Globalisation has brought significant changes in many facets of our life. It has transformed economic, political and socio-cultural aspects of our generation. Those have been much studied and debated. But another important dynamic--changing family relationships--especially in the context of developing societies is often ignored. Traditionally, in the societies of Asia and Africa the role of women was confined to looking after family affairs such as household works, caretaking of minor children and old persons. In the age of globalisation, women are also becoming career oriented, and, in the last three decades, we see a growing proportion of women in the labour force and the narrowing of the gap between male and female in the work force. However, they also continue to undertake their family responsibilities. Thus, women have to balance between their career and family which often creates a tricky and sometimes problematic situation. The 'social cost' of 'work-family interface' has attracted considerable attention of social scientists in the developed societies but there has been scarcity of research in the developing societies like sub-Saharan Africa.This volume is an effort to build a comprehensive understanding on the issue. The book is divided into four parts addressing different aspects of the issue: (a) work-family interface as a policy issue in sub-Saharan Africa; (b) factors underlying work-family conflict in sub-Saharan Africa; (c) impact of work-family conflict on families and (d) current and plausible coping strategies.First part of the book deals with the work-family interface as a policy issue in sub-Saharan Africa. Zitha Mokomane provides a background to the issue arguing that the 'time-money squeeze' between family responsibilities and work demands often leads to considerable stress leading to 'work-family conflict'. According to Mokomane, a variety of socio-economic and demographic transformations--an increase in the proportion of older people; increasing labour force participation of women; increased migration and urbanisation; increased job insecurity; changing marriage patterns and the increasing proportion of female-headed households; and the high prevalence of HIV and AIDS currently taking place in sub-Saharan Africa--provide an interesting case study of the broader issue of the work- family interface in developing countries having important implications for the reconciliation of work and family responsibilities.Francis Annor uses the case of employed parents in Ghana to analyse the experiences of African parents to manage work responsibilities and family commitments. Purpose of his study, he states, was to examine incidences of work-family conflict, identify sources of demands and support resources within the work and family domains and the role these might play in impeding or facilitating participation in the work and family roles. The findings of his study suggest that, for the majority of these parents, boundaries between the work and family domains were permeable. Thus, negative experiences and strains experienced in one role impacted negatively on performance in the other.The next chapter of the volume by Virginia Mapedzahama provides a cross-cultural comparative perspective on the subject by sharing experiences of working mothers in Australia and Zimbabwe. This chapter highlights that regardless of their socio-economic status, or the degree of hardships they endure, working mothers in developing and developed countries experience surprisingly similar everyday work-family realities, although they tend to employ different coping strategies.Second part of the volume takes up some of the key factors underlying work-family conflict in sub-Saharan Africa. First chapter of this part deals with the 'Working Hours and Work-Family Conflict in the Institutional Context of Nigeria'. Based on their empirical quantitative study of Lagos, Chantal Epie and Afam conclude that stress-related problems, work-family conflict, a feeling of loss of control over one's life and a desire to leave the organisation were all associated with excessively long work hours. …