Discretization of spatial derivatives is an important issue in meshfree methods especially when the derivative terms contain non-linear coefficients. In this paper, various methods used for discretization of second-order spatial derivatives are investigated in the context of Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics. Three popular forms (i.e. "double summation", "second-order kernel derivation", and "difference scheme") are studied using one-dimensional unsteady heat conduction equation. To assess these schemes, transient response to a step function initial condition is considered. Due to parabolic nature of the heat equation, one can expect smooth and monotone solutions. It is shown, however in this paper, that regardless of the type of kernel function used and the size of smoothing radius, the double summation discretization form leads to non-physical oscillations which persist in the solution. Also, results show that when a second-order kernel derivative is used, a high-order kernel function shall be employed in such a way that the distance of inflection point from origin in the kernel function be less than the nearest particle distance. Otherwise, solutions may exhibit oscillations near discontinuities unlike the "difference scheme" which unconditionally produces monotone results., {"references":["L. Lucy, \"A numerical approach to the testing of fission hypothesis,\"\nAstrophysical Journal, vol. 82, pp. 1013-1020, 1977.","R. Gingold and J. Monaghan, \"Smoothed particle hydrodynamics:\nTheory and application to nonspherical stars,\" Astrophysical Journal,\nvol. 181, pp. 275-389, 1977.","ÔÇöÔÇö, \"Kernel estimates as a basis for general particle methods in\nhydrodynamics,\" Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 46, pp. 429-\n453, 1982.","J. Monaghan, \"Simulating free surface flows with sph,\" Journal of\nComputational Physics, vol. 110, pp. 399-406, 1994.","H. Takeda, S. Miyama, and M. Sekiya, \"Numerical simulation of viscous\nflow by smoothed particle hydrodynamics,\" Progress of Theoretical\nPhysics, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 939-960, 1994.","J. Morris, P. Fox, and Y. Zhu, \"Modeling low reynolds number incompressible\nflows using sph,\" Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 136,\nno. 1, pp. 214-226, 1997.","J. Monaghan, \"Smoothed particle hydrodynamics,\" Reports on Progress\nin Physics, vol. 68, pp. 1703-1759, 2005.","O. Flebbe, S. Munzel, H. Herold, H. Riffert, and H. Ruder, \"Smoothed\nparticle hydrodynamics-physical viscosity and the simulation of accretion\ndisks,\" The Astrophysical Journal, vol. 431, pp. 214-226, 1994.","S. Watkins, A. Bhattal, N. Francis, T. J.A., and Whitworth, \"A new prescription\nfor viscosity in smoothed particle hydrodynamics,\" Astronomy\nand Astrophysics, vol. 119, pp. 177-187, 1996.\n[10] J. Jeong, M. Jhon, J. Halow, and J. van Osdol, \"Smoothed particle\nhydrodynamics: Applications to heat conduction,\" Computer Physics\nCommunications, vol. 153, no. 1, pp. 71-84, 2003.\n[11] J. Bonet and T. Lok, \"Variational and momentum preservation aspects\nof Smooth Particle Hydrodynamic formulations,\" Computer Methods in\nApplied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 180, no. 1-2, pp. 97-115,\n1999.\n[12] S. Nugent and H. Posch, \"Liquid drops and surface tension with\nsmoothed particle applied mechanics,\" Physical Review E, vol. 62, no. 4,\npp. 4968-4975, 2000.\n[13] J. Bonet, S. Kulasegaram, M. Rodriguez-Paz, and M. Profit, \"Variational\nformulation for the smooth particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation of\nfluid and solid problems,\" Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and\nEngineering, vol. 193, no. 12-14, pp. 1245-1256, 2004.\n[14] Y. Mele'an, L. Sigalotti, and A. Hasmy, \"On the SPH tensile instability\nin forming viscous liquid drops,\" Computer Physics Communications,\nvol. 157, no. 3, pp. 191-200, 2004.\n[15] H. L'opez and L. Sigalotti, \"Oscillation of viscous drops with smoothed\nparticle hydrodynamics,\" Physical Review E, vol. 73, no. 5, p. 51201,\n2006.\n[16] A. Chaniotis, D. Poulikakos, and P. Kououtsakos, \"Remeshed smoothed\nparticle hydrodynamics for the simulations of viscous and heat conducting\nflows,\" Journal of Computational Physics, vol. 182, pp. 67-90,\n2002.\n[17] P. Cleary, \"Modelling confined multi-material heat and mass flows using\nsph,\" Applied Mathematical Modelling, vol. 22, pp. 981-993, 1998.\n[18] J. Monaghan and J. Lattanzio, \"A refined particle method for astrophysical\nproblems,\" Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 149, no. 1, pp.\n135-143, 1985.\n[19] I. Schoenberg, \"Contributions to the problem of approximation of\nequidistant data by analytic functions. Part A - On the problem of\nsmoothing or graduation. A first class of analytic approximation formulas,\"\nQuarterly of Applied Mathematics, vol. 4, pp. 45-99, 1946."]}