Introduction More than a decade after its descent through Titan’s atmosphere, the data acquired by the instruments on the Huygens Probe remain the only in situ measurements in Titan’s deep atmosphere. Among these, the Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer (GCMS) experiment aboard Huygens measured hundreds of mass spectra below 150 km to investigate the atmospheric composition [1,2]. However, there has not yet been a comprehensive attempt to decompose the mass spectra acquired by Huygens in order to extract the identity and abundances of many minor components and refine the retrieved mixing ratios of major atmospheric components (N2, CH4, Ar) Actually, at least 60% of the signal in the GCMS spectra has not been identified yet. As an example, while predicted ethane is strikingly absent from GCMS measurements during its descent [3-5]. The absence of ethane in data near the surface can be explained by its condensation, but its non-detection above 100 km re-mains one of the major discrepancies in our understanding of GCMS measurements. In addition to ethane, many organics predicted both by models and measurements at higher altitude remain unquantified in GCMS. In order to fill this gap, we have developed numerical tools to decompose flight mass spectrometry data, and applied it to conduct an in-depth reanalysis of the GCMS data collected during Huygens’ descent, leveraging recent advances in both knowledge of Titan’s atmosphere and mass spectral deconvolution for organic species. Methods We decompose the mass spectra acquired by GCMS below 146 km using the fragmentation pattern of the molecules detected by the instrument. This approach has been previously applied successfully to INMS data of Titan’s higher atmosphere during Cassini flybys [6]. However, up to now, this decomposition method required extensive knowledge of the instrument calibration data, which was the case for INMS. Such calibration data was unfortunately unavailable for the GCMS instrument. We thus developed a Monte-Carlo approach, simulating the diversity of possible fragmentation for a given molecule in the spectrometer ionization chamber, to handle degeneracy in the mass spectra decomposition. Results We analyzed all GCMS acquired mass spectra, from 135km altitude down to the surface. Between m/z 5 and 50. We thus retrieved the relative abundances of most volatiles species in Titan’s lower atmosphere. We were able to clearly identify and relatively quantify not only CH4, N2 and Ar as in the original GCMS paper [2], but we also identify 8 new species in this mass spectrum, including ethane. By decomposing the mass spectra at every altitude during Huygens descent, we obtained the vertical profile of major volatile species in Titan’s lower atmosphere Figure 1: Preliminary retrieved methane vertical profile above Huygens landing site. Our work is in red, to be compared with the original retrieval (dark blue). Discrepancies appear at altitudes above 80 km which might be able to reconcile GCMS measurements with Cassini CIRS and VIMS observations. Retrieved mixing ratio at high altitude (120 – 135 km) were compared with mixing ratios determined from CIRS or ground based observations and showed an excellent agreement between the methods. This allowed us to carry on at lower altitude and to retrieve volatiles mixing ratios throughout Huygens descent. We will present the retrieved mixing ratios for several minor volatiles species in Titan’s atmosphere, together with their associated probability density function and vertical profiles. Acknowledgements T.G. was supported by the Programme National de Planétologie (PNP) of CNRS/INSU, cofunded by CNES. This work was originally supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under16-CDAP16_2-0087, initially issued through the Cassini Data Analysis Program, and NASA's Planetary Science Division Internal Scientist Funding Program through the Fundamental Laboratory Research (FLaRe) work package to M.G.T. References [1] Owen, T., Planetary science: Huygens rediscovers Titan, Nature 438(7069), pp. 756-757, 2005 [2] Niemann, H. B., S. K. Atreya, S. J. Bauer, G. R. Carignan, J. E. Demick, R. L. Frost, D. Gautier, J. A. Haberman, D. N. Harpold, D. M. Hunten, G. Israel, J. I. Lunine, W. T. Kasprzak, T. C. Owen, M. Paulkovich, F. Raulin, E. Raaen and S. H. Way: The abundances of constituents of Titan's atmosphere from the GCMS instrument on the Huygens probe, Nature 438(7069), pp. 779-784, 2005 [3] Bézard, B.; Yelle, R.; Nixon, C. 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