Thirty one genera [including Homoiothemara gen.n., Polyaroidea gen.n., Proepacrocerus gen.n. and 1 unnamed new(?) genus], 3 subgenera, 87 species [including 9 new species: Acrotaeniostola interrupta, Carpophthorella bivittata, Enicoptera gressitti, Homoiothemara eurycephala, Polyaroidea distincta, P. opposita, P. univittata, Proepacrocerus pallidoviridus and Xanthorrachis sabahensis and 6 unnamed new(?) species] and 1 subspecies are keyed and described or, if recently described elsewhere, only listed and additional data recorded. The following are new synonyms: Trypeta retorta Walker, Carpophthorella magnifica Hendel, Gastrozona bifasciata de Meijere and Gastrozona alboscutellata Enderlein =Carpophthorella nigrifascia Walker; Icteroptera van der Wulp =Sophira Walker; Sophira disjuncta Hardy =Sophira (Kambangania)ypsilon (Rondani); Curvinervis walkeri Hardy and Strumeta concisa Walker =Stymbara vagaria Walker; Carpophthorella scutellomaculata Hering =Xanthorrachis annandalei Bezzi. Proanoplomus cinereofasciatus (de Meijere) is a new combination and Spilocosmia kotoshoensis (Shiraki) is given new status.