The figure of Hryhorii Skovorodya was observed among the creativity of contemporary writers ofPoltava region. Particular attention was paid to the fact that Poltava region has stable literary traditions that have always stimulated the development of regional literature since the people's knowledge of their culture, history, achievements and peculiarities is not only an indicator of their spiritual maturity and intelligence, but also an important prerequisite and incentive for further progress. On the literary map of Ukraine, Poltava region is distinguished by the greatest diversity of literary talents of all time, who left a glorious memory for themselves in the handwritten and printed word. During the centuries, stable literary traditions have been formed in Poltava region. They have always been alive and stimulated the further development of regional literature. The name of the outstanding Ukrainian humanist thinker, writer, educator, Hryhorii Skovoroda, is inseparably connected with Poltava region because the itinerant philosopher was born in Chornuhy, from where he went to other «worlds» to bring wisdom and give spiritual light to people. In his works, H. Skovoroda glorified the Ukrainian nature, hardworking people, proclaimed man and his will as the highest value, introduced new themes and images into literature. The author notes that many poetic, prose and dramatic works of contemporary Ukrainian writers, including large epic canvases and short stories, are dedicated to Skovoroda's life and creative path. The works that have returned to us today from oblivion also testify how significant the influence of Skovoroda's personality and poetics was on their authors. It was noted that the artist's immortal creative work, his proud and gentle words spiritually enrich new generations and has become a powerful source of inspiration for contemporary literary talents of the Poltava region, including Volodymyr Myrnyi, Svitlana Zaliznyak, Volodymyr Tarasenko, Taras Nikitin, Mariyka Boyko and others., Розглянуто постать Григорія Сковороди у творчості сучасних письменників Полтавщини. Особливу увагу звернено на те, що Полтавщина має стійкі літературні традиції, що завжди стимулювали розвиток крайової літератури. Автор зазначає, що життєвому й творчому шляху Григорія Сковороди присвячено чимало поетичних і прозових творів сучасних українських письменників. Твори, які сьогодні повернулися до нас із забуття, теж засвідчують, наскільки значним був на їх авторів уплив особистості Сковороди та його поетики. Означено, що невмирущий творчий доробок митця, його горде й ніжне слово духовно збагачує нові покоління та стало могутнім джерелом натхнення сучасних письменницьких талантів Полтавщини, серед яких Володимир Мирний, Світлана Залізняк, Володимир Тарасенко, Тарас Нікітін, Марійка Бойко та ін.