A pesquisa estudou um dispositivo intersetorial que ocorre em um CAPSi – Centro de Atencao Psicossocial infantil – no extremo sul do municipio de Sao Paulo, do qual vinte e oito trabalhadores do servico de Saude, Educacao e Assistencia Social, que atuam com criancas e/ou adolescentes com sofrimentos psiquicos, participaram. O Laboratorio de Inclusao e um dispositivo reconhecido pela rede de sua area de abrangencia como um espaco importante, no qual os profissionais participantes podem compartilhar casos (clinicos) e dificuldades no trato e no cotidiano com criancas e adolescentes em sofrimento psiquico. Esses trabalhadores chegam ao Laboratorio de Inclusao em momentos agudos e criticos, isto e, quando os conflitos ou impasses gerados na relacao com as criancas e/ou adolescentes tornam-se insuportaveis ou incontrolaveis, atribuindo a eles a responsabilidade do desajuste. A pesquisa e a conducao dos encontros foram realizadas pelo autor/profissional que se orienta pelo referencial da psicanalise em seu manejo e compreensao dos fenomenos apresentados. Esta abordagem proporcionou aos participantes do Laboratorio o reconhecimento sobre a importância do olhar singular do “caso a caso”. O metodo utilizado foi o da pesquisa-intervencao a partir do estudo de caso. Os dados foram colhidos de dezesseis encontros gravados, transcritos e analisados com o referencial teorico da psicanalise; foram utilizados tambem um questionario inicial e entrevista. Os resultados foram demonstrados passo a passo, desde a chegada dos participantes ao Laboratorio, a dinâmica dos encontros ate os seus efeitos. Foram verificados efeitos dos participantes ao participarem do Laboratorio e o processo vivenciado por eles nesse dispositivo. Inicialmente, apresentavam fragilidades na condicao emocional que incapacitavam a relacao com criancas e adolescentes em sofrimento psiquico; acreditavam que suas capacidades tecnicas eram insuficientes para lidar com essa populacao e a condicao de desconforto aparecia como resultado de um mal-estar, fruto de seu cotidiano. Os encontros proporcionaram aos participantes alivio, reflexao e criacao, elementos que modificaram a maneira como eles pensavam sobre essas criancas, e passaram a enxerga-las como sujeitos com dificuldades e potenciais. Desse modo, manifestaram desejo de estar com elas de forma acolhedora e inclusiva. Ficou evidente, pela pesquisa, como a conducao de um analista na instituicao, especificamente no Laboratorio de Inclusao, oportunizou tais efeitos. Por fim, foi demonstrada a aplicabilidade do dispositivo estudado, sua relevância no campo da saude mental, como importante espaco de dialogo. PALAVRAS-CHAVE : CAPSi, Intersetorialidade, Psicanalise Aplicada, Saude Coletiva. ABSTRACT The research studied an intersectorial device that occurs in a CAPSi - Child Psychosocial Care Center - in the extreme south of the city of Sao Paulo, of which twenty-eight workers from the Health, Education and Social Assistance service, who work with children and/or teenagers with psychic suffering, participated. The Inclusion Laboratory is a device recognized by the network in its area of coverage as an important space in which participating professionals can share (clinical) cases and difficulties in dealing with and in daily life with children and adolescents in psychological distress. These workers arrive at the Inclusion Laboratory at acute and critical moments, that is, when conflicts or impasses generated in the relationship with children and/or adolescents become unbearable or uncontrollable, attributing to them the responsibility for the maladjustment. The research and conduct of the meetings were carried out by the author/professional who is guided by the psychoanalytic framework in his handling and understanding of the phenomena presented. This approach provided the Laboratory participants with recognition of the importance of the singular look of the “case by case”. The method used was the research-intervention based on the case study. Data were collected from sixteen recorded meetings, transcribed and analyzed with the theoretical framework of psychoanalysis; an initial questionnaire and interview were also used. The results were demonstrated step by step, from the arrival of the participants to the Laboratory, the dynamics of the meetings until their effects. Effects of the participants when participating in the Laboratory and the process experienced by them in this device were verified. Initially, they had weaknesses in their emotional condition that made their relationship with children and adolescents in psychological distress unable to cope; they believed that their technical skills were insufficient to deal with this population and the condition of discomfort appeared as a result of discomfort resulting from their daily lives. The meetings provided the participants with relief, reflection and creation, elements that changed the way they thought about these children, and began to see them as subjects with difficulties and potential. In this way, they expressed a desire to be with them in a welcoming and inclusive way. It was evident, through the research, how the conduct of an analyst in the institution, specifically in the Inclusion Laboratory, created such effects. Finally, the applicability of the device studied was demonstrated, its relevance in the field of mental health, as an important space for dialogue. KEYWORDS : CAPSi, Intersectoriality, Applied Psychoanalysis, Public Health.