Molly B, Kraus, Shaina H, Hasan, Skye A, Buckner-Petty, Julia A, Files, Sharonne N, Hayes, Elizabeth B, Habermann, and Lisa M, LeMond
Medical school tuition has increased at alarming rates ahead of inflation over the past 20 years. The authors investigated whether state-funded medical schools have had an increased number of out-of-state matriculants, which may create a diaspora of displaced in-state medical students matriculating to out-of-state programs and incurring substantial debt.Publicly available data from the Association of American Medical Colleges were accessed from 2004 through 2019 for applicants and matriculants at U.S. state-funded schools. Schools listed as public that reported tuition charges in the AAMC Tuition and Student Fees reports were included in this study. The numbers and trends of medical school applications and trends in tuition costs and average indebtedness were summarized for in-state and out-of-state matriculants. Values were analyzed by group as median and interquartile range (IQR). Group differences were assessed via t tests. P values less than .05 were considered statistically significant.From 2004 through 2019, the annual number of out-of-state matriculants in state-funded schools increased 7% (16% to 23% [7,195 to 11,144]). Among 74 schools with data in 2004, the median percentage of out-of-state applications increased from 60% (IQR, 31%-74%) to 80% (IQR, 57%-85%; P.001), and the median percentage of out-of-state matriculants increased from 13% (IQR, 5%-23%) to 17% (IQR, 11%-33%; P.001). In 2004, the mean (standard error) debt upon completion of medical school (inflation adjusted to 2018 dollars) was $144,100 ($10,950); by 2016, the mean debt had increased to $251,600 ($32,040), a 75% increase over 12 years.Since 2004, substantial increases have occurred in out-of-state matriculants at state-funded medical schools. This may displace residents from attending their in-state schools, causing them to attend out-of-state or private medical schools, where tuition is typically much higher.