1. Method and System for Utilizing Spectrum Data in a Cognitive Wireless Access System
- Author
Höyhtyä, Marko, Kuismin, Janne, and Sarvanko, Heli
- Abstract
The invention relates to a cognitive wireless communication system where a wireless terminal is allowed to utilize in channel selection process both licenced bands and unlicensed bands that are available. The invention relates also to a method and computer program for allocating a transmission channel for a wireless terminal either from licenced or unlicensed bands in a cognitive radio system by a resource management server. The utilized spectrum data is gathered by spectrum sensing from databases and control channels and it is saved in a database. A transmission channel to a wireless terminal is allocated by the resource management server by utilizing gathered short term and long term spectrum data."Patent family as of 22.10.2021DE602014011512 D1 20170817 DE201460011512T 20140516 EP3000251 A2 20160330 EP20140732922 20140516 EP3000251 B1 20170705 EP20140732922 20140516 US2016095129 AA 20160331 US20140892225 20140516 US9820288 BB 20171114 US20140892225 20140516 WO14188064 A2 20141127 WO2014FI50373 20140516 Link to current patent family on right
- Published
- 2016