E Christofferson, P E Althouse, C G Campbell, S L Brigdon, S R Peterson, Robert S. Brown, N A Bertoldo, M A Revelli, M J Taffet, L M Clark, A R Grayson, R G Blake, D H MacQueen, R J Harrach, R J Ward, L Sanchez, S Mathews, and P J Tate
The chapter summaries demonstrate the breadth of the environmental activities at LLNL. There are 14 chapters in this report: 3 chapters provide general information about the LLNL sites, regulatory activities, and the structure of environmental programs at LLNL; 10 chapters provide environmental monitoring measurements and analyses; and 1 chapter describes the quality assurance program and quality control activities that ensure the validity of the data. Brief descriptions of the contents of each of the individual chapters are presented here. Chapter 1, Introduction, describes the physical setting of the two LLNL sites. The description includes information about the topography, geology, and meteorology of the sites and clearly states the differences between them despite their proximity. Chapter 2, Compliance Summary, summarizes information about LLNL's substantial compliance activities, including compliance with the major federal, state, and local environmental initiatives. The major topics covered are the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and related state programs, the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act and state and local hazardous waste regulations, the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act, the Endangered Species Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, and the Antiquities Act. Chapter 3,more » Environmental Program Information, describes the organization of LLNL's Environmental Protection Department and its divisions, giving the responsibilities of each organization for compliance and monitoring. Chapter 4, Air Effluent Monitoring, summarizes the facilities that have continuous air monitoring for their operations, including a summary of the results of the monitoring data collected for the sources. Chapter 5, Air Surveillance Monitoring, describes the purpose of the air particulate and tritium ambient air monitoring programs and provides analyses of the measurements taken in calendar year 2001. The chapter provides dose estimates from exposure to radiological materials in the ambient air. Chapter 6, Sewer Monitoring, describes the extensive real-time and routine sampling efforts undertaken to characterize the radiological and nonradiological materials in the sewer effluent leaving the LLNL Livermore site. Chapter 7, Surface Water Monitoring, is a compendium of data from many types of surface water, including storm water runoff, rainwater, drinking water, the Livermore site Drainage Retention Basin, and cooling tower water. Monitoring of discharges occurring during maintenance of Arroyo Las Positas is also discussed. Chapter 8, Groundwater Remediation, summarizes CERCLA activities undertaken at the Livermore site and Site 300 during calendar year 2001. It is a summary of reports prepared for CERCLA compliance and contains many maps delineating the extent of contaminant transport in groundwater. Chapter 9, Groundwater Monitoring, contains information about monitoring undertaken to confirm that no new additional sources of contamination of groundwater exist, and to demonstrate compliance with RCRA-permitted closure of disposal areas at Site 300. Chapter 10, Soil and Sediment Monitoring, provides the data collected in the annual soils monitoring program, including plots of historic medians for contaminants of interest, such as plutonium and uranium. Chapter 11, Vegetation and Foodstuff Monitoring, summarizes the data collected in the quarterly vegetation sampling and the annual sampling of local wines for tritium. The chapter provides dose estimates, including estimates for organically bound tritium, for exposures to vegetation and wine produced in the vicinity of LLNL. Chapter 12, Environmental Radiation, describes the direct environmental radiation measurements obtained for the Livermore site and Site 300. The measurement method and results are explained. Chapter 13, Radiation Dose Assessment, discusses sources of potential emissions of radionuclides, principal public receptors, and dose modeling assumptions. The chapter presents the dose impacts of operations conducted in 2001. It also includes an intercomparison of modeled and monitored concentrations Chapter 14, Quality Assurance, describes the extensive quality assurance program and quality control efforts that LLNL undertakes each year to ensure that samples are collected and handled properly. It also describes how data reported and summarized.« less