As part of a series designed to support parents and caregivers of young children in the home, this booklet focuses on providing opportunities for children to learn about music and develop listening skills. The booklet's introductory section focuses on the importance of music in our everyday lives, the role of music in culture and its connection with emotional experience and expression, and children's need for experiences to help them understand the basic elements of music, beat, rhythm, and pitch or tune. The remainder of the booklet is organized into five sections. Sections 1 through 4 describe how infants, toddlers, younger preschoolers, and older preschoolers, respectively, learn about music. These sections outline developmental expectations for each age group and offer suggestions for activities and music-related items to make. Additional activities are suggested for older musically gifted preschoolers and for setting up play areas for music activities. Section 5 suggests titles for useful song books and websites and includes a 9-item bibliography. (KB)