lcsh:History of Africa ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Political Science and International Relations ,ddc:320 ,ddc:321 ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,lcsh:JZ2-6530 - Abstract
Besides the introduction of multi-party elections, the sub-Saharan wave of democratic reforms of the 1990s encompassed the introduction of limits to the number of terms that a chief executive can serve. Executive term limits (ETLs) are key for democracy to advance in a continent with a legacy of personal rule. However, the manipulation of ETLs has become a recurring mode of autocratisation, through which African aspiring over-stayers weaken executive constraints, taint political competition, and limit citizens’ possibility to choose who governs. This article presents a three-phase model of autocratisation by ETL manipulation and, using new data, offers one of the first regional comparative studies of ETL manipulation in sub-Saharan Africa that rests on econometric modelling. The analysis leads to revisiting some previous findings on the drivers of ETL manipulation and highlights the relevance of other previously underestimated factors that may either discourage a leader from challenging ETLs or prevent their successful manipulation. In Subsahara-Afrika wurden im Zuge demokratischer Reformen in den 1990er-Jahren nicht nur Mehrparteienwahlen eingeführt, sondern auch Beschränkungen der Anzahl der Amtszeiten des Staatsoberhauptes. Amtszeitbeschränkungen auf einem Kontinent mit dem Erbe personalistischer Herrschaft sind ein Schlüssel für mehr Demokratie. Die Manipulation von Amtszeitbeschränkungen jedoch ist eine wiederkehrende Form der Autokratisierung geworden. Dadurch schwächen die Herrschenden Beschränkungen der Exekutive, sowie den politischen Wettbewerb und begrenzen die Möglichkeit der Bürger zu wählen, wer regiert. Dieser Artikel stellt ein Drei-Phasen-Modell der Autokratisierung durch die Manipulation von Amtszeitbeschränkungen vor und führt unter Verwendung neuer Daten eine der ersten regional vergleichenden statistischen Analysen durch. Die Ergebnisse revidieren einige frühere Erkenntnisse hinsichtlich der Ursachen der Manipulation von Amtszeitbeschränkungen und unterstreichen die Relevanz anderer zuvor unterschätzter Faktoren, die den Versuch und die erfolgreiche Umsetzung einer Manipulation von Amtszeitbeschränkungen erklären.
- Published
- 2020
26. Ein Präsidialsystem 'türkischer Art': Konzentration der Macht auf Kosten politischer Gestaltungskraft
- Author
Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, Seufert, Günter, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik -SWP- Deutsches Institut für Internationale Politik und Sicherheit, and Seufert, Günter
- Abstract
Das neue Präsidialsystem in der Türkei ist für seine Verfechter der Schlüssel, um alle Probleme des Landes zu lösen - ob es um die endgültige Überwindung bürokratischer Vormundschaft über die gewählte Regierung geht oder um eine Verkürzung der Entscheidungswege, die eine effektive Wirtschaftspolitik ermöglichen soll. Doch bietet das System tatsächlich die Grundlage dafür, dass die Türkei innenpolitisch zur Ruhe kommt? Garantiert es wirklich mehr Stabilität, und eröffnet es so die Chance, allmählich zu demokratischen Reformen zurückzukehren? Schafft es vielleicht sogar die Bedingungen dafür, den EU-Beitrittsprozess des Landes wieder aufzunehmen, wie es die türkische Regierung in den letzten Wochen und Monaten verkündet hat? Pragmatiker hoffen darauf, dass Präsident Erdoğan sich bereits nach den nächsten Wahlen seiner Macht vollkommen sicher sein und deshalb zu einer gemäßigten Politik zurückkehren werde. Denn nach den Kommunalwahlen, die für den 31. März 2019 angesetzt sind, habe die türkische Regierung fast fünf Jahre ohne Urnengänge vor sich und könne deshalb erneut Reformpolitik betreiben. Doch wie ist es um die Reformfähigkeit der Türkei bestellt, wenn die Konzentration aller Macht in den Händen des Staatspräsidenten dessen politischen Spielraum gar nicht erweitert, sondern im Gegenteil beschränkt? Wenn die Sicherung der eigenen Kontrolle mit dem Verlust politischer Gestaltungskraft erkauft wird? Wenn nur der Schulterschluss mit Kräften, die jegliche Reformagenda ablehnen, das Monopol der Macht erhält? Vieles spricht dafür, dass genau damit die heutige Situation in der Türkei umschrieben ist. (Autorenreferat)
- Published
- 2019
27. The atypicality of semi-presidentialism in the post-Soviet countries: the context of the votes of no confidence in governments
- Author
Lytvyn, Vitaliy S., Osadchuk, Ihor Y., Lytvyn, Vitaliy S., and Osadchuk, Ihor Y.
- Abstract
The variations of presidential, parliamentary and semi-presidential systems of government represent the main framework of analysis of this study. Extremely different factors of the political process and inter-institutional relations, which are the conditions for defining different systems of government, can be indicators for distinguishing typical and atypical systems of government. In this sense, the purpose of this article is to determine whether the peculiarities of the institution of the vote of no confidence in governments in several post-Soviet semi-presidential countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia) can predetermine the atypicality of these systems of government. It is argued that the atypicality of the post-Soviet semi-presidentialism is often due to the fact that parliaments have the right to cast the votes of no confidence in governments, but the latter come in force only when they are supported by presidents, who may be empowered to choose between the dismissal of governments and the dissolution of legislatures. On one hand, such systems of government definitively tend to be semi-presidential. On the other hand, the atypical responsibility of governments to parliaments denies the semi-presidential nature of systems of governments largely in favor of presidentialism. This determines that against the backdrop of traditional generalizations of different systems of government, they are formally and actually constructed as "constitutional hybrids" in six post-Soviet countries (Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Russia) and therefore can be positioned both as cases of atypical semi-presidentialism and instances of incomplete presidentialism. At the same time, such cases are unique and must be classified as exceptional ones.
- Published
- 2019
28. Ordnung der Macht. Die Generation Anton Wainos und Russlands techno-bürokratischer Autoritarismus
- Author
Fabian Burkhardt
- Subjects
Staatsverwaltung ,Russland ,political elite ,Politikwissenschaft ,bureaucracy ,öffentliche Verwaltung ,Kader ,Russia ,cadre politics ,Exekutive ,Autoritarismus ,Reorganisation ,politische Elite ,Bürokratie ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Technokratie ,politisch-administratives System ,Political science ,cadre ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,reorganization ,Präsidialadministration ,Meritokratie ,Patronage ,political administrative system ,technocracy ,Kaderpolitik ,public administration ,Präsidialsystem ,executive power ,authoritarianism ,ddc:320 ,presidential system - Abstract
Der Aufstieg Anton Wainos zum Leiter der Präsidialverwaltung (PV) steht stellvertretend für einen graduellen Generationswandel in Spitzenämtern der Staatsverwaltung. In den 2000er Jahren wurde durch die Präsidialverwaltung eine Art "Nomenklatura lite" aufgebaut, durch die Nachwuchs gesichtet und gefördert wird. Neben meritokratischen Elementen sind vor allem persönliche Verbindungen und Patronagebeziehungen entscheidend für Zugang zur Kaderreserve und Beförderung. Mit der graduellen Verjüngung durch Kaderwechsel reproduziert sich die derzeitige Ordnung der Macht, die techno-bürokratische und klepto-neopatrimoniale Elemente verbindet.
- Published
- 2016
- Full Text
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29. Unpacking patronage: the politics of patronage appointments in Argentina and Uruguay’s central administrations
- Author
Francisco Panizza, Conrado Ramos Larraburu, and Gerardo Scherlis
- Subjects
Latin Americans ,Rolleneinnahme ,Sociology and Political Science ,Politikwissenschaft ,Argentina ,öffentliche Verwaltung ,Public administration ,party in power ,Power (social and political) ,Politics ,Exekutive ,Political science ,0502 economics and business ,Agency (sociology) ,nombramientos de patronazgo ,alcances ,poder de nombrar ,patronage appointments ,scope ,power of ap-pointment ,Executive Politics-Patronage Studies ,050602 political science & public administration ,050207 economics ,role taking ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Motivation ,Presidential system ,05 social sciences ,Role taking ,Südamerika ,South America ,public administration ,Präsidialsystem ,JA Political science (General) ,0506 political science ,executive power ,Political Science and International Relations ,ddc:320 ,Regierungspartei ,Executive power ,presidential system ,Uruguay ,political science ,Argentinien ,Power of appointment - Abstract
This study makes the following contributions to the study of the politics of patronage appointments in Latin America: Conceptually it adopts Kopecký, Scherlis, and Spirova's (2008) distinction between clientelistic and nonclientelistic types of patronage politics and widens these authors classification of patrons' motivations for making appointments, specifically as a lens for the study of patronage practices within Latin America’s presidentialist regimes. Analytically, it sets up a new taxonomy of patronage appointments based on the roles that appointees' play vis-à-vis the executive, the ruling party, and the public administration - one that can be used for the comparative study of the politics of patronage. Empirically, it applies this taxonomy to a pilot study of the politics of patronage in Argentina and Uruguay under two left-of-center administrations. Theoretically, it contributes to theory-building by relating the findings of our research to the differences in party systems and presidential powers within the two countries under study, and to agency factors associated with the respective governments' own political projects. The article concludes that differences in patronage practices are a manifestation of two variant forms of exercising governmental power: a hyper-presidentialist, populist one in Argentina and a party-centered, social-democratic one in Uruguay., Este articulo hace las siguientes contribuciones al estudio de la política de los nombramientos de patronazgo en América Latina: En lo conceptual adopta la distinción empleada por Kopecký, Scherlis, and Spirova’s (2008) entre formas clientelares y no clientelares de políticas de patronazgo, como un lente para el estudio específico de prácticas de patronazgo en regímenes presidencialistas en América Latina. En lo analítico, construye una nueva taxonomía de nombramientos de patronazgo basada en los roles que los nombrados cumplen en relación al executivo, el partido gobernante y la administración pública, la cual puede ser usada para el estudio comparado de la política del patronazgo. En lo empírico, aplica la taxonomía a un estudio piloto de la política del patronazgo en Argentina y Uruguay bajo dos administraciones de centro-izquierda. En lo teórico, contribuye a la elaboración de teoría al relacionar los hallazgos de investigación a diferencias en los sistemas de partidos y en los poderes presidenciales en los dos países objeto de estudio, así como factores de agencia asociados a los proyectos políticos de los respectivos gobiernos. El articulo concluye que diferencias en las prácticas de patronazgo son una manifestación de dos formas diferentes de ejercicio del poder gubernamental: una de tipo híper-presidencialista, populista, en Argentina y otra de tipo partido-céntrica, social democrática, en Uruguay.
- Published
- 2018
30. Who Gets What and How Does It Matter? Importance-Weighted Portfolio Allocation and Coalition Support in Brazil
- Author
Batista, Mariana and Batista, Mariana
- Abstract
Who gets what in portfolio allocation, and how does it matter to coalition partners’ legislative support in presidential systems? I propose that portfolios are not all alike, and that their allocation as well as the support for the president's agenda depends on the particular distribution of assets within the executive. The portfolio share allocated to coalition parties is weighted by a measure of importance based on the assets controlled by the ministry in question, such as policies, offices, and budgets. Once the weighted allocation of ministries has been identified, the results show that: 1) the president concentrates the most important ministries in their own party, mainly considering the policy dimension; 2) the positive relationship between portfolio allocation and legislative support remains, with the importance of specific dimensions being considered; and, 3) coalition partners do not respond differently in terms of legislative support in light of the different assets’ distribution within the portfolio allocation., Quem ganha o quê na alocação de ministérios e como isso importa para o apoio legislativo dos parceiros da coalizão em sistemas presidencialistas? Proponho que os ministérios não são todos iguais e que sua alocação, bem como o apoio à agenda do presidente, depende da distribuição específica de ativos dentro do executivo. A proporção de ministérios alocada aos partidos da coalizão é ponderada por uma medida de importância baseada nos ativos controlados pelo ministério em questão, tais como políticas, cargos e orçamento. Uma vez que a alocação ponderada dos ministérios foi identificada, os resultados mostram que: 1) o presidente concentra os ministérios mais importantes em seu próprio partido, principalmente considerando a dimensão de políticas; 2) mantémse a relação positiva entre alocação de ministérios e apoio legislativo, mesmo considerando a importância de dimensões específicas; e 3) os parceiros de coalizão não respondem de maneira diferente em termos de apoio legislativo, tendo em vista a distribuição dos diferentes ativos na alocação de ministérios.
- Published
- 2018
31. Unpacking Patronage: the Politics of Patronage Appointments in Argentina's and Uruguay's Central Public Administrations
- Author
Larraburu, Conrado Ricardo Ramos, Panizza, Francisco, Scherlis, Gerardo, Larraburu, Conrado Ricardo Ramos, Panizza, Francisco, and Scherlis, Gerardo
- Abstract
This study makes the following contributions to the study of the politics of patronage appointments in Latin America: Conceptually it adopts Kopecký, Scherlis, and Spirova's (2008) distinction between clientelistic and nonclientelistic types of patronage politics and widens these authors classification of patrons' motivations for making appointments, specifically as a lens for the study of patronage practices within Latin America’s presidentialist regimes. Analytically, it sets up a new taxonomy of patronage appointments based on the roles that appointees' play vis-à-vis the executive, the ruling party, and the public administration - one that can be used for the comparative study of the politics of patronage. Empirically, it applies this taxonomy to a pilot study of the politics of patronage in Argentina and Uruguay under two left-of-center administrations. Theoretically, it contributes to theory-building by relating the findings of our research to the differences in party systems and presidential powers within the two countries under study, and to agency factors associated with the respective governments' own political projects. The article concludes that differences in patronage practices are a manifestation of two variant forms of exercising governmental power: a hyper-presidentialist, populist one in Argentina and a party-centered, social-democratic one in Uruguay., Este articulo hace las siguientes contribuciones al estudio de la política de los nombramientos de patronazgo en América Latina: En lo conceptual adopta la distinción empleada por Kopecký, Scherlis, and Spirova’s (2008) entre formas clientelares y no clientelares de políticas de patronazgo, como un lente para el estudio específico de prácticas de patronazgo en regímenes presidencialistas en América Latina. En lo analítico, construye una nueva taxonomía de nombramientos de patronazgo basada en los roles que los nombrados cumplen en relación al executivo, el partido gobernante y la administración pública, la cual puede ser usada para el estudio comparado de la política del patronazgo. En lo empírico, aplica la taxonomía a un estudio piloto de la política del patronazgo en Argentina y Uruguay bajo dos administraciones de centro-izquierda. En lo teórico, contribuye a la elaboración de teoría al relacionar los hallazgos de investigación a diferencias en los sistemas de partidos y en los poderes presidenciales en los dos países objeto de estudio, así como factores de agencia asociados a los proyectos políticos de los respectivos gobiernos. El articulo concluye que diferencias en las prácticas de patronazgo son una manifestación de dos formas diferentes de ejercicio del poder gubernamental: una de tipo híper-presidencialista, populista, en Argentina y otra de tipo partido-céntrica, social democrática, en Uruguay.
- Published
- 2018
32. Contained Uncertainty: Turkey's June 2018 Elections and Their Consequences
- Author
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Nahost-Studien, Taş, Hakkı, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Nahost-Studien, and Taş, Hakkı
- Abstract
Turkey's presidential and general elections, held on 24 June 2018, marked a significant turn in Turkish politics. The controversial referendum of 2017 narrowly approved constitutional amendments that replaced the parliamentary system with an executive presidential one. With the 2018 presidential vote those amendments took effect, sealing Turkey's transition into a presidential system. Strategically, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan relied on contained uncertainty, which generated hope among the opposition, gave legitimacy to the elections, and simultaneously perpetuated a sense of despair through the common belief that he would win by any means necessary. The elections, held under a state of emergency, were among the most unjust in Turkey's recent history. Despite the extremely unfavourable conditions, and the sobering cynicism after election night, the opposition has revived its can-do spirit that had been lost after the 2013 Gezi protests. The presidential system granted Erdoğan the opportunity to legalise and institutionalise his existing one-man rule. Since his inauguration on 9 July 2018 as the first executive president, Erdoğan has embarked upon a complete overhaul of the state apparatus, with a hands-on micromanagement style. The elections hardly brought stability to the country. The looming economic crisis, social polarisation, the Kurdish conflict, the war in Syria, and troubled foreign relations will likely determine the course of future events. The elections of 24 June 2018 did not deliver Turkey's long-awaited normalisation, but paved the way for the institutionalisation of granting emergency powers to the executive. Turkish civil society will be completely smothered if left to the country's inner dynamics. The European Union can do more than expressing its "deep concerns" about Turkey's de-democratisation and act in line with its criticism in the latest progress report.
- Published
- 2018
33. Rule of law vs. presidential power: the case of exculpation decrees
- Author
Carp, Radu and Carp, Radu
- Published
- 2018
34. Drohende Alleinherrschaft in der Türkei: per Verfassungsreferendum soll die Bevölkerung die Demokratie abschaffen
- Author
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, Küpeli, Ismail, Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, and Küpeli, Ismail
- Abstract
Die Türkei steht vor einem Wendepunkt. Der Ausgang des Referendums am 16. April 2017 über die Einführung eines Präsidialsystems in der Türkei entscheidet über nichts weniger als die Abschaffung der Demokratie und die Etablierung einer Autokratie. Im türkischen Präsidialsystem ist weder eine Gewaltenteilung noch ein System konkurrierender Machtblöcke und Institutionen vorgesehen, das eine Alleinherrschaft verhindern kann. Die Umfragen zum Referendum in der Türkei sagen ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen voraus, bei dem beide Lager um jede Stimme kämpfen müssen. Insofern könnten die Stimmen der türkischen Wahlberechtigten in Deutschland das Zünglein an der Waage sein. Darauf setzt die türkische Regierungspartei AKP: Sie hofft, dass die knapp 60 Prozent der DeutschtürkInnen, die in Deutschland zu ihren AnhängerInnen gehören, der Einführung des Präsidialsystems zustimmen werden.
- Published
- 2018
35. Legislative Coalition Size and Antigovernment Protests in Latin America
- Author
García, Ana Isabel López and García, Ana Isabel López
- Abstract
This work examines whether the size, as well as the composition, of legislative coalitions is an additional factor that affects the incidence of protests against national governments in Latin America. Based on aggregate data for 18 democracies from 1980 to 2014, the analysis reveals that the relationship between the size of legislative coalitions in the lower house of national assemblies and the odds of antigovernment protests is U-shaped. Specifically, the odds of antigovernment protests occurring decrease until the president has a coalition comprising 50–55 percent of the national assembly; once this threshold is passed, the odds of protests taking place increase as the coalition grows. This result holds after controlling for the party composition of the governing coalition and other factors previously linked to the occurrence of antigovernment protests. The evidence thus indicates that both minority and supermajority scenarios can be socially destabilizing for Latin American democracies., Este trabajo analiza si el tamaño y la composición de las coaliciones legislativas son factores adicionales en la incidencia de protestas en contra de los gobiernos nacionales de América Latina. Con base en datos agregados de 18 democracias de la región para el período 1980-2014, este estudio demuestra que la relación entre el tamaño de la coalición gubernamental en (la cámara baja de) la legislatura nacional y la probabilidad de protestas antigubernamentales tiene una forma de U. Específicamente, la probabilidad de protestas antigubernamentales disminuye hasta que el presidente cuenta con una coalición del tamaño de 50-55 por ciento de la asamblea nacional; después de este punto, la probabilidad de protestas aumenta a medida que crece el tamaño de la coalición. Este resultado es válido aún después de controlar por la composición partidista de la coalición, así como otros factores que estudios anteriores han vinculado con la incidencia de protestas antigubernamentales. La evidencia indica que tanto las minorías como las supermajorías legislativas pueden ser socialmente desestabilizadoras para las democracias latinoamericanas.
- Published
- 2018
36. Contained Uncertainty: Turkey's June 2018 Elections and Their Consequences
- Author
Taş, Hakkı and GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Nahost-Studien
- Subjects
Turkey ,Politikwissenschaft ,opposition ,Präsidentschaftswahl ,election ,parliamentary election ,Wahl ,Türkei ,Verhältnis Bürger - Staat ,Verhältnis Partei - Staat ,bilateral relations ,internationale Beziehungen ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Staatsoberhaupt ,Political science ,Abstimmung ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,bilaterale Beziehungen ,Parlamentswahl ,president ,international relations ,head of state ,Präsident ,Präsidialsystem ,presidential election ,voting ,ddc:320 ,presidential system - Abstract
Turkey's presidential and general elections, held on 24 June 2018, marked a significant turn in Turkish politics. The controversial referendum of 2017 narrowly approved constitutional amendments that replaced the parliamentary system with an executive presidential one. With the 2018 presidential vote those amendments took effect, sealing Turkey's transition into a presidential system. Strategically, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan relied on contained uncertainty, which generated hope among the opposition, gave legitimacy to the elections, and simultaneously perpetuated a sense of despair through the common belief that he would win by any means necessary. The elections, held under a state of emergency, were among the most unjust in Turkey's recent history. Despite the extremely unfavourable conditions, and the sobering cynicism after election night, the opposition has revived its can-do spirit that had been lost after the 2013 Gezi protests. The presidential system granted Erdoğan the opportunity to legalise and institutionalise his existing one-man rule. Since his inauguration on 9 July 2018 as the first executive president, Erdoğan has embarked upon a complete overhaul of the state apparatus, with a hands-on micromanagement style. The elections hardly brought stability to the country. The looming economic crisis, social polarisation, the Kurdish conflict, the war in Syria, and troubled foreign relations will likely determine the course of future events. The elections of 24 June 2018 did not deliver Turkey's long-awaited normalisation, but paved the way for the institutionalisation of granting emergency powers to the executive. Turkish civil society will be completely smothered if left to the country's inner dynamics. The European Union can do more than expressing its "deep concerns" about Turkey's de-democratisation and act in line with its criticism in the latest progress report.
- Published
- 2018
37. Party presidentialization in post-Suharto Indonesia
- Author
Andreas Ufen
- Subjects
socioeconomic development ,parliamentarism ,Sociology and Political Science ,0507 social and economic geography ,constitutional amendment ,party system ,Systems of governments & states ,050701 cultural studies ,constitution ,Politics ,Südostasien ,Political science ,050602 political science & public administration ,Indonesien ,reform ,Verfassung ,Presidential system ,sozioökonomische Entwicklung ,05 social sciences ,politischer Wandel ,political change ,16. Peace & justice ,Präsidialsystem ,Southeast Asia ,0506 political science ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Parlamentarismus ,Verfassungsänderung ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Indonesia ,Political economy ,Political Science and International Relations ,Parteiensystem ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen - Abstract
Indonesia presents an extremely rare quasi-experimental research case: the constitutional reforms and the transition to full presidentialism have effected a presidentialization of political parties that is largely in line with the changes predicted by the model of Samuels and Shugart [2010. Presidents, parties and prime ministers: How separation of powers affects party organization and behaviour. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press]. Especially the rise of the new president and his difficult relationship with his own party are testimony to this. But a closer look reveals that the model has to be adapted to Indonesian politics. Presidents have tools to forge grand coalitions and to overcome the dualism to an extent. The size and history of political parties as well as wider socio-economic changes, that is an increasing oligarchization of party organization, have to be considered. Moreover, highly personalized vehicle parties serving the interests of a presidential candidate have emerged. It follows that institutional and structural incentives combined have produced a party system consisting of different party types.
- Published
- 2018
38. Who Gets What and How Does It Matter? Importance-Weighted Portfolio Allocation and Coalition Support in Brazil
- Author
Mariana Batista
- Subjects
Sociology and Political Science ,Politikwissenschaft ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,alocação de ministérios ,ranking de gabinetes ,coesão legislative ,portfolio allocation ,cabinet rankings ,legislative cohesion ,Distribution (economics) ,02 engineering and technology ,coalition ,Microeconomics ,ranking ,allocation ,Portfolio allocation ,Brasilien ,050602 political science & public administration ,Dimension (data warehouse) ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,021110 strategic, defence & security studies ,Presidential system ,business.industry ,05 social sciences ,Legislature ,Südamerika ,South America ,Präsidialsystem ,Koalition ,0506 political science ,Ministerium ,ddc:320 ,Political Science and International Relations ,Legislative ,Allokation ,presidential system ,Positive relationship ,Portfolio ,political science ,Christian ministry ,Business ,ministry ,Brazil - Abstract
Who gets what in portfolio allocation, and how does it matter to coalition partners’ legislative support in presidential systems? I propose that portfolios are not all alike, and that their allocation as well as the support for the president's agenda depends on the particular distribution of assets within the executive. The portfolio share allocated to coalition parties is weighted by a measure of importance based on the assets controlled by the ministry in question, such as policies, offices, and budgets. Once the weighted allocation of ministries has been identified, the results show that: 1) the president concentrates the most important ministries in their own party, mainly considering the policy dimension; 2) the positive relationship between portfolio allocation and legislative support remains, with the importance of specific dimensions being considered; and, 3) coalition partners do not respond differently in terms of legislative support in light of the different assets’ distribution within the portfolio allocation., Quem ganha o quê na alocação de ministérios e como isso importa para o apoio legislativo dos parceiros da coalizão em sistemas presidencialistas? Proponho que os ministérios não são todos iguais e que sua alocação, bem como o apoio à agenda do presidente, depende da distribuição específica de ativos dentro do executivo. A proporção de ministérios alocada aos partidos da coalizão é ponderada por uma medida de importância baseada nos ativos controlados pelo ministério em questão, tais como políticas, cargos e orçamento. Uma vez que a alocação ponderada dos ministérios foi identificada, os resultados mostram que: 1) o presidente concentra os ministérios mais importantes em seu próprio partido, principalmente considerando a dimensão de políticas; 2) mantémse a relação positiva entre alocação de ministérios e apoio legislativo, mesmo considerando a importância de dimensões específicas; e 3) os parceiros de coalizão não respondem de maneira diferente em termos de apoio legislativo, tendo em vista a distribuição dos diferentes ativos na alocação de ministérios.
- Published
- 2018
39. Probleme des indischen Föderalismus
- Author
Rothermund, Dietmar
- Subjects
Südasien ,India ,Systems of governments & states ,South Asia ,Präsidialsystem ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,economic system ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,federalism ,type of government ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Föderalismus ,Indien ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,Wirtschaftssystem ,Staatsform - Abstract
Die Indische Union stellt die Europäische Union sowohl im Hinblick auf ihre Größe, aber auch in Bezug auf ihren Integrationsgrad in den Schatten. Doch während der europäische Föderalismus sich von unten nach oben entwickelt, ist der indische Föderalismus ein „Föderalismus von oben“. Das hat sich aus seiner kolonialen Herkunft ergeben. Die von Britisch Indien übernommene Verfassungsstruktur war nur deshalb föderalistisch, weil die Briten das Dilemma bewältigen mussten, eine graduelle Übertragung von Selbstverwaltungsrechten an gewählte indische Gremien mit einer Stützung der unabsetzbaren zentralen Exekutive zu verbinden. Die neue föderale Verfassung von 1935 enthielt neben der Bundesverfassung eine Einheitsverfassung für alle Provinzen Britisch Indiens. „Provincial autonomy“ – wie diese Konstruktion beschönigend genannt wurde – war die Schaffung einer politischen Arena für die indischen Politiker, die ihre Kräfte binden und vom Widerstand gegen die Zentralgewalt ablenken sollte., Indien - Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft, 2001: Indien - Politik, Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft
- Published
- 2017
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40. Legislative Coalition Size and Antigovernment Protests in Latin America
- Author
Ana Isabel López García
- Subjects
Economic growth ,Latin Americans ,Sociology and Political Science ,Politikwissenschaft ,0211 other engineering and technologies ,Supermajority ,02 engineering and technology ,Systems of governments & states ,Latin America, executive-legislative relations, presidential-ism, political participation, antigovernment protests, América Latina, relaciones ejecutivo-legislativo, presidencialismo, participación política, protestas antigubernamentales ,Odds ,coalition ,Exekutive ,050602 political science & public administration ,Economics ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Political science ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,021110 strategic, defence & security studies ,politische Partizipation ,historische Entwicklung ,05 social sciences ,executive-legislative relations ,presidentialism ,antigovernment protests ,Legislature ,Protest ,Präsidialsystem ,Koalition ,historical development ,0506 political science ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Lateinamerika ,executive power ,Latin America ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,Political economy ,Political Science and International Relations ,ddc:320 ,Legislative ,presidential system ,Aggregate data ,ddc:321 ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,political participation ,Lower house - Abstract
This work examines whether the size, as well as the composition, of legislative coalitions is an additional factor that affects the incidence of protests against national governments in Latin America. Based on aggregate data for 18 democracies from 1980 to 2014, the analysis reveals that the relationship between the size of legislative coalitions in the lower house of national assemblies and the odds of antigovernment protests is U-shaped. Specifically, the odds of antigovernment protests occurring decrease until the president has a coalition comprising 50–55 percent of the national assembly; once this threshold is passed, the odds of protests taking place increase as the coalition grows. This result holds after controlling for the party composition of the governing coalition and other factors previously linked to the occurrence of antigovernment protests. The evidence thus indicates that both minority and supermajority scenarios can be socially destabilizing for Latin American democracies., Este trabajo analiza si el tamaño y la composición de las coaliciones legislativas son factores adicionales en la incidencia de protestas en contra de los gobiernos nacionales de América Latina. Con base en datos agregados de 18 democracias de la región para el período 1980-2014, este estudio demuestra que la relación entre el tamaño de la coalición gubernamental en (la cámara baja de) la legislatura nacional y la probabilidad de protestas antigubernamentales tiene una forma de U. Específicamente, la probabilidad de protestas antigubernamentales disminuye hasta que el presidente cuenta con una coalición del tamaño de 50-55 por ciento de la asamblea nacional; después de este punto, la probabilidad de protestas aumenta a medida que crece el tamaño de la coalición. Este resultado es válido aún después de controlar por la composición partidista de la coalición, así como otros factores que estudios anteriores han vinculado con la incidencia de protestas antigubernamentales. La evidencia indica que tanto las minorías como las supermajorías legislativas pueden ser socialmente desestabilizadoras para las democracias latinoamericanas.
- Published
- 2017
41. Government Changeover without a Majority - Latin American Presidents' Executive Strategies
- Author
Llanos, Mariana, Inácio, Magna, and GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien
- Subjects
parliament ,Politikwissenschaft ,Argentina ,Systems of governments & states ,government policy ,Exekutive ,Brasilien ,Peru ,Regierungspolitik ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Staatsoberhaupt ,Political science ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,head of state ,politischer Wandel ,government ,Parlament ,Regierung ,political change ,Präsidialsystem ,Politische Neuorientierung ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Lateinamerika ,executive power ,Latin America ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Argentinien ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen ,Brazil - Abstract
The recently established presidents in Argentina, Brazil, and Peru are seeking to implement governmental agendas that represent a policy shift with respect to previous administrations. However, in doing so, they face political and social constraints. Executive politics - that is, the presidential approach to the design of the highest executive agencies and appointment strategies - stands out as a tool to improve presidential leeway and coordination capacity. Since late 2015 the Latin American left has faced setbacks due to the election of President Mauricio Macri of Argentina and President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru, as well as former vice president Michel Temer's assumption of power in Brazil after the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. In Argentina and Peru these power shifts in the presidency were accompanied by minority support in Congress. In Brazil, in contrast, Temer built a large coalition in Congress, albeit within a highly polarised political and social context that threatens its cohesiveness and survival. To face congressional oppositions, attentive publics, and organised social sectors that seek to hinder their policy goals, Latin American presidents need to use their important constitutional policymaking powers - as well as their prerogatives to appoint officials and to design the executive's upper-level structure - wisely and strategically. The three presidents have established smaller institutional presidencies than their predecessors - that is, they have reduced their core structure of close aids and supports. At the same time, they have given more power to the cabinet ministers, as well as to the cabinet coordination units, with the goal of aligning the executive with the president's policy preferences. The constitutional powers that presidents have to conduct the policymaking process, particularly in Congress, are important governing tools, but executive politics represents an equally crucial strategy. Presidents use changes to the executive's design and political appointments to influence the creation of policies and achieve their policy goals. These are important (although often neglected) presidential tools, particularly when presidents are dealing with reform agendas within constraining political environments.
- Published
- 2017
42. Drohende Alleinherrschaft in der Türkei: per Verfassungsreferendum soll die Bevölkerung die Demokratie abschaffen
- Author
Küpeli, Ismail and Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung
- Subjects
Autokratie ,Turkey ,Politikwissenschaft ,constitutional amendment ,Federal Republic of Germany ,Systems of governments & states ,Türkei ,Wahlverhalten ,Turk ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Political science ,politisches System ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,voting behavior ,political system ,dictatorship ,Präsidialsystem ,Bundesrepublik Deutschland ,Staatsformen und Regierungssysteme ,Verfassungsänderung ,Diktatur ,Political System, Constitution, Government ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,ddc:321 ,Türke ,Staat, staatliche Organisationsformen - Abstract
Die Türkei steht vor einem Wendepunkt. Der Ausgang des Referendums am 16. April 2017 über die Einführung eines Präsidialsystems in der Türkei entscheidet über nichts weniger als die Abschaffung der Demokratie und die Etablierung einer Autokratie. Im türkischen Präsidialsystem ist weder eine Gewaltenteilung noch ein System konkurrierender Machtblöcke und Institutionen vorgesehen, das eine Alleinherrschaft verhindern kann. Die Umfragen zum Referendum in der Türkei sagen ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen voraus, bei dem beide Lager um jede Stimme kämpfen müssen. Insofern könnten die Stimmen der türkischen Wahlberechtigten in Deutschland das Zünglein an der Waage sein. Darauf setzt die türkische Regierungspartei AKP: Sie hofft, dass die knapp 60 Prozent der DeutschtürkInnen, die in Deutschland zu ihren AnhängerInnen gehören, der Einführung des Präsidialsystems zustimmen werden.
- Published
- 2017
43. Die Transformation der Türkei zum Ein-Mann-Staat: Der Entwurf zur Verfassungsreform bedroht Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Pluralismus
- Author
Kabis-Kechrid, Laura Lale and Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.
- Subjects
democracy ,Turkey ,Politikwissenschaft ,political influence ,constitutional amendment ,Internationale Beziehungen ,Türkei ,politische Macht ,constitutional state ,Wertsystem ,Transformation ,political power ,bilateral relations ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Political science ,value system ,reform ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,bilaterale Beziehungen ,president ,politischer Einfluss ,dictatorship ,Präsident ,Präsidialsystem ,International Relations, International Politics, Foreign Affairs, Development Policy ,Rechtsstaat ,Pluralismus ,Verfassungsänderung ,Diktatur ,ddc:320 ,presidential system ,pluralism ,International relations ,internationale Beziehungen, Entwicklungspolitik ,EU ,Demokratie ,ddc:327 - Abstract
Nachdem das türkische Parlament im Januar 2017 dem AKP-Entwurf zur Verfassungsänderung zustimmte, schreitet die politische Umgestaltung der Türkei zum autokratischen Präsidialsystem weiter voran. Der Reformvorschlag sieht eine drastische Verschiebung der Machtverhältnisse und exekutiven Befugnisse zugunsten des Staatspräsidenten vor. Selbst ohne die notwendige Zustimmung im Referendum am 16. April würde die Einführung des Präsidialsystems Recep Tayyip Erdoğans oberste Priorität bleiben. Die damit verbundene weitere Entfernung der Türkei von europäischen Werten und Normen würde die bereits stark belasteten Beziehungen zur EU noch stärker strapazieren. Trotz ihrer beschränkten Einflussmöglichkeiten kann die EU zumindest Anreize schaffen, um das Ausmaß der autokratischen Ausprägung des türkischen Regierungssystems etwas einzudämmen: Die Union bleibt der wichtigste Handelspartner der Türkei; an die Modernisierung der Zollunion ließen sich klare politische Konditionen knüpfen. Zudem könnte eine mögliche Lösung des Zypernkonflikts neue Kanäle zwischen der EU und Türkei öffnen.
- Published
- 2017
44. Die Transformation der Türkei zum Ein-Mann-Staat: Der Entwurf zur Verfassungsreform bedroht Demokratie, Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Pluralismus
- Author
Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., Kabis-Kechrid, Laura Lale, Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., and Kabis-Kechrid, Laura Lale
- Abstract
Nachdem das türkische Parlament im Januar 2017 dem AKP-Entwurf zur Verfassungsänderung zustimmte, schreitet die politische Umgestaltung der Türkei zum autokratischen Präsidialsystem weiter voran. Der Reformvorschlag sieht eine drastische Verschiebung der Machtverhältnisse und exekutiven Befugnisse zugunsten des Staatspräsidenten vor. Selbst ohne die notwendige Zustimmung im Referendum am 16. April würde die Einführung des Präsidialsystems Recep Tayyip Erdoğans oberste Priorität bleiben. Die damit verbundene weitere Entfernung der Türkei von europäischen Werten und Normen würde die bereits stark belasteten Beziehungen zur EU noch stärker strapazieren. Trotz ihrer beschränkten Einflussmöglichkeiten kann die EU zumindest Anreize schaffen, um das Ausmaß der autokratischen Ausprägung des türkischen Regierungssystems etwas einzudämmen: Die Union bleibt der wichtigste Handelspartner der Türkei; an die Modernisierung der Zollunion ließen sich klare politische Konditionen knüpfen. Zudem könnte eine mögliche Lösung des Zypernkonflikts neue Kanäle zwischen der EU und Türkei öffnen.
- Published
- 2017
45. Testfall Belarus: Konsequenzen für die EU aus den Präsidentschaftswahlen 2010
- Author
Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., Meister, Stefan, May, Marie-Lena, Forschungsinstitut der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V., Meister, Stefan, and May, Marie-Lena
- Abstract
Alexander Lukaschenko hat am Abend der belarussischen Präsidentschaftswahlen am 19. Dezember 2010 gezeigt, dass nur ohne ihn ein demokratisches Belarus möglich ist. Die gewaltsame Auflösung von Protesten, die Inhaftierung von über 600 Personen, die Durchsuchung von Büros von Menschenrechtsorganisationen und Medien, die Missachtung elementarster Menschenrechte durch die belarussischen Sicherheitsorgane sollten mit harten Sanktionen der EU beantwortet werden. Die EU-Mitgliedstaaten müssen das Regime Lukaschenkos ökonomisch und politisch unter Druck setzen, ohne dabei die belarussische Zivilgesellschaft zu isolieren. Gleichzeitig muss Russland in die Verantwortung genommen werden, da es im Hintergrund das System Lukaschenko stabilisiert. Meint die EU ihr Eintreten für Demokratie und Menschenrechte ernst, muss sie Belarus zum Testfall für eine konsequente Außenpolitik machen.
- Published
- 2017
46. Government Changeover without a Majority - Latin American Presidents' Executive Strategies
- Author
GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien, Llanos, Mariana, Inácio, Magna, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies - Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien, Institut für Lateinamerika-Studien, Llanos, Mariana, and Inácio, Magna
- Abstract
The recently established presidents in Argentina, Brazil, and Peru are seeking to implement governmental agendas that represent a policy shift with respect to previous administrations. However, in doing so, they face political and social constraints. Executive politics - that is, the presidential approach to the design of the highest executive agencies and appointment strategies - stands out as a tool to improve presidential leeway and coordination capacity. Since late 2015 the Latin American left has faced setbacks due to the election of President Mauricio Macri of Argentina and President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski of Peru, as well as former vice president Michel Temer's assumption of power in Brazil after the impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff. In Argentina and Peru these power shifts in the presidency were accompanied by minority support in Congress. In Brazil, in contrast, Temer built a large coalition in Congress, albeit within a highly polarised political and social context that threatens its cohesiveness and survival. To face congressional oppositions, attentive publics, and organised social sectors that seek to hinder their policy goals, Latin American presidents need to use their important constitutional policymaking powers - as well as their prerogatives to appoint officials and to design the executive's upper-level structure - wisely and strategically. The three presidents have established smaller institutional presidencies than their predecessors - that is, they have reduced their core structure of close aids and supports. At the same time, they have given more power to the cabinet ministers, as well as to the cabinet coordination units, with the goal of aligning the executive with the president's policy preferences. The constitutional powers that presidents have to conduct the policymaking process, particularly in Congress, are important governing tools, but executive politics represents an equally crucial strategy. Presidents use changes to the execut
- Published
- 2017
47. Ordnung der Macht: die Generation Anton Wainos und Russlands techno-bürokratischer Autoritarismus
- Author
Burkhardt, Fabian and Burkhardt, Fabian
- Abstract
Der Aufstieg Anton Wainos zum Leiter der Präsidialverwaltung (PV) steht stellvertretend für einen graduellen Generationswandel in Spitzenämtern der Staatsverwaltung. In den 2000er Jahren wurde durch die Präsidialverwaltung eine Art "Nomenklatura lite" aufgebaut, durch die Nachwuchs gesichtet und gefördert wird. Neben meritokratischen Elementen sind vor allem persönliche Verbindungen und Patronagebeziehungen entscheidend für Zugang zur Kaderreserve und Beförderung. Mit der graduellen Verjüngung durch Kaderwechsel reproduziert sich die derzeitige Ordnung der Macht, die techno-bürokratische und klepto-neopatrimoniale Elemente verbindet.
- Published
- 2017
48. The Institutional Presidency from a Comparative Perspective: Argentina and Brazil since the 1980s
- Author
Inácio, Magna, Llanos, Mariana, Inácio, Magna, and Llanos, Mariana
- Abstract
This paper focuses on the evolution of the institutional presidency - meaning the cluster of agencies that directly support the chief of the executive - in Argentina and Brazil since their redemocratization in the 1980s. It investigates what explains the changes that have come about regarding the size of the institutional presidency and the types of agency that form it. Following the specialized literature, we argue that the growth of the institutional presidency is connected to developments occurring in the larger political system - that is, to the political challenges that the various presidents of the two countries have faced. Presidents adjust the format and mandate of the different agencies under their authority so as to better manage their relations with the political environment. In particular, we argue that the type of government (coalition or single-party) has had consequences for the structure of the presidency or, in other words, that different cabinet structures pose different challenges to presidents. This factor has not played a significant role in presidency-related studies until now, which have hitherto mostly been based on the case of the United States. Our empirical references, the presidencies of Argentina and Brazil, typical cases of coalitional as well as single-party presidentialism respectively allow us to show the impact of the type of government on the number and type of presidential agencies.
- Published
- 2017
49. Measuring presidential powers: Some pitfalls of aggregate measurement
- Author
Jessica Fortin
- Subjects
validity ,Sociology and Political Science ,Politikwissenschaft ,Validity ,Legislation ,Macht ,Indexbildung ,politische Macht ,power ,index construction ,Power (social and political) ,Dismissal ,Cabinet (file format) ,Econometrics ,Economics ,Messung ,political power ,structure ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,Social sciences, sociology, anthropology ,Political science ,Reliabilität ,Erhebungstechniken und Analysetechniken der Sozialwissenschaften ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,construct ,Measure (data warehouse) ,Sozialwissenschaften, Soziologie ,Struktur ,reliability ,Presidential system ,president ,political institution ,Präsident ,computer.file_format ,Konstrukt ,Präsidialsystem ,Validität ,Methods and Techniques of Data Collection and Data Analysis, Statistical Methods, Computer Methods ,politische Institution ,ddc:320 ,Political Science and International Relations ,presidential system ,ddc:300 ,measurement ,Construct (philosophy) ,computer - Abstract
The purpose of this article is to address the issues of validity and reliability in existing additive indices measuring the strength of executives. Many data efforts, such as Frye et al. (2000) as well as Armingeon and Careja (2007), propose indices of presidential power based on a simple accumulation of a set of individual constitutional prerogatives allotted to the head of state according to the design proposed by Shugart and Carey (1992). These indices usually gather and count the powers of presidents on package and partial vetoes, decrees, budgetary powers, referenda provisions, initiation of legislation, cabinet formation, cabinet dismissal, censure, and the dissolution of assemblies. Despite the general acceptance of such measures of presidential power and their widespread use, empirical investigations to ascertain the degree to which existing indices measure a single latent construct, and are valid and reliable, were never conducted. In this article, I refute the assumptions of unimodality and unidimensionality underlying these indices, and challenge their usefulness in allowing researchers to differentiate between presidential, semi-presidential, and parliamentary institutional arrangements. (author's abstract)
- Published
- 2012
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50. Political Parties and Government Coalitions in the Americas
- Author
Eduardo Alemán and George Tsebelis
- Subjects
parliament ,Sociology and Political Science ,Koalitionsbildung ,politisches Regime ,Modell ,Public administration ,coalition ,theory application ,empirisch-quantitativ ,participation ,Political science ,media_common ,quantitative empirical ,Ideologie ,empirisch ,Partei ,government ,Parlament ,Regierung ,Präsident ,Präsidialsystem ,political regime ,institutional factors ,Ideology ,party ,Theorieanwendung ,Parliament ,Politikwissenschaft ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Politics ,basic research ,Comparative research ,institutionelle Faktoren ,comparative research ,Partizipation ,Political Process, Elections, Political Sociology, Political Culture ,politisches System ,politische Willensbildung, politische Soziologie, politische Kultur ,Government ,model ,Presidential system ,president ,political system ,ideology ,Südamerika ,South America ,Multi-party system ,Koalition ,vergleichende Forschung ,Lateinamerika ,Latin America ,Political system ,coalition formation ,ddc:320 ,Political Science and International Relations ,Political Science ,America ,presidential systems ,political parties ,cabinets ,executives ,institutions ,coalitions ,ciencia política ,América ,sistemas presidenciales ,partidos políticos ,coaliciones ,ideología ,gabinetes ,poder ejecutivo ,instituciones ,1990-2011 ,presidential system ,empirical ,Grundlagenforschung - Abstract
This paper focuses on the process of coalition formation in presidential systems. It shows that party positions and institutions influence the formation of government coalitions. We argue that presidents will tend to include parties positioned close to their policy positions in their cabinets, and will be more inclined to do it when relative institutional authority is more advantageous to congress. We corroborate our arguments with data from 13 presidential countries in the Americas., Este artículo se centra en el proceso de formación de coaliciones en sistemas presidenciales. El artículo demuestra que las posiciones de los partidos y las instituciones influencian la formación de coaliciones gubernamentales. Argumentamos que los presidentes tienden a incluir dentro del gabinete a aquellos partidos que tienen posiciones cercanas, y que esta tendencia es más fuerte cuando la autoridad institucional es relativamente más favorable al congreso. Corroboramos nuestros argumentos con data de 13 países con sistemas presidenciales en las Américas.
- Published
- 2011
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