1. Humanitarian action: the Joint Church Aid and health care intervention in the Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967-1970
- Author
Omaka, Arua Oko
- Subjects
Civil war -- Analysis -- Nigeria ,Social conflict -- Evaluation ,Humanitarian aid -- Analysis ,History ,Regional focus/area studies - Abstract
International humanitarian aid played an important role in the Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967-70. Relief aid was organized under two major umbrella bodies--the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the Joint Church Aid (JCA). The JCA received support from Catholic and Protestant churches white the ICRC, an established humanitarian agency, relied on donations from many governments as well as from the United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF). This paper focuses on the formation of the JCA as a humanitarian organization and examines its efforts to provide health care for the war victims in Biafra. Though the JCA has not received adequate scholarly attention, its humanitarian aid in Biafra was the first of its kind in the developing world and involved the largest civilian airlift in history. As this paper argues, the JCA s health care intervention in Biafra was restricted to minimal care because of a lack of essential medications, equipment, food, and epidemiological expertise. Despite these challenges, however, the JCA managed to provide basic health care to over ten million persons in Biafra during the war. Further, the organization succeeded in providing aid without creating long-term dependency. Keywords: Nigeria: Biafra: humanitarian: church: war: starvation: disease: food; medicine: aid L'aide humanitaire intemationale a joue un role tres important durant la guerre du Nigeria-Biafra, 1967-1970. Des secours fiurent organises sous Fegide de deux importants organismes--le Comite international de la Croix-Rouge (ICRC) et l'Aide conjointe des eglises (JCA). Le JCA etait appuye par les eglises catholiques et protestantes alors que le ICRC, line agence humanitaire de vieille soitche, dependait des dons de plusieurs gouvernements de meme que des fonds d 'urgence internationaux pour les enfants des Nations Unies (UNICEF). Dans cet article, nous portons notre attention sur la naissance du JCA en tant qu organisme humanitaire et nous etudions ses efforts pour apporter des services nwdicaux aux victimes de la guerre du Biafra. Quoique le JCA n'a pas ete adequatement le sujet d'etudes erudites approfondies, son aide humanitaire au Biafra etait la premiere de ce genre dans les pays en voie de developpement et entraina le plus grand pont aerien civil de l'histoire. Comme nous denotons dans cet article, l'intervention du JCA en services nwdicaux au Biafra fut limite aux soins minimum a cause du manque de medicaments de premiere necessite, de materiel, de nourriture et de l'expertise en epidemiologie. Toutefois, malgre ces defis, le JCA reussit a pourvoir des services nwdicaux essentiels a plus de dix millions de personnes au Biafra pendant la guerre. De plus, cet organisme reussit a fournir cette aide sans creer de dependance a long terme. Mots-cles : Nigeria : Biafra : humanitaire : eglise ; guerre : inanition : maladie ; nourriture : nwdecine ; aide, 1. Introduction On May 30, 1967, the Military Governor of Eastern Nigeria, Lt. Colonel Chukwuemeka Odumegwu Ojukwu, made a broadcast, declaring the Eastern Region with its continental shelf and territorial [...]
- Published
- 2014