28 results on '"Sequeira, Diogo"'
Search Results
2. Twining digital subcarrier multiplexed optical signals with OCATA for lightpath provisioning
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Devigili, Mariano, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Torres Ferrera, Pablo, Srivallapanondh, Sasipim, Costa, Nelson, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Castro, Carlos, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Devigili, Mariano, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Torres Ferrera, Pablo, Srivallapanondh, Sasipim, Costa, Nelson, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Castro, Carlos, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
Digital Twins (DT) are needed in elastic optical networks to enable further advance and pave the way towards autonomous networks. Dynamical models self-adjusting with their physical counterpart have to maintain low computational complexity and guarantee good accuracy, regardless of the network topology and the technology supporting the optical lightpath. In this work, we propose data-driven models based on cascaded learning for single carrier signal as well as digital subcarrier multiplexing signals. Firstly, we explore the potentials of such a DT by proposing an algorithm for lightpath provisioning. In addition, the performances of the proposed models are compared with the ones of analytical models. Secondly, we experimentally evaluate its accuracy to predict the impact of optical filtering penalties. The simulations show an overall good accuracy for different signal formats and demonstrate their viability for lightpath provisioning. Similarly, the experimental results demonstrate the feasibility of implementing such models to estimate the quality of transmission for digital subcarrier multiplexed signals., The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community through the MSCA MENTOR (G.A. 956713), the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme SEASON (G.A. 101096120), the MICINN IBON (PID2020-114135RB-I00) and from the ICREA Institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2024
3. Extending the OCATA digital twin for optical connections based on digital subcarrier multiplexing
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Devigili, Mariano, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Castro, Carlos, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Devigili, Mariano, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Castro, Carlos, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
© 2024 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works., Time-domain digital twin models for single carrier and DSCM signals are developed that propagate features to estimate the impact of filter penalties on the BER. Results show remarkable accuracy, which is used for lightpath provisioning., The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community through the MSCA MENTOR (G.A. 956713), the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme SEASON (G.A. 101096120), the MICINN IBON (PID2020-114135RB-I00) and from the ICREA Institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2024
4. OCATA: A deep-learning-based digital twin for the optical time domain
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
The development of digital twins to represent the optical transport network might enable multiple applications for network operation, including automation and fault management. In this work, we propose a deep-learning-based digital twin for the optical time domain, named OCATA. OCATA is based on the concatenation of deep neural network (DNN) modeling of optical links and nodes, which facilitates representing lightpaths. The DNNs model linear and nonlinear noise, as well as optical filtering. Additional DNN-based models are proposed to extract useful lightpath metrics, such as lightpath length, number of optical links, and nonlinear fiber parameters. OCATA exhibits low complexity, thus making it ideal for real-time applications. Illustrative results for the application of OCATA to disaggregated and mixed disaggregated-proprietary optical network scenarios reveal remarkable accuracy., The research leading to these results has received funding from the MSCA REAL-NET (G.A. 813144), the H2020 B5G-OPEN (G.A. 101016663), and the AEI IBON (PID2020-114135RB-I00) projects and from the ICREA Institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2023
5. Experimental validation of deep learning-based models for optical time domain analysis
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Devigili, Mariano, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Santos, Caio, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Shariati, Mohammad Behnam, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Fischer, Johannes Karl, Pedro, João, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Devigili, Mariano, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Santos, Caio, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Shariati, Mohammad Behnam, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Fischer, Johannes Karl, Pedro, João, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
Optical constellations generated by Deep Learning models trained with datasets generated through simulation are compared to experimentally collected ones. The obtained high accuracy enables its application for optical time domain analysis in complex network scenarios., The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Commission through the MSCA MENTOR (G.A. 956713), the MSCA REAL-NET (G.A. 813144), and the H2020 B5G-OPEN (G.A. 101016663) projects, the AEI through the IBON (PID2020-114135RB-I00) project, and by the ICREA institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2023
6. Exploiting optical signal analysis for autonomous communications
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, and Napoli, Antonio
- Subjects
Informàtica [Àrees temàtiques de la UPC] - Abstract
(English) Optical communications have been extensively investigated and enhanced in the last decades. Nowadays, they are responsible to transport all the data traffic generated around the world, from access to the core network segments. As the data traffic is increasing and changing in both type and patterns, the optical communications networks and systems need to readapt and continuous advances to face the future data traffic demands in an efficient and cost-effective way. This PhD thesis focuses on investigate and analyze the optical signals in order to extract useful knowledge from them to support the autonomous lightpath operation, as well as to lightpath characterization. The first objective of this PhD thesis is to investigate the optical transmission feasibility of optical signals based on high-order modulation formats (MF) and high symbol rates (SR) in hybrid filterless, filtered and flexible optical networks. It is expected a higher physical layer impairments impact on these kinds of optical signals that can lead to degradation of the quality of transmission. In particular, the impact of the optical filter narrowing arising from the node cascade is evaluated. The obtained simulation results for the required optical-signal-to-noise ratio in a cascade up to 10 optical nodes foresee the applicability of these kinds of optical signals in such scenarios. By using high-order MF and high SR, the number of the optical transponders cab be reduced, as well as the spectral efficiency is enhanced. The second objective focuses on MF and SR identification at the optical receiver side to support the autonomous lightpath operation. Nowadays, optical transmitters can generate several optical signal configurations in terms of MF and SR. To increase the autonomous operation of the optical receiver, it is desired it can autonomously recognize the MF and SR of the incoming optical signals. In this PhD thesis, we propose an accurate and low complex MF and SR identification algorithm based on optical signal analysis and minimum Euclidean distance to the expected points when the received signals are decoded with several available MF and SR. The extensive simulation results show remarkable accuracy under several realistic lightpath scenarios, based on different fiber types, including linear and nonlinear noise interference, as well as in single and multicarrier optical systems. The final objective of this PhD thesis is the deployment of a machine learning-based digital twin for optical constellations analysis and modeling. An optical signal along its lightpath in the optical network is impaired by several effects. These effects can be linear, e.g., the noise coming from the optical amplification, or nonlinear ones, e.g., the Kerr effects from the fiber propagation. The optical constellations are a good source of information regarding these effects, both linear and nonlinear. Thus, by an accurate and deep analysis of the received optical signals, visualized in optical constellations, we can extract useful information from them to better understand the several impacts along the crossed lightpath. Furthermore, by learning the different impacts from different optical network elements on the optical signal, we can accurately model it in order to create a partial digital twin of the optical physical layer. The proposed digital twin shows accurate results in modeled lightpaths including both linear and nonlinear interference noise, in several lightpaths configuration, i.e., based on different kind of optical links, optical powers and optical fiber parameters. In addition, the proposed digital twin can be useful to predict quality of transmission metrics, such as bit error rate, in typical lightpath scenarios, as well as to detect possible misconfigurations in optical network elements by cooperation with the software-defined networking controller and monitoring and data analytics agents. (Español) Las comunicaciones ópticas han sido ampliamente investigadas y mejoradas en las últimas décadas. En la actualidad, son las encargadas de transportar la mayoría del tráfico de datos que se genera en todo el mundo, desde el acceso hasta los segmentos de la red troncal. A medida que el tráfico de datos aumenta y cambia tanto en tipo como en patrones, las redes y los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas necesitan readaptarse y avanzar continuamente para, de una manera eficiente y rentable, hacer frente a las futuras demandas de tráfico de datos. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en investigar y analizar las señales ópticas con el fin de extraer de ellas conocimiento útil para apoyar el funcionamiento autónomo de las conexiones ópticas, así como para su caracterización. El primer objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar la viabilidad de transmisión de señales ópticas basadas en formatos de modulación de alto orden y altas tasas de símbolos en redes ópticas híbridas con y sin filtros. Se espera un mayor impacto de las degradaciones de la capa física en este tipo de señales ópticas que pueden conducir a la degradación de la calidad de transmisión. En particular, se evalúa el impacto de la reducción del ancho de banda del filtro óptico que surge tras atravesar una cascada de nodos. Los resultados de simulación obtenidos para la relación señal óptica/ruido requerida en una cascada de hasta 10 nodos ópticos prevén la aplicabilidad de este tipo de señales ópticas en tales escenarios. Mediante el uso de modulación de alto orden y altas tasas de símbolos, se reduce el número de transpondedores ópticos y se mejora la eficiencia espectral. El segundo objetivo se centra en la identificación de formatos de modulación y tasas de símbolos en el lado del receptor óptico para respaldar la operación autónoma de la conexión óptica. Para aumentar el funcionamiento autónomo del receptor óptico, se desea que pueda reconocer de forma autónoma la configuración de las señales ópticas entrantes. En esta tesis doctoral, proponemos un algoritmo de identificación de formatos de modulación y tasas de símbolos preciso y de baja complejidad basado en el análisis de señales ópticas cuando las señales recibidas se decodifican con varios formatos de modulación y tasas de símbolos disponibles. Los extensos resultados de la simulación muestran una precisión notable en varios escenarios realistas, basados en diferentes tipos de fibra, incluida la interferencia de ruido lineal y no lineal, así como en sistemas ópticos de portadora única y múltiple. El objetivo final de esta tesis doctoral es el despliegue de un gemelo digital basado en aprendizaje automático para el análisis y modelado de constelaciones ópticas. Una señal óptica a lo largo de su trayectoria en la red óptica se ve afectada por varios efectos, pueden ser lineales o no lineales. Las constelaciones ópticas son una buena fuente de información sobre estos efectos, tanto lineales como no lineales. Por lo tanto, mediante un análisis preciso y profundo de las señales ópticas recibidas, visualizadas en constelaciones ópticas, podemos extraer información útil de ellas para comprender mejor los diversos impactos a lo largo del camino propagado. Además, al aprender los diferentes impactos de los diferentes elementos de la red óptica en la señal óptica, podemos modelarla con precisión para crear un gemelo digital parcial de la camada física óptica. El gemelo digital propuesto muestra resultados precisos en conexiones que incluyen ruido de interferencia tanto lineal como no lineal, en varias configuraciones basados en diferentes tipos de enlaces ópticos, potencias ópticas y parámetros de fibra óptica. Además, el gemelo digital propuesto puede ser útil para predecir la calidad de las métricas de transmisión así como para detectar posibles errores de configuración en los elementos de la red óptica mediante la cooperación con el controlador de red, el monitoreo y agentes de análisis de datos
- Published
- 2022
7. Accurate Low Complex Modulation Format and Symbol Rate Identification for Autonomous Lightpath Operation
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo, primary, Ruiz, Marc, additional, Costa, Nelson, additional, Napoli, Antonio, additional, Pedro, João, additional, and Velasco, Luis, additional
- Published
- 2022
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8. Predominance of techniques analysis used in the final rounds of judo international competitions scoring for the Olympic ranking: A biomechanical approach
- Author
Silva Batista, Marco Alexandre, primary, Sequeira, Diogo, additional, Gancho, Henrique, additional, and Fernandes, Jorge, additional
- Published
- 2022
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9. Accurate low complex modulation format and symbol rate identification for autonomous lightpath operation
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
Network automation promises to reduce costs while guaranteeing the required performance; this is paramount when dealing with the forecasted highly dynamic traffic that will be generated by new 5G/6G applications. In optical networks, autonomous lightpath operation entails that the optical receiver can identify the configuration of a received optical signal without necessarily being configured from the network controller. This provides relief for the network controller from real-time operation, and it can simplify the operation in multi-domain scenarios, where an optical connection spans across more than one domain. Consequently, in this work, we propose a blind and low complex modulation format (MF) and symbol rate (SR) identification algorithm. The algorithm is based on studying the effects of decoding an optical signal with different MFs and SRs. Extensive MATLAB-based simulations have been carried out which consider a coherent wavelength division multiplexed system based on 32 and 64 quadrature amplitude modulated signals at up to 96 GBd, thus enabling bit rates of up to 800 Gb/s/channel. The results show remarkable identification accuracy in the presence of linear and nonlinear noise for a wide range of feasible configurations., This research was funded by European Commission through the H2020 MSCA REAL-NET (G.A. 813144) and the B5G-OPEN (G.A. 101016663) projects, by the AEI through the IBON project (PID2020-114135RB-I00), and by ICREA institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2022
10. Predominance of techniques analysis used in the final rounds of judo international competitions scoring for the Olympic ranking: A biomechanical approach
- Author
Batista, Marco, Sequeira, Diogo, Fernandes, Jorge, Gancho, Henrique, Batista, Marco, Sequeira, Diogo, Fernandes, Jorge, and Gancho, Henrique
- Abstract
Judo is an Olympic combat sport that is divided into male and female weight categories. Each weight category implies significant differences in technical and strategic dimensions, as well as physiological, performance, and body composition among competitors. This individual variability can widely mark options and predominance of biomechanical actions inherent to its own movements. This study aimed to determine the technical actions predominance used by judokas in the international competitions final stages scoring for the Olympic ranking. We observed 285 judo matches, in several weight categories for men and women, played in the final stages of six scoring international competitions for the Olympic ranking in Tokyo 2021. An observation system was used according to the biomechanical classification of judo techniques proposed by Sacripanti. In Nage-Waza combat, there was a predominance of lever techniques over couple techniques. In Ne-Waza there was a predominance of pressure techniques, followed by venous breathing block and dislocation of the elbow joint. There were also differences between genders and significant associations by weight category in the technical options in combat, as well as according to the combat phase., El judo es un deporte de combate olímpico que se divide en categorías de peso masculino y femenino. Cada categoría de peso implica diferencias significativas en las dimensiones técnicas y estratégicas, así como fisiológicas, de rendimiento y de composición corporal entre los competidores. Esta variabilidad individual puede marcar ampliamente opciones y predominio de acciones biomecánicas inherentes a sus propios movimientos. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar el predominio de las acciones técnicas utilizadas por los judokas en las etapas finales de las competencias internacionales puntuables para el ranking olímpico. Observamos 285 combates de judo, en varias categorías de peso para hombres y mujeres, disputados en las etapas finales de seis competencias internacionales puntuables para el ranking olímpico en Tokio 2021. Se utilizó un sistema de observación de acuerdo con la clasificación biomecánica de técnicas de judo propuesta por Sacripanti. En el combate Nage-Waza predominaban las técnicas de palanca sobre las técnicas de binario. En Ne-Waza predominaron las técnicas de presión, seguidas del bloqueo respiratorio venoso y la luxación de la articulación del codo. También hubo diferencias entre géneros y asociaciones significativas por categoría de peso en las opciones técnicas en combate, así como según la fase de combate.
- Published
- 2022
11. Deep learning-based real-time analysis of lightpath optical constellations [Invited]
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
© [2022 Optical Society of America]. Users may use, reuse, and build upon the article, or use the article for text or data mining, so long as such uses are for non-commercial purposes and appropriate attribution is maintained. All other rights are reserved., Optical network automation requires accurate physical layer models, not only for provisioning but also for real-time analysis. In particular, In-Phase (I) and Quadrature (Q) constellation analysis enables deep understanding of the characteristics of optical connections (lightpaths), e.g., their length. In this paper, we present methods for modeling lightpaths based on deep learning. Specifically, we propose using autoencoders (AE) and deep neural networks (DNN). Models are trained and composed in a sandbox domain with the information received from the network controller and sent to the node agent that uses them to compare the features extracted from the received signal and the expected features returned by the models. We investigate two different use cases for lightpath analysis focused on lightpath length and optical signal power. The results show a remarkable accuracy for the lightpath modelling and length prediction and a noticeable performance of the AEs for unsupervised IQ constellation features extraction and relevance analysis. © 2021 Optical Society of America, European Commission (H2020 B5G-OPEN (G.A. 101016663), MSCA REAL-NET project (G.A. 813144)); Agencia Estatal de Investigación (IBON (PID2020-114135RB-I00)); Institució Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avançats, Peer Reviewed, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2022
12. Exploiting optical signal analysis for autonomous communications
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Napoli, Antonio, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Napoli, Antonio, and Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo
- Abstract
(English) Optical communications have been extensively investigated and enhanced in the last decades. Nowadays, they are responsible to transport all the data traffic generated around the world, from access to the core network segments. As the data traffic is increasing and changing in both type and patterns, the optical communications networks and systems need to readapt and continuous advances to face the future data traffic demands in an efficient and cost-effective way. This PhD thesis focuses on investigate and analyze the optical signals in order to extract useful knowledge from them to support the autonomous lightpath operation, as well as to lightpath characterization. The first objective of this PhD thesis is to investigate the optical transmission feasibility of optical signals based on high-order modulation formats (MF) and high symbol rates (SR) in hybrid filterless, filtered and flexible optical networks. It is expected a higher physical layer impairments impact on these kinds of optical signals that can lead to degradation of the quality of transmission. In particular, the impact of the optical filter narrowing arising from the node cascade is evaluated. The obtained simulation results for the required optical-signal-to-noise ratio in a cascade up to 10 optical nodes foresee the applicability of these kinds of optical signals in such scenarios. By using high-order MF and high SR, the number of the optical transponders cab be reduced, as well as the spectral efficiency is enhanced. The second objective focuses on MF and SR identification at the optical receiver side to support the autonomous lightpath operation. Nowadays, optical transmitters can generate several optical signal configurations in terms of MF and SR. To increase the autonomous operation of the optical receiver, it is desired it can autonomously recognize the MF and SR of the incoming optical signals. In this PhD thesis, we propose an accurate and low complex MF and SR identification algor, (Español) Las comunicaciones ópticas han sido ampliamente investigadas y mejoradas en las últimas décadas. En la actualidad, son las encargadas de transportar la mayoría del tráfico de datos que se genera en todo el mundo, desde el acceso hasta los segmentos de la red troncal. A medida que el tráfico de datos aumenta y cambia tanto en tipo como en patrones, las redes y los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas necesitan readaptarse y avanzar continuamente para, de una manera eficiente y rentable, hacer frente a las futuras demandas de tráfico de datos. Esta tesis doctoral se centra en investigar y analizar las señales ópticas con el fin de extraer de ellas conocimiento útil para apoyar el funcionamiento autónomo de las conexiones ópticas, así como para su caracterización. El primer objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es investigar la viabilidad de transmisión de señales ópticas basadas en formatos de modulación de alto orden y altas tasas de símbolos en redes ópticas híbridas con y sin filtros. Se espera un mayor impacto de las degradaciones de la capa física en este tipo de señales ópticas que pueden conducir a la degradación de la calidad de transmisión. En particular, se evalúa el impacto de la reducción del ancho de banda del filtro óptico que surge tras atravesar una cascada de nodos. Los resultados de simulación obtenidos para la relación señal óptica/ruido requerida en una cascada de hasta 10 nodos ópticos prevén la aplicabilidad de este tipo de señales ópticas en tales escenarios. Mediante el uso de modulación de alto orden y altas tasas de símbolos, se reduce el número de transpondedores ópticos y se mejora la eficiencia espectral. El segundo objetivo se centra en la identificación de formatos de modulación y tasas de símbolos en el lado del receptor óptico para respaldar la operación autónoma de la conexión óptica. Para aumentar el funcionamiento autónomo del receptor óptico, se desea que pueda reconocer de forma autónoma la configuración de las señales ópticas e, Postprint (published version)
- Published
- 2022
13. Field lab on internationalization: a case study of a Portuguese SME in the floor covering industry - in-depth analysis of Germany and Japan
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo Almeida E Silva De Matos and Delgado, João Pedro Pires dos Reis Muralha
- Subjects
SME ,Internationalization ,Floor coverings ,Entry Sstrategy ,Ciências Sociais::Economia e Gestão [Domínio/Área Científica] - Abstract
Submitted by Filomena Santos (filomena.santos@novasbe.pt) on 2022-01-17T16:29:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2020-21_spring_41090_diogo-sequeira.pdf: 2866156 bytes, checksum: 92c9ad456e5595ca9653a7a110bf2fbe (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2022-01-17T16:29:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2020-21_spring_41090_diogo-sequeira.pdf: 2866156 bytes, checksum: 92c9ad456e5595ca9653a7a110bf2fbe (MD5) Previous issue date: 2021-06-29
- Published
- 2021
14. An Autoencoder-Based Solution for IQ Constellation Analysis
- Author
Ruiz, Marc, primary, Morales, Javier, additional, Sequeira, Diogo, additional, and Velasco, Luis, additional
- Published
- 2021
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15. Autonomous and Energy Efficient Lightpath Operation Based on Digital Subcarrier Multiplexing
- Author
Velasco, Luis, primary, Barzegar, Sima, additional, Sequeira, Diogo, additional, Ferrari, Alessio, additional, Costa, Nelson, additional, Curri, Vittorio, additional, Pedro, Joao, additional, Napoli, Antonio, additional, and Ruiz, Marc, additional
- Published
- 2021
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16. Lightweight optical constellation modeling by concatenating artificial neural networks
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Costa, Nelson, Napoli, Antonio, Pedro, João, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
A lightweight optical constellations modeling method based on concatenating ANNs is proposed. Statistical validation of the reproduced constellations is shown. The method accelerates data generation and facilitates detecting (un)intentioned misconfigurations, among others., This work has been partially supported by the EC through the MSC REAL-NET project (G.A. 813144), by the AEI/FEDER through the TWINS project (TEC2017-90097-R), and by the ICREA institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
17. An autoencoder-based solution for IQ constellation analysis
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Morales López, Javier, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Enginyeria Electrònica, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Morales López, Javier, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, and Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo
- Abstract
A method for IQ constellation analysis based on Autoencoders is proposed. Exhaustive numerical results show accurate physical metric prediction and large data compression, while providing useful model explainability., This work has been partially supported by the EC through the MSC REAL-NET project (G.A. 813144), by the AEI/FEDER through the TWINS project (TEC2017- 90097-R), and by the ICREA institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
18. Autonomous and energy efficient lightpath operation based on digital subcarrier multiplexing
- Author
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Barzegar, Sima, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ferrari, Alessio, Costa, Nelson, Curri, Vittorio, Pedro, João, Napoli, Antonio, Ruiz Ramírez, Marc, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Doctorat en Arquitectura de Computadors, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. GCO - Grup de Comunicacions Òptiques, Velasco Esteban, Luis Domingo, Barzegar, Sima, Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Ferrari, Alessio, Costa, Nelson, Curri, Vittorio, Pedro, João, Napoli, Antonio, and Ruiz Ramírez, Marc
- Abstract
The massive deployment of 5G and beyond will require high capacity and low latency connectivity services, so network operators will have either to overprovision capacity in their transport networks or to upgrade the optical network controllers to make decisions nearly in real time; both solutions entail high capital and operational expenditures. A different approach could be to move the decision making toward the nodes and subsystems, so they can adapt dynamically the capacity to the actual needs and thus reduce operational costs in terms of energy consumption. To achieve this, several technological challenges need to be addressed. In this paper, we focus on the autonomous operation of Digital Subcarrier Multiplexing (DSCM) systems, which enable the transmission of multiple and independent subcarriers (SC). Herein, we present several solutions enabling the autonomous DSCM operation, including: i) SC quality of transmission estimation; ii) autonomous SC operation at the transmitter side and blind SC configuration recognition at the receiver side; and iii) intent-based capacity management implemented through Reinforcement Learning. We provide useful guidelines for the application of autonomous SC management supported by the extensive results presented., The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community's through the MSCA REAL-NET project (G.A. 813144), by the AEI/FEDER through the TWINS project (TEC2017-90097-R), and by the ICREA institution., Peer Reviewed, Postprint (author's final draft)
- Published
- 2021
19. CDC ROADM design tradeoffs due to physical layer impairments in optical networks
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo, primary, Cancela, Luís, additional, and Rebola, João, additional
- Published
- 2021
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20. Cu(i) complexes as new antiproliferative agents against sensitive and doxorubicin resistant colorectal cancer cells: synthesis, characterization, and mechanisms of action
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo, primary, Baptista, Pedro V., additional, Valente, Ruben, additional, Piedade, M. Fátima M., additional, Garcia, M. Helena, additional, Morais, Tânia S., additional, and Fernandes, Alexandra R., additional
- Published
- 2021
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21. New copper(i) complexes selective for prostate cancer cells
- Author
Machado, João Franco, primary, Sequeira, Diogo, additional, Marques, Fernanda, additional, Piedade, M. Fátima M., additional, Villa de Brito, Maria J., additional, Helena Garcia, M., additional, Fernandes, Alexandra R., additional, and Morais, Tânia S., additional
- Published
- 2020
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22. First heterobimetallic Cu(i)–dppf complexes designed for anticancer applications: synthesis, structural characterization and cytotoxicity
- Author
Bravo, Catarina, primary, Robalo, M. Paula, additional, Marques, Fernanda, additional, Fernandes, Alexandra R., additional, Sequeira, Diogo A., additional, M. Piedade, M. Fátima, additional, Garcia, M. Helena, additional, de Brito, Maria J. Villa, additional, and Morais, Tânia S., additional
- Published
- 2019
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23. Additive manufacturing in the process industry: A process-based cost model to study life cycle cost and the viability of additive manufacturing spare parts.
- Author
Cardeal, Gonçalo, Sequeira, Diogo, Mendonça, Joana, Leite, Marco, and Ribeiro, Inês
- Abstract
The potential applications of Additive Manufacturing technologies are capturing the interest of researchers and industries. Many researchers are now focusing on additive manufacturing and its potential to change the industrial paradigm in terms of economic, environmental, and social sustainability. One of the most promising areas for additive manufacturing adoption is maintenance, more specifically, manufacturing of spare parts. The customization potential, and excellent small series capabilities of AM can lead to reductions in size of central and local storages, eliminate the need to locate uncommon spare parts in the distribution network, shorten supply chains and diminish the duration and cost of logistics. The case for replacing conventional spare parts with additive manufactured equivalents has been the discussed in various studies focused of the aeronautic sector, however, its potential in other industries remains relatively unexplored. The continuous process industry is characterized by extremely high production volumes with costly machines and downtime. The combination of these characteristics with intermittent spare part demand patterns and the predominance of reactive maintenance, drives companies to keep large spare parts stock, which makes the case for introducing AM in process industry maintenance very appealing. This study focuses on how AM could change maintenance activities/supply chain in process industries and its economic impact using process based cost models. To further illustrate and study the problem, this paper contains a detailed evaluation of AM's potential and impacts in a case study from the paper and pulp industry. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
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24. Impact of physical layer impairments on multi-degree CDC ROADM-based optical networks
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo G., primary, Cancela, Luis G., additional, and Rebola, Joao L., additional
- Published
- 2018
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25. Physical Layer Impairments in Cascaded Multi-degree CDC ROADMs with NRZ and Nyquist Pulse Shaped Signals
- Author
G. Sequeira, Diogo, primary, G. Cancela, Luís, primary, and L. Rebola, João, primary
- Published
- 2018
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26. LumiApp: uma aplicação mobile para guiar e ensinar
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo Almeida and Alexandre, Isabel Machado
- Subjects
Geographic location ,Mobile device ,Localização geografica ,Evento cultural ,Aplicação informática ,Dispositivo movel ,Ensino ,Arte urbana ,Cultural event ,Urban art ,Storytelling ,Edutainment ,LumiArte ,Guia ,App - Abstract
O objetivo desta dissertação foi desenvolver de uma aplicação para dispositivos móveis com o propósito de auxiliar o utilizador num evento cultural designado como LumiArte e, em simultâneo, ensinar de forma lúdica através da combinação de abordagens storytelling e edutainment. Para alcançar tais objetivos, analisaram-se aplicações desenvolvidas para museus ou jardins de forma determinar quais as características mais comuns e, entre essas, as que se adequam ao projeto satisfazendo os requisitos. Adicionalmente, analisaram-se abordagens e conceitos de modo a averiguar quais as mais-valias para o projeto e de que forma se poderiam adaptar ao mesmo. Após o desenvolvimento da aplicação e com a finalidade de a avaliar, realizou-se uma atividade com crianças do terceiro ano de escolaridade com o intuito de verificar se estas adquiriram conhecimento através do módulo de storytelling, e concebeu-se um questionário, respondido por elementos da sua equipa do evento LumiArte, com o propósito de avaliar a usabilidade. Após avaliação, conclui-se que através da utilização da abordagem do storytelling as crianças melhoraram os seus conhecimentos no domínino da reciclagem e que em termos de usabilidade a aplicação foi bem aceite pelos seus utilizadores que revelaram não ter problemas de maior na sua utilização ou interação. Ambos os resultados são encorajodores e revelam que as decisões tomadas se revelaram ganhadoras. The main purpose of this dissertation was to develop an app for mobile devices as a mean to help the user within a cultural event known as LumiArte and, at the same time, to teach the user in an entertaining way through the combination of different approaches such as edutainment and storytelling. To reach those goals, we studied apps used in gardens or museums to understand which attributes seemed common to those apps. Also, several approaches and concepts were considered to see which were the advantages to the project and in which way they could be adjusted to it. After the enhancement of the app with the resolve to evaluate it, an activity with children from a 3rd grade kindergarten class took place to verify if they had acquired the needed knowledge from the storytelling approach. A question form was made and answered by elements of the LumiArte team as to assess its usability. After the evaluation, we concluded that through the storytelling approach the children improved their knowledge in the subject of recycling. The users of the app did not come across too big a problem when using it or interacting with it. Both results were encouraging and revealed that the decisions that were taken proved to be the correct ones.
- Published
- 2015
27. Analytical tools for evaluating the impact of in-band crosstalk in DP-QPSK signals
- Author
Cancela, Luis G., primary, Sequeira, Diogo G., additional, Pinheiro, Bruno R., additional, Rebola, Joao L., additional, and Pires, Joao J., additional
- Published
- 2016
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28. Impact of in-band crosstalk in an optical network based on multi-degree CDC ROADMs
- Author
Sequeira, Diogo Gonçalo, Cancela, Luís, and João, Rebola
- Subjects
Modulação QPSK ,Filtragem ótica ,Ruído ASE ,ASE noise ,Sistema ótico ,Monte-Carlo simulation ,Engenharia e Tecnologia [Domínio/Área Científica] ,CDC ROADMs ,Deteção coerente ,Optical filtering ,Coherent detection ,Crosstalk homódino ,Simulação de Monte Carlo ,Rede de comunicação ,In-band crosstalk ,Rede ótica - Abstract
he most common optical networks nodes are known as reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers (ROADMs). The architecture and components of these nodes have evolved over the time to become more flexible and dynamic. Particularly, the wavelength add/drop structures of these nodes have become more complex and with new features such as colorless, directionless and contentionless (CDC). One of the main limitations of the optical networks physical layer, the in-band crosstalk, is mainly due to the imperfect isolation of the components inside these nodes. This crosstalk is enhanced, when an optical signal traverses a cascade of ROADM nodes. In this work, the impact of in-band crosstalk, optical filtering and amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) noise on the performance of an optical communication network based on a cascade of CDC ROADMs with coherent detection and the modulation format quadrature phase-shift keying with polarization-division multiplexing (PDM-QPSK) at 100-Gb/s is studied through Monte-Carlo simulation. Two architectures, broadcast and select (B&S) and route and select (R&S), and two possible implementations for the add/drop structures, the multicast switches (MCSs) and the wavelength selective switches (WSSs), were considered. The degradation of the optical communication network performance due to in-band crosstalk is assessed through the optical-signal-to-noise ratio (OSNR) calculation. In particular, an OSNR penalty of 1 dB due to in-band crosstalk is observed when the signal passes through a cascade of 19 CDC ROADMs with 16-degree, based on a R&S architecture and with add/drop structures implemented with WSSs Os nós das redes de comunicação ótica mais comuns são os multiplexadores óticos de inserção/extração reconfiguráveis (ROADMs – acrónimo anglo-saxónico de reconfigurable optical add/drop multiplexers). A arquitetura e componentes destes nós têm evoluído ao longo do tempo no sentido de se tornarem mais flexíveis e dinâmicos. Em particular, as estruturas de adição/extração destes nós, tornaram-se mais complexas e detêm novas características que oferecem as funcionalidades CDC (acrónimo anglo- -saxónico de colorless, directionless e contentionless). Uma das principais limitações do nível físico das redes óticas, o crosstalk homódino, deve-se principalmente ao isolamento imperfeito dos componentes presentes dentro destes nós. Este tipo de crosstalk tem um impacto ainda mais significativo quando o sinal ótico atravessa uma cadeia de nós baseados em ROADMs. Nesta dissertação, o impacto do crosstalk homódino, filtragem ótica e ruído ASE (acrónimo anglo-saxónico de amplified spontaneous emission) no desempenho de uma rede de comunicação ótica baseada numa cadeia de CDC ROADMs com deteção coerente e usando o formato de modulação PDM-QPSK (acrónimo anglo-saxónico de polarization-division multiplexing quadrature phase-shift keying) a um ritmo binário de 100-Gb/s é investigado através de simulação Monte-Carlo. Consideraram-se duas arquiteturas, B&S e R&S (acrónimos anglo-saxónicos para broadcast and select e route and select), e duas possíveis implementações para a estruturas de inserção/extração, os MCSs e os WSSs (acrónimos anglo-saxónicos de multicast switches e wavelengh selective switches). A degradação do desempenho da rede ótica devido ao crosstalk homódino foi obtida através do cálculo da relação sinal-ruído ótica. Em particular, obteve-se uma penalidade de 1 dB para esta relação devido ao crosstalk homódino quando o sinal percorre uma cadeia de 19 CDC ROADMs com grau 16, uma arquitetura R&S e estruturas de inserção/extração baseadas em WSSs.
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