Phenotypic plasticity has been proposed as a mechanism facilitating the colonisation and adaptation to novel environments, such as caves. However, phenotypic plasticity in subterranean environments remains largely unexplored. Here, we test for plasticity in growth and development of fire salamander larvae (Salamandra salamandra) from subterranean and surface habitats, in response to contrasting food availability and light conditions. We hypothesized that: (i) low food availability and absence of light decrease larval growth and delay metamorphosis, (ii) light conditions mediate the effects of food availability on growth and time to metamorphosis, and (iii) larval response to contrasting light and food conditions is shaped by the habitat of origin. Our study showed that reduced food availability significantly delayed metamorphosis and slowed total length and body mass growth rates, while exposure to constant darkness slowed body mass growth rate. However, larvae slowed growth rates and increased time to metamorphosis without compromising size at metamorphosis. The effect of food availability on growth and time to metamorphosis did not change under different light conditions. Fire salamanders from subterranean and surface habitats responded differently only in relation to contrasting food availability conditions. Specifically, larvae from the surface habitat grew faster in high food conditions, while growth in larvae from the subterranean habitat was not influenced by food availability. Initial size also appeared to be an influential factor, since larger and heavier larvae grew slower, metamorphosed faster, and the size advantage was maintained in newly-metamorphosed juveniles. Overall, the results of our experiment suggest that plasticity and local adaptation favor the exploitation of aquatic subterranean habitats for breeding by fire salamanders, allowing successful development even under food shortage and day-length constraints, without compromising metamorphic size. Our findings have implications for conservation because they confirm that phenotypic plasticity plays a critical role in allowing fire salamanders to overcome altered environmental conditions.