Díaz J., Caving 2014, 3rd international symposium on block and sublevel caving Santiago, Chile 05-Jun-1406-Jun-14, Lledo P., Sepulveda Y., Díaz J., Caving 2014, 3rd international symposium on block and sublevel caving Santiago, Chile 05-Jun-1406-Jun-14, Lledo P., and Sepulveda Y.
Three general field control activities can be established from the geomechanical viewpoint associated with mine development and construction, mine production activities involving short-term planning and mining, and the main and permanent infrastructure in the short and medium terms. The main activities and deliverables associated with operational geomechanical work include the geomechanical behaviour as-built drawing which covers records of the excavation behaviour in relation to associated damage and the presence of abnormal conditions such as draw point hang-ups, brow damage, overbreak and loaded pillars, the geomechanical hazards as-built drawing which maintains the records of all the geomechanical events or hazards occurring during the mine life, the ground support as-built drawing which represents a detailed record of all the ground support installed, draw bell commissioning control which consists of recording the draw bell development status, undercutting control which covers the recording of the undercutting front advance and the characteristics and conditions in the area, a review of development advances to detect any instability conditions or failure mechanism that require preventive or control measures, draw control, which involves recording the draw at the draw points to create iso-curves to determine low and high draw and the execution rates in the front perimeter and in the caving regime zones, fragmentation control involving the recording of particle size at the draw points using digital photography, subsidence advance control which involves recording the different types of damage associated with subsidence zones, a seismicity review covering daily, weekly and monthly seismic records, statistics and trends, blasting damage characterisation and evaluation, and a review of geotechnical instrumentation. The resources, equipment and software required are described., Three general field control activities can be established from the geomechanical viewpoint associated with mine development and construction, mine production activities involving short-term planning and mining, and the main and permanent infrastructure in the short and medium terms. The main activities and deliverables associated with operational geomechanical work include the geomechanical behaviour as-built drawing which covers records of the excavation behaviour in relation to associated damage and the presence of abnormal conditions such as draw point hang-ups, brow damage, overbreak and loaded pillars, the geomechanical hazards as-built drawing which maintains the records of all the geomechanical events or hazards occurring during the mine life, the ground support as-built drawing which represents a detailed record of all the ground support installed, draw bell commissioning control which consists of recording the draw bell development status, undercutting control which covers the recording of the undercutting front advance and the characteristics and conditions in the area, a review of development advances to detect any instability conditions or failure mechanism that require preventive or control measures, draw control, which involves recording the draw at the draw points to create iso-curves to determine low and high draw and the execution rates in the front perimeter and in the caving regime zones, fragmentation control involving the recording of particle size at the draw points using digital photography, subsidence advance control which involves recording the different types of damage associated with subsidence zones, a seismicity review covering daily, weekly and monthly seismic records, statistics and trends, blasting damage characterisation and evaluation, and a review of geotechnical instrumentation. The resources, equipment and software required are described.