In this paper, experimental testing and numerical analysis were used to investigate the effect of tube thickness on the face bending for concrete filled hollow sections connected to other structural members using Extended Hollobolts. Six samples were tested experimentally by applying pull-out load on the bolts. These samples were designed to fail by column face bending. The main variable in all tests is the column face thickness. Finite element analyses were also performed using ABAQUS 6.11 to extend the experimental results and to quantify the effect of column face thickness. Results show that, the column face thickness has a clear impact on the connection strength and stiffness. However, the amount of improvement in the connection stiffness by changing the column face thickness from 5mm to 6.3mm seems to be higher than that when increasing it from 6.3mm to 8mm. The displacement at which the bolts start pulling-out from their holes increased with the use of thinner column face due to the high flexibility of the section. At the ultimate strength, the yielding of the column face propagated to the column corner and there was no yielding in its walls. After the ultimate resistance is reached, the propagation of the yielding was mainly in the column face with a miner yielding in the walls., {"references":["E. Mourad, Behaviour of Blind Bolted Moment Connections for Square HSS Columns. School of Graduated Studies, 1993. PhD Thesis. McMaster University.","T. Barnett, The Behaviour of a Blind Bolt for Moment Resisting Connections in Hollow Steel Sections. Civil Engineering, 2001. Ph. D. Thesis. University of Nottingham.","J.E. France, Bolted Connections between Open Section Beams and Box Columns. Department of Civil and Structural Engineering, 1997. PhD Thesis. University of Sheffield.","J. Lee, H.M. Goldsworthy, and E.F. Gad, Blind Bolted T-Stub Connections to Unfilled Hollow Section Columns in Low Rise Structures. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2010. 66(8–9): p. 981-992.","L. Silva, L. Neves, and F. Gomes, Rotational Stiffness of Rectangular Hollow Sections Composite Joints. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2003. 129: p. 487-494.","J.E. France, J. Buick Davison, and P. A. Kirby, Moment-Capacity and Rotational Stiffness of Endplate Connections to Concrete-Filled Tubular Columns with Flowdrilled Connectors. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 1999. 50(1): p. 35-48.","S. Ellison and W. Tizani, Behaviour of Blind Bolted Connections to Concrete Filled Hollow Sections. The Structural Engineer, 2004. 16: p. 16-17.","W. Tizani, A. Al-Mughairi, J.S. Owen, and T. Pitrakkos, Rotational Stiffness of a Blind-Bolted Connection to Concrete-Filled Tubes Using Modified Hollo-Bolt. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2013. 80: p. 317-331.","T. Pitrakkos and W. Tizani, Experimental Behaviour of a Novel Anchored Blind-Bolt in Tension. Engineering Structures, 2013. 49: p. 905-919. \n[10]\tA. Elamin, The Face Bending Behaviour of Blind-Bolted Connections to Concrete-Filled Hollow Sections. Department of Civil Engineering 2013. PhD Thesis. University of Nottingham.\n[11]\tCEN, Eurocode 4: Design of Composite Steel and Concrete Structures: Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings, in EN 1994-1-1. 2004. \n[12]\tBSI, Metallic Materials -Tensile Testing, Part 1: Method of Test at Ambient Temperature, in EN 10002-1. 2001, British Standards Institution: London. \n[13]\tDassault, Abaqus v. 6.11 (Software), Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corp. 2011, Providence, RI: Dassault Systèmes Simulia Corp. \n[14]\tAbaqus, ABAQUS Analysis User's Manual: Volume IV: Elements, in Abaqus, Inc. 2011, Dassault Systèmes. \n[15]\tA. Elremaily and A. Azizinamini, Design Provisions for Connections between Steel Beams and Concrete Filled Tube Columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2001. 57(9): p. 971-995. \n[16]\tH.T. Hu, C.S. Huang, M.H. Wu, and Y.M. Wu, Nonlinear Analysis of Axially Loaded Concrete-Filled Tube Columns with Confinement Effect. Journal of Structural Engineering, 2003. 129(10): p. 1322-1329. \n[17]\tE. Ellobody, B. Young, and D. Lam, Behaviour of Normal and High Strength Concrete-Filled Compact Steel Tube Circular Stub Columns. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 2006. 62(7): p. 706-715. \n[18]\tZ. Wang, Hysteretic Response of an Innovative Blind bolted Endplate Connection to Concrete Filled Tubular Columns. Department of Civil Engineering, 2012. PhD Thesis. University of Nottingham.\n[19]\tBSI, Eurocode 2: Design of Concrete Structures: Part 1-1: General Rules and Rules for Buildings, in EN 1992-1-1. 2004, British Standards Institution."]}