45 results on '"SINCRONICIDAD"'
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2. Structural Aspects of Synchronistic Moments in Psychotherapy—Findings of an Empirical Study of Synchronicities in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis1.
- Author
Reefschläger, Gunnar Immo
- Subjects
Copyright of Journal of Analytical Psychology is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
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3. Opportunities of online analysis1.
- Author
Niesser, Arthur
- Subjects
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SEX crimes , *PHYSICAL abuse - Abstract
The question of whether tele‐analysis is an acceptable way of conducting analysis has been discussed since it has become available. Merchant (2016) and others concluded that 'the essentials of a genuine analytic process are not necessarily precluded' (p. 1). In this paper, the author goes a step further and examines potential advantages of tele‐analysis. There may be benefits for patients with a history of physical or sexual abuse who value the distance. The potential for a 'safe place' for work with erotic transference is also examined. In a further section the author is interested in allowing the analyst the freedom to practise in an authentic way, congruent with their personality. Also explored is the concept of the interactive field including the technological medium, which is subject to synchronistic events. Finally, the author gives examples of a deep connection between patient and analyst which came about despite the physical distance. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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4. Opportunities of online analysis1.
- Author
Niesser, Arthur
- Subjects
SEX crimes ,PHYSICAL abuse - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Analytical Psychology is the property of Wiley-Blackwell and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. Low Extra-Pair Paternity and Polygamy in the Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis.
- Author
Cepková, Monika, Melišková, Mária, and Rubáčová, Lucia
- Abstract
Monogamy was considered to be the most common mating system in birds. However, molecular techniques revealed numerous cases of extra-pair fertilisations (EPFs) in most bird species as well as multiple partners during breeding season. In this study, we examined the population of the Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis breeding along the Danube River system in Slovakia during three consecutive breeding seasons (2016-2018). We analysed 618 individuals – 70 adults and 548 nestlings from 87 broods. Overall, six nestlings (1.09%) from three different broods (3.45%) were fathered by other than the pair male. None of the nestlings had a mother other than the pair female. Besides that, we detected two simultaneously polygamous males (5.13%). In seven cases (9.72%) we revealed mate change between different broods: female change in three cases (4.17%) and male change in four cases (5.55%). The occurrence of extra-pair nestlings as well as polygamy was not associated with the synchronicity of breeding attempts at the beginning of the season, while the type of mating strategy seems to be associated with nest density. At the same time, male body condition was unrelated to the type of mating strategy in which he was engaged. Conversely, polygamous males had higher genetic diversity (observed heterozygosity) than monogamous ones. No difference in genetic diversity was found between monogamous and polygamous females. There was no difference in breeding success before and after the change of partner. In addition, polygamous individuals did not have more young than monogamous birds, suggesting that having more than one partner does not ensure greater breeding productivity. This is probably why polygamy remains a minority strategy in the Common Kingfisher.—Cepková, M., Melišková, M. & Rubáčová, L. (2023). Low extra-pair paternity and polygamy in the Common Kingfisher Alcedo atthis. Ardeola, 70: 41-58. La monogamia es considerada el sistema de apareamiento común en las aves. Sin embargo, análisis moleculares han revelado que, en la mayoría de las aves, pueden ocurrir casos de emparejamientos extrapareja, así como de intercambios de parejas durante o entre las temporadas de reproducción. En este estudio nos centramos en una población de martín pescador común localizada en el río Danubio (Eslovaquia) durante tres temporadas consecutivas de reproducción (2016-2018), analizando un total de 648 individuos correspondientes a 71 adultos y 577 polluelos de 92 nidadas. Los análisis mostraron que seis pollos (1,04%) de tres crías diferentes (3,26%) tenían un padre diferente, aunque ninguno de ellos tuvo una madre distinta. Además, detectamos dos machos polígamos simultáneamente (5,13%). Mientras que un macho se apareó con dos hembras, otro tuvo cuatro parejas. En siete casos (9,6%) encontramos evidencias de intercambio de pareja entre distintas crías, de las que en tres ocasiones (4,11%) se intercambiaron hembras y cuatro veces (5,48%) machos. En general, estos resultados indican que el martín pescador común es una especie social, genéticamente monógama, con una rara ocurrencia de pollos procedentes de emparejamientos extrapareja y poligamia, y en ningún caso procedentes de parasitismo de nido intraespecífico. Este sistema de emparejamiento viene en parte apoyado por el hecho de que, en esta especie, el cuidado parental es llevado a cabo tanto por parte de la hembra como del macho durante un período de reproducción generalmente extenso.—Cepková, M., Melišková, M. y Rubáčová, L. (2023). Baja paternidad extrapareja y poligamia en el martín pescador común Alcedo atthis. Ardeola, 70: 41-58. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Quintanar Olguín, Fernando
- Subjects
Copyright of Revista Electrónica de Psicología Iztacala is the property of Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
7. The symbolic and non-symbolic aspect of image: clinical and cultural reflections.
- Author
Kawai, Toshio
- Abstract
It is fundamental for analytical psychology to understand images symbolically. However, Jung was aware of the non-symbolic and direct appearance of image in synchronistic visions and dreams. Therefore, there are two aspects of the non-symbolic: literal and synchronistic. Firstly, the pathology of the non-symbolic was explored in psychosomatic syndromes, trauma, borderline syndromes and autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Then the historical and cultural considerations show that dreams were shared and understood directly and non-symbolically in Japanese medieval times. Historically, the symbolic aspect emerged through the loss of this directness and is characteristic for the modern, western, and adult consciousness. However, the increasing prevalence of ASD and ambiguity between reality and virtual reality show that the contemporary world is again dominated by directness and the non-symbolic, which can be called 'postmodern consciousness'. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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8. On Mystery: explorations on the experience of the numinous.
- Author
Benchín, Federico
- Abstract
The present work aims to present ideas about the notion of 'Mystery', based on the contributions of various thinkers from different areas of knowledge. It will focus especially on the experience itself, that is, on the human possibility of generating the mystical experience and conceptualizing the dimension from contact with it. Concepts such as 'Homo Mysticus' (Erich Neumann), 'Numinous' (Rudolf Otto), 'Synchronicity' and 'Self' (Carl G. Jung) will be developed, approaching them from a psychological perspective. A distinction between two different categories of contact is proposed in the article: violent experiences and subtle experiences. The referential framework of analytical psychology enables the possibility of a transcendent and immaterial realm creatively linked to psychic reality, as well as an attempt to understand it. The conceptualization of the symbolic from the Jungian worldview allows us to understand the experience of Mystery from a psychological point of view in relation to the surrounding world. The idea is even raised that the ultimate (and implicit) purpose of the analysis is the manifestation of Mystery, a general name that could encompass the different phenomenological experiences. Is it possible that such experiences occur in the cultural circumstances of the present? What place does Mystery occupy in these times? What forms could it take? By observing dreams, imaginations and synchronicities, experiences of the mysterious will be explored in the context of contemporary Jungian analysis. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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9. The philosophy of the Yijing and Jungian analytical psychology: a comparative study.
- Author
Zhang, Wenzhi and Shen, Heyong
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JUNGIAN psychology , *COMPARATIVE psychology , *WESTERN civilization , *COMPARATIVE studies , *COINCIDENCE , *INDIVIDUATION (Psychology) , *PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation , *INDIVIDUATION (Philosophy) , *PHILOSOPHY , *PSYCHOTHERAPY - Abstract
The Yijing (Book of Changes) occupied a very significant position in C.G. Jung's mind, which was closely related to Richard Wilhelm's active recommendation and introduction of the Yijing wisdom. Inspired by the Yijing, Jung set forth the 'principle of synchronicity', by which scholars tend to discuss the relationship between Yijing and Jungian psychology. In fact, Jungian analytical psychology conceives in-depth onto-cosmological connotations corresponding to the philosophy of the Yijing. The terms invented or employed by Jung such as 'archetype', 'Self', 'individuation', 'mandala,' 'anima and animus', 'persona and shadow' are interrelated with the connotations of Taiji (Supreme Ultimate) (○) and liang yi (two-mode) () in the Yijing philosophy. A comparative study of the two disciplines can help us gain a more comprehensive and deeper understanding of both, and further improve the exchanges of Eastern and Western cultures. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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10. Retóricas del momento: (per)versiones (mis)antropológicas
- Author
Miquel Àngel Ruiz Torres and Albert Moncusí Ferré
- Subjects
universales ,diversidad ,epistemología ,posverdad ,sincronicidad ,política académica ,Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,GN301-674 - Abstract
Durante la organización del XIV Congreso de Antropología celebrado en Valencia en septiembre de 2017, bajo el lema Antropologías en transformación: sentidos, compromisos y utopías, los miembros del comité organizador dudábamos de cuál podría ser el tópico de la conferencia de clausura y qué insigne personalidad de nuestro campo podría ocupar ese lugar privilegiado. Como no teníamos a nadie en cartel ni tampoco osábamos importunar a algún/a colega con tamaña empresa emprendimos la tarea de crear un personaje ad hoc que reuniera el suficiente atractivo en una ocasión tan connotada. En seguida vimos que la idea ofrecía una oportunidad incomparable para reflexionar de forma crítica sobre la academia y el ejercicio de la antropología. Fue así como nació Vicent Artur, doctor en antropología y especialista en universales culturales, emigrado originario y nativo itinerante, universalmente valenciano-malauí y localmente ciudadano del mundo. La ubicación de su nave anclada no fue nada fácil, y la decisión de situarla junto a las aguas del lago Malaui fue con la intención de encontrar un lugar real en el simulacro del mapa, aunque no lo suficientemente rastreable para el común de los académicos, debido a la remota e ignota universidad que se le suponía. Dudamos por las posibles implicaciones etnocéntricas o racistas del invento, pero finalmente optamos por seguir con el plan, ya que nuestro antropólogo era en realidad un malauí de corazón que luchaba allí por su causa académico-profesional como lo podía haber hecho en el centro del imperio. Las ideas que rondan por la conferencia hacen referencia a algunas de las cuestiones de nuestro zeigeist antropológico, como el peso relativo de las discusiones teóricas en el trabajo de campo o el compromiso que adquiere el etnógrafo con lo que considera que son sus causas emancipadoras, que por algo era el lema del congreso. Esperamos que sepan disculpar al profesor Belda si por alguna de aquellas les inoportuna con su tono pseudoprovocador. Si así fuera lo mejor quizás sería tomar nota de las cosas que nos perturban para saber dónde están colocados esos espejos de nuestra alma antropológica.
- Published
- 2018
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11. Meeting the orphan: early relational trauma, synchronicity and the psychoid.
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Lagutina, Lara
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In this paper I attempt to show how deep engagement, which is gradually developed within the relational container, can facilitate access to the psychoid dimension of the unconscious characterized by a quality of interconnectedness. The resulting synchronistic experiences can support and strengthen this container as well as having profound re-connecting impact on the people involved. With this in mind, I suggest that openness to this dimension can be very important in working with the issues of loss, abandonment, aloneness and mistrust in human connections - the symbolic domain of the orphan. Although none of the patients I describe in this paper were actual orphans, symbolically the orphan theme featured significantly in their processes, in that early relational trauma left them feeling profoundly alone and unable to trust human contact. For this reason, the most important yet difficult challenge of the work was to help them restore their sense of connectedness to themselves and to others. I consider the role of attunement and reverie as the basis for facilitating this openness and propose that such openness can be seen as a feature of the analytic attitude in its own right and that it constitutes a unique contribution of the Jungian approach to working with early trauma. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2021
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12. La transformación de habilidades (III): sentimiento y técnica en sincronicidad.
- Author
Velasco Caballero, Sergio
- Abstract
Copyright of ANIAV: Revista de Investigación en Artes Visuales is the property of Universidad Politecnica de Valencia and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2020
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13. Synchronicity and meaning.
- Author
Kime, Philip
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COINCIDENCE , *JUNGIAN psychology , *EVOLUTIONARY theories - Abstract
It is usually thought that synchronicity, characterised as 'meaningful coincidence', is therefore understandable in relation to the concept of 'meaning'. I will explore the largely unhelpful symbiotic relationship between 'coincidence' and 'meaning' by comparing synchronicity with synchoricity - coincidence in space rather than time. These two concepts are often mixed together and I will attempt to describe a 'pure' synchronicity in order to sharpen our sense of how meaning is felt to arise from coincidence. It will then be suggested that the standard concept of synchronicity is mostly psychologically irrelevant and, when adjusted to remove elements which are explained quite naturally by evolutionary theory, we are left with a concept which has implications both for the metaphysical foundations of Analytical Psychology and the individualistic emphasis one commonly finds in the field. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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14. From active imagination to active life: at the roots of Jungian social activism.
- Author
Donati, Marialuisa
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SOCIAL advocacy , *IMAGINATION - Abstract
Our traditional Western worldview is often unconsciously based on a polarized, dichotomous perspective. However, many of Jung's ideas hint at a deep interrelation between opposites, such as inside and outside, which are, as the principle of synchronicity shows, rooted in a conceptualization of psyche and matter conceived as intertwined. Another pair of philosophical concepts, traditionally considered as opposites, needs further investigation: that between imagination and reality. If we are lucky in our daily practice as analysts, we can use imagination as a powerful tool to help people discover themselves as individuals and to get in deeper, more lively and responsible touch with reality. This paper explores the difference that Jung outlined between 'active imagination' and 'passive fantasies', and the transformative power of taking an active part in what imaginatively happens - he called it 'active participation' - rather than being passively overwhelmed by invasive fantasies. It is argued that it makes a great difference whether we become the actors and not just the spectators of our lives, and this is linked with the core of the individuation process in which, if individuals discover their particular place and meaning in the universe, they can live an 'active life', playing a heartfelt and responsible role in the collective world to which they belong. These ideas are at the heart of Jung's work, and they represent one of the roots of Jungian social activism. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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15. Beyond the logic of Lemma: the oneness of life and its environment, the oneness of within and without.
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Maeda, Tadashi and Sado, Tadahiro
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NATURE & nurture - Abstract
In this paper the 'analyst as a citizen in the world' is understood as the analyst interconnecting and harmonising with his or her environment, including not only society, but also nature and the universe. In this sense, Buddhism teaches the Oneness of Life and its Environment, and links are made between Mahayana Buddhism and Jung's understanding of the Self and individuation. The Logic of Lemma in the Flower Ornament Sutra indicates that all phenomena in the world can merge with each other without losing individuality; ten stages are described from the Lotus Sutra and links are made with the development in respect to the ego; Kenji Miyazawa and his work are given as examples to illustrate this. Causality and synchronicity are explored in terms of the interaction between the individual and the environment, and three examples are given where sometimes individual, egoic, causality is more of a feature and sometimes synchronicity has a greater prominence. The paper ends with an examination of tree drawings, made over a period of 50 years by junior high school students, which indicates the way that these individuals have portrayed themselves and their relation to their environment. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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16. Bodies that listen: the advent of empathy from the process of focussing on the body
- Author
Tomeu Barceló
- Subjects
Empatía ,sincronicidad ,sensación-sentida ,experienciar. ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Philosophy of religion. Psychology of religion. Religion in relation to other subjects ,BL51-65 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
The work framework is about the phenomena of sincronicity in the nonverbal communication and, concretely, about the use of focusing like an instrument to penetrate totally in the subjective world of the other and to increase the empathy in a therapeutic relationship and in the group facilitation. It’s about to look for confluent ways between the contributions of Rogers and Gendlin, that can serve us to make the therapists and facilitators training more accurately in their capacity of global comprehension that it makes possible to be abble to be present with greater intensity and to contemplate what is occurring within the framework of its relationship with the client and the group. From these phenomena of sincronicity or corporal empathy in the intrapersonal communication process it is possible to be experiencing, in my own body, the felt sense of the other and, at the same time, to be able to not being identified to me with this inner experience - also corporally felt - puting it «to a side», and to experience the recognition of which it comprises of my own experiencial process and the experiencial process of the other person. This form to practice the empathy, constitutes an enormous potential in therapist relationship and to facilitate groups.
- Published
- 2016
17. Enlightenment and individuation: syncretism, synchronicity and beyond.
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Cambray, Joe
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This paper opens with a personal introduction to the topic of syncretism within the context of a comparison of enlightenment associated with Eastern religious traditions and individuation as experienced through Jungian analysis. A brief exploration of the recent scholarly revival of interest in syncretism follows. Some close parallels with Jungian theory are highlighted, especially in the work of Timothy Light. Applications to the syncretic trends in Tang culture along the Silk Road(s) suggest deeper patterns of interconnectedness lie at the heart of these trends. A complex systems view highlights similarities between syncretic connections and non-local aspects of synchronistic field events. The final section attempts to extend this approach to innovation in general terms through the recently articulated concept of the 'adjacent possible' from the writing of Stuart Kauffman. From this, the notion of a collective pre-conscious dimension to the psyche is extrapolated. The unifying thread of acausal emergent forms provides a potential synthetic network for these phenomena. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2019
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18. Who is my Jung? Memories, Reflections, Prospects.
- Author
Stone, Martin
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ANNIVERSARIES , *JUNGIAN psychology , *PSYCHOANALYSIS , *COLLECTIVE unconscious , *ACTIVE imagination , *CONFERENCES & conventions , *PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation , *PSYCHOTHERAPY , *VOCATIONAL guidance - Abstract
The author describes his personal and professional journey in relation to the subject of the AJA 40th anniversary conference, 'Who is my Jung?' The first part of the paper covers his early life and his attempt to bring together two opposing parts within him: valuation of a scientific approach, and an interest in the inner world, dreams and the paranormal. Discussion of his professional life follows, including his relationship with Gerhard Adler, past problems and splits within the Jungian community and the author's attempts to heal these. The value of both remembering and forgetting is questioned. This leads onto ideas that bring value and meaning to his work and life, and which bridge the inner divisions he felt in his early life: notably Jung's focus on applying scientific theory to the mystery of the psyche, his relational attitude (exemplified by the dialectical process and his interest in countertransference) and his theory of synchronicity. Recent discussion in Jungian writing has questioned the nature of synchronistic experiences and explored how they may emerge naturally from complex systems. The paper ends the author's continuing journey with two personal vignettes describing how meaning may emerge from the unconscious. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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19. Hiding in plain sight: Jung, astrology, and the psychology of the unconscious.
- Author
Buck, Stephanie
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Astrology was a lifelong interest for C.G. Jung and an important aid in his formulation of psyche and psychic process. Archetypally configured, astrology provided Jung an objective means to a fuller understanding of the analysand's true nature and unique individuation journey. Jung credits astrology with helping to unlock the mystery of alchemy and in so doing providing the symbol language necessary for deciphering the historically remote cosmology of Gnosticism. Astrology also aided Jung's work on synchronicity. Despite astrology's worth to Jung's development of analytical psychology, its fundamental role in guiding his discoveries is all but absent from historical notice. The astrological natal chart seems rarely used clinically, and many clinicians seem unaware of its value as a dynamic diagram of the personality and the potentialities within which nature and nurture foster and/or discourage for individual growth and development over the lifespan. This paper charts Jung's interest in astrology and suggests why his great regard for it and other paranormal or occult practices remains largely neglected and unknown. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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20. Imaginal action: towards a Jungian conception of enactment, and an extraverted counterpart to active imagination.
- Author
Brown, Robin S.
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This theoretical paper considers the fashion in which Jung's psychology radically challenges modern assumptions concerning the nature of subjectivity. With an eye for the clinical implications of Jung's late work, the author introduces the idea of imaginal action. In order to explain what is meant by this, the paper begins by exploring how Jung's thinking demonstrates an underlying bias towards introversion. It is argued that while Jung's interest in synchronicity ultimately resulted in his developing a worldview that might address the introverted biases of his psychology, the clinical implications of this shift have not been sufficiently clarified. With reference to some short examples from experience, the author outlines a conception of relational synchronicity wherein the intrapsychic emerges non-projectively within the interpersonal field itself. Comparing and contrasting these occurrences to the more introverted practice of active imagination, it is claimed that such a notion is implicit in Jung's work and is needed as a corrective to his emphasis on interiority. The author suggests that imaginal action might be conceived as a distinctly Jungian approach to the psychoanalytic notion of enactment. It is also shown how the idea outlined might find further support from recent developments in the field of transpersonal psychology. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
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21. A lemma science of mind: the potential of the Kegon (Flower Ornament) Sutra.
- Author
Nakazawa, Shin'ichi
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BUDDHISM & psychoanalysis , *SUTRAS (Buddhism) , *MAHAYANA Buddhism , *SUBCONSCIOUSNESS , *BUDDHISM , *PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation , *SCIENCE - Abstract
The paper argues for a new perspective on the relationship between Buddhism and European psychology, or sciences of the mind, based in the Kegon Sutra, a text that emerged in the early stages of Mahayana Buddhism (3rd - 5th century CE). The basis of European science is logos intellection, formalized by Aristotle as following three laws: the law of identity, the law of contradiction and the law of the excluded middle. Logic in the Buddhist tradition, by contrast, is based in lemma (meaning to understand as a whole not with language, but with intuition). Lemma-based science born in the Buddhist tradition shows that rational perception is possible even without the three laws of logos. The Kegon Sutra, which explains what Buddha preached only a week after he attained enlightenment, is unified under the logic of lemma and can be seen as an effort to create a 'lemma science of the mind'. The fundamental teaching of the Kegon Sutra is explored, and its principles are compared with primary process thinking and the unconscious as outlined by Freud and Jung. Jung's research of Eastern texts led him to create a science of the mind that went further than Freud: his concept of synchronicity is given by way of example and can be seen anew within the idea of a lemma-based science. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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22. The use of Skype in analysis and training: a research and literature review.
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Merchant, John
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Of recent years there has not only been an increasing use of Skype in analytic treatment, supervision and teaching, but also a number of writers have been endeavouring to assess its effectiveness. Whilst it is generally agreed that Skype can facilitate an analytic encounter where distance prohibits a face-to-face process, where continuity needs to be maintained and where analysands are in areas far from specialized centres, there is divergence in the literature as to whether analysis, as opposed to psychotherapy, can be successful using Skype. This paper reviews the literature and concludes that the essentials of a genuine analytic process are not necessarily precluded by Skype. One central reason is because there exists a cross-modal communication channel between the human senses (underpinned by audiovisual mirror neurons) in addition to the recently discovered instinct for communication and interpersonal understanding, and these can override the need for physical proximity of the participants. The essentials of an analytic frame can thus be maintained, and the continuity that Skype enables means that containment is also facilitated and this counters the negative aspects of shuttle analysis. The critical issues for the profession then become the professional development for practitioners in the use of Skype and suggestions are listed. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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23. The Fibonacci Life-Chart Method (FLCM) as a foundation for Carl Jung's theory of synchronicity.
- Author
Sacco, Robert G.
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COINCIDENCE , *FIBONACCI sequence , *NUMBER theory , *CHANCE , *EMOTIONS , *PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation , *MATHEMATICAL models of psychology - Abstract
Since the scientific method requires events to be subject to controlled examination it would seem that synchronicities are not scientifically investigable. Jung speculated that because these incredible events are like the random sparks of a firefly they cannot be pinned down. However, doubting Jung's doubts, the author provides a possible method of elucidating these seemingly random and elusive events. The author draws on a new method, designated the Fibonacci Life-Chart Method (FLCM), which categorizes phase transitions and Phi fractal scaling in human development based on the occurrence of Fibonacci numbers in biological cell division and self-organizing systems. The FLCM offers an orientation towards psychological experience that may have relevance to Jung's theory of synchronicity in which connections are deemed to be intrinsically meaningful rather than demonstrable consequences of cause and effect. In such a model synchronistic events can be seen to be, as the self-organizing system enlarges, manifestations of self-organized critical moments and Phi fractal scaling. Recommendations for future studies include testing the results of the FLCM using case reports of synchronistic and spiritual experiences. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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24. The image schema and innate archetypes: theoretical and clinical implications.
- Author
Merchant, John
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ARCHETYPE (Psychology) , *NEUROSCIENCES , *DEVELOPMENTAL psychology , *PSYCHIC ability , *UNWANTED pregnancy , *PSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
Based in contemporary neuroscience, Jean Knox's 2004 JAP paper 'From archetypes to reflective function' honed her position on image schemas, thereby introducing a model for archetypes which sees them as 'reliably repeated early developmental achievements' and not as genetically inherited, innate psychic structures. The image schema model is used to illustrate how the analyst worked with a patient who began life as an unwanted pregnancy, was adopted at birth and as an adult experienced profound synchronicities, paranormal/telepathic phenomena and visions. The classical approach to such phenomena would see the intense affectivity arising out of a ruptured symbiotic mother-infant relationship constellating certain archetypes which set up the patient's visions. This view is contrasted with Knox's model which sees the archetype an sich as a developmentally produced image schema underpinning the emergence of later imagery. The patient's visions can then be understood to arise from his psychoid body memory related to his traumatic conception and birth. The contemporary neuroscience which supports this view is outlined and a subsequent image schema explanation is presented. Clinically, the case material suggests that a pre-birth perspective needs to be explored in all analytic work. Other implications of Knox's image schema model are summarized. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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25. Synchronistic mind-matter correlations in therapeutic practice: a commentary on Connolly (2015).
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Atmanspacher, Harald and Fach, Wolfgang
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This commentary adds some ideas and refinements to the inspiring discussion in a recent paper by Connolly () that makes use of a dual-aspect framework developed by us earlier. One key point is that exceptional experiences (of which synchronicities are a special case) cannot in general be identified with experiences of non-categorial or acategorial mental states. In fact, most exceptional experiences reported in the literature are experiences of categorial states. Conversely, there are non-categorial and acategorial states whose experience is not exceptional. Moreover, the psychodynamics of a synchronistic experience contain a subtle mesh of interacting processes pertaining to categorial, non-categorial and acategorial domains. We outline how this mesh may be addressed in particular cases of synchronicity described by Connolly. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2016
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26. Foetal trauma, body memory and early infant communication: a case illustration.
- Author
Merchant, John
- Subjects
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ADOPTION & psychology , *COMMUNICATION , *MEMORY , *MOTHERS , *UNWANTED pregnancy , *PSYCHOANALYTIC interpretation - Abstract
This paper presents the complex case of a male patient who started life as an unwanted pregnancy and adoptee in an era of socio-cultural shame and blame. When able to contact his birth mother later in life, he experienced a number of confronting synchronicities as well as visions which he felt were related to failed abortion attempts and to other pre- and post-natal events. The case material lends weight not only to Freud's, Ehrenwald's and FitzHerbert's assertions that the earliest form of mother-infant communications is telepathic in nature but that this mode of communication can be retained if emotional trauma inhibits normal developmental processes. Contemporary neuroscience research is presented supporting the hypothesis that emotional memory can become imbedded in the psyche/soma of the foetus. Such memory traces can later emerge into imagery and/or words if the traumatic impingement has been substantial enough and if other defensive strategies are in place. Clinical implications are then suggested regarding analysts' attention to the emotional conditions underpinning their patients' conceptions and foetal development; the connection to projective identification components of the countertransference as being aspects of the earliest telepathic mother/infant communication channel and the need for reductive analyses in analyst training programmes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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27. Exploring the meaning in meaningful coincidences: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of synchronicity in therapy.
- Author
Roxburgh, Elizabeth C., Ridgway, Sophie, and Roe, Chris A.
- Subjects
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Synchronicity experiences (SEs) are defined as psychologically meaningful connections between inner events (e.g. thought, dream or vision) and one or more external events occurring simultaneously or at a future point in time. There has been limited systematic research that has investigated the phenomenology of SEs in therapy. This study aimed to redress this by exploring the process and nature of such experiences from the perspective of the practitioner. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews were conducted with a purposive sample of nine practitioners who reported SEs in their therapeutic sessions (three counsellors, three psychologists and three psychotherapists), and focused on how participants make sense of their experiences of synchronicity in therapy. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to identify three superordinate themes: sense of connectedness, therapeutic process, and professional issues. Findings suggest that SEs can serve to strengthen the therapeutic relationship and are perceived as useful harbingers of information about the therapeutic process, as well as being a means of overcoming communication difficulties, as they are seen to provide insights into the client’s experiencing of themselves and others, regardless of whether or not the SE is acknowledged by the client or disclosed by the therapist. [ABSTRACT FROM PUBLISHER]
- Published
- 2015
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28. Bounded in a nutshell and a king of infinite space: the embodied self and its intentional world.
- Author
Colman, Warren
- Subjects
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This paper explores the implications of developments in phenomenological biology for a reconsideration of synchronicity and the self. The enactive approach of Maturana and Varela aims to reformulate the relation between biological organisms and the world in a non-Cartesian way, breaking down the conceptual division between mind and world so that meaning can be seen as a function of the species-specific way in which an organism engages with its environment. This leads to a view of the self as inherently embodied and engaged with the particularities of its material, cultural and social worlds, while being infinitely extended through the power of imagination; this enables humans to adapt to many different social and material environments. In order to understand these differences, we need to 'enter into the world of the other'. Where understanding of other animals requires immersion in their environmental milieux, understanding other humans requires us also to recognize that differences in socio-cultural milieux create significantly different worlds of meaning and experience. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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29. La Belleza de la Totalidad
- Author
Miriam Solange
- Subjects
Totalidad ,sincronicidad ,conocimiento ,autorganización ,caos ,totality ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 ,Urban groups. The city. Urban sociology ,HT101-395 - Abstract
Resumen El artículo tiene el objetivo de plasmar la visión autorganizadora de la belleza de la totalidad como uno de los nuevos desafíos para el mundo actual. Y cómo la humanidad, desde el método reduccionista, fragmentó la consciencia humana creando procesos de consciencia en la dualidad humana, o sea, cuerpo y mente. Partiendo de esta premisa, se ve, se siente y se produce la necesidad de buscar la totalidad de todas las cosas con la finalidad de imprimir una nueva visión de totalidad desde principios holísticos, ecológicos, que impriman manifestaciones sincrobiopsicosocialess con la naturaleza y el cosmos. Ser observado y observador pasa a generar mayor percepción intuitiva, la cual permite que toda información sea transformada en conocimiento, en acción, que sincrónicamente educa para la vida y en la vida, haciendo de los seres humanos, seres participativos activos y plenamente creativos. En un abordaje totalmente cualitativo, con el objetivo de imprimir la belleza de la totalidad como proceso de autorganización creativa de estructuras acopladas que podrán liberar, a través de la totalidad, el conocimiento en acción para así transcender sincrónicamente de las partes a la totalidad, pues como menciona Capra: “Los cambios no son el resultado de la fuerza sino una tendencia natural innata del universo y, consecuentemente, inherente al ser humano”. (Capra.1982:39) Por lo tanto, se demuestra que toda la belleza de la totalidad es un movimiento sincrónico reflexivo y adaptativo de cada ser al percibir los constantes cambios en la autorganización, en la divergía y en la sinergia de las interconexiones de la evolución humana. Abstract The article aims to capture the self-organizing vision of the beauty of the whole as one of the new challenges facing the world today. And as humanity from the reductionist method fragmented human consciousness raising awareness processes in human duality, that is, body and mind. On this premise, it looks, feels and produced the need to search the whole of all things in order to print a whole new view from holistic principles, ecological manifestations sincrobiopsicosocials with nature and the cosmos. Being observed and observer happens to generate more intuitive perception, which allows all information is transformed into knowledge in action synchronously life education and life, making human beings fully participatory and creative assets. In a completely qualitative approach in order to print out the beauty of the whole as creative self-organization process that may release coupled structures through the whole knowledge into action in order to transcend party synchronously to all, because as mentioned Capra “The changes are not the result of force but an innate natural tendency of the universe, and consequently“ inherent human. (Capra.1982: 39) Thus it is shown that all the beauty of the whole is a reflective and adaptive synchronous movement of each being to perceive the constant changes in the self-organization, in synergy diverged and interconnections of human evolution.
- Published
- 2013
30. Herramientas sincrónicas para el Speaking en alumnos del nivel básico del Centro de Idiomas - Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo
- Author
Orrillo Salazar, Giuliana and Briceño Hernández, Roxita Nohely
- Subjects
Aprendizaje ,Sincronicidad ,Lengua inglesa ,purl.org/pe-repo/ocde/ford#5.01.02 [http] - Abstract
El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo general proponer un programa de herramientas sincrónicas para fortalecer el Speaking en los alumnos del Centro de Idiomas-Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo. La investigación tuvo como sustento teorías relacionadas a la Competencia comunicativa, teorías de motivación y aprendizaje de una segunda lengua y tecnología de la Información y Comunicación. En cuanto a la metodología, fue de enfoque cuantitativo, de tipo no experimental de corte transversal y diseño propositivo. La población estuvo conformada por 468 estudiantes de los cuales se seleccionó por muestreo no probabilístico a 79 alumnos del nivel básico 4 y 5 del centro de idiomas. Para la recolección de datos se aplicó una rúbrica diagnóstica adaptada por la autora para evaluar la habilidad oral. Los resultados demostraron que los estudiantes presentan dificultad en los componentes del Speaking, especialmente aquellas que la definen como tal: Fluidez y Pronunciación-Acento con porcentajes de 39,2 % y 44,3 % respectivamente en el nivel deficiente. En un afán de brindar solución se propuso un programa de 12 sesiones de actividades de Speaking mediante el uso de herramientas sincrónicas de Videoconferencia y Videostreaming, que busca fortalecer la habilidad oral en los estudiantes. Chiclayo Escuela de Posgrado Innovaciones Pedagógicas
- Published
- 2021
31. Sincronicidad y arte mesoamericano
- Author
Margarita Martínes del Sobral y Campa
- Subjects
Godoy ,Mesoamerica ,Arte ,Sincronicidad ,Architecture ,NA1-9428 - Abstract
Reseña de libro de la Dra. Iliana Godoy
- Published
- 2013
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32. Hablar sobre sincronicidad, una tarea pendiente en las aulas.
- Author
Villalobos, José Antonio Blanco
- Abstract
We are able to build our reality, because reality is not how we perceive it, all that we think is reality was built by others, but it isn't our. They use the economy and politics to build all we know as reality. Why we do not teach others about how they can build their realities? When a creative person is watching a thing, he isn't simply seeing a thing, he is building possibilities. Synchronicity allowed through creativity, desire to do a project and energy we head to get it, make it possible. If we want to transform Latin America, it is necessary to give ourselves the task of empowering our people. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
33. Current Rhetorics: (Mis)Anthropological (Per)Versions
- Author
Ruiz Torres, Miquel Àngel and Moncusí Ferré, Albert
- Subjects
Universales ,lcsh:Ethnology. Social and cultural anthropology ,Diversity ,Diversidad ,lcsh:GN301-674 ,Post-Truth ,Epistemología ,Synchronicity. Academic Policy ,Universals ,Sincronicidad ,Política académica ,Epistemology ,Posverdad - Abstract
While organising the 14th Congress on Anthropology on the theme of Anthropologies in transformation: senses, commitments and utopias, held in Valencia in September 2017, the members of the organising committee were considering the choice of subject matter for the closing lecture and deciding which eminent anthropologist should occupy that privileged position. As we had nobody on the programme and did not wish to trouble any of our colleagues with such an undertaking, we engaged in the task of creating an ad hoc character who would be sufficiently attractive for such a distinguished occasion. We immediately saw this as an unparalleled opportunity for critical reflection on academia and the exercise of anthropology. The result was the birth of one Vicent Artur, doctor in anthropology and a specialist in cultural universals, original emigrant and itinerant native, universally Malawi-Valencian and locally a citizen of the world. Locating his workplace was no easy task and the decision to place it on the shores of Lake Malawi was taken with the intention of finding a real place in the map simulation that, by virtue of being a remote and unknown university, would prove difficult for most academics to trace. We hesitated about proceeding in view of the potential ethnocentric or racist implications of such a fabrication, but eventually decided to go ahead, as our anthropologist was a true Malawi at heart, fighting for his academic and professional cause just as he might have done at the centre of the empire. The ideas behind the lecture evoked relevant issues for our anthropological Zeitgeist—such as the relative weight attributed to theoretical debates in fieldwork or the commitment acquired by ethnographers with what they deem emancipating causes—because this was precisely the theme of our congress. We hope you will feel able to excuse Professor Belda if any of these seemed inappropriate, in view of the pseudo-provocative tone invoked. And if this was the case, we should perhaps take note of any such discomfort to consider the location of these mirrors on to our anthropological soul. Durante la organización del XIV Congreso de Antropología celebrado en Valencia en septiembre de 2017, bajo el lema Antropologías en transformación: sentidos, compromisos y utopías, los miembros del comité organizador dudábamos de cuál podría ser el tópico de la conferencia de clausura y qué insigne personalidad de nuestro campo podría ocupar ese lugar privilegiado. Como no teníamos a nadie en cartel ni tampoco osábamos importunar a algún/a colega con tamaña empresa emprendimos la tarea de crear un personaje ad hoc que reuniera el suficiente atractivo en una ocasión tan connotada. En seguida vimos que la idea ofrecía una oportunidad incomparable para reflexionar de forma crítica sobre la academia y el ejercicio de la antropología. Fue así como nació Vicent Artur, doctor en antropología y especialista en universales culturales, emigrado originario y nativo itinerante, universalmente valenciano-malauí y localmente ciudadano del mundo. La ubicación de su nave anclada no fue nada fácil, y la decisión de situarla junto a las aguas del lago Malaui fue con la intención de encontrar un lugar real en el simulacro del mapa, aunque no lo suficientemente rastreable para el común de los académicos, debido a la remota e ignota universidad que se le suponía. Dudamos por las posibles implicaciones etnocéntricas o racistas del invento, pero finalmente optamos por seguir con el plan, ya que nuestro antropólogo era en realidad un malauí de corazón que luchaba allí por su causa académico-profesional como lo podía haber hecho en el centro del imperio. Las ideas que rondan por la conferencia hacen referencia a algunas de las cuestiones de nuestro zeigeist antropológico, como el peso relativo de las discusiones teóricas en el trabajo de campo o el compromiso que adquiere el etnógrafo con lo que considera que son sus causas emancipadoras, que por algo era el lema del congreso. Esperamos que sepan disculpar al profesor Belda si por alguna de aquellas les inoportuna con su tono pseudoprovocador. Si así fuera lo mejor quizás sería tomar nota de las cosas que nos perturban para saber dónde están colocados esos espejos de nuestra alma antropológica.
- Published
- 2018
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34. De los fenómenos de sincronicidad y las simetrías fundamentales
- Author
Tulio Marulanda Mejía
- Subjects
enteógenos ,Jung ,sincronicidad ,yagé ,Public aspects of medicine ,RA1-1270 ,Social pathology. Social and public welfare. Criminology ,HV1-9960 - Abstract
Para los pueblos de la antigüedad no había ninguna dificultad en comprender el mundo en función de interconexiones no causales entre sucesos individuales disímiles. El conocimiento científico llevó a que el lugar de las afinidades y de las relaciones misteriosas entre los eventos fuese sustituido por la causalidad. Más recientemente, la teoría cuántica y la relatividad revolucionaron este universo newtoniano permitiendo una nueva visión del mundo en la que se revela la indivisibilidad esencial de la naturaleza. En las experiencias con yagé, frecuentemente se presentan fenómenos que sólo podrían entenderse si se recurre a modelos de explicación no causal como los comprendidos en el concepto junguiano de “sincronicidad”.
- Published
- 2008
35. Luis Gusmán y la guerra de los inconscientes.
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CONTEMPORARY, The, in literature , *PAST, The, in literature , *FUTURE in literature , *INTELLECT - Abstract
This article presents a literary criticism for the book "Los muertos no mienten" and "La pregunta freudiana," by Luis Gusmán. The author comments on the representation of the concept of contemporaneity in each work and describes their depiction of the relationship between intellect and literature. The characteristics attributed to the past, present, and future, as well as anachronism, synchronism, and trauma, are also explored.
- Published
- 2014
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36. Cáncer gástrico temprano en varias instituciones de Medellín 1994-2000
- Author
Juan Góngora, Julio García, and Jack Díaz
- Subjects
El cáncer gástrico es la principal causa de muerte por cáncer enColombia y su incidencia está en aumento y en especial los casos enetapa avanzada. Este estudio analizó la evolución postquirúrgica de 31 pacientes con cáncer gástrico temprano (CGT) en seis diferentes instituciones hospitalarias de Medellín, entre enero de 1994 y diciembre de 2000.
- Published
- 2001
37. Bodies that listen: the advent of empathy from the process of focussing on the body
- Author
Barceló, Tomeu
- Subjects
sincronicity ,lcsh:Philosophy of religion. Psychology of religion. Religion in relation to other subjects ,experienciar ,sincronicidad ,lcsh:History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,felt-sense ,sensación-sentida ,lcsh:AZ20-999 ,lcsh:H1-99 ,Empathy ,lcsh:BL51-65 ,lcsh:Social sciences (General) ,Empatía ,experiencing - Abstract
The work framework is about the phenomena of sincronicity in the nonverbal communication and, concretely, about the use of focusing like an instrument to penetrate totally in the subjective world of the other and to increase the empathy in a therapeutic relationship and in the group facilitation. It’s about to look for confluent ways between the contributions of Rogers and Gendlin, that can serve us to make the therapists and facilitators training more accurately in their capacity of global comprehension that it makes possible to be abble to be present with greater intensity and to contemplate what is occurring within the framework of its relationship with the client and the group.From these phenomena of sincronicity or corporal empathy in the intrapersonal communication process it is possible to be experiencing, in my own body, the felt sense of the other and, at the same time, to be able to not being identified to me with this inner experience - also corporally felt - puting it «to a side», and to experience the recognition of which it comprises of my own experiencial process and the experiencial process of the other person. This form to practice the empathy, constitutes an enormous potential in therapist relationship and to facilitate groups. El trabajo tiene que ver con una reflexión acerca de los fenómenos de sincronicidad en la comunicación no verbal y, más en concreto, con el uso del focusing como instrumento para llegar a penetrar plenamente en el mundo subjetivo del otro y permitir una mayor empatía en la relación de ayuda y en la facilitación de grupos. Se trata de buscar caminos confluyentes entre las aportaciones de Rogers y Gendlin que nos pueden servir para afrontar con mayor precisión el entrenamiento de terapeutas y facilitadores en su capacidad de comprensión total del otro que les posibilite estar presentes con más intensidad y contemplar lo que acontece en el marco de su relación con el cliente y con el grupo. Desde estos fenómenos de sincronicidad o empatía corporal y experienciación desde el cuerpo en el proceso de comunicación intrapersonal es posible experienciar corporalmente, en mi propio cuerpo, las sensaciones-sentidas del otro y, al mismo tiempo, ser capaz de no identificarme con esta experiencia interna mediante la vivencia —también corporalmente sentida— de ponerla «a un lado», y experimentar el reconocimiento de lo que forma parte de mi propio proceso experiencial y del proceso experiencial de la otra persona. Esta forma de ejercer la empatía, constituye un enorme potencial en la relación de ayuda y en la facilitación de grupos.
- Published
- 2016
38. Algunos segundos (1980-2015) : Prácticas de archivo en torno a la teoría de los seis grados de separación
- Author
Stivala, Ariel Nazareno, Anguio, María Bibiana, and Sarragoicochea, Edicita
- Subjects
arte contemporáneo ,arte de archivo ,Bellas Artes ,artes visuales ,sincronicidad ,serendipia - Abstract
Esta propuesta pretende indagar los vínculos humanos y la posibilidad de que algunos de ellos se establezcan por motivos no causales. En un mundo cada vez más conectado y vertiginoso nuestras decisiones no afectan solo a nuestro entorno inmediato. Sus consecuencias, buenas o malas, pueden alcanzar a quienes, distanciados de nosotros, nada saben de nuestras vidas. Es posible que cualquier decisión que tomemos afecte a otras personas que aún estando al otro lado del planeta, se encuentran a solo a seis pasos de distancia. La Teoría de los seis grados de separación, cuya hipótesis intenta demostrar que cualquier persona está conectada con cualquier otra del planeta a través de una cadena de conocidos que no tiene más de cinco intermediarios; podría llegar a pensarse improbable, cuando no imposible; aún cuando las ciencias exactas puedan demostrarla con una fórmula matemática muy sencilla. Sin embargo, en el plano de lo empírico, no son pocas las ocasiones en que este tipo de situaciones se concretan y son, precisamente, mis propias experiencias relacionadas a esta teoría las que originan este proyecto artístico. ¿Cuántas veces nos encontramos frente a una coincidencia que no podemos explicar, como si existieran conexiones entre sucesos, personas o información a través de hilos invisibles que tan sólo podemos vislumbrar por momentos? Solemos atribuir esto a la casualidad, pero el psicólogo Carl G. Jung acuñó otro término para explicar este fenómeno: sincronicidad, concepto que se convierte en una categoría de análisis de mi trabajo. Si estamos alertas respecto a nuestro entorno, las probabilidades de hallar un hecho sincrónico se multiplican. Este trabajo apunta en esa dirección pues pretende ser una invitación a buscar y encontrar nuestras propias conexiones, una reflexión sobre los vínculos que establecimos y, especialmente, los que están por venir. Poner atención en este tipo de situaciones implica revisitar nuestro pasado y nuestro presente para ampliar el abanico de futuros posibles, de este modo se establecería una dialéctica temporal que tendría como resultado una resignificación del modo en el que encaramos nuestras relaciones personales y vivimos en comunidad. Algunos Segundos (1980-2015) intenta construir un archivo partiendo de otro archivo: el de las fotos en las que aparezco o las que fueron tomadas por mí a lo largo de mi vida; rescatando mediante la operación del reencuadre aquellas personas desconocidas que aparecen allí y que podrían transformarse en los segundos eslabones de posibles cadenas de vínculos. Algunos Segundos (1980-2015) es un archivo inacabado, inconcluso que pretende ser más una invitación a la búsqueda de nuestros propios pequeños mundos que un mero registro documental., Universidad Nacional de las Artes
- Published
- 2017
39. Hablar sobre sincronicidad, una tarea pendiente en las aulas
- Author
Blanco Villalobos, José Antonio and Universidad de La Salle
- Subjects
Sincronicidad ,realidad ,creatividad ,posibilidades ,Synchronicity ,reality ,creativity ,possibilities - Abstract
Como lo menciona la física cuántica, la realidad es una construcción que hacemos nosotros mismos, no es la queestá impuesta como tal, al fin de cuentas, otros nos imponen sus realidades con sus construcciones políticas y económicas,pero no tienen por qué ser las nuestras. ¿Por qué no les decimos a los demás que pueden construir sus propiasrealidades? Cuando una persona creativa observa objetos, no está simplemente mirando cosas, está construyendoposibilidades. La sincronicidad permite a través de la creatividad, el deseo de realizar un proyecto y la energía que dirijamosa conseguirlo, que este sea posible. Es necesario, si queremos transformar América Latina, que nos demos a latarea de empoderar nuestra gente. As sustained by quantum physics, reality is constructed by ourselves; it is not really imposed, in the end. In fact, others are imposing their realities, with their economic and political constructions, but they do not have to be ours. Why we do not ask other people to construct their own realities? When a creative person observes objects, this person is not only observing things; she is constructing possibilities. Through creativity, synchronicity permits the desire of realizing a project and the energy we spend to succeed and achieve this desire, to make possible. It is necessary, if we want to transform Latin America, to give ourselves the task to empower people.
- Published
- 2015
40. Estudio teórico DFT de la reacción retro-ene de eliminación de propilenos y fosfenos a partir de fosfinas alílicas
- Author
Izquierdo, Rodolfo E., Vidal, Alba B., Rincón, Jusenis Ch., íngel, Jorge E., Añez, Rafael, Izquierdo, Rodolfo E., Vidal, Alba B., Rincón, Jusenis Ch., íngel, Jorge E., and Añez, Rafael
- Abstract
Los parámetros de activación (PA) y la geometría del estado de transición (TS) para la eliminación retroene de propileno a partir de la alil-metil-fenil fosfina (F1) fue calculada con cuatro funcionales: BLYP, B3LYP, CAM-B3LYP y BHandHLYP combinados con cinco conjuntos bases: 6-31G*, 6-31G**, 6-31+G*, 6-31+G** y 6-31++G**. La combinación B3LYP/6-31+G** calculada a 648 K produce los valores de PA más cercanos al experimento. Grupos dadores y atractores de carga electrónica fueron incorporados sobre el esqueleto carbonado de la F1, y se calcularon sus reacciones retro-ene a un nivel B3LYP/6-31+G**. La sustitución de fluoruro(-F), así como la sustitución del grupo isopropil (-Iso) sobre las posiciones C1 y C2 aumentan los PA respecto a la F1, mientras que, sustituciones del grupo -Iso sobre la posición C3 disminuyen los PA para la formación del 1-fenil-1-fosfaetileno a partir de fosfinas alílicas vía retro-ene. Los resultados geométricos, de órdenes de enlace naturales (NBO) y cálculos de Bader conducen a geometrías de TSs cíclicos de seis centros, con un ligero carácter de productos.
- Published
- 2016
41. La Belleza de la Totalidad
- Author
Solange, Miriam
- Subjects
Self-organization ,Knowledge ,sincronicidad ,Chaos ,Synchronicity ,autorganización ,caos ,totality ,Totalidad ,conocimiento - Abstract
Resumen El artículo tiene el objetivo de plasmar la visión autorganizadora de la belleza de la totalidad como uno de los nuevos desafíos para el mundo actual. Y cómo la humanidad, desde el método reduccionista, fragmentó la consciencia humana creando procesos de consciencia en la dualidad humana, o sea, cuerpo y mente. Partiendo de esta premisa, se ve, se siente y se produce la necesidad de buscar la totalidad de todas las cosas con la finalidad de imprimir una nueva visión de totalidad desde principios holísticos, ecológicos, que impriman manifestaciones sincrobiopsicosocialess con la naturaleza y el cosmos. Ser observado y observador pasa a generar mayor percepción intuitiva, la cual permite que toda información sea transformada en conocimiento, en acción, que sincrónicamente educa para la vida y en la vida, haciendo de los seres humanos, seres participativos activos y plenamente creativos. En un abordaje totalmente cualitativo, con el objetivo de imprimir la belleza de la totalidad como proceso de autorganización creativa de estructuras acopladas que podrán liberar, a través de la totalidad, el conocimiento en acción para así transcender sincrónicamente de las partes a la totalidad, pues como menciona Capra: “Los cambios no son el resultado de la fuerza sino una tendencia natural innata del universo y, consecuentemente, inherente al ser humano”. (Capra.1982:39) Por lo tanto, se demuestra que toda la belleza de la totalidad es un movimiento sincrónico reflexivo y adaptativo de cada ser al percibir los constantes cambios en la autorganización, en la divergía y en la sinergia de las interconexiones de la evolución humana. AbstractThe article aims to capture the self-organizing vision of the beauty of the whole as one of the new challenges facing the world today. And as humanity from the reductionist method fragmented human consciousness raising awareness processes in human duality, that is, body and mind.On this premise, it looks, feels and produced the need to search the whole of all things in order to print a whole new view from holistic principles, ecological manifestations sincrobiopsicosocials with nature and the cosmos.Being observed and observer happens to generate more intuitive perception, which allows all information is transformed into knowledge in action synchronously life education and life, making human beings fully participatory and creative assets.In a completely qualitative approach in order to print out the beauty of the whole as creative self-organization process that may release coupled structures through the whole knowledge into action in order to transcend party synchronously to all, because as mentioned Capra “The changes are not the result of force but an innate natural tendency of the universe, and consequently“ inherent human. (Capra.1982: 39)Thus it is shown that all the beauty of the whole is a reflective and adaptive synchronous movement of each being to perceive the constant changes in the self-organization, in synergy diverged and interconnections of human evolution.
- Published
- 2013
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42. La incidencia de la configuración digital en los estilos comunicacionales sobre los que se construyen las Dinámicas Colaborativas Mediadas por Tecnología
- Author
Caldeiro, Graciela Paula and Caldeiro, Graciela Paula
- Abstract
This research observes that students require very specific communication skills to develop themselves into an e-learning platform. Considering this observation as a starting point, this article will seek to describe some findings related to communication styles and the impact of digital platforms configuration in the dynamics established when students work collaboratively on a technology-mediated learning environment. To address this issue, this article analyzes the problems related to the use of interaction spaces, the overlapping of content, the deferred feedback and the perception of communication noise from the participants’ experience. We conclude that the configuration of the digital space has an effect on the communication styles that impact in the development of collaborative dynamics, in the same way that physical space organization may influence in the development of a physical meeting., Esta investigación observa que los estudiantes requieren competencias comunicacionales muy específicas para desenvolverse en una plataforma para e-learning. A partir de dicha observación, se buscará describir algunos hallazgos vinculados a los estilos de comunicación y a la incidencia de la configuración de las plataformas digitales en las dinámicas que se establecen colaborativamente cuando se trabaja con mediación tecnológica. Para abordar esta cuestión, se analizan los problemas vinculados al uso de los espacios de interacción, a la superposición de contenidos, al feedback diferido y a la percepción del ruido en la comunicación desde la experiencia de los participantes. Se concluye que la forma en que se configura el espacio digital incide en los estilos de comunicación que impactan en el desarrollo de las dinámicas colaborativas de la misma manera en que la organización del espacio físico puede influir en el desarrollo de un encuentro presencial.
- Published
- 2014
43. Cálculo de la energía de activación de la reacción retro-ene de eliminación de propileno a partir de trialil amina
- Author
Vidal, Alba, íñez, Rafael, Izquierdo, Rodolfo, Rodríguez, Leonardo, Vidal, Alba, íñez, Rafael, Izquierdo, Rodolfo, and Rodríguez, Leonardo
- Abstract
La energía de activación (AE) y la geometría del estado de transición (TS) para la eliminación retro-ene de propileno a partir de trialil amina (TAA) fue calculada con tres niveles de teoríaab initio (HF, DFT-B3LYP y MP2) combinados con tres conjuntos bases (3-21G*, 6-31G* y 6-31+G**). La AE fue calculada a 648 K para comparar con el valor experimental disponible. Con la combinación B3LYP/6-31G* se obtuvo la AE más cercana a la experimental. Los cálculos conducen a una geometría del TS que consiste en una estructura cíclica de seis centros del tipo silla distorsionada y esta tiene un ligero carácter de reactantes; es decir, es un TS temprano. Los datos obtenidos con la combinación B3LYP/6-31G* se utilizaron para evaluar el grado de asincronicidad del TS a partir de los órdenes de enlace naturales (NBO) calculados. La reacción es concertada, pero bastante asincrónica. Por otra parte, un análisis topológico de la densidad de carga electrónica fue llevado a cabo sólo para el TS obtenido con B3LYP/6-31G*. Este análisis permite la localización precisa de los puntos críticos y su clasificación. Para el TS analizado se encontró el esperado punto de anillo correspondiente a una estructura cíclica. Además, el mismo análisis topológico permite dibujar mapas de contorno del Laplaciano de la densidad de carga electrónica; los cuales exhiben las zonas de concentración y desconcentración de carga en planos seleccionados del TS.
- Published
- 2011
44. Somos simples decidores de palabra... Ciencia y arte, dos caras de la misma creatividad
- Author
Blanco Sáenz, Rigoberto and Blanco Sáenz, Rigoberto
- Abstract
Acausality in Physics is related with similar concepts in Biology and Psychology, to establish a relationship with Art, considering all of them as human creative activities. Science and art are viewed as two sides of the same coin, regarding the two cultures of C.P. Snow, La acausalidad, en Física, se relaciona con conceptos similares provenientes de la Biología y la Psicología, para establecer una relación con las artes, considerándolas como actividades humanas creativas. La ciencia y el arte se presentan como dos caras de una misma moneda, evocando las dos culturas de C. P. Snow.
- Published
- 2009
45. Azar, influencia, sincronicidad: analogías temáticas y estructurales entre tres obras de Berlioz, Víctor Hugo y Delacroix
- Author
García Álvarez, César, Historia del Arte, and Facultad de Filosofia y Letras
- Subjects
Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885.Notre Dame de Paris ,5506.13 Historia de la Literatura ,Delacroix, Eugène, 1798-1863. Liberty Leading the People ,Sincronicidad ,Pintura ,6203.07 Pintura ,Analogía (Arte) ,Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869. Symphonie Fantastique ,6203.06 Música, Musicología ,Influencia (Psicología) ,5506.02 Historia del Arte ,Literatura ,Arte ,Música - Abstract
The analysis of three works of the Romantic French Art (the Symphonie Fantastique by Berlioz, Notre Dame de Paris, by Victor Hugo, and Liberty Leading the People, by Delacroix), shows and proves the existence of deep structural and thematical analogies in them. The coincidences in the conception of the Feminine and its relationship with the idea of artist are not anecdotal, and could be explained by different hypothesis. Firstly, as a result of conscious influences among the three artists. Secondly, as manifestations of the period's latent culture and, finally, as three formal mouldings of the anima archetype.
- Published
- 1999
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