Inhalational anthrax, caused by inhalation of the adversity-resistant spores, is a fatal disease, with a mortality rate approaching 80% (30). Although the naturally occurring inhalational form of anthrax is rare, malicious release of anthrax spores, particularly as weaponized anthrax spores, in a bioterrorism event kills civilians as well as creates great panic. This has stimulated the search for effective methods for the therapy and prevention of anthrax. The principal virulence factors of Bacillus anthracis consist of an antiphagocytic capsule composed of poly-d-glutamic acid (PGA) and a secreted bacterial toxin. The former is encoded by genes located on plasmid pXO1, and the latter is encoded by plasmid pXO2 (47). The anthrax toxin, which is predominantly responsible for the etiology of anthrax, belongs to the family of bacterial binary AB-type toxins, which consist of a receptor-binding B subunit known as the protective antigen (PA) and two catalytic A subunits, i.e., the lethal factor (LF) and edema factor (EF). PA combines with either LF or EF to form the lethal toxin (LeTx) and edema toxin (EdTx), respectively (47). Currently, the standard approach for anthrax therapy is to kill the germinating bacilli by administering aggressive antibiotics. However, antibiotic therapy is ineffective once systematic anthrax symptoms appear because by that time, fatal concentrations of the anthrax toxin have accumulated in the patient's body (41). Moreover, the emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains as a result of natural evolution or intentional modification by genetic engineering also poses a new challenge to traditional antibiotic treatment (13, 14). Therefore, the development of an antitoxin for combined use with antibiotic therapy is of high priority. At present, the process by which anthrax toxins enter cells and act is relatively well understood. Initially, the B subunit, i.e., the 83-kDa PA (PA83), binds to specific cell surface receptors through its C-terminal binding domain, and this is then proteolytically cleaved by furin or furin-like protease into a 20-kDa N-terminal fragment (PA20) and an active 63-kDa C-terminal fragment (PA63) (5, 15, 19, 28). After dissociation of PA20, cell-bound PA63 self-assembles into a ring-shaped homo-oligomer (heptamer or octamer) termed a prepore (18, 52). Simultaneously, the prepore competitively binds up to three molecules of LF and/or EF to form toxin complexes (9, 23, 33). These complexes are then internalized into the cells by receptor-mediated endocytosis and delivered to an endosome, where the acidic pH triggers the conformational transition of the prepore to generate the pore (31). Ultimately, LF and EF are translocated through the pore into the cytosol, where they exert their respective catalytic effects, leading to the manifestation of the anthrax symptoms (32). The elucidation of the molecular mechanism of anthrax toxin action has provided us with new strategies for developing antitoxins for anthrax treatment. To date, several potential antitoxins that target different steps of anthrax toxin intoxication are under development (37). The PA-binding domain of LF (LFn) or LFn-based fusion proteins is sufficient for binding to the PA63 formed prepore and can inhibit the anthrax toxin by competitively inhibiting the binding of LF to the prepore (1, 3, 20, 34). Another powerful antitoxin is the dominant-negative mutant of PA (DPA), which can be proteolytically activated to form dominant-negative inhibitory PA63 (DPA63). DPA63 coassembles with wild-type PA63 and blocks its ability to translate LF and EF (42, 46). On the basis of these findings, we decided to combine the competitive inhibitory activity of LFn and the dominant-negative inhibitory activity of DPA into a single-component reagent. Toward this end, we first constructed the chimera LFn-PA and demonstrated that this chimera could be proteolytically activated to produce an active PA63 moiety and a functional LFn-PA20 part. We then further replaced the PA moiety with a dominant-negative mutation, PAF427D, which has been described in sufficient detail elsewhere, to generate LFn-DPA (6, 21, 46). We next investigated the antitoxin potency of LFn-DPA in vitro and in vivo. Vaccination with the anthrax vaccine is the best strategy for preexposure prevention and postexposure prophylaxis (45). Now the only licensed anthrax vaccine for human use in the United States is the anthrax vaccine absorbed (AVA), also known as BioThrax. AVA has several disadvantages, such as batch-to-batch variation, an ill-defined composition, side effects, and a lengthy vaccination schedule (47). A second generation of vaccines based on highly purified recombinant PA (rPA) is under development. Although well-defined and homogeneous, rPA-based vaccines have immunogenicity and potency similar to those of AVA (17). This means that vaccination with rPA-based vaccines may be burdensome, just like vaccination with AVA. This underscores the need for developing new and more effective anthrax vaccines. Therefore, we evaluated the potential of LFn-DPA in anthrax prophylaxis.