Postmoderna sodobnost s svojo tekočnostjo, ekspanzivnostjo in nedoločljivostjo neizogibno odpira vprašanja soočenja z Drugim in drugostjo tako v načinih upovedovanja kot pri interpretaciji sodobnih pripovedi. Težnja po preseganju binarnih opozicij in delitev je povzročila, da najsodobnejše pripovedi vse bolj odzvanjajo v heteronomiji različnih glasov, perspektiv, motivov in tematik, zato se posameznikova osebna identiteta (samo)formira skozi valovanje življenja, ki ni več predstavljeno kot trdna in enoznačno opredeljiva forma. Interpretativna in primerjalna analiza sta v magistrskem delu odstrli nekatere značilnosti vprašanja metamorfoze drugosti v izbranih sodobnih slovenskih in tujih romanih, in sicer v romanih Starec in jaz Sarivala Sosiča (2017), Po celi ravnini pod nebom Jane Putrle Srdić (2022), Zabubljena Ane Marwan (2021), Lastna hiša Deborah Levy (2021) in Tišine Karle Suarez (1999). V pripovedih je izpostavljeno hrepenenje po harmoničnem občutenju »celostnosti« sveta oz. ljubezni, razumevanju, pristnem človeškem stiku v svetu novodobnih samot, v katerem je posameznik določujoče razpet med potrebo po varnosti in željo po svobodi. Paradoks beganja in (samo)iskanja se zaradi nezmožnosti sprejemanja dokončnih in nepreklicnih odločitev odstira kot katahreza sodobnosti, saj so sprejete odločitve, spoznanja in zadovoljitve želja zgolj začasne, vedno že v zavedanju novih. Postmodernity, with its fluidity, expansiveness and indeterminacy, inevitably opens up questions of confronting the Other and otherness in the ways of verbalisation and in the interpretation of contemporary narratives. The tendency to go beyond binary oppositions and divisions has caused the contemporary narratives to resonate in the heteronomy of different voices, perspectives, motives and themes, where the individual's personal identity is (self)formed through the undulations of life, that is no longer presented as a solid and unambiguously definable form. In this master’s thesis an interpretative and comparative analyses have shown some features of metamorphosis of otherness in selected contemporary Slovenian and foreign novels – “Starec in jaz” by Sarival Sosič (2017), “Po celi ravnini pod nebom” by Jana Putrle Srdić (2022), “Zabubljena” by Ana Marwan (2021), “Real Estate” by Deborah Levy (2021), and “Silencios” by Karla Suarez (1999). These narratives emphasize the yearning for a harmonious feeling of the “wholeness” of the world and yearning for love, understanding, authentic human contact in the world of modern solitudes. The individual is conclusively torn between the need for security and the desire for freedom. The paradox of escape and (self)search, due to the inability to make final and irrevocable decisions, is portrayed as a catachresis of postmodernity – the decisions that are made, realizations and satisfaction of desires are only temporary, always in the awareness of a new one that might follow.