763 results on '"Santiago Torres"'
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2. Jean-Pierre Sainton (1955-2023)
- Author
Selbonne, Ronald and Santiago Torres, Frances J.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Sunlight-Daylight Signature: a Novel Concept to Assess Sunlight and Daylight Availability at Urban Scale
- Author
Valerio R. M. Lo Verso, Giulio Antonutto, and Santiago Torres
- Subjects
sunlight-daylight signature ,sunlight-daylight wedge ,urban daylighting ,k-medoids clustering ,Details in building design and construction. Including walls, roofs ,TH2025-3000 - Abstract
Daylighting and solar availability at urban scale has come to play a crucial role in the perception of discomfort conditions for people, both in outdoor and indoor spaces, and on the energy consumption of buildings. Daylighting and solar analyses are typically done separately. The paper presents a novel method, called the ‘sunlight-daylight signature’ (SDS), which allows the qualitative analysis of urban settings with respect to sunlight and daylight. The method can be used to classify different urban settings in terms of daylight/sunlight access or to test new development proposals by referring to existing locations and confirm whether a certain daylight quality is met. The SDS relies on a new analysis tool, called ‘sunlight-daylight wedge’ (SDW), which combines obstruction (through the vertical sky component VSC) and sunlight access (through the annual probable sunlight hours PASH and the winter probable sunlight hours PWSH). The orientation of the façade at each point is also included as it will affect the times of the day when the sun-hours from PASH and PWSH occur, thus affecting the character of the corresponding sunlight. The SDS approach is based on a clustering technique to subdivide large datasets (in this case, daylight data points across entire cities or major urban areas) into smaller groups, using machine learning by way of the k-medoids clustering technique. This is used to derive typical daylight and sunlight scenarios representing groups of data points with similar conditions. Additional data is included to account for urban density and daylight availability in public areas. Final output of the clustering process consists of a map showing areas with the same daylight signature (SDS), which means areas with the same sunlight and daylight conditions. The SDS can be useful for urban planners and building practitioners to predict the access to both daylight and sunlight of large urban settings to optimize comfort for people and energy usage.
- Published
- 2023
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4. Caso raro de fibroma odontogénico periférico
- Author
Andres Pauwels, Constanza Lozano Morales, Laura Alvis, Maria Mariño, Laura Sanabria, Gabriela Angulo, Marcela Mejía-Arango, and Santiago Torres-Morales
- Subjects
fibroma odontogénico periférico ,neoplasias gingivales ,tumores odontogénicos. ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introducción: El fibroma odontogénico periférico es un tumor mesenquimal de origen odontogénico, extraóseo, poco frecuente, benigno y de crecimiento lento. Sus características clínicas y patológicas se asemejan a otros tumores odontogénicos y no odontogénicos, y el diagnóstico conclusivo se basa en el examen histopatológico. El fibroma odontogénico periférico debe incluirse en el diagnóstico diferencial de los tumores extraóseos de los maxilares. Objetivo: Reportar un caso raro de fibroma odontogénico periférico en maxilar inferior. Caso Clínico: Paciente masculino, de 59 años, quien asiste por urgencias tras presentar masa sólida exofítica purulenta en maxilar inferior con posible diagnóstico de carcinoma escamocelular. Se le realizó una biopsia incisional en la cual la histopatología determinó fibroma odontogénico periférico y se realizó resección de este mediante láser CO2 terapéutico. Conclusiones: El conocimiento de esta entidad ayuda a entender a los odontólogos, patólogos orales y cirujanos maxilofaciales sobre la naturaleza inusual de esta lesión, a establecer un diagnóstico correcto y brindar el manejo terapéutico adecuado odontogénicos.
- Published
- 2024
5. Redshifted Sodium Transient near Exoplanet Transit
- Author
Apurva V. Oza, Julia V. Seidel, H. Jens Hoeijmakers, Athira Unni, Aurora Y. Kesseli, Carl A. Schmidt, Thirupathi Sivarani, Aaron Bello-Arufe, Andrea Gebek, Moritz Meyer zu Westram, Sérgio G. Sousa, Rosaly M. C. Lopes, Renyu Hu, Katherine de Kleer, Chloe Fisher, Sébastien Charnoz, Ashley D. Baker, Samuel P. Halverson, Nick M. Schneider, Angelica Psaridi, Aurélien Wyttenbach, Santiago Torres, Ishita Bhatnagar, and Robert E. Johnson
- Subjects
Natural satellites (Extrasolar) ,Exoplanet astronomy ,Transmission spectroscopy ,Radial velocity ,Doppler shift ,Astrophysics ,QB460-466 - Abstract
Neutral sodium (Na i ) is an alkali metal with a favorable absorption cross section such that tenuous gases are easily illuminated at select transiting exoplanet systems. We examine both the time-averaged and time-series alkali spectral flux individually, over 4 nights at a hot Saturn system on a ∼2.8 day orbit about a Sun-like star WASP-49 A. Very Large Telescope/ESPRESSO observations are analyzed, providing new constraints. We recover the previously confirmed residual sodium flux uniquely when averaged, whereas night-to-night Na i varies by more than an order of magnitude. On HARPS/3.6 m Epoch II, we report a Doppler redshift at v _Γ,NaD = + 9.7 ± 1.6 km s ^−1 with respect to the planet’s rest frame. Upon examining the lightcurves, we confirm night-to-night variability, on the order of ∼1%–4% in NaD, rarely coinciding with exoplanet transit, not readily explained by stellar activity, starspots, tellurics, or the interstellar medium. Coincident with the ∼+10 km s ^−1 Doppler redshift, we detect a transient sodium absorption event dF _NaD / F _⋆ = 3.6% ± 1% at a relative difference of Δ F _NaD ( t ) ∼ 4.4% ± 1%, lasting Δ t _NaD ≳ 40 minutes. Since exoplanetary alkali signatures are blueshifted due to the natural vector of radiation pressure, estimated here at roughly ∼−5.7 km s ^−1 , the radial velocity is rather at +15.4 km s ^−1 , far larger than any known exoplanet system. Given that the redshift magnitude v _Γ is in between the Roche limit and dynamically stable satellite orbits, the transient sodium may be a putative indication of a natural satellite orbiting WASP-49 A b.
- Published
- 2024
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6. Análisis de factibilidad del uso de GPU para mejorar la eficiencia de los algoritmos de optimización de metaheurísticas
- Author
Manuel Guiracocha, Fabian Astudillo-Salinas, and Santiago Torres
- Subjects
ac model ,cuda ,gpu ,metaheuristic ,optimization ,particle swarm optimization ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Technology (General) ,T1-995 - Abstract
Currently, several real-world optimization problems have been mathematically modeled. The modeling process considers as much information as possible to provide valid results, and the obtained model is commonly computationally solved. However, as information increases, complexity also increases. Consequently, a larger computational capacity is needed to solve complex and scalable problems. As a result, meta-heuristic algorithms have been developed to solve complex optimization problems. These algorithms are commonly used for two or more dimensions in which vector and matrix operations are involved. Therefore, it is helpful to carry out parallel processes that reduce the runtime to solve this problem. Currently, multi-core central processing units (CPUs) manage to solve small problems with parallel calculations easily. However, the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) improves performance because it integrates a more significant number of cores than the CPU. It is very useful for solving problems using several processes in parallel. The matrix operations, the Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP), and the electric transmission expansion planning (TEP) problem have been implemented using the GPU to verify the processor's contribution to the performance of scientific calculations. In the results, the GPU helped solve the TSP. Because more solutions or candidate particles were analyzed in less time. Because of these results, it was assumed that there would be a better performance in solving the TEP problem by using the GPU and analyzing a more significant number of candidate topologies in less time. However, this was not the case; according to the results, the use of the GPU takes longer when analyzing more particles.
- Published
- 2023
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7. Análisis y evaluación de riesgos de arsénico en las fuentes de agua de las ciudades de Cuenca y Azogues, Ecuador
- Author
Guillermina Pauta-Calle, María Velasco-Heras, Gabriela Vázquez-Guillén, Andrea Abril-Torres, and Santiago Torres-Inga
- Subjects
arsénico ,fuentes de agua ,río ,agua subterránea ,páramo ,toxicidad crónica ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
El arsénico (As) es un elemento tóxico presente en el medio ambiente que representa una amenaza para la salud de los consumidores. Para identificar el contenido de arsénico en ríos, páramos y pozos de la ciudad de Cuenca, y en ríos de la ciudad de Azogues, se realizaron dos campañas de monitoreo en el período agosto-noviembre de 2017, durante un período hidrológico de bajo y alto caudal, respectivamente. Las mediciones abarcaron indicadores de calidad fisicoquímica como pH, color, turbidez y conductividad. Los resultados muestran que los páramos y pozos están libres de As, mientras que esta sustancia tóxica está presente en aguas superficiales con niveles más altos en períodos de alto caudal. Se encontró una asociación significativa entre la concentración de As y el pH del agua del río. El riesgo de toxicidad crónica por consumo es casi inexistente porque los niveles de As observados superan solo excepcionalmente el límite permisible establecido por el reglamento ecuatoriano TULSMA (Texto Unificado de Legislación Ambiental Secundaria). La presencia de As en aguas superficiales es el resultado de actividades antropológicas como el uso de pesticidas. Es necesario un monitoreo permanente de la calidad de los recursos hídricos para consumo humano, particularmente en la época de lluvias, debido a los procesos de contaminación difusos y difíciles de controlar.
- Published
- 2021
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8. Editorial: White Dwarfs in the Age of the Great Collaborations
- Author
Alejandro Hugo Córsico, Leandro Gabriel Althaus, Santiago Torres, and Agnès Bischoff-Kim
- Subjects
white dwarf stars ,stellar interiors ,stellar evolution ,stellar atmospheres ,pulsating stars ,asteroseismology ,Astronomy ,QB1-991 ,Geophysics. Cosmic physics ,QC801-809 - Published
- 2022
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9. Odious Caribbean Women and the Palpable Aesthetics of Transgression by Gladys M. Francis (review)
- Author
Santiago Torres, Frances J.
- Published
- 2019
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10. Marismas del sur de Santa Cruz, Patagonia austral, Argentina
- Author
Juan Pablo Martin, Zulma Lizzarralde, Alicia Sar, Susana Pittaluga, Mario Oscar Perroni, and Santiago Torres
- Subjects
patagonia austral ,marismas ,biomasa vegetal ,General Works - Abstract
La zona costera de la Patagonia austral, caracterizada por un régimen macromareal, permite el desarrollo de extensas marismas tanto en estuarios como en bahías, que han sido muy poco estudiadas. Con el objetivo de caracterizar las marismas del sur de Santa Cruz, identificar las principales asociaciones vegetales que las componen y analizar las variaciones de la biomasa vegetal en relación al nivel de marea y la época del año, se realizaron muestreos en primavera (noviembre 2015), verano (febrero 2016) e invierno (agosto de 2016) en la bahía San Julián y los estuarios de los ríos Santa Cruz, Coyle y Gallegos. Los muestreos se realizaron empleando un diseño aleatorio estratificado, dividiendo la marisma en tres niveles: alta, media y baja. Se recolectaron seis muestras de 0,25 m2 en cada nivel y se determinó el porcentaje de cobertura de cada especie y su biomasa aérea (peso seco). Se determinó también la granulometría y la materia orgánica del sedimento (%). Los datos se analizaron mediante ANOVA factorial (sitios, nivel, estación del año). El sustrato en todas las localidades y niveles estuvo constituido principalmente por limos-arcillas (54 a 88%) y arena fina (20 a 44%). La materia orgánica varió entre 4,5 y 7,1%. Se registraron cinco especies vegetales: Sarcocornia perennis, Puccinellia glaucescens, Suaeda argentinensis, Limonium brasiliense y Spartina sp. S. perennis fue la especie dominante en casi todos los sitios y niveles, con excepción de la marisma alta y la marisma media de Bahía San Julián, donde codomina junto a Limonium brasiliense, y la marisma baja del estuario del río Santa Cruz, donde codomina junto a Spartina sp. La biomasa vegetal aérea total alcanzó su valor máximo (1700 g m-2) durante el verano en la marisma baja del estuario del río Gallegos y correspondió en su totalidad a S. perennis. El valor más bajo de biomasa total (177 g m-2) fue registrado en la marisma alta de Bahía San Julián durante el invierno y correspondió en un 33,8% a S. perennis. La cobertura de S. perennis varió entre 23 y 100%, siendo siempre mayor en la marisma baja. Spartina sp. se encontró únicamente en la marisma baja del estuario del río Santa Cruz, sitio que constituye el registro más austral para esta halófita en la costa Argentina.
- Published
- 2019
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11. Análisis de la calidad ambiental en un sector del Río Chico (Santa Cruz, Argentina) basado en bioindicadores bentónicos
- Author
Santiago Torres, Juan Pablo Martin, Lucia Gargano, and Laura Armendariz
- Subjects
bentos ,bioindicadores ,macroinvertebrados ,calidad ambiental ,patagonia austral ,General Works - Abstract
El río Chico, ubicado en el centro de Santa Cruz, recorre 600 km desde sus nacientes hasta su desembocadura. En su tramo medio, se encuentra la localidad de Gobernador Gregores (48°45'3"S, 70°14'54"O), que ejerce su influencia sobre el río a través de las actividades agropecuarias y el vertido de efluentes urbanos. Con el objetivo de conocer el grado de impacto sobre la calidad del agua del río, se realizó un análisis de la comunidad de macroinvertebrados bentónicos y se calculó el índice Biotic Monitoring Patagonian Streams (BMPS). En marzo de 2017, se efectuó un primer relevamiento en seis estaciones de muestreo dispuestas en un diseño de gradiente de impacto, con dos estaciones control aguas arriba de la localidad y cuatro estaciones aguas abajo. En cada estación se tomaron muestras de agua para análisis fisicoquímicos, se registraron datos ambientales mediante sonda multiparamétrica y se recolectaron cuatro muestras de macrobentos utilizando una red Surber con malla de 0,5 mm de abertura. Los organismos recolectados fueron identificados y contabilizados bajo microscopios estereoscópico y óptico. Para cada muestra se calculó el número de taxones (S), la abundancia total (N), la diversidad (H’) y la equitatividad (J); los datos de abundancia se analizaron utilizando estadística multivariada. Se identificaron 25 taxones, siendo los mejor representados los oligoquetos Naididae, los hirudíneos, los moluscos Chilinidae y Lymnaeidae, y los insectos Chironomidae, Baetidae y Glossosomatidae. En las estaciones ubicadas aguas abajo más cercanas a la localidad, la comunidad se encontró dominada ampliamente por oligoquetos y quironómidos, y presentó los valores más bajos de S, H’ y J. Los valores de BMPS en esas estaciones indicaron la existencia de aguas contaminadas a fuertemente contaminadas. En las estaciones control y las más alejadas aguas abajo, los valores de S, H’ y J aumentaron significativamente y el índice BMPS indicó mejores condiciones en la calidad ambiental del río.
- Published
- 2019
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12. Energy-Adjusted Dietary Inflammatory Index and Diabetes Risk in Postmenopausal Hispanic Women.
- Author
Zuercher, Monica, Harvey, Danielle, Au, Lauren, Shadyab, Aladdin, Santiago-Torres, Margarita, Liu, Simin, Shivappa, Nitin, Hébert, James, Robbins, John, and Garcia, Lorena
- Subjects
Diabetes ,Hispanic or Latinos ,Inflammatory diet ,Humans ,Female ,Postmenopause ,Hispanic or Latino ,Diabetes Mellitus ,Type 2 ,Middle Aged ,Aged ,Obesity ,Diet ,Risk Factors ,United States ,Inflammation ,Incidence ,Energy Intake ,Proportional Hazards Models ,Surveys and Questionnaires ,Body Mass Index - Abstract
BACKGROUND: Type 2 diabetes is a major public health concern in the United States and worldwide. The dietary inflammatory index (DII) and the energy-adjusted DII (E-DII) are tools that assess dietary inflammation. Previous evidence suggests that obesity can modify the association between inflammation and disease. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between the DII/E-DII and incident diabetes in self-identified Hispanic women from the Womens Health Initiative (WHI). The secondary aim was to evaluate whether obesity modifies the association between the DII/E-DII scores and incident diabetes. DESIGN: Participants were from the WHI Observational Study and the Clinical Trial Components (except women from the treatment arm in the Dietary Modification Trial) conducted among postmenopausal women in the United States. DII/E-DII scores were calculated from a self-administered food frequency questionnaire at baseline that included 122 food items, of which 12 are representative of Hispanic eating patterns. PARTICIPANTS/SETTINGS: Participants included 3,849 postmenopausal women who self-identified as Hispanic that were recruited for the WHI from 1993 to 1998 at 40 US clinical centers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The outcome was incident diabetes. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS PERFORMED: Cox regression models were used to assess the association between DII/E-DII and incident diabetes. Models were adjusted for age at baseline, lifestyle-related risk factors, known type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) risk factors, and neighborhood socioeconomic status. Interaction was tested between the DII/E-DII scores and obesity. RESULTS: The incidence of diabetes was 13.1% after a median follow-up of 13 years. Higher E-DII scores were associated with a higher risk of incident diabetes (hazard ratio [HR], 1.09; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.04-1.14). There was no interaction between E-DII scores and obesity (P = 0.73). CONCLUSIONS: Pro-inflammatory diets, as measured by higher E-DII scores, were associated with a higher risk of incident diabetes. Future research is needed for understanding how the inflammatory potential of diets can be decreased.
- Published
- 2024
13. VIPoma: a rare cause of diarrhea. A case report
- Author
Sara María Sánchez-Salazar, Santiago Torres-Alzate, Viviana Marcela Muñoz-Cortés, Carlos Alfonso Builes-Barrera, Jorge Iván Gutiérrez-Montoya, and Alejandro Román-González
- Subjects
Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide ,Vipoma ,Diarrhea ,Case Report ,Hypokalemia ,Medicine ,Medicine (General) ,R5-920 - Abstract
Introduction: Vasoactive intestinal peptide-secreting tumor (VIPoma) is a rare functional pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (F-PNET) characterized by secretory diarrhea, hypokalemia, and hypochlorhydria. Its low incidence and high risk of malignancy pose a clinical challenge that requires a high degree of clinical suspicion. Case presentation: A 61-year-old woman visited the emergency department of a tertiary care hospital in Medellín, Colombia, due to chronic diarrhea (7 months) that led to dehydration, renal failure, metabolic acidosis, and hypokalemia. As a result, a treatment based on loperamide, intravenous fluids and broad-spectrum antibiotics was started. In addition, chromogranin A levels of 477 ug/L (
- Published
- 2021
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14. Massive mortality of the giant freshwater mussel Anodontites trapesialis (Lamarck, 1819) (Bivalvia: Mycetopodidae) during a severe drought in a Neotropical reservoir
- Author
- Subjects
Unionida ,die-off ,hydric stress ,conservation ,Mollusca ,Science - Abstract
Abstract In 2012, a severe drought struck the southeastern of Brazil compromising the Paraná River Basin reservoirs. Here, we described how this climatic event promoted a massive mortality of the giant freshwater mussel Anodontites trapesialis in Furnas reservoir and reported the consequences of this phenomenon. In November 2012, three quarters of 100 m2 were sampled in this reservoir, where 812 dead shells of A. trapesialis were analyzed and measured (33 ˫ 133 mm). The species showed an aggregated distribution with high density ( X ¯: 1.0 - 5.5 ind/m2). Despite the massive mortality detected in field, it was possible to find living specimens in a small channel in the studied area, allowing the species to survive the water level fluctuations. Large adult individuals (100 ˫ 124 mm) were more affected by drought than juveniles, accounting for about 90% of the dead mussels analyzed. Two years after the massive mortality event, water level was not reestablished and a terrestrial succession (with elevations in the concentration of organic matter and calcium in sediment) was observed in the studied area. We verified that the damming associated with extreme climatic events affect negatively the populations of A. trapesialis and should be faced as a conservationist problem.
- Published
- 2020
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15. Validation, Factor Structure and Measurement Invariance of the Duke University Religion Index Among Puerto Rican Adults
- Author
Pagán-Torres, Orlando M., Cumba-Avilés, Eduardo, Santiago-Torres, Jan, and Rodríguez-Caraballo, Deuri J.
- Published
- 2024
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16. Traditional Mexican dietary pattern and cancer risk among women of Mexican descent.
- Author
Loroña, Nicole, Santiago-Torres, Margarita, Lopez-Pentecost, Melissa, Sun, Yangbo, Kroenke, Candyce, Snetselaar, Linda, Stefanick, Marcia, Neuhouser, Marian, Garcia, Lorena, and Shadyab, Aladdin
- Subjects
Breast cancer ,Cancer risk ,Colorectal cancer ,Dietary pattern ,Mexican diet ,WHI ,Humans ,Female ,Middle Aged ,Diet ,Mexican Americans ,Risk Factors ,Colorectal Neoplasms ,Aged ,Mexico ,Breast Neoplasms ,Incidence ,Neoplasms ,Dietary Patterns - Abstract
PURPOSE: To examine the association of a traditional Mexican diet score with risk of total, breast, and colorectal cancer among women of Mexican ethnic descent in the Womens Health Initiative (WHI). METHODS: Participants were WHI enrollees who self-identified as being of Mexican descent. Data from food frequency questionnaires self-administered at study baseline were used to calculate the MexD score, with higher scores indicating greater adherence to an a priori-defined traditional Mexican diet (high in dietary fiber, vegetables, and legumes). Incident cancers were self-reported by participants from 1993 to 2020 and adjudicated by trained physicians. We used multivariable-adjusted Cox proportional hazards models to calculate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Among 2,343 Mexican descent women (median baseline age: 59 years), a total of 270 cancers (88 breast, 37 colorectal) occurred during a mean follow-up of 14.4 years. The highest tertile of MexD score was associated with a lower risk of all-cancer incidence (HR: 0.67; 95% CI 0.49-0.91; p-trend: 0.01) and colorectal cancer (HR: 0.38; 95% CI 0.14-0.998; p-trend
- Published
- 2024
17. Solar Thermal Collector Output Temperature Prediction by Hybrid Intelligent Model for Smartgrid and Smartbuildings Applications and Optimization
- Author
José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Pablo Chamoso, Esteban Jove, Alfonso González-Briones, Héctor Quintián, María-Isabel Fernández-Ibáñez, Rafael Alejandro Vega Vega, Andrés-José Piñón Pazos, José Antonio López Vázquez, Santiago Torres-Álvarez, Tiago Pinto, and Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle
- Subjects
clustering ,prediction ,regression ,solar thermal collector ,hybrid model ,Technology ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 ,Physics ,QC1-999 ,Chemistry ,QD1-999 - Abstract
Currently, there is great interest in reducing the consumption of fossil fuels (and other non-renewable energy sources) in order to preserve the environment; smart buildings are commonly proposed for this purpose as they are capable of producing their own energy and using it optimally. However, at times, solar energy is not able to supply the energy demand fully; it is mandatory to know the quantity of energy needed to optimize the system. This research focuses on the prediction of output temperature from a solar thermal collector. The aim is to measure solar thermal energy and optimize the energy system of a house (or building). The dataset used in this research has been taken from a real installation in a bio-climate house located on the Sotavento Experimental Wind Farm, in north-west Spain. A hybrid intelligent model has been developed by combining clustering and regression methods such as neural networks, polynomial regression, and support vector machines. The main findings show that, by dividing the dataset into small clusters on the basis of similarity in behavior, it is possible to create more accurate models. Moreover, combining different regression methods for each cluster provides better results than when a global model of the whole dataset is used. In temperature prediction, mean absolute error was lower than 4 ∘ C.
- Published
- 2020
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18. Point de vue de l'artiste et assistant d'artiste : problématiques et expériences
- Author
Santiago Torres
- Subjects
conservation ,language ,kinetic art ,effect ,digital art ,programming ,Fine Arts ,Arts in general ,NX1-820 - Abstract
This text is the transcription of Santiago Torres’s talk at the first study day held on November 3, 2016, at the Villa des Arts (Paris). It goes along with the video of the presentation illustrating the case studies cited. Santiago Torres presents his thoughts from his experience as an artist's assistant of Julio Le Parc and Nicolas Schöffer. He details his vision of the concept of language as a key element in the understanding and restoration of these kinetic and cybernetic works; and wonders about the future of his own digital works.
- Published
- 2019
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19. La influencia de los recursos humanos en la venta libre de la oficina de farmacia
- Author
Fernando Losada Pérez and Santiago Torres Labandeira
- Subjects
Social Sciences ,Industries. Land use. Labor ,HD28-9999 ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 - Abstract
Son numerosas las investigaciones realizadas en diferentes sectores empresariales que analizan la importancia que los recursos humanos tienen en el éxito de las organizaciones, aunque son muy escasos los trabajos realizados en el sector de las farmacias. Entre los aspectos analizados en estas investigaciones se encuentran: la orientación de los empleados a los clientes, la formación de los recursos humanos y los incentivos establecidos por las empresas para sus trabajadores. En este sentido, el objetivo del presente trabajo de investigación, de naturaleza exploratoria, es analizar a través de una encuesta personal una muestra de 234 oficinas de farmacia de Galicia, la influencia que estas variables ejercen sobre la venta libre (productos de parafarmacia y especialidades farmacéuticas publicitarias), ya que como consecuencia de los profundos cambios ocurridos en este sector en los últimos años, estas empresas han perdido un gran volumen de facturación en la venta de medicamentos con receta, lo que las debe impulsar a centrar parte de sus esfuerzos comerciales en la venta de este tipo de productos. Para la verificación de las hipótesis planteadas se utilizó una regresión logística ordenada y la tabulación cruzada (prueba chi-cuadrado). Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio confirman la importancia que una gestión de los recursos humanos de las oficinas de farmacia basada en la orientación hacia los consumidores, la formación de los empleados y la implantación de incentivos, tiene en la venta libre.
- Published
- 2018
20. Time Scale Calculus: A New Approach to Multi-Dose Pharmacokinetic Modeling
- Author
Paz, Santiago Torres and Bejarano, Jose Ricardo Arteaga
- Subjects
Mathematics - Dynamical Systems ,26E70, 34N05, 39A60 - Abstract
In this paper, we use Time Scale Calculus (TSC) to formulate and solve pharmacokinetic models exploring multiple dose dynamics. TSC is a mathematical framework that allows the modeling of dynamical systems comprising continuous and discrete processes. This characteristic makes TSC particularly suited for multi-dose pharmacokinetic problems, which inherently feature a blend of continuous processes (such as absorption, metabolization, and elimination) and discrete events (drug intake). We use this toolkit to derive analytical expressions for blood concentration trajectories under various multi-dose regimens across several flagship pharmacokinetic models. We demonstrate that this mathematical framework furnishes an alternative and simplified way to model and retrieve analytical solutions for multi-dose dynamics. For instance, it enables the study of blood concentration responses to arbitrary dose regimens and facilitates the characterization of the long-term behavior of the solutions, such as their steady state., Comment: 42 pages, 5 figures
- Published
- 2023
21. Variation in the distribution of Corbicula species (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Corbiculidae) after 25 years of its introduction in the Río de la Plata, Argentina
- Author
Yamila Reshaid, Luciana Cao, Francisco Brea, María Ortiz Blanche, Santiago Torres, and Gustavo Darrigran
- Subjects
Bivalves ,freshwater ,invasion ,invertebrates ,mussel ,Zoology ,QL1-991 - Abstract
ABSTRACT In 1981, Corbicula fluminea (Müller, 1774) and C. largillierti (Philippi, 1844) were recorded at the Río de la Plata River. During the 1980’s, C. largillierti was found on a continuous fringe in the shore of that river, while C. fluminea was only found North of Buenos Aires’ harbor. Ten years later, C. fluminea spread to Punta Indio, while C. largillierti remained restricted to tributary streams. The density and size frequency distribution of both species were compared with previous data from samples performed in the same area in 1985-1989. The aim of this research was to determine whether the densities of both species decreased; whether C. fluminea is still more abundant than C. largillierti; and whether the size frequency distributions indicate different population structures from those observed in the end of the 1980’s. Nine localities from the river shore were sampled, and each individual was identified and measured. The size of C. fluminea varied between 2 and 39 mm, showing the highest frequency of individuals between 20 and 25 mm; furthermore the density decreased 90% in 2015/2016. No specimens of C. largillierti were found. In conclusion, the populations of Corbicula inhabiting the Río de la Plata River are retracting.
- Published
- 2018
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22. Distribution of the Unionida (Bivalvia, Paleoheterodonta) from Argentina and its conservation in the Southern Neotropical Region.
- Author
Santiago Torres, Luciana Cao, Diego Eduardo Gutiérrez Gregoric, Micaela de Lucía, Francisco Brea, and Gustavo Darrigran
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
Bivalves are one of the most representative groups in the Phylum Mollusca, with over 1,100 freshwater species around the world except Antarctica. About 900 of these species belong to the Order Unionida Gray, 1854. In South America, the distributional range of the Unionida includes all countries in the region and extends as far south as the lakes and rivers of Argentinean-Chilean Patagonia. With the aim of generating distribution maps for the different genera of Unionida in Argentina, we consulted the databases of the nation's main official malacological collections. The data were analyzed and georeferenced using the point-radius method. Spatial analyses were performed with the software Q-GIS 2.16.3 Nødebo using vector layers under the 2007 Argentinean Geodesic Positions reference system. A total 1,833 lots were analyzed, of which it was possible to georeference 1,503. The distribution of Unionida in Argentinean territory was analyzed according to political provinces, Surface Drainage Basins and the Argentinean Protected Areas. Species richness was analyzed using the surface drainage basins of Argentina. We generate distribution maps for each genus and discuss the species threat status and conservation degree in the region. Only six (18%) of the Unionida present in Argentina have been classified by the IUCN, four are Least Concern and two are Data Deficient. This pattern is also valid for all of South America. More than 95% of the distributional range of the Unionida has no protected area. Conservation management is necessary for the preservation of Unionida diversity in southern South America.
- Published
- 2018
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23. Impact of distributed generation and energy storage systems on electrical power distribution systems
- Author
Paúl Aucapiña, Santiago Torres, Romeu Vitorino, Paula Vide, and Sergio Zambrano
- Subjects
battery energy storage system ,distributed generation ,low voltage ,quasi-static time series ,losses ,reverse power flow ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Worldwide is the concern about climate change and the impact on our planet indisputable. One of the aspects that enhances environmental problems is the generation of energy through conventional methods. Due to this, governments all over the world, and particularly Ecuador, opted for the implementation of renewable energy for the generation of electricity. This paper discusses possible technical impacts of distributed generation and energy storage of local distribution networks in Ecuador. Technical impacts on losses, voltages and reversed power flow are analyzed. OpenDSS software was used to model the networks. Different scenarios of photovoltaic (PV) penetration were analyzed. Also, the effect of the incorporation of storage in a high PV penetration network was examined.
- Published
- 2017
24. Eficiencia técnica en granjas lecheras del trópico mediante modelación no paramétrica
- Author
Santiago Torres-Inga, Guillermo Guevara, Raúl Guevara, María Méndez, Manuel Soria, and Fernando Bermúdez
- Subjects
Science (General) ,Q1-390 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
INTRODUCCIÓN El mayor costo de producción lechera y la consecuente elaboración de sus productos derivados, obliga a una mayor eficiencia en la combinación de los insumos como la tierra, labor, vacas y la capacidad de gestión de esos recursos (Stokes et al., 2007). La eficiencia técnica de la producción de leche en granjas bovinas ha sido estudiada en diferentes países, pero la mayoría en países templados y muy industrializados (Bravo-Ureta, Solís, Moreira, Maripani, Thiam et al., 2007), otros estudios han sido realizados en granjas de doble propósito (Oviedo & Rodríguez, 2011), pero en Cuba y otros países tropicales estos aún resultan escasos, como el de Cobos & Borroto (2013). Algunas de las provincias con mayor número unidades, superficie y bovinos para la producción lechera cubana apenas han sido estudiadas. Esa carencia no permite que se aprecien situaciones críticas de la mayoría de las unidades lecheras en el trópico americano, con un enfoque más completo, para facilitar la toma de decisiones en las ganaderías de estos territorios. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar la eficiencia técnica de granjas lecheras, en una de las regiones cubanas donde se concentra un mayor número de estas, mediante la técnica no paramétrica denominada Análisis Envolvente de Datos.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Fernando Losada Pérez and Santiago Torres Labandeira
- Subjects
farmacia ,deseño exterior ,fachada ,letreiros ,cruz ,porta de entrada ,Economic growth, development, planning ,HD72-88 ,Economic theory. Demography ,HB1-3840 - Abstract
Os cambios que se produciron no sector das oficinas de farmacia reduciron sensiblemente os ingresos e os beneficios obtidos coa venda de medicamentos con receita. Isto obrigou aos farmacéuticos a cambiar a forma de xestionar o seu negocio, baseada en “despachar” menciñas, para adoptar unha actitude máis activa fundamentada na aplicación das técnicas de merchandising co obxectivo de incrementar a venda libre (produtos de parafarmacia e especialidades farmacéuticas publicitarias), e depender menos dos medicamentos con receita. Nesta investigación analízase a importancia que dentro destas técnicas comerciais, desempeña o deseño exterior do punto de venda como estratexia que anima aos potenciais clientes a entrar no establecemento comercial, e polo tanto aumentar a posibilidade de que os consumidores adquiran os produtos incluídos na carteira de produtos da farmacia. En particular, analízase a influencia que a fachada, os letreiros, a cruz, a porta de entrada e o escaparate teñen na venda libre da farmacia. of prescription drugs have been significantly reduced. That is why pharmacists have to change the way in which they run their business, based on dispensing prescription drugs, in order to adopt a more active attitude based on the application of merchandising techniques in order to increase the sales of over-the-counter drugs (parapharmaceutical products and advertising pharmaceutical specialties), so they are able to be less dependent on the prescription drugs. This study analyzes the importance of outdoor design as a strategy to encourage potential customers to go inside the commercial establishment; and thus increase the possibility for consumers to purchase the products included in the pharmacy product portfolio. In particular, the influence of the façade, the pharmacy sign, the pharmacy cross, the front door and the shop window, on the sales of over-the-counter drugs of the pharmacy is analyzed.
- Published
- 2017
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26. Cook and Move for Your Life, an eHealth intervention for women with breast cancer
- Author
Greenlee, Heather, Rillamas-Sun, Eileen, Yung, Rachel L., Cobos, Sofia, Donzella, Sidney M., Huang, Yuhan, Schattenkerk, Liza, Ueland, Katherine, VanDoren, Matthew, Myers, Samantha A., Garcia, Gino, King, Theresa, Santiago-Torres, Margarita, Di, Chongzhi, Dey, Neelendu, Guthrie, Katherine A., and Davidson, Nancy E.
- Published
- 2024
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27. A non-canonical RNA degradation pathway suppresses RNAi-dependent epimutations in the human fungal pathogen Mucor circinelloides.
- Author
Silvia Calo, Francisco E Nicolás, Soo Chan Lee, Ana Vila, Maria Cervantes, Santiago Torres-Martinez, Rosa M Ruiz-Vazquez, Maria E Cardenas, and Joseph Heitman
- Subjects
Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
Mucorales are a group of basal fungi that includes the casual agents of the human emerging disease mucormycosis. Recent studies revealed that these pathogens activate an RNAi-based pathway to rapidly generate drug-resistant epimutant strains when exposed to stressful compounds such as the antifungal drug FK506. To elucidate the molecular mechanism of this epimutation pathway, we performed a genetic analysis in Mucor circinelloides that revealed an inhibitory role for the non-canonical RdRP-dependent Dicer-independent silencing pathway, which is an RNAi-based mechanism involved in mRNA degradation that was recently identified. Thus, mutations that specifically block the mRNA degradation pathway, such as those in the genes r3b2 and rdrp3, enhance the production of drug resistant epimutants, similar to the phenotype previously described for mutation of the gene rdrp1. Our genetic analysis also revealed two new specific components of the epimutation pathway related to the quelling induced protein (qip) and a Sad-3-like helicase (rnhA), as mutations in these genes prevented formation of drug-resistant epimutants. Remarkably, drug-resistant epimutant production was notably increased in M. circinelloides f. circinelloides isolates from humans or other animal hosts. The host-pathogen interaction could be a stressful environment in which the phenotypic plasticity provided by the epimutant pathway might provide an advantage for these strains. These results evoke a model whereby balanced regulation of two different RNAi pathways is determined by the activation of the RNAi-dependent epimutant pathway under stress conditions, or its repression when the regular maintenance of the mRNA degradation pathway operates under non-stress conditions.
- Published
- 2017
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28. RNAi-Based Functional Genomics Identifies New Virulence Determinants in Mucormycosis.
- Author
Trung Anh Trieu, María Isabel Navarro-Mendoza, Carlos Pérez-Arques, Marta Sanchis, Javier Capilla, Patricia Navarro-Rodriguez, Loida Lopez-Fernandez, Santiago Torres-Martínez, Victoriano Garre, Rosa María Ruiz-Vázquez, and Francisco E Nicolás
- Subjects
Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Abstract
Mucorales are an emerging group of human pathogens that are responsible for the lethal disease mucormycosis. Unfortunately, functional studies on the genetic factors behind the virulence of these organisms are hampered by their limited genetic tractability, since they are reluctant to classical genetic tools like transposable elements or gene mapping. Here, we describe an RNAi-based functional genomic platform that allows the identification of new virulence factors through a forward genetic approach firstly described in Mucorales. This platform contains a whole-genome collection of Mucor circinelloides silenced transformants that presented a broad assortment of phenotypes related to the main physiological processes in fungi, including virulence, hyphae morphology, mycelial and yeast growth, carotenogenesis and asexual sporulation. Selection of transformants with reduced virulence allowed the identification of mcplD, which encodes a Phospholipase D, and mcmyo5, encoding a probably essential cargo transporter of the Myosin V family, as required for a fully virulent phenotype of M. circinelloides. Knock-out mutants for those genes showed reduced virulence in both Galleria mellonella and Mus musculus models, probably due to a delayed germination and polarized growth within macrophages. This study provides a robust approach to study virulence in Mucorales and as a proof of concept identified new virulence determinants in M. circinelloides that could represent promising targets for future antifungal therapies.
- Published
- 2017
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29. Estrategias de Control en la Práctica de Anestesia
- Author
Juan Albino Méndez Pérez, Santiago Torres, José Antonio Reboso, and Héctor Reboso
- Subjects
Control engineering systems. Automatic machinery (General) ,TJ212-225 - Abstract
Resumen: Este artículo se centra en el modelado y control de la hipnosis durante la anestesia de pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas. Por un lado en este trabajo se aborda el problema del modelado del proceso presentando resultados validados con pacientes reales. Asimismo, se propone un controlador avanzado para regular el estado hipnótico. El algoritmo empleado se basa en combinar una acción nominal obtenida a partir de la dinámica inversa juntamente con una acción correctora que se obtiene a partir de un controlador predictivo. El trabajo persigue desarrollar una técnica que permita la regulación del estado del paciente y que tenga características de adaptabilidad a los diferentes individuos. Se muestran resultados preliminares de la estrategia propuesta para demostrar la eficiencia del sistema. Palabras clave: Anestesia, BIS, Propofol, Control, Control PID, Control Predictivo, Control Adaptativo
- Published
- 2011
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30. Primer curso de Bioderecho y los Comités de Ética en Investigación 'Cuestiones fundamentales desde el Derecho, la Ética y la Ciencia'
- Author
Sergio Alberto Viruete Cisneros, José Ramón Salcedo Hernández, Adolfo Espinosa de los Monteros Rodríguez, María del Refugio Martínez Toscano, Rocío Preciado González, Esperanza Vargas Jiménez, María Leticia de la Purísima Concepción Medina Caracheo, Miriam Partida Pérez, María Belén Andreu Martínez, Emilio Martínez Navarro, and Santiago Torres Martínez
- Subjects
bioderecho ,bioética ,comités de ética ,ética ,Ethics ,BJ1-1725 ,Law in general. Comparative and uniform law. Jurisprudence ,K1-7720 - Abstract
Contenido resumen del primer curso de Bioderecho y los Comités de Ética en Investigación “Cuestiones fundamentales desde el Derecho, la Ética y la Ciencia”. Organizado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación del Centro Universitario de la Costa. Celebradas el 23 y 24 de octubre de 2014 en Puerto Vallarta, México.
- Published
- 2015
31. A non-canonical RNA silencing pathway promotes mRNA degradation in basal Fungi.
- Author
Trung Anh Trieu, Silvia Calo, Francisco E Nicolás, Ana Vila, Simon Moxon, Tamas Dalmay, Santiago Torres-Martínez, Victoriano Garre, and Rosa M Ruiz-Vázquez
- Subjects
Genetics ,QH426-470 - Abstract
The increasing knowledge on the functional relevance of endogenous small RNAs (esRNAs) as riboregulators has stimulated the identification and characterization of these molecules in numerous eukaryotes. In the basal fungus Mucor circinelloides, an emerging opportunistic human pathogen, esRNAs that regulate the expression of many protein coding genes have been described. These esRNAs share common machinery for their biogenesis consisting of an RNase III endonuclease Dicer, a single Argonaute protein and two RNA-dependent RNA polymerases. We show in this study that, besides participating in this canonical dicer-dependent RNA interference (RNAi) pathway, the rdrp genes are involved in a novel dicer-independent degradation process of endogenous mRNAs. The analysis of esRNAs accumulated in wild type and silencing mutants demonstrates that this new rdrp-dependent dicer-independent regulatory pathway, which does not produce sRNA molecules of discrete sizes, controls the expression of target genes promoting the specific degradation of mRNAs by a previously unknown RNase. This pathway mainly regulates conserved genes involved in metabolism and cellular processes and signaling, such as those required for heme biosynthesis, and controls responses to specific environmental signals. Searching the Mucor genome for candidate RNases to participate in this pathway, and functional analysis of the corresponding knockout mutants, identified a new protein, R3B2. This RNase III-like protein presents unique domain architecture, it is specifically found in basal fungi and, besides its relevant role in the rdrp-dependent dicer-independent pathway, it is also involved in the canonical dicer-dependent RNAi pathway, highlighting its crucial role in the biogenesis and function of regulatory esRNAs. The involvement of RdRPs in RNA degradation could represent the first evolutionary step towards the development of an RNAi mechanism and constitutes a genetic link between mRNA degradation and post-transcriptional gene silencing.
- Published
- 2015
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32. Significance of microbial binding in the formation and stabilization of a Silurian carbonate forereef slope
- Author
Santiago Torres, Alejandra, Grammer, G. Michael, Eberli, Gregor P., Diaz, Mara R., and Gregg, Jay M.
- Published
- 2024
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33. Rust for Embedded Systems: Current State and Open Problems.
- Author
Ayushi Sharma, Shashank Sharma, Sai Ritvik Tanksalkar, Santiago Torres-Arias, and Aravind Machiry
- Published
- 2024
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34. Signing in Four Public Software Package Registries: Quantity, Quality, and Influencing Factors.
- Author
Taylor R. Schorlemmer, Kelechi G. Kalu, Luke Chigges, Kyung Myung Ko, Eman Abu Ishgair, Saurabh Bagchi, Santiago Torres-Arias, and James C. Davis 0001
- Published
- 2024
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35. Should Smart Homes Be Afraid of Evil Maids? : Identifying Vulnerabilities in IoT Device Firmware.
- Author
Austen Knapp, Emmanuel Wamuo, Minhajul Alam Rahat, Santiago Torres-Arias, Gedare Bloom, and Yanyan Zhuang
- Published
- 2024
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36. Towards a Partial Credit-Based Shaper Deployment Algorithm in Time-Sensitive Networks.
- Author
Santiago Torres Borda and Ahlem Mifdaoui
- Published
- 2024
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37. Dietary inflammatory index and cardiovascular disease risk in Hispanic women from the Women's Health Initiative.
- Author
Zuercher, Monica D, Harvey, Danielle J, Santiago-Torres, Margarita, Au, Lauren E, Shivappa, Nitin, Shadyab, Aladdin H, Allison, Matthew, Snetselaar, Linda, Liu, Buyun, Robbins, John A, Hébert, James R, and Garcia, Lorena
- Subjects
Humans ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Coronary Disease ,Inflammation ,Diet ,Risk Factors ,Women's Health ,Female ,Overweight ,Stroke ,Hispanic or Latino ,Coronary heart disease ,Latinos ,Heart Disease - Coronary Heart Disease ,Heart Disease ,Obesity ,Brain Disorders ,Behavioral and Social Science ,Aging ,Cardiovascular ,Prevention ,Nutrition ,Genetics ,Good Health and Well Being ,Nutrition and Dietetics ,Nutrition & Dietetics - Abstract
BackgroundTo evaluate the association between the dietary inflammatory index (DII®) and incident cardiovascular disease (CVD) in Hispanic women from the Women's Health Initiative (WHI), and to determine if body mass index (BMI) interacted with the DII scores.MethodsSecondary analysis of baseline dietary data and long-term CVD outcomes among 3,469 postmenopausal women who self-identified as Hispanic enrolled in WHI. DII scores were calculated from self-administered food frequency questionnaires. The CVD outcomes included coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke. Stratified Cox regression models were used to assess the relationship between DII scores and CVD in women with and without obesity. Models were adjusted for age, lifestyle risk factors, known risk factors, and neighborhood socioeconomic status.ResultsThe incidence of CHD was 3.4 and 2.8% for stroke after a median follow-up of 12.9 years. None of the DIIs were associated with CVD risk in this sample of Hispanic women. BMI interacted with the DII (p
- Published
- 2023
38. Utility of prophylactic closed suction drainage in open reduction and internal fixation for tibial plateau fracture
- Author
Mallory, Noah, Gibbs, David, Belmonte, Anthony, Mallory, Thomas H., and Santiago-Torres, Juan
- Published
- 2024
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39. A single argonaute gene participates in exogenous and endogenous RNAi and controls cellular functions in the basal fungus Mucor circinelloides.
- Author
María Cervantes, Ana Vila, Francisco E Nicolás, Simon Moxon, Juan P de Haro, Tamas Dalmay, Santiago Torres-Martínez, and Rosa M Ruiz-Vázquez
- Subjects
Medicine ,Science - Abstract
The mechanism of RNAi is well described in metazoans where it plays a role in diverse cellular functions. However, although different classes of endogenous small RNAs (esRNAs) have been identified in fungi, their biological roles are poorly described due, in part, to the lack of phenotype of mutants affected in the biogenesis of these esRNAs. Argonaute proteins are one of the key components of the RNAi pathways, in which different members of this protein family participate in the biogenesis of a wide repertoire of esRNAs molecules. Here we identified three argonaute genes of the fungus Mucor circinelloides and investigated their participation in exogenous and endogenous RNAi. We found that only one of the ago genes, ago-1, is involved in RNAi during vegetative growth and is required for both transgene-induced RNA silencing and the accumulation of distinct classes of esRNAs derived from exons (ex-siRNAs). Classes I and II ex-siRNAs bind to Ago-1 to control mRNA accumulation of the target protein coding genes. Class III ex-siRNAs do not specifically bind to Ago-1, but requires this protein for their production, revealing the complexity of the biogenesis pathways of ex-siRNAs. We also show that ago-1 is involved in the response to environmental signals, since vegetative development and autolysis induced by nutritional stress are affected in ago-1(-) M. circinelloides mutants. Our results demonstrate that a single Ago protein participates in the production of different classes of esRNAs that are generated through different pathways. They also highlight the role of ex-siRNAs in the regulation of endogenous genes in fungi and expand the range of biological functions modulated by RNAi.
- Published
- 2013
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40. Loss and retention of RNA interference in fungi and parasites.
- Author
Francisco E Nicolás, Santiago Torres-Martínez, and Rosa M Ruiz-Vázquez
- Subjects
Immunologic diseases. Allergy ,RC581-607 ,Biology (General) ,QH301-705.5 - Published
- 2013
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41. Applications of RFID technology in the supply chain of footwear in Ecuador
- Author
Daniel E. Merchán Dueñas, Santiago Torres, Ramón Burneo, and Gonzalo Vásconez
- Subjects
RFID ,logística ,cadena de abastecimiento ,sistema de distribución ,Engineering (General). Civil engineering (General) ,TA1-2040 ,Science (General) ,Q1-390 - Abstract
This paper presents the preliminary results of an undergoing study about the implementation of RFID technology in the shoe industry in Ecuador. As a starting point, descriptions about the benefits and limitation of RFID and the logistics scenario in Ecuador are provided. Then, the implications of adopting RFID along the entire shoe supply chain are discussed, including two governmental control agencies. Finally, some additional considerations such as implementation challenges and financial implications are discussed.
- Published
- 2011
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42. Efficacy of a conversational chatbot for cigarette smoking cessation: Protocol of the QuitBot full-scale randomized controlled trial
- Author
Bricker, Jonathan B., Sullivan, Brianna M., Mull, Kristin E., Lavista-Ferres, Juan, and Santiago-Torres, Margarita
- Published
- 2024
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43. Role of perceived discrimination and anxiety sensitivity in cigarette smoking among english-speaking latinx adults living in the United States
- Author
Zvolensky, Michael J., Shepherd, Justin M., Clausen, Bryce K., Garey, Lorra, Redmond, Brooke Y., Santiago-Torres, Margarita, and Bricker, Jonathan B.
- Subjects
Diagnosis ,Care and treatment ,Prevention ,Social aspects ,Health aspects ,Smoking -- Health aspects -- Social aspects ,Medical care discrimination -- Prevention ,Anxiety -- Diagnosis -- Care and treatment ,Discrimination in medical care -- Prevention - Abstract
Author(s): Michael J. Zvolensky [sup.1] [sup.2] [sup.3] , Justin M. Shepherd [sup.1] , Bryce K. Clausen [sup.1] , Lorra Garey [sup.1] , Brooke Y. Redmond [sup.1] , Margarita Santiago-Torres [sup.4] [...], Objective The Latinx/Hispanic (hereafter, Latinx) population in the United States (US) experiences significant tobacco-related health disparities. Extant work suggests social determinants of health (SDoH) such as perceived discrimination is an individual differences factor for cigarette smoking behavior among Latinx individuals who smoke cigarettes. Other research has suggested sensitivity to internal cues, referred to as anxiety sensitivity, is related to smoking among Latinx adults, but this work has not explored whether anxiety sensitivity may moderate the association between perceived discrimination and smoking behavior. Method Therefore, the present investigation sought to explore the main and interactive association of perceived discrimination and anxiety sensitivity in relation to cigarettes smoked per day, severity of problems experienced when quitting, and perceived barriers for smoking cessation among 338 English-speaking Latinx individuals living in the US (M.sub.age = 35.5 years; SD = 8.65; age range 18-61; 37.3% female) who smoke cigarettes. Results Results supported statistically significant main effects for perceived discrimination and anxiety sensitivity in relation to increased severity of problems experienced when quitting and perceived barriers for smoking cessation. These associations were evident after adjusting for a sociodemographic covariates. Conclusion Overall, the present investigation suggests that both perceived discrimination and anxiety sensitivity are important constructs relevant to understanding smoking processes among Latinx adults who smoke cigarettes and should be integrated in theoretical models of smoking among this population.
- Published
- 2023
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44. Efficacy of Web-Delivered Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for Helping Black Adults Quit Smoking
- Author
Santiago-Torres, Margarita, Kwon, Diana M., Mull, Kristin E., Sullivan, Brianna M., Ahluwalia, Jasjit S., Alexander, Adam C., Nollen, Nicole L., and Bricker, Jonathan B.
- Published
- 2023
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45. Emotional dysregulation among English-speaking Hispanic persons who smoke living in the United states
- Author
Zvolensky, Michael J., Clausen, Bryce K., Shepherd, Justin M., Redmond, Brooke Y., Robison, Jillian H., Santiago-Torres, Margarita, and Bricker, Jonathan B.
- Published
- 2024
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46. The Excess of Powers and Failure to Apply the Proper Law by ICSID Arbitral Tribunals: a General Evaluation
- Author
Bernárdez, Santiago Torres, primary
- Published
- 2023
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47. Multi-objective Optimal Sizing of an AC/DC Grid Connected Microgrid System.
- Author
Yahia Amoura, André Pedroso, ângela Paula Ferreira, José Lima 0001, Santiago Torres, and Ana I. Pereira
- Published
- 2023
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48. Behind the Scenes: Uncovering TLS and Server Certificate Practice of IoT Device Vendors in the Wild.
- Author
Hongying Dong, Hao Shu, Vijay Prakash, Yizhe Zhang, Muhammad Talha Paracha, David R. Choffnes, Santiago Torres-Arias, Danny Yuxing Huang, and Yixin Sun
- Published
- 2023
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49. Speranza: Usable, Privacy-friendly Software Signing.
- Author
Kelsey Merrill, Zachary Newman, Santiago Torres-Arias, and Karen R. Sollins
- Published
- 2023
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50. SCORED '24: Workshop on Software Supply Chain Offensive Research and Ecosystem Defenses.
- Author
Santiago Torres-Arias and Marcela S. Melara
- Published
- 2024
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