336 results on '"SANTOS, A. B. dos"'
Search Results
2. On the H\'older regularity for solutions of integro-differential equations like the anisotropic fractional Laplacian
- Author
Santos, E. B. dos and Leitão, Raimundo
- Subjects
Mathematics - Analysis of PDEs ,26A33, 35J70, 47G20, 35J60, 35D35, 35D40, 35B65 - Abstract
In this paper we study integro-differential equations like the anisotropic fractional Laplacian. As in [Silvestre, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 55, 2006], we adapt the De Giorgi technique to achieve the $C^{\gamma}$-regularity for solutions of class $C^{2}$ and use the geometry found in [Caffarelli, Leit\~ao, and Urbano, Math. Ann. 360, 2014] to get an ABP estimate, a Harnack inequality and the interior $C^{1, \gamma}$ regularity for viscosity solutions., Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1311.0795
- Published
- 2019
3. Critical buses identification for voltage stability assessment considering the application of modal analysis and a robust state estimation with bad data suppression
- Author
Mingorança, Jeanderson S., Melo, Igor D., and Santos, Alexandre B. dos
- Published
- 2023
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4. The symbiotic contact process: phase transitions, hysteresis cycles, and bistability
- Author
Filho, C. I. N. Sampaio, Santos, T. B. dos, Araújo, N. A. M., Carmona, H. A., Moreira, A. A., and Andrade Jr, J. S.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We performed Monte Carlo simulations of the symbiotic contact process on different spatial dimensions ($d$). On the complete and random graphs (infinite dimension), we observe hysteresis cycles and bistable regions, what is consistent with the discontinuous absorbing-state phase transition predicted by mean-field theory. By contrast, on a regular square lattice, we find no signs of bistability or hysteretic behavior. This result suggests that the transition in two dimensions is rather continuous. Based on our numerical observations, we conjecture that the nature of the transition changes at the upper critical dimension ($d_c$), from continuous ($d
d_c$)., Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures - Published
- 2018
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- Author
SANTOS, D. B. dos, primary
- Published
- 2023
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6. Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil: setting the baseline knowledge on the animal diversity in Brazil
- Author
Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, Leite, Yuri LR, Boeger, Walter A, Valim, Michel P, Zaher, Hussam, Rafael, José A, Forzza, Rafaela C, Percequillo, Alexandre R, Serejo, Cristiana S, Garraffoni, André RS, Santos, Adalberto J, Slipinski, Adam, Linzmeier, Adelita M, Calor, Adolfo R, Garda, Adrian A, Kury, Adriano B, Fernandes, Agatha CS, Agudo-Padrón, Aisur I, Akama, Alberto, Silva Neto, Alberto M da, Burbano, Alejandro L, Menezes, Aleksandra, Pereira-Colavite, Alessandre, Anichtchenko, Alexander, Lees, Alexander C, Bezerra, Alexandra MR, Domahovski, Alexandre C, Pimenta, Alexandre D, Aleixo, Alexandre LP, Marceniuk, Alexandre P, Paula, Alexandre S de, Somavilla, Alexandre, Specht, Alexandre, Camargo, Alexssandro, Newton, Alfred F, Silva, Aline AS da, Santos, Aline B dos, Tassi, Aline D, Aragão, Allan C, Santos, Allan PM, Migotto, Alvaro E, Mendes, Amanda C, Cunha, Amanda, Chagas Júnior, Amazonas, Sousa, Ana AT de, Pavan, Ana C, Almeida, Ana CS, Peronti, Ana LBG, Henriques-Oliveira, Ana L, Prudente, Ana L, Tourinho, Ana L, Pes, Ana MO, Carmignotto, Ana P, Wengrat, Ana PG da Silva, Dornellas, Ana PS, Molin, Anamaria Dal, Puker, Anderson, Morandini, André C, Ferreira, André da S, Martins, André L, Esteves, André M, Fernandes, André S, Roza, André S, Köhler, Andreas, Paladini, Andressa, Andrade, Andrey J de, Pinto, Ângelo P, Salles, Anna C de A, Gondim, Anne I, Amaral, Antonia CZ, Rondón, Antonio AA, Brescovit, Antonio, Lofego, Antônio C, Marques, Antonio C, Macedo, Antonio, Andriolo, Artur, Henriques, Augusto L, Ferreira Júnior, Augusto L, Lima, Aurino F de, Barros, Ávyla R de A, Brito, Ayrton do R, Romera, Bárbara LV, Vasconcelos, Beatriz MC de, Frable, Benjamin W, Santos, Bernardo F, Ferraz, Bernardo R, Rosa, Brunno B, Sampaio, Brunno HL, Bellini, Bruno C, Clarkson, Bruno, Oliveira, Bruno G de, Corrêa, Caio CD, Martins, Caleb C, Castro-Guedes, Camila F de, Souto, Camilla, Bicho, Carla de L, Cunha, Carlo M, Barboza, Carlos A de M, Lucena, Carlos AS de, Barreto, Carlos, Santana, Carlos DCM de, Agne, Carlos EQ, Mielke, Carlos GC, Caetano, Carlos HS, Flechtmann, Carlos HW, Lamas, Carlos JE, Rocha, Carlos, Mascarenhas, Carolina S, Margaría, Cecilia B, Waichert, Cecilia, Digiani, Celina, Haddad, Célio FB, Azevedo, Celso O, Benetti, Cesar J, Santos, Charles MD dos, Bartlett, Charles R, Bonvicino, Cibele, Ribeiro-Costa, Cibele S, Santos, Cinthya SG, Justino, Cíntia EL, Canedo, Clarissa, Bonecker, Claudia C, Santos, Cláudia P, Carvalho, Claudio JB de, Gonçalves, Clayton C, Galvão, Cleber, Costa, Cleide, Oliveira, Cléo DC de, Schwertner, Cristiano F, Andrade, Cristiano L, Pereira, Cristiano M, Sampaio, Cristiano, Dias, Cristina de O, Lucena, Daercio A de A, Manfio, Daiara, Amorim, Dalton de S, Queiroz, Dalva L de, Colpani, Daniara, Abbate, Daniel, Aquino, Daniel A, Burckhardt, Daniel, Cavallari, Daniel C, Prado, Daniel de C Schelesky, Praciano, Daniel L, Basílio, Daniel S, Bená, Daniela de C, Toledo, Daniela GP de, Takiya, Daniela M, Fernandes, Daniell RR, Ament, Danilo C, Cordeiro, Danilo P, Silva, Darliane E, Pollock, Darren A, Muniz, David B, Gibson, David I, Nogueira, David S, Marques, Dayse WA, Lucatelli, Débora, Garcia, Deivys MA, Baêta, Délio, Ferreira, Denise NM, Rueda-Ramírez, Diana, Fachin, Diego A, Souza, Diego de S, Rodrigues, Diego F, Pádua, Diego G de, Barbosa, Diego N, Dolibaina, Diego R, Amaral, Diogo C, Chandler, Donald S, Maccagnan, Douglas HB, Caron, Edilson, Carvalho, Edrielly, Adriano, Edson A, Abreu Júnior, Edson F de, Pereira, Edson HL, Viegas, Eduarda FG, Carneiro, Eduardo, Colley, Eduardo, Eizirik, Eduardo, Santos, Eduardo F dos, Shimbori, Eduardo M, Suárez-Morales, Eduardo, Arruda, Eliane P de, Chiquito, Elisandra A, Lima, Élison FB, Castro, Elizeu B de, Orlandin, Elton, Nascimento, Elynton A do, Razzolini, Emanuel, Gama, Emanuel RR, Araujo, Enilma M de, Nishiyama, Eric Y, Spiessberger, Erich L, Santos, Érika CL dos, Contreras, Eugenia F, Galati, Eunice AB, Oliveira Junior, Evaldo C de, Gallardo, Fabiana, Hernandes, Fabio A, Lansac-Tôha, Fábio A, Pitombo, Fabio B, Dario, Fabio Di, Santos, Fábio L dos, Mauro, Fabio, Nascimento, Fabio O do, Olmos, Fabio, Amaral, Fabio R, Schunck, Fabio, Godoi, Fábio SP de, Machado, Fabrizio M, Barbo, Fausto E, Agrain, Federico A, Ribeiro, Felipe B, Moreira, Felipe FF, Barbosa, Felipe F, Silva, Fenanda S, Cavalcanti, Fernanda F, Straube, Fernando C, Carbayo, Fernando, Carvalho Filho, Fernando, Zanella, Fernando CV, Jacinavicius, Fernando de C, Farache, Fernando HA, Leivas, Fernando, Dias, Fernando MS, Mantellato, Fernando, Vaz-de-Mello, Fernando Z, Gudin, Filipe M, Albuquerque, Flávio, Molina, Flavio B, Passos, Flávio D, Shockley, Floyd W, Pinheiro, Francielly F, Mello, Francisco de AG de, Nascimento, Francisco E de L, Franco, Francisco L, Oliveira, Francisco L de, Melo, Francisco T de V, Quijano, Freddy RB, Salles, Frederico F, Biffi, Gabriel, Queiroz, Gabriel C, Bizarro, Gabriel L, Hrycyna, Gabriela, Leviski, Gabriela, Powell, Gareth S, Santos, Geane B dos, Morse, Geoffrey E, Brown, George, Mattox, George MT, Zimbrão, Geraldo, Carvalho, Gervásio S, Miranda, Gil FG, Moraes, Gilberto J de, Lourido, Gilcélia M, Neves, Gilmar P, Moreira, Gilson RP, Montingelli, Giovanna G, Maurício, Giovanni N, Marconato, Gláucia, Lopez, Guilherme EL, Silva, Guilherme L da, Muricy, Guilherme, Brito, Guilherme RR, Garbino, Guilherme ST, Flores, Gustavo E, Graciolli, Gustavo, Libardi, Gustavo S, Proctor, Heather C, Gil-Santana, Helcio R, Varella, Henrique R, Escalona, Hermes E, Schmitz, Hermes J, Rodrigues, Higor DD, Galvão Filho, Hilton de C, Quintino, Hingrid YS, Pinto, Hudson A, Rainho, Hugo L, Miyahira, Igor C, Gonçalves, Igor de S, Martins, Inês X, Cardoso, Irene A, Oliveira, Ismael B de, Franz, Ismael, Fernandes, Itanna O, Golfetti, Ivan F, S. Campos-Filho, Ivanklin, Oliveira, Ivo de S, Delabie, Jacques HC, Oliveira, Jader de, Prando, Jadila S, Patton, James L, Bitencourt, Jamille de A, Silva, Janaina M, Santos, Jandir C, Arruda, Janine O, Valderrama, Jefferson S, Dalapicolla, Jeronymo, Oliveira, Jéssica P, Hájek, Jiri, Morselli, João P, Narita, João P, Martin, João PI, Grazia, Jocélia, McHugh, Joe, Cherem, Jorge J, Farias Júnior, José AS, Fernandes, Jose AM, Pacheco, José F, Birindelli, José LO, Rezende, José M, Avendaño, Jose M, Duarte, José M Barbanti, Ribeiro, José R Inácio, Mermudes, José RM, Pujol-Luz, José R, Santos, Josenilson R dos, Câmara, Josenir T, Teixeira, Joyce A, Prado, Joyce R do, Botero, Juan P, Almeida, Julia C, Kohler, Julia, Gonçalves, Julia P, Beneti, Julia S, Donahue, Julian P, Alvim, Juliana, Almeida, Juliana C, Segadilha, Juliana L, Wingert, Juliana M, Barbosa, Julianna F, Ferrer, Juliano, Santos, Juliano F dos, Kuabara, Kamila MD, Nascimento, Karine B, Schoeninger, Karine, Campião, Karla M, Soares, Karla, Zilch, Kássia, Barão, Kim R, Teixeira, Larissa, Sousa, Laura D do NM de, Dumas, Leandro L, Vieira, Leandro M, Azevedo, Leonardo HG, Carvalho, Leonardo S, Souza, Leonardo S de, Rocha, Leonardo SG, Bernardi, Leopoldo FO, Vieira, Letícia M, Johann, Liana, Salvatierra, Lidianne, Oliveira, Livia de M, Loureiro, Lourdes MA El-moor, Barreto, Luana B, Barros, Luana M, Lecci, Lucas, Camargos, Lucas M de, Lima, Lucas RC, Almeida, Lucia M, Martins, Luciana R, Marinoni, Luciane, Moura, Luciano de A, Lima, Luciano, Naka, Luciano N, Miranda, Lucília S, Salik, Lucy M, Bezerra, Luis EA, Silveira, Luis F, Campos, Luiz A, Castro, Luiz AS de, Pinho, Luiz C, Silveira, Luiz FL, Iniesta, Luiz FM, Tencatt, Luiz FC, Simone, Luiz RL, Malabarba, Luiz R, Cruz, Luiza S da, Sekerka, Lukas, Barros, Lurdiana D, Santos, Luziany Q, Skoracki, Maciej, Correia, Maira A, Uchoa, Manoel A, Andrade, Manuella FG, Hermes, Marcel G, Miranda, Marcel S, Araújo, Marcel S de, Monné, Marcela L, Labruna, Marcelo B, Santis, Marcelo D de, Duarte, Marcelo, Knoff, Marcelo, Nogueira, Marcelo, Britto, Marcelo R de, Melo, Marcelo RS de, Carvalho, Marcelo R de, Tavares, Marcelo T, Kitahara, Marcelo V, Justo, Marcia CN, Botelho, Marcia JC, Couri, Márcia S, Borges-Martins, Márcio, Felix, Márcio, Oliveira, Marcio L de, Bologna, Marco A, Gottschalk, Marco S, Tavares, Marcos DS, Lhano, Marcos G, Bevilaqua, Marcus, Santos, Marcus TT, Domingues, Marcus V, Sallum, Maria AM, Digiani, María C, Santarém, Maria CA, Nascimento, Maria C do, Becerril, María de los AM, Santos, Maria EA dos, Passos, Maria I da S dos, Felippe-Bauer, Maria L, Cherman, Mariana A, Terossi, Mariana, Bartz, Marie LC, Barbosa, Marina F de C, Loeb, Marina V, Cohn-Haft, Mario, Cupello, Mario, Martins, Marlúcia B, Christofersen, Martin L, Bento, Matheus, Rocha, Matheus dos S, Martins, Maurício L, Segura, Melissa O, Cardenas, Melissa Q, Duarte, Mércia E, Ivie, Michael A, Mincarone, Michael M, Borges, Michela, Monné, Miguel A, Casagrande, Mirna M, Fernandez, Monica A, Piovesan, Mônica, Menezes, Naércio A, Benaim, Natalia P, Reategui, Natália S, Pedro, Natan C, Pecly, Nathalia H, Ferreira Júnior, Nelson, Silva Júnior, Nelson J da, Perioto, Nelson W, Hamada, Neusa, Degallier, Nicolas, Chao, Ning L, Ferla, Noeli J, Mielke, Olaf HH, Evangelista, Olivia, Shibatta, Oscar A, Oliveira, Otto MP, Albornoz, Pablo CL, Dellapé, Pablo M, Gonçalves, Pablo R, Shimabukuro, Paloma HF, Grossi, Paschoal, Rodrigues, Patrícia E da S, Lima, Patricia OV, Velazco, Paul, Santos, Paula B dos, Araújo, Paula B, Silva, Paula KR, Riccardi, Paula R, Garcia, Paulo C de A, Passos, Paulo GH, Corgosinho, Paulo HC, Lucinda, Paulo, Costa, Paulo MS, Alves, Paulo P, Roth, Paulo R de O, Coelho, Paulo RS, Duarte, Paulo RM, Carvalho, Pedro F de, Gnaspini, Pedro, Souza-Dias, Pedro GB, Linardi, Pedro M, Bartholomay, Pedro R, Demite, Peterson R, Bulirsch, Petr, Boll, Piter K, Pereira, Rachel MM, Silva, Rafael APF, Moura, Rafael B de, Boldrini, Rafael, Silva, Rafaela A da, Falaschi, Rafaela L, Cordeiro, Ralf TS, Mello, Ramon JCL, Singer, Randal A, Querino, Ranyse B, Heleodoro, Raphael A, Castilho, Raphael de C, Constantino, Reginaldo, Guedes, Reinaldo C, Carrenho, Renan, Gomes, Renata S, Gregorin, Renato, Machado, Renato JP, Bérnils, Renato S, Capellari, Renato S, Silva, Ricardo B, Kawada, Ricardo, Dias, Ricardo M, Siewert, Ricardo, Brugnera, Ricaro, Leschen, Richard AB, Constantin, Robert, Robbins, Robert, Pinto, Roberta R, Reis, Roberto E dos, Ramos, Robson T da C, Cavichioli, Rodney R, Barros, Rodolfo C de, Caires, Rodrigo A, Salvador, Rodrigo B, Marques, Rodrigo C, Araújo, Rodrigo C, Araujo, Rodrigo de O, Dios, Rodrigo de VP, Johnsson, Rodrigo, Feitosa, Rodrigo M, Hutchings, Roger W, Lara, Rogéria IR, Rossi, Rogério V, Gerstmeier, Roland, Ochoa, Ronald, Hutchings, Rosa SG, Ale-Rocha, Rosaly, Rocha, Rosana M da, Tidon, Rosana, Brito, Rosangela, Pellens, Roseli, Santos, Sabrina R dos, Santos, Sandra D dos, Paiva, Sandra V, Santos, Sandro, Oliveira, Sarah S de, Costa, Sávio C, Gardner, Scott L, Leal, Sebastián A Muñoz, Aloquio, Sergio, Bonecker, Sergio LC, Bueno, Sergio L de S, Almeida, Sérgio M de, Stampar, Sérgio N, Andena, Sérgio R, Posso, Sergio R, Lima, Sheila P, Gadelha, Sian de S, Thiengo, Silvana C, Cohen, Simone C, Brandão, Simone N, Rosa, Simone P, Ribeiro, Síria LB, Letana, Sócrates D, Santos, Sonia B dos, Andrade, Sonia CS, Dávila, Stephane, Vaz, Stéphanie, Peck, Stewart B, Christo, Susete W, Cunha, Suzan BZ, Gomes, Suzete R, Duarte, Tácio, Madeira-Ott, Taís, Marques, Taísa, Roell, Talita, Lima, Tarcilla C de, Sepulveda, Tatiana A, Maria, Tatiana F, Ruschel, Tatiana P, Rodrigues, Thaiana, Marinho, Thais A, Almeida, Thaís M de, Miranda, Thaís P, Freitas, Thales RO, Pereira, Thalles PL, Zacca, Thamara, Pacheco, Thaynara L, Martins, Thiago F, Alvarenga, Thiago M, Carvalho, Thiago R de, Polizei, Thiago TS, McElrath, Thomas C, Henry, Thomas, Pikart, Tiago G, Porto, Tiago J, Krolow, Tiago K, Carvalho, Tiago P, Lotufo, Tito M da C, Caramaschi, Ulisses, Pinheiro, Ulisses dos S, Pardiñas, Ulyses FJ, Maia, Valéria C, Tavares, Valeria, Costa, Valmir A, Amaral, Vanessa S do, Silva, Vera C, Wolff, Vera R dos S, Slobodian, Verônica, Silva, Vinícius B da, Espíndola, Vinicius C, Costa-Silva, Vinicius da, Bertaco, Vinicius de A, Padula, Vinícius, Ferreira, Vinicius S, Silva, Vitor CP da, Piacentini, Vítor de Q, Sandoval-Gómez, Vivian E, Trevine, Vivian, Sousa, Viviane R, Sant’Anna, Vivianne B de, Mathis, Wayne N, Souza, Wesley de O, Colombo, Wesley D, Tomaszewska, Wioletta, Wosiacki, Wolmar B, Ovando, Ximena MC, and Leite, Yuri LR
- Abstract
The limited temporal completeness and taxonomic accuracy of species lists, made available in a traditional manner in scientific publications, has always represented a problem. These lists are invariably limited to a few taxonomic groups and do not represent up-to-date knowledge of all species and classifications. In this context, the Brazilian megadiverse fauna is no exception, and the Catálogo Taxonômico da Fauna do Brasil (CTFB) (http://fauna.jbrj.gov.br/), made public in 2015, represents a database on biodiversity anchored on a list of valid and expertly recognized scientific names of animals in Brazil. The CTFB is updated in near real time by a team of more than 800 specialists. By January 1, 2024, the CTFB compiled 133,691 nominal species, with 125,138 that were considered valid. Most of the valid species were arthropods (82.3%, with more than 102,000 species) and chordates (7.69%, with over 11,000 species). These taxa were followed by a cluster composed of Mollusca (3,567 species), Platyhelminthes (2,292 species), Annelida (1,833 species), and Nematoda (1,447 species). All remaining groups had less than 1,000 species reported in Brazil, with Cnidaria (831 species), Porifera (628 species), Rotifera (606 species), and Bryozoa (520 species) representing those with more than 500 species. Analysis of the CTFB database can facilitate and direct efforts towards the discovery of new species in Brazil, but it is also fundamental in providing the best available list of valid nominal species to users, including those in science, health, conservation efforts, and any initiative involving animals. The importance of the CTFB is evidenced by the elevated number of citations in the scientific literature in diverse areas of biology, law, anthropology, education, forensic science, and veterinary science, among others.
- Published
- 2024
7. Crossover from mean-field to $2d$ Directed Percolation in the contact process
- Author
Santos, T. B. dos, Filho, C. I. N. Sampaio, Araújo, N. A. M., Oliveira, C. L. N., and Moreira, A. A.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We study the contact process on spatially embedded networks, consisting of a regular square lattice with long-range connections. To generate the networks, a long-range connection is randomly added to each node $i$ of a square lattice, following the probability, $P_{ij}\sim{r_{ij}^{-\alpha}}$ , where $r_{ij}$ is the Manhattan distance between nodes $i$ and $j$, and the exponent $\alpha$ is a tunable parameter. Extensive Monte Carlo simulations and a finite-size scaling analysis for different values of $\alpha$ reveal a crossover from the mean-field to $2d$ Directed Percolation universality class with increasing $\alpha$, in the range $3<\alpha<4$., Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures
- Published
- 2018
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8. Anxiolytic, Antidepressant, and Anticholinesterase Effects of Essential Oil from Myrcia sylvatica (G.Mey.) DC.
- Author
Silva Júnior, Antônio Quaresma da, Garcia, Mariana Maciel, Farias, Wanderson da Silva, Sousa, Deise Juliane dos Anjos de, Barroso, Adenilson de Sousa, Figueiredo, Pablo Luis Baia, Santos, Gabriela B. dos, de Oliveira, Ricardo Bezerra, and Mourão, Rosa Helena Veras
- Subjects
MAZE tests ,ESSENTIAL oils ,ALZHEIMER'S disease ,MOTOR ability ,CENTRAL nervous system - Abstract
Aromatic plants are rich sources of essential oils (EOs), recognized for their therapeutic properties due to their diversity of phytochemicals. This study investigated the anxiolytic and antidepressant effects of Myrcia sylvatica essential oil (MsEO) through inhalation in an animal model and its in vitro anticholinesterase (AChE) activity. The EO was obtained by hydrodistillation, and its volatile constituents were analyzed by GC-MS. Swiss mice were exposed to doses of 0.1%, 1%, and 2% of the EO via an inhalation apparatus. The anxiolytic activity was assessed using the elevated plus maze and light–dark box tests, while antidepressant activity was evaluated using the tail suspension and forced swimming tests. To examine potential side effects, the animals were subjected to rotarod, Y-maze, and Morris water maze tests to assess motor coordination, memory, and learning. Anticholinesterase activity was determined by direct bioautography and colorimetry based on the Ellman method. The results demonstrated that inhalation of MsEO at doses of 0.1% and 1% significantly reduced anxiety and depressive-like behaviors without impairing memory, learning, or motor coordination in the animals. Moreover, MsEO inhibited acetylcholinesterase with an IC
50 of 0.47 μg/mL. These findings suggest that MsEO has potential therapeutic applications for anxiety and depression disorders, with additional anticholinesterase activity warranting further investigation in cognitive-related conditions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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9. PELESent: Cross-domain polarity classification using distant supervision
- Author
Corrêa Jr, Edilson A., Marinho, Vanessa Q., Santos, Leandro B. dos, Bertaglia, Thales F. C., Treviso, Marcos V., and Brum, Henrico B.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computation and Language ,Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence ,Computer Science - Learning - Abstract
The enormous amount of texts published daily by Internet users has fostered the development of methods to analyze this content in several natural language processing areas, such as sentiment analysis. The main goal of this task is to classify the polarity of a message. Even though many approaches have been proposed for sentiment analysis, some of the most successful ones rely on the availability of large annotated corpus, which is an expensive and time-consuming process. In recent years, distant supervision has been used to obtain larger datasets. So, inspired by these techniques, in this paper we extend such approaches to incorporate popular graphic symbols used in electronic messages, the emojis, in order to create a large sentiment corpus for Portuguese. Trained on almost one million tweets, several models were tested in both same domain and cross-domain corpora. Our methods obtained very competitive results in five annotated corpora from mixed domains (Twitter and product reviews), which proves the domain-independent property of such approach. In addition, our results suggest that the combination of emoticons and emojis is able to properly capture the sentiment of a message., Comment: Accepted for publication in BRACIS 2017
- Published
- 2017
10. A Lightweight Regression Method to Infer Psycholinguistic Properties for Brazilian Portuguese
- Author
Santos, Leandro B. dos, Duran, Magali S., Hartmann, Nathan S., Candido Jr., Arnaldo, Paetzold, Gustavo H., and Aluisio, Sandra M.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computation and Language - Abstract
Psycholinguistic properties of words have been used in various approaches to Natural Language Processing tasks, such as text simplification and readability assessment. Most of these properties are subjective, involving costly and time-consuming surveys to be gathered. Recent approaches use the limited datasets of psycholinguistic properties to extend them automatically to large lexicons. However, some of the resources used by such approaches are not available to most languages. This study presents a method to infer psycholinguistic properties for Brazilian Portuguese (BP) using regressors built with a light set of features usually available for less resourced languages: word length, frequency lists, lexical databases composed of school dictionaries and word embedding models. The correlations between the properties inferred are close to those obtained by related works. The resulting resource contains 26,874 words in BP annotated with concreteness, age of acquisition, imageability and subjective frequency., Comment: Paper accepted for TSD2017
- Published
- 2017
11. Enriching Complex Networks with Word Embeddings for Detecting Mild Cognitive Impairment from Speech Transcripts
- Author
Santos, Leandro B. dos, Corrêa Jr, Edilson A., Oliveira Jr, Osvaldo N., Amancio, Diego R., Mansur, Letícia L., and Aluísio, Sandra M.
- Subjects
Computer Science - Computation and Language - Abstract
Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) is a mental disorder difficult to diagnose. Linguistic features, mainly from parsers, have been used to detect MCI, but this is not suitable for large-scale assessments. MCI disfluencies produce non-grammatical speech that requires manual or high precision automatic correction of transcripts. In this paper, we modeled transcripts into complex networks and enriched them with word embedding (CNE) to better represent short texts produced in neuropsychological assessments. The network measurements were applied with well-known classifiers to automatically identify MCI in transcripts, in a binary classification task. A comparison was made with the performance of traditional approaches using Bag of Words (BoW) and linguistic features for three datasets: DementiaBank in English, and Cinderella and Arizona-Battery in Portuguese. Overall, CNE provided higher accuracy than using only complex networks, while Support Vector Machine was superior to other classifiers. CNE provided the highest accuracies for DementiaBank and Cinderella, but BoW was more efficient for the Arizona-Battery dataset probably owing to its short narratives. The approach using linguistic features yielded higher accuracy if the transcriptions of the Cinderella dataset were manually revised. Taken together, the results indicate that complex networks enriched with embedding is promising for detecting MCI in large-scale assessments, Comment: Published in Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguist 2017
- Published
- 2017
12. Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS) for the Subaru Telescope: Overview, recent progress, and future perspectives
- Author
Tamura, Naoyuki, Takato, Naruhisa, Shimono, Atsushi, Moritani, Yuki, Yabe, Kiyoto, Ishizuka, Yuki, Ueda, Akitoshi, Kamata, Yukiko, Aghazarian, Hrand, Arnouts, Stephane, Barban, Gabriel, Barkhouser, Robert H., Borges, Renato C., Braun, David F., Carr, Michael A., Chabaud, Pierre-Yves, Chang, Yin-Chang, Chen, Hsin-Yo, Chiba, Masashi, Chou, Richard C. Y., Chu, You-Hua, Cohen, Judith G., de Almeida, Rodrigo P., de Oliveira, Antonio C., de Oliveira, Ligia S., Dekany, Richard G., Dohlen, Kjetil, Santos, Jesulino B. dos, Santos, Leandro H. dos, Ellis, Richard S., Fabricius, Maximilian, Ferrand, Didier, Ferreira, Decio, Golebiowski, Mirek, Greene, Jenny E., Gross, Johannes, Gunn, James E., Hammond, Randolph, Harding, Albert, Hart, Murdock, Heckman, Timothy M., Hirata, Christopher M., Ho, Paul, Hope, Stephen C., Hovland, Larry, Hsu, Shu-Fu, Hu, Yen-Shan, Huang, Ping-Jie, Jaquet, Marc, Jing, Yipeng, Karr, Jennifer, Kimura, Masahiko, King, Matthew E., Komatsu, Eiichiro, Brun, Vincent Le, Fevre, Olivier Le, Fur, Arnaud Le, Mignant, David Le, Ling, Hung-Hsu, Loomis, Craig P., Lupton, Robert H., Madec, Fabrice, Mao, Peter, Marrara, Lucas S., de Oliveira, Claudia Mendes, Minowa, Yosuke, Morantz, Chaz N., Murayama, Hitoshi, Murray, Graham J., Ohyama, Youichi, Orndorff, Joseph, Pascal, Sandrine, Pereira, Jefferson M., Reiley, Daniel J., Reinecke, Martin, Ritter, Andreas, Roberts, Mitsuko, Schwochert, Mark A., Seiffert, Michael D., Smee, Stephen A., Sodre Jr., Laerte, Spergel, David N., Steinkraus, Aaron J., Strauss, Michael A., Surace, Christian, Suto, Yasushi, Suzuki, Nao, Swinbank, John, Tait, Philip J., Takada, Masahiro, Tamura, Tomonori, Tanaka, Yoko, Tresse, Laurence, Verducci Jr., Orlando, Vibert, Didier, Vidal, Clement, Wang, Shiang-Yu, Wen, Chih-Yi, Yan, Chi-Hung, and Yasuda, Naoki
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics ,Astrophysics - Astrophysics of Galaxies - Abstract
PFS (Prime Focus Spectrograph), a next generation facility instrument on the 8.2-meter Subaru Telescope, is a very wide-field, massively multiplexed, optical and near-infrared spectrograph. Exploiting the Subaru prime focus, 2394 reconfigurable fibers will be distributed over the 1.3 deg field of view. The spectrograph has been designed with 3 arms of blue, red, and near-infrared cameras to simultaneously observe spectra from 380nm to 1260nm in one exposure at a resolution of ~1.6-2.7A. An international collaboration is developing this instrument under the initiative of Kavli IPMU. The project is now going into the construction phase aiming at undertaking system integration in 2017-2018 and subsequently carrying out engineering operations in 2018-2019. This article gives an overview of the instrument, current project status and future paths forward., Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures. Proceeding of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016
- Published
- 2016
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13. Majority-vote model on spatially embedded networks: crossover from mean-field to Ising universality classes
- Author
Filho, C. I. N. Sampaio, Santos, T. B. dos, Moreira, A. A., Moreira, F. G. B., and Andrade Jr, J. S.
- Subjects
Condensed Matter - Statistical Mechanics - Abstract
We study through Monte Carlo simulations and finite-size scaling analysis the nonequilibrium phase transitions of the majority-vote model taking place on spatially embedded networks. These structures are built from an underlying regular lattice over which long-range connections are randomly added according to the probability, $P_{ij}\sim{r^{-\alpha}}$, where $r_{ij}$ is the Manhattan distance between nodes $i$ and $j$, and the exponent $\alpha$ is a controlling parameter [J. M. Kleinberg, Nature 406, 845 (2000)]. Our results show that the collective behavior of this system exhibits a continuous order-disorder phase transition at a critical parameter, which is a decreasing function of the exponent $\alpha$. Precisely, considering the scaling functions and the critical exponents calculated, we conclude that the system undergoes a crossover among distinct universality classes. For $\alpha\le3$ the critical behavior is described by mean-field exponents, while for $\alpha\ge4$ it belongs to the Ising universality class. Finally, in the region where the crossover occurs, $3<\alpha<4$, the critical exponents are dependent on $\alpha$., Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures
- Published
- 2016
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14. Standardization of an experimental model of intradural injection after spinal cord injury in rats
- Author
Letaif, Olavo B., Tavares-Júnior, Mauro C.M., Santos, Gustavo B. dos, Ferreira, Ricardo J.R., Marcon, Raphael M., Cristante, Alexandre F., and Barros-Filho, Tarcísio E.P. de
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Ruoso, A., primary, Macedo, V. de P., additional, Hill, J. A. G., additional, Silveira, A. L. F da, additional, Baungratz, A. R., additional, Borba, L. P. de, additional, Cesco, G. de O., additional, Santos, G. B. dos, additional, Batista, R., additional, and Negri, R., additional
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Baungratz, A. R., primary, Macedo, V. de P., additional, De Borba, Leonardo, additional, Rankrape, F., additional, Paula, F. L. M. de, additional, Batista, R., additional, Mendonça, L. N., additional, Nazário, D., additional, Negri, R., additional, and Santos, G. B. dos, additional
- Published
- 2022
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17. Yield of 'Gigante' cactus pear cultivated under biofertilizer doses and application intervals/Rendimento de palma forrageira 'Gigante' cultivada sob doses e intervalos de aplicação de biofertilizante
- Author
Fonseca, Varley A., Rodrigues, Carlindo S., Alvarenga, Rodrigo R., Santos, Delfran B. dos, Bebé, Felizarda V., and Pina, Douglas S.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Development of a Macro X-ray Fluorescence (MA-XRF) Scanner System for In Situ Analysis of Paintings That Operates in a Static or Dynamic Method.
- Author
Freitas, Renato P. de, Oliveira, Miguel A. de, Oliveira, Matheus B. de, Pimenta, André R., Felix, Valter de S., Pereira, Marcelo O., Gonçalves, Elicardo A. S., Grechi, João V. L., Silva, Fabricio L. e., Carvalho, Cristiano de S., Ataliba, Jonas G. R. S., Pereira, Leandro O., Muniz, Lucas C., Santos, Robson B. dos, and Vital, Vitor da S.
- Published
- 2024
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19. Heat shock response in noise-induced hearing loss: effects of alanyl-glutamine dipeptide supplementation on heat shock proteins status
- Author
Soares, Marcos, Santos, Analu B. dos, Weich, Tainara M., Mânica, Gabriela Gomes, Homem de Bittencourt, Paulo Ivo, Junior, Ludwig, Mirna Stela, and Heck, Thiago Gomes
- Published
- 2020
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20. Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System (FOCCoS) for PFS/Subaru
- Author
de Oliveira, Antonio Cesar, de Oliveira, Lígia Souza, de Arruda, Márcio V., Marrara, Lucas Souza, Santos, Leandro H. dos, Ferreira, Décio, Santos, Jesulino B. dos, Rosa, Josimar A., Junior, Orlando V., Pereira, Jeferson M., Castilho, Bruno, Gneiding, Clemens, Junior, Laerte S., de Oliveira, Claudia M., Gunn, James E., Ueda, Akitoshi, Takato, Naruhisa, Shimono, Atsushi, Sugai, Hajime, Karoji, Hiroshi, Kimura, Masahiko, Tamura, Naoyuki, Wang, Shiang-Yu, Murray, Graham, Mignant, David Le, Madec, Fabrice, Jaquet, Marc, Vives, Sebastien, Fisher, Charlie, Braun, David, Schwochert, Mark, and Reiley, Daniel J.
- Subjects
Astrophysics - Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics - Abstract
FOCCoS, Fiber Optical Cable and Connector System, has the main function of capturing the direct light from the focal plane of Subaru Telescope using optical fibers, each one with a microlens in its tip, and conducting this light through a route containing connectors to a set of four spectrographs. The optical fiber cable is divided in 3 different segments called Cable A, Cable B and Cable C. Multi-fibers connectors assure precise connection among all optical fibers of the segments, providing flexibility for instrument changes. To assure strong and accurate connection, these sets are arranged inside two types of assemblies: the Tower Connector, for connection between Cable C and Cable B; and the Gang Connector, for connection between Cable B and Cable A. Throughput tests were made to evaluate the efficiency of the connections. A lifetime test connection is in progress. Cable C is installed inside the PFI, Prime Focus Instrument, where each fiber tip with a microlens is bonded to the end of the shaft of a 2-stage piezo-electric rotatory motor positioner; this assembly allows each fiber to be placed anywhere within its patrol region, which is 9.5mm diameter.. Each positioner uses a fiber arm to support the ferrule, the microlens, and the optical fiber. 2400 of these assemblies are arranged on a motor bench plate in a hexagonal-closed-packed disposition., Comment: 11 pages, 20 figures
- Published
- 2014
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21. Magnetic fields and the Weyl tensor in the early universe
- Author
Bittencourt, Eduardo, Salim, José, and Santos, Grasiele B. dos
- Subjects
General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology ,Astrophysics - Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics - Abstract
We have solved the Einstein-Maxwell equations for a class of isotropic metrics with constant spatial curvature in the presence of magnetic fields. We consider a slight modification of the Tolman averaging relations so that the energy-momentum tensor of the electromagnetic field possesses an anisotropic pressure component. This inhomogeneous magnetic universe is isotropic and its time evolution is guided by the usual Friedmann equations. In the case of flat universe, the space-time metric is free of singularities (except the well-known initial singularity at t = 0). It is shown that the anisotropic pressure of our model has a straightforward relation to the Weyl tensor. We also analyze the effect of this new ingredient on the motion of test particles and on the geodesic deviation of the cosmic fluid., Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures, new conceptual treatment of the early phenomenological work arXiv:1301.3079. Matches published version
- Published
- 2014
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22. Dryinidae species (Hymenoptera, Aculeata) in the semiarid region of Bahia, Brazil
- Author
Santos, Maria F. M., primary, Pérez-Maluf, Raquel, additional, Moreira, Aldenise A., additional, Santos, Cleidiane B. dos, additional, Martins, André L., additional, and Paula, Rita de C. A. L. de, additional
- Published
- 2024
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23. Toxicity and Sublethal Effects of Piper hispidinervum Essential Oil on Behavioral and Physiological Responses of Sitophilus zeamais Populations.
- Author
Lopes, Lucas M., Sousa, Adalberto H. de, Faroni, Lêda R. A., Silva, Marcus V. de A., Ferraz, Maria S. S., and Santos, Vanderley B. dos
- Subjects
CORN weevil ,WALKING speed ,ESSENTIAL oils ,INSECT populations ,GAS chromatography - Abstract
This study aimed to evaluate the toxicity of Piper hispidinervum essential oil (PHEO) against 11 Brazilian populations of Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). The effects of sublethal doses of PHEO on the behavior (walking and flying), respiration, and population growth (r
i ) of the insect populations were investigated. PHEO toxicity was determined through concentration–mortality bioassays, with mortality curves established using increasing PHEO concentrations ranging from 140.00 to 1000.00 μL kg−1 . Behavior was evaluated based on walking distance, walking time, walking speed, walking time proportion, flight height, and flight takeoff success. Respiration was measured via the respiratory rate, while population growth (ri ) was assessed through the instantaneous growth rate. All 11 populations of S. zeamais were susceptible to PHEO, showing no signs of resistance. The populations exhibited varying behavioral and physiological responses to sublethal exposure to PHEO, indicating different mitigation strategies. The results confirm that PHEO possesses insecticidal potential for controlling S. zeamais populations. However, the observed behavioral and physiological responses should be considered when establishing control measures in pest management programs for stored products. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2024
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24. Os conceitos de Laicidade, Confessionalidade e Confessionalismo no Ensino Religioso escolar
- Author
SANTOS, T. B. dos, primary
- Published
- 2021
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25. On the Hölder regularity for solutions of integro-differential equations like the anisotropic fractional Laplacian
- Author
Santos, E. B. dos and Leitão, R.
- Published
- 2021
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26. A remarkable assemblage of petroglyphs and dinosaur footprints at a site in Northeastern Brazil
- Author
Troiano, Leonardo P., primary, Santos, Heloísa B. dos, additional, Aureliano, Tito, additional, and Ghilardi, Aline M., additional
- Published
- 2023
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27. Excretory/secretory products in the Echinococcus granulosus metacestode: is the intermediate host complacent with infection caused by the larval form of the parasite?
- Author
Santos, Guilherme B. dos, Monteiro, Karina M., da Silva, Edileuza Danieli, Battistella, Maria Eduarda, Ferreira, Henrique B., and Zaha, Arnaldo
- Published
- 2016
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28. O EXAME DE PAPANICOLAU: uma perspectiva interprofissional
- Author
Holanda, Juliana Bento de Lima, primary, Sponhoz, Flavia A. Gomes-, additional, Araújo, Ednaldo C. de, additional, Campos, Regiane B., additional, Weiller, Teresinha H., additional, Bento, Fábio M. de H., additional, Santos, Amuzza Aylla P. dos, additional, Silva, Jovânia M. de O. e, additional, Santos, Christiano B. dos, additional, and Araujo, Sandra Taveiros de, additional
- Published
- 2019
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29. How many species of Mollusca are there in Brazil? A collective taxonomic effort to reveal this still unknown diversity
- Author
Machado, Fabrizio M., Miranda, Marcel S., Salvador, Rodrigo B., Pimenta, Alexandre D., Côrtes, Mariana O., Gomes, Jaime A.j., Miyahira, Igor C., Agudo-padrón, Ignacio, Oliveira, Cléo D.c., Caetano, Carlos H.s., Coelho, Paulo R.s., D’ávila, Sthefane, De Arruda, Eliane P., De Almeida, Sérgio M., Gomes, Suzete R., Alvim, Juliana, Galvão-filho, Hilton, L. Ferreira-júnior, Augusto, Marques, Rodrigo C., Martins, Inês, De Souza, Leonardo S., Arruda, Janine O., Cavallari, Daniel C., Santos, Sonia B. Dos, Pedro, Natan C., De A. Salles, Anna C., Dornellas, Ana P.s., De Lima, Tarcilla C., Do Amaral, Vanessa S., Silva, Fernanda S., Passos, Flávio D., Thiengo, Silvana S., Leite, Tatiana S., Simone, Luiz R.l., Machado, Fabrizio M., Miranda, Marcel S., Salvador, Rodrigo B., Pimenta, Alexandre D., Côrtes, Mariana O., Gomes, Jaime A.j., Miyahira, Igor C., Agudo-padrón, Ignacio, Oliveira, Cléo D.c., Caetano, Carlos H.s., Coelho, Paulo R.s., D’ávila, Sthefane, De Arruda, Eliane P., De Almeida, Sérgio M., Gomes, Suzete R., Alvim, Juliana, Galvão-filho, Hilton, L. Ferreira-júnior, Augusto, Marques, Rodrigo C., Martins, Inês, De Souza, Leonardo S., Arruda, Janine O., Cavallari, Daniel C., Santos, Sonia B. Dos, Pedro, Natan C., De A. Salles, Anna C., Dornellas, Ana P.s., De Lima, Tarcilla C., Do Amaral, Vanessa S., Silva, Fernanda S., Passos, Flávio D., Thiengo, Silvana S., Leite, Tatiana S., and Simone, Luiz R.l.
- Abstract
The expression ‘you need to know to conserve’ is a well-known cliche among biologists. Documenting the richness of a group of organisms is the first step towards understanding biodiversity and preparing efficient conservation plans. In this context, many efforts have been made to quantify the number of species on Earth and estimate the number of species still unknown to science. A few countries have complete and integrated databases estimating the approximate number of species recorded for their territory, particularly in the Global South. In Brazil, a country of continental dimensions, revealing the richness of the second most diverse clade of invertebrates (=Mollusca) has been a goal of taxonomists. Recently, in an unprecedented, collective, and integrated effort among Brazilian malacologists, it was possible to estimate how many valid species of molluscs are there in Brazil. In this effort, more than 30 mollusc experts joined together to update the Taxonomic Catalogue of the Brazilian Fauna (TCBF), a governmental website that allows a quick and real-time updating of all Metazoan. So far, more than 5,000 updates have been made in TCBF, indicating the presence of 3,552 valid species of molluscs in Brazil, distributed among the main clades as follows: Caudofoveata (10 spp.), Solenogastres (6 spp.), Polyplacophora (35 spp.), Scaphopoda (43 spp.), Cephalopoda (92 spp.), Bivalvia (629 spp.) and Gastropoda (2,737 spp.). The present study, in addition to demonstrating for the first time the richness of Brazilian molluscs, also presents the state of the art of this important phylum of invertebrates highlighting its most representative and neglected groups.
- Published
- 2023
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30. Efficient adeno-associated virus serotype 5 capture with affinity functionalized nanofiber adsorbents
- Author
Neto, Salomé, primary, Mendes, João P., additional, Santos, Susana B. Dos, additional, Solbrand, Anita, additional, Carrondo, Manuel J. T., additional, Peixoto, Cristina, additional, and Silva, Ricardo J. S., additional
- Published
- 2023
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31. Testosterone treatment reveals marked sex differences in song diversity and syllable syntax in adult canaries
- Author
Santos, Ednei B. dos, primary, Ball, Gregory F., additional, Logue, David M, additional, Cornil, Charlotte A, additional, and Balthazart, Jacques, additional
- Published
- 2023
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32. Wear-corrosion characterization of electrodeposited NiW alloys in artificial see water
- Author
Santos, C. B. dos, primary and Kölle, S., additional
- Published
- 2023
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33. Building pathologies caused by failure of Fundão Tailing Dam: A principal component analysis aproach
- Author
- Published
- 2023
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34. Econometric model of iron ore through principal component analysis and multiple linear regression
- Author
CAMPOS, BÁRBARA ISABELA DA SILVA, primary, LOPES, GISELE C.A., additional, CASTRO, PHILIPE S.C. DE, additional, SANTOS, TATIANA B. DOS, additional, and SOUZA, FELIPE R., additional
- Published
- 2023
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35. How many species of Mollusca are there in Brazil? A collective taxonomic effort to reveal this still unknown diversity
- Author
Machado, Fabrizio M., primary, Miranda, Marcel S., additional, Salvador, Rodrigo B., additional, Pimenta, Alexandre D., additional, Côrtes, Mariana O., additional, Gomes, Jaime A.J., additional, Miyahira, Igor C., additional, Agudo-Padrón, Ignacio, additional, Oliveira, Cléo D.C., additional, Caetano, Carlos H.S., additional, Coelho, Paulo R.S., additional, D’Ávila, Sthefane, additional, Arruda, Eliane P. de, additional, Almeida, Sérgio M. de, additional, Gomes, Suzete R., additional, Alvim, Juliana, additional, Galvão-Filho, Hilton, additional, L. Ferreira-Júnior, Augusto, additional, Marques, Rodrigo C., additional, Martins, Inês, additional, Souza, Leonardo S. de, additional, Arruda, Janine O., additional, Cavallari, Daniel C., additional, Santos, Sonia B. dos, additional, Pedro, Natan C., additional, Salles, Anna C. de A., additional, Dornellas, Ana P.S., additional, Lima, Tarcilla C. de, additional, Amaral, Vanessa S. do, additional, Silva, Fernanda S., additional, Passos, Flávio D., additional, Thiengo, Silvana S., additional, Leite, Tatiana S., additional, and Simone, Luiz R.L., additional
- Published
- 2023
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36. Ablation of neural progenitors by focal X-ray irradiation: effects on song production and perception in canaries
- Author
Chiver, Ioana, primary, Santos, Ednei B. dos, additional, Valle, Shelley, additional, Lallemand, François, additional, Cornil, Charlotte A., additional, Ball, Gregory F., additional, and Balthazart, Jacques, additional
- Published
- 2022
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37. Critical buses identification for voltage stability assessment considering the application of modal analysis and a robust state estimation with bad data suppression
- Author
Mingorança, Jeanderson S., primary, Melo, Igor D., additional, and Santos, Alexandre B. dos, additional
- Published
- 2022
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38. SCOrE: um serviço de classificação de usuários móveis com base em seus aplicativos e suas cidades
- Author
Figueiredo, Leonardo J. A. S., primary, Santos, Germano B. dos, additional, Souza, Raissa P. P. M., additional, Silva, Fabrício A., additional, Silva, Thais R. M. B., additional, and Loureiro, Antonio A. F., additional
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
D. Neto, José C., Resque, Ian S., Avelino, Rodrigo A., Santos, Vagner B. dos, Leite, Lucas S., Cesar, Lucas O., Belo, Paulo H. da Silva, Albuquerque, Jones, and Lima Filho, José L. de
- Subjects
unmanned aerial vehicle ,BTEX ,drone ,Mass Spectrometry ,Gas Chromatography - Abstract
In this work an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) was adapted to be used as an environmental tool to collect water samples of sea, estuary, and mangrove for further analysis by gas chromatography with a mass detector (GC-MS). The sampling automated system was based on a microcontroller, a solenoid valve, and a peristaltic mini-pump that was coupled to a quadcopter UAV. The apparatus was properly calibrated to acquire 100 mL of environmental water at 4.6 min. After, the concentration of BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and o, m, p-xylenes) was analyzed in laboratory using GC-MS and the BTEX concentration ranged from 0.3 to 5.0 µg L-1 with a recovery from 83.9 to 118% with a relative standard deviation lower than 7.0%. Tests of cross-contamination were performed by simultaneous sampling and laboratory blank was carried out and no contamination was found for BTEX analysis. Based on the results, the adapted UAV presented a very useful ability to collect samples in difficult access areas such as mangroves, points between rocks, corals reefs, without health risk and without impacting the fragile ecosystem being an interesting tool for environmental purposes.
- Published
- 2022
40. Sleep-controlling neurons are sensitive and vulnerable to multiple forms of α-synuclein:implications for the early appearance of sleeping disorders in α-synucleinopathies
- Author
Santos, Altair B Dos, Skaanning, Line K, Thaneskwaran, Siggania, Mikkelsen, Eyd, Romero-Leguizamon, Cesar R, Skamris, Thomas, Kristensen, Morten P, Langkilde, Annette E, and Kohlmeier, Kristi A.
- Subjects
nervous system - Abstract
Parkinson’s disease, Multiple System Atrophy, and Lewy Body Dementia are incurable diseases called α-synucleinopathies as they are mechanistically linked to the protein, α-synuclein (α-syn). α-syn exists in different structural forms which have been linked to clinical disease distinctions. However, sleeping disorders (SDs) are common in the prodromal phase of all three α-synucleinopathies, which suggests that sleep-controlling neurons are affected by multiple forms of α-syn. To determine whether a structure-independent neuronal impact of α-syn exists, we compared and contrasted the cellular effect of three different α-syn forms on neurotransmitter-defined cells of two sleep-controlling nuclei located in the brainstem: the Laterodorsal Tegmental nucleus and the Pedunculopontine Tegmental nucleus. We utilized size exclusion chromatography, fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy to precisely characterize timepoints in the α-syn aggregation process with three different dominating forms of this protein (monomeric, oligomeric and fibril) and we conducted an in-depth investigation of the underlying neuronal mechanism behind cellular effects of the different forms of the protein using electrophysiology, multiple-cell calcium imaging, single-cell calcium imaging and live-location tracking with fluorescently-tagged α-syn. Interestingly, α-syn altered membrane currents, enhanced firing, increased intracellular calcium and facilitated cell death in a structure-independent manner in sleep-controlling nuclei, and postsynaptic actions involved a G-protein-mediated mechanism. These data are novel as the sleep-controlling nuclei are the first brain regions reported to be affected by α-syn in a structure-independent manner. These regions may represent highly important targets for future neuroprotective therapy to modify or delay disease progression in α-synucleinopathies.
- Published
- 2022
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41. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Santos, Altair B Dos, Skaanning, Line K, Thaneskwaran, Siggania, Mikkelsen, Eyd, Romero-Leguizamon, Cesar R, Skamris, Thomas, Kristensen, Morten P, Langkilde, Annette E, Kohlmeier, Kristi A., Santos, Altair B Dos, Skaanning, Line K, Thaneskwaran, Siggania, Mikkelsen, Eyd, Romero-Leguizamon, Cesar R, Skamris, Thomas, Kristensen, Morten P, Langkilde, Annette E, and Kohlmeier, Kristi A.
- Published
- 2022
42. Sleep-controlling neurons are sensitive and vulnerable to multiple forms of α-synuclein: implications for the early appearance of sleeping disorders in α-synucleinopathies
- Author
Santos, Altair B Dos, primary, Skaanning, Line K, additional, Thaneskwaran, Siggania, additional, Mikkelsen, Eyd, additional, Romero-Leguizamon, Cesar R, additional, Skamris, Thomas, additional, Kristensen, Morten P, additional, Langkilde, Annette E, additional, and Kohlmeier, Kristi A., additional
- Published
- 2022
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43. Absence of Anti-RBD Antibodies in SARS-CoV-2 Infected or Naive Individuals Prior to Vaccination with CoronaVac Leads to Short Protection of Only Four Months Duration
- Author
Oliveira, Camille F. de, primary, Neto, Walter F. F., additional, Silva, Carla P. da, additional, Ribeiro, Ana Claudia S., additional, Martins, Lívia C., additional, Sousa, Alana W. de, additional, Freitas, Maria N. O., additional, Chiang, Jannifer O., additional, Silva, Franko A., additional, Santos, Eder B. dos, additional, Medeiros, Daniele B. A., additional, Pinheiro, Gleiciane S., additional, Brandão, Gleiciane F., additional, Carvalho, Valéria L., additional, Azevedo, Raimunda S. S., additional, Vasconcelos, Pedro F. C., additional, Costa, Igor B., additional, Costa, Iran B., additional, Santos, Mirleide C. dos, additional, Soares, Luana S., additional, Bedran, Rayssa L. S., additional, Ferreira, James L., additional, Amarilla, Alberto A., additional, Modhiran, Naphak, additional, McMillan, Christopher L. D., additional, Freney, Morgan E., additional, Muller, David A., additional, Watterson, Daniel, additional, Casseb, Lívia M. N., additional, and Henriques, Daniele F., additional
- Published
- 2022
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44. Novel Insecticides from Alkylated and Acylated Derivatives of Thymol and Eugenol for the Control of Plutella xylostella (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae)
- Author
Camara, Claudio A. G. da, Doboszewski, Bogdan, Melo, João P. R. de, Nazarenko, Alexander Y., Santos, Rodrigo B. dos, and Moraes, Marcilio M.
- Subjects
antifeedant ,thymol ,larvicidal ,Plutella xylostella ,insecticidal ,eugenol - Abstract
Plutella xylostella cause considerable harm to the production of broccoli, Chinese cabbage, cabbage and cauliflower. The control of P. xylostella is mainly performed using commercial insecticides, which have even led to the emergence of resistant populations. Two easily available natural products found in different plants essential oil, thymol and eugenol, stand up as possible novel agents to control this pest. In this work a series of alkylated and acylated derivatives of eugenol and thymol were synthesized and screened for antifeedant, larvicidal and ovicidal activities against P. xylostella. The results of biological activities assays suggest that the novel 1,1’-[1,8-octanediylbis(oxy)]-bis(4-allyl-2-methoxy-benzene) (5) was the most toxic in the larvicidal test. Compounds 1-butoxy-2-isopropyl-5-methyl-benzene (8) and hexanedioic acid 1,6-bis(2-isopropyl-5-methyl-phenyl)-ester (10) were the most toxic in the ovicidal assay. The compound 8 presented the most antifeedant activity. Most of the compounds obtained were more active than commercially available insecticidal deltamethrin and azadirachtin.
- Published
- 2022
45. Rise in temperature increases growth and yield of Manihot sp. plants
- Author
- Subjects
Maniçoba ,Cassava ,Planta Forrageira ,Manihot ,Forragem ,Forage ,Pornunça ,Aumento da temperatura ,Mandioca ,Forrageiras nativass ,Semiárido ,Biomassa - Abstract
The selection of native forage species with yield potential under climate change scenarios can strengthen resilience of the Brazilian semiarid region. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of increasing temperature on growth and morphological and yield responses of plants of the genus Manihot. The experimental design was completely randomized in a 2×9 factorial arrangement (two temperature regimes and nine genotypes). The increase in temperature promoted higher plant dry mass (PDM) for genotypes A:24, A:79, A:102, A:EL, and A:GO during establishment. The percentage of leaves was reduced with the highest temperatures in the establishment, except for genotypes A:20, A:21, and A:GO. The increase in temperature during regrowth increased leaf dry mass (LDM) and reduced the leaf to stem ratio, except for A:24, A:79, and A:102, which presented similar values at both temperatures. Species of the genus Manihot respond differently to the 4.8 °C increase in air temperature. The increase in temperature shows a positive impact on the biomass production of species of this genus. Made available in DSpace on 2022-07-11T12:19:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rise-in-temperature-increases-2022.pdf: 115482 bytes, checksum: 40a9b59b152841e742be0c021eccf1d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2022
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Arruda-Silva, Thiago A., primary, Alves, Niédja M. C., additional, Galle, Nahyara B. C., additional, Santos, Silmara B. dos, additional, and Andreatta, Evelise, additional
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Santos, Neisvaldo B. dos, primary, Monteiro, Leonardo de A., additional, and Chioderoli, Carlos A., additional
- Published
- 2022
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48. Reflex��es multidisciplinares da Ci��ncia Aberta em viv��ncias de Discente e Docentes
- Author
Silva, Carolina R. B. da, Oliveira, Simone A. B., Vasconcelos, Alex de O., Reis, Amanda O., Almeida, Ana Isabella S., Melo, Danielle Cristina T. V. de, Pereira, Everson J., Katz, Let��cia Maria C., Oliveira, Luisi Maria C. de, Lisboa, Nereide S., Luna, Rafaela L. N. de, Santos, Sandro B. dos, S��, Tayana Patr��cia S. O. de, Farias, Vanessa Pires de, and Veiga, Viviane
- Abstract
Apresenta����o realizada na sess��o O meu P��ster num minuto da 12�� Confer��ncia Luso-Brasileira de Ci��ncia Aberta, formato h��brido, de 13 a 15 de outubro de 2021.
- Published
- 2021
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49. Saline stress in maize plants: I - Anionic macronutrients and their relationships with chloride
- Author
Garcia,Giovanni de O., Ferreira,Paulo A., Santos,Delfran B. dos, Oliveira,Flávio G. de, and Miranda,Glauco V.
- Subjects
soil salinity ,Environmental Engineering ,nutrição mineral ,mineral nutrition ,Agriculture (General) ,salinidade do solo ,Agronomy and Crop Science ,Zea mays ,S1-972 - Abstract
Resumo Com objetivo de avaliar os efeitos da salinidade do solo sobre a nutrição mineral da variedade de milho UFVM 100, conduziu-se um experimento em lisímetros de drenagem sob condições de casa de vegetação, montado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado com sete tratamentos, sendo um irrigado com água doce e sem lixiviação e seis irrigados com água salina de 1,2 dS m-1, com frações de lixiviação de 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 e 5% da lâmina de irrigação aplicada, e três repetições. Os efeitos da salinidade do solo sobre a nutrição mineral da cultura do milho foram avaliados, determinando-se o teor foliar dos macronutrientes aniônicos e suas relações com o Cl aos 120 dias após o plantio, na fase fenológica correspondente à maturação fisiológica. Na variedade avaliada, o aumento da salinidade do solo elevou os teores foliares de cloro e as relações Cl/N, Cl/P, Cl/S, seguidos da redução dos teores de nitrogênio, fósforo e enxofre. Abstract Aiming at the evaluation of the soil salinity effects upon the mineral nutrition of the maize (UFVM 100 cv.), an experiment was conducted in drainage lysimeters, under greenhouse conditions. A completely randomized design was used with seven treatments: one irrigated with fresh water without leaching and six irrigated with saline water of 1.2 dS m-1 with leaching fractions of 40, 30, 20, 15, 10 and 5% of the irrigation depth applied, and three replicaticns. The effects of the soil salinity upon the mineral nutrition of the maize crop were evaluated, by determining the leaf content of the anionic macronutrients and their relationships with Cl at 120 days after planting, at the phenological phase corresponding to the physiological maturation. For the evaluated variety, the increase in the soil salinity elevated the leaf contents of chloride and the relations Cl/N, Cl/P and Cl/S, followed by reduction in the contents of nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur.
- Published
- 2021
50. Increased circulating levels of High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) in acute-phase Chikungunya virus infection: potential disease biomarker
- Author
Rocha, Daniele C.P., primary, Souza, Thiara Manuelle Alves, additional, Nunes, Priscila Conrado Guerra, additional, Mohana-Borges, Ronaldo, additional, Paes, Marciano V., additional, Guimarães, Gabriel M.C., additional, Arcila, Juan C.S., additional, Paiva, Iury Amâncio, additional, de Azeredo, Elzinandes Leal, additional, Damasco, Paulo Vieira, additional, de Souza, Luiz José, additional, Santos, Flavia B. dos, additional, and Allonso, Diego, additional
- Published
- 2021
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