62 results on '"Sónia André"'
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2. Tema: Você é de onde?
- Author
Sónia André
- Subjects
Experiências ,Estrangeiras ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 ,Human settlements. Communities ,HT51-65 - Abstract
Estes apontamentos são resultado de reflexões sobre experiências vividas por mim e minha filhas, após 14 anos nas terras brasileiras, refletidas na música de Renato Braz. Há muito por falar sobre as marcas tatuadas em nossas peles, memórias, olhos, cheiros, toques, no entanto, tentarei narrar algumas que nos marcaram e marcam como corpo que não pertence a este lugar. Experiências divididas com ela que chagara ao Brasil com apenas 6 meses de vida, onde a todo o momento tínhamos e temos que responder à pergunta: De onde vocês são? Apesar de narradas nas “primeiras pessoas”, trazem, também, à tona o que muitas e muitos de países africanos, de pele escura, vivenciam enquanto não brasileiras/os, carimbadas/os na pele e nos sotaques do não “Norte Global”. Salientar que são apontamentos sobre nossas experiências, enquanto estrangeiras não europeias e não norte americanas.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Leishmania infantum Infection of Primary Human Myeloid Cells
- Author
Morgane Picard, Calaiselvy Soundaramourty, Ricardo Silvestre, Jérôme Estaquier, and Sónia André
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Leishmania ,flow cytometry ,blood ,monocyte ,neutrophil ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Circulating phagocytic cells often serve as cellular targets for a large number of pathogens such as Leishmania parasites. Studying primary human cells in an infectious context requires lengthy procedures for cell isolation that may affect the analysis performed. Using whole blood and a no-lyse and no-wash flow cytometric assay (NoNo assay), we monitored the Leishmania infantum infection of primary human cells. We demonstrated, using fluorescent parasites, that among monocyte cell populations, L. infantum preferentially infects classical (CD14+CD16−) and intermediate (CD14+CD16+) primary human monocytes in whole blood. Because classical monocytes are the preponderant population, they represent the larger L. infantum reservoir. Moreover, we also found that, concomitantly to monocyte infection, a subset of PMNs is infected early in whole blood. Of interest, in whole blood, PMNs are less infected compared to classical monocytes. Overall, by using this NoNo assay, we provided a novel avenue in our understanding of host–leishmania interactions.
- Published
- 2022
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4. Transcriptional Analysis of Human Skin Lesions Identifies Tryptophan-2,3-Deoxygenase as a Restriction Factor for Cutaneous Leishmania
- Author
Vasco Rodrigues, Sónia André, Hasnaa Maksouri, Tarik Mouttaki, Soumiya Chiheb, Myriam Riyad, Khadija Akarid, and Jérôme Estaquier
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cutaneous leishmanaisis ,tryptophan-2 ,3-dioxygenase ,Leishmania tropica ,Leishmania major ,parasite load ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
Disease manifestation after infection with cutaneous Leishmania species is the result of a complex interplay of diverse factors, including the immune status of the host, the infecting parasite species, or the parasite load at the lesion site. Understanding how these factors impact on the pathology of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) may provide new targets to manage the infection and improve clinical outcome. We quantified the relative expression of 170 genes involved in a diverse range of biological processes, in the skin biopsies from patients afflicted with CL caused by infection with either L. major or L. tropica. As compared to healthy skin, CL lesions bear elevated levels of transcripts involved in the immune response, and conversely, present a significant downregulation in the expression of genes involved in epidermal integrity and arginine or fatty acid metabolism. The expression of transcripts encoding for cytotoxic mediators and chemokines in lesions was inversely correlated with the expression of genes involved in epidermal integrity, suggesting that cytotoxicity is a major mediator of CL pathology. When comparing the transcriptional profiles of lesions caused by either L. major or L. tropica, we found them to be very similar, the later presenting an aggravated inflammatory/cytotoxic profile. Finally, we identified genes positively correlated with the parasite load in lesions. Among others, these included Th2 or regulatory cytokines, such as IL4 or IL10. Remarkably, a single gene among our dataset, encoding for tryptophan-2,3-deoxygenase (TDO), presented a negative correlation with the parasite load, suggesting that its expression may restrict parasite numbers in lesions. In agreement, treatment of macrophages infected with L. major in vitro with a TDO inhibitor led to an increase in parasite transcripts. Our work provides new insights into the factors that impact CL pathology and identifies TDO as a restriction factor for cutaneous Leishmania.
- Published
- 2019
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5. Hemangioendotelioma epitelióide da pleura - Uma apresentação rara a propósito de um caso clínico Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma of the pleura - A rare presentation of a clinical case
- Author
Sónia André, Carla Valente, Benedita Paiva, Alice Pêgo, Lina Carvalho, and A Segorbe Luís
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Hemangioendotelioma ,tumor vascular ,pleura ,Haemangioendotelioma ,vascular tumour ,Diseases of the respiratory system ,RC705-779 - Abstract
O hemangioendotelioma epitelióide (HEE) é um tumor de origem vascular, de grau intermédio de malignidade, cuja apresentação primária na pleura é rara. Pelo reduzido número de casos descritos na literatura, os autores apresentam o caso de uma doente de 65 anos, que recorreu ao serviço de urgência por toracalgia à direita, com sete meses de evolução, na sequência de um traumatismo torácico. Radiologicamente apresentava sinais sugestivos de derrame pleural direito de volume moderado. A biópsia pleuropulmonar, efectuada por toracotomia, permitiu estabelecer o diagnóstico histológico de HEE da pleura. Atendendo ao estádio localmente avançado do tumor, a doente iniciou quimioterapia com carboplatina e etoposido, tendo falecido 6 meses após o diagnóstico. Constata-se, com este caso, que a manifestação pleural do HEE tem um comportamento agressivo, semelhante ao do angiossarcoma, com uma sobrevida de apenas alguns meses após o diagnóstico.Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma (EHE) is a vascular tumour with rare pleural presentation. As there are a small number of cases described in the literature the authors present the case of a 65-year old woman, who was admitted to the Emergency Department for a right-sided chest pain, which progressed over 7 months, after a thoracic trauma. The chest X-ray showed signs of a moderate right-sided pleural effusion. A pleural-pulmonary biopsy carried out by toracotomy established the histological diagnosis of EHE of the pleura. Due to the locally advanced stage of the tumour, chemotherapy with carboplatin and etoposide was prescribed and the patient died 6 months later. This case confirms that pleural EHE has an aggressive behaviour, similar to an angiossarcoma, with a median survival of only a few months after diagnosis.
- Published
- 2010
6. Linfangioleiomiomatose - A propósito de três casos clínicos Lymphangioleiomyomatosis - report of three cases
- Author
Carla Valente, Sónia André, Alexandra Catarino, Fátima Fradinho, Fernanda Gamboa, Mário Loureiro, and M Fontes Baganha
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Linfangioleiomiomatose ,complexo esclerose tuberosa ,Lymphangioleiomyomatosis ,tuberoussclerosis complex ,Diseases of the respiratory system ,RC705-779 - Abstract
A linfangioleiomiomatose (LAM) é uma doença rara, de etiologia desconhecida, caracterizada pela proliferação anormal de células musculares lisas nas regiões perilinfática, perivascular e peribrônquica. A LAM pode ocorrer esporadicamente ou associada ao complexo esclerose tuberosa (CET) e hamartose hereditária multiorgânica. Em ambas as situações a LAM afecta principalmente mulheres jovens em idade fértil, sendo que aproximadamente 1/3 das mulheres com CET têm LAM. A propósito desta patologia, os autores elaboram uma revisão da literatura e descrevem os casos clínicos de três doentes do sexo feminino com o diagnóstico de LAM com base nos achados clínicos e imagiológicos.Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease of unknown aetiology. It is characterized by proliferation of abnormal smooth-muscle cells throughout the peribronchial, perivascular and perilymphatic regions of the lung. LAM may occur sporadically, in association with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) or inheritable multiorgan hamartomatosis. In either situation, LAM occurs almost exclusively in women of reproductive age, and approximately one third of the patients with TSC have LAM. The authors review the cases of three female patients diagnosed with LAM based on clinical and radiological findings. A brief review of the disease is then presented.
- Published
- 2010
7. Pneumonia eosinofílica crónica idiopática: A propósito de um caso clínico Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia: A clinical case report
- Author
Carla Valente, Sónia André, Alexandra Catarino, Mário Loureiro, and M Fontes Baganha
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Pneumonia eosinofílica crónica idiopática ,corticoterapia ,Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia ,corticosteroid therapy ,Diseases of the respiratory system ,RC705-779 - Abstract
As pneumonias eosinofílicas constituem um grupo heterogéneo de quadros clínicos que podem comprometer unicamente as vias aéreas, o parênquima pulmonar, ou ambos, caracterizado pela presença de eosinofilia alveolar e infiltrados pulmonares, com ou sem evidência de eosinofilia no sangue periférico¹. A pneumonia eosinofílica crónica idiopática (PECI), descrita por Carrington5 em 1969, é uma doença pulmonar eosinofílica rara, de etiologia desconhecida, caracterizada por eosinofilia periférica, infiltrados pulmonares na telerradiografia torácica e excelente resposta à corticoterapia. A PECI afecta geralmente mulheres de meia idade, sendo os sintomas mais comuns a tosse, a dispneia, a febre e a perda de peso ². Os autores apresentam um caso de PECI numa mulher jovem, de 21 anos, raça caucasiana, não fumadora e sem antecedentes patológicos relevantes.The eosinophilic pneumonias are a heterogeneous group of pulmonary disorders, which may compromise only the air ways, the pulmonary parenchyma, or both, characterised by alveolar eosinophils and infiltration of pulmonary tissue, with or without peripheral blood eosinophilia¹. Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia (ICEP), detailed description was by Carrington5 in 1969, is a rare eosinophilic lung disease, of unknown aetiology, characterised by peripheral blood eosinophilia, chest radiograph infiltrates and prompt response to corticosteroid therapy. ICEP most commonly affects women of middle age and usual symptoms are cough, dyspnea, fever and weight loss². The authors present a case of ICEP in a young woman, 21 years old, non -smoker and previously healthy.
- Published
- 2008
8. Chemodiversity and antimicrobial activities of Eucalyptus spp. essential oils
- Author
Hajer Ammar, Yassine M’Rabet, Sawsan Hassan, Mireille Chahine, Mario de Haro-Marti, Walid Soufan, Sonia Andres, Secundino López, and Karim Hosni
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Eucalyptus spp. ,terpenes ,chemical polymorphism ,distinctive chemical markers ,antimicrobials ,Agriculture & Environmental Sciences ,Agriculture ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
The essential oils extracted from the leaves of five Eucalyptus species: E. astringens, E. camaldulensis, E. lehmannii, E. leucoxylon, and E. sideroxylon, were investigated for their antimicrobial properties. These species were growing in the same plantation area, exposed to identical conditions, and subjected to uniform agronomic practices. Processed and analyzed under consistent parameters, the essential oil yields ranged from 0.14 to 0.96% (w/w). Chromatographic analysis were resolved into 48 compounds, with 11 common to all oils. Terpenoids (oxygenated mono- and sesquiterpenes) dominated the oil profiles, constituting 55.66–76.67% of the composition. Major components identified included 1,8-cineole (21.97–50.93%), α-pinene (2.18–15.95%), p-cymene (0.83–15.94%), spathulenol (0–20.49%), globulol (4.09–14.26%), and aromadendrene (2.37–15.03%). Genetically driven interspecific variation in composition was observed through Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA), and heatmap clustering. Moreover, distinctive components were identified for each essential oil, offering a valuable tool for discriminating between Eucalyptus species and ensuring authentication and quality control in commercial samples. Results from antimicrobial disc-diffusion assays indicated robust antimicrobial activity in all essential oils, with those derived from E. camaldulensis, E. lehmannii, and E. leucoxylon exhibiting the highest effectiveness.
- Published
- 2024
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9. Non Invasive Ventilation in High Risk Infections
- Author
Maria Joana Pereira and Sónia André
- Published
- 2022
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10. Fission yeast Cdc14-like phosphatase Flp1/Clp1 modulates the transcriptional response to oxidative stress
- Author
Juan A. Canete, Sonia Andrés, Sofía Muñoz, Javier Zamarreño, Sergio Rodríguez, Helena Díaz-Cuervo, Avelino Bueno, and María P. Sacristán
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Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are an important source of cellular damage. When ROS intracellular levels increase, oxidative stress takes place affecting DNA stability and metabolic functions. To prevent these effects, stress-activated protein kinases (SAPKs) delay cell cycle progression and induce a transcriptional response that activates antioxidant mechanisms ensuring cell adaptation and survival. Fission yeast Cdc14-like phosphatase Flp1 (also known as Clp1) has a well-established role in cell cycle regulation. Moreover, Flp1 contributes to checkpoint activation during replication stress. Here, we show that Flp1 has a role in fine-tuning the cellular oxidative stress response. Phosphorylation-dependent nucleolar release of Flp1 in response to oxidative stress conditions plays a role in the cellular transcriptional response. Thus, Flp1 ablation increases the transcriptional response to oxidative stress, in both intensity and duration, upregulating both Atf1/Pcr1- and Pap1-dependent stress induced genes. Remarkably, we found that Flp1 interacts with the Atf1/Pcr1 complex with Pcr1 acting as a direct substrate. Our results provide evidence that Flp1 modulates the oxidative stress response by limiting the Atf1/Pcr1-mediated transcription.
- Published
- 2023
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11. T4 apoptosis in the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection predicts long COVID
- Author
Renaud Cezar, Lucy Kundura, Sonia André, Claire Lozano, Thierry Vincent, Laurent Muller, Jean-Yves Lefrant, Claire Roger, Pierre-Géraud Claret, Sandra Duvnjak, Paul Loubet, Albert Sotto, Tu-Ahn Tran, Jérôme Estaquier, and Pierre Corbeau
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programmed cell death ,post-acute COVID-19 syndrome ,immune activation ,helper T lymphocyte ,SARS-CoV-2 infection sequelae ,Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 - Abstract
BackgroundAs about 10% of patients with COVID-19 present sequelae, it is important to better understand the physiopathology of so-called long COVID.MethodTo this aim, we recruited 29 patients hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection and, by Luminex®, quantified 19 soluble factors in their plasma and in the supernatant of their peripheral blood mononuclear cells, including inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines, Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines, and endothelium activation markers. We also measured their T4, T8 and NK differentiation, activation, exhaustion and senescence, T cell apoptosis, and monocyte subpopulations by flow cytometry. We compared these markers between participants who developed long COVID or not one year later.ResultsNone of these markers was predictive for sequelae, except programmed T4 cell death. T4 lymphocytes from participants who later presented long COVID were more apoptotic in culture than those of sequelae-free participants at Month 12 (36.9 ± 14.7 vs. 24.2 ± 9.0%, p = 0.016).ConclusionsOur observation raises the hypothesis that T4 cell death during the acute phase of SARS-CoV-2 infection might pave the way for long COVID. Mechanistically, T4 lymphopenia might favor phenomena that could cause sequelae, including SARS-CoV-2 persistence, reactivation of other viruses, autoimmunity and immune dysregulation. In this scenario, inhibiting T cell apoptosis, for instance, by caspase inhibitors, could prevent long COVID.
- Published
- 2024
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12. The CD44std and CD44v9 subpopulations in non-tumorigenic invasive SNU-423 cells present different features of cancer stem cells
- Author
Mario Alejandro Aguilar-Chaparro, Sonia Andrea Rivera-Pineda, Hury Viridiana Hernández-Galdámez, Carolina Piña-Vázquez, and Saúl Villa-Treviño
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Hepatocellular carcinoma ,Cancer stem cells ,CD44 standard ,CD44 variant 9 ,Magnetic Activated Cell Sorting ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a type of liver cancer, in which CD44 isoforms have been proposed as markers to identify cancer stem cells (CSCs). However, it is unclear what characteristics are associated with CSCs that exclusively express CD44 isoforms. The objective of the present study was to determine the expression of CD44 isoforms and their properties in CSCs. Analysis of transcriptomic data from HCC patient samples identified CD44v8-10 as a potential marker in HCC. In SNU-423 cells, CD44 expression was detected in over 99% of cells, and two CD44 isoforms, namely, CD44std and CD44v9, were identified in this cell line. CD44 subpopulations, including both CD44v9+ (CD44v9) and CD44v9- (CD44std) cells, were obtained by purification using a magnetic cell separation kit for human CD44v9+ cancer stem cells. CD44v9 cells showed greater potential for colony and spheroid formation, whereas CD44std cells demonstrated significant migration and invasion capabilities. These findings suggested that CD44std and CD44v9 may be used to identify features in CSC populations and provide insights into their roles in HCC.
- Published
- 2023
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13. Effects of Thymbra capitata essential oil on in vitro fermentation end-products and ruminal bacterial communities
- Author
María José Ranilla, Sonia Andrés, Chiara Gini, Filippo Biscarini, Cristina Saro, Alba Martín, Iván Mateos, Secundino López, F. Javier Giráldez, Latifa Abdennebi-Najar, David Pereira, Hanen Falleh, Riadh Ksouri, Paola Cremonesi, Bianca Castiglioni, and Fabrizio Ceciliani
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Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract An in vitro trial was carried out to investigate the effects of natural Thymbra capitata essential oil (NEO) and its main compounds [including carvacrol, p-cymene, γ-terpinene given alone or in a synthetic combination (SEO)] on ruminal fermentation and the bacterial community using batch cultures inoculated with ruminal digesta and incubating two different basal diets [high-forage (F) and high-concentrate (C) diet]. After 24 h of incubation, primary fermentation end-products [gas, methane, volatile fatty acids (VFAs) and ammonia] and rumen microbial diversity were determined. NEO reduced the total VFA concentration (P 0.05) by any of the experimental treatments or diets evaluated. Microbial diversity analysis showed only a moderate effect of carvacrol and SEO on 13 genera, including, mainly, Atopobium and Blautia (involved in subacute ruminal acidosis) or Candidatus Saccharimonas (related to laminitis). In conclusion, T. capitata EO has a limited potential to attain nutritional or environmental benefits, but further research should be carried out to clarify its effects on animal health and microbial food safety.
- Published
- 2023
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14. Microbial community in resistant and susceptible Churra sheep infected by Teladorsagia circumcincta
- Author
Verónica Castilla Gómez de Agüero, Cristina Esteban-Blanco, Héctor Argüello, Elora Valderas-García, Sonia Andrés, Rafael Balaña-Fouce, Juan José Arranz, Beatriz Gutiérrez-Gil, and María Martínez-Valladares
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Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Abstract Gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) are a major threat to health and welfare in small ruminants worldwide. Teladorsagia circumcincta is a nematode that inhabits the abomasum of sheep, especially in temperate regions, causing important economic losses. Given that T. circumcincta and microbiome share the same niche, interactions between them and the host are expected. Although it is known that within a sheep breed there are animals that are more resistant than others to infection by GIN, it is not known if the microbiome influences the phenotype of these animals. Under this condition, 12 sheep were classified according to their cumulative faecal egg count (cFEC) at the end of a first experimental infection, 6 as resistant group (RG) and 6 as susceptible group (SG) to T. circumcincta infection. Then, all sheep were experimentally infected with 70,000 L3 of T. circumcincta and at day 7 days post-infection were euthanized. At necropsy, gastric mucosa and gastric content from abomasum were collected to extract bacterial DNA and sequence V3-V4 region from 16S rRNA gene using Ilumina technology. After bioanalysis performed, results showed that α-diversity and β-diversity remained similar in both groups. However, resistant phenotype sheep showed a higher number of bacteria butyrate-fermenting species as Clostridium sensu stricto 1 (abundance in RG: 1.29% and in SG: 0.069%; p = 0.05), and Turicibacter (abundance in RG: 0.31% and in SG: 0.027%; p = 0.07) in gastric content but also Serratia spp in gastric mucosa (abundance in RG: 0.12% and in SG: 0.041%; p = 0.07). A trend towards a significant negative correlation between cFEC and Clostridium sensu stricto 1 abundance in gastric content was detected (r = − 0.537; p = 0.08). These data suggest that microbiome composition could be another factor associated with the development of the resistant phenotype modifying the interaction with the host and the in last instance affecting the individual risk of infection.
- Published
- 2022
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15. Low quantity and quality of anti-spike humoral response is linked to CD4 T-cell apoptosis in COVID-19 patients
- Author
Sonia André, Marne Azarias da Silva, Morgane Picard, Aurélie Alleaume-Buteau, Lucy Kundura, Renaud Cezar, Calaiselvy Soudaramourty, Santa Cruz André, Ana Mendes-Frias, Alexandre Carvalho, Carlos Capela, Jorge Pedrosa, António Gil Castro, Paul Loubet, Albert Sotto, Laurent Muller, Jean-Yves Lefrant, Claire Roger, Pierre-Géraud Claret, Sandra Duvnjak, Tu-Anh Tran, Ouafa Zghidi-Abouzid, Pierre Nioche, Ricardo Silvestre, Pierre Corbeau, Fabrizio Mammano, and Jérôme Estaquier
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Cytology ,QH573-671 - Abstract
Abstract In addition to an inflammatory reaction, Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)-infected patients present lymphopenia, which we recently reported as being related to abnormal programmed cell death. As an efficient humoral response requires CD4 T-cell help, we hypothesized that the propensity of CD4 T cells to die may impact the quantity and quality of the humoral response in acutely infected individuals. In addition to specific immunoglobulins (Ig)A, IgM, and IgG against SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N), membrane (M), and spike (S1) proteins, we assessed the quality of IgG response by measuring the avidity index. Because the S protein represents the main target for neutralization and antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity responses, we also analyzed anti-S-specific IgG using S-transfected cells (S-Flow). Our results demonstrated that most COVID-19 patients have a predominant IgA anti-N humoral response during the early phase of infection. This specific humoral response preceded the anti-S1 in time and magnitude. The avidity index of anti-S1 IgG was low in acutely infected individuals compared to convalescent patients. We showed that the percentage of apoptotic CD4 T cells is inversely correlated with the levels of specific IgG antibodies. These lower levels were also correlated positively with plasma levels of CXCL10, a marker of disease severity, and soluble Fas ligand that contributes to T-cell death. Finally, we found lower S-Flow responses in patients with higher CD4 T-cell apoptosis. Altogether, these results demonstrate that individuals with high levels of CD4 T-cell apoptosis and CXCL10 have a poor ability to build an efficient anti-S response. Consequently, preventing CD4 T-cell death might be a strategy for improving humoral response during the acute phase, thereby reducing COVID-19 pathogenicity.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Conventional Feed-Grade or Slow-Release Coated Urea as Sources of Dietary Nitrogen for Fattening Lambs
- Author
Cristina Saro, Miguel Alonso Degeneffe, Sonia Andrés, Javier Mateo, Irma Caro, Lorena López-Ferreras, Egon Henrique Horst, Secundino López, and Francisco Javier Giráldez
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Assaf ,type of urea ,feed efficiency ,fermentation ,carcass ,meat ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Twenty-two Assaf male lambs (29.2 ± 0.9 kg live weight and 89 ± 0.2 days of age), distributed in two experimental groups, were used to evaluate the use of either feed-grade conventional urea (Control diet; n = 11) or slow-release urea (SRU diet; n = 11) as sources of dietary nitrogen on animal performance, ruminal fermentation, blood acid-base status, plasmatic metabolic profile, and carcass and meat quality. Animals were housed individually and fed ad libitum. At the end of the fattening period (day 70), the animals were slaughtered to compare the fermentation patterns in ruminal digesta and to evaluate the carcass and meat characteristics. No statistically significant differences (p > 0.05) were observed between treatments in the dry matter intake, final live weight, average daily gain, and feed conversion rate. Regarding the ruminal fermentation parameters, the molar proportion of propionic acid was higher (p < 0.05) and that of butyric acid was lower (p < 0.05) with the SRU than with the Control diet. There were no significant differences (p > 0.05) between experimental treatments in the blood acid-base status and biochemical profile, except for the concentration of urea in plasma, which was significantly (p < 0. 05) greater in SRU than in Control lambs. No statistically significant differences were observed between treatments (p > 0.05) in the carcass and meat characteristics. In conclusion, the use of slow-release urea as a replacement for feed-grade conventional urea in the diet of Assaf fattening lambs, under the experimental conditions of this study, did not improve animal performance and increased the feeding costs.
- Published
- 2023
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17. Low perforin expression in CD8+ T lymphocytes during the acute phase of severe SARS-CoV-2 infection predicts long COVID
- Author
Lucy Kundura, Renaud Cezar, Sonia André, Mauricio Campos-Mora, Claire Lozano, Thierry Vincent, Laurent Muller, Jean-Yves Lefrant, Claire Roger, Pierre-Géraud Claret, Sandra Duvnjak, Paul Loubet, Albert Sotto, Tu-Ahn Tran, Jérôme Estaquier, and Pierre Corbeau
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perforin ,T lymphocytes ,COVID-19 ,SARS-CoV-2 ,cytotoxicity ,sequelae ,Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 - Abstract
T cell cytotoxicity plays a major role in antiviral immunity. Anti-SARS-CoV-2 immunity may determine acute disease severity, but also the potential persistence of symptoms (long COVID). We therefore measured the expression of perforin, a cytotoxic mediator, in T cells of patients recently hospitalized for SARS-CoV-2 infection. We recruited 54 volunteers confirmed as being SARS-CoV-2-infected by RT-PCR and admitted to Intensive Care Units (ICUs) or non-ICU, and 29 age- and sex-matched healthy controls (HCs). Amounts of intracellular perforin and granzyme-B, as well as cell surface expression of the degranulation marker CD107A were determined by flow cytometry. The levels of 15 cytokines in plasma were measured by Luminex. The frequency of perforin-positive T4 cells and T8 cells was higher in patients than in HCs (9.9 ± 10.1% versus 4.6 ± 6.4%, p = 0.006 and 46.7 ± 20.6% vs 33.3 ± 18.8%, p = 0.004, respectively). Perforin expression was neither correlated with clinical and biological markers of disease severity nor predictive of death. By contrast, the percentage of perforin-positive T8 cells in the acute phase of the disease predicted the onset of long COVID one year later. A low T8 cytotoxicity in the first days of SARS-CoV-2 infection might favor virus replication and persistence, autoimmunity, and/or reactivation of other viruses such as Epstein-Barr virus or cytomegalovirus, paving the way for long COVID. Under this hypothesis, boosting T cell cytotoxicity during the acute phase of the infection could prevent delayed sequelae.
- Published
- 2022
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18. Tacrine and its analogues impair mitochondrial function and bioenergetics: a lipidomic analysis in rat brain
- Author
Maria Rosário Domingues, Tânia Melo, Sónia André, Lígia M. Rodrigues, Romeu A. Videira, Francisco Peixoto, Elisabete Maciel, M. Manuel Oliveira, Carla S. Francisco, and Ana M. F. Oliveira-Campos
- Subjects
Phosphatidylethanolamine ,0303 health sciences ,biology ,ATPase ,Pharmacology ,Mitochondrion ,Biochemistry ,Acetylcholinesterase ,3. Good health ,03 medical and health sciences ,Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,chemistry ,Tacrine ,Cardiolipin ,medicine ,biology.protein ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery ,Butyrylcholinesterase ,030304 developmental biology ,medicine.drug ,Cholinesterase - Abstract
Tacrine is an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor used as a cognitive enhancer in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, its low therapeutic efficiency and a high incidence of side effects have limited its clinical use. In this study, the molecular mechanisms underlying the impact on brain activity of tacrine and two novel tacrine analogues (T1, T2) were approached by focusing on three aspects: (i) their effects on brain cholinesterase activity; (ii) perturbations on electron transport chain enzymes activities of non-synaptic brain mitochondria; and (iii) the role of mitochondrial lipidome changes induced by these compounds on mitochondrial bioenergetics. Brain effects were evaluated 18 h after the administration of a single dose (75.6 μmol/kg) of tacrine or tacrine analogues. The three compounds promoted a significant reduction in brain AChE and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activities. Additionally, tacrine was shown to be more efficient in brain AChE inhibition than T2 tacrine analogue and less active than T1 tacrine analogue, whereas BuChE inhibition followed the order: T1 > T2 > tacrine. The studies using non-synaptic brain mitochondria show that all the compounds studied disturbed brain mitochondrial bioenergetics mainly via the inhibition of complex I activity. Furthermore, the activity of complex IV is also affected by tacrine and T1 treatments while FoF(1) -ATPase is only affected by tacrine. Therefore, the compounds' toxicity as regards brain mitochondria, which follows the order: tacrine >> T1 > T2, does not correlate with their ability to inhibit brain cholinesterase enzymes. Lipidomics approaches show that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the most abundant phospholipids (PL) class in non-synaptic brain mitochondria and cardiolipin (CL) present the greatest diversity of molecular species. Tacrine induced significant perturbations in the mitochondrial PL profile, which were detected by means of changes in the relative abundance of phosphatidylcholine (PC), PE, phosphatidylinositol (PI) and CL and by the presence of oxidized phosphatidylserines. Additionally, in both the T1 and T2 groups, the lipid content and molecular composition of brain mitochondria PL are perturbed to a lesser extent than in the tacrine group. Abnormalities in CL content and the amount of oxidized phosphatidylserines were associated with significant reductions in mitochondrial enzymes activities, mainly complex I. These results indicate that tacrine and its analogues impair mitochondrial function and bioenergetics, thus compromising the activity of brain cells.
- Published
- 2012
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19. Tacrine and its analogues impair mitochondrial function and bioenergetics: a lipidomic analysis in rat brain
- Author
Tânia, Melo, Romeu A, Videira, Sónia, André, Elisabete, Maciel, Carla S, Francisco, Ana M, Oliveira-Campos, Lígia M, Rodrigues, Maria R M, Domingues, Francisco, Peixoto, and M, Manuel Oliveira
- Subjects
Adenosine Triphosphatases ,Male ,Spectrometry, Mass, Electrospray Ionization ,Electron Transport Complex I ,Liver Diseases ,Brain ,Mitochondria ,Rats ,Disease Models, Animal ,Random Allocation ,Butyrylcholinesterase ,Tacrine ,Animals ,Cholinesterases ,Cholinesterase Inhibitors ,Chromatography, Thin Layer ,Rats, Wistar ,Energy Metabolism ,Phospholipids - Abstract
Tacrine is an acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor used as a cognitive enhancer in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). However, its low therapeutic efficiency and a high incidence of side effects have limited its clinical use. In this study, the molecular mechanisms underlying the impact on brain activity of tacrine and two novel tacrine analogues (T1, T2) were approached by focusing on three aspects: (i) their effects on brain cholinesterase activity; (ii) perturbations on electron transport chain enzymes activities of non-synaptic brain mitochondria; and (iii) the role of mitochondrial lipidome changes induced by these compounds on mitochondrial bioenergetics. Brain effects were evaluated 18 h after the administration of a single dose (75.6 μmol/kg) of tacrine or tacrine analogues. The three compounds promoted a significant reduction in brain AChE and butyrylcholinesterase (BuChE) activities. Additionally, tacrine was shown to be more efficient in brain AChE inhibition than T2 tacrine analogue and less active than T1 tacrine analogue, whereas BuChE inhibition followed the order: T1T2tacrine. The studies using non-synaptic brain mitochondria show that all the compounds studied disturbed brain mitochondrial bioenergetics mainly via the inhibition of complex I activity. Furthermore, the activity of complex IV is also affected by tacrine and T1 treatments while FoF(1) -ATPase is only affected by tacrine. Therefore, the compounds' toxicity as regards brain mitochondria, which follows the order: tacrineT1T2, does not correlate with their ability to inhibit brain cholinesterase enzymes. Lipidomics approaches show that phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the most abundant phospholipids (PL) class in non-synaptic brain mitochondria and cardiolipin (CL) present the greatest diversity of molecular species. Tacrine induced significant perturbations in the mitochondrial PL profile, which were detected by means of changes in the relative abundance of phosphatidylcholine (PC), PE, phosphatidylinositol (PI) and CL and by the presence of oxidized phosphatidylserines. Additionally, in both the T1 and T2 groups, the lipid content and molecular composition of brain mitochondria PL are perturbed to a lesser extent than in the tacrine group. Abnormalities in CL content and the amount of oxidized phosphatidylserines were associated with significant reductions in mitochondrial enzymes activities, mainly complex I. These results indicate that tacrine and its analogues impair mitochondrial function and bioenergetics, thus compromising the activity of brain cells.
- Published
- 2011
20. [Lymphangioleiomyomatosis - report of three cases]
- Author
Carla, Valente, Sónia, André, Alexandra, Catarino, Fátima, Fradinho, Fernanda, Gamboa, Mário, Loureiro, and M, Fontes Baganha
- Subjects
Adult ,Lung Neoplasms ,Humans ,Female ,Lymphangioleiomyomatosis ,Middle Aged - Abstract
Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease of unknown aetiology. It is characterized by proliferation of abnormal smooth -muscle cells throughout the peribronchial, perivascular and perilymphatic regions of the lung. LAM may occur sporadically, in association with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) or inheritable multiorgan hamartomatosis. In either situation, LAM occurs almost exclusively in women of reproductive age, and approximately one third of the patients with TSC have LAM2. The authors review the cases of three female patients diagnosed with LAM based on clinical and radiological findings. A brief review of the disease is then presented.
- Published
- 2010
21. Linfangioleiomiomatose - A propósito de três casos clínicos
- Author
M. Fontes Baganha, Fernanda Gamboa, Mário Loureiro, Fátima Fradinho, Sónia André, Alexandra Catarino, and Carla Valente
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,Pathology ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Reproductive age ,Disease ,tuberous sclerosis complex ,Tuberous sclerosis ,immune system diseases ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,Female patient ,Materials Chemistry ,Medicine ,Lymphangioleiomyomatosis ,lcsh:RC705-779 ,complexo esclerose tuberosa ,Linfangioleiomiomatose ,Lung ,business.industry ,tuberoussclerosis complex ,lcsh:Diseases of the respiratory system ,bacterial infections and mycoses ,medicine.disease ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis ,lipids (amino acids, peptides, and proteins) ,business ,Rare disease - Abstract
Resumo: A linfangioleiomiomatose (LAM) é uma doença rara, de etiologia desconhecida, caracterizada pela proliferação anormal de células musculares lisas nas regiões perilinfática, perivascular e peribrônquica.A LAM pode ocorrer esporadicamente ou associada ao complexo esclerose tuberosa (CET) e hamartose hereditária multiorgânica1.Em ambas as situações a LAM afecta principalmente mulheres jovens em idade fértil, sendo que aproximadamente 1/3 das mulheres com CET têm LAM2.A propósito desta patologia, os autores elaboram uma revisão da literatura e descrevem os casos clÃnicos de três doentes do sexo feminino com o diagnóstico de LAM com base nos achados clÃnicos e imagiológicos.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (1): 187-196 Abstract: Pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM) is a rare disease of unknown aetiology. It is characterized by proliferation of abnormal smooth-muscle cells throughout the peribronchial, perivascular and perilymphatic regions of the lung.LAM may occur sporadically, in association with tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) or inheritable multiorgan hamartomatosis 1.In either situation, LAM occurs almost exclusively in women of reproductive age, and approximately one third of the patients with TSC have LAM2.The authors review the cases of three female patients diagnosed with LAM based on clinical and radiological findings.A brief review of the disease is then presented.Rev Port Pneumol 2010; XVI (1): 187-196 Palavras-chave: Linfangioleiomiomatose, complexo esclerose tuberosa, Key-words: Lymphangioleiomyomatosis, tuberous sclerosis complex
- Published
- 2010
22. [Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia--a clinical case report]
- Author
Carla, Valente, Sónia, André, Alexandra, Catarino, Mário, Loureiro, and M, Fontes Baganha
- Subjects
Adult ,Chronic Disease ,Humans ,Female ,Pulmonary Eosinophilia - Abstract
The eosinophilic pneumonias are a heterogeneous group of pulmonary disorders, which may compromise only the air ways, the pulmonary parenchyma, or both, characterised by alveolar eosinophils and infiltration of pulmonary tissue, with or without peripheral blood eosinophilia. Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia (ICEP), detailed description was by Carrington in 1969, is a rare eosinophilic lung disease, of unknown aetiology, characterised by peripheral blood eosinophilia, chest radiograph infiltrates and prompt response to corticosteroid therapy. ICEP most commonly affects women of middle age and usual symptoms are cough, dyspnea, fever and weight loss. The authors present a case of ICEP in a young woman, 21 years old, non-smoker and previously healthy.
- Published
- 2008
23. Pneumonia eosinofílica crónica idiopática: A propósito de um caso clínico
- Author
M. Fontes Baganha, Mário Loureiro, Alexandra Catarino, Sónia André, and Carla Valente
- Subjects
Pulmonary and Respiratory Medicine ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Pathology ,corticosteroid therapy ,Disease ,Gastroenterology ,Internal medicine ,Eosinophilic ,corticoterapia ,Materials Chemistry ,Idiopathic chronic eosinophilic pneumonia ,medicine ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,respiratory system ,medicine.disease ,Dermatology ,Middle age ,Peripheral blood ,respiratory tract diseases ,Corticosteroid therapy ,Pneumonia eosinofílica crónica idiopática ,Clinical case ,Chest radiograph ,business ,Infiltration (medical) ,Pulmonary disorders - Abstract
As pneumonias eosinofílicas constituem um grupo heterogéneo de quadros clínicos que podem comprometer unicamente as vias aéreas, o parênquima pulmonar, ou ambos, caracterizado pela presença de eosinofilia alveolar e infiltrados pulmonares, com ou sem evidência de eosinofilia no sangue periférico¹. A pneumonia eosinofílica crónica idiopática (PECI), descrita por Carrington5 em 1969, é uma doença pulmonar eosinofílica rara, de etiologia desconhecida, caracterizada por eosinofilia periférica, infiltrados pulmonares na telerradiografia torácica e excelente resposta à corticoterapia. A PECI afecta geralmente mulheres de meia idade, sendo os sintomas mais comuns a tosse, a dispneia, a febre e a perda de peso ². Os autores apresentam um caso de PECI numa mulher jovem, de 21 anos, raça caucasiana, não fumadora e sem antecedentes patológicos relevantes. The eosinophilic pneumonias are a heterogeneous group of pulmonary disorders, which may compromise only the air ways, the pulmonary parenchyma, or both, characterised by alveolar eosinophils and infiltration of pulmonary tissue, with or without peripheral blood eosinophilia¹. Idiopathic Chronic Eosinophilic Pneumonia (ICEP), detailed description was by Carrington5 in 1969, is a rare eosinophilic lung disease, of unknown aetiology, characterised by peripheral blood eosinophilia, chest radiograph infiltrates and prompt response to corticosteroid therapy. ICEP most commonly affects women of middle age and usual symptoms are cough, dyspnea, fever and weight loss². The authors present a case of ICEP in a young woman, 21 years old, non -smoker and previously healthy.
- Published
- 2008
24. Descripción de la disponibilidad y normas para el uso de las benzodiacepinas en algunos países de América Latina, 2022
- Author
Noelia Speranza Mourine, Stephanie Viroga Espino, Sonia Andrea Naeko Uema, Fátima Pimentel Montero, Dulce María Calvo Barbado, Martín Cañás, María Francisca Aldunate, Mario Alberto Ramírez Camacho, and Pamela Alejandra Escalante Saavedra
- Subjects
Introducción: las benzodiacepinas constituyen un grupo farmacológico de amplia prescripción a nivel mundial desde su aparición en la década de 1960. El objetivo del presente estudio fue identificar la disponibilidad, las modalidades de prescripción y dispensación de benzodiacepinas en diferentes países de América Latina, según reglamentación vigente en cada país participante del estudio. Materiales y métodos: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, realizado con los datos disponibles al año 2022 de todos los países miembros de la Red de Centros de Información de Medicamentos de LatinoAmérica y el Caribe (Red CIMLAC) que fueron parte del estudio. Se utilizaron las bases de datos de las agencias regulatorias, la reglamentación vigente y otros documentos necesarios para obtener la información sobre la dispensación y prescripción en cada país. Resultados: doce de los 20 países de la Red CIMLAC completaron el estudio. El total de benzodiacepinas disponible en cada país varió entre 6 y 12 (media: 9). De ellas, en promedio 5 estaban incluidas en listados de medicamentos esenciales nacionales. La mayoría de los países cuentan con combinaciones a dosis fijas con benzodiacepinas. En todos los países se realiza la prescripción por receta especial. Más de la mitad de los países cuentan con recomendaciones nacionales. Conclusiones: la amplia disponibilidad de benzodiacepinas comercializadas, la existencia de combinaciones a dosis fijas y la falta de recomendaciones nacionales pueden ser factores que contribuyan al uso irracional de este grupo terapéutico.
- Published
- 2022
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25. Immersing fresh chicken into an aqueous hop (Humulus lupulus) extract to delay spoilage during vacuum refrigerated storage
- Author
Corina Nieto, Diego E. Carballo, Irma Caro, Emiliano J. Quinto, Sonia Andrés, and Javier Mateo
- Subjects
hops ,natural antimicrobial ,lactic acid bacteria ,microbial spoilage ,shelf life ,Nutrition. Foods and food supply ,TX341-641 ,Food processing and manufacture ,TP368-456 - Abstract
Fresh chicken meat is a highly perishable product. The effect of immersing chicken breast in an aqueous hop extract (2 g/L) for 18 h at 2°C prior to being vacuum packed, on the growth of spoilage bacteria during a 35-day refrigerated storage period was evaluated in triplicate. The hop extract immersion treatment resulted in a significant decrease (p < 0.05) in lactic acid bacteria counts during the first storage weeks and in Brochothrix thermosphacta counts from day 21 to 35. No effect could be observed on the Enterobacteriaceae growth. A triangle test analysis (54 consumers) tasting hop-extract-immersed vs water-immersed chicken breast showed no differences in cooked chicken flavor. The use of hop extract could increase the shelf life of vacuum-packed fresh chicken without affecting palatability.
- Published
- 2020
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26. Dietary Administration of L-Carnitine During the Fattening Period of Early Feed Restricted Lambs Modifies Ruminal Fermentation but Does Not Improve Feed Efficiency
- Author
Alba Martín, F. Javier Giráldez, Paola Cremonesi, Bianca Castiglioni, Filippo Biscarini, Fabrizio Ceciliani, Nuria Santos, and Sonia Andrés
- Subjects
feed efficiency ,lamb ,residual feed intake ,L-Carnitine ,ruminal fermentation ,microbiota ,Physiology ,QP1-981 - Abstract
Early feed restriction of lambs may program animals to achieve reduced feed efficiency traits as a consequence of permanent mitochondrial dysfunction. The hypothesis at the background of the present study is that dietary administration of L-Carnitine (a compound that promotes the activation and transportation of fatty acids into the mitochondria) during the fattening period of early feed restricted lambs can: (a) improve the biochemical profile of early feed restricted lambs, (b) improve feed efficiency, (c) modulate the ruminal and intestinal microbiota, and (d) induce changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa, including the immune status. Twenty-two newborn male Merino lambs were raised under natural conditions but separated from the dams for 9 h daily to allow feed restriction during the suckling period. At weaning, lambs were assigned to a control group being fed ad libitum a complete pelleted diet during the fattening phase (CTRL, n = 11), whereas the second group (CARN, n = 11) received the same diet supplemented with 3 g of L-Carnitine/kg diet. The results revealed that even though L-Carnitine was absorbed, feed efficiency was not modified by dietary L-Carnitine during the fattening period (residual feed intake, p > 0.05), whereas ruminal fermentation was improved [total short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), 113 vs. 154 mmol/l; p = 0.036]. Moreover, a trend toward increased concentration of butyrate in the ileal content (0.568 vs. 1.194 mmol/100 ml SCFA; p = 0.074) was observed. Other effects, such as reduced heart weight, lower levels of markers related to muscle metabolism or damage, improved renal function, and increased ureagenesis, were detected in the CARN group. Limited changes in the microbiota were also detected. These findings suggest that L-Carnitine may improve ruminal fermentation parameters and maintain both the balance of gut microbiota and the health of the animals. However, the improved ruminal fermentation and the consequent greater accumulation of intramuscular fat might have hidden the effects caused by the ability of dietary L-Carnitine to increase fatty acid oxidation at the mitochondrial level. This would explain the lack of effects of L-Carnitine supplementation on feed efficiency and points toward the need of testing lower doses, probably in the context of animals being fed in excess non-protein nitrogen.
- Published
- 2022
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27. Differential Diet and pH Effects on Ruminal Microbiota, Fermentation Pattern and Fatty Acid Hydrogenation in RUSITEC Continuous Cultures
- Author
Julio Ernesto Vargas, Lorena López-Ferreras, Sonia Andrés, Iván Mateos, Egon Henrique Horst, and Secundino López
- Subjects
rumen ,RUSITEC ,in vitro ,continuous cultures ,forage ,concentrate ,Fermentation industries. Beverages. Alcohol ,TP500-660 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to distinguish effects due to diet composition from those triggered by ruminal pH on fermentation patterns and microbial profiles in a continuous culture system (RUSITEC). The study followed a 2 × 2 factorial design, with two diets varying in the proportions of forage and concentrate and two pH levels in the culture medium. RUSITEC fermenters were used to simulate rumen fermentation and feed digestibility, fermentation end-products, microbial protein synthesis, microbial community, and long-chain fatty acid profiles in the digesta were determined. Multivariate analyses were applied to summarize the overall results. High concentrate (34% cereal grain, 32% hay) diets were more digestible (p < 0.05) than high forage (10% cereal grain, 78% hay) diets, resulting in a greater (p < 0.05) formation of most fermentation end-products and microbial protein in the rumen. However, there were no significant (p > 0.05) differences between diets in methane production. Ciliate protozoa, anaerobic fungi, some fibrolytic bacteria, hydrogenation of oleic acid, and relative proportion of conjugated linoleic acid were increased (p < 0.05) with high forage diets. A decline in rumen pH from 6.8 to 6.4 decreased (p < 0.05) feed digestibility, protein degradability, and the daily outputs of some fermentation end-products (gas, VFA, acetate, ammonia) but had no effect (p > 0.05) on the synthesis of microbial protein, and on the output of methane, propionate, butyrate or lactate. Minor changes in microbial community profile or the fatty acid relative proportions were observed within this pH range. The overall multivariate analysis revealed a clear discrimination between high-concentrate and high-forage diets, with subtler and less-defined pH effects on ruminal fermentation and microbial communities.
- Published
- 2023
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28. Lipid Characteristics of the Muscle and Perirenal Fat in Young Tudanca Bulls Fed on Different Levels of Grass Silage
- Author
Javier Mateo, Irma Caro, Sergio Soto, Sonia Andrés, Rocío Aláiz-Rodríguez, and Emma Serrano
- Subjects
authentication ,beef ,fat-soluble vitamins ,fatty acids ,feeding system ,volatile compounds ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Beef derived from grass-fed cattle is a specific quality criterion. The effect of grass silage intake on quality characteristics, i.e., fatty acids, fat-soluble vitamins, and lipid-derived volatile composition of intramuscular and perirenal fat from fattening bull weaners were studied. Visible (VIS) and near-infrared (NIR) spectra were also obtained from perirenal fat. Perirenal fat analysis was performed for feeding differentiation purposes. A total of 22 Tudanca breed 11-month-aged bulls were finished on three different diets: grass silage and a commercial concentrate ad libitum (GS-AC), grass silage ad libitum and the commercial concentrate restricted to half of the intake of the GS-AC group (GS-LC), and barley straw and concentrate ad libitum (Str-AC). Feeding had a significant effect (p < 0.05) on γ-linolenic acid and the ratio n-6/n-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, β-carotene content was greater in beef from silage groups than in the Str-AC group. Feeding also affected the perirenal fat composition. Beef from silage-fed bulls and straw-fed bulls could be differentiated by fatty acid percentages, especially 18:0, t-18:1, and c9-18:1, β-carotene content, b* colour value, and carotenoid colour index. However, the VIS or NIR spectra data showed poor differentiating performance, and the volatile composition did not have appreciable differentiation power.
- Published
- 2023
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29. The Role of Feed Restriction on DNA Methylation, Feed Efficiency, Metabolome, Biochemical Profile, and Progesterone Patterns in the Female Filial Generation (F1) Obtained From Early Feed Restricted Ewes (F0)
- Author
Sonia Andrés, Ole Madsen, Olimpio Montero, Alba Martín, and F. Javier Giráldez
- Subjects
feed efficiency ,nutritional programming ,feed restriction ,progesterone ,cholic acid ,metabolomics ,Physiology ,QP1-981 - Abstract
Deficient management of replacement animals in the farm during early developmental windows may promote adverse programming effects on reproductive traits and subsequent transmission to the next generation. In this sense, DNA methylation profiles allow researchers to decode epigenetic regulation mechanisms in mammals and identify novel candidate genes correlated with phenotype differences in both dams and offspring. Therefore, improving knowledge in the field of epigenetics and intergenerational effects caused by prenatal and postnatal early nutritional events (e.g., feed restriction) is crucial for refining strategies dedicated to animal breeding. In this study, we determined differences in the global blood methylation patterns, biochemical profile, and metabolome of ewe lambs (F1) born from either early feed restricted dams (F0-RES) or fed ad libitum (F0-ADL). Our data show that functional categories such as those related to cellular processes, phosphorylation, nervous system, immunity response, or reproductive function were enriched significantly in the F1-RES lambs due to differences in the methylation of genes in these categories. These F1-RES lambs did not show differences in feed efficiency during the replacement period but presented higher levels of insulin and triglycerides and reduced concentration of progesterone, whereas the metabolome profile demonstrated variations in the bile acid composition when compared with the F1-ADL lambs. Taken together, all these results suggest that intergenerational effects caused by early feed restriction of dams (F0) may persist in the F1 female lambs with negative consequences on genes involved in cellular processes and reproductive traits.
- Published
- 2021
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30. In Vitro Screening of the Foliage of Eucalyptus Species Harvested in Different Seasons for Modulating Rumen Fermentation and Methane Production
- Author
Egon Henrique Horst, Hajer Ammar, Mohamed Larbi Khouja, Julio Ernesto Vargas, Sonia Andrés, and Secundino López
- Subjects
browse tree ,rumen ,in vitro fermentation ,methane ,ruminant feedstuff ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 - Abstract
The aim of this study was to assess the effects of five eucalyptus species (Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. leucoxylon, E. astringens, E. sideroxylon, and E. lehmannii), harvested in spring, autumn, or winter from two Tunisian arboretums, on in vitro rumen fermentation and methanogenesis. Batch cultures were performed to determine rumen fermentation kinetics and end-product formation after 24 h of incubation. The foliage of the species E. sideroxylon and E. lehmannii showed the greatest digestibility coefficients, whereas E. leucoxylon was the least digestible. Acetate-to-propionate ratio was reduced when E. sideroxylon and E. lehmannii were incubated, and these species were also the most efficient at reducing methane emission. Foliage harvested in winter showed greater digestibility and an increase in the acetate-to-propionate ratio than in other seasons, without an increase in methane emission. Foliage from E. sideroxylon and E. lehmannii showed a potential to decrease enteric methane production without depressing effects on ruminal fermentation. In vivo studies would be necessary to conclusively validate these effects as the first step towards proposing the inclusion of eucalyptus leaves in ruminant diets.
- Published
- 2022
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31. Well-Being Literacy in the Ambulatory Surgery Unit and Central Operating Room
- Author
Catarina Porfírio, Sónia Andrea, Elisabete Sousa, Letícia Sousa, Paula Camilo, and Palmira Oliveira
- Subjects
health personnel ,welfare ,work ,operating room ,health literacy ,Medicine - Abstract
Background: The promotion of professional well-being improves health literacy. Objective: To identify the well-being perceived by health professionals, associated factors, and change strategies. Methodology: Qualitative, exploratory-descriptive study, applying a form with open questions. Content analysis was performed. Results: 32 professionals working in the operating room were mostly satisfied with their well-being at work. Positive factors: good environment, compatible schedules. Negative factors: management of human, material, and team resources. Strategies for change: Management of material, organizational resources, and mental health promotion strategies. Conclusions: Health professionals are generally satisfied with their level of well-being; however, some aspects can be improved.
- Published
- 2022
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32. Essential Oil Stabilisation by Response Surface Methodology (RSM): Nanoemulsion Formulation, Physicochemical, Microbiological, and Sensory Investigations
- Author
Mariem BenJemaa, Fatma Zohra Rahali, Hanen Falleh, Raja Beji-Serairi, Wided Megdiche-Ksouri, Ibtissem Hamrouni, Majdi Hammami, Ralph Nehme, Renato B. Pereira, Sonia Andrés, Said Bouhallab, David M. Pereira, Fabrizio Ceciliani, Latifa Abdennebi-Najar, and Riadh Ksouri
- Subjects
essential oil ,nanoemulsion ,RSM experimental design ,physical characterisation ,biological activities ,sensory analysis ,Organic chemistry ,QD241-441 - Abstract
This manuscript aimed to optimise the encapsulation of Thymus capitatus essential oil into nanoemulsion. Response Surface Methodology results were best fitted into polynomial models with regression coefficient values of more than 0.95. The optimal nanoemulsion showed nanometer-sized droplets (380 nm), a polydispersity index less than 0.5, and a suitable Zeta potential (−10.3 mV). Stability results showed that nanoemulsions stored at 4 °C were stable with the lowest d3,2, PolyDispersity Index (PDI), and pH (day 11). Significant ameliorations in the capacity to neutralise DPPH radical after the encapsulation of the antimicrobial efficacy of thyme essential oil were recorded. S. typhimurium growth inhibition generated by nanoencapsulated thyme essential oil was 17 times higher than by bulk essential oil. The sensory analysis highlighted that the encapsulation of thyme essential oil improved enriched milk’s sensory appreciation. Indeed, 20% of the total population attributed a score of 4 and 5 on the scale used for milk enriched with nanoemulsion. In comparison, only 11% attributed the same score to milk enriched with bulk essential oil. The novel nanometric delivery system presents significant interest for agroalimentary industries.
- Published
- 2022
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33. The effects of storage and hop extract on aroma and flavour compounds in Balkan-style sausages packed under a CO2-containing anaerobic atmosphere
- Author
Diego E. Carballo, Sonia Andrés, Francisco Javier Giráldez, Ali Khanjari, Irma Caro, Diego Llamazares, Sabina Operta, and Javier Mateo
- Subjects
Food science ,Food analysis ,Microbiology ,Natural antimicrobial ,Natural antioxidant ,Modified atmosphere packaging ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Changes in the levels of pH, lactic acid, acetic acid, headspace volatile compounds, and spoilage odour intensity during a 35 day refrigerated storage period in two sets of a Balkan-style fresh sausage, a control sausage (CON) and a sausage containing an aqueous hop extract (HOP), packaged under a 20% CO2 and 80% N2 atmosphere were evaluated. Storage resulted in progressive sausage acidification and increased the levels of acetic acid, 1-methylbutanol, ethyl acetate, ethyl hexanoate, and 2-ethylhexanol; all of which are associated with anaerobic microbial metabolism under sugar restricted conditions. Storage decreased the levels of hexanal, heptanal, pentanol, and garlic-derived organosulfur compounds. Hop extract showed oxygen scavenging abilities, and decreased the levels of the volatile compounds derived from lipid auto-oxidation while contributing to the presence of specific terpene compounds. The use of hop extract did not improve the shelf life of sausages packed under anaerobic atmosphere. The spoilage odour appeared in both types of sausages on the 14th day, and it was considered strong from day 21 onwards.
- Published
- 2020
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34. Analysis of over-the-counter medicines’ information and strategies oriented to the community for improving its access and quality.
- Author
Pedro Domingo Armando, Maitena Natacha Moscardó, María Isabel Tenllado, and Sonia Andrea Naeko Uema
- Subjects
medicamentos sin prescripción ,prospectos para el paciente ,acceso a la información ,información de salud al consumidor ,servicios comunitarios de farmacia ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
IntroductionThe Disposición ANMAT 753/2012 states definitions and guidelines about the information that inserts and labels must include in nonprescription drugs (also known as over-the-counter or OTC drugs).Aims: to analyze the adequacy to the norm in a sample of OTC drugs; promote and disseminate strategic viable actions for being developed by pharmacists to improve the patient’s information.MethodsDuring a course destined to community pharmacists, a practical activity and an on-line forum about the adequacy to the Disposición ANMAT 753/2012 were developed. The compliance of 17 requirements of the norm, in a sample of 66 OTC drugs, was registered. Forum duration: 2 weeks. A content analysis related to the strategies proposed by the participants was conducted.ResultsFrom the sample, 87.9% of the medicines do not accomplish to at least 1 of the requirements. The major noncompliances were: inappropriately described composition, lack of telephone number for consultations, uncomprehensible therapeutic action, and package requirements. Strategies to develop by pharmacies individually, grouped, or through professional associations were formulated.ConclusionA high level of noncompliance in the analyzed aspects of the norm was observed. The strategies proposed are oriented to patient empowerment by health education about OTC drugs and access to reliable information resources, comprehensible for consumers. It is necessary to reinforce the control procedures for the information the OTC drugs must include, and to encourage both the participation and commitment of the pharmacist.
- Published
- 2018
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35. Strategies to foster an adequate compromise of the pharmacist with respect to over the counter medicines’ advertisement.
- Author
Pedro Domingo Armando, María Isabel Tenllado, Patricia Martínez, and Sonia Andrea Uema
- Subjects
medicamentos sin prescripción ,publicidad directa al consumidor ,política de salud ,servicios comunitarios de farmacia ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
The advertisement has a great influence on the public and, in over the counter medicines (OTC), it can generate health risks on the population if it is misregulated. The aim of this work is to analyze and disclose strategic viable actions emerged from a forum debate during an online course for fostering the pharmacist’s compromise related to OTC advertisement. Methods: A content analysis was carried on, grouping by themes and categories the opinions of community pharmacists participating in a forum debate about OTC advertisement. Two audiovisual advertisement pieces were analyzed as triggers of discussion. Results: Sixty-five professionals participated in 3 groups of debate, and 103 opinions were collected. Among individual strategies, to guarantee the attention by a pharmacist was highlighted when health conditions or the use of medicines are consulted about. Other strategies include denouncing to the ANMAT the advertisements that do not comply with the norms, procuring a better regulation and assuming a critical posture. Within the collective strategies, including pharmacists in the evaluation committee of advertisement of ANMAT and furthering norms to reassess the role of the pharmacist and the community pharmacy in minor illnesses were stressed. Conclusion: The contribution of the community pharmacists allows disposing a set of professional strategies, both individuals and collectives, to promote a rational use of OTC for the patients and the community.
- Published
- 2018
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36. Banana Pseudo-Stem Increases the Water-Holding Capacity of Minced Pork Batter and the Oxidative Stability of Pork Patties
- Author
Diego E. Carballo, Irma Caro, Cristina Gallego, Ana Rebeca González, Francisco Javier Giráldez, Sonia Andrés, and Javier Mateo
- Subjects
discolouration ,lipid autoxidation ,natural antioxidant ,functional food ,cooking yield ,patty ,Chemical technology ,TP1-1185 - Abstract
Banana pseudo-stem (BPS), which is rich in fibre and polyphenols, is a potential functional ingredient for the food industry. In this study, BPS was added at concentrations of 1.5, 3.0, and 4.5 g/kg to a minced pork batter to evaluate its performance as a filler and to pork burger patties to evaluate its performance as a natural antioxidant. The effects of BPS were compared with those of carrageenan and ascorbate, which are a conventional binder and antioxidant, respectively. The performance of BPS was similar to that of carrageenan in terms of the cooking yield and texture of the cooked batter. BPS reduced the brightness of fresh patties and appeared to reduce oxidative discolouration during the frozen storage of raw patties. Moreover, BPS reduced the levels of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) during the refrigerated and frozen storage of cooked patties. A greater decrease in TBARS formation was observed with 4.5 g BPS/kg compared with 0.5 g sodium ascorbate/kg during refrigerated storage. In contrast to ascorbate, BPS promoted the presence of lipid-derived volatile compounds induced by thermal breakdown in the headspace of cooked patties. Nonetheless, this effect was reduced as the amount of BPS in the patties increased. In cooked minced meat products, BPS could increase cooking yields and lipid oxidative stability during storage and might result in a more intense flavour.
- Published
- 2021
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37. Problemas do fornecimento do anti-retrovirais: começo fraccionamiento ao inicio do haart
- Author
- Subjects
Adesão, AIDS, fornecimento de medicamentos ,HAART. ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 ,Pharmacy and materia medica ,RS1-441 ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Objetivos: Esta investigacao pretenden descrever a problema do fragmentação na disposição de medicamentos anti-retrovirais, analisar suas conseqüências e determinar o porcentagem de adesão durante o primeiro ano de tratamento em pessoas com HIV näive. Método: O estudo realizou-se entre setembro de 2007 e fevereiro de 2010 no Departamento de Atenção Farmacêutica do Hospital Nacional de Clínicas "Dr. Pedro Vella ", da província de Córdoba, Argentina. Estudo observacional, descritivo-analítico (quantitativo) na qual a população se dividiu em dois grupos, dependendo se iniciavam a tratamento para um mês (tratamento completo) ou por uma menor quantidade de dias (tratamento fracionado). Variável a medida: taxa de adesão, número de dose de medicamentos faltantes (teóricas) quantidade de oportunidades que as pessoas assistiram em procura de medicação e o número de ocasiões que deveram se retirar sem os fármacos prescritos. Fontes de dados: registro de dispensação e folhas de cuidados de farmacêutica da cada uma das pessoas que se incluíram na investigação. Resultados: Através do desenvolvimento desta investigação demostrou-se que, para a população em estudo, fracionamento de tratamentos não teria sido uma causa que afete a adesão. A adesão atingida pelo grupo de tratamento que inicio tratamento completo foi 75,84% e 70,16% para quem que começaram fracionado. Conclusões: Nenhum dos grupo atingiu o 95% de adesão requerida no TARGA. O fracionamento de tratamentos não teria sido uma causa pela que no se atingiu.
- Published
- 2019
38. Essential Oils in Livestock: From Health to Food Quality
- Author
Ralph Nehme, Sonia Andrés, Renato B. Pereira, Meriem Ben Jemaa, Said Bouhallab, Fabrizio Ceciliani, Secundino López, Fatma Zohra Rahali, Riadh Ksouri, David M. Pereira, and Latifa Abdennebi-Najar
- Subjects
essential oils ,antioxidant ,antimicrobial ,livestock ,encapsulation ,inflammation ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Using plant essential oils (EOs) contributes to the growing number of natural plants’ applications in livestock. Scientific data supporting the efficacy of EOs as anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antioxidant molecules accumulates over time; however, the cumulative evidence is not always sufficient. EOs antioxidant properties have been investigated mainly from human perspectives. Still, so far, our review is the first to combine the beneficial supporting properties of EOs in a One Health approach and as an animal product quality enhancer, opening new possibilities for their utilization in the livestock and nutrition sectors. We aim to compile the currently available data on the main anti-inflammatory effects of EOs, whether encapsulated or not, with a focus on mammary gland inflammation. We will also review the EOs’ antioxidant activities when given in the diet or as a food preservative to counteract oxidative stress. We emphasize EOs’ in vitro and in vivo ruminal microbiota and mechanisms of action to promote animal health and performance. Given the concept of DOHaD (Developmental Origin of Health and Diseases), supplementing animals with EOs in early life opens new perspectives in the nutrition sector. However, effective evaluation of the significant safety components is required before extending their use to livestock and veterinary medicine.
- Published
- 2021
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39. Effects of Birth Weight on Animal Performance, Fattening Traits and Meat Quality of Lambs
- Author
Sonia Andrés, Carmen Valdés, Alba Santos, Javier Mateo, and Francisco Javier Giráldez
- Subjects
intrauterine growth restriction ,fetal programming ,feed efficiency ,birth weight ,intramuscular fat ,lamb ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) is a key developmental programming factor which might impair both the feed efficiency of lambs and meat quality, since it deeply impacts skeletal muscle and adipose tissue development. To determine the effect of birth weight on the growth performance, ruminal parameters, digestibility, non-carcass components, carcass traits, physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid profile of meat, two experimental groups (six animals in each group) of male Merino lambs with different body weights (BW) at birth (low BW (LW; 3.88 ± 0.281 kg) and high BW (HW; 5.80 ± 0.647 kg)) were used. The lambs were penned with their corresponding ewe during the natural suckling period, being weaned at 15 kg. Then, the lambs were penned individually and offered a complete pelleted diet during the fattening period. All the animals were slaughtered when they reached 27 kg of BW. After weaning, both daily dry matter intake (578 vs. 615 g/day; p = 0.021) and average daily gain (141 vs. 190 g/day; p = 0.004) were significantly lower in LW lambs, and a higher feed:gain ratio was recorded for this group (3.98 vs. 3.45; p = 0.008). Carcass traits did not show differences (p > 0.05) between both groups of lambs, except for higher chilling losses for the LW group (3.29 vs. 2.69%; p = 0.012). Additionally, higher amounts of kidney knob and channel fat were observed for LW lambs (85.4 vs. 152 g; p = 0.028). Apart from a higher hardness of meat in LW lambs (152 vs. 189 Newtons, p = 0.040), no other differences (p > 0.05) were observed in the physicochemical traits of this product; however, the meat of LW lambs tended (p = 0.057) to contain more total fatty acid content with a higher (p = 0.041) proportion of saturated fatty acids than the meat of HW lambs. In conclusion, under the conditions of the present study, a low body weight at birth increased the deposition of fat in carcass and non-carcass components during the fattening period of lambs, thus reducing animal performance and worsening the nutritional indexes of the meat. Accordingly, it seems reasonable to try to identify these animals during early life, to be sold as suckling lambs in the meat market instead of being fattened.
- Published
- 2020
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- Author
Sonia Andrea Pimentel Rodrigues Ferreira and Ney Cristina Monteiro de Oliveira
- Subjects
Prouni, Gestão escolar, Acesso Graduados ,General Works - Abstract
O presente artigo tem como objetivo analisar a condução da política pública de acesso no ProUni por meio de da visão dos egressos da Unama, a intenção em pesquisar o Programa Universidade Para Todos como política pública de acesso na cidade de Belém, tem relevância cientifica, política e social. Do ponto vista, científico, procuramos respostas à pesquisa em nossa investigação, visto que, a temática em questão atua dialeticamente na realidade, bem como, de modo polêmico na literatura do ensino superior, visto que, remete a constantes discussões e reflexões a certa dos rumos que o programa assume, no cenário nacional. Socialmente o programa tem sido objeto de várias pesquisas que discutem a questão da inclusão/exclusão proposta pela política. Metodologicamente adotamos a Pesquisa Bibliografica que nos possibilitou conhecer as opiniões favoráveis e contrárias ao programa, a Pesquisa de Campo ao lócus de investigação, pesquisa documental coletando informações proveniente do MEC e da própria instituição, para entrdermos a logisitica do ProUni, a materialização de suas informaçoes não nítidas nos documentos oficiais. As conclusões preliminares apontam a relevância do programa na avaliação dos egressos, entretanto, é denunciado as imensas dificuldades para permanência no curso. O desenvolvimento da pesquisa teve como foco os curso de mensalidade elevada, (Direito, Comunicação Social, Enfermagem, Fisioterapia, Psiclogia, Engenharias), pois são os cursos de maior demanda social na universidade pesquisada, o que potencializou nossa investigação em relação ao acesso e permanência dos bolsistas egressos da política. O recorte temporal da pesquisa foi de 2006-20014, abrangendo 500 egressos, dos quais obteve-se respostas de 26 dos pesquisados, por meio de questionários. PALAVRAS CHAVES: acesso, ProUni e egressos ABSTRATC: This article aims to analyze the conduct of public policy in ProUni access through the vision of the UNAMA graduates, the intention in researching the University for All Program as a public access policy in Bethlehem, has scientific relevance, policy and social. From the point, scientific, we seek answers to research in our research, since the topic in question acts dialectically in reality as well, so controversial in higher education literature, since it refers to constant discussion and reflection of the right direction the program takes, the national scene. Occasionally the program has been the subject of several studies that discuss the issue of inclusion / exclusion proposed by the policy. Methodologically adopt the literature search that allowed us to know the opinions for and against the program, the Field Research at the locus of research, desk research by collecting information from the Ministry of Education and the institution itself, to entrdermos the Logistics of ProUni, the materialization of their information not sharp in official documents. Preliminary findings point to the importance of the program in the evaluation of the graduates, however, it is denounced the immense difficulties to stay on course. The development of the research focused on the ongoing high tuition, (Law, Social Communication, Nursing, Physiotherapy, Psiclogia, Engineering) as they are the most social demand for courses in the research university, which leveraged our investigation in relation to access and retention of graduates scholars of politics. The time frame of the survey was 2006-20014, covering 500 graduates of which was obtained in 26 of those surveyed answers through questionnaires.PALABRAS CLAVE: acceso, ProUni y graduadosRecebido em: 22/05/2015 – Aceito em 27/07/2015
- Published
- 2015
41. Effect of Sunflower and Marine Oils on Ruminal Microbiota, In vitro Fermentation and Digesta Fatty Acid Profile
- Author
Julio E. Vargas, Sonia Andrés, Timothy J. Snelling, Lorena López-Ferreras, David R. Yáñez-Ruíz, Carlos García-Estrada, and Secundino López
- Subjects
microbial community composition ,dietary fats ,rumen microbiota ,Rusitec fermenters ,TRFLP ,qPCR ,Microbiology ,QR1-502 - Abstract
This study using the rumen simulation technique (RUSITEC) investigated the changes in the ruminal microbiota and anaerobic fermentation in response to the addition of different lipid supplements to a ruminant diet. A basal diet with no oil added was the control, and the treatment diets were supplemented with sunflower oil (2%) only, or sunflower oil (2%) in combination with fish oil (1%) or algae oil (1%). Four fermentation units were used per treatment. RUSITEC fermenters were inoculated with rumen digesta. Substrate degradation, fermentation end-products (volatile fatty acids, lactate, gas, methane, and ammonia), and microbial protein synthesis were determined. Fatty acid profiles and microbial community composition were evaluated in digesta samples. Numbers of representative bacterial species and microbial groups were determined using qPCR. Microbial composition and diversity were based on T-RFLP spectra. The addition of oils had no effect on substrate degradation or microbial protein synthesis. Differences among diets in neutral detergent fiber degradation were not significant (P = 0.132), but the contrast comparing oil–supplemented diets with the control was significant (P = 0.039). Methane production was reduced (P < 0.05) with all oil supplements. Propionate production was increased when diets containing oil were fermented. Compared with the control, the addition of algae oil decreased the percentage C18:3 c9c12c15 in rumen digesta, and that of C18:2 c9t11 was increased when the control diet was supplemented with any oil. Marine oils decreased the hydrogenation of C18 unsaturated fatty acids. Microbial diversity was not affected by oil supplementation. Cluster analysis showed that diets with additional fish or algae oils formed a group separated from the sunflower oil diet. Supplementation with marine oils decreased the numbers of Butyrivibrio producers of stearic acid, and affected the numbers of protozoa, methanogens, Selenomonas ruminantium and Streptococcus bovis, but not total bacteria. In conclusion, there is a potential to manipulate the rumen fermentation and microbiota with the addition of sunflower, fish or algae oils to ruminant diets at appropriate concentrations. Specifically, supplementation of ruminant mixed rations with marine oils will reduce methane production, the acetate to propionate ratio and the fatty acid hydrogenation in the rumen.
- Published
- 2017
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42. Insight into the mechanism of action of temporin-SHa, a new broad-spectrum antiparasitic and antibacterial agent.
- Author
Zahid Raja, Sonia André, Feten Abbassi, Vincent Humblot, Olivier Lequin, Tahar Bouceba, Isabelle Correia, Sandra Casale, Thierry Foulon, Denis Sereno, Bruno Oury, and Ali Ladram
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are promising drugs to kill resistant pathogens. In contrast to bacteria, protozoan parasites, such as Leishmania, were little studied. Therefore, the antiparasitic mechanism of AMPs is still unclear. In this study, we sought to get further insight into this mechanism by focusing our attention on temporin-SHa (SHa), a small broad-spectrum AMP previously shown to be active against Leishmania infantum. To improve activity, we designed analogs of SHa and compared the antibacterial and antiparasitic mechanisms. [K3]SHa emerged as a highly potent compound active against a wide range of bacteria, yeasts/fungi, and trypanosomatids (Leishmania and Trypanosoma), with leishmanicidal intramacrophagic activity and efficiency toward antibiotic-resistant strains of S. aureus and antimony-resistant L. infantum. Multipassage resistance selection demonstrated that temporins-SH, particularly [K3]SHa, are not prone to induce resistance in Escherichia coli. Analysis of the mode of action revealed that bacterial and parasite killing occur through a similar membranolytic mechanism involving rapid membrane permeabilization and depolarization. This was confirmed by high-resolution imaging (atomic force microscopy and field emission gun-scanning electron microscopy). Multiple combined techniques (nuclear magnetic resonance, surface plasmon resonance, differential scanning calorimetry) allowed us to detail peptide-membrane interactions. [K3]SHa was shown to interact selectively with anionic model membranes with a 4-fold higher affinity (KD = 3 x 10-8 M) than SHa. The amphipathic α-helical peptide inserts in-plane in the hydrophobic lipid bilayer and disrupts the acyl chain packing via a detergent-like effect. Interestingly, cellular events, such as mitochondrial membrane depolarization or DNA fragmentation, were observed in L. infantum promastigotes after exposure to SHa and [K3]SHa at concentrations above IC50. Our results indicate that these temporins exert leishmanicidal activity via a primary membranolytic mechanism but can also trigger apoptotis-like death. The many assets demonstrated for [K3]SHa make this small analog an attractive template to develop new antibacterial/antiparasitic drugs.
- Published
- 2017
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43. Caracterización bromatológica de seis especies forrajeras en el Valle del Cauto, Cuba
- Author
Danis M. Verdecia Acosta, Rafael S. Herrera García, Jorge L. Ramírez de la Ribera, Ismael Leonard Acosta, Raúl Bodas Rodríguez, Sonia Andrés Lorente, Francisco J. Giráldez García, Jesús S. González Álvarez, Yoendris Arceo Beníte, Yurdanis Bazán Osorio, Yovanis Álvarez Báez, and Secundino López Puentes
- Subjects
leguminosas ,edad ,calidad ,Agriculture (General) ,S1-972 ,Animal culture ,SF1-1100 - Abstract
Se realizaron seis experimentos simultáneos para determinar la composición bromatológica de leguminosas forrajeras en las condiciones edafoclimáticas del Valle del Cauto, Cuba. Se empleó un diseño en bloques al azar con seis réplicas y los tratamientos fueron las edades de rebrote de 60, 120 y 180 días para los árboles y arbustos ( Leucaena leucocephala, Tithonia diversifolia, Gliricidia sepium y Eritrina varie - gata ) y de 30, 45, 60, 75 y 90 días para las leguminosas rastreras ( Neonotonia wightii y Te - ramnus labialis ), en los periodos lluvioso y poco lluvioso. Se determinaron MS, PB, Ca, P, Mg, Si, FND, FAD, LAD, celulosa, hemicelulosa, contenido celular, ceniza, MO, DIVMS, DV, DISMS, DMO, DFND, DFAD y DPB. Se realizaron análisis de conglomerados para agrupar las especies con características simila - res. Durante el periodo lluvioso se encontraron seis grupos y en el poco lluvioso siete grupos; con los mejores resultados, de forma integral, para la Neonotonia wightii, Teramnus labialis, Gliricidia sepium y Tithonia diversifolia , en el periodo lluvioso; y en el poco lluvioso, para Tithonia diversifolia, Gliricidia sepium y Erythri - na variegata a edades tempranas. Se concluye que la edad presentó un marcado efecto en la composición bromatológica al disminuir la calidad en la medida que la madurez avanza.
- Published
- 2014
44. Microbial Growth and Biogenic Amine Production in a Balkan-Style Fresh Sausage during Refrigerated Storage under a CO2-Containing Anaerobic Atmosphere: Effect of the Addition of Zataria multiflora Essential Oil and Hops Extract
- Author
Diego E. Carballo, Javier Mateo, Sonia Andrés, Francisco Javier Giráldez, Emiliano J. Quinto, Ali Khanjari, Sabina Operta, and Irma Caro
- Subjects
lamb sausage ,lactic acid bacteria ,shelf-life ,natural antimicrobials ,meat preparations ,modified atmosphere packaging ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 - Abstract
Fresh sausages are highly perishable, and the preservatives allowed in these types of meat preparations are limited. Balkan-style fresh sausages were prepared in triplicate without antimicrobials (Control), with an aqueous hops extract (30 mL/kg), with Zataria multiflora Boiss essential oil (1 mL/kg), or a combination of both (15 and 0.5 mL/kg, respectively), and refrigerator-stored under a 20% CO2 and 80% N2 atmosphere. The spoilage microbial growth, i.e., lactic acid bacteria (LAB), Brochothrix thermosphacta, Enterobacteriaceae, Micrococcaceae, molds and yeasts, the pH value, and the production of biogenic amines in the sausages were monitored weekly and compared with a control sausage during a 35-day storage period. Furthermore, 349 colonies of presumptive LAB (isolated from the De Mann, Rogose-Sharpe agar plates) were identified using a MALDI-TOF-based method. Growth levels to ≈ 9 Log colony forming units (CFU) per g were reached by LAB, with a predominance of Lactobacillus sakei. Enterobacteriaceae and B. thermosphacta also showed significant growth (up to 6 Log CFU/g). Biogenic amine levels increased, and tyramine values overcame 250 mg/kg. The study could not demonstrate a significant effect of antimicrobial source treatments in any of the characteristics studied, and thus, the shelf-life of sausages.
- Published
- 2019
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45. Effects of a tannin-rich legume (Onobrychis viciifolia) on in vitro ruminal biohydrogenation and fermentation
- Author
Gonzalo Hervás, Hajer Missaoui, Sonia Andrés, Francisco J. Giráldez, Saida Jellali, and Pilar Frutos
- Subjects
condensed tannin ,conjugated linoleic acid ,fatty acid ,lipid ,rumen ,sheep ,sainfoin ,Agriculture - Abstract
There is still controversy surrounding the ability of tannins to modulate the ruminal biohydrogenation (BH) of fatty acids (FA) and improve the lipid profile of milk or meat without conferring a negative response in the digestive utilization of the diet. Based on this, an in vitro trial using batch cultures of rumen microorganisms was performed to compare the effects of two legume hays with similar chemical composition but different tannin content, alfalfa and sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia), on the BH of dietary unsaturated FA and on the ruminal fermentation. The first incubation substrate, alfalfa, was practically free of tannins, while the second, sainfoin, contained 3.5% (expressed as tannic acid equivalents). Both hays were enriched with sunflower oil as a source of unsaturated FA. Most results of the lipid composition analysis (e.g., greater concentrations of 18:2n-6, cis-9 18:1 or total polyunsaturated FA in sainfoin incubations) showed the ability of this tannin-containing legume to inhibit the BH process. However, no significant differences were detected in the accumulation of cis-9 trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid, and variations in trans-11 18:1 and trans-11 cis-15 18:2 did not follow a regular pattern. Regarding the rumen fermentation, gas production, ammonia concentration and volatile FA production were lower in the incubations with sainfoin (-17, -23 and -11%, respectively). Thus, although this legume was able to modify the ruminal BH, which might result in improvements in the meat or milk lipid profile, the present results were not as promising as expected or as obtained before with other nutritional strategies.
- Published
- 2016
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46. Early Feed Restriction Programs Metabolic Disorders in Fattening Merino Lambs
- Author
Javier Frutos, Sonia Andrés, Erminio Trevisi, David R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Secundino López, Alba Santos, and F. Javier Giráldez
- Subjects
metabolic syndrome ,nutritional programming ,inflammation ,ruminal acidosis ,feed efficiency ,microbiota ,Veterinary medicine ,SF600-1100 ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
Early postnatal nutrition may have a significant subsequent impact on metabolic disorders during the entire lifespan of lambs. The aim of the present study was to describe the changes in biochemical, immunological, hepatic, and ruminal parameters of fattening lambs derived from early feed restriction during the suckling phase. Twenty-four merino lambs (average body weight, BW, 4.81 ± 0.256 kg) were used, 12 of them were milk-fed ad libitum (ADL) remaining permanently with their dams, whereas the other 12 lambs (restricted, RES) were subjected to milk restriction. After weaning, all the lambs were fed 35 g/kg BW per day of the same complete pelleted diet to ensure no differences between groups in dry matter intake (603 vs. 607 g/day for ADL and RES lambs, respectively, p = 0.703), and were slaughtered at a BW of 27 kg. Biochemical profiles revealed higher concentrations of ceruloplasmin and low-density lipoproteins, whereas insulin concentration was lower in the RES lambs compared to the ADL group. Liver thiobarbituric acid reactive substances were lower in the RES lambs. No significant differences in ruminal or blood immunological parameters were found. In conclusion, early feed restriction promoted metabolic disorders not related to ruminal acidosis occurrence, which can compromise the health status during the fattening period of merino lambs.
- Published
- 2018
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47. Influence of harvest season, cutting frequency and nitrogen fertilization of mountain meadows on yield, floristic composition and protein content of herbage Influência da estação da colheita, freqüência de corte e fertilização nitrogenada de prados de montanha sobre o rendimento, a composição botânica e o conteúdo de proteína da forragem
- Author
Olívio Bochi Brum, Secundino López, Ricardo García, Sonia Andrés, and Alfredo Calleja
- Subjects
composição botânica ,composição química ,fertilização nitrogenada ,freqüência de corte ,produção de forragem ,chemical composition ,cutting frequency ,floristic composition ,herbage yield ,nitrogen fertilization ,Animal culture ,SF1-1100 - Abstract
The aim of the present study was to investigate the influence of cutting frequency, harvest season and nitrogen fertilization on yield and floristic composition of the herbage harvested from a mountain meadow. The meadow was divided into 22 plots, each receiving a different N P K fertilization treatment. The study lasted seven years, and during the first three years (1985-1987) each plot was harvested twice per year (June and September) according to a traditional harvest system, whereas in the years 1989-1991 each plot was harvested three times per year (spring, summer and autumn) following a more intensive harvest system. Nitrogen fertilizer favoured the development of the grasses in spring, thus reducing the proportion of legumes in the two cut harvest system, whereas grasses reached an advanced stage of maturity before the first cut in late June. However, the three cut harvest system entailed an earlier first cut in spring. As a result, the production of legume biomass was significantly increased both in the first cut and in the subsequent regrowths. No significant response in total herbage production to the N fertilizer was observed in the more intensive harvest system. Therefore, the three cut harvest system without nitrogen fertilization seemed to be the most suitable practice for the management of these botanically-complex mountain meadows. These results may contribute to design fertilization and management practices of mountain hay meadows to optimize their productivity and sustainability.O objetivo neste estudo foi investigar a influência da freqüência de corte, da estação de colheita e da adubação nitrogenada no rendimento e na composição botânica da forragem recolhida de um prado de montanha. O prado foi dividido em 22 parcelas, cada uma com nível de fertilização N P K. O estudo durou sete anos e, durante os três primeiros (1985-1987), cada parcela foi cortada duas vezes por ano (junho e setembro), seguindo um sistema de aproveitamento tradicional, ao passo que, nos anos 1989-1991, cada parcela foi cortada três vezes por ano (primavera, verão e outono), seguindo um sistema de aproveitamento mais intensivo. O fertilizante nitrogenado favoreceu o desenvolvimento das gramíneas na primavera, reduzindo a proporção de leguminosas no sistema de dois cortes anuais, de modo que as gramíneas alcançaram etapa avançada de maturidade antes do primeiro corte, ao final do mês de junho. No entanto, com o sistema de três cortes anuais, o primeiro corte foi realizado mais cedo, na primavera. Conseqüentemente, a produção da biomassa de leguminosas aumentou significativamente, tanto no primeiro corte como nos rebrotes subseqüentes. Nenhum efeito significativo na produção total de forragem em resposta à fertilização nitrogenada foi observado no sistema de aproveitamento mais intensivo. Portanto, o sistema de três cortes, sem fertilização nitrogenada, parece ser a prática mais conveniente para o manejo desses prados de montanha, botanicamente complexos. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo podem contribuir para projetos de fertilização e práticas de manejo de prados de montanha, utilizados para produção de feno, para otimizar sua produtividade e sustentabilidade.
- Published
- 2009
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48. Controversias en torno a la utilización de la vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano
- Author
Silvana María Quiroga, Elena María Vega, Marta Stella Maris Fungo, and Sonia Andrea Naeko Uema
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virus del papiloma humano ,Vacuna contra Papillomavirus ,Neoplasias del Cuello Uterino ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
La vacuna contra el virus del papiloma humano (HPV) se presenta como una medida de prevención primaria del cáncer de cuello de útero (CCU), segunda causa de muerte de las mujeres a nivel mundial. Esta vacuna genera una dicotomía a nivel social que obliga a pensar si verdaderamente es necesario administrarla. En este artículo se desarrollan las posibles causas de esta contrariedad con la finalidad de colaborar en la toma de decisión informada sobre la administración de la misma. Se revisan las vacunas disponibles, las recomendaciones para su uso y las controversias en cuanto a eficacia, seguridad, número de dosis requeridas, eficiencia en la prevención y participación ciudadana. Las vacunas contra el HPV ofrecen un enfoque prometedor para la prevención del CCU y las afecciones asociadas a estos virus, pero no reemplazan a otras estrategias de prevención debido a que no protegen contra todos los tipos de virus de HPV.
- Published
- 2015
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49. Farmacoepidemiología aplicada a programas públicos para pacientes diabéticos en Alta Gracia (Córdoba, Argentina)
- Author
Sonia Andrea Naeko Uema and María Eugenía Olivera
- Subjects
Farmacoepidemiología ,Estudios de Utilización de Medicamentos (EUM) ,Dosis Diaria Definida (DDD) ,Dosis Diaria Prescripta (DDP) ,Diabetes Mellitus (DM) ,Base de Datos ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
La Diabetes Mellitus es una enfermedad crónica relacionada con hiperglucemia y la finalidad del tratamiento es prevenir y reducir las complicaciones, responsables de más del 70% de muertes. Se analizaron programas de salud con provisión de medicamentos en instituciones públicas de la ciudad de Alta Gracia: Hospital Arturo Umberto Illia (HAUI), dependiente del Ministerio de Salud (Provincia de Córdoba) y 12 dispensarios dependientes de la Dirección de Salud Pública (DSP), Municipalidad de Alta Gracia. Se identificaron 540 pacientes en la base de datos unificada y 49 se hallaron en ambas instituciones. Los consumos de medicamentos, en DDD por cada 100 pacientes bajo programa/día, fueron: para Glibenclamida 25,2 en HAUI y 24,6 en DSP; para Metformina 17,6 en HAUI y 13,1 en DSP; para Insulina 59,0 en HAUI. La información obtenida desde Farmacia permitió desarrollar una base de datos de pacientes diabéticos y un estudio de utilización de medicamentos.
- Published
- 2014
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50. Pacientes diabéticos sin cobertura de salud: utilización de medicamentos, adherencia y complicaciones derivadas de su patología de base
- Author
Andrea Fabiana Brusa, Pedro Domingo Armando, and Sonia Andrea Naeko Uema
- Subjects
Medicine (General) ,R5-920 ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 - Abstract
Objetivo: realizar un Estudio de Utilización de Medicamentos de los pacientes diabéticos atendidos en el Hospital Josefina Prieur (HJP) de la ciudad de Villa Allende (Córdoba, Argentina), determinar consumo de medicamentos antidiabéticos, grado de adherencia al tratamiento y pacientes afectados por complicaciones derivadas de la diabetes. Método: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal, sobre pacientes diabéticos atendidos en el HJP que pertenecen al Programa Córdoba Diabetes (ProCorDia) durante los meses de Mayo a Diciembre de 2011. El consumo de medicamentos se determinó en DDD por 1000 habitantes por día (DHD). La adherencia se estableció del número de dispensaciones realizadas a cada paciente durante los ocho meses. La presencia de complicaciones se obtuvo observando en el registro de entrega de medicamentos a pacientes que retiran otros medicamentos además de antidiabéticos. Resultados: Sobre 98 pacientes, 73 presentaron algún tipo de complicación. El consumo de medicamentos antidiabéticos en DHD fue: Insulina Corriente 1,990; Insulina NPH 6,244; Glibenclamida 2,826; Glicazida 0,281; Metformina 2,497. Conclusiones: Del total de medicamentos antidiabéticos dispensados, el 40,50% correspondió al subgrupo A10B (hipoglucemiantes orales) y el 59,50% al subgrupo A10A (Insulinas). Se observó una buena adherencia al tratamiento (media=81.63%, moda=100%). El 74,49% de los pacientes presentó complicaciones.
- Published
- 2014
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