25 results on '"Prével R"'
Search Results
2. PB0602 Plasma NET Markers Kinetics in COVID-19 Patients Receiving Immunomodulatory Treatments
- Author
Garcia, G., primary, Dewitte, A., additional, Labrouche-Colomer, S., additional, Mouton, C., additional, Delassasseigne, C., additional, Ménard, F., additional, Vinclair, C., additional, Begot, E., additional, Petit, L., additional, Carrié, C., additional, Malvy, D., additional, Duvignaud, A., additional, James, C., additional, and Prével, R., additional
- Published
- 2023
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3. OC 55.1 Balance between Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Formation and DNase Activity in COVID-19 Patients
- Author
Garcia, G., primary, Labrouche-Colomer, S., additional, Duvignaud, A., additional, Clequin, E., additional, Dussiau, C., additional, Tregouet, D., additional, Malvy, D., additional, Prével, R., additional, Goret, J., additional, Mamani-Matsuda, M., additional, Dewitte, A., additional, and James, C., additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. A novel in vitro tubular model to recapitulate features of distal airways: the bronchioid
- Author
Raasch, K., Maurat, E., Henrot, P., Zysman, M., Prevel, R., Thumerel, M., Nassoy, P., Berger, P., Andrique, L., Recher, G., and Dupin, I.
- Published
- 2024
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5. Bloc atrio-ventriculaire de grade III compliquant une myocardite au décours d’un traitement par anti-PD1 : observation d’un cas et revue de la littérature
- Author
Prevel, R., Colin, G., Calès, V., Renault, P.A., and Mazieres, J.
- Published
- 2020
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6. Chapitre 300 - Insuffisance respiratoire aiguë du patient d’oncohématologie
- Author
Clouzeau, B., Prevel, R., and Gruson-Vescovali, D.
- Published
- 2020
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7. A high probability of short-range interactions between fibrocytes and CD8+ T cells potentiates the inflammatory response in COPD
- Author
Eyraud, E., Maurat, E., Sac-Epée, J.-M., Henrot, P., Zysman, M., Prevel, R., Esteves, P., Trian, T., Bégueret, H., Girodet, P.O., Thumerel, M., Hustache-Castaing, R., Marthan, R., Levet, F., Sabarita, J.-B., Vallois, P., Contin-Bordes, C., Berger, P., and Dupin, I.
- Published
- 2023
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8. Des nodules pulmonaires
- Author
Prevel, R., Receveur, M.-C., and Duvignaud, A.
- Published
- 2018
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9. Potentialités des bactériophages pour l’infectiologie moderne
- Author
Prevel, R. and Dufour, N.
- Published
- 2016
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10. Insuffisance rénale chronique après un épisode d’insuffisance rénale aiguë en réanimation : des leçons pour une consultation post-réanimation efficace
- Author
Orieux, A., Rigothier, C., Combe, C., Prevel, R., Gruson, D., Boyer, A., and Rubin, S.
- Published
- 2020
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11. Caractérisation de l’insuffisance rénale aiguë chez les patients de réanimation atteints du COVID-19
- Author
Rubin, S., Orieux, A., Prevel, R., Carrié, C., Dewitte, A., Camou, F., Rigothier, C., Combe, C., Gruson, D., and Boyer, A.
- Published
- 2020
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12. Les Auteurs
- Author
Abroug, F., Abtan, J., Aguilar, C., Aissaoui, N., Ait Hssain, A., Ait-Oufella, H., Ajzenberg, N., Aloy, B., Ammirati, C., Amoura, Z., Amstutz, P., Anglicheau, D., Annane, D., Anxionnat, R., Arab, K., Argaud, L., Arnaout, M., Arrivé, L., Assouad, J., Aubron, C., Augis, V., Ayari, H., Azabou, E., Azoulay, E., Bakhos, D., Bailly, E., Bailly, P., Baldolli, A., Barbaud, A., Barbier, F., Barbut, F., Bardon, J., Barraud, D., Barreda, T., Barrot, L., Barry, B., Bartier, J.-C., Bastien, O., Baud, F.J., Baudel, J.-L., Beaussier, M., Bedos, J.-P., Bédry, R., Béduneau, G., Beloncle, F., Beltrami, A., Benghanem, S., Ben Ammar, M., Ben Hadj Salem, O., Benchetrit, D., Benyamina, M., Benzidi, Y., Bernardin, G., Bertholdt, C., Bertocchio, J.-P., Bertoletti, L., Bertrand, C., Besnier, E., Beuret, P., Beydon, L., Bialais, É., Bienaimé, F., Bigé, N., Bihan, K., Bilbault, P., Binoche, A., Biour, M., Birgand, G., Bitker, L., Blanc, J.-V., Blatteau, J.-E., Blivet, S., Blot, F., Bodenes, L., Boels, D., Bohé, J., Boissier, F., Boiteau, R., Boles, J.-M., Bollaert, P.-E., Bondeelle, L., Bonnet, N., Boudon, M., Bouglé, A., Boulain, T., Boulanger, D., Bounab, R., Bourcier, S., Bourigault, C., Bourenne, J., Bouteau, I., Boutonnet, M., Bouzgarrou, R., Boyer, A., Boyer, D., Boyer-Suavet, S., Bracard, S., Brault, C., Bretonnière, C., Bréchot, N., Bridoux, F., Brivet, F.-G., Brochard, L., Bruder, N., Bruneel, F., Brunet, J., Burgel, P.-R., Buscot, M., Cabrio, D., Cadranel, J., Calvet, L., Camus, C., Canaud, B., Canellas, A., Canet, E., Capaldo, L., Capellier, G., Carbonell, N., Cariou, A., Carli, P., Carpentier, D., Carrat, F., Carteaux, G., Casolla, B., Castanares-Zapatero, D., Castelain, V., Cavaillon, J.-M., Cecchini, J., Cha, O., Chamaraux-Tran, T.-N., Champigneulle, B., Chanard, J., Charles, P.-E., Charpentier, J., Chastre, J., Chaussard, M., Chemla, D., Cherifa, M., Chiche, J.-D., Cholley, B., Chopin, C., Chosidow, O., Choukroun, M.-L., Clair, B., Claude, F., Clavier, T., Clément, E., Clere-Jehl, R., Clouzeau, B., Cochereau, I., Cohen, Y., Collins, M., Combes, A., Commandeur, D., Contou, D., Coppo, P., Cordonnier, C., Coriat, P., Cornelis, F., Costedoat-Chalumeau, N., Cottin, V., Cour, M., Coutrot, M., Couturier, J., Couzigou, C., Cravoisy-Popovic, A., Crozier, S., Danel, V., Danin, P.-E., Dargaud, Y., Darmaun, D., Darmon, M., Daubin, C., David, S., De Backer, D., De Cagny, B., Decavèle, M., Decousus, H., Degos, V., De Groote, E., De Jong, A., Dekeyser, T., Delabranche, X., Delahaye, A., Delarue, J., Delclaux, C., Delemazure, J., Delile, E., Delisle, S., Dellamonica, J., Delluc, A., Delplancq, H., Deltour, S., De Martin, E., Demeret, S., Demiselle, J., De Montalembert, M., Demoule, A., Dépret, F., de Prost, N., Dequatre-Ponchelle, N., Dequin, P.-F., Deray, G., Derelle, A.-L., Deriaz, H., De Schryver, N., Deshayes, S., Desmettre, T., Desrousseaux, J., Dessevre, A., Dewitte, A., Deye, N., Dhainaut, J.-F., Didier, S., Diehl, J.-L., Di Martino, V., Djibré, M., Dolz, M., Dorandeu, F., Dorent, R., Do Vale, J., Dres, M., Dreyfuss, D., Dromer, C., Dubée, V., Duburcq, T., Duceau, B., Du Cheyron, D., Ducloy-Bouthors, A.-S., Dugernier, J., Durand, A., Durand, F., Duranteau, J., Durocher, A., Dussaule, J.-C., Eckert, C., Écotière, L., Ehrmann, S., El Gharbi, F., Elbaz, M., Embriaco, N., Étienne, H., Essig, M., Fagon, J.-Y., Fagot-Gandet, F., Fartoukh, M., Faugeras, F., Favory, R., Faisy, C., Ferrière, N., Ferry, T., Flamant, M., Folscheid, D., Fontaine, E., Forel, J.-M., Fourrier, F, Fraipont, V., Franchineau, G., Francoz, C., Frat, J.-P., Fresco, R., Friedlander, G., Friedman, D., Fromentin, M., Gainnier, M., Galanaud, D., Garcia, H., Garret, C., Garrouste-Orgeas, M., Gateau, C., Geeraerts, T., Gehanno, P., Gempp, E., Geri, G., Germain, A., Giacardi, C., Gibelin, A., Gibot, S., Girardot, T., Girault, C., Giura, G., Gkalea, V., Godard, A., Godeau, B., Goffinet, F., Gonzalez-Bermejo, J., Gory, B., Gouëllo, J.-P., Goulenok, C., Goursaud, S., Goury, A., Goutagny, S., Graftieaux, J.-P., Grangé, S., Grimaldi, D., Gros, A., Gruson, D., Gruson-Vescovali, D., Guérin, C., Guérot, E., Guettrot-Imbert, G., Guervilly, C., Guidet, B., Guillon, A., Guillot, M., Guitton, C., Gutton, Ch., Haidar, M., Halimi, C., Hamada, S., Hammoud, K., Hansmann, Y., Hariri, G., Harlay, M.-L., Harrois, A., Harry, P., Hauw-Berlemont, C., Hébuterne, X., Hejblum, G., Helms, J., Hékimian, G., Heming, N., Herbrecht, J.-E., Hertig, A., Heshmati, F., Hickmann, C., Hites, M., Hong Tuan Ha, V., Houfflin-Debarge, V., Houhou, N., Houillier, P., Hua, C., Hullin, T., Humbert, M., Hugon-Vallet, É., Hurel, D., Ichaï, P., Ioos, V., Isnard-Bagnis, C., Jaber, S., Jacobs, F., Jacquens, A., Jaffal, K., Jaïs, X., Janus, N., Jardel, B., Jars-Guincestre, M.-C., Jaubert, P., Jehl, F., Jirka, A., Joannès-Boyau, O., Joffre, J., Jolliet, P., Joly, F., Joly, L.-M., Joly-Guillou, M.-L., Jouffroy, R., Jonard, M., Jougon, J., Jourdain, M., Jozwiak, M., Jully, M., Jung, B., Juniat, A.-A., Kandji, M., Kanfer, A., Karoubi, P., Kentish-Barnes, N., Kerlan, V., Khalil, A., Kim, S., Kimmoun, A., Klouche, K., Koffel, J.-C., Kopferschmitt, J., Laaban, J.P., Labadie, M., Labbé, V., Lachâtre, M., Labrousse, J., Lacroix, D., Lancel, S., Lanceleur, A., Landais, M., Landelle, C., Landman, C., Lanternier, F., Larcher, R., Launay-Vacher, V., Langeron, O., Lapostolle, F., Larmignat, P., Laterre, P.-F., Laudenbach, V., Laurent, V., Lautrette, A., Lavillegrand, J.-R., Lavolé, A., Law-ye, B., Lebas, B., Lebranchu, Y., Lebreton, G., Lebrun-Vignes, B., Leclercq, D., Le Conte, P., Le Corre, B., Lefaucheur, J.-P., Lefevre, J., Leflon-Guibout, V., Léger, D., Legrand, M., Le Gouez, A., Leguay, T., Lejay, M., Lellouche, F., Lemaire, F., Lemaitre, C., Lemarié, J., Lemiale, V., Lemonnier, M.-P., Lepape, A., Leprince, P., Leray-Moraguès, H., Léon, A., Leone, M., Lerolle, N., Le Roux, M., Leroy, O., Leteurtre, S., Lescot, T., Le Tulzo, Y., Leverve, X., Levy, B., Lévy, P., L'Her, E., Liao, L., Lienhart, A., Llitjos, J.-F., Lofaso, F., Lothe, M.-N., Loubières, Y., Louge, P., Lucet, J.-C., Luyt, C.E., Lyazidi, A., Maamar, A., Mahieu, R., Maillet, J.-M., Mainardi, J.-L., Maître, B., Maizel, J., Mallaret, M.-R., Mancebo, J., Manzo-Silberman, S., Marchalot, A., Marit, G., Markowicz, P., Marqué, S., Martin, O., Martin-Lefèvre, L., Marx, T., Massanet, P.L., Mathian, A., Mathieu, C., Mathieu, D., Maury, E., Maxime, V., Mazeraud, A., Meffert, A., Mégarbane, B., Mehl, J., Mekontso Dessap, A., Melchior, C., Meng, P., Mentec, H., Mercier, F.-J., Mercat, A., Merdji, H., Méresse, Z., Mertes, P.-M., Mesland, J.-B., Meyer, G., Meynard, J.-L., Meziani, F., Miatello, J., Michard, B., Mira, J.-P., Mismetti, P., Misset, B., Miyara, M., Moga, L., Mohty, M., Monchi, M., Monéger, G., Monneret, G., Monnet, X., Monnier-Cholley, L., Montani, D., Mora, P., Morau, E., Moreau, AS., Morel, G., Morawiec, E., Mortaza, S., Mottier, D., Murgier, M., Naccache, L., Nace, L., Naeije, R., Naïm, G., Nave, S., Nitenberg, A., Nouette-Gaulain, K., Nouri-Neuville, M., Nousbaum, J.B., Novy, E., Nuss, P., Obadia, É., Offenstadt, G., Oger, E., Onimus, T., Orlikowski, D., Oro, S., Osman, O., Ouanes, I., Ouanes-Besbes, L., Ouedraogo, R., Outin, H., Oziel, J., Ozier, Y., Pajot, O., Papazian, L., Parmentier, E., Parquin, F., Parrilla, F.J., Parrot, A., Pasquet, A., Pateron, D., Paugam-Burtz, C., Peigné, M., Peineau, S., Pelaccia, T., Pène, F., Perrotin, D., Pessey, F., Pham, T., Philit, F., Pichené, C., Picod, A., Piette, J.-C., Pillet, O., Pilmis, B., Pineau, J., Pineton de Chambrun, M., Piquilloud, L., Pirracchio, R., Piton, G., Plantefève, G., Podglajen, I., Poidevin, A., Poissy, J., Pottecher, J., Poujol, A.-L., Poussardin, C., Prat, F., Préau, S., Preiser, J.-C., Prevel, R., Prot-Bertoye, C., Pruvo, J.-P., Pujol, S., Puntous, M., Quenot, J.-P., Quevrain, E., Quillerou, B., Rabaud, C., Raynard, B., Raynaud, L., Regard, L., Reignier, J., Reizine, F., Réminiac, F., Renault, A., Revest, M., Ricard, J.-D., Richalet, J-P., Richard, C., Richard, J-C.M., Ricôme, J.-L., Ridel, C., Rigollot, M., Rigaud, J.-P., Rigolet, A., Rimmelé, T., Rineau, E., Robert, R., Robert, T., Robineau, O., Roch, A., Roesler, J., Roger, I., Rohaut, B., Roullet, S., Rousset, D., Roux, D., Rozé, H., Rudler, M., Rugeri, L., Ruppé, E., Sab, J.-M., Sacleux, S.-C., Saliba, F., Samuel, D., Sauder, P., Saulnier, F., Sauvanet, A., Savale, L., Savoye, G., Schlemmer, B., Schlemmer, F., Schmidt, E., Schmidt, M., Schneider, F., Schneider, S.M., Schortgen, F., Schuby, M., Schwan, R., Schwebel, C., Seguin, A., Seksik, P., Senneville, É., Seronde, M.-F., Sharshar, T., Sigaut, S., Silva, S., Si-Tahar, M., Sitbon, O., Sivanandamoorthy, S., Slama, M., Sollet, J.-P., Somme, D., Sonneville, R., Souday, V., Soufir, L., Soussi, S., Souweine, B., Spaulding, C., Squara, P., Steg, P.-G., Sterlin, D., Stiel, L., Sublon, M., Sudre, E., Surgers, L., Szychowiak, P., Tacquard, C., Tadié, J.-M., Talvard, O., Tamburini, J., Tamion, F., Tarazona, V., Tardy, B., Taright, N., Tasseau, F., Tattevin, P., Tauzin-Fin, P., Tazarourte, K., Teboul, J.-L., Terzi, N., Thabut, D., Thaler, F., Thellier, D., Thervet, E., Thévenot, T., Thibault, M., Thibault, R., Thierry, A., Thille, A.W., Thomas, G., Thumerel, M., Thuong, M., Thy, M., Timsit, J.-F., Tissières, P., Tonnelet, R., Touchard, G., Tournoy, A., Tourtier, J.-P., Tourtier, Y., Tran Van Nhieu, J., Troché, G., Trouillet, J.L., Ubeaud-Séquier, G., Uhel, F., Urbina, T., Valeyrie-Allanore, L., Van de Louw, A., Van der Meersch, G., Vargas, F., Velly, L., Venet, F., Verdon, R., Veyradier, A., Vieillard-Baron, A., Vignon, Ph., Vigué, B., Villers, D., Vinsonneau, C., Voiriot, G., Weil-Verhoeven, D., Wiel, É., Wittebole, X., Woch, S., Woerther, P.-L., Woimant, F., Wolff, M., Wysocki, M., Xhaard, A., Yazdanpanah, Y., Zafrani, L., Zahar, J.-R., Zarrouk, V., Zéni, F., Zerbib, P., Zerbib, Y., Zieleskiewicz, L., Zlotnik, D., and Zuber, B.
- Published
- 2020
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13. Particularités gériatriques du purpura thrombotique thrombocytopénique acquis
- Author
Prével, R., primary, Roubaud-Baudron, C., additional, Jamme, M., additional, Benhamou, Y., additional, Galicier, L., additional, Poullin, P., additional, Hamidou, M., additional, Deligny, C., additional, Hie, M., additional, Veyradier, A., additional, and Coppo, P., additional
- Published
- 2017
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14. Purpura thrombotique thrombo-cytopénique chez le sujet âgé : des présentations neurologiques confuses
- Author
Prével, R., primary, Delmas, Y., additional, Clouzeau, B., additional, Pinganaud, G., additional, and Roubaud-Baudron, C., additional
- Published
- 2016
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15. Diplopie intermittente binoculaire révélant une artérite giganto-cellulaire associée à une sclérite postérieure bilatérale : à propos d’un cas
- Author
Prével, R., primary, Rougier, M.-B., additional, Pinganaud, G., additional, and Roubaud-Baudron, C., additional
- Published
- 2016
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16. Bilateral posterior scleritic signs in association with giant cell arteritis
- Author
Prevel, R., Rougier, M.-B., Biscay, P., Pinganaud, G., and Roubaud-Baudron, C.
- Published
- 2017
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17. Syndrome néphrotique paranéoplasique et maladie de Hodgkin : à propos de c-mip
- Author
Guillotin, V., Saint-Lézer, A., Prevel, R., Sahali, D., Bouabdallah, K., Dilhuydy, M.S., and Milpied, N.
- Published
- 2014
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18. Safety of baricitinib in vaccinated patients with severe and critical COVID-19 sub study of the randomised Bari-SolidAct trial.
- Author
Viermyr HK, Tonby K, Ponzi E, Trouillet-Assant S, Poissy J, Arribas JR, Dyon-Tafani V, Bouscambert-Duchamp M, Assoumou L, Halvorsen B, Tekin NB, Diallo A, De Gastines L, Munthe LA, Murphy SL, Ueland T, Michelsen AE, Lund-Johansen F, Aukrust P, Mootien J, Dervieux B, Zerbib Y, Richard JC, Prével R, Malvy D, Timsit JF, Peiffer-Smadja N, Roux D, Piroth L, Ait-Oufella H, Vieira C, Dalgard O, Heggelund L, Müller KE, Møller JH, Kildal AB, Skogen V, Aballi S, Sjøberg Øgaard JD, Dyrhol-Riise AM, Tveita A, Alirezaylavasani A, Costagliola D, Yazdanpanah Y, Olsen IC, Dahl TB, Kared H, Holten AR, and Trøseid M
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Aged, COVID-19 Vaccines administration & dosage, COVID-19 Vaccines adverse effects, COVID-19 Vaccines immunology, Vaccination methods, Adult, Biomarkers, Antiviral Agents therapeutic use, Purines, Sulfonamides therapeutic use, Sulfonamides administration & dosage, Azetidines therapeutic use, Azetidines administration & dosage, Azetidines adverse effects, Pyrazoles therapeutic use, Pyrazoles administration & dosage, Pyrazoles adverse effects, COVID-19 prevention & control, COVID-19 immunology, SARS-CoV-2 immunology, COVID-19 Drug Treatment, Viral Load
- Abstract
Background: The Bari-SolidAct randomized controlled trial compared baricitinib with placebo in patients with severe COVID-19. A post hoc analysis revealed a higher incidence of serious adverse events (SAEs) among SARS-CoV-2-vaccinated participants who had received baricitinib. This sub-study aimed to investigate whether vaccination influences the safety profile of baricitinib in patients with severe COVID-19., Methods: Biobanked samples from 146 participants (55 vaccinated vs. 91 unvaccinated) were analysed longitudinally for inflammation markers, humoral responses, tissue viral loads, and plasma viral antigens on days 1, 3, and 8. High-dimensional analyses, including RNA sequencing and flow cytometry, were performed on available samples. Mediation analyses were used to assess relationships between SAEs, baseline-adjusted biomarkers, and treatment-vaccination status., Findings: Vaccinated participants were older, more frequently hospitalized, had more comorbidities, and exhibited higher nasopharyngeal viral loads. Baricitinib treatment did not affect antibody responses or viral clearance, but reduced markers of T-cell and monocyte activation compared to placebo (sCD25, sCD14, sCD163, sTIM-3). Age, baseline levels of plasma viral antigen, and several inflammatory markers, as well as IL-2, IL-6, Neopterin, CXCL16, sCD14, and suPAR on day 8 were associated with the occurrence of SAEs. However, mediation analyses of markers linked to SAEs, baricitinib treatment, or vaccination status did not reveal statistically significant interactions between vaccination status and SAEs., Interpretation: This sub-study did not identify any virus- or host-related biomarkers significantly associated with the interaction between SARS-CoV-2 vaccination status and the safety of baricitinib. However, caution should be exercised due to the moderate sample size., Funding: EU Horizon 2020 (grant number 101015736)., Competing Interests: Declaration of interests MT has been a pro bono member of the scientific advisory board for Lilly. JP reports lecture fees from Gilead, Shionogi, and Mundipharma, as well as payment for expert testimony from Gilead, Shionogi, Eumedica, and Pfizer, and support for attending meetings from Gilead, and Shionogi. ARH reports personal fee from Pfizer (2021) for lectures outside the submitted work. RP reports personal fees from MSD (2024) for one lecture and from Gilead (2023) and Pfizer (2023) for congress attendance. LAM reports Helse Sør-Øst UiO and Research Council of Norway grant for developing cellular analyses of COVID-19 (2020–2022), grant from KG Jebsen Stiftelsen, and grant from The Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation to monitor immune responses in patients (2021–2023). DC reports personal fees from Pfizer (2022) for a lecture outside the submitted work. BD reports support from Amgen for congress attendance. J-FT report honoraria from Shionogi, Merck, Pfizer, and Advanz as well as participation in advisory board for Gilead, Merck, Menarini, and Biomerieux. AEM reports stocks in Pfizer. LP reports honoraria from Gilead, GSK, Moderna, Pfizer, and ViiV Healthcare, as well as support for attending meetings from MSD and Pfizer. YZ reports payments for lectures from Gilead, Shionogi, and Mundipharma, payment for expert testimony from Gilead, Shionogi, Eumedica, and Pfizer, as well as support for attending meetings from Gilead and Shionogi. MB reports support for attending meetings from Gilead and Shionogi. JM reports support for attending meetings from Pfizer and Menarini as well as participation in advisory board for MSD. All other authors have nothing to declare., (Copyright © 2024. Published by Elsevier B.V.)
- Published
- 2025
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19. Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation, atrio-oesophageal fistula, cerebral air embolism, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy.
- Author
Prével R, Boyer A, Gruson D, and Orieux A
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Heart Atria diagnostic imaging, Aged, Atrial Fibrillation surgery, Atrial Fibrillation therapy, Catheter Ablation adverse effects, Catheter Ablation methods, Embolism, Air etiology, Embolism, Air therapy, Esophageal Fistula etiology, Hyperbaric Oxygenation methods, Intracranial Embolism etiology
- Abstract
Competing Interests: Declaration of interests We declare no competing interests.
- Published
- 2024
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20. Sampling and processing matter in airway microbiota discovery.
- Author
Imbert S, Revers M, Enaud R, Orieux A, Delhaes L, and Prével R
- Subjects
- Humans, Specimen Handling methods, Specimen Handling standards, Respiratory System microbiology, Microbiota physiology
- Published
- 2024
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21. Lower airway microbiota compositions differ between influenza, COVID-19 and bacteria-related acute respiratory distress syndromes.
- Author
Imbert S, Revers M, Enaud R, Orieux A, Camino A, Massri A, Villeneuve L, Carrié C, Petit L, Boyer A, Berger P, Gruson D, Delhaes L, and Prével R
- Subjects
- Humans, Male, Female, Middle Aged, Aged, Bacterial Infections microbiology, COVID-19 microbiology, COVID-19 complications, COVID-19 physiopathology, Respiratory Distress Syndrome microbiology, Respiratory Distress Syndrome virology, Respiratory Distress Syndrome physiopathology, Influenza, Human microbiology, Influenza, Human physiopathology, Influenza, Human complications, Microbiota physiology
- Abstract
Background: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is responsible for 400,000 deaths annually worldwide. Few improvements have been made despite five decades of research, partially because ARDS is a highly heterogeneous syndrome including various types of aetiologies. Lower airway microbiota is involved in chronic inflammatory diseases and recent data suggest that it could also play a role in ARDS. Nevertheless, whether the lower airway microbiota composition varies between the aetiologies of ARDS remain unknown. The aim of this study is to compare lower airway microbiota composition between ARDS aetiologies, i.e. pulmonary ARDS due to influenza, SARS-CoV-2 or bacterial infection., Methods: Consecutive ARDS patients according to Berlin's classification requiring invasive ventilation with PCR-confirmed influenza or SARS-CoV-2 infections and bacterial infections (> 105 CFU/mL on endotracheal aspirate) were included. Endotracheal aspirate was collected at admission, V3-V4 and ITS2 regions amplified by PCR, deep-sequencing performed on MiSeq sequencer (Illumina®) and data analysed using DADA2 pipeline., Results: Fifty-three patients were included, 24 COVID-19, 18 influenza, and 11 bacterial CAP-related ARDS. The lower airway bacteriobiota and mycobiota compositions (β-diversity) were dissimilar between the three groups (p = 0.05 and p = 0.01, respectively). The bacterial α-diversity was significantly lower in the bacterial CAP-related ARDS group compared to the COVID-19 ARDS group (p = 0.04). In contrast, influenza-related ARDS patients had higher lung mycobiota α-diversity than the COVID-19-related ARDS (p = 0 < 01)., Conclusion: Composition of lower airway microbiota (both microbiota and mycobiota) differs between influenza, COVID-19 and bacterial CAP-related ARDS. Future studies investigating the role of lung microbiota in ARDS pathophysiology should take aetiology into account., (© 2024. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2024
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22. Clusterin Neutralizes the Inflammatory and Cytotoxic Properties of Extracellular Histones in Sepsis.
- Author
Augusto JF, Beauvillain C, Poli C, Paolini L, Tournier I, Pignon P, Blanchard S, Preisser L, Soleti R, Delépine C, Monnier M, Douchet I, Asfar P, Beloncle F, Guisset O, Prével R, Mercat A, Vinatier E, Goret J, Subra JF, Couez D, Wilson MR, Blanco P, Jeannin P, and Delneste Y
- Subjects
- Animals, Mice, Histones metabolism, Clusterin metabolism, Inflammation, Cell Death, Antineoplastic Agents, Sepsis drug therapy
- Abstract
Rationale: Extracellular histones, released into the surrounding environment during extensive cell death, promote inflammation and cell death, and these deleterious roles have been well documented in sepsis. Clusterin (CLU) is a ubiquitous extracellular protein that chaperones misfolded proteins and promotes their removal. Objectives: We investigated whether CLU could protect against the deleterious properties of histones. Methods: We assessed CLU and histone expression in patients with sepsis and evaluated the protective role of CLU against histones in in vitro assays and in vivo models of experimental sepsis. Measurements and Main Results: We show that CLU binds to circulating histones and reduces their inflammatory, thrombotic, and cytotoxic properties. We observed that plasma CLU levels decreased in patients with sepsis and that the decrease was greater and more durable in nonsurvivors than in survivors. Accordingly, CLU deficiency was associated with increased mortality in mouse models of sepsis and endotoxemia. Finally, CLU supplementation improved mouse survival in a sepsis model. Conclusions: This study identifies CLU as a central endogenous histone-neutralizing molecule and suggests that, in pathologies with extensive cell death, CLU supplementation may improve disease tolerance and host survival.
- Published
- 2023
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23. Plasma Markers of Neutrophil Extracellular Trap Are Linked to Survival but Not to Pulmonary Embolism in COVID-19-Related ARDS Patients.
- Author
Prével R, Dupont A, Labrouche-Colomer S, Garcia G, Dewitte A, Rauch A, Goutay J, Caplan M, Jozefowicz E, Lanoix JP, Poissy J, Rivière E, Orieux A, Malvy D, Gruson D, Garçon L, Susen S, and James C
- Subjects
- Biomarkers, Humans, COVID-19 complications, Extracellular Traps, Pulmonary Embolism etiology, Respiratory Distress Syndrome etiology
- Abstract
Introduction: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) can cause life-threatening acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). Recent data suggest a role for neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) in COVID-19-related lung damage partly due to microthrombus formation. Besides, pulmonary embolism (PE) is frequent in severe COVID-19 patients, suggesting that immunothrombosis could also be responsible for increased PE occurrence in these patients. Here, we evaluate whether plasma levels of NET markers measured shorty after admission of hospitalized COVID-19 patients are associated with clinical outcomes in terms of clinical worsening, survival, and PE occurrence., Patients and Methods: Ninety-six hospitalized COVID-19 patients were included, 50 with ARDS (severe disease) and 46 with moderate disease. We collected plasma early after admission and measured 3 NET markers: total DNA, myeloperoxidase (MPO)-DNA complexes, and citrullinated histone H3. Comparisons between survivors and non-survivors and patients developing PE and those not developing PE were assessed by Mann-Whitney test., Results: Analysis in the whole population of hospitalized COVID-19 patients revealed increased circulating biomarkers of NETs in patients who will die from COVID-19 and in patients who will subsequently develop PE. Restriction of our analysis in the most severe patients, i.e., the ones who enter the hospital for COVID-19-related ARDS, confirmed the link between NET biomarker levels and survival but not PE occurrence., Conclusion: Our results strongly reinforce the hypothesis that NETosis is an attractive therapeutic target to prevent COVID-19 progression but that it does not seem to be linked to PE occurrence in patients hospitalized with COVID-19., Competing Interests: The authors declare that the research was conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest., (Copyright © 2022 Prével, Dupont, Labrouche-Colomer, Garcia, Dewitte, Rauch, Goutay, Caplan, Jozefowicz, Lanoix, Poissy, Rivière, Orieux, Malvy, Gruson, Garçon, Susen and James.)
- Published
- 2022
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24. Complement Blockade Is a Promising Therapeutic Approach in a Subset of Critically Ill Adult Patients with Complement-Mediated Hemolytic Uremic Syndromes.
- Author
Prével R, Delmas Y, Guillotin V, Gruson D, and Rivière E
- Abstract
Thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA) gathers consumptive thrombocytopenia, mechanical haemolytic anemia, and organ damage. Hemolytic uremic syndromes (HUS) are historically classified as primary or secondary to another disease once thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP), Shiga-toxin HUS, and cobalamin C-related HUS have been ruled out. Complement genetics studies reinforced the link between complement dysregulation and primary HUS, contributing to reclassifying some pregnancy- and/or post-partum-associated HUS and to revealing complement involvement in severe and/or refractory hypertensive emergencies. By contrast, no firm evidence allows a plausible association to be drawn between complement dysregulation and Shiga-toxin HUS or other secondary HUS. Nevertheless, rare complement gene variants are prevalent in healthy individuals, thus providing an indication that an investigation into complement dysregulation should be carefully balanced and that the results should be cautiously interpreted with the help of a trained geneticist. Several authors have suggested reclassifying HUS in two entities, regardless of they are complement-mediated or not, since the use of eculizumab, an anti-C5 antibody, dramatically lowers the proportion of patients who die or suffer from end-stage renal disease within the year following diagnosis. Safety and the ideal timing of eculizumab discontinuation is currently under investigation, and the long-term consequences of HUS should be closely monitored over time once patients exit emergency departments.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Psychological evaluation and support in COVID-19 critically ill patients: a feasibility study.
- Author
Prével R, Coelho J, Orieux A, Philip P, Gruson D, and Bioulac S
- Subjects
- Aged, COVID-19 complications, Critical Illness epidemiology, Feasibility Studies, Female, Humans, Male, Middle Aged, Psychological Tests, Respiratory Distress Syndrome etiology, Respiratory Distress Syndrome psychology, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, COVID-19 psychology, Critical Illness psychology
- Published
- 2021
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