7 results on '"Règles de conflit"'
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2. Abstracţiunea reprezentării voluntare şi funcţia circulatorie a actelor.
- Author
- Subjects
LEGAL settlement ,CONFLICT of laws ,COMPARATIVE law ,EUROPEAN integration ,JUDICIAL power ,POWER of attorney ,CONTRACT negotiations - Abstract
Copyright of Romanian Review of Private Law / Revista Română de Drept Privat is the property of Universul Juridic Publishing House and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2019
- Author
Oprea, Alina
- Abstract
Copyright of Romanian Review of Private Law / Revista Română de Drept Privat is the property of Universul Juridic Publishing House and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Oprea, Alina
- Abstract
Copyright of Studia Universitatis Babes-Bolyai, Iurisprudentia is the property of Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2010
5. O novo direito internacional privado e a proteção dos vulneráveis : corretivos do funcionamento da regra de conflito e a lei mais favorável ao vulnerável
- Author
Cunha, Daniel Sica da and Marques, Cláudia Lima
- Subjects
Droits fondamentaux ,Direito privado [Proteção dos vulneráveis] ,Public order ,Protection of the vulnerable ,Direito internacional privado ,Droit international privé ,Direitos fundamentais ,Fundamental rights ,Private international law ,L'ordre public ,Règles de conflit ,Conflict rules ,Direito internacional privado [Ordem publica] ,Protection des personnes vulnérables - Abstract
Cette thèse vise à l'analyse de la protection des personnes vulnérables dans le droit international privé brésilien. Son objectif est, d'abord, d'identifier si les règles conflictuelles qui existent actuellement dans la Loi Introductive au Règlement du Droit Brésilienne (1942) sont ou ne sont pas suffisantes pour une protection efficace des personnes vulnérables dans les relations privées internationales, et d'autre part, se il constate une précarité dans la protection des vulnérables, d'établir une proposition de la reconstruction axiologique des règles du droit international privé brésilien pour rétablir l'égalité et le dialogue avec la Constitution Fédérale (1988). Par conséquent, la recherche est organisée en trois chapitres. Dans le premier chapitre, la crise du droit international privé brésilien est présenté sur le paradigme de la règle conflictuelle traditionnelle et sur la justice formelle, soulignant l'insuffisance de la Loi Introductive au Règlement du Droit Brésilienne (1942) à la solution des problèmes contemporains de droit international privé. Le deuxième chapitre présente la proposition d'un nouveau départ, à travers les intersections de droit international privé avec le droit privé et le droit public, en particulier en ce qui concerne la pleine efficacité des droits fondamentaux et des droits humains dans les affaires privées, à la recherche d'une justice matérielle. Dans le troisième chapitre, il est proposé une reconstruction téléologique du droit international privé, d'être guidé par des valeurs constitutionnelles. Considérant le droit international privé essentiellement un droit de différent, se trouve le principe de l'égalité et de la protection des vulnérables pour la réalisation des valeurs constitutionnelles. Enfin, deux solutions sont proposées pour surmonter la crise: d'abord, il ya la proposition d'un changement législatif, afin d'établir la règle conflictuelle avec la connexion à la loi la plus favorable aux personnes vulnérables; seconde, tandis que la modification législative ne est pas effectuée, il est proposé une interprétation systématique-téléologique de l'article 17 de la Loi Introductive au Règlement du Droit Brésilienne (1942), de fonctionner comme une clause ouverte à la réalisation des droits fondamentaux et des droits humains dans les relations privées internationales, permettant l'application de la loi la plus favorable aux personnes vulnérables comme une forme de performance positive de l'ordre public constitutionnel. A presente tese tem por objeto a análise da proteção do vulnerável no direito internacional privado brasileiro. Seu objetivo consiste, por um lado, em identificar se as regras de conflito atualmente existentes na Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro (1942) são suficientes ou não para uma proteção efetiva do vulnerável nas relações privadas internacionais, e por outro lado, em se constatando uma precariedade na proteção do vulnerável, estabelecer uma proposta de reconstrução axiológica das regras do direito internacional privado brasileiro para restabelecer a igualdade e o diálogo com a Constituição Federal (1988). Para tanto, a pesquisa está disposta em três capítulos. No primeiro capítulo, é apresentada a crise do direito internacional privado brasileiro a partir do paradigma da regra conflitual tradicional e da justiça formal, apontando-se a inadequação da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro para a solução dos problemas contemporâneos de direito internacional privado. No segundo capítulo, apresenta-se a proposta de um recomeço, a partir das intersecções do direito internacional privado com o direito privado e com o direito público, especialmente no que diz respeito à eficácia plena dos direitos fundamentais e dos direitos humanos nas relações privadas, em busca de uma justiça material. No terceiro capítulo, é proposta a reconstrução teleológica do direito internacional privado, a ser orientada pelos valores constitucionais. Sendo o direito internacional privado essencialmente um direito dos diferentes, sobressai o princípio da igualdade e a proteção dos vulneráveis como concretização dos valores constitucionais. Ao final, são propostas duas soluções para a superação da crise: primeiro, há a proposição de alteração legislativa, para que se estabeleça a regra de conflito com a conexão da lei mais favorável ao vulnerável; segundo, enquanto não é realizada a alteração legislativa, propõe-se interpretação sistemático-teleológica do artigo 17, da Lei de Introdução às Normas do Direito Brasileiro (1942), para que funcione como cláusula aberta para a concretização dos direitos fundamentais e dos direitos humanos nas relações privadas internacionais, possibilitando a aplicação da lei mais favorável ao vulnerável como forma de efetivação positiva da ordem pública constitucional. This thesis aims at the analysis of the protection of the vulnerable in the Brazilian private international law. Its aim is, first, to identify if the conflictual rules currently existing in the Introductory Act to Brazilian Law Rules (1942) are or are not sufficient for an effective protection of the vulnerable in international private relations, and on the other hand, if finding the protection of the vulnerable precarious, to establish a proposal of axiological reconstruction of the rules of Brazilian private international law to restore equality and dialogue with the Federal Constitution (1988). Therefore, the research is arranged in three chapters. In the first chapter, the crisis of the Brazilian private international law is presented from the paradigm of traditional conflictual rule and formal justice, pointing out the inadequacy of the Introductory Act to Brazilian Law Rules (1942) to the solution of contemporary problems of private international law. The second chapter presents the proposal of a new beginning, through the intersections of private international law with private law and public law, especially with regard to the full effectiveness of fundamental rights and human rights in private affairs, in search of a material justice. In the third chapter it is proposed a teleological reconstruction of private international law, to be guided by constitutional values. Private international law being essentially a right of the different, it stands the principle of equality and the protection of the vulnerable as achievements of constitutional values. Lastly, two solutions are proposed to overcome the crisis: first, there is the proposal of a legislative change, in order to establish the conflictual rule with the connection to the most favorable law to the vulnerable; second, while the legislative amendment is not performed, it is proposed a systematic-teleological interpretation of Article 17 of the Introductory Act to Brazilian Law Rules (1942), to function as an open clause to the achievement of fundamental rights and human rights in international private relations, enabling the application of the most favorable law to the vulnerable as a form of positive performance of the constitutional public order.
- Published
- 2015
6. Le droit étranger dans le procès civil polonais
- Author
Ereciński, Tadeusz
- Subjects
procès civil polonais ,droit étranger ,droit matériel étranger ,conflit du droit ,droit international privé ,contacts internationaux de la Pologne ,système de droit du fond ,système de droit ,affaire civile ,règles de conflit ,rapports internationaux de droit civil - Abstract
This article was published in „Droit Polonais Contemporain / Polish Contemporary Law” 1981 50., {"references":["Balicki J., Problemy kolizyjne prawa spadkowego, Warszawa 1963.","Bystrickỳ R., Zaklady mezinardniho prava soukromeha, Praha 1958.","Dawid C., La loi étrangère devant le juge du fond, Paris 1965.","Die Anwendung ausländischen Rechts im internationalen Privatrecht. Materialen zum ausländschen und internationalen Privatrecht, vol. X, Berlin-Tübingen 1968.","Dölle H., De l'application du droit étranger par le juge interne, \"Revue Critique de Droit International Prix\" 1955.","Ereciński T., Prawo obce w sądowym postępowaniu cywilnym, Warszawa 1981.","Ereciński T., Zasada iura novit curia w międzynarodowym postępowaniu cywilnym, \"Studia Iuridica\" 1976, vol. V.","Kalenský P., Trends of Private International Law, Prague 1971.","Klich-Rump J., Podstawa faktyczna rozstrzygnięcia sądowego w procesie cywilnym, Warszawa 1977.","Ludwiczak W., Międzynarodowe prawo prywatne, Warszawa 1971.","Lunc A., Meždunaronoe častnoe pravo. Obščaja čast', Moskva 1973.","Mayer P., Droit international privé, Paris 1977.","Neuhaus P.H., Die Grundbegriffe des internationalen Privatrechts, Tübingen 1976.","Przybyłowski K., Polskie prawo międzynarodowe prywatne. Część ogólna, Lwów 1935.","Rabel E., The Conflict of Laws, vol. I, Ann Arbor 1958.","Réczei L., Internationales Privatrecht, Budapeszt 1960.","Rigaux F., Le nature du contrôle de la cour de cassation, Bruxelles 1966.","Schnitzer A. F., Die Anwendung einheimischen oder fremden Rechtes auf internationales Tatbestände, \"Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung\" 1969.","Siedlecki W., Postępowanie cywilne w zarysie, Warszawa 1972.","Siedlecki W., Zasady wyrokowania w procesie cywilnym, Warszawa 1957.","Siedlecki W., Krajewski J., Naruszenie prawa materialnego jako podstawa rewizyjna według k.p.c., \"Nowe Prawo\" 1958, nr 10.","Skierkowska W., Międzynarodowe postępowanie cywilne w sprawach alimentacyjnych, Warszawa 1972.","Szászy I., International Civil Procedure. A comparative Study. Budapeszt 1967.","Szászy I., Private International Law in the European People's Democrasies, Budapeszt 1964.","Vouilloz B., Le rôle du juge á l'égard du droit étranger, Fribourg 1964.","Walaszek B., Sośniak M., Le droit international privé, Warszawa 1968.","Waligórski M., Podstawy kasacyjne procesu cywilnego w świetle różnicy pomiędzy faktem i prawem, Lwów 1936.","Wengerek E., Glosa do wyroku Sądu Wojewódzkiego dla m.st. Warszawy z 4 marca 1965 r., II Cr 795/64, \"Państwo i Prawo\", 1966, nr 4/5.","Wierzbowski E., Międzynarodowy obrót prawny w sprawach cywilnych, Warszawa 1971.","Yasseen M. K., Problémes relatifs a l'aplication du droit étranger, \"Recueil des Cours de l'Académie de la Haye\" 1962, vol. II.","Zajtay I., L'application du dront Tanger. Science et fictions, \"Revue Internationale du Droit Comparé\", 1971.","Zajtay I., The Application of Foreign Law, [w:] International Encyklopedia of Comparative Law, vol. III, Tubingen-The Hague-Paris-New York 1972.","Umowa między Polską Rzecząpospolitą Ludową a Węgierską Republiką Ludową o obrocie prawnym w sprawach cywilnych, rodzinnych i karnych, podpisana w Budapeszcie dnia 6 marca 1959 r., Dz.U. 1960 nr 8 poz. 54.","Umowa między Polską Rzecząpospolitą Ludową a Czechosłowacką Republiką Socjalistyczną o uregulowaniu obrotu prawnego w sprawach cywilnych, rodzinnych i karnych, podpisana w Warszawie dnia 4 lipca 1961 r., Dz.U. 1962 Nr 23, poz. 103.","Umowa między Polską Rzecząpospolitą Ludową a Republiką Austrii o wzajemnych stosunkach w sprawach z zakresu prawa cywilnego oraz o dokumentach, podpisana w Wiedniu dnia 11 grudnia 1963 r., Dz.U. 1974 Nr 6, poz. 33."]}
- Published
- 1981
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7. Remarques sur la loi polonaise du 12 novembre 1965 (le droit international privé)
- Author
Przybyłowski, Kazimierz
- Subjects
droit de famille ,loi nationale commune ,loi polonaise ,droit international privé ,droits successoraux de l'État ,droit civil ,droit national ,droit de travail ,situation juridique ,travaux législatifs ,restriction excessive de l'autonomie ,règles de conflit ,volonté ,Code de procédure civile - Abstract
This article was published in „Droit Polonais Contemporain / Polish Contemporary Law” 1967 7-8.
- Published
- 1967
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