1. The Projected Effects of Population Change on Vocational Technical Education. Final Report.
- Author
Robson, D. L.
- Abstract
To project the effects of population change on vocational/technical education, a project surveyed the literature (1977-79) on the futures of general and vocational education and on the effects of declining enrollment and applied these concepts and projections to the field of vocational/technical education. Vocational/technical education seemed more directly linked to economic and socio-cultural influences than to fluctuations in enrollment patterns. Despite the effects of declining student populations, vocational education is increasing in both enrollments and courses taught. As other elements in the educational structure are affected, however, general education is expected to shift its emphases to compete with vocational education for a share of the dwindling student population and the growing adult continuing education market. Recommendations for vocational/technical educators in future planning and programming included (1) developing a better understanding of the movement toward generalization of services; (2) planning to serve the growing need for adult vocational retraining; (3) learning to influence and deal with increasing governmental involvement; (4) recognizing and planning for changing social conditions and values; (5) emphasizing communication and personal-social skills, cognitive/conceptual understandings, and quality of life aspects of vocations in the curriculum; (6) preparing to compete for student populations and revenue; (7) using market analysis techniques to assess consumer needs and public relations to enhance the image of vocational education; and (8) continuing research and development efforts. (YLB)
- Published
- 1979