Traffic accidents cause 1.25 million deaths per year worldwide, being one of the leading causes of death in young people, and the first cause between the ages of 15 - 29. There has been an increase in accidents in the last 10 years, one of the reasons for this is the increase in the sales of motorcycles and its use. We present a retrospective study about the patients who received attention at Carlos G. Durand Hospital, (CABA, Buenos Aires, Argentina) from January 2013 to December of 2015, with the intention of showing the medical and economic impact this accidents cause. Of a total of 4368 incoming patients assisted, due to traffic accidents, 67% (2926) were the result of motorcycle crashes; 18% of them required hospitalization. Males, and lower limbs lesions were predominant. Hospitalizations varied between 5 and 150 days, with 2.1 average surgeries per patient. The total cost was 16 767 037$, and in 2014 it represented 17 936 US$ per patient. These results show only partially the impact these accidents produce, because there are factors (like missing working days) that were unaccounted for. This is why it is necessary to generate awareness and develop more rigorous road safety and prevention policies, necessary to avoid accidents that increase spending on preventable conditions.