1,403 results on '"Sorbi S."'
Search Results
2. Event-Related Potential Markers of Subject Cognitive Decline and Mild Cognitive Impairment during a sustained visuo-attentive task
- Author
Vergani, A. A., primary, Mazzeo, S., additional, Moschini, V., additional, Burali, R., additional, Lassi, M., additional, Amato, L. G., additional, Carpaneto, J., additional, Salves-trini, G., additional, Fabbiani, C., additional, Giacomucci, G., additional, Morinelli, C., additional, Emiliani, F., additional, Scarpino, M., additional, Bagnoli, S., additional, Ingannato, A., additional, Nacmias, B., additional, Padiglioni, S., additional, Sorbi, S., additional, Bessi, V., additional, Grippo, A., additional, and Mazzoni, A., additional
- Published
- 2024
- Full Text
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3. Incomplete penetrance in familial Alzheimer’s disease with PSEN1 Ala260Gly mutation
- Author
Piaceri, I., Chiari, A., Galli, C., Bagnoli, S., Ferrari, C., Saavedra, S. Trujillo, Molinari, M. A., Vinceti, G., Sorbi, S., and Nacmias, B.
- Published
- 2020
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4. Author Correction: Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores (Nature Communications, (2021), 12, 1, (3417), 10.1038/s41467-021-22491-8)
- Author
de Rojas I., de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernandez, I, Montrreal, L, Antunez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, Gonzalez-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macias, E, Macias, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menendez-Gonzalez, M, Frank-Garcia, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Alarcon-Martin, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Perez-Cordon, A, Benussi, A, Rabano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonca, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gomez, A, Martin Montes, A, Sanabria, A, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Stahlbom, A, Tybjaerg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbaton-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martinez Rodriguez, C, Munoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grunblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Duzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Kucukali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbaek, G, Ortega, G, Chene, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fliessbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Lowenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martinez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nothen, M, Fernandez-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossu, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Mecocci, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hagg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Smith, A, Saenz, A, Bizzarro, A, Lauria, A, Vacca, A, Solomon, A, Anastasiou, A, Richardson, A, Boland, A, Koivisto, A, Daniele, A, Greco, A, Marianthi, A, Mcguinness, B, Fin, B, Ferrari, C, Custodero, C, Ferrarese, C, Ingino, C, Mangone, C, Reyes Toso, C, Martinez, C, Cuesta, C, Muchnik, C, Joachim, C, Ortiz, C, Besse, C, Johansson, C, Zoia, C, Laske, C, Anastasiou, C, Palacio, D, Politis, D, Janowitz, D, Craig, D, Mann, D, Neary, D, Jurgen, D, Daian, D, Belezhanska, D, Kohler, E, Castano, E, Koutsouraki, E, Chipi, E, De Roeck, E, Costantini, E, Vardy, E, Piras, F, Roveta, F, Prestia, F, Assogna, F, Salani, F, Sala, G, Lacidogna, G, Novack, G, Wilcock, G, Thonberg, H, Kolsch, H, Weber, H, Boecker, H, Etchepareborda, I, Piaceri, I, Tuomilehto, J, Lindstrom, J, Laczo, J, Johnston, J, Deleuze, J, Harris, J, Schott, J, Priller, J, Bacha, J, Snowden, J, Lisso, J, Mihova, K, Traykov, L, Morelli, L, Brusco, L, Rainer, M, Takalo, M, Bjerke, M, Del Zompo, M, Serpente, M, Sanchez Abalos, M, Rios, M, Peltonen, M, Herrman, M, Kohler, M, Rojo, M, Jones, M, Orsini, M, Medel, N, Olivar, N, Fox, N, Salvadori, N, Hooper, N, Galeano, P, Solis, P, Bastiani, P, Passmore, P, Heun, R, Antikainen, R, Olaso, R, Perneczky, R, Germani, S, Lopez-Garcia, S, Love, S, Mehrabian, S, Bagnoli, S, Kochen, S, Andreoni, S, Teipel, S, Todd, S, Pickering-Brown, S, Natunen, T, Tegos, T, Laatikainen, T, Strandberg, T, Polvikoski, T, Matoska, V, Ciullo, V, Cores, V, Solfrizzi, V, Lisetti, V, Sevillano, Z, Aguilera, N, Alarcon, E, Boada, M, Buendia, M, Canabate, P, Carracedo, A, Diego, S, Gailhajenet, A, Guitart, M, Ibarria, M, Lafuente, A, Maronas, O, Martin, E, Martinez, M, Marquie, M, Mauleon, A, Moreno, M, Orellana, A, Pancho, A, Peleja, E, Preckler, S, Real, L, Ruiz, A, Saez, M, Serrano-Rios, M, Tarraga, L, Vargas, L, Adarmes-Gomez, A, Alonso, M, Alvarez, V, Amer-Ferrer, G, Antequera, M, Bernal, M, Bullido, M, Burguera, J, Carrillo, F, Carrion-Claro, M, Casajeros, M, Clarimon, J, Cruz-Gamero, J, de Pancorbo, M, Escuela, R, Garrote-Espina, L, Garcia-Alberca, J, Garcia Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Gomez-Garre, P, Hevilla, S, Jesus, S, Labrador Espinosa, M, Legaz, A, Lleo, A, Lopez de Munain, A, Macias-Garcia, D, Manzanares, S, Marin, M, Marin-Munoz, J, Marin, T, Martinez, B, Martinez, V, Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P, Medina, M, Mendioroz Iriarte, M, Mir, P, Molinuevo, J, Pastor, P, Perez Tur, J, Perinan-Tocino, T, Pineda-Sanchez, R, Pinol-Ripoll, G, Real de Asua, D, Rodrigo, S, Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R, Sanchez-Juan, P, Sastre, I, Vicente, M, Vigo-Ortega, R, Vivancos, L, Macleod, C, Mccracken, C, Brayne, C, Bresner, C, Grozeva, D, Bellou, E, Sommerville, E, Matthews, F, Leonenko, G, Menzies, G, Windle, G, Harwood, J, Phillips, J, Bennett, K, Luckuck, L, Clare, L, Woods, R, Saad, S, Burholt, V, Kehoe, P, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sanchez-Valle, R, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I. E., Pedersen N. L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernandez I., Montrreal L., Antunez C., Antonell A., Tankard R. M., Bis J. C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., Gonzalez-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macias E., Macias J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menendez-Gonzalez M., Frank-Garcia A., Royo J. L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., Garcia-Madrona S., Garcia-Gonzalez P., Alarcon-Martin E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A. C., Lemstra A. W., Benaque A., Perez-Cordon A., Benussi A., Rabano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonca A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A. A. L., Meggy A., Pastor A. B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gomez A., Martin Montes A., Sanabria A., DeStefano A. L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Stahlbom A., Tybjaerg-Hansen A., Hartmann A. M., Spottke A., Corbaton-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B. G., Kunkle B. W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martinez Rodriguez C., Munoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C. B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C. A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C. L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grunblatt E., Dardiotis E., Duzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Kucukali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbaek G., Ortega G., Chene G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I. K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J. -S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J. Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J. L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J. A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fliessbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L. A., Wang L. -S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M. A., Deniz-Naranjo M. C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Lowenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M. A., Esiri M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M. C., Martinez-Larrad M. T., Arcaro M., Nothen M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M. J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M. H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M. T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N. M., Seidu N. M., Banaj N., Armstrong N. J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O. A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossu P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Mecocci P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P. A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R. N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hagg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y. A. L., Smith A. D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martinez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C. P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D. L., Politis D. G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D. M., Neary D., Jurgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castano E. M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E. R. L. C., Piras F., Roveta F., Prestia F. A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kolsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindstrom J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J. -F., Harris J., Schott J. M., Priller J., Bacha J. I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K. Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L. I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M. J., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N. C., Salvadori N., Hooper N. M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., Lopez-Garcia S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T. M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Boada M., Buendia M., Canabate P., Carracedo A., Diego S., Gailhajenet A., Guitart M., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Maronas O., Martin E., Martinez M. T., Marquie M., Mauleon A., Moreno M., Orellana A., Pancho A., Peleja E., Preckler S., Real L. M., Ruiz A., Saez M. E., Serrano-Rios M., Tarraga L., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gomez A. D., Alonso M. D., Alvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Bernal M., Bullido M. J., Burguera J. A., Carrillo F., Carrion-Claro M., Casajeros M. J., Clarimon J., Cruz-Gamero J. M., de Pancorbo M. M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Garcia-Alberca J. M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gomez-Garre P., Hevilla S., Jesus S., Labrador Espinosa M. A., Legaz A., Lleo A., Lopez de Munain A., Macias-Garcia D., Manzanares S., Marin M., Marin-Munoz J., Marin T., Martinez B., Martinez V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J. L., Pastor P., Perez Tur J., Perinan-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Pinol-Ripoll G., Real de Asua D., Rodrigo S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz R., Sanchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Vicente M. P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E. W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Kehoe P. G., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G. D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C. M., Mather K. A., Sanchez-Valle R., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O. A., Posthuma D., van der Flier W. M., Ramirez A., Lambert J. -C., van der Lee S. J., de Rojas I., de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernandez, I, Montrreal, L, Antunez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, Gonzalez-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macias, E, Macias, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menendez-Gonzalez, M, Frank-Garcia, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Alarcon-Martin, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Perez-Cordon, A, Benussi, A, Rabano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonca, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gomez, A, Martin Montes, A, Sanabria, A, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Stahlbom, A, Tybjaerg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbaton-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martinez Rodriguez, C, Munoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grunblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Duzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Kucukali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbaek, G, Ortega, G, Chene, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fliessbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Lowenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martinez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nothen, M, Fernandez-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossu, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Mecocci, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hagg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Smith, A, Saenz, A, Bizzarro, A, Lauria, A, Vacca, A, Solomon, A, Anastasiou, A, Richardson, A, Boland, A, Koivisto, A, Daniele, A, Greco, A, Marianthi, A, Mcguinness, B, Fin, B, Ferrari, C, Custodero, C, Ferrarese, C, Ingino, C, Mangone, C, Reyes Toso, C, Martinez, C, Cuesta, C, Muchnik, C, Joachim, C, Ortiz, C, Besse, C, Johansson, C, Zoia, C, Laske, C, Anastasiou, C, Palacio, D, Politis, D, Janowitz, D, Craig, D, Mann, D, Neary, D, Jurgen, D, Daian, D, Belezhanska, D, Kohler, E, Castano, E, Koutsouraki, E, Chipi, E, De Roeck, E, Costantini, E, Vardy, E, Piras, F, Roveta, F, Prestia, F, Assogna, F, Salani, F, Sala, G, Lacidogna, G, Novack, G, Wilcock, G, Thonberg, H, Kolsch, H, Weber, H, Boecker, H, Etchepareborda, I, Piaceri, I, Tuomilehto, J, Lindstrom, J, Laczo, J, Johnston, J, Deleuze, J, Harris, J, Schott, J, Priller, J, Bacha, J, Snowden, J, Lisso, J, Mihova, K, Traykov, L, Morelli, L, Brusco, L, Rainer, M, Takalo, M, Bjerke, M, Del Zompo, M, Serpente, M, Sanchez Abalos, M, Rios, M, Peltonen, M, Herrman, M, Kohler, M, Rojo, M, Jones, M, Orsini, M, Medel, N, Olivar, N, Fox, N, Salvadori, N, Hooper, N, Galeano, P, Solis, P, Bastiani, P, Passmore, P, Heun, R, Antikainen, R, Olaso, R, Perneczky, R, Germani, S, Lopez-Garcia, S, Love, S, Mehrabian, S, Bagnoli, S, Kochen, S, Andreoni, S, Teipel, S, Todd, S, Pickering-Brown, S, Natunen, T, Tegos, T, Laatikainen, T, Strandberg, T, Polvikoski, T, Matoska, V, Ciullo, V, Cores, V, Solfrizzi, V, Lisetti, V, Sevillano, Z, Aguilera, N, Alarcon, E, Boada, M, Buendia, M, Canabate, P, Carracedo, A, Diego, S, Gailhajenet, A, Guitart, M, Ibarria, M, Lafuente, A, Maronas, O, Martin, E, Martinez, M, Marquie, M, Mauleon, A, Moreno, M, Orellana, A, Pancho, A, Peleja, E, Preckler, S, Real, L, Ruiz, A, Saez, M, Serrano-Rios, M, Tarraga, L, Vargas, L, Adarmes-Gomez, A, Alonso, M, Alvarez, V, Amer-Ferrer, G, Antequera, M, Bernal, M, Bullido, M, Burguera, J, Carrillo, F, Carrion-Claro, M, Casajeros, M, Clarimon, J, Cruz-Gamero, J, de Pancorbo, M, Escuela, R, Garrote-Espina, L, Garcia-Alberca, J, Garcia Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Gomez-Garre, P, Hevilla, S, Jesus, S, Labrador Espinosa, M, Legaz, A, Lleo, A, Lopez de Munain, A, Macias-Garcia, D, Manzanares, S, Marin, M, Marin-Munoz, J, Marin, T, Martinez, B, Martinez, V, Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P, Medina, M, Mendioroz Iriarte, M, Mir, P, Molinuevo, J, Pastor, P, Perez Tur, J, Perinan-Tocino, T, Pineda-Sanchez, R, Pinol-Ripoll, G, Real de Asua, D, Rodrigo, S, Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R, Sanchez-Juan, P, Sastre, I, Vicente, M, Vigo-Ortega, R, Vivancos, L, Macleod, C, Mccracken, C, Brayne, C, Bresner, C, Grozeva, D, Bellou, E, Sommerville, E, Matthews, F, Leonenko, G, Menzies, G, Windle, G, Harwood, J, Phillips, J, Bennett, K, Luckuck, L, Clare, L, Woods, R, Saad, S, Burholt, V, Kehoe, P, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sanchez-Valle, R, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, de Rojas I., Moreno-Grau S., Tesi N., Grenier-Boley B., Andrade V., Jansen I. E., Pedersen N. L., Stringa N., Zettergren A., Hernandez I., Montrreal L., Antunez C., Antonell A., Tankard R. M., Bis J. C., Sims R., Bellenguez C., Quintela I., Gonzalez-Perez A., Calero M., Franco-Macias E., Macias J., Blesa R., Cervera-Carles L., Menendez-Gonzalez M., Frank-Garcia A., Royo J. L., Moreno F., Huerto Vilas R., Baquero M., Diez-Fairen M., Lage C., Garcia-Madrona S., Garcia-Gonzalez P., Alarcon-Martin E., Valero S., Sotolongo-Grau O., Ullgren A., Naj A. C., Lemstra A. W., Benaque A., Perez-Cordon A., Benussi A., Rabano A., Padovani A., Squassina A., de Mendonca A., Arias Pastor A., Kok A. A. L., Meggy A., Pastor A. B., Espinosa A., Corma-Gomez A., Martin Montes A., Sanabria A., DeStefano A. L., Schneider A., Haapasalo A., Kinhult Stahlbom A., Tybjaerg-Hansen A., Hartmann A. M., Spottke A., Corbaton-Anchuelo A., Rongve A., Borroni B., Arosio B., Nacmias B., Nordestgaard B. G., Kunkle B. W., Charbonnier C., Abdelnour C., Masullo C., Martinez Rodriguez C., Munoz-Fernandez C., Dufouil C., Graff C., Ferreira C. B., Chillotti C., Reynolds C. A., Fenoglio C., Van Broeckhoven C., Clark C., Pisanu C., Satizabal C. L., Holmes C., Buiza-Rueda D., Aarsland D., Rujescu D., Alcolea D., Galimberti D., Wallon D., Seripa D., Grunblatt E., Dardiotis E., Duzel E., Scarpini E., Conti E., Rubino E., Gelpi E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez E., Duron E., Boerwinkle E., Ferri E., Tagliavini F., Kucukali F., Pasquier F., Sanchez-Garcia F., Mangialasche F., Jessen F., Nicolas G., Selbaek G., Ortega G., Chene G., Hadjigeorgiou G., Rossi G., Spalletta G., Giaccone G., Grande G., Binetti G., Papenberg G., Hampel H., Bailly H., Zetterberg H., Soininen H., Karlsson I. K., Alvarez I., Appollonio I., Giegling I., Skoog I., Saltvedt I., Rainero I., Rosas Allende I., Hort J., Diehl-Schmid J., Van Dongen J., Vidal J. -S., Lehtisalo J., Wiltfang J., Thomassen J. Q., Kornhuber J., Haines J. L., Vogelgsang J., Pineda J. A., Fortea J., Popp J., Deckert J., Buerger K., Morgan K., Fliessbach K., Sleegers K., Molina-Porcel L., Kilander L., Weinhold L., Farrer L. A., Wang L. -S., Kleineidam L., Farotti L., Parnetti L., Tremolizzo L., Hausner L., Benussi L., Froelich L., Ikram M. A., Deniz-Naranjo M. C., Tsolaki M., Rosende-Roca M., Lowenmark M., Hulsman M., Spallazzi M., Pericak-Vance M. A., Esiri M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona M., Dalmasso M. C., Martinez-Larrad M. T., Arcaro M., Nothen M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes M., Dichgans M., Ingelsson M., Herrmann M. J., Scherer M., Vyhnalek M., Kosmidis M. H., Yannakoulia M., Schmid M., Ewers M., Heneka M. T., Wagner M., Scamosci M., Kivipelto M., Hiltunen M., Zulaica M., Alegret M., Fornage M., Roberto N., van Schoor N. M., Seidu N. M., Banaj N., Armstrong N. J., Scarmeas N., Scherbaum N., Goldhardt O., Hanon O., Peters O., Skrobot O. A., Quenez O., Lerch O., Bossu P., Caffarra P., Dionigi Rossi P., Sakka P., Mecocci P., Hoffmann P., Holmans P. A., Fischer P., Riederer P., Yang Q., Marshall R., Kalaria R. N., Mayeux R., Vandenberghe R., Cecchetti R., Ghidoni R., Frikke-Schmidt R., Sorbi S., Hagg S., Engelborghs S., Helisalmi S., Botne Sando S., Kern S., Archetti S., Boschi S., Fostinelli S., Gil S., Mendoza S., Mead S., Ciccone S., Djurovic S., Heilmann-Heimbach S., Riedel-Heller S., Kuulasmaa T., del Ser T., Lebouvier T., Polak T., Ngandu T., Grimmer T., Bessi V., Escott-Price V., Giedraitis V., Deramecourt V., Maier W., Jian X., Pijnenburg Y. A. L., Smith A. D., Saenz A., Bizzarro A., Lauria A., Vacca A., Solomon A., Anastasiou A., Richardson A., Boland A., Koivisto A., Daniele A., Greco A., Marianthi A., McGuinness B., Fin B., Ferrari C., Custodero C., Ferrarese C., Ingino C., Mangone C., Reyes Toso C., Martinez C., Cuesta C., Muchnik C., Joachim C., Ortiz C., Besse C., Johansson C., Zoia C. P., Laske C., Anastasiou C., Palacio D. L., Politis D. G., Janowitz D., Craig D., Mann D. M., Neary D., Jurgen D., Daian D., Belezhanska D., Kohler E., Castano E. M., Koutsouraki E., Chipi E., De Roeck E., Costantini E., Vardy E. R. L. C., Piras F., Roveta F., Prestia F. A., Assogna F., Salani F., Sala G., Lacidogna G., Novack G., Wilcock G., Thonberg H., Kolsch H., Weber H., Boecker H., Etchepareborda I., Piaceri I., Tuomilehto J., Lindstrom J., Laczo J., Johnston J., Deleuze J. -F., Harris J., Schott J. M., Priller J., Bacha J. I., Snowden J., Lisso J., Mihova K. Y., Traykov L., Morelli L., Brusco L. I., Rainer M., Takalo M., Bjerke M., Del Zompo M., Serpente M., Sanchez Abalos M., Rios M., Peltonen M., Herrman M. J., Kohler M., Rojo M., Jones M., Orsini M., Medel N., Olivar N., Fox N. C., Salvadori N., Hooper N. M., Galeano P., Solis P., Bastiani P., Passmore P., Heun R., Antikainen R., Olaso R., Perneczky R., Germani S., Lopez-Garcia S., Love S., Mehrabian S., Bagnoli S., Kochen S., Andreoni S., Teipel S., Todd S., Pickering-Brown S., Natunen T., Tegos T., Laatikainen T., Strandberg T., Polvikoski T. M., Matoska V., Ciullo V., Cores V., Solfrizzi V., Lisetti V., Sevillano Z., Aguilera N., Alarcon E., Boada M., Buendia M., Canabate P., Carracedo A., Diego S., Gailhajenet A., Guitart M., Ibarria M., Lafuente A., Maronas O., Martin E., Martinez M. T., Marquie M., Mauleon A., Moreno M., Orellana A., Pancho A., Peleja E., Preckler S., Real L. M., Ruiz A., Saez M. E., Serrano-Rios M., Tarraga L., Vargas L., Adarmes-Gomez A. D., Alonso M. D., Alvarez V., Amer-Ferrer G., Antequera M., Bernal M., Bullido M. J., Burguera J. A., Carrillo F., Carrion-Claro M., Casajeros M. J., Clarimon J., Cruz-Gamero J. M., de Pancorbo M. M., Escuela R., Garrote-Espina L., Garcia-Alberca J. M., Garcia Madrona S., Garcia-Ribas G., Gomez-Garre P., Hevilla S., Jesus S., Labrador Espinosa M. A., Legaz A., Lleo A., Lopez de Munain A., Macias-Garcia D., Manzanares S., Marin M., Marin-Munoz J., Marin T., Martinez B., Martinez V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez P., Medina M., Mendioroz Iriarte M., Mir P., Molinuevo J. L., Pastor P., Perez Tur J., Perinan-Tocino T., Pineda-Sanchez R., Pinol-Ripoll G., Real de Asua D., Rodrigo S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz R., Sanchez-Juan P., Sastre I., Vicente M. P., Vigo-Ortega R., Vivancos L., Macleod C., McCracken C., Brayne C., Bresner C., Grozeva D., Bellou E., Sommerville E. W., Matthews F., Leonenko G., Menzies G., Windle G., Harwood J., Phillips J., Bennett K., Luckuck L., Clare L., Woods R., Saad S., Burholt V., Kehoe P. G., Scheltens P., Holstege H., Amouyel P., Schellenberg G. D., Williams J., Seshadri S., van Duijn C. M., Mather K. A., Sanchez-Valle R., Blennow K., Huisman M., Andreassen O. A., Posthuma D., van der Flier W. M., Ramirez A., Lambert J. -C., and van der Lee S. J.
- Abstract
The original version of this Article omitted from the author list the 212th author Patrizia Mecocci, who is from the Institute of Gerontology and Geriatrics, Department of Medicine, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy. Consequently, the “Sample Contribution” section of Author Contributions was updated to add “P.M” between “P.D.” and “R.C.”. Additionally, the original version of this Article contained the incorrect affiliation for author Patrick Gavin Kehoe, which incorrectly read “German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE), Berlin, Germany”. The correct version replaces this affiliation with “Bristol Medical School (THS), University of Bristol, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, UK”. This has been corrected in both the PDF and HTML versions of the Article.
- Published
- 2023
5. Cerebellar and subcortical atrophy contribute to psychiatric symptoms in frontotemporal dementia
- Author
Bussy, A., Levy, J., Best, T., Patel, R., Cupo, L., Van Langenhove, T., Nielsen, J., Pijnenburg, Y., Waldö, M., Remes, A., Schroeter, M., Santana, I., Pasquier, F., Otto, M., Danek, A., Levin, J., Le Ber, I., Vandenberghe, R., Synofzik, M., Moreno, F., de Mendonça, A., Sanchez‐Valle, R., Laforce, R., Langheinrich, T., Gerhard, A., Graff, C., Butler, C., Sorbi, S., Jiskoot, L., Seelaar, H., van Swieten, J., Finger, E., Tartaglia, M., Masellis, M., Tiraboschi, P., Galimberti, D., Borroni, B., Rowe, J., Bocchetta, M., Rohrer, J., Devenyi, G., Chakravarty, M., Ducharme, S., Esteve, A., Nelson, A., Bouzigues, A., Heller, C., Greaves, C., Cash, D., Thomas, D., Todd, E., Benotmane, H., Zetterberg, H., Swift, I., Nicholas, J., Samra, K., Russell, L., Shafei, R., Convery, R., Timberlake, C., Cope, T., Rittman, T., Benussi, A., Premi, E., Gasparotti, R., Archetti, S., Gazzina, S., Cantoni, V., Arighi, A., Fenoglio, C., Scarpini, E., Fumagalli, G., Borracci, V., Rossi, G., Giaccone, G., Di Fede, G., Caroppo, P., Prioni, S., Redaelli, V., Tang‐Wai, D., Rogaeva, E., Castelo‐Branco, M., Freedman, M., Keren, R., Black, S., Mitchell, S., Shoesmith, C., Bartha, R., Rademakers, R., Poos, J., Papma, J., Giannini, L., van Minkelen, R., Nacmias, B., Ferrari, C., Polito, C., Lombardi, G., Bessi, V., Veldsman, M., Andersson, C., Thonberg, H., Öijerstedt, L., Jelic, V., Thompson, P., Lladó, A., Antonell, A., Olives, J., Balasa, M., Bargalló, N., Borrego‐Ecija, S., Verdelho, A., Maruta, C., Ferreira, C., Miltenberger, G., do Couto, F., Gabilondo, A., Gorostidi, A., Villanua, J., Cañada, M., Tainta, M., Zulaica, M., Barandiaran, M., Alves, P., Bender, B., Wilke, C., Graf, L., Vogels, A., Vandenbulcke, M., Van Damme, P., Bruffaerts, R., Poesen, K., Rosa‐Neto, P., Gauthier, S., Camuzat, A., Brice, A., Bertrand, A., Funkiewiez, A., Rinaldi, D., Saracino, D., Colliot, O., Sayah, S., Prix, C., Wlasich, E., Wagemann, O., Loosli, S., Schönecker, S., Hoegen, T., Lombardi, J., Anderl‐Straub, S., Rollin, A., Kuchcinski, G., Bertoux, M., Lebouvier, T., Deramecourt, V., Santiago, B., Duro, D., Leitão, M., Almeida, M., Tábuas‐Pereira, M., Afonso, S., Engel, A., Polyakova, M., Erasmus MC other, Neurology, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Clinical Genetics, GENetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative (GENFI), Lombardi, Gemma, Bessi, Valentina, Veldsman, Michele, Andersson, Christin, Thonberg, Hakan, Öijerstedt, Linn, Jelic, Vesna, Thompson, Paul, Langheinrich, Tobias, Lladó, Albert, Antonell, Anna, Olives, Jaume, Balasa, Mircea, Bargalló, Nuria, Borrego-Ecija, Sergi, Verdelho, Ana, Maruta, Carolina, Ferreira, Catarina B, Miltenberger, Gabriel, do Couto, Frederico Simões, Gabilondo, Alazne, Gorostidi, Ana, Villanua, Jorge, Cañada, Marta, Tainta, Mikel, Zulaica, Miren, Barandiaran, Myriam, Alves, Patricia, Bender, Benjamin, Wilke, Carlo, Graf, Lisa, Vogels, Annick, Vandenbulcke, Mathieu, Van Damme, Philip, Bruffaerts, Rose, Poesen, Koen, Rosa-Neto, Pedro, Gauthier, Serge, Camuzat, Agnès, Brice, Alexis, Bertrand, Anne, Funkiewiez, Aurélie, Rinaldi, Daisy, Saracino, Dario, Colliot, Olivier, Sayah, Sabrina, Prix, Catharina, Wlasich, Elisabeth, Wagemann, Olivia, Loosli, Sandra, Schönecker, Sonja, Hoegen, Tobias, Lombardi, Jolina, Anderl-Straub, Sarah, Rollin, Adeline, Kuchcinski, Gregory, Bertoux, Maxime, Lebouvier, Thibaud, Deramecourt, Vincent, Santiago, Beatriz, Duro, Diana, Leitão, Maria João, Almeida, Maria Rosario, Tábuas-Pereira, Miguel, Afonso, Sónia, Engel, Annerose, Polyakova, Maryna, Esteve, Aitana Sogorb, Nelson, Annabel, Bouzigues, Arabella, Heller, Carolin, Greaves, Caroline V, Cash, David, Thomas, David L, Todd, Emily, Benotmane, Hanya, Zetterberg, Henrik, Swift, Imogen J, Nicholas, Jennifer, Samra, Kiran, Russell, Lucy L, Bocchetta, Martina, Shafei, Rachelle, Convery, Rhian S, Timberlake, Carolyn, Cope, Thomas, Rittman, Timothy, Benussi, Alberto, Premi, Enrico, Gasparotti, Roberto, Archetti, Silvana, Gazzina, Stefano, Cantoni, Valentina, Arighi, Andrea, Fenoglio, Chiara, Scarpini, Elio, Fumagalli, Giorgio, Borracci, Vittoria, Rossi, Giacomina, Giaccone, Giorgio, Di Fede, Giuseppe, Caroppo, Paola, Tiraboschi, Pietro, Prioni, Sara, Redaelli, Veronica, Tang-Wai, David, Rogaeva, Ekaterina, Castelo-Branco, Miguel, Freedman, Morris, Keren, Ron, Black, Sandra, Mitchell, Sara, Shoesmith, Christen, Bartha, Robart, Rademakers, Rosa, Poos, Jackie, Papma, Janne M, Giannini, Lucia, van Minkelen, Rick, Pijnenburg, Yolande, Nacmias, Benedetta, Ferrari, Camilla, Polito, Cristina, Bussy, Aurélie [0000-0001-6695-9941], Nielsen, Jørgen E [0000-0003-0453-5582], Borroni, Barbara [0000-0001-9340-9814], Bocchetta, Martina [0000-0003-1814-5024], Devenyi, Gabriel A [0000-0002-7766-1187], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, and Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration
- Subjects
C9orf72 Protein ,Radiological and Ultrasound Technology ,Medizin ,frontotemporal dementia ,Neurology ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Cerebellum ,Humans ,magnetic resonance imaging ,genetics ,neuropsychiatry ,Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and imaging ,Human medicine ,ddc:610 ,Neurology (clinical) ,Atrophy ,Anatomy ,genetics [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,genetics [C9orf72 Protein] - Abstract
Funder: Alzheimer Society of Canada; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000143, Funder: Weston Brain Institute; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012479, Funder: Fonds de Recherche du Québec ‐ Santé, Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000024, Funder: NIHR Rare Diseases Translational Research Collaboration, Funder: Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft; Id: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100001659, Recent studies have reported early cerebellar and subcortical impact in the disease progression of genetic frontotemporal dementia (FTD) due to microtubule-associated protein tau (MAPT), progranulin (GRN) and chromosome 9 open reading frame 72 (C9orf72). However, the cerebello-subcortical circuitry in FTD has been understudied despite its essential role in cognition and behaviors related to FTD symptomatology. The present study aims to investigate the association between cerebellar and subcortical atrophy, and neuropsychiatric symptoms across genetic mutations. Our study included 983 participants from the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia Initiative including mutation carriers and noncarrier first-degree relatives of known symptomatic carriers. Voxel-wise analysis of the thalamus, striatum, globus pallidus, amygdala, and the cerebellum was performed, and partial least squares analyses (PLS) were used to link morphometry and behavior. In presymptomatic C9orf72 expansion carriers, thalamic atrophy was found compared to noncarriers, suggesting the importance of this structure in FTD prodromes. PLS analyses demonstrated that the cerebello-subcortical circuitry is related to neuropsychiatric symptoms, with significant overlap in brain/behavior patterns, but also specificity for each genetic mutation group. The largest differences were in the cerebellar atrophy (larger extent in C9orf72 expansion group) and more prominent amygdalar volume reduction in the MAPT group. Brain scores in the C9orf72 expansion carriers and MAPT carriers demonstrated covariation patterns concordant with atrophy patterns detectable up to 20 years before expected symptom onset. Overall, these results demonstrated the important role of the subcortical structures in genetic FTD symptom expression, particularly the cerebellum in C9orf72 and the amygdala in MAPT carriers.
- Published
- 2023
6. Subcutaneous immunoglobulin for maintenance treatment in chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (PATH): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial
- Author
Sabet, A., George, K., Roberts, L., Carne, R., Blum, S., Henderson, R., Van Damme, P., Demeestere, J., Larue, S., D'Amour, C., Bril, V., Breiner, A., Kunc, P., Valis, M., Sussova, J., Kalous, T., Talab, R., Bednar, M., Toomsoo, T., Rubanovits, I., Gross-Paju, K., Sorro, U., Saarela, M., Auranen, M., Pouget, J., Attarian, S., Le Masson, G., Wielanek-Bachelet, A., Desnuelle, C., Delmont, E., Clavelou, P., Aufauvre, D., Schmidt, J., Zschuentssch, J., Sommer, C., Kramer, D., Hoffmann, O., Goerlitz, C., Haas, J., Chatzopoulos, M., Yoon, R., Gold, R., Berlit, P., Jaspert-Grehl, A., Liebetanz, D., Kutschenko, A., Stangel, M., Trebst, C., Baum, P., Bergh, F., Klehmet, J., Meisel, A., Klostermann, F., Oechtering, J., Lehmann, H., Schroeter, M., Hagenacker, T., Mueller, D., Sperfeld, A., Bethke, F., Drory, V., Algom, A., Yarnitsky, D., Murinson, B., Di Muzio, A., Ciccocioppo, F., Sorbi, S., Mata, S., Schenone, A., Grandis, M., Lauria, G., Cazzato, D., Antonini, G., Morino, S., Cocito, D., Zibetti, M., Yokota, T., Ohkubo, T., Kanda, T., Kawai, M., Kaida, K., Onoue, H., Kuwabara, S., Mori, M., Iijima, M., Ohyama, K., Baba, M., Tomiyama, M., Nishiyama, K., Akutsu, T., Yokoyama, K., Kanai, K., van Schaik, I.N., Eftimov, F., Notermans, N.C., Visser, N., Faber, C., Hoeijmakers, J., Rejdak, K., Chyrchel-Paszkiewicz, U., Casanovas Pons, C., Alberti Aguiló, M., Gamez, J., Figueras, M., Marquez Infante, C., Benitez Rivero, S., Lunn, M., Morrow, J., Gosal, D., Lavin, T., Melamed, I., Testori, A., Ajroud-Driss, S., Menichella, D., Simpson, E., Chi-Ho Lai, E., Dimachkie, M., Barohn, R.J., Beydoun, S., Johl, H., Lange, D., Shtilbans, A., Muley, S., Ladha, S., Freimer, M., Kissel, J., Latov, N., Chin, R., Ubogu, E., Mumfrey, S., Rao, T., MacDonald, P., Sharma, K., Gonzalez, G., Allen, J., Walk, D., Hobson-Webb, L., Gable, K., van Schaik, Ivo N, Bril, Vera, van Geloven, Nan, Hartung, Hans-Peter, Lewis, Richard A, Sobue, Gen, Lawo, John-Philip, Praus, Michaela, Mielke, Orell, Durn, Billie L, Cornblath, David R, and Merkies, Ingemar S J
- Published
- 2018
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7. EFNS task force: the use of neuroimaging in the diagnosis of dementia
- Author
Filippi, M, Agosta, F, Barkhof, F, Dubois, B, Fox, NC, Frisoni, GB, Jack, CR, Johannsen, P, Miller, BL, Nestor, PJ, Scheltens, P, Sorbi, S, Teipel, S, Thompson, PM, and Wahlund, L‐O
- Subjects
Biomedical and Clinical Sciences ,Neurosciences ,Clinical Sciences ,Biomedical Imaging ,Dementia ,Vascular Cognitive Impairment/Dementia ,Neurodegenerative ,Acquired Cognitive Impairment ,Alzheimer's Disease ,Aging ,Brain Disorders ,Clinical Research ,Alzheimer's Disease including Alzheimer's Disease Related Dementias (AD/ADRD) ,4.1 Discovery and preclinical testing of markers and technologies ,Detection ,screening and diagnosis ,Neurological ,Advisory Committees ,Alzheimer Disease ,Humans ,Neuroimaging ,Alzheimer's disease ,amyloid imaging ,dementia ,diagnosis ,guidelines ,magnetic resonance imaging ,positron emission tomography ,single photon emission computed tomography ,European Federation of the Neurologic Societies ,Neurology & Neurosurgery ,Clinical sciences - Abstract
Background and purposeThe European Federation of the Neurological Societies (EFNS) guidelines on the use of neuroimaging in the diagnosis and management of dementia are designed to revise and expand previous EFNS recommendations for the diagnosis and management of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and to provide an overview of the evidence for the use of neuroimaging techniques in non-AD dementias, as well as general recommendations that apply to all types of dementia in clinical practice.MethodsThe task force working group reviewed evidence from original research articles, meta-analyses and systematic reviews, published before April 2012. The evidence was classified, and consensus recommendations were given and graded according to the EFNS guidance regulations.ResultsStructural imaging, which should be performed at least once in the diagnostic work-up of patients with cognitive impairment, serves to exclude other potentially treatable diseases, to recognize vascular lesions and to identify specific findings to help distinguish different forms of neurodegenerative types of dementia. Although typical cases of dementia may not benefit from routine functional imaging, these tools are recommended in those cases where diagnosis remains in doubt after clinical and structural imaging work-up and in particular clinical settings. Amyloid imaging is likely to find clinical utility in several fields, including the stratification of patients with mild cognitive impairment into those with and without underlying AD and the evaluation of atypical AD presentations.ConclusionsA number of recommendations and good practice points are made to improve the diagnosis of AD and other dementias.
- Published
- 2012
8. New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
- Author
Bellenguez, C., Küçükali, F., Jansen, I. E., Kleineidam, L., Moreno-Grau, S., Amin, N., Naj, A. C., Campos-Martin, R., Grenier-Boley, B., Andrade, V., Holmans, P. A., Boland, A., Damotte, V., van der Lee, S. J., Costa, M. R., Kuulasmaa, T., Yang, Q., de Rojas, I., Bis, J. C., Yaqub, A., Prokic, I., Chapuis, J., Ahmad, S., Giedraitis, V., Aarsland, D., Garcia-Gonzalez, P., Abdelnour, C., Alarcón-Martín, E., Alcolea, D., Alegret, M., Alvarez, I., Álvarez, V., Armstrong, N. J., Tsolaki, A., Antúnez, C., Appollonio, I., Arcaro, M., Archetti, S., Pastor, A. A., Arosio, B., Athanasiu, L., Bailly, H., Banaj, N., Baquero, M., Barral, S., Beiser, A., Pastor, A. B., Below, J. E., Benchek, P., Benussi, L., Berr, C., Besse, C., Bessi, V., Binetti, G., Bizarro, A., Blesa, R., Boada, M., Boerwinkle, E., Borroni, B., Boschi, S., Bossù, P., Bråthen, G., Bressler, J., Bresner, C., Brodaty, H., Brookes, K. J., Brusco, L. I., Buiza-Rueda, D., Bûrger, K., Burholt, V., Bush, W. S., Calero, M., Cantwell, L. B., Chene, G., Chung, J., Cuccaro, M. L., Carracedo, Á., Cecchetti, R., Cervera-Carles, L., Charbonnier, C., Chen, H. -H., Chillotti, C., Ciccone, S., Claassen, J. A. H. R., Clark, C., Conti, E., Corma-Gómez, A., Costantini, E., Custodero, C., Daian, D., Dalmasso, M. C., Daniele, A., Dardiotis, E., Dartigues, J. -F., de Deyn, P. P., de Paiva Lopes, K., de Witte, L. D., Debette, S., Deckert, J., del Ser, T., Denning, N., Destefano, A., Dichgans, M., Diehl-Schmid, J., Diez-Fairen, M., Rossi, P. D., Djurovic, S., Duron, E., Düzel, E., Dufouil, C., Eiriksdottir, G., Engelborghs, S., Escott-Price, V., Espinosa, A., Ewers, M., Faber, K. M., Fabrizio, T., Nielsen, S. F., Fardo, D. W., Farotti, L., Fenoglio, C., Fernández-Fuertes, M., Ferrari, R., Ferreira, C. B., Ferri, E., Fin, B., Fischer, P., Fladby, T., Fließbach, K., Fongang, B., Fornage, M., Fortea, J., Foroud, T. M., Fostinelli, S., Fox, N. C., Franco-Macías, E., Bullido, M. J., Frank-García, A., Froelich, L., Fulton-Howard, B., Galimberti, D., García-Alberca, J. M., García-González, P., Garcia-Madrona, S., Garcia-Ribas, G., Ghidoni, R., Giegling, I., Giorgio, G., Goate, A. M., Goldhardt, O., Gomez-Fonseca, D., González-Pérez, A., Graff, C., Grande, G., Green, E., Grimmer, T., Grünblatt, E., Grunin, M., Gudnason, V., Guetta-Baranes, T., Haapasalo, A., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Haines, J. L., Hamilton-Nelson, K. L., Hampel, H., Hanon, O., Hardy, J., Hartmann, A. M., Hausner, L., Harwood, J., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Helisalmi, S., Heneka, M. T., Hernández, I., Herrmann, M. J., Hoffmann, P., Holmes, C., Holstege, H., Vilas, R. H., Hulsman, M., Humphrey, J., Biessels, G. J., Jian, X., Johansson, C., Jun, G. R., Kastumata, Y., Kauwe, J., Kehoe, P. G., Kilander, L., Ståhlbom, A. K., Kivipelto, M., Koivisto, A., Kornhuber, J., Kosmidis, M. H., Kukull, W. A., Kuksa, P. P., Kunkle, B. W., Kuzma, A. B., Lage, C., Laukka, E. J., Launer, L., Lauria, A., Lee, C. -Y., Lehtisalo, J., Lerch, O., Lleó, A., Longstreth, W., Lopez, O., de Munain, A. L., Love, S., Löwemark, M., Luckcuck, L., Lunetta, K. L., Ma, Y., Macías, J., Macleod, C. A., Maier, W., Mangialasche, F., Spallazzi, M., Marquié, M., Marshall, R., Martin, E. R., Montes, A. M., Rodríguez, C. M., Masullo, C., Mayeux, R., Mead, S., Mecocci, P., Medina, M., Meggy, A., Mehrabian, S., Mendoza, S., Menéndez-González, M., Mir, P., Moebus, S., Mol, M., Molina-Porcel, L., Montrreal, L., Morelli, L., Moreno, F., Morgan, K., Mosley, T., Nöthen, M. M., Muchnik, C., Mukherjee, S., Nacmias, B., Ngandu, T., Nicolas, G., Nordestgaard, B. G., Olaso, R., Orellana, A., Orsini, M., Ortega, G., Padovani, A., Paolo, C., Papenberg, G., Parnetti, L., Pasquier, F., Pastor, P., Peloso, G., Pérez-Cordón, A., Pérez-Tur, J., Pericard, P., Peters, O., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Pineda, J. A., Piñol-Ripoll, G., Pisanu, C., Polak, T., Popp, J., Posthuma, D., Priller, J., Puerta, R., Quenez, O., Quintela, I., Thomassen, J. Q., Rábano, A., Rainero, I., Rajabli, F., Ramakers, I., Real, L. M., Reinders, M. J. T., Reitz, C., Reyes-Dumeyer, D., Ridge, P., Riedel-Heller, S., Riederer, P., Roberto, N., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E., Rongve, A., Allende, I. R., Rosende-Roca, M., Royo, J. L., Rubino, E., Rujescu, D., Sáez, M. E., Sakka, P., Saltvedt, I., Sanabria, Á., Sánchez-Arjona, M. B., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Juan, P. S., Sánchez-Valle, R., Sando, S. B., Sarnowski, C., Satizabal, C. L., Scamosci, M., Scarmeas, N., Scarpini, E., Scheltens, P., Scherbaum, N., Scherer, M., Schmid, M., Schneider, A., Schott, J. M., Selbæk, G., Seripa, D., Serrano, M., Sha, J., Shadrin, A. A., Skrobot, O., Slifer, S., Snijders, G. J. L., Soininen, H., Solfrizzi, V., Solomon, A., Song, Y. E., Sorbi, S., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Spalletta, G., Spottke, A., Squassina, A., Stordal, E., Tartan, J. P., Tárraga, L., Tesí, N., Thalamuthu, A., Thomas, T., Tosto, G., Traykov, L., Tremolizzo, L., Tybjærg-Hansen, A., Uitterlinden, A., Ullgren, A., Ulstein, I., Valero, S., Valladares, O., Broeckhoven, C. V., Vance, J., Vardarajan, B. N., van der Lugt, A., Dongen, J. V., van Rooij, J., van Swieten, J., Vandenberghe, R., Verhey, F., Vidal, J. -S., Vogelgsang, J., Vyhnalek, M., Wagner, M., Wallon, D., Wang, L. -S., Wang, R., Weinhold, L., Wiltfang, J., Windle, G., Woods, B., Yannakoulia, M., Zare, H., Zhao, Y., Zhang, X., Zhu, C., Zulaica, M., Laczo, J., Matoska, V., Serpente, M., Assogna, F., Piras, F., Ciullo, V., Shofany, J., Ferrarese, C., Andreoni, S., Sala, G., Zoia, C. P., Zompo, M. D., Benussi, A., Bastiani, P., Takalo, M., Natunen, T., Laatikainen, T., Tuomilehto, J., Antikainen, R., Strandberg, T., Lindström, J., Peltonen, M., Abraham, R., Al-Chalabi, A., Bass, N. J., Brayne, C., Brown, K. S., Collinge, J., Craig, D., Deloukas, P., Fox, N., Gerrish, A., Gill, M., Gwilliam, R., Harold, D., Hollingworth, P., Johnston, J. A., Jones, L., Lawlor, B., Livingston, G., Lovestone, S., Lupton, M., Lynch, A., Mann, D., Mcguinness, B., Mcquillin, A., O’Donovan, M. C., Owen, M. J., Passmore, P., Powell, J. F., Proitsi, P., Rossor, M., Shaw, C. E., Smith, A. D., Gurling, H., Todd, S., Mummery, C., Ryan, N., Lacidogna, G., Adarmes-Gómez, A., Mauleón, A., Pancho, A., Gailhajenet, A., Lafuente, A., Macias-García, D., Martín, E., Pelejà, E., Carrillo, F., Merlín, I. S., Garrote-Espina, L., Vargas, L., Carrion-Claro, M., Marín, M., Labrador, M., Buendia, M., Alonso, M. D., Guitart, M., Moreno, M., Ibarria, M., Periñán, M., Aguilera, N., Gómez-Garre, P., Cañabate, P., Escuela, R., Pineda-Sánchez, R., Vigo-Ortega, R., Jesús, S., Preckler, S., Rodrigo-Herrero, S., Diego, S., Vacca, A., Roveta, F., Salvadori, N., Chipi, E., Boecker, H., Laske, C., Perneczky, R., Anastasiou, C., Janowitz, D., Malik, R., Anastasiou, A., Parveen, K., López-García, S., Antonell, A., Mihova, K. Y., Belezhanska, D., Weber, H., Kochen, S., Solis, P., Medel, N., Lisso, J., Sevillano, Z., Politis, D. G., Cores, V., Cuesta, C., Ortiz, C., Bacha, J. I., Rios, M., Saenz, A., Abalos, M. S., Kohler, E., Palacio, D. L., Etchepareborda, I., Kohler, M., Novack, G., Prestia, F. A., Galeano, P., Castaño, E. M., Germani, S., Toso, C. R., Rojo, M., Ingino, C., Mangone, C., Rubinsztein, D. C., Teipel, S., Fievet, N., Deramerourt, V., Forsell, C., Thonberg, H., Bjerke, M., Roeck, E. D., Martínez-Larrad, M. T., Olivar, N., Cano, A., Macias, J., Maroñas, O., Nuñez-Llaves, R., Olivé, C., Adarmes-Gómez, A. D., Amer-Ferrer, G., Antequera, M., Burguera, J. A., Casajeros, M. J., Martinez de Pancorbo, M., Hevilla, S., Espinosa, M. A. L., Legaz, A., Manzanares, S., Marín-Muñoz, J., Marín, T., Martínez, B., Martínez, V., Martínez-Lage Álvarez, P., Iriarte, M. M., Periñán-Tocino, M. T., Real de Asúa, D., Rodrigo, S., Sastre, I., Vicente, M. P., Vivancos, L., Epelbaum, J., Hannequin, D., Campion, D., Deramecourt, V., Tzourio, C., Brice, A., Dubois, B., Williams, A., Thomas, C., Davies, C., Nash, W., Dowzell, K., Morales, A. C., Bernardo-Harrington, M., Turton, J., Lord, J., Brown, K., Vardy, E., Fisher, E., Warren, J. D., Ryan, N. S., Guerreiro, R., Uphill, J., Bass, N., Heun, R., Kölsch, H., Schürmann, B., Lacour, A., Herold, C., Powell, J., Patel, Y., Hodges, A., Becker, T., Warden, D., Wilcock, G., Clarke, R., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Hooper, N. M., Pickering-Brown, S., Sussams, R., Warner, N., Bayer, A., Heuser, I., Drichel, D., Klopp, N., Mayhaus, M., Riemenschneider, M., Pinchler, S., Feulner, T., Gu, W., van den Bussche, H., Hüll, M., Frölich, L., Wichmann, H. -E., Jöckel, K. -H., O’Donovan, M., Owen, M., Bahrami, S., Bosnes, I., Selnes, P., Bergh, S., Palotie, A., Daly, M., Jacob, H., Matakidou, A., Runz, H., John, S., Plenge, R., Mccarthy, M., Hunkapiller, J., Ehm, M., Waterworth, D., Fox, C., Malarstig, A., Klinger, K., Call, K., Behrens, T., Loerch, P., Mäkelä, T., Kaprio, J., Virolainen, P., Pulkki, K., Kilpi, T., Perola, M., Partanen, J., Pitkäranta, A., Kaarteenaho, R., Vainio, S., Turpeinen, M., Serpi, R., Laitinen, T., Mäkelä, J., Kosma, V. -M., Kujala, U., Tuovila, O., Hendolin, M., Pakkanen, R., Waring, J., Riley-Gillis, B., Liu, J., Biswas, S., Diogo, D., Marshall, C., Hu, X., Gossel, M., Graham, R., Cummings, B., Ripatti, S., Schleutker, J., Arvas, M., Carpén, O., Hinttala, R., Kettunen, J., Mannermaa, A., Laukkanen, J., Julkunen, V., Remes, A., Kälviäinen, R., Peltola, J., Tienari, P., Rinne, J., Ziemann, A., Esmaeeli, S., Smaoui, N., Lehtonen, A., Eaton, S., Lahdenperä, S., van Adelsberg, J., Michon, J., Kerchner, G., Bowers, N., Teng, E., Eicher, J., Mehta, V., Gormley, P., Linden, K., Whelan, C., Xu, F., Pulford, D., Färkkilä, M., Pikkarainen, S., Jussila, A., Blomster, T., Kiviniemi, M., Voutilainen, M., Georgantas, B., Heap, G., Rahimov, F., Usiskin, K., Lu, T., Oh, D., Kalpala, K., Miller, M., Mccarthy, L., Eklund, K., Palomäki, A., Isomäki, P., Pirilä, L., Kaipiainen-Seppänen, O., Huhtakangas, J., Lertratanakul, A., Hochfeld, M., Bing, N., Gordillo, J. E., Mars, N., Pelkonen, M., Kauppi, P., Kankaanranta, H., Harju, T., Close, D., Greenberg, S., Chen, H., Betts, J., Ghosh, S., Salomaa, V., Niiranen, T., Juonala, M., Metsärinne, K., Kähönen, M., Junttila, J., Laakso, M., Pihlajamäki, J., Sinisalo, J., Taskinen, M. -R., Tuomi, T., Challis, B., Peterson, A., Chu, A., Parkkinen, J., Muslin, A., Joensuu, H., Meretoja, T., Aaltonen, L., Mattson, J., Auranen, A., Karihtala, P., Kauppila, S., Auvinen, P., Elenius, K., Popovic, R., Schutzman, J., Loboda, A., Chhibber, A., Lehtonen, H., Mcdonough, S., Crohns, M., Kulkarni, D., Kaarniranta, K., Turunen, J. A., Ollila, T., Seitsonen, S., Uusitalo, H., Aaltonen, V., Uusitalo-Järvinen, H., Luodonpää, M., Hautala, N., Loomis, S., Strauss, E., Podgornaia, A., Hoffman, J., Tasanen, K., Huilaja, L., Hannula-Jouppi, K., Salmi, T., Peltonen, S., Koulu, L., Harvima, I., Wu, Y., Choy, D., Pussinen, P., Salminen, A., Salo, T., Rice, D., Nieminen, P., Palotie, U., Siponen, M., Suominen, L., Mäntylä, P., Gursoy, U., Anttonen, V., Sipilä, K., Davis, J. W., Quarless, D., Petrovski, S., Wigmore, E., Chen, C. -Y., Bronson, P., Tsai, E., Huang, Y., Maranville, J., Shaikho, E., Mohammed, E., Wadhawan, S., Kvikstad, E., Caliskan, M., Chang, D., Bhangale, T., Pendergrass, S., Holzinger, E., Chen, X., Hedman, Å., King, K. S., Wang, C., Xu, E., Auge, F., Chatelain, C., Rajpal, D., Liu, D., Xia, T. -H., Brauer, M., Kurki, M., Karjalainen, J., Havulinna, A., Jalanko, A., Palta, P., della Briotta Parolo, P., Zhou, W., Lemmelä, S., Rivas, M., Harju, J., Lehisto, A., Ganna, A., Llorens, V., Laivuori, H., Rüeger, S., Niemi, M. E., Tukiainen, T., Reeve, M. P., Heyne, H., Palin, K., Garcia-Tabuenca, J., Siirtola, H., Kiiskinen, T., Lee, J., Tsuo, K., Elliott, A., Kristiansson, K., Hyvärinen, K., Ritari, J., Koskinen, M., Pylkäs, K., Kalaoja, M., Karjalainen, M., Mantere, T., Kangasniemi, E., Heikkinen, S., Laakkonen, E., Sipeky, C., Heron, S., Karlsson, A., Jambulingam, D., Rathinakannan, V. S., Kajanne, R., Aavikko, M., Jiménez, M. G., della Briotta Parola, P., Kanai, M., Kaunisto, M., Kilpeläinen, E., Sipilä, T. P., Brein, G., Awaisa, G., Shcherban, A., Donner, K., Loukola, A., Laiho, P., Sistonen, T., Kaiharju, E., Laukkanen, M., Järvensivu, E., Lähteenmäki, S., Männikkö, L., Wong, R., Mattsson, H., Hiekkalinna, T., Paajanen, T., Pärn, K., Gracia-Tabuenca, J., Abner, E., Adams, P. M., Aguirre, A., Albert, M. S., Albin, R. L., Allen, M., Alvarez, L., Apostolova, L. G., Arnold, S. E., Asthana, S., Atwood, C. S., Ayres, G., Baldwin, C. T., Barber, R. C., Barnes, L. L., Beach, T. G., Becker, J. T., Beecham, G. W., Beekly, D., Benitez, B. A., Bennett, D., Bertelson, J., Margaret, F. E., Bird, T. D., Blacker, D., Boeve, B. F., Bowen, J. D., Boxer, A., Brewer, J., Burke, J. R., Burns, J. M., Buxbaum, J. D., Cairns, N. J., Cao, C., Carlson, C. S., Carlsson, C. M., Carney, R. M., Carrasquillo, M. M., Chasse, S., Chesselet, M. -F., Chesi, A., Chin, N. A., Chui, H. C., Craft, S., Crane, P. K., Cribbs, D. H., Crocco, E. A., Cruchaga, C., Cullum, M., Darby, E., Davis, B., De Jager, P. L., Decarli, C., Detoledo, J., Dick, M., Dickson, D. W., Dombroski, B. A., Doody, R. S., Duara, R., Ertekin-Taner, N., Evans, D. A., Fairchild, T. J., Fallon, K. B., Farlow, M. R., Farrell, J. J., Fernandez-Hernandez, V., Ferris, S., Frosch, M. P., Galasko, D. R., Gamboa, A., Gearing, M., Geschwind, D. H., Ghetti, B., Gilbert, J. R., Grabowski, T. J., Graff-Radford, N. R., Grant, S. F. A., Green, R. C., Growdon, J. H., Hakonarson, H., Hall, J., Hamilton, R. L., Harari, O., Harrell, L. E., Haut, J., Head, E., Henderson, V. W., Hernandez, M., Hohman, T., Honig, L. S., Huebinger, R. M., Huentelman, M. J., Hulette, C. M., Hyman, B. T., Hynan, L. S., Ibanez, L., Jarvik, G. P., Jayadev, S., Jin, L. -W., Johnson, K., Johnson, L., Kamboh, M. I., Karydas, A. M., Katz, M. J., Kaye, J. A., Keene, C. D., Khaleeq, A., Kim, R., Knebl, J., Kowall, N. W., Kramer, J. H., Laferla, F. M., Lah, J. J., Larson, E. B., Lee, E. B., Lerner, A., Leung, Y. Y., Leverenz, J. B., Levey, A. I., Li, M., Lieberman, A. P., Lipton, R. B., Logue, M., Lyketsos, C. G., Malamon, J., Mains, D., Marson, D. C., Martiniuk, F., Mash, D. C., Masliah, E., Massman, P., Masurkar, A., Mccormick, W. C., Mccurry, S. M., Mcdavid, A. N., Mckee, A. C., Mesulam, M., Mez, J., Miller, B. L., Miller, C. A., Miller, J. W., Montine, T. J., Monuki, E. S., Morris, J. C., Myers, A. J., Nguyen, T., O’Bryant, S., Olichney, J. M., Ory, M., Palmer, R., Parisi, J. E., Paulson, H. L., Pavlik, V., Paydarfar, D., Perez, V., Peskind, E., Petersen, R. C., Phillips-Cremins, J. E., Pierce, A., Polk, M., Poon, W. W., Potter, H., Qu, L., Quiceno, M., Quinn, J. F., Raj, A., Raskind, M., Reiman, E. M., Reisberg, B., Reisch, J. S., Ringman, J. M., Roberson, E. D., Rodriguear, M., Rogaeva, E., Rosen, H. J., Rosenberg, R. N., Royall, D. R., Sager, M. A., Sano, M., Saykin, A. J., Schneider, J. A., Schneider, L. S., Seeley, W. W., Small, S., Smith, A. G., Smith, J. P., Sonnen, J. A., Spina, S., George-Hyslop, P. S., Stern, R. A., Stevens, A. B., Strittmatter, S. M., Sultzer, D., Swerdlow, R. H., Tanzi, R. E., Tilson, J. L., Trojanowski, J. Q., Troncoso, J. C., Tsuang, D. W., Van Deerlin, V. M., van Eldik, L. J., Vassar, R., Vinters, H. V., Vonsattel, J. -P., Weintraub, S., Welsh-Bohmer, K. A., Whitehead, P. L., Wijsman, E. M., Wilhelmsen, K. C., Williams, B., Williamson, J., Wilms, H., Wingo, T. S., Wisniewski, T., Woltjer, R. L., Woon, M., Wright, C. B., C. -K., Wu, Younkin, S. G., C. -E., Yu, Yu, L., Zhang, Y., Zhu, X., Adams, H., Akinyemi, R. O., Ali, M., Armstrong, N., Aparicio, H. J., Bahadori, M., Breteler, M., Chasman, D., Chauhan, G., Comic, H., Cox, S., Cupples, A. L., Davies, G., Decarli, C. S., Duperron, M. -G., Dupuis, J., Evans, T., Fan, F., Fitzpatrick, A., Fohner, A. E., Ganguli, M., Geerlings, M., Glatt, S. J., Gonzalez, H. M., Goss, M., Grabe, H., Habes, M., Heckbert, S. R., Hofer, E., Hong, E., Hughes, T., Kautz, T. F., Knol, M., Kremen, W., Lacaze, P., Lahti, J., Grand, Q. L., Litkowski, E., Li, S., Liu, X., Loitfelder, M., Manning, A., Maillard, P., Marioni, R., Mazoyer, B., van Lent, D. M., Mei, H., Mishra, A., Nyquist, P., O’Connell, J., Paus, T., Pausova, Z., Raikkonen-Talvitie, K., Riaz, M., Rich, S., Rotter, J., Romero, J., Roshchupkin, G., Saba, Y., Sargurupremraj, M., Schmidt, H., Schmidt, R., Shulman, J. M., Smith, J., Sekhar, H., Rajula, R., Shin, J., Simino, J., Sliz, E., Teumer, A., Thomas, A., Tin, A., Tucker-Drob, E., Vojinovic, D., Wang, Y., Weinstein, G., Williams, D., Wittfeld, K., Yanek, L., Yang, Y., Farrer, L. A., Psaty, B. M., Ghanbari, M., Raj, T., Sachdev, P., Mather, K., Jessen, F., Ikram, M. A., de Mendonça, A., Hort, J., Tsolaki, M., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Amouyel, P., Williams, J., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Clarimon, J., Deleuze, J. -F., Rossi, G., Seshadri, S., Andreassen, O. A., Ingelsson, M., Hiltunen, M., Sleegers, K., Schellenberg, G. D., van Duijn, C. M., Sims, R., van der Flier, W. M., Ruiz, A., Ramirez, A., Lambert J., -C, Jan, Laczo, Vaclav, Matoska, Maria, Serpente, Francesca, Assogna, Fabrizio, Piras, Federica, Piras, Valentina, Ciullo, Jacob, Shofany, Carlo, Ferrarese, Simona, Andreoni, Gessica, Sala, Chiara Paola Zoia, Maria Del Zompo, Benussi, Alberto, Patrizia, Bastiani, Mari, Takalo, Teemu, Natunen, Tiina, Laatikainen, Jaakko, Tuomilehto, Riitta, Antikainen, Timo, Strandberg, Jaana, Lindström, Markku, Peltonen, Richard, Abraham, Ammar, Al-Chalabi, Nicholas, J Bass, Carol, Brayne, Kristelle, S Brown, John, Collinge, David, Craig, Pangiotis, Deloukas, Nick, Fox, Amy, Gerrish, Michael, Gill, Rhian, Gwilliam, Denise, Harold, Paul, Hollingworth, Jarret, A Johnston, Lesley, Jones, Brian, Lawlor, Gill, Livingston, Simon, Lovestone, Michelle, Lupton, Aoibhinn, Lynch, David, Mann, Bernadette, Mcguinness, Andrew, Mcquillin, Michael, C O'Donovan, Michael, J Owen, Peter, Passmore, John, F Powell, Petra, Proitsi, Martin, Rossor, Christopher, E Shaw, A David Smith, Hugh, Gurling, Stephen, Todd, Catherine, Mummery, Nathalie, Ryan, Giordano, Lacidogna, Adarmes-Gómez, Ad, Ana, Mauleón, Ana, Pancho, Anna, Gailhajenet, Asunción, Lafuente, Macias-García, D, Elvira, Martín, Esther, Pelejà, Carrillo, F, Isabel Sastre Merlín, Garrote-Espina, L, Liliana, Vargas, Carrion-Claro, M, Marín, M, Labrador, Ma, Mar, Buendia, María Dolores Alonso, Marina, Guitart, Mariona, Moreno, Marta, Ibarria, Periñán, Mt, Nuria, Aguilera, Gómez-Garre, P, Pilar, Cañabate, Escuela, R, Pineda-Sánchez, R, Vigo-Ortega, R, Jesús, S, Silvia, Preckler, Silvia, Rodrigo-Herrero, Susana, Diego, Alessandro, Vacca, Fausto, Roveta, Nicola, Salvadori, Elena, Chipi, Henning, Boecker, Christoph, Laske, Robert, Perneczky, Costas, Anastasiou, Daniel, Janowitz, Rainer, Malik, Anna, Anastasiou, Kayenat, Parveen, Carmen, Lage, Sara, López-García, Anna, Antonell, Kalina Yonkova Mihova, Diyana, Belezhanska, Heike, Weber, Silvia, Kochen, Patricia, Solis, Nancy, Medel, Julieta, Lisso, Zulma, Sevillano, Daniel, G Politis, Valeria, Cores, Carolina, Cuesta, Cecilia, Ortiz, Juan Ignacio Bacha, Mario, Rios, Aldo, Saenz, Mariana Sanchez Abalos, Eduardo, Kohler, Dana Lis Palacio, Ignacio, Etchepareborda, Matias, Kohler, Gisela, Novack, Federico Ariel Prestia, Pablo, Galeano, Eduardo, M Castaño, Sandra, Germani, Carlos Reyes Toso, Matias, Rojo, Carlos, Ingino, Carlos, Mangone, David, C Rubinsztein, Stefan, Teipel, Nathalie, Fievet, Vincent, Deramerourt, Charlotte, Forsell, Håkan, Thonberg, Maria, Bjerke, Ellen De Roeck, María Teresa Martínez-Larrad, Natividad, Olivar, Amanda, Cano, Juan, Macias, Olalla, Maroñas, Raúl, Nuñez-Llaves, Clàudia, Olivé, Ester, Pelejá, Astrid, D Adarmes-Gómez, Guillermo, Amer-Ferrer, Martirio, Antequera, Juan Andrés Burguera, Fátima, Carrillo, Mario, Carrión-Claro, María José Casajeros, Marian Martinez de Pancorbo, Rocío, Escuela, Lorena, Garrote-Espina, Pilar, Gómez-Garre, Saray, Hevilla, Silvia, Jesús, Miguel Angel Labrador Espinosa, Agustina, Legaz, Daniel, Macias-García, Salvadora, Manzanares, Marta, Marín, Juan, Marín-Muñoz, Tamara, Marín, Begoña, Martínez, Victoriana, Martínez, Pablo Martínez-Lage Álvarez, Maite Mendioroz Iriarte, María Teresa Periñán-Tocino, Rocío, Pineda-Sánchez, Diego Real de Asúa, Silvia, Rodrigo, Isabel, Sastre, Maria Pilar Vicente, Rosario, Vigo-Ortega, Liliana, Vivancos, Jacques, Epelbaum, Didier, Hannequin, Dominique, Campion, Vincent, Deramecourt, Christophe, Tzourio, Alexis, Brice, Bruno, Dubois, Amy, Williams, Charlene, Thomas, Chloe, Davies, William, Nash, Kimberley, Dowzell, Atahualpa Castillo Morales, Mateus, Bernardo-Harrington, James, Turton, Jenny, Lord, Kristelle, Brown, Emma, Vardy, Elizabeth, Fisher, Jason, D Warren, Natalie, S Ryan, Rita, Guerreiro, James, Uphill, Nick, Bass, Reinhard, Heun, Heike, Kölsch, Britta, Schürmann, André, Lacour, Christine, Herold, Janet, A Johnston, John, Powell, Yogen, Patel, Angela, Hodges, Tim, Becker, Donald, Warden, Gordon, Wilcock, Robert, Clarke, Panagiotis, Deloukas, Yoav, Ben-Shlomo, Nigel, M Hooper, Stuart, Pickering-Brown, Rebecca, Sussams, Nick, Warner, Anthony, Bayer, Isabella, Heuser, Dmitriy, Drichel, Norman, Klopp, Manuel, Mayhaus, Matthias, Riemenschneider, Sabrina, Pinchler, Thomas, Feulner, Wei, Gu, Hendrik van den Bussche, Michael, Hüll, Lutz, Frölich, H-Erich, Wichmann, Karl-Heinz, Jöckel, Michael, O'Donovan, Michael, Owen, Shahram, Bahrami, Ingunn, Bosnes, Per, Selnes, Sverre, Bergh, Aarno, Palotie, Mark, Daly, Howard, Jacob, Athena, Matakidou, Heiko, Runz, Sally, John, Robert, Plenge, Mark, Mccarthy, Julie, Hunkapiller, Meg, Ehm, Dawn, Waterworth, Caroline, Fox, Anders, Malarstig, Kathy, Klinger, Kathy, Call, Tim, Behrens, Patrick, Loerch, Tomi, Mäkelä, Jaakko, Kaprio, Petri, Virolainen, Kari, Pulkki, Terhi, Kilpi, Markus, Perola, Jukka, Partanen, Anne, Pitkäranta, Riitta, Kaarteenaho, Seppo, Vainio, Miia, Turpeinen, Raisa, Serpi, Tarja, Laitinen, Johanna, Mäkelä, Veli-Matti, Kosma, Urho, Kujala, Outi, Tuovila, Minna, Hendolin, Raimo, Pakkanen, Jeff, Waring, Bridget, Riley-Gillis, Jimmy, Liu, Shameek, Biswas, Dorothee, Diogo, Catherine, Marshall, Xinli, Hu, Matthias, Gossel, Robert, Graham, Beryl, Cummings, Samuli, Ripatti, Johanna, Schleutker, Mikko, Arvas, Olli, Carpén, Reetta, Hinttala, Johannes, Kettunen, Arto, Mannermaa, Jari, Laukkanen, Valtteri, Julkunen, Anne, Remes, Reetta, Kälviäinen, Jukka, Peltola, Pentti, Tienari, Juha, Rinne, Adam, Ziemann, Jeffrey, Waring, Sahar, Esmaeeli, Nizar, Smaoui, Anne, Lehtonen, Susan, Eaton, Sanni, Lahdenperä, Janet van Adelsberg, John, Michon, Geoff, Kerchner, Natalie, Bowers, Edmond, Teng, John, Eicher, Vinay, Mehta, Padhraig, Gormley, Kari, Linden, Christopher, Whelan, Fanli, Xu, David, Pulford, Martti, Färkkilä, Sampsa, Pikkarainen, Airi, Jussila, Timo, Blomster, Mikko, Kiviniemi, Markku, Voutilainen, Bob, Georgantas, Graham, Heap, Fedik, Rahimov, Keith, Usiskin, Tim, Lu, Danny, Oh, Kirsi, Kalpala, Melissa, Miller, Linda, Mccarthy, Kari, Eklund, Antti, Palomäki, Pia, Isomäki, Laura, Pirilä, Oili, Kaipiainen-Seppänen, Johanna, Huhtakangas, Apinya, Lertratanakul, Marla, Hochfeld, Nan, Bing, Jorge Esparza Gordillo, Nina, Mars, Margit, Pelkonen, Paula, Kauppi, Hannu, Kankaanranta, Terttu, Harju, David, Close, Steven, Greenberg, Hubert, Chen, Betts, Jo, Soumitra, Ghosh, Veikko, Salomaa, Teemu, Niiranen, Markus, Juonala, Kaj, Metsärinne, Mika, Kähönen, Juhani, Junttila, Markku, Laakso, Jussi, Pihlajamäki, Juha, Sinisalo, Marja-Riitta, Taskinen, Tiinamaija, Tuomi, Ben, Challis, Andrew, Peterson, Audrey, Chu, Jaakko, Parkkinen, Anthony, Muslin, Heikki, Joensuu, Tuomo, Meretoja, Lauri, Aaltonen, Johanna, Mattson, Annika, Auranen, Peeter, Karihtala, Saila, Kauppila, Päivi, Auvinen, Klaus, Elenius, Relja, Popovic, Jennifer, Schutzman, Andrey, Loboda, Aparna, Chhibber, Heli, Lehtonen, Stefan, Mcdonough, Marika, Crohns, Diptee, Kulkarni, Kai, Kaarniranta, Joni, A Turunen, Terhi, Ollila, Sanna, Seitsonen, Hannu, Uusitalo, Vesa, Aaltonen, Hannele, Uusitalo-Järvinen, Marja, Luodonpää, Nina, Hautala, Stephanie, Loomis, Erich, Strauss, Hao, Chen, Anna, Podgornaia, Joshua, Hoffman, Kaisa, Tasanen, Laura, Huilaja, Katariina, Hannula-Jouppi, Teea, Salmi, Sirkku, Peltonen, Leena, Koulu, Ilkka, Harvima, Ying, Wu, David, Choy, Pirkko, Pussinen, Aino, Salminen, Tuula, Salo, David, Rice, Pekka, Nieminen, Ulla, Palotie, Maria, Siponen, Liisa, Suominen, Päivi, Mäntylä, Ulvi, Gursoy, Vuokko, Anttonen, Kirsi, Sipilä, Justin Wade Davis, Danjuma, Quarless, Slavé, Petrovski, Eleonor, Wigmore, Chia-Yen, Chen, Paola, Bronson, Ellen, Tsai, Yunfeng, Huang, Joseph, Maranville, Elmutaz, Shaikho, Elhaj, Mohammed, Samir, Wadhawan, Erika, Kvikstad, Minal, Caliskan, Diana, Chang, Tushar, Bhangale, Sarah, Pendergrass, Emily, Holzinger, Xing, Chen, Åsa, Hedman, Karen, S King, Clarence, Wang, Ethan, Xu, Franck, Auge, Clement, Chatelain, Deepak, Rajpal, Dongyu, Liu, Katherine, Call, Tai-He, Xia, Matt, Brauer, Mitja, Kurki, Juha, Karjalainen, Aki, Havulinna, Anu, Jalanko, Priit, Palta, Pietro Della Briotta Parolo, Wei, Zhou, Susanna, Lemmelä, Manuel, Rivas, Jarmo, Harju, Arto, Lehisto, Andrea, Ganna, Vincent, Llorens, Hannele, Laivuori, Sina, Rüeger, Mari, E Niemi, Taru, Tukiainen, Mary Pat Reeve, Henrike, Heyne, Kimmo, Palin, Javier, Garcia-Tabuenca, Harri, Siirtola, Tuomo, Kiiskinen, Jiwoo, Lee, Kristin, Tsuo, Amanda, Elliott, Kati, Kristiansson, Kati, Hyvärinen, Jarmo, Ritari, Miika, Koskinen, Katri, Pylkäs, Marita, Kalaoja, Minna, Karjalainen, Tuomo, Mantere, Eeva, Kangasniemi, Sami, Heikkinen, Eija, Laakkonen, Csilla, Sipeky, Samuel, Heron, Antti, Karlsson, Dhanaprakash, Jambulingam, Venkat Subramaniam Rathinakannan, Risto, Kajanne, Mervi, Aavikko, Manuel González Jiménez, Pietro Della Briotta Parola, Arto, Lehistö, Masahiro, Kanai, Mari, Kaunisto, Elina, Kilpeläinen, Timo, P Sipilä, Georg, Brein, Ghazal, Awaisa, Anastasia, Shcherban, Kati, Donner, Anu, Loukola, Päivi, Laiho, Tuuli, Sistonen, Essi, Kaiharju, Markku, Laukkanen, Elina, Järvensivu, Sini, Lähteenmäki, Lotta, Männikkö, Regis, Wong, Hannele, Mattsson, Tero, Hiekkalinna, Teemu, Paajanen, Kalle, Pärn, Javier, Gracia-Tabuenca, Erin, Abner, Perrie, M Adams, Alyssa, Aguirre, Marilyn, S Albert, Roger, L Albin, Mariet, Allen, Lisa, Alvarez, Liana, G Apostolova, Steven, E Arnold, Sanjay, Asthana, Craig, S Atwood, Gayle, Ayres, Clinton, T Baldwin, Robert, C Barber, Lisa, L Barnes, Sandra, Barral, Thomas, G Beach, James, T Becker, Gary, W Beecham, Duane, Beekly, Jennifer, E Below, Penelope, Benchek, Bruno, A Benitez, David, Bennett, John, Bertelson, Flanagan, E Margaret, Thomas, D Bird, Deborah, Blacker, Bradley, F Boeve, James, D Bowen, Adam, Boxer, James, Brewer, James, R Burke, Jeffrey, M Burns, Will, S Bush, Joseph, D Buxbaum, Nigel, J Cairns, Chuanhai, Cao, Christopher, S Carlson, Cynthia, M Carlsson, Regina, M Carney, Minerva, M Carrasquillo, Scott, Chasse, Marie-Francoise, Chesselet, Alessandra, Chesi, Nathaniel, A Chin, Helena, C Chui, Jaeyoon, Chung, Suzanne, Craft, Paul, K Crane, David, H Cribbs, Elizabeth, A Crocco, Carlos, Cruchaga, Michael, L Cuccaro, Munro, Cullum, Eveleen, Darby, Barbara, Davis, Philip, L De Jager, Charles, Decarli, John, Detoledo, Malcolm, Dick, Dennis, W Dickson, Beth, A Dombroski, Rachelle, S Doody, Ranjan, Duara, Nilüfer, Ertekin-Taner, Denis, A Evans, Thomas, J Fairchild, Kenneth, B Fallon, Martin, R Farlow, John, J Farrell, Victoria, Fernandez-Hernandez, Steven, Ferris, Matthew, P Frosch, Brian, Fulton-Howard, Douglas, R Galasko, Adriana, Gamboa, Marla, Gearing, Daniel, H Geschwind, Bernardino, Ghetti, John, R Gilbert, Thomas, J Grabowski, Neill, R Graff-Radford, Struan F, A Grant, Robert, C Green, John, H Growdon, Jonathan, L Haines, Hakon, Hakonarson, James, Hall, Ronald, L Hamilton, Oscar, Harari, Lindy, E Harrell, Jacob, Haut, Elizabeth, Head, Victor, W Henderson, Michelle, Hernandez, Timothy, Hohman, Lawrence, S Honig, Ryan, M Huebinger, Matthew, J Huentelman, Christine, M Hulette, Bradley, T Hyman, Linda, S Hynan, Laura, Ibanez, Gail, P Jarvik, Suman, Jayadev, Lee-Way, Jin, Kim, Johnson, Leigh, Johnson, M Ilyas Kamboh, Anna, M Karydas, Mindy, J Katz, Jeffrey, A Kaye, C Dirk Keene, Aisha, Khaleeq, Ronald, Kim, Janice, Knebl, Neil, W Kowall, Joel, H Kramer, Pavel, P Kuksa, Frank, M LaFerla, James, J Lah, Eric, B Larson, Chien-Yueh, Lee, Edward, B Lee, Alan, Lerner, Yuk Yee Leung, James, B Leverenz, Allan, I Levey, Mingyao, Li, Andrew, P Lieberman, Richard, B Lipton, Mark, Logue, Constantine, G Lyketsos, John, Malamon, Douglas, Mains, Daniel, C Marson, Frank, Martiniuk, Deborah, C Mash, Eliezer, Masliah, Paul, Massman, Arjun, Masurkar, Wayne, C McCormick, Susan, M McCurry, Andrew, N McDavid, Ann, C McKee, Marsel, Mesulam, Jesse, Mez, Bruce, L Miller, Carol, A Miller, Joshua, W Miller, Thomas, J Montine, Edwin, S Monuki, John, C Morris, Amanda, J Myers, Trung, Nguyen, Sid, O'Bryant, John, M Olichney, Marcia, Ory, Raymond, Palmer, Joseph, E Parisi, Henry, L Paulson, Valory, Pavlik, David, Paydarfar, Victoria, Perez, Elaine, Peskind, Ronald, C Petersen, Jennifer, E Phillips-Cremins, Aimee, Pierce, Marsha, Polk, Wayne, W Poon, Huntington, Potter, Liming, Qu, Mary, Quiceno, Joseph, F Quinn, Ashok, Raj, Murray, Raskind, Eric, M Reiman, Barry, Reisberg, Joan, S Reisch, John, M Ringman, Erik, D Roberson, Monica, Rodriguear, Ekaterina, Rogaeva, Howard, J Rosen, Roger, N Rosenberg, Donald, R Royall, Mark, A Sager, Mary, Sano, Andrew, J Saykin, Julie, A Schneider, Lon, S Schneider, William, W Seeley, Susan, H Slifer, Scott, Small, Amanda, G Smith, Janet, P Smith, Yeunjoo, E Song, Joshua, A Sonnen, Salvatore, Spina, Peter St George-Hyslop, Robert, A Stern, Alan, B Stevens, Stephen, M Strittmatter, David, Sultzer, Russell, H Swerdlow, Rudolph, E Tanzi, Jeffrey, L Tilson, John, Q Trojanowski, Juan, C Troncoso, Debby, W Tsuang, Otto, Valladares, Vivianna, M Van Deerlin, Linda, J van Eldik, Robert, Vassar, Harry, V Vinters, Jean-Paul, Vonsattel, Sandra, Weintraub, Kathleen, A Welsh-Bohmer, Patrice, L Whitehead, Ellen, M Wijsman, Kirk, C Wilhelmsen, Benjamin, Williams, Jennifer, Williamson, Henrik, Wilms, Thomas, S Wingo, Thomas, Wisniewski, Randall, L Woltjer, Martin, Woon, Clinton, B Wright, Chuang-Kuo, Wu, Steven, G Younkin, Chang-En, Yu, Lei, Yu, Yuanchao, Zhang, Zhao, Yi, Xiongwei, Zhu, Hieab, Adams, Rufus, O Akinyemi, Muhammad, Ali, Nicola, Armstrong, Hugo, J Aparicio, Maryam, Bahadori, Monique, Breteler, Daniel, Chasman, Ganesh, Chauhan, Hata, Comic, Simon, Cox, Adrienne, L Cupples, Gail, Davies, Charles, S DeCarli, Marie-Gabrielle, Duperron, Josée, Dupuis, Tavia, Evans, Frank, Fan, Annette, Fitzpatrick, Alison, E Fohner, Mary, Ganguli, Mirjam, Geerlings, Stephen, J Glatt, Hector, M Gonzalez, Monica, Goss, Hans, Grabe, Mohamad, Habes, Susan, R Heckbert, Edith, Hofer, Elliot, Hong, Timothy, Hughes, Tiffany, F Kautz, Maria, Knol, William, Kremen, Paul, Lacaze, Jari, Lahti, Quentin Le Grand, Elizabeth, Litkowski, Shuo, Li, Dan, Liu, Xuan, Liu, Marisa, Loitfelder, Alisa, Manning, Pauline, Maillard, Riccardo, Marioni, Bernard, Mazoyer, Debora Melo van Lent, Hao, Mei, Aniket, Mishra, Paul, Nyquist, Jeffrey, O'Connell, Yash, Patel, Tomas, Paus, Zdenka, Pausova, Katri, Raikkonen-Talvitie, Moeen, Riaz, Stephen, Rich, Jerome, Rotter, Jose, Romero, Gena, Roshchupkin, Yasaman, Saba, Murali, Sargurupremraj, Helena, Schmidt, Reinhold, Schmidt, Joshua, M Shulman, Jennifer, Smith, Hema, Sekhar, Reddy, Rajula, Jean, Shin, Jeannette, Simino, Eeva, Sliz, Alexander, Teumer, Alvin, Thomas, Adrienne, Tin, Elliot, Tucker-Drob, Dina, Vojinovic, Yanbing, Wang, Galit, Weinstein, Dylan, Williams, Katharina, Wittfeld, Lisa, Yanek, Yunju, Yang, Bellenguez, C, Küçükali, F, Jansen, I, Kleineidam, L, Moreno-Grau, S, Amin, N, Naj, A, Campos-Martin, R, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Holmans, P, Boland, A, Damotte, V, van der Lee, S, Costa, M, Kuulasmaa, T, Yang, Q, de Rojas, I, Bis, J, Yaqub, A, Prokic, I, Chapuis, J, Ahmad, S, Giedraitis, V, Aarsland, D, Garcia-Gonzalez, P, Abdelnour, C, Alarcón-Martín, E, Alcolea, D, Alegret, M, Alvarez, I, Álvarez, V, Armstrong, N, Tsolaki, A, Antúnez, C, Appollonio, I, Arcaro, M, Archetti, S, Pastor, A, Arosio, B, Athanasiu, L, Bailly, H, Banaj, N, Baquero, M, Barral, S, Beiser, A, Below, J, Benchek, P, Benussi, L, Berr, C, Besse, C, Bessi, V, Binetti, G, Bizarro, A, Blesa, R, Boada, M, Boerwinkle, E, Borroni, B, Boschi, S, Bossù, P, Bråthen, G, Bressler, J, Bresner, C, Brodaty, H, Brookes, K, Brusco, L, Buiza-Rueda, D, Bûrger, K, Burholt, V, Bush, W, Calero, M, Cantwell, L, Chene, G, Chung, J, Cuccaro, M, Carracedo, Á, Cecchetti, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Charbonnier, C, Chen, H, Chillotti, C, Ciccone, S, Claassen, J, Clark, C, Conti, E, Corma-Gómez, A, Costantini, E, Custodero, C, Daian, D, Dalmasso, M, Daniele, A, Dardiotis, E, Dartigues, J, de Deyn, P, de Paiva Lopes, K, de Witte, L, Debette, S, Deckert, J, Del Ser, T, Denning, N, Destefano, A, Dichgans, M, Diehl-Schmid, J, Diez-Fairen, M, Rossi, P, Djurovic, S, Duron, E, Düzel, E, Dufouil, C, Eiriksdottir, G, Engelborghs, S, Escott-Price, V, Espinosa, A, Ewers, M, Faber, K, Fabrizio, T, Nielsen, S, Fardo, D, Farotti, L, Fenoglio, C, Fernández-Fuertes, M, Ferrari, R, Ferreira, C, Ferri, E, Fin, B, Fischer, P, Fladby, T, Fließbach, K, Fongang, B, Fornage, M, Fortea, J, Foroud, T, Fostinelli, S, Fox, N, Franco-Macías, E, Bullido, M, Frank-García, A, Froelich, L, Fulton-Howard, B, Galimberti, D, García-Alberca, J, García-González, P, Garcia-Madrona, S, Garcia-Ribas, G, Ghidoni, R, Giegling, I, Giorgio, G, Goate, A, Goldhardt, O, Gomez-Fonseca, D, González-Pérez, A, Graff, C, Grande, G, Green, E, Grimmer, T, Grünblatt, E, Grunin, M, Gudnason, V, Guetta-Baranes, T, Haapasalo, A, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Haines, J, Hamilton-Nelson, K, Hampel, H, Hanon, O, Hardy, J, Hartmann, A, Hausner, L, Harwood, J, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Helisalmi, S, Heneka, M, Hernández, I, Herrmann, M, Hoffmann, P, Holmes, C, Holstege, H, Vilas, R, Hulsman, M, Humphrey, J, Biessels, G, Jian, X, Johansson, C, Jun, G, Kastumata, Y, Kauwe, J, Kehoe, P, Kilander, L, Ståhlbom, A, Kivipelto, M, Koivisto, A, Kornhuber, J, Kosmidis, M, Kukull, W, Kuksa, P, Kunkle, B, Kuzma, A, Lage, C, Laukka, E, Launer, L, Lauria, A, Lee, C, Lehtisalo, J, Lerch, O, Lleó, A, Longstreth, W, Lopez, O, de Munain, A, Love, S, Löwemark, M, Luckcuck, L, Lunetta, K, Ma, Y, Macías, J, Macleod, C, Maier, W, Mangialasche, F, Spallazzi, M, Marquié, M, Marshall, R, Martin, E, Montes, A, Rodríguez, C, Masullo, C, Mayeux, R, Mead, S, Mecocci, P, Medina, M, Meggy, A, Mehrabian, S, Mendoza, S, Menéndez-González, M, Mir, P, Moebus, S, Mol, M, Molina-Porcel, L, Montrreal, L, Morelli, L, Moreno, F, Morgan, K, Mosley, T, Nöthen, M, Muchnik, C, Mukherjee, S, Nacmias, B, Ngandu, T, Nicolas, G, Nordestgaard, B, Olaso, R, Orellana, A, Orsini, M, Ortega, G, Padovani, A, Paolo, C, Papenberg, G, Parnetti, L, Pasquier, F, Pastor, P, Peloso, G, Pérez-Cordón, A, Pérez-Tur, J, Pericard, P, Peters, O, Pijnenburg, Y, Pineda, J, Piñol-Ripoll, G, Pisanu, C, Polak, T, Popp, J, Posthuma, D, Priller, J, Puerta, R, Quenez, O, Quintela, I, Thomassen, J, Rábano, A, Rainero, I, Rajabli, F, Ramakers, I, Real, L, Reinders, M, Reitz, C, Reyes-Dumeyer, D, Ridge, P, Riedel-Heller, S, Riederer, P, Roberto, N, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Rongve, A, Allende, I, Rosende-Roca, M, Royo, J, Rubino, E, Rujescu, D, Sáez, M, Sakka, P, Saltvedt, I, Sanabria, Á, Sánchez-Arjona, M, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Juan, P, Sánchez-Valle, R, Sando, S, Sarnowski, C, Satizabal, C, Scamosci, M, Scarmeas, N, Scarpini, E, Scheltens, P, Scherbaum, N, Scherer, M, Schmid, M, Schneider, A, Schott, J, Selbæk, G, Seripa, D, Serrano, M, Sha, J, Shadrin, A, Skrobot, O, Slifer, S, Snijders, G, Soininen, H, Solfrizzi, V, Solomon, A, Song, Y, Sorbi, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Spalletta, G, Spottke, A, Squassina, A, Stordal, E, Tartan, J, Tárraga, L, Tesí, N, Thalamuthu, A, Thomas, T, Tosto, G, Traykov, L, Tremolizzo, L, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Uitterlinden, A, Ullgren, A, Ulstein, I, Valero, S, Valladares, O, Broeckhoven, C, Vance, J, Vardarajan, B, van der Lugt, A, Dongen, J, van Rooij, J, van Swieten, J, Vandenberghe, R, Verhey, F, Vidal, J, Vogelgsang, J, Vyhnalek, M, Wagner, M, Wallon, D, Wang, L, Wang, R, Weinhold, L, Wiltfang, J, Windle, G, Woods, B, Yannakoulia, M, Zare, H, Zhao, Y, Zhang, X, Zhu, C, Zulaica, M, Andreoni, S, Ferrarese, C, Sala, G, Zoia, C, Farrer, L, Psaty, B, Ghanbari, M, Raj, T, Sachdev, P, Mather, K, Jessen, F, Ikram, M, de Mendonça, A, Hort, J, Tsolaki, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Amouyel, P, Williams, J, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Clarimon, J, Deleuze, J, Rossi, G, Seshadri, S, Andreassen, O, Ingelsson, M, Hiltunen, M, Sleegers, K, Schellenberg, G, van Duijn, C, Sims, R, van der Flier, W, Ruiz, A, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, VU University medical center, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, Neurology, Human genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Complex Trait Genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Compulsivity, Impulsivity & Attention, APH - Personalized Medicine, APH - Methodology, Bellenguez, Céline [0000-0002-1240-7874], Küçükali, Fahri [0000-0002-3835-9639], Amin, Najaf [0000-0002-8944-1771], Holmans, Peter A [0000-0003-0870-9412], van der Lee, Sven J [0000-0003-1606-8643], Costa, Marcos R [0000-0002-4928-2163], Kuulasmaa, Teemu [0000-0002-1795-7314], Yang, Qiong [0000-0002-3658-1375], de Rojas, Itziar [0000-0002-2148-381X], Bis, Joshua C [0000-0002-3409-1110], Yaqub, Amber [0000-0002-3579-8054], Prokic, Ivana [0000-0002-0370-1473], Chapuis, Julien [0000-0002-5802-2857], Ahmad, Shahzad [0000-0002-8658-3790], Giedraitis, Vilmantas [0000-0003-3423-2021], Garcia-Gonzalez, Pablo [0000-0003-0125-5403], Alcolea, Daniel [0000-0002-3819-3245], Alvarez, Ignacio [0000-0002-8537-3935], Tsolaki, Anthoula [0000-0002-5563-7776], Baquero, Miquel [0000-0002-6861-1831], Pastor, Ana Belén [0000-0001-9637-4688], Berr, Claudine [0000-0001-5254-7655], Bessi, Valentina [0000-0002-6176-3584], Boada, Mercè [0000-0003-2617-3009], Bossù, Paola [0000-0002-1432-0078], Bråthen, Geir [0000-0003-3224-7983], Bressler, Jan [0000-0001-6578-4772], Bresner, Catherine [0000-0003-2673-9762], Brodaty, Henry [0000-0001-9487-6617], Brookes, Keeley J [0000-0003-2427-2513], Burholt, Vanessa [0000-0002-6789-127X], Bush, William S [0000-0002-9729-6519], Calero, Miguel [0000-0001-5366-3324], Chung, Jaeyoon [0000-0002-6431-9454], Cervera-Carles, Laura [0000-0003-2286-200X], Costantini, Emanuele [0000-0002-1096-8221], Dalmasso, Maria Carolina [0000-0002-4901-9955], de Paiva Lopes, Katia [0000-0002-0240-0126], de Witte, Lot D [0000-0002-7235-9958], Debette, Stéphanie [0000-0001-8675-7968], Del Ser, Teodoro [0000-0001-9806-7083], Dichgans, Martin [0000-0002-0654-387X], Diehl-Schmid, Janine [0000-0002-7745-1382], Diez-Fairen, Mónica [0000-0003-1882-0309], Djurovic, Srdjan [0000-0002-8140-8061], Dufouil, Carole [0000-0003-2442-4476], Escott-Price, Valentina [0000-0003-1784-5483], Ewers, Michael [0000-0001-5231-1714], Fabrizio, Tagliavini [0000-0003-1039-7315], Fladby, Tormod [0000-0002-9984-9797], Fornage, Myriam [0000-0003-0677-8158], Fox, Nick C [0000-0002-6660-657X], Bullido, María J [0000-0002-6477-1117], Froelich, Lutz [0000-0003-1494-0813], Galimberti, Daniela [0000-0002-9284-5953], García-Alberca, Jose Maria [0000-0003-2951-6644], Goate, Alison M [0000-0002-0576-2472], González-Pérez, Antonio [0000-0001-9771-5982], Green, Emma [0000-0002-8687-5590], Grünblatt, Edna [0000-0001-8505-7265], Gudnason, Vilmundur [0000-0001-5696-0084], Haapasalo, Annakaisa [0000-0003-0959-2957], Harwood, Janet [0000-0002-3225-0069], Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie [0000-0003-1057-465X], Herrmann, Martin J [0000-0001-9970-2122], Holstege, Henne [0000-0002-7688-3087], Biessels, Geert Jan [0000-0001-6862-2496], Jian, Xueqiu [0000-0002-0313-6494], Johansson, Charlotte [0000-0002-5351-1950], Jun, Gyungah R [0000-0002-3230-8697], Kastumata, Yuriko [0000-0002-0188-8094], Kehoe, Patrick G [0000-0002-7542-1139], Kornhuber, Johannes [0000-0002-8096-3987], Kosmidis, Mary H [0000-0001-8790-1220], Lage, Carmen [0000-0003-1703-121X], Launer, Lenore [0000-0002-3238-7612], Lee, Chien-Yueh [0000-0002-4304-974X], Lleó, Alberto [0000-0002-2568-5478], Lopez, Oscar [0000-0002-8546-8256], de Munain, Adolfo Lopez [0000-0002-9509-4032], Lunetta, Kathryn L [0000-0002-9268-810X], Ma, Yiyi [0000-0002-3609-8877], MacLeod, Catherine A [0000-0002-9314-7380], Marquié, Marta [0000-0002-0660-0950], Montes, Angel Martín [0000-0002-1694-786X], Mead, Simon [0000-0002-4326-1468], Medina, Miguel [0000-0002-7016-5340], Menéndez-González, Manuel [0000-0002-5218-0774], Mol, Merel [0000-0003-2533-2530], Morgan, Kevin [0000-0002-8217-2396], Nöthen, Markus M [0000-0002-8770-2464], Muchnik, Carolina [0000-0002-1542-3706], Nacmias, Benedetta [0000-0001-9338-9040], Nicolas, Gael [0000-0001-9391-7800], Nordestgaard, Børge G [0000-0002-1954-7220], Pasquier, Florence [0000-0001-9880-9788], Pastor, Pau [0000-0002-7493-8777], Peloso, Gina [0000-0002-5355-8636], Pérez-Cordón, Alba [0000-0002-6028-0791], Pérez-Tur, Jordi [0000-0002-9111-1712], Pericard, Pierre [0000-0001-8167-6448], Pineda, Juan A [0000-0002-3751-0296], Pisanu, Claudia [0000-0002-9151-4319], Posthuma, Danielle [0000-0001-7582-2365], Puerta, Raquel [0000-0002-1191-5893], Quenez, Olivier [0000-0002-8273-8505], Thomassen, Jesper Qvist [0000-0003-3484-9531], Real, Luis M [0000-0003-4932-7429], Reinders, Marcel JT [0000-0002-1148-1562], Reitz, Christiane [0000-0001-8757-7889], Riedel-Heller, Steffi [0000-0003-4321-6090], Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy [0000-0001-7742-677X], Rongve, Arvid [0000-0002-0476-4134], Sáez, María Eugenia [0000-0001-9299-2534], Saltvedt, Ingvild [0000-0002-7897-9808], Juan, Pascual Sánchez [0000-0002-6081-8037], Sarnowski, Chloé [0000-0002-6090-7099], Satizabal, Claudia L [0000-0002-1115-4430], Schott, Jonathan M [0000-0003-2059-024X], Selbæk, Geir [0000-0001-6511-8219], Shadrin, Alexey A [0000-0002-7467-250X], Soininen, Hilkka [0000-0002-2785-9937], Solfrizzi, Vincenzo [0000-0002-8524-0315], Song, Yeunjoo [0000-0002-7452-3731], Sotolongo-Grau, Oscar [0000-0002-9679-0670], Spalletta, Gianfranco [0000-0002-7432-4249], Squassina, Alessio [0000-0001-7415-7607], Stordal, Eystein [0000-0002-2443-7923], Tosto, Giuseppe [0000-0001-7075-8245], Uitterlinden, Andre [0000-0002-7276-3387], Valladares, Otto [0000-0001-8055-2187], Broeckhoven, Christine Van [0000-0003-0183-7665], Vidal, Jean-Sébastien [0000-0001-6770-0720], Vogelgsang, Jonathan [0000-0001-9326-8193], Wagner, Michael [0000-0003-2589-6440], Wallon, David [0000-0002-2634-7198], Wiltfang, Jens [0000-0003-1492-5330], Woods, Bob [0000-0002-6781-651X], Yannakoulia, Mary [0000-0003-2171-7337], Zare, Habil [0000-0001-5902-6238], Zhang, Xiaoling [0000-0001-8237-1857], Farrer, Lindsay A [0000-0001-5533-4225], Psaty, Bruce M [0000-0002-7278-2190], Ghanbari, Mohsen [0000-0002-9476-7143], Raj, Towfique [0000-0002-9355-5704], Sachdev, Perminder [0000-0002-9595-3220], Mather, Karen [0000-0003-4143-8941], Ikram, M Arfan [0000-0003-0372-8585], Tsolaki, Magda [0000-0002-2072-8010], Pericak-Vance, Margaret A [0000-0001-7283-8804], Amouyel, Philippe [0000-0001-9088-234X], Williams, Julie [0000-0002-4069-0259], Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth [0000-0003-4084-5027], Seshadri, Sudha [0000-0001-6135-2622], Andreassen, Ole A [0000-0002-4461-3568], Sleegers, Kristel [0000-0002-0283-2332], van Duijn, Cornelia M [0000-0002-2374-9204], Sims, Rebecca [0000-0002-3885-1199], van der Flier, Wiesje M [0000-0001-8766-6224], Ramirez, Alfredo [0000-0003-4991-763X], Lambert, Jean-Charles [0000-0003-0829-7817], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Complex Trait Genetics, Clinical sciences, Neuroprotection & Neuromodulation, Pathologic Biochemistry and Physiology, Clinical Biology, Epidemiology, Internal Medicine, Psychiatrie & Neuropsychologie, RS: MHeNs - R1 - Cognitive Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, MUMC+: MA Med Staf Spec Psychiatrie (9), UAM. Departamento de Biología Molecular, University of Helsinki, Department of Neurosciences, HUS Internal Medicine and Rehabilitation, Timo Strandberg / Principal Investigator, Department of Medicine, Clinicum, HUS Neurocenter, Neurologian yksikkö, Centre of Excellence in Complex Disease Genetics, HUS Abdominal Center, Institut Pasteur, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (France), European Commission, LabEx DISTALZ, Pérez-Tur, Jordi, University Children’s Hospital Basel (Suiza), INSERM (Francia), Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine, Government of France (Francia), EADB, GR@ACE, DEGESCO, EADI, GERAD, Demgene, FinnGen, ADGC, CHARGE, Holmans, Peter A. [0000-0003-0870-9412], van der Lee, Sven J. [0000-0003-1606-8643], Costa, Marcos R. [0000-0002-4928-2163], Bis, Joshua C. [0000-0002-3409-1110], Brookes, Keeley J. [0000-0003-2427-2513], Bush, William S. [0000-0002-9729-6519], de Witte, Lot D. [0000-0002-7235-9958], del Ser, Teodoro [0000-0001-9806-7083], Fox, Nick C. [0000-0002-6660-657X], Bullido, María J. [0000-0002-6477-1117], Goate, Alison M. [0000-0002-0576-2472], Herrmann, Martin J. [0000-0001-9970-2122], Jun, Gyungah R. [0000-0002-3230-8697], Kehoe, Patrick G. [0000-0002-7542-1139], Kosmidis, Mary H. [0000-0001-8790-1220], Lunetta, Kathryn L. [0000-0002-9268-810X], MacLeod, Catherine A. [0000-0002-9314-7380], Nöthen, Markus M. [0000-0002-8770-2464], Nordestgaard, Børge G. [0000-0002-1954-7220], Pineda, Juan A. [0000-0002-3751-0296], Real, Luis M. [0000-0003-4932-7429], Reinders, Marcel J. T. [0000-0002-1148-1562], Satizabal, Claudia L. [0000-0002-1115-4430], Schott, Jonathan M. [0000-0003-2059-024X], Shadrin, Alexey A. [0000-0002-7467-250X], Farrer, Lindsay A. [0000-0001-5533-4225], Psaty, Bruce M. [0000-0002-7278-2190], Ikram, M. Arfan [0000-0003-0372-8585], Pericak-Vance, Margaret A. [0000-0001-7283-8804], Andreassen, Ole A. [0000-0002-4461-3568], van Duijn, Cornelia M. [0000-0002-2374-9204], van der Flier, Wiesje M. [0000-0001-8766-6224], and Molecular Neuroscience and Ageing Research (MOLAR)
- Subjects
tau Proteins/genetics ,Alzheimer`s disease Donders Center for Medical Neuroscience [Radboudumc 1] ,Neurologi ,MED/03 - GENETICA MEDICA ,45/43 ,Medizin ,Stress-related disorders Donders Center for Medical Neuroscience [Radboudumc 13] ,genetics [Alzheimer Disease] ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,Humans ,tau Proteins ,Alzheimer Disease ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,VARIANTS ,pathology [Alzheimer Disease] ,Tau Proteins ,Settore BIO/13 - Biologia Applicata ,Cognitive Dysfunction/psychology ,692/699/375/365/1283 ,IMPUTATION ,article ,1184 Genetics, developmental biology, physiology ,Biología y Biomedicina / Biología ,AMYLOID-BETA ,Settore MED/26 - NEUROLOGIA ,Neurology ,psychology [Cognitive Dysfunction] ,Medical Genetics ,Human ,Neuroscience(all) ,631/208/205/2138 ,All institutes and research themes of the Radboud University Medical Center ,SDG 3 - Good Health and Well-being ,ddc:570 ,Genetics ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,GENOME-WIDE ASSOCIATION ,METAANALYSIS ,Medicinsk genetik ,MED/26 - NEUROLOGIA ,Alzheimer Disease/genetics ,neurology ,tau Protein ,NECROSIS-FACTOR-ALPHA ,RISK LOCI ,genetics [tau Proteins] ,PREDICTION MODELS ,Human medicine ,GENERATION ,RESPONSES - Abstract
25 páginas, 6 figuras, 2 tablas, Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele., This work was funded by a grant (EADB) from the EU Joint Programme – Neurodegenerative Disease Research. INSERM UMR1167 is also funded by the INSERM, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille Métropole Communauté Urbaine and French government’s LABEX DISTALZ program (development of innovative strategies for a transdisciplinary approach to AD). Full consortium acknowledgements and funding are in the Supplementary Not
- Published
- 2022
9. Higher uric acid serum levels are associated with better muscle function in the oldest old: Results from the Mugello Study
- Author
Molino-Lova, R., Sofi, F., Pasquini, G., Vannetti, F., Del Ry, S., Vassalle, C., Clerici, M., Sorbi, S., and Macchi, C.
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
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10. Motor symptoms in genetic frontotemporal dementia: developing a new module for clinical rating scales
- Author
Samra, K, MacDougall, AM, Peakman, G, Bouzigues, A, Bocchetta, M, Cash, DM, Greaves, CV, Convery, RS, van Swieten, JC, Jiskoot, L, Seelaar, H, Butler, CR, Fenoglio, C, Rohrer, JD, Gerhard, A, Ducharme, S, Le Ber, I, Tiraboschi, P, Santana, I, Pasquier, F, Levin, J, Shoesmith, C, Otto, M, Russell, LL, Nelson, A, Cash, D, Thomas, DL, Todd, E, Ferrari, C, Benotmane, H, Timberlake, C, Gabilondo, A, Cope, T, Rittman, T, Benussi, A, Premi, E, Gasparotti, R, Thompson, P, Archetti, S, Fumagalli, G, do Couto, FS, Borracci, V, Polito, C, Rossi, G, Giaccone, G, Di Fede, G, Caroppo, P, Ferreira, CB, Prioni, S, Langheinrich, T, Redaelli, V, Lladó, A, Bartha, R, Tang-Wai, D, Rogaeva, E, Castelo-Branco, M, Freedman, M, Keren, R, Black, S, Mitchell, S, Miltenberger, G, Rademakers, R, Poos, J, Papma, JM, Giannini, L, van Minkelen, R, Pijnenburg, Y, Gauthier, S, Nacmias, B, Lombardi, G, Bessi, V, Veldsman, M, Andersson, C, Thonberg, H, Öijerstedt, L, Prix, C, Jelic, V, Antonell, A, Graff, C, Olives, J, Balasa, M, Bargalló, N, Borrego-Ecija, S, Verdelho, A, Kuchcinski, G, Maruta, C, Gorostidi, A, Laforce, R, Villanua, J, Wlasich, E, Cañada, M, Tainta, M, Zulaica, M, Barandiaran, M, Moreno, F, Alves, P, Bender, B, Bertoux, M, Wilke, C, Lebouvier, T, Camuzat, A, Graf, L, Vogels, A, Vandenbulcke, M, Van Damme, P, Bruffaerts, R, Poesen, K, Rosa-Neto, P, Sanchez-Valle, R, Brice, A, Bertrand, A, Funkiewiez, A, Rinaldi, D, Saracino, D, Colliot, O, Sorbi, S, Sayah, S, Wagemann, O, Loosli, S, Schönecker, S, Hoegen, T, Lombardi, J, Anderl-Straub, S, Nicholas, J, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Arighi, A, Santiago, B, Duro, D, Leitão, MJ, Almeida, MR, Tábuas-Pereira, M, Gazzina, S, Afonso, S, Masellis, M, Tartaglia, C, Shafei, R, Rowe, JB, Borroni, B, Finger, E, Synofzik, M, Galimberti, D, Vandenberghe, R, de Mendonça, A, Cantoni, V, Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI), Samra, Kiran [0000-0002-3105-7099], Apollo - University of Cambridge Repository, Maruta, Carolina, Ferreira, Catarina B, Miltenberger, Gabriel, do Couto, Frederico Simões, Gabilondo, Alazne, Gorostidi, Ana, Villanua, Jorge, Cañada, Marta, Tainta, Mikel, Zulaica, Miren, Barandiaran, Myriam, Alves, Patricia, Bender, Benjamin, Wilke, Carlo, Graf, Lisa, Vogels, Annick, Vandenbulcke, Mathieu, Van Damme, Philip, Bruffaerts, Rose, Poesen, Koen, Rosa-Neto, Pedro, Gauthier, Serge, Camuzat, Agnès, Brice, Alexis, Bertrand, Anne, Funkiewiez, Aurélie, Rinaldi, Daisy, Saracino, Dario, Colliot, Olivier, Sayah, Sabrina, Prix, Catharina, Wlasich, Elisabeth, Wagemann, Olivia, Loosli, Sandra, Schönecker, Sonja, Hoegen, Tobias, Lombardi, Jolina, Anderl-Straub, Sarah, Rollin, Adeline, Kuchcinski, Gregory, Bertoux, Maxime, Lebouvier, Thibaud, Deramecourt, Vincent, Santiago, Beatriz, Duro, Diana, Leitão, Maria João, Almeida, Maria Rosario, Tábuas-Pereira, Miguel, Afonso, Sónia, Nelson, Annabel, Bocchetta, Martina, Cash, David, Thomas, David L, Todd, Emily, Benotmane, Hanya, Nicholas, Jennifer, Samra, Kiran, Shafei, Rachelle, Timberlake, Carolyn, Cope, Thomas, Rittman, Timothy, Benussi, Alberto, Premi, Enrico, Gasparotti, Roberto, Archetti, Silvana, Gazzina, Stefano, Cantoni, Valentina, Arighi, Andrea, Fenoglio, Chiara, Fumagalli, Giorgio, Borracci, Vittoria, Rossi, Giacomina, Giaccone, Giorgio, Di Fede, Giuseppe, Caroppo, Paola, Tiraboschi, Pietro, Prioni, Sara, Redaelli, Veronica, Tang-Wai, David, Rogaeva, Ekaterina, Castelo-Branco, Miguel, Freedman, Morris, Keren, Ron, Black, Sandra, Mitchell, Sara, Shoesmith, Christen, Bartha, Robart, Rademakers, Rosa, Poos, Jackie, Papma, Janne M, Giannini, Lucia, van Minkelen, Rick, Pijnenburg, Yolande, Nacmias, Benedetta, Ferrari, Camilla, Polito, Cristina, Lombardi, Gemma, Bessi, Valentina, Veldsman, Michele, Andersson, Christin, Thonberg, Hakan, Öijerstedt, Linn, Jelic, Vesna, Thompson, Paul, Langheinrich, Tobias, Lladó, Albert, Antonell, Anna, Olives, Jaume, Balasa, Mircea, Bargalló, Nuria, Borrego-Ecija, Sergi, and Verdelho, Ana
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Progranulin ,Clinical Neurology ,C9ORF72 ,tau Proteins ,AMYOTROPHIC-LATERAL-SCLEROSIS ,diagnosis [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,C9orf72 ,Tremor ,Genetics ,Humans ,ddc:610 ,genetics [Frontotemporal Dementia] ,genetics [C9orf72 Protein] ,MUTATION ,Science & Technology ,C9orf72 Protein ,HERITABILITY ,Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis ,PROGRESSIVE SUPRANUCLEAR PALSY ,COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT ,REPEAT EXPANSION ,genetics [tau Proteins] ,Motor ,PATHOLOGICAL FEATURES ,Neurology ,FOS: Biological sciences ,Frontotemporal Dementia ,Mutation ,Human medicine ,Neurosciences & Neurology ,Neurology (clinical) ,Tau ,TAU ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Frontotemporal dementia ,PARKINSONISM - Abstract
Funder: CIBERNED, Funder: Canadian Institutes of Health Research; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100000024, Funder: Lemaire Family Foundation, Funder: Swedish Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative, Funder: Italian Ministry of Health, Funder: Weston Brain Institute; doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/100012479, Funder: Mady Browaaeys Fund, Funder: Miriam Marks Brain Research UK, Funder: Bluefield Project, OBJECTIVE: To investigate the optimal method of adding motor features to a clinical rating scale for frontotemporal dementia (FTD). METHODS: Eight hundred and thirty-two participants from the international multicentre Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study were recruited: 522 mutation carriers (with C9orf72, GRN and MAPT mutations) and 310 mutation-negative controls. A standardised clinical questionnaire was used to assess eight motor symptoms (dysarthria, dysphagia, tremor, slowness, weakness, gait disorder, falls and functional difficulties using hands). Frequency and severity of each motor symptom was assessed, and a principal component analysis (PCA) was performed to identify how the different motor symptoms loaded together. Finally, addition of a motor component to the CDR® plus NACC FTLD was investigated (CDR® plus NACC FTLD-M). RESULTS: 24.3% of mutation carriers had motor symptoms (31.7% C9orf72, 18.8% GRN, 19.3% MAPT) compared to 6.8% of controls. Slowness and gait disorder were the commonest in all genetic groups while tremor and falls were the least frequent. Symptom severity scores were similar to equivalent physical motor examination scores. PCA revealed that all motor symptoms loaded together so a single additional motor component was added to the CDR® plus NACC FTLD to form the CDR® plus NACC FTLD-M. Individual global scores were more severe with the CDR® plus NACC FTLD-M, and no patients with a clinically diagnosed motor disorder (ALS/FTD-ALS or parkinsonism) were classified anymore as asymptomatic (unlike the CDR® plus NACC FTLD alone). CONCLUSIONS: Motor features are present in mutation carriers at all disease stages across all three genetic groups. Inclusion of motor symptoms in a rating scale that can be used in future clinical trials will not only ensure a more accurate severity measure is recorded but that a wider spectrum of FTD phenotypes can be included in the same trial.
- Published
- 2022
11. Prodromal language impairment in genetic frontotemporal dementia within the GENFI cohort
- Author
Samra, K, MacDougall, AM, Bouzigues, A, Bocchetta, M, Cash, DM, Greaves, CV, Convery, RS, van Swieten, JC, Jiskoot, L, Seelaar, H, Moreno, F, Sanchez-Valle, R, Laforce, R, Graff, C, Masellis, M, Tartaglia, MC, Rowe, JB, Borroni, B, Finger, E, Synofzik, M, Galimberti, D, Vandenberghe, R, de Mendonça, A, Butler, CR, Gerhard, A, Ducharme, S, Le Ber, I, Tiraboschi, P, Santana, I, Pasquier, F, Levin, J, Otto, M, Sorbi, S, Rohrer, JD, Russell, LL, and Print-Electronic
- Subjects
language ,C9orf72 ,progranulin ,MAPT ,genetic ,frontotemporal dementia - Abstract
Data availability: The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request. Supplementary data are available online at https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0022510X23001727?via%3Dihub#s0100 . Copyright © 2023 The Authors. Objective To identify whether language impairment exists presymptomatically in genetic frontotemporal dementia (FTD), and if so, the key differences between the main genetic mutation groups. Methods 682 participants from the international multicentre Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI) study were recruited: 290 asymptomatic and 82 prodromal mutation carriers (with C9orf72, GRN, and MAPT mutations) as well as 310 mutation-negative controls. Language was assessed using items from the Progressive Aphasia Severity Scale, as well as the Boston Naming Test (BNT), modified Camel and Cactus Test (mCCT) and a category fluency task. Participants also underwent a 3 T volumetric T1-weighted MRI from which regional brain volumes within the language network were derived and compared between the groups. Results 3% of asymptomatic (4% C9orf72, 4% GRN, 2% MAPT) and 48% of prodromal (46% C9orf72, 42% GRN, 64% MAPT) mutation carriers had impairment in at least one language symptom compared with 13% of controls. In prodromal mutation carriers significantly impaired word retrieval was seen in all three genetic groups whilst significantly impaired grammar/syntax and decreased fluency was seen only in C9orf72 and GRN mutation carriers, and impaired articulation only in the C9orf72 group. Prodromal MAPT mutation carriers had significant impairment on the category fluency task and the BNT whilst prodromal C9orf72 mutation carriers were impaired on the category fluency task only. Atrophy in the dominant perisylvian language regions differed between groups, with earlier, more widespread volume loss in C9orf72, and later focal atrophy in the temporal lobe in MAPT mutation carriers. Conclusions Language deficits exist in the prodromal but not asymptomatic stages of genetic FTD across all three genetic groups. Improved understanding of the language phenotype prior to phenoconversion to fully symptomatic FTD will help develop outcome measures for future presymptomatic trials. The Dementia Research Centre is supported by Alzheimer's Research UK, Alzheimer's Society, Brain Research UK, and The Wolfson Foundation. This work was supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Queen Square Dementia Biomedical Research Unit and the University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, the Leonard Wolfson Experimental Neurology Centre (LWENC) Clinical Research Facility, and the UK Dementia Research Institute, which receives its funding from UK DRI Ltd., funded by the UK Medical Research Council, Alzheimer's Society and Alzheimer's Research UK. This work was also supported by the MRC UK GENFI grant (MR/M023664/1), the Italian Ministry of Health (CoEN015 and Ricerca Corrente), the Canadian Institutes of Health Research as part of a Centres of Excellence in Neurodegeneration grant, a Canadian Institutes of Health Research operating grant, the Alzheimer's Society grant (AS-PG-16-007), the Bluefield Project and the JPND GENFI-PROX grant (2019–02248). MB is supported by a Fellowship award from the Alzheimer's Society, UK (AS-JF-19a-004-517). JDR is supported by the Miriam Marks Brain Research UK Senior Fellowship and has received funding from an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship (MR/M008525/1) and the NIHR Rare Disease Translational Research Collaboration (BRC149/NS/MH). JBR is funded by the Wellcome Trust (103838) and the National Institute for Health Research Cambridge Biomedical Research Centre. This work was funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) under Germany's Excellence Strategy within the framework of the Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology (EXC 2145 SyNergy – ID 390857198). RV's work is supported by the Mady Browaeys Fonds voor Onderzoek naar Frontotemporale Degeneratie. Several authors of this publication (JCvS, MS, RSV, AD, MO, RV, JDR) are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (ERN-RND) - Project ID No 739510.
- Published
- 2023
12. Exploring depression in Alzheimer's disease: an Italian Delphi Consensus on phenomenology, diagnosis, and management
- Author
Padovani, A, Antonini, A, Barone, P, Bellelli, G, Fagiolini, A, Ferini Strambi, L, Sorbi, S, Stocchi, F, Padovani, A, Antonini, A, Barone, P, Bellelli, G, Fagiolini, A, Ferini Strambi, L, Sorbi, S, and Stocchi, F
- Subjects
Antidepressant therapy ,Depression ,Alzheimer’s disease - Abstract
Background: In Alzheimer's disease (AD), the progressive cognitive impairment is often combined with a variety of neuropsychiatric symptoms, firstly depression. Nevertheless, its diagnosis and management is difficult, since specific diagnostic criteria and guidelines for treatment are still lacking. The aim of this Delphi study is to reach a shared point of view among different Italian specialists on depression in AD. Methods: An online Delphi survey with 30 questions regarding epidemiology, diagnosis, clinical features, and treatment of depression in AD was administered anonymously to a panel of 53 expert clinicians. Results: Consensus was achieved in most cases (86%). In the 80% of statements, a positive consensus was reached, while in 6% a negative consensus was achieved. No consensus was obtained in 14%. Among the most relevant findings, the link between depression and AD is believed to be strong and concerns etiopathogenesis and phenomenology. Further, depression in AD seems to have specific features compared to major depressive disorder (MDD). Regarding diagnosis, the DSM 5 diagnostic criteria for MDD seems to be not able to detect the specific aspects of depression in AD. Concerning treatment, antidepressant drugs are generally considered the main option for depression in dementia, according to previous guidelines. In order to limit side effects, multimodal and SSRI antidepressant are preferred by clinicians. In particular, the procognitive effect of vortioxetine seems to be appealing for the treatment of depression in AD. Conclusions: This study highlights some crucial aspects of depression in AD, but more investigations and specific recommendations are needed.
- Published
- 2023
13. Mediterranean Diet, Food Consumption and Risk of Late-Life Depression: The Mugello Study
- Author
Pagliai, Giuditta, Sofi, F., Vannetti, F., Caiani, S., Pasquini, G., Molino Lova, R., Cecchi, F., Sorbi, S., Macchi, C., and Mugello Study Working Group
- Published
- 2018
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14. Comparing two picture naming tasks in Primary Progressive Aphasia: insights from behavioural and neural results
- Author
Polito, C., primary, Conca, F., additional, Santi, G.C., additional, Esposito, V., additional, Caminiti, S.P., additional, Boccalini, C., additional, Berti, V., additional, Morinelli, C., additional, Mazzeo, S., additional, Marcone, A., additional, Iannaccone, S., additional, Bessi, V., additional, Sorbi, S., additional, Perani, D., additional, Cappa, S.F., additional, and Catricalà, E., additional
- Published
- 2023
- Full Text
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15. A proof-of-concept study applying machine learning methods to putative risk factors for eating disorders: results from the multi-centre European project on healthy eating.
- Author
Krug, I, Linardon, J, Greenwood, C, Youssef, G, Treasure, J, Fernandez-Aranda, F, Karwautz, A, Wagner, G, Collier, D, Anderluh, M, Tchanturia, K, Ricca, V, Sorbi, S, Nacmias, B, Bellodi, L, Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M, Krug, I, Linardon, J, Greenwood, C, Youssef, G, Treasure, J, Fernandez-Aranda, F, Karwautz, A, Wagner, G, Collier, D, Anderluh, M, Tchanturia, K, Ricca, V, Sorbi, S, Nacmias, B, Bellodi, L, and Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M
- Abstract
BACKGROUND: Despite a wide range of proposed risk factors and theoretical models, prediction of eating disorder (ED) onset remains poor. This study undertook the first comparison of two machine learning (ML) approaches [penalised logistic regression (LASSO), and prediction rule ensembles (PREs)] to conventional logistic regression (LR) models to enhance prediction of ED onset and differential ED diagnoses from a range of putative risk factors. METHOD: Data were part of a European Project and comprised 1402 participants, 642 ED patients [52% with anorexia nervosa (AN) and 40% with bulimia nervosa (BN)] and 760 controls. The Cross-Cultural Risk Factor Questionnaire, which assesses retrospectively a range of sociocultural and psychological ED risk factors occurring before the age of 12 years (46 predictors in total), was used. RESULTS: All three statistical approaches had satisfactory model accuracy, with an average area under the curve (AUC) of 86% for predicting ED onset and 70% for predicting AN v. BN. Predictive performance was greatest for the two regression methods (LR and LASSO), although the PRE technique relied on fewer predictors with comparable accuracy. The individual risk factors differed depending on the outcome classification (EDs v. non-EDs and AN v. BN). CONCLUSIONS: Even though the conventional LR performed comparably to the ML approaches in terms of predictive accuracy, the ML methods produced more parsimonious predictive models. ML approaches offer a viable way to modify screening practices for ED risk that balance accuracy against participant burden.
- Published
- 2023
16. Exploring depression in Parkinson's disease: an Italian Delphi Consensus on phenomenology, diagnosis, and management
- Author
Stocchi, F, Angelo Antonini, N, Barone, P, Bellelli, G, Fagiolini, A, Ferini Strambi, L, Sorbi, S, Padovani, A, Stocchi, Fabrizio, Angelo Antonini, null, Barone, Paolo, Bellelli, Giuseppe, Fagiolini, Andrea, Ferini Strambi, Luigi, Sorbi, Sandro, Padovani, Alessandro, Stocchi, F, Angelo Antonini, N, Barone, P, Bellelli, G, Fagiolini, A, Ferini Strambi, L, Sorbi, S, Padovani, A, Stocchi, Fabrizio, Angelo Antonini, null, Barone, Paolo, Bellelli, Giuseppe, Fagiolini, Andrea, Ferini Strambi, Luigi, Sorbi, Sandro, and Padovani, Alessandro
- Abstract
Background: Depression is a prodromic and a frequent non-motor symptom of Parkinson's disease, associated to reduced quality of life and poor outcomes. The diagnosis of depression in parkinsonian patients represents a challenge due to the overlapping of symptoms typical of the two conditions. Methods: A Delphi panel survey was performed to reach a consensus amongst different Italian specialists on four main topics: the neuropathological correlates of depression, main clinical aspects, diagnosis, and management of depression in Parkinson's disease. Results and conclusion: Experts have recognized that depression is an established risk factor of PD and that its anatomic substrate is related to the neuropathological abnormalities typical of the disease. Multimodal and SSRI antidepressant have been confirmed as a valid therapeutic option in the treatment of depression in PD. Tolerability, safety profile, and potential efficacy on broad spectrum of symptoms of depression including cognitive symptoms and anhedonia should be considered when selecting an antidepressant and the choice should be tailored on the patients' characteristics.
- Published
- 2023
17. Genetic Associations Between Modifiable Risk Factors and Alzheimer Disease
- Author
Luo, J, Thomassen, J, Bellenguez, C, Grenier-Boley, B, de Rojas, I, Castillo, A, Parveen, K, Küçükali, F, Nicolas, A, Peters, O, Schneider, A, Dichgans, M, Rujescu, D, Scherbaum, N, Jürgen, D, Riedel-Heller, S, Hausner, L, Porcel, L, Düzel, E, Grimmer, T, Wiltfang, J, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Moebus, S, Tegos, T, Scarmeas, N, Clarimon, J, Moreno, F, Pérez-Tur, J, Bullido, M, Pastor, P, Sánchez-Valle, R, Álvarez, V, Boada, M, García-González, P, Puerta, R, Mir, P, Real, L, Piñol-Ripoll, G, García-Alberca, J, Royo, J, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Soininen, H, Kuulasmaa, T, de Mendonça, A, Mehrabian, S, Hort, J, Vyhnalek, M, van der Lee, S, Graff, C, Papenberg, G, Giedraitis, V, Boland, A, Bacq-Daian, D, Deleuze, J, Nicolas, G, Dufouil, C, Pasquier, F, Hanon, O, Debette, S, Grünblatt, E, Popp, J, Benussi, L, Galimberti, D, Arosio, B, Mecocci, P, Solfrizzi, V, Parnetti, L, Squassina, A, Tremolizzo, L, Borroni, B, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Caffarra, P, Seripa, D, Rainero, I, Daniele, A, Masullo, C, Spalletta, G, Williams, J, Amouyel, P, Jessen, F, Kehoe, P, Magda, T, Rossi, G, Sánchez-Juan, P, Sleegers, K, Ingelsson, M, Andreassen, O, Hiltunen, M, Van Duijn, C, Sims, R, van der Flier, W, Ruiz, A, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Luo, Jiao, Thomassen, Jesper Qvist, Bellenguez, Céline, Grenier-Boley, Benjamin, de Rojas, Itziar, Castillo, Atahualpa, Parveen, Kayenat, Küçükali, Fahri, Nicolas, Aude, Peters, Oliver, Schneider, Anja, Dichgans, Martin, Rujescu, Dan, Scherbaum, Norbert, Jürgen, Deckert, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Hausner, Lucrezia, Porcel, Laura Molina, Düzel, Emrah, Grimmer, Timo, Wiltfang, Jens, Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie, Moebus, Susanne, Tegos, Thomas, Scarmeas, Nikolaos, Clarimon, Jordi, Moreno, Fermin, Pérez-Tur, Jordi, Bullido, María J, Pastor, Pau, Sánchez-Valle, Raquel, Álvarez, Victoria, Boada, Mercè, García-González, Pablo, Puerta, Raquel, Mir, Pablo, Real, Luis M, Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard, García-Alberca, Jose María, Royo, Jose Luís, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy, Soininen, Hilkka, Kuulasmaa, Teemu, de Mendonça, Alexandre, Mehrabian, Shima, Hort, Jakub, Vyhnalek, Martin, van der Lee, Sven, Graff, Caroline, Papenberg, Goran, Giedraitis, Vilmantas, Boland, Anne, Bacq-Daian, Delphine, Deleuze, Jean-François, Nicolas, Gael, Dufouil, Carole, Pasquier, Florence, Hanon, Olivier, Debette, Stéphanie, Grünblatt, Edna, Popp, Julius, Benussi, Luisa, Galimberti, Daniela, Arosio, Beatrice, Mecocci, Patrizia, Solfrizzi, Vincenzo, Parnetti, Lucilla, Squassina, Alessio, Tremolizzo, Lucio, Borroni, Barbara, Nacmias, Benedetta, Sorbi, Sandro, Caffarra, Paolo, Seripa, Davide, Rainero, Innocenzo, Daniele, Antonio, Masullo, Carlo, Spalletta, Gianfranco, Williams, Julie, Amouyel, Philippe, Jessen, Frank, Kehoe, Patrick, Magda, Tsolaki, Rossi, Giacomina, Sánchez-Juan, Pascual, Sleegers, Kristel, Ingelsson, Martin, Andreassen, Ole A, Hiltunen, Mikko, Van Duijn, Cornelia, Sims, Rebecca, van der Flier, Wiesje, Ruiz, Agustín, Ramirez, Alfredo, Lambert, Jean-Charles, Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth, Luo, J, Thomassen, J, Bellenguez, C, Grenier-Boley, B, de Rojas, I, Castillo, A, Parveen, K, Küçükali, F, Nicolas, A, Peters, O, Schneider, A, Dichgans, M, Rujescu, D, Scherbaum, N, Jürgen, D, Riedel-Heller, S, Hausner, L, Porcel, L, Düzel, E, Grimmer, T, Wiltfang, J, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Moebus, S, Tegos, T, Scarmeas, N, Clarimon, J, Moreno, F, Pérez-Tur, J, Bullido, M, Pastor, P, Sánchez-Valle, R, Álvarez, V, Boada, M, García-González, P, Puerta, R, Mir, P, Real, L, Piñol-Ripoll, G, García-Alberca, J, Royo, J, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Soininen, H, Kuulasmaa, T, de Mendonça, A, Mehrabian, S, Hort, J, Vyhnalek, M, van der Lee, S, Graff, C, Papenberg, G, Giedraitis, V, Boland, A, Bacq-Daian, D, Deleuze, J, Nicolas, G, Dufouil, C, Pasquier, F, Hanon, O, Debette, S, Grünblatt, E, Popp, J, Benussi, L, Galimberti, D, Arosio, B, Mecocci, P, Solfrizzi, V, Parnetti, L, Squassina, A, Tremolizzo, L, Borroni, B, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Caffarra, P, Seripa, D, Rainero, I, Daniele, A, Masullo, C, Spalletta, G, Williams, J, Amouyel, P, Jessen, F, Kehoe, P, Magda, T, Rossi, G, Sánchez-Juan, P, Sleegers, K, Ingelsson, M, Andreassen, O, Hiltunen, M, Van Duijn, C, Sims, R, van der Flier, W, Ruiz, A, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Luo, Jiao, Thomassen, Jesper Qvist, Bellenguez, Céline, Grenier-Boley, Benjamin, de Rojas, Itziar, Castillo, Atahualpa, Parveen, Kayenat, Küçükali, Fahri, Nicolas, Aude, Peters, Oliver, Schneider, Anja, Dichgans, Martin, Rujescu, Dan, Scherbaum, Norbert, Jürgen, Deckert, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Hausner, Lucrezia, Porcel, Laura Molina, Düzel, Emrah, Grimmer, Timo, Wiltfang, Jens, Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie, Moebus, Susanne, Tegos, Thomas, Scarmeas, Nikolaos, Clarimon, Jordi, Moreno, Fermin, Pérez-Tur, Jordi, Bullido, María J, Pastor, Pau, Sánchez-Valle, Raquel, Álvarez, Victoria, Boada, Mercè, García-González, Pablo, Puerta, Raquel, Mir, Pablo, Real, Luis M, Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard, García-Alberca, Jose María, Royo, Jose Luís, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy, Soininen, Hilkka, Kuulasmaa, Teemu, de Mendonça, Alexandre, Mehrabian, Shima, Hort, Jakub, Vyhnalek, Martin, van der Lee, Sven, Graff, Caroline, Papenberg, Goran, Giedraitis, Vilmantas, Boland, Anne, Bacq-Daian, Delphine, Deleuze, Jean-François, Nicolas, Gael, Dufouil, Carole, Pasquier, Florence, Hanon, Olivier, Debette, Stéphanie, Grünblatt, Edna, Popp, Julius, Benussi, Luisa, Galimberti, Daniela, Arosio, Beatrice, Mecocci, Patrizia, Solfrizzi, Vincenzo, Parnetti, Lucilla, Squassina, Alessio, Tremolizzo, Lucio, Borroni, Barbara, Nacmias, Benedetta, Sorbi, Sandro, Caffarra, Paolo, Seripa, Davide, Rainero, Innocenzo, Daniele, Antonio, Masullo, Carlo, Spalletta, Gianfranco, Williams, Julie, Amouyel, Philippe, Jessen, Frank, Kehoe, Patrick, Magda, Tsolaki, Rossi, Giacomina, Sánchez-Juan, Pascual, Sleegers, Kristel, Ingelsson, Martin, Andreassen, Ole A, Hiltunen, Mikko, Van Duijn, Cornelia, Sims, Rebecca, van der Flier, Wiesje, Ruiz, Agustín, Ramirez, Alfredo, Lambert, Jean-Charles, and Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth
- Abstract
Importance: An estimated 40% of dementia is potentially preventable by modifying 12 risk factors throughout the life course. However, robust evidence for most of these risk factors is lacking. Effective interventions should target risk factors in the causal pathway to dementia. Objective: To comprehensively disentangle potentially causal aspects of modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer disease (AD) to inspire new drug targeting and improved prevention. Design, Setting, and Participants: This genetic association study was conducted using 2-sample univariable and multivariable mendelian randomization. Independent genetic variants associated with modifiable risk factors were selected as instrumental variables from genomic consortia. Outcome data for AD were obtained from the European Alzheimer & Dementia Biobank (EADB), generated on August 31, 2021. Main analyses were conducted using the EADB clinically diagnosed end point data. All analyses were performed between April 12 and October 27, 2022. Exposures: Genetically determined modifiable risk factors. Main Outcomes and Measures: Odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs for AD were calculated per 1-unit change of genetically determined risk factors. Results: The EADB-diagnosed cohort included 39106 participants with clinically diagnosed AD and 401577 control participants without AD. The mean age ranged from 72 to 83 years for participants with AD and 51 to 80 years for control participants. Among participants with AD, 54% to 75% were female, and among control participants, 48% to 60% were female. Genetically determined high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol concentrations were associated with increased odds of AD (OR per 1-SD increase, 1.10 [95% CI, 1.05-1.16]). Genetically determined high systolic blood pressure was associated with increased risk of AD after adjusting for diastolic blood pressure (OR per 10-mm Hg increase, 1.22 [95% CI, 1.02-1.46]). In a second analysis to minimize bias due to sample overlap, the entire
- Published
- 2023
18. Protein network analysis reveals selectively vulnerable regions and biological processes in FTD
- Author
Bonham, Luke W., Steele, Natasha Z.R., Karch, Celeste M., Manzoni, Claudia, Geier, Ethan G., Wen, Natalie, Ofori-Kuragu, Aaron, Momeni, Parastoo, Hardy, John, Miller, Zachary A., Hess, Christopher P., Lewis, Patrick, Miller, Bruce L., Seeley, William W., Baranzini, Sergio E., Desikan, Rahul S., Ferrari, Raffaele, Yokoyama, Jennifer S., Ferrari, R, Hernandez, D G, Nalls, M A, Rohrer, J D, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, J B J, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, P R, Halliday, G M, Hodges, J R, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, N J, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Waldö, M Landqvist, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, I R A, Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D, Grafman, J, Morris, C M, Attems, J, Griffiths, T D, McKeith, I G, Thomas, A J, Pietrini, P, Huey, E D, Wassermann, E M, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, M C, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Albani, D., Rowe, J B, Schlachetzki, J C M, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, V M, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, J Q, van der Zee, J, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, S F, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, J E, Hjermind, L E, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, M N, Fox, N C, Warren, J D, Spillantini, M G, Morris, H R, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J S, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, A C, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, M E, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, D W, Graff-Radford, N R, Petersen, R C, Knopman, D, Josephs, K A, Boeve, B F, Parisi, J E, Seeley, W W, Miller, B L, Karydas, A M, Rosen, H, van Swieten, J C, Dopper, E G P, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Y A L, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, A A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, H-H, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, A B, Hardy, J, and Momeni, P
- Published
- 2018
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19. The Italian dementia with Lewy bodies study group (DLB-SINdem): toward a standardization of clinical procedures and multicenter cohort studies design
- Author
Bonanni, L., Cagnin, A., Agosta, F., Babiloni, C., Borroni, B., Bozzali, M., Bruni, A. C., Filippi, M., Galimberti, D., Monastero, R., Muscio, C., Parnetti, L., Perani, D., Serra, L., Silani, V., Tiraboschi, P., Padovani, A., Alberici, A., Alberoni, M., Amici, S., Appollonio, I., Arena, M.G., Arighi, A., Avanzi, S., Bagella, C.F., Baglio, F., Barocco, F., Belardinelli, N., Bonuccelli, U., Bottini, G., Bruno Bossio, R., Bruno, G., Buccomino, D., Cacchiò, G., Calabrese, E., Campanelli, A., Canevelli, M., Canu, E.D.G., Cappa, A., Capra, C., Carapelle, E., Caratozzolo, S., Carbone, G.F.S., Cattaruzza, T., Cerami, C., Cester, A., Cheldi, A., Cherchi, R., Chiari, A., Cirafisi, C., Colao, R., Confaloni, A., Conti, M.Z., Costa, A., Costa, B., Cotelli, M.S., Cova, I., Cravello, L., Cumbo, E., Cupidi, C., De Togni, L., Del Din, G., Del Re, M.L., Dentizzi, C., Di Lorenzo, F., Di Stefano, F., Dikova, N., Farina, E., Floris, G., Foti, A., Franceschi, M., Fumagalli, G.G., Gabelli, C., Ghidoni, E., Giannandrea, D., Giordana, M.T., Giorelli, M., Giubilei, F., Grimaldi, L., Grimaldi, R., Guglielmi, V., Lanari, A., Le Pira, F., Letteri, F., Levi Minzi, G.V., Lorusso, S., Ludovico, L., Luzzi, S., Maggiore, L., Magnani, G., Mancini, G., Manconi, F.M., Manfredi, L., Maniscalco, M., Marano, P., Marcon, M., Marcone, A., Marra, C., Martorana, A., Mascia, M.G., Mascia, V., Mauri, M., Mazzei, B., Meloni, M., Merlo, P., Messa, G., Milia, A., Monacelli, F., Montecalvo, G., Moschella, V., Mura, G., Nemni, R., Nobili, F., Notarelli, A., Di Giacomo, R., Onofrj, M., Paci, C., Padiglioni, C., Perini, M., Perotta, D., Perri, Formenti A., Perri, R., Piccininni, C., Piccoli, T., Pilia, G., Pilotto, A., Poli, S., Pomati, S., Pompanin, S., Pucci, E., Puccio, G., Quaranta, D., Rainero, I., Rea, G., Realmuto, S., Riva, M., Rizzetti, M.C., Rolma, G., Rozzini, L., Sacco, L., Saibene, F.L., Scarpini, E., Sensi, S., Seripa, D., Sinforiani, E., Sorbi, S., Sorrentino, G., Spallazzi, M., Stracciari, A., Talarico, G., Tassinari, T., Thomas, A., Tiezzi, A., Tomassini, P.F., Trebbastoni, A., Tremolizzo, L., Tripi, G., Ursini, F., Vaianella, L., Valluzzi, F., Vezzadini, G., Vista, M., Volontè, M.A., On behalf of DLB-SINdem study group, and Istituto Superiore di Sanità
- Published
- 2017
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20. Neural correlates of naming errors across different neurodegenerative diseases: An FDG-PET study
- Author
Catricala, E, Polito, C, Presotto, L, Esposito, V, Sala, A, Conca, F, Gasparri, C, Berti, V, Filippi, M, Pupi, A, Sorbi, S, Iannaccone, S, Magnani, G, Cappa, S, Perani, D, Catricala E., Polito C., Presotto L., Esposito V., Sala A., Conca F., Gasparri C., Berti V., Filippi M., Pupi A., Sorbi S., Iannaccone S., Magnani G., Cappa S. F., Perani D., Catricala, E, Polito, C, Presotto, L, Esposito, V, Sala, A, Conca, F, Gasparri, C, Berti, V, Filippi, M, Pupi, A, Sorbi, S, Iannaccone, S, Magnani, G, Cappa, S, Perani, D, Catricala E., Polito C., Presotto L., Esposito V., Sala A., Conca F., Gasparri C., Berti V., Filippi M., Pupi A., Sorbi S., Iannaccone S., Magnani G., Cappa S. F., and Perani D.
- Abstract
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the types of errors produced in a picture naming task by patients with neurodegenerative dementia due to different etiologies and their neural correlates. METHODS: The same standardized picture naming test was administered to a consecutive sample of patients (n = 148) who had been studied with [18F] FDG-PET. The errors were analyzed in 3 categories (visual, semantic, and phonologic). The PET data were analyzed using an optimized single-subject procedure, and the statistical parametric mapping multiple regression design was used to explore the correlation between each type of error and brain hypometabolism in the whole group. Metabolic connectivity analyses were run at the group level on 7 left hemisphere cortical areas corresponding to an a priori defined naming network. RESULTS: Semantic errors were predominant in most patients, independent of clinical diagnosis. In the whole group analysis, visual errors correlated with hypometabolism in the right inferior occipital lobe and in the left middle occipital lobe. Semantic errors correlated with hypometabolism in the left fusiform gyrus, the inferior and middle temporal gyri, and the temporal pole. Phonologic errors were associated with hypometabolism in the left superior and middle temporal gyri. Both positive (occipital-posterior fusiform) and negative (anterior fusiform gyrus and the superior anterior temporal lobe) connectivity changes were associated with semantic errors. CONCLUSIONS: Naming errors reflect the dysfunction of separate stages of the naming process and are specific markers for different patterns of brain involvement. These correlations are not limited to primary progressive aphasia but extend to other neurodegenerative dementias.
- Published
- 2020
21. Data-driven staging of genetic frontotemporal dementia using multi-modal MRI
- Author
McCarthy, J., Borroni, B., Sanchez-Valle, R., Moreno, F., Laforce, R., Graff, C., Synofzik, M., Galimberti, D., Rowe, J. B., Masellis, M., Tartaglia, M. C., Finger, E., Vandenberghe, R., de Mendonça, A., Tagliavini, F., Santana, I., Butler, C., Gerhard, A., Danek, A., Levin, J., Otto, M., Frisoni, G., Ghidoni, R., Sorbi, S., Jiskoot, L. C., Seelaar, H., van Swieten, J. C., Rohrer, J. D., Iturria-Medina, Y., Ducharme, S., Anderl-Straub, S., Andersson, C., Antonell, A., McCarthy, J., Borroni, B., Sanchez-Valle, R., Moreno, F., Laforce, R., Graff, C., Synofzik, M., Galimberti, D., Rowe, J. B., Masellis, M., Tartaglia, M. C., Finger, E., Vandenberghe, R., de Mendonça, A., Tagliavini, F., Santana, I., Butler, C., Gerhard, A., Danek, A., Levin, J., Otto, M., Frisoni, G., Ghidoni, R., Sorbi, S., Jiskoot, L. C., Seelaar, H., van Swieten, J. C., Rohrer, J. D., Iturria-Medina, Y., Ducharme, S., Anderl-Straub, S., Andersson, C., and Antonell, A.
- Abstract
Frontotemporal dementia in genetic forms is highly heterogeneous and begins many years to prior symptom onset, complicating disease understanding and treatment development. Unifying methods to stage the disease during both the presymptomatic and symptomatic phases are needed for the development of clinical trials outcomes. Here we used the contrastive trajectory inference (cTI), an unsupervised machine learning algorithm that analyzes temporal patterns in high-dimensional large-scale population datasets to obtain individual scores of disease stage. We used cross-sectional MRI data (gray matter density, T1/T2 ratio as a proxy for myelin content, resting-state functional amplitude, gray matter fractional anisotropy, and mean diffusivity) from 383 gene carriers (269 presymptomatic and 115 symptomatic) and a control group of 253 noncarriers in the Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative. We compared the cTI-obtained disease scores to the estimated years to onset (age—mean age of onset in relatives), clinical, and neuropsychological test scores. The cTI based disease scores were correlated with all clinical and neuropsychological tests (measuring behavioral symptoms, attention, memory, language, and executive functions), with the highest contribution coming from mean diffusivity. Mean cTI scores were higher in the presymptomatic carriers than controls, indicating that the method may capture subtle pre-dementia cerebral changes, although this change was not replicated in a subset of subjects with complete data. This study provides a proof of concept that cTI can identify data-driven disease stages in a heterogeneous sample combining different mutations and disease stages of genetic FTD using only MRI metrics. © 2022 The Authors. Human Brain Mapping published by Wiley Periodicals LLC.
- Published
- 2022
22. Genetic architecture of sporadic frontotemporal dementia and overlap with Alzheimerʼs and Parkinsonʼs diseases
- Author
Ferrari, Raffaele, Wang, Yunpeng, Vandrovcova, Jana, Guelfi, Sebastian, Witeolar, Aree, Karch, Celeste M, Schork, Andrew J, Fan, Chun C, Brewer, James B, Momeni, Parastoo, Schellenberg, Gerard D, Dillon, William P, Sugrue, Leo P, Hess, Christopher P, Yokoyama, Jennifer S, Bonham, Luke W, Rabinovici, Gil D, Miller, Bruce L, Andreassen, Ole A, Dale, Anders M, Hardy, John, Desikan, Rahul S, Hernandez, D G, Nalls, M A, Rohrer, J D, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, J B J, Dobson-Stone, C, Schofield, P R, Halliday, G M, Hodges, J R, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Haan, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, N J, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Landqvist Waldö, M, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, I R A, Hsiung, G-Y R, Mann, D M A, Grafman, J, Morris, C M, Attems, J, Griffiths, T D, McKeith, I G, Thomas, A J, Pietrini, P, Huey, E D, Wassermann, E M, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, M C, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, J B, Schlachetzki, J C M, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, V M, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, J Q, van der Zee, J, Cruts, M, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, S F, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, J E, Hjermind, L E, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, M N, Fox, N C, Warren, J D, Spillantini, M G, Morris, H R, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J S, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, A C, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Conidi, M E, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, D W, Graff-Radford, N R, Petersen, R C, Knopman, D, Josephs, K A, Boeve, B F, Parisi, J E, Seeley, W W, Karydas, A M, Rosen, H, van Swieten, J C, Dopper, E G P, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Y A L, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, A A, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, H-H, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, and Singleton, A B
- Published
- 2017
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23. A proof-of-concept study applying machine learning methods to putative risk factors for eating disorders: results from the multi-centre European project on healthy eating.
- Author
Krug, I., Linardon, J., Greenwood, C., Youssef, G., Treasure, J., Fernandez-Aranda, F., Karwautz, A., Wagner, G., Collier, D., Anderluh, M., Tchanturia, K., Ricca, V., Sorbi, S., Nacmias, B., Bellodi, L., and Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M.
- Subjects
RESEARCH ,MACHINE learning ,DIFFERENTIAL diagnosis ,RETROSPECTIVE studies ,RISK assessment ,BULIMIA ,QUESTIONNAIRES ,AGE factors in disease ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,RESEARCH funding ,ANOREXIA nervosa ,PREDICTION models ,LOGISTIC regression analysis ,EATING disorders - Abstract
Background: Despite a wide range of proposed risk factors and theoretical models, prediction of eating disorder (ED) onset remains poor. This study undertook the first comparison of two machine learning (ML) approaches [penalised logistic regression (LASSO), and prediction rule ensembles (PREs)] to conventional logistic regression (LR) models to enhance prediction of ED onset and differential ED diagnoses from a range of putative risk factors. Method: Data were part of a European Project and comprised 1402 participants, 642 ED patients [52% with anorexia nervosa (AN) and 40% with bulimia nervosa (BN)] and 760 controls. The Cross-Cultural Risk Factor Questionnaire, which assesses retrospectively a range of sociocultural and psychological ED risk factors occurring before the age of 12 years (46 predictors in total), was used. Results: All three statistical approaches had satisfactory model accuracy, with an average area under the curve (AUC) of 86% for predicting ED onset and 70% for predicting AN v. BN. Predictive performance was greatest for the two regression methods (LR and LASSO), although the PRE technique relied on fewer predictors with comparable accuracy. The individual risk factors differed depending on the outcome classification (EDs v. non-EDs and AN v. BN). Conclusions: Even though the conventional LR performed comparably to the ML approaches in terms of predictive accuracy, the ML methods produced more parsimonious predictive models. ML approaches offer a viable way to modify screening practices for ED risk that balance accuracy against participant burden. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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24. Italian Frontotemporal Dementia Network (FTD Group-SINDEM): sharing clinical and diagnostic procedures in Frontotemporal Dementia in Italy
- Author
Borroni, B., Turrone, R., Galimberti, D., Nacmias, B., Alberici, A., Benussi, A., Caffarra, P., Caltagirone, C., Cappa, S. F., Frisoni, G. B., Ghidoni, R., Marra, C., Padovani, A., Rainero, I., Scarpini, E., Silani, V., Sorbi, S., Tagliavini, F., Tremolizzo, L., Bruni, A. C., and The FTD Group-SINDEM
- Published
- 2015
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25. New insights into the genetic etiology of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias
- Author
Bellenguez, C. Küçükali, F. Jansen, I.E. Kleineidam, L. Moreno-Grau, S. Amin, N. Naj, A.C. Campos-Martin, R. Grenier-Boley, B. Andrade, V. Holmans, P.A. Boland, A. Damotte, V. van der Lee, S.J. Costa, M.R. Kuulasmaa, T. Yang, Q. de Rojas, I. Bis, J.C. Yaqub, A. Prokic, I. Chapuis, J. Ahmad, S. Giedraitis, V. Aarsland, D. Garcia-Gonzalez, P. Abdelnour, C. Alarcón-Martín, E. Alcolea, D. Alegret, M. Alvarez, I. Álvarez, V. Armstrong, N.J. Tsolaki, A. Antúnez, C. Appollonio, I. Arcaro, M. Archetti, S. Pastor, A.A. Arosio, B. Athanasiu, L. Bailly, H. Banaj, N. Baquero, M. Barral, S. Beiser, A. Pastor, A.B. Below, J.E. Benchek, P. Benussi, L. Berr, C. Besse, C. Bessi, V. Binetti, G. Bizarro, A. Blesa, R. Boada, M. Boerwinkle, E. Borroni, B. Boschi, S. Bossù, P. Bråthen, G. Bressler, J. Bresner, C. Brodaty, H. Brookes, K.J. Brusco, L.I. Buiza-Rueda, D. Bûrger, K. Burholt, V. Bush, W.S. Calero, M. Cantwell, L.B. Chene, G. Chung, J. Cuccaro, M.L. Carracedo, Á. Cecchetti, R. Cervera-Carles, L. Charbonnier, C. Chen, H.-H. Chillotti, C. Ciccone, S. Claassen, J.A.H.R. Clark, C. Conti, E. Corma-Gómez, A. Costantini, E. Custodero, C. Daian, D. Dalmasso, M.C. Daniele, A. Dardiotis, E. Dartigues, J.-F. de Deyn, P.P. de Paiva Lopes, K. de Witte, L.D. Debette, S. Deckert, J. Del Ser, T. Denning, N. DeStefano, A. Dichgans, M. Diehl-Schmid, J. Diez-Fairen, M. Rossi, P.D. Djurovic, S. Duron, E. Düzel, E. Dufouil, C. Eiriksdottir, G. Engelborghs, S. Escott-Price, V. Espinosa, A. Ewers, M. Faber, K.M. Fabrizio, T. Nielsen, S.F. Fardo, D.W. Farotti, L. Fenoglio, C. Fernández-Fuertes, M. Ferrari, R. Ferreira, C.B. Ferri, E. Fin, B. Fischer, P. Fladby, T. Fließbach, K. Fongang, B. Fornage, M. Fortea, J. Foroud, T.M. Fostinelli, S. Fox, N.C. Franco-Macías, E. Bullido, M.J. Frank-García, A. Froelich, L. Fulton-Howard, B. Galimberti, D. García-Alberca, J.M. García-González, P. Garcia-Madrona, S. Garcia-Ribas, G. Ghidoni, R. Giegling, I. Giorgio, G. Goate, A.M. Goldhardt, O. Gomez-Fonseca, D. González-Pérez, A. Graff, C. Grande, G. Green, E. Grimmer, T. Grünblatt, E. Grunin, M. Gudnason, V. Guetta-Baranes, T. Haapasalo, A. Hadjigeorgiou, G. Haines, J.L. Hamilton-Nelson, K.L. Hampel, H. Hanon, O. Hardy, J. Hartmann, A.M. Hausner, L. Harwood, J. Heilmann-Heimbach, S. Helisalmi, S. Heneka, M.T. Hernández, I. Herrmann, M.J. Hoffmann, P. Holmes, C. Holstege, H. Vilas, R.H. Hulsman, M. Humphrey, J. Biessels, G.J. Jian, X. Johansson, C. Jun, G.R. Kastumata, Y. Kauwe, J. Kehoe, P.G. Kilander, L. Ståhlbom, A.K. Kivipelto, M. Koivisto, A. Kornhuber, J. Kosmidis, M.H. Kukull, W.A. Kuksa, P.P. Kunkle, B.W. Kuzma, A.B. Lage, C. Laukka, E.J. Launer, L. Lauria, A. Lee, C.-Y. Lehtisalo, J. Lerch, O. Lleó, A. Longstreth, W., Jr Lopez, O. de Munain, A.L. Love, S. Löwemark, M. Luckcuck, L. Lunetta, K.L. Ma, Y. Macías, J. MacLeod, C.A. Maier, W. Mangialasche, F. Spallazzi, M. Marquié, M. Marshall, R. Martin, E.R. Montes, A.M. Rodríguez, C.M. Masullo, C. Mayeux, R. Mead, S. Mecocci, P. Medina, M. Meggy, A. Mehrabian, S. Mendoza, S. Menéndez-González, M. Mir, P. Moebus, S. Mol, M. Molina-Porcel, L. Montrreal, L. Morelli, L. Moreno, F. Morgan, K. Mosley, T. Nöthen, M.M. Muchnik, C. Mukherjee, S. Nacmias, B. Ngandu, T. Nicolas, G. Nordestgaard, B.G. Olaso, R. Orellana, A. Orsini, M. Ortega, G. Padovani, A. Paolo, C. Papenberg, G. Parnetti, L. Pasquier, F. Pastor, P. Peloso, G. Pérez-Cordón, A. Pérez-Tur, J. Pericard, P. Peters, O. Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. Pineda, J.A. Piñol-Ripoll, G. Pisanu, C. Polak, T. Popp, J. Posthuma, D. Priller, J. Puerta, R. Quenez, O. Quintela, I. Thomassen, J.Q. Rábano, A. Rainero, I. Rajabli, F. Ramakers, I. Real, L.M. Reinders, M.J.T. Reitz, C. Reyes-Dumeyer, D. Ridge, P. Riedel-Heller, S. Riederer, P. Roberto, N. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E. Rongve, A. Allende, I.R. Rosende-Roca, M. Royo, J.L. Rubino, E. Rujescu, D. Sáez, M.E. Sakka, P. Saltvedt, I. Sanabria, Á. Sánchez-Arjona, M.B. Sanchez-Garcia, F. Juan, P.S. Sánchez-Valle, R. Sando, S.B. Sarnowski, C. Satizabal, C.L. Scamosci, M. Scarmeas, N. Scarpini, E. Scheltens, P. Scherbaum, N. Scherer, M. Schmid, M. Schneider, A. Schott, J.M. Selbæk, G. Seripa, D. Serrano, M. Sha, J. Shadrin, A.A. Skrobot, O. Slifer, S. Snijders, G.J.L. Soininen, H. Solfrizzi, V. Solomon, A. Song, Y. Sorbi, S. Sotolongo-Grau, O. Spalletta, G. Spottke, A. Squassina, A. Stordal, E. Tartan, J.P. Tárraga, L. Tesí, N. Thalamuthu, A. Thomas, T. Tosto, G. Traykov, L. Tremolizzo, L. Tybjærg-Hansen, A. Uitterlinden, A. Ullgren, A. Ulstein, I. Valero, S. Valladares, O. Broeckhoven, C.V. Vance, J. Vardarajan, B.N. van der Lugt, A. Dongen, J.V. van Rooij, J. van Swieten, J. Vandenberghe, R. Verhey, F. Vidal, J.-S. Vogelgsang, J. Vyhnalek, M. Wagner, M. Wallon, D. Wang, L.-S. Wang, R. Weinhold, L. Wiltfang, J. Windle, G. Woods, B. Yannakoulia, M. Zare, H. Zhao, Y. Zhang, X. Zhu, C. Zulaica, M. Farrer, L.A. Psaty, B.M. Ghanbari, M. Raj, T. Sachdev, P. Mather, K. Jessen, F. Ikram, M.A. de Mendonça, A. Hort, J. Tsolaki, M. Pericak-Vance, M.A. Amouyel, P. Williams, J. Frikke-Schmidt, R. Clarimon, J. Deleuze, J.-F. Rossi, G. Seshadri, S. Andreassen, O.A. Ingelsson, M. Hiltunen, M. Sleegers, K. Schellenberg, G.D. van Duijn, C.M. Sims, R. van der Flier, W.M. Ruiz, A. Ramirez, A. Lambert, J.-C. EADB GR@ACE DEGESCO EADI GERAD Demgene FinnGen ADGC CHARGE
- Abstract
Characterization of the genetic landscape of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and related dementias (ADD) provides a unique opportunity for a better understanding of the associated pathophysiological processes. We performed a two-stage genome-wide association study totaling 111,326 clinically diagnosed/'proxy' AD cases and 677,663 controls. We found 75 risk loci, of which 42 were new at the time of analysis. Pathway enrichment analyses confirmed the involvement of amyloid/tau pathways and highlighted microglia implication. Gene prioritization in the new loci identified 31 genes that were suggestive of new genetically associated processes, including the tumor necrosis factor alpha pathway through the linear ubiquitin chain assembly complex. We also built a new genetic risk score associated with the risk of future AD/dementia or progression from mild cognitive impairment to AD/dementia. The improvement in prediction led to a 1.6- to 1.9-fold increase in AD risk from the lowest to the highest decile, in addition to effects of age and the APOE ε4 allele. © 2022. The Author(s).
- Published
- 2022
26. Acylphosphatase Levels In Alzheimer’s Disease Cultured Skin Fibroblasts
- Author
Latorraca, S., Cecchi, C., Pieri, A., Liguri, G., Amaducci, L., Sorbi, S., Fisher, Abraham, editor, Hanin, Israel, editor, and Yoshida, Mitsuo, editor
- Published
- 1998
- Full Text
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27. Recommendations of the Sleep Study Group of the Italian Dementia Research Association (SINDem) on clinical assessment and management of sleep disorders in individuals with mild cognitive impairment and dementia: a clinical review
- Author
Guarnieri, B., Musicco, M., Caffarra, P., Adorni, F., Appollonio, I., Arnaldi, D., Bartoli, A., Bonanni, E., Bonuccelli, U., Caltagirone, C., Cerroni, G., Concari, L., Cosentino, F. I. I., Fermi, S., Ferri, R., Gelosa, G., Lombardi, G., Mearelli, S., Nobili, F., Passero, S., Perri, R., Rocchi, R., Sucapane, P., Tognoni, G., Zabberoni, S., and Sorbi, S.
- Published
- 2014
- Full Text
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28. Molecular Genetic Evidence for Etiologic Heterogeneity of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Author
St George-Hyslop, P. H., McLachlan, D. R. Crapper, Haines, J. L., Bruni, A., Foncin, J.-F., Lukiw, W., Montesi, M. P., Mortilla, M., Pinessi, L., Polinsky, R. J., Pollen, D., Rainero, I., Rogaev, E., Sorbi, S., Tanzi, R., Tupler, R., Vaula, G., Christen, Yves, editor, Boller, Francois, editor, Forette, F., editor, Khachaturian, Z. S., editor, and Poncet, Michel, editor
- Published
- 1992
- Full Text
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29. Clinical Aspects of Familial Forms of Alzheimer’s Disease
- Author
Amaducci, L., Forleo, P., Piersanti, P., Sorbi, S., Mendlewicz, Julien, editor, Hippius, Hanns, editor, Bondy, Brigitta, editor, Ackenheil, Manfred, editor, and Sandler, Merton, editor
- Published
- 1992
- Full Text
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30. A C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus is associated with age of onset in C9orf72 carriers
- Author
Zhang M1, 2 3, Ferrari R4, Tartaglia MC3, 5 6, Keith J7, Surace EI8, Wolf U9, Sato C3, Grinberg M3, Liang Y3, Xi Z3, Dupont K3, McGoldrick P3, Weichert A3, McKeever PM3, Schneider R3, 6 7, McCorkindale MD4, Manzoni C10, Rademakers R11, Graff-Radford NR12, Dickson DW11, Parisi JE13, Boeve BF14, Petersen RC14, Miller BL15, Seeley WW16, van Swieten JC17, van Rooij J17, Pijnenburg Y18, van der Zee J19, Van Broeckhoven C19, Le Ber I21, Van Deerlin V23, Suh E23, Rohrer JD24, Mead S25, Graff C26, Öijerstedt L26, Pickering-Brown S28, Rollinson S28, Rossi G29, Tagliavini F30, Brooks WS31, Dobson-Stone C32, Halliday GM32, Hodges JR32, Piguet O34, Binetti G36, Benussi L37, Ghidoni R37, Nacmias B38, Sorbi S38, Bruni AC40, Galimberti D41, Scarpini E41, Rainero I42, Rubino E42, Clarimon J43, Lleó A43, Ruiz A45, Hernández I45, Pastor P46, Diez-Fairen M46, Borroni B48, Pasquier F49, Deramecourt V49, Lebouvier T49, Perneczky R50, 51 52, Diehl-Schmid J50, Grafman J53, Huey ED55, Mayeux R55, Nalls MA57, Hernandez D57, Singleton A57, Momeni P58, Zeng Z59, Hardy J4, Robertson J3, Zinman L6, 7, Rogaeva E3, 6, International FTD-Genomics Consortium (IFGC), Ferrari R, Hernandez DG, Nalls MA, Rohrer JD, Ramasamy A, Kwok JBJ, Dobson-Stone C, Brooks WS, Schofield PR, Halliday GM, Hodges JR, Piguet O, Bartley L, Thompson E, Hernández I, Ruiz A, Boada M, Borroni B, Padovani A, Cruchaga C, Cairns NJ, Benussi L, Binetti G, Ghidoni R, Forloni G, Albani D, Galimberti D, Fenoglio C, Serpente M, Scarpini E, Clarimón J, Lleó A, Blesa R, Wald Ouml ML, Nilsson K, Nilsson C, Mackenzie IRA, Hsiung GR, Mann DMA, Grafman J, Morris CM, Attems J, Griffiths TD, McKeith IG, Thomas AJ, Pietrini P, Huey ED, Wassermann EM, Baborie A, Jaros E, Tierney MC, Pastor P, Razquin C, Ortega-Cubero S, Alonso E, Perneczky R, Diehl-Schmid J, Alexopoulos P, Kurz A, Rainero I, Rubino E, Pinessi L, Rogaeva E, St George-Hyslop P, Rossi G, Tagliavini F, Giaccone G, Rowe JB, Schlachetzki JCM, Uphill J, Collinge J, Mead S, Danek A, Van Deerlin VM, Grossman M, Trojanowski JQ, van der Zee J, Van Broeckhoven C, Cappa SF, Leber I, Hannequin D, Golfier V, Vercelletto M, Brice A, Nacmias B, Sorbi S, Bagnoli S, Piaceri I, Nielsen JE, Hjermind LE, Riemenschneider M, Mayhaus M, Ibach B, Gasparoni G, Pichler S, Gu W, Rossor MN, Fox NC, Warren JD, Grazia Spillantini M, Morris HR, Rizzu P, Heutink P, Snowden JS, Rollinson S, Richardson A, Gerhard A, Bruni AC, Maletta R, Frangipane F, Cupidi C, Bernardi L, Anfossi M, Gallo M, Elena Conidi M, Smirne N, Rademakers R, Baker M, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Petersen RC, Knopman D, Josephs KA, Boeve BF, Parisi JE, Seeley WW, Miller BL, Karydas AM, Rosen H, van Swieten JC, Dopper EGP, Seelaar H, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Logroscino G, Capozzo R, Novelli V, Puca AA, Franceschi M, Postiglione A, Milan G, Sorrentino P, Kristiansen M, Chiang HH, Graff C, Pasquier F, Rollin A, Deramecourt V, Lebouvier T, Kapogiannis D, Ferrucci L, Pickering-Brown S, Singleton AB, Hardy J, Momeni P, Human genetics, Amsterdam Neuroscience - Neurodegeneration, Neurology, Divisions, Zhang, M1, 2, 3, Ferrari, R4, Tartaglia, Mc3, 5, 6, Keith, J7, Surace, Ei8, Wolf, U9, Sato, C3, Grinberg, M3, Liang, Y3, Xi, Z3, Dupont, K3, Mcgoldrick, P3, Weichert, A3, Mckeever, Pm3, Schneider, R3, 6, 7, Mccorkindale, Md4, Manzoni, C10, Rademakers, R11, Graff-Radford, Nr12, Dickson, Dw11, Parisi, Je13, Boeve, Bf14, Petersen, Rc14, Miller, Bl15, Seeley, Ww16, van Swieten, Jc17, van Rooij, J17, Pijnenburg, Y18, van der Zee, J19, Van Broeckhoven, C19, Le Ber, I21, Van Deerlin, V23, Suh, E23, Rohrer, Jd24, Mead, S25, Graff, C26, Öijerstedt, L26, Pickering-Brown, S28, Rollinson, S28, Rossi, G29, Tagliavini, F30, Brooks, Ws31, Dobson-Stone, C32, Halliday, Gm32, Hodges, Jr32, Piguet, O34, Binetti, G36, Benussi, L37, Ghidoni, R37, Nacmias, B38, Sorbi, S38, Bruni, Ac40, Galimberti, D41, Scarpini, E41, Rainero, I42, Rubino, E42, Clarimon, J43, Lleó, A43, Ruiz, A45, Hernández, I45, Pastor, P46, Diez-Fairen, M46, Borroni, B48, Pasquier, F49, Deramecourt, V49, Lebouvier, T49, Perneczky, R50, 51, 52, Diehl-Schmid, J50, Grafman, J53, Huey, Ed55, Mayeux, R55, Nalls, Ma57, Hernandez, D57, Singleton, A57, Momeni, P58, Zeng, Z59, Hardy, J4, Robertson, J3, Zinman, L6, Rogaeva, E3, International FTD-Genomics Consortium, (IFGC), Ferrari, R, Hernandez, Dg, Nalls, Ma, Rohrer, Jd, Ramasamy, A, Kwok, Jbj, Dobson-Stone, C, Brooks, W, Schofield, Pr, Halliday, Gm, Hodges, Jr, Piguet, O, Bartley, L, Thompson, E, Hernández, I, Ruiz, A, Boada, M, Borroni, B, Padovani, A, Cruchaga, C, Cairns, Nj, Benussi, L, Binetti, G, Ghidoni, R, Forloni, G, Albani, D, Galimberti, D, Fenoglio, C, Serpente, M, Scarpini, E, Clarimón, J, Lleó, A, Blesa, R, Wald Ouml, Ml, Nilsson, K, Nilsson, C, Mackenzie, Ira, Hsiung, Gr, Mann, Dma, Grafman, J, Morris, Cm, Attems, J, Griffiths, Td, Mckeith, Ig, Thomas, Aj, Pietrini, P, Huey, Ed, Wassermann, Em, Baborie, A, Jaros, E, Tierney, Mc, Pastor, P, Razquin, C, Ortega-Cubero, S, Alonso, E, Perneczky, R, Diehl-Schmid, J, Alexopoulos, P, Kurz, A, Rainero, I, Rubino, E, Pinessi, L, Rogaeva, E, St George-Hyslop, P, Rossi, G, Tagliavini, F, Giaccone, G, Rowe, Jb, Schlachetzki, Jcm, Uphill, J, Collinge, J, Mead, S, Danek, A, Van Deerlin, Vm, Grossman, M, Trojanowski, Jq, van der Zee, J, Van Broeckhoven, C, Cappa, Sf, Leber, I, Hannequin, D, Golfier, V, Vercelletto, M, Brice, A, Nacmias, B, Sorbi, S, Bagnoli, S, Piaceri, I, Nielsen, Je, Hjermind, Le, Riemenschneider, M, Mayhaus, M, Ibach, B, Gasparoni, G, Pichler, S, Gu, W, Rossor, Mn, Fox, Nc, Warren, Jd, Grazia Spillantini, M, Morris, Hr, Rizzu, P, Heutink, P, Snowden, J, Rollinson, S, Richardson, A, Gerhard, A, Bruni, Ac, Maletta, R, Frangipane, F, Cupidi, C, Bernardi, L, Anfossi, M, Gallo, M, Elena Conidi, M, Smirne, N, Rademakers, R, Baker, M, Dickson, Dw, Graff-Radford, Nr, Petersen, Rc, Knopman, D, Josephs, Ka, Boeve, Bf, Parisi, Je, Seeley, Ww, Miller, Bl, Karydas, Am, Rosen, H, van Swieten, Jc, Dopper, Egp, Seelaar, H, Pijnenburg, Yal, Scheltens, P, Logroscino, G, Capozzo, R, Novelli, V, Puca, Aa, Franceschi, M, Postiglione, A, Milan, G, Sorrentino, P, Kristiansen, M, Chiang, Hh, Graff, C, Pasquier, F, Rollin, A, Deramecourt, V, Lebouvier, T, Kapogiannis, D, Ferrucci, L, Pickering-Brown, S, Singleton, Ab, Hardy, J, Momeni, P, and Int FTD-Genomics Consortium IFGC
- Subjects
Male ,Heterozygote ,amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Genotype ,genetic association ,Age of onset ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,frontotemporal dementia ,age of onset ,C9orf72 ,Humans ,amyotrophic lateral sclerosi ,Aged ,C9orf72 Protein ,Original Articles ,DNA Methylation ,Middle Aged ,Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis ,Gene Expression Regulation ,Genetic association ,CpG Islands ,Female ,Human medicine ,Neurology (clinical) ,Frontotemporal dementia - Abstract
Discovery of disease age-of-onset modifiers is important for clinical trials and drug design. Zhang et al. perform a genome-wide analysis of epigenetic functional polymorphisms and identify an association between the C6orf10/LOC101929163 locus and age of FTD/ALS onset. The risk allele may be associated with a pro-inflammatory state in the brain., The G4C2-repeat expansion in C9orf72 is the most common known cause of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and frontotemporal dementia. The high phenotypic heterogeneity of C9orf72 patients includes a wide range in age of onset, modifiers of which are largely unknown. Age of onset could be influenced by environmental and genetic factors both of which may trigger DNA methylation changes at CpG sites. We tested the hypothesis that age of onset in C9orf72 patients is associated with some common single nucleotide polymorphisms causing a gain or loss of CpG sites and thus resulting in DNA methylation alterations. Combined analyses of epigenetic and genetic data have the advantage of detecting functional variants with reduced likelihood of false negative results due to excessive correction for multiple testing in genome-wide association studies. First, we estimated the association between age of onset in C9orf72 patients (n = 46) and the DNA methylation levels at all 7603 CpG sites available on the 450 k BeadChip that are mapped to common single nucleotide polymorphisms. This was followed by a genetic association study of the discovery (n = 144) and replication (n = 187) C9orf72 cohorts. We found that age of onset was reproducibly associated with polymorphisms within a 124.7 kb linkage disequilibrium block tagged by top-significant variation, rs9357140, and containing two overlapping genes (LOC101929163 and C6orf10). A meta-analysis of all 331 C9orf72 carriers revealed that every A-allele of rs9357140 reduced hazard by 30% (P = 0.0002); and the median age of onset in AA-carriers was 6 years later than GG-carriers. In addition, we investigated a cohort of C9orf72 negative patients (n = 2634) affected by frontotemporal dementia and/or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; and also found that the AA-genotype of rs9357140 was associated with a later age of onset (adjusted P = 0.007 for recessive model). Phenotype analyses detected significant association only in the largest subgroup of patients with frontotemporal dementia (n = 2142, adjusted P = 0.01 for recessive model). Gene expression studies of frontal cortex tissues from 25 autopsy cases affected by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis revealed that the G-allele of rs9357140 is associated with increased brain expression of LOC101929163 (a non-coding RNA) and HLA-DRB1 (involved in initiating immune responses), while the A-allele is associated with their reduced expression. Our findings suggest that carriers of the rs9357140 GG-genotype (linked to an earlier age of onset) might be more prone to be in a pro-inflammatory state (e.g. by microglia) than AA-carriers. Further, investigating the functional links within the C6orf10/LOC101929163/HLA-DRB1 pathway will be critical to better define age-dependent pathogenesis of frontotemporal dementia and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
- Published
- 2018
31. Practice effects in genetic frontotemporal dementia and at-risk individuals: a GENFI study
- Author
Öijerstedt, L, Andersson, C, Jelic, V, van Swieten, JC, Jiskoot, LC, Seelaar, H, Borroni, B, Sanchez-Valle, R, Moreno, F, Laforce Jr, R, Synofzik, M, Galimberti, D, Rowe, JB, Masellis, M, Tartaglia, MC, Finger, E, Vandenberghe, R, de Mendonca, A, Tagliavini, F, Santana, I, Ducharme, S, Butler, CR, Gerhard, A, Levin, J, Danek, A, Otto, M, Frisoni, G, Ghidoni, R, Sorbi, S, Rohrer, JD, Graff, C, Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI), Bocchetta, M, and Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI)
- Abstract
Supplemental material is available at https://jnnp.bmj.com/content/jnnp/93/3/336/DC1/embed/inline-supplementary-material-1.pdf?download=true . This work was supported by grants from SRC/VR 529-2014-7504, VR 2015-02926, VR 2018-02754, VR 2019-02248: JPND GENFI-PROX, the Swedish FTD Initiative-Schörling Foundation, Swedish Alzheimer Foundation, Swedish Brain Foundation, Demensfonden, Stohnes foundation, Gamla Tjänarinnor, Karolinska Institutet Doctoral funding and ALF-Region Stockholm. This work was also supported by the MRC UK GENFI grant (MR/M023664/1), the Bluefield Project, the JPND GENFI-PROX grant (2019-02248), the Dioraphte Foundation (grant numbers 09-02-00); the Association for Frontotemporal Dementias Research Grant 2009; The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (grant HCMI 056-13-018); ZonMw Memorabel (Deltaplan Dementie, project numbers 733 050 103 and 733 050 813); and JPND PreFrontAls consortium (project number 733051042). JDR was supported by an MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship (MR/M008525/1) and received funding from the NIHR Rare Disease Translational Research Collaboration (BRC149/NS/MH). Several authors of this publication are members of the European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases (Project ID No 739510).
- Published
- 2021
32. Lactate production and glycolytic enzymes in sporadic and familial Alzheimer’s disease
- Author
Sorbi, S., Mortilla, M., Piacentini, S., Tesco, G., Latorraca, S., Nacmias, B., Tonini, S., Amaducci, L., Carlsson, A., editor, Riederer, Peter, editor, Beckmann, Helmut, editor, Nagatsu, T., editor, Gershon, S., editor, and Maurer, Konrad, editor
- Published
- 1990
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33. A proof-of-concept study applying machine learning methods to putative risk factors for eating disorders: results from the multi-centre European project on healthy eating
- Author
Krug, I., primary, Linardon, J., additional, Greenwood, C., additional, Youssef, G., additional, Treasure, J., additional, Fernandez-Aranda, F., additional, Karwautz, A., additional, Wagner, G., additional, Collier, D., additional, Anderluh, M., additional, Tchanturia, K., additional, Ricca, V., additional, Sorbi, S., additional, Nacmias, B., additional, Bellodi, L., additional, and Fuller-Tyszkiewicz, M., additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
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34. Are Premorbid Personality Traits Linked to the Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease? : A Case Series of Subjects with Familial Mutation
- Author
Balestrieri, M., Nacmias, B., Sorbi, S., and Marcon, G.
- Published
- 2000
35. Efficacy and safety of IVIG in CIDP: Combined data of the PRIMA and PATH studies
- Author
Merkies, Ingemar S. J., van Schaik, Ivo N., Léger, Jean-Marc, Bril, Vera, van Geloven, Nan, Hartung, Hans-Peter, Lewis, Richard A., Sobue, Gen, Lawo, John-Philip, Durn, Billie L., Cornblath, David R., De Bleecker, Jan L., Sommer, Claudia, Robberecht, Wim, Saarela, Mika, Kamienowski, Jerzy, Stelmasiak, Zbigniew, Tackenberg, Björn, Mielke, Orell, Sabet, A., George, K., Roberts, L., Carne, R., Blum, S., Henderson, R., Van Damme, P., Demeestere, J., Larue, S., D'Amour, C., Kunc, P., Valis, M., Sussova, J., Kalous, T., Talab, R., Bednar, M., Toomsoo, T., Rubanovits, I., Gross-Paju, K., Sorro, U., Saarela, M., Auranen, M., Pouget, J., Attarian, S., Masson, G. Le, Wielanek-Bachelet, A., Desnuelle, C., Delmont, E., Clavelou, P., Aufauvre, D., Schmidt, J., Zschuentzsch, J., Sommer, C., Kramer, D., Hoffmann, O., Goerlitz, C., Haas, J., Chatzopoulos, M., Yoon, R., Gold, R., Berlit, P., Jaspert-Grehl, A., Liebetanz, D., Kutschenko, A., Stangel, M., Trebst, C., Baum, P., Bergh, F., Klehmet, J., Meisel, A., Klostermann, F., Oechtering, J., Lehmann, H., Schroeter, M., Hagenacker, T., Mueller, D., Sperfeld, A., Bethke, F., Drory, V., Algom, A., Yarnitsky, D., Murinson, B., Di Muzio, A., Ciccocioppo, F., Sorbi, S., Mata, S., Schenone, A., Grandis, M., Lauria, G., Cazzato, D., Antonini, G., Morino, S., Cocito, D., Zibetti, M., Yokota, T., Ohkubo, T., Kanda, T., Kawai, M., Kaida, K., Onoue, H., Kuwabara, S., Mori, M., Iijima, M., Ohyama, K., Baba, M., Tomiyama, M., Nishiyama, K., Akutsu, T., Yokoyama, K., Kanai, K., van Schaik, I. N., Eftimov, F., Notermans, N. C., Visser, N., Faber, C., Hoeijmakers, J., Rejdak, K., Chyrchel-Paszkiewicz, U., Casanovas Pons, C., Antonia, M., Gamez, J., Salvado, M., Infante, C. Marquez, Benitez, S., Lunn, M., Morrow, J., Gosal, D., Lavin, T., Melamed, I., Testori, A., Ajroud-Driss, S., Menichella, D., Simpson, E., Lai, E. Chi-Ho, Dimachkie, M., Barohn, R. J., Beydoun, S., Johl, H., Lange, D., Shtilbans, A., Muley, S., Ladha, S., Freimer, M., Kissel, J., Latov, N., Chin, R., Ubogu, E., Mumfrey, S., Rao, T., Macdonald, P., Sharma, K., Gonzalez, G., Allen, J., Walk, D., Hobson-Webb, L., Gable, K., De Bleecker, J. L., Robberecht, W., Franques, J., Léger, J. -M., Morales, R. Juntas, Nguento, A., Schrey, Ch., Kamienowski, J., Stelmasiak, Z., Zwolińska, G., Neurology, AII - Infectious diseases, ANS - Neuroinfection & -inflammation, CSL Behring, Neurologian yksikkö, Clinicum, Department of Food and Nutrition, and HUS Neurocenter
- Subjects
Research Report ,Male ,Outcome Assessment ,efficacy ,Medizin ,Chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy ,CIDP ,IVIG ,PATH ,PRIMA ,Neuroscience (all) ,Neurology (clinical) ,INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING POLYNEUROPATHY ,3124 Neurology and psychiatry ,law.invention ,Grip strength ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Interquartile range ,hemic and lymphatic diseases ,Outcome Assessment, Health Care ,80 and over ,Medicine and Health Sciences ,Prospective Studies ,Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating ,Prospective cohort study ,Aged, 80 and over ,education.field_of_study ,General Neuroscience ,Immunoglobulins, Intravenous ,Middle Aged ,OPEN-LABEL ,humanities ,3. Good health ,PREVALENCE ,Europe ,030220 oncology & carcinogenesis ,Cohort ,POLYRADICULONEUROPATHY ,Female ,Intravenous ,Polyneuropathy ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Adult ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Efficacy ,Neuroscience(all) ,Population ,Clinical Neurology ,Immunoglobulins ,MAINTENANCE TREATMENT ,03 medical and health sciences ,Young Adult ,Double-Blind Method ,Internal medicine ,medicine ,Journal Article ,Humans ,Immunologic Factors ,INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN ,Aged ,Polyradiculoneuropathy, Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating ,education ,Science & Technology ,business.industry ,Neurosciences ,3112 Neurosciences ,Research Reports ,medicine.disease ,PHASE-III ,Health Care ,cidp ,ivig ,path ,prima ,Neurosciences & Neurology ,business ,030217 neurology & neurosurgery - Abstract
PRIMA Trial Investigators and the PATH Study Group., Intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is a potential therapy for chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP). To investigate the efficacy and safety of the IVIG IgPro10 (Privigen) for treatment of CIDP, results from Privigen Impact on Mobility and Autonomy (PRIMA), a prospective, open‐label, single‐arm study of IVIG in immunoglobulin (Ig)‐naïve or IVIG pre‐treated subjects (NCT01184846, n = 28) and Polyneuropathy And Treatment with Hizentra (PATH), a double‐blind, randomized study including an open‐label, single‐arm IVIG phase in IVIG pre‐treated subjects (NCT01545076, IVIG restabilization phase n = 207) were analyzed separately and together (n = 235). Efficacy assessments included change in adjusted inflammatory neuropathy cause and treatment (INCAT) score, grip strength and Medical Research Council (MRC) sum score. Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) and ADRs/infusion were recorded. Adjusted INCAT response rate was 60.7% in all PRIMA subjects at Week 25 (76.9% in IVIG pre‐treated subjects) and 72.9% in PATH. In the pooled cohort (n = 235), INCAT response rate was 71.5%; median time to INCAT improvement was 4.3 weeks. No clear demographic differences were noticed between early (responding before Week 7, n = 148) and late responders (n = 21). In the pooled cohort, median change from baseline to last observation was −1.0 (interquartile range −2.0; 0.0) point for INCAT score; +8.0 (0.0; 20.0) kPa for maximum grip strength; +3.0 (1.0; 7.0) points for MRC sum score. In the pooled cohort, 271 ADRs were reported in 105 subjects (44.7%), a rate of 0.144 ADRs per infusion. This analysis confirms the efficacy and safety of IgPro10, a recently FDA‐approved IVIG for CIDP, in a population of mainly pre‐treated subjects with CIDP [Correction added on 14 March 2019 after first online publication: the INCAT response rate has been corrected.].
- Published
- 2019
36. EFNS-ENS/EAN Guideline on concomitant use of cholinesterase inhibitors and memantine in moderate to severe Alzheimerʼs disease
- Author
Schmidt, R., Hofer, E., Bouwman, F. H., Buerger, K., Cordonnier, C., Fladby, T., Galimberti, D., Georges, J., Heneka, M. T., Hort, J., Laczó, J., Molinuevo, J. L, OʼBrien, J. T., Religa, D., Scheltens, P., Schott, J. M., and Sorbi, S.
- Published
- 2015
- Full Text
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37. Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores
- Author
de Rojas, I. Moreno-Grau, S. Tesi, N. Grenier-Boley, B. Andrade, V. Jansen, I.E. Pedersen, N.L. Stringa, N. Zettergren, A. Hernández, I. Montrreal, L. Antúnez, C. Antonell, A. Tankard, R.M. Bis, J.C. Sims, R. Bellenguez, C. Quintela, I. González-Perez, A. Calero, M. Franco-Macías, E. Macías, J. Blesa, R. Cervera-Carles, L. Menéndez-González, M. Frank-García, A. Royo, J.L. Moreno, F. Huerto Vilas, R. Baquero, M. Diez-Fairen, M. Lage, C. García-Madrona, S. García-González, P. Alarcón-Martín, E. Valero, S. Sotolongo-Grau, O. Ullgren, A. Naj, A.C. Lemstra, A.W. Benaque, A. Pérez-Cordón, A. Benussi, A. Rábano, A. Padovani, A. Squassina, A. de Mendonça, A. Arias Pastor, A. Kok, A.A.L. Meggy, A. Pastor, A.B. Espinosa, A. Corma-Gómez, A. Martín Montes, A. Sanabria, Á. DeStefano, A.L. Schneider, A. Haapasalo, A. Kinhult Ståhlbom, A. Tybjærg-Hansen, A. Hartmann, A.M. Spottke, A. Corbatón-Anchuelo, A. Rongve, A. Borroni, B. Arosio, B. Nacmias, B. Nordestgaard, B.G. Kunkle, B.W. Charbonnier, C. Abdelnour, C. Masullo, C. Martínez Rodríguez, C. Muñoz-Fernandez, C. Dufouil, C. Graff, C. Ferreira, C.B. Chillotti, C. Reynolds, C.A. Fenoglio, C. Van Broeckhoven, C. Clark, C. Pisanu, C. Satizabal, C.L. Holmes, C. Buiza-Rueda, D. Aarsland, D. Rujescu, D. Alcolea, D. Galimberti, D. Wallon, D. Seripa, D. Grünblatt, E. Dardiotis, E. Düzel, E. Scarpini, E. Conti, E. Rubino, E. Gelpi, E. Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E. Duron, E. Boerwinkle, E. Ferri, E. Tagliavini, F. Küçükali, F. Pasquier, F. Sanchez-Garcia, F. Mangialasche, F. Jessen, F. Nicolas, G. Selbæk, G. Ortega, G. Chêne, G. Hadjigeorgiou, G. Rossi, G. Spalletta, G. Giaccone, G. Grande, G. Binetti, G. Papenberg, G. Hampel, H. Bailly, H. Zetterberg, H. Soininen, H. Karlsson, I.K. Alvarez, I. Appollonio, I. Giegling, I. Skoog, I. Saltvedt, I. Rainero, I. Rosas Allende, I. Hort, J. Diehl-Schmid, J. Van Dongen, J. Vidal, J.-S. Lehtisalo, J. Wiltfang, J. Thomassen, J.Q. Kornhuber, J. Haines, J.L. Vogelgsang, J. Pineda, J.A. Fortea, J. Popp, J. Deckert, J. Buerger, K. Morgan, K. Fließbach, K. Sleegers, K. Molina-Porcel, L. Kilander, L. Weinhold, L. Farrer, L.A. Wang, L.-S. Kleineidam, L. Farotti, L. Parnetti, L. Tremolizzo, L. Hausner, L. Benussi, L. Froelich, L. Ikram, M.A. Deniz-Naranjo, M.C. Tsolaki, M. Rosende-Roca, M. Löwenmark, M. Hulsman, M. Spallazzi, M. Pericak-Vance, M.A. Esiri, M. Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, M. Dalmasso, M.C. Martínez-Larrad, M.T. Arcaro, M. Nöthen, M.M. Fernández-Fuertes, M. Dichgans, M. Ingelsson, M. Herrmann, M.J. Scherer, M. Vyhnalek, M. Kosmidis, M.H. Yannakoulia, M. Schmid, M. Ewers, M. Heneka, M.T. Wagner, M. Scamosci, M. Kivipelto, M. Hiltunen, M. Zulaica, M. Alegret, M. Fornage, M. Roberto, N. van Schoor, N.M. Seidu, N.M. Banaj, N. Armstrong, N.J. Scarmeas, N. Scherbaum, N. Goldhardt, O. Hanon, O. Peters, O. Skrobot, O.A. Quenez, O. Lerch, O. Bossù, P. Caffarra, P. Dionigi Rossi, P. Sakka, P. Hoffmann, P. Holmans, P.A. Fischer, P. Riederer, P. Yang, Q. Marshall, R. Kalaria, R.N. Mayeux, R. Vandenberghe, R. Cecchetti, R. Ghidoni, R. Frikke-Schmidt, R. Sorbi, S. Hägg, S. Engelborghs, S. Helisalmi, S. Botne Sando, S. Kern, S. Archetti, S. Boschi, S. Fostinelli, S. Gil, S. Mendoza, S. Mead, S. Ciccone, S. Djurovic, S. Heilmann-Heimbach, S. Riedel-Heller, S. Kuulasmaa, T. del Ser, T. Lebouvier, T. Polak, T. Ngandu, T. Grimmer, T. Bessi, V. Escott-Price, V. Giedraitis, V. Deramecourt, V. Maier, W. Jian, X. Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. Smith, A.D. Saenz, A. Bizzarro, A. Lauria, A. Vacca, A. Solomon, A. Anastasiou, A. Richardson, A. Boland, A. Koivisto, A. Daniele, A. Greco, A. Marianthi, A. McGuinness, B. Fin, B. Ferrari, C. Custodero, C. Ferrarese, C. Ingino, C. Mangone, C. Reyes Toso, C. Martínez, C. Cuesta, C. Muchnik, C. Joachim, C. Ortiz, C. Besse, C. Johansson, C. Zoia, C.P. Laske, C. Anastasiou, C. Palacio, D.L. Politis, D.G. Janowitz, D. Craig, D. Mann, D.M. Neary, D. Jürgen, D. Daian, D. Belezhanska, D. Kohler, E. Castaño, E.M. Koutsouraki, E. Chipi, E. De Roeck, E. Costantini, E. Vardy, E.R.L.C. Piras, F. Roveta, F. Piras, F. Prestia, F.A. Assogna, F. Salani, F. Sala, G. Lacidogna, G. Novack, G. Wilcock, G. Thonberg, H. Kölsch, H. Weber, H. Boecker, H. Etchepareborda, I. Piaceri, I. Tuomilehto, J. Lindström, J. Laczo, J. Johnston, J. Deleuze, J.-F. Harris, J. Schott, J.M. Priller, J. Bacha, J.I. Snowden, J. Lisso, J. Mihova, K.Y. Traykov, L. Morelli, L. Brusco, L.I. Rainer, M. Takalo, M. Bjerke, M. Del Zompo, M. Serpente, M. Sanchez Abalos, M. Rios, M. Peltonen, M. Herrman, M.J. Kosmidis, M.H. Kohler, M. Rojo, M. Jones, M. Orsini, M. Medel, N. Olivar, N. Fox, N.C. Salvadori, N. Hooper, N.M. Galeano, P. Solis, P. Bastiani, P. Mecocci, P. Passmore, P. Heun, R. Antikainen, R. Olaso, R. Perneczky, R. Germani, S. López-García, S. Love, S. Mehrabian, S. Bagnoli, S. Kochen, S. Andreoni, S. Teipel, S. Todd, S. Pickering-Brown, S. Natunen, T. Tegos, T. Laatikainen, T. Strandberg, T. Polvikoski, T.M. Matoska, V. Ciullo, V. Cores, V. Solfrizzi, V. Lisetti, V. Sevillano, Z. Abdelnour, C. Aguilera, N. Alarcon, E. Alegret, M. Benaque, A. Boada, M. Buendia, M. Cañabate, P. Carracedo, A. Corbatón-Anchuelo, A. Diego, S. Espinosa, A. Gailhajenet, A. Gil, S. Guitart, M. Hernández, I. Ibarria, M. Lafuente, A. Macias, J. Maroñas, O. Martín, E. Martínez, M.T. Marquié, M. Mauleón, A. Montrreal, L. Moreno-Grau, S. Moreno, M. Orellana, A. Ortega, G. Pancho, A. Pelejá, E. Pérez-Cordon, A. Pineda, J.A. Preckler, S. Quintela, I. Real, L.M. Rosende-Roca, M. Ruiz, A. Sáez, M.E. Sanabria, A. Serrano-Rios, M. Sotolongo-Grau, O. Tárraga, L. Valero, S. Vargas, L. Adarmes-Gómez, A.D. Alarcón-Martín, E. Alonso, M.D. Álvarez, I. Álvarez, V. Amer-Ferrer, G. Antequera, M. Antúnez, C. Baquero, M. Bernal, M. Blesa, R. Boada, M. Buiza-Rueda, D. Bullido, M.J. Burguera, J.A. Calero, M. Carrillo, F. Carrión-Claro, M. Casajeros, M.J. Clarimón, J. Cruz-Gamero, J.M. de Pancorbo, M.M. del Ser, T. Diez-Fairen, M. Escuela, R. Garrote-Espina, L. Fortea, J. Franco-Macías, E. Frank-García, A. García-Alberca, J.M. Garcia Madrona, S. Garcia-Ribas, G. Gómez-Garre, P. Hernández, I. Hevilla, S. Jesús, S. Labrador Espinosa, M.A. Lage, C. Legaz, A. Lleó, A. Lopez de Munain, A. López-García, S. Macias-García, D. Manzanares, S. Marín, M. Marín-Muñoz, J. Marín, T. Marquié, M. Martín Montes, A. Martínez, B. Martínez, C. Martínez, V. Martínez-Lage Álvarez, P. Medina, M. Mendioroz Iriarte, M. Mir, P. Molinuevo, J.L. Pastor, P. Pérez Tur, J. Periñán-Tocino, T. Pineda-Sanchez, R. Piñol-Ripoll, G. Rábano, A. Real de Asúa, D. Rodrigo, S. Rodríguez-Rodríguez, E. Royo, J.L. Ruiz, A. Sanchez del Valle Díaz, R. Sánchez-Juan, P. Sastre, I. Valero, S. Vicente, M.P. Vigo-Ortega, R. Vivancos, L. Macleod, C. McCracken, C. Brayne, C. Bresner, C. Grozeva, D. Bellou, E. Sommerville, E.W. Matthews, F. Leonenko, G. Menzies, G. Windle, G. Harwood, J. Phillips, J. Bennett, K. Luckuck, L. Clare, L. Woods, R. Saad, S. Burholt, V. Jansen, I.E. Rongve, A. Kehoe, P.G. Garcia-Ribas, G. Sánchez-Juan, P. Pastor, P. Pérez-Tur, J. Piñol-Ripoll, G. Lopez de Munain, A. García-Alberca, J.M. Bullido, M.J. Álvarez, V. Lleó, A. Real, L.M. Scheltens, P. Holstege, H. Marquié, M. Sáez, M.E. Carracedo, Á. Amouyel, P. Schellenberg, G.D. Williams, J. Seshadri, S. van Duijn, C.M. Mather, K.A. Sánchez-Valle, R. Serrano-Ríos, M. Orellana, A. Tárraga, L. Blennow, K. Huisman, M. Andreassen, O.A. Posthuma, D. Clarimón, J. Boada, M. van der Flier, W.M. Ramirez, A. Lambert, J.-C. van der Lee, S.J. Ruiz, A. EADB contributors The GR@ACE study group DEGESCO consortium IGAP (ADGC, CHARGE, EADI, GERAD) PGC-ALZ consortia
- Abstract
Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer’s disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. We first perform a large genetic association study by merging all available case-control datasets and by-proxy study results (discovery n = 409,435 and validation size n = 58,190). Here, we add six variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease risk (near APP, CHRNE, PRKD3/NDUFAF7, PLCG2 and two exonic variants in the SHARPIN gene). Assessment of the polygenic risk score and stratifying by APOE reveal a 4 to 5.5 years difference in median age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease patients in APOE ɛ4 carriers. Because of this study, the underlying mechanisms of APP can be studied to refine the amyloid cascade and the polygenic risk score provides a tool to select individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease. © 2021, The Author(s).
- Published
- 2021
38. Neuroimaging Biomarkers Predicting the Efficacy of Multimodal Rehabilitative Intervention in the Alzheimer’s Dementia Continuum Pathology
- Author
Di Tella, S., Cabinio, M., Isernia, S., Blasi, V., Rossetto, F., Saibene, F. L., Alberoni, M., Silveri, M. C., Sorbi, S., Clerici, M., and Baglio, F.
- Subjects
biomarker ,brain reserve ,cognitive reserve ,dementia ,MRI ,neurodegenerative diseases ,rehabilitation - Published
- 2021
39. Common variants in Alzheimer’s disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores
- Author
de Rojas, I., Moreno-Grau, S., Tesi, N., Grenier-Boley, B., Andrade, V., Jansen, I. E., Pedersen, N. L., Stringa, N., Zettergren, A., Hernandez, I., Montrreal, L., Antunez, C., Antonell, A., Tankard, R. M., Bis, J. C., Sims, R., Bellenguez, C., Quintela, I., Gonzalez-Perez, A., Calero, M., Franco-Macias, E., Macias, J., Blesa, R., Cervera-Carles, L., Menendez-Gonzalez, M., Frank-Garcia, A., Royo, J. L., Moreno, F., Huerto Vilas, R., Baquero, M., Diez-Fairen, M., Lage, C., Garcia-Madrona, S., Garcia-Gonzalez, P., Alarcon-Martin, E., Valero, S., Sotolongo-Grau, O., Ullgren, A., Naj, A. C., Lemstra, A. W., Benaque, A., Perez-Cordon, A., Benussi, A., Rabano, A., Padovani, A., Squassina, A., de Mendonca, A., Arias Pastor, A., Kok, A. A. L., Meggy, A., Pastor, A. B., Espinosa, A., Corma-Gomez, A., Martin Montes, A., Sanabria, A., DeStefano, A. L., Schneider, A., Haapasalo, A., Kinhult Stahlbom, A., Tybjaerg-Hansen, A., Hartmann, A. M., Spottke, A., Corbaton-Anchuelo, A., Rongve, A., Borroni, B., Arosio, B., Nacmias, B., Nordestgaard, B. G., Kunkle, B. W., Charbonnier, C., Abdelnour, C., Masullo, C., Martinez Rodriguez, C., Munoz-Fernandez, C., Dufouil, C., Graff, C., Ferreira, C. B., Chillotti, C., Reynolds, C. A., Fenoglio, C., Van Broeckhoven, C., Clark, C., Pisanu, C., Satizabal, C. L., Holmes, C., Buiza-Rueda, D., Aarsland, D., Rujescu, D., Alcolea, D., Galimberti, D., Wallon, D., Seripa, D., Grunblatt, E., Dardiotis, E., Duzel, E., Scarpini, E., Conti, E., Rubino, E., Gelpi, E., Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E., Duron, E., Boerwinkle, E., Ferri, E., Tagliavini, F., Kucukali, F., Pasquier, F., Sanchez-Garcia, F., Mangialasche, F., Jessen, F., Nicolas, G., Selbaek, G., Ortega, G., Chene, G., Hadjigeorgiou, G., Rossi, G., Spalletta, G., Giaccone, G., Grande, G., Binetti, G., Papenberg, G., Hampel, H., Bailly, H., Zetterberg, H., Soininen, H., Karlsson, I. K., Alvarez, I., Appollonio, I., Giegling, I., Skoog, I., Saltvedt, I., Rainero, I., Rosas Allende, I., Hort, J., Diehl-Schmid, J., Van Dongen, J., Vidal, J. -S., Lehtisalo, J., Wiltfang, J., Thomassen, J. Q., Kornhuber, J., Haines, J. L., Vogelgsang, J., Pineda, J. A., Fortea, J., Popp, J., Deckert, J., Buerger, K., Morgan, K., Fliessbach, K., Sleegers, K., Molina-Porcel, L., Kilander, L., Weinhold, L., Farrer, L. A., Wang, L. -S., Kleineidam, L., Farotti, L., Parnetti, L., Tremolizzo, L., Hausner, L., Benussi, L., Froelich, L., Ikram, M. A., Deniz-Naranjo, M. C., Tsolaki, M., Rosende-Roca, M., Lowenmark, M., Hulsman, M., Spallazzi, M., Pericak-Vance, M. A., Esiri, M., Bernal Sanchez-Arjona, M., Dalmasso, M. C., Martinez-Larrad, M. T., Arcaro, M., Nothen, M. M., Fernandez-Fuertes, M., Dichgans, M., Ingelsson, M., Herrmann, M. J., Scherer, M., Vyhnalek, M., Kosmidis, M. H., Yannakoulia, M., Schmid, M., Ewers, M., Heneka, M. T., Wagner, M., Scamosci, M., Kivipelto, M., Hiltunen, M., Zulaica, M., Alegret, M., Fornage, M., Roberto, N., van Schoor, N. M., Seidu, N. M., Banaj, N., Armstrong, N. J., Scarmeas, N., Scherbaum, N., Goldhardt, O., Hanon, O., Peters, O., Skrobot, O. A., Quenez, O., Lerch, O., Bossu, P., Caffarra, P., Dionigi Rossi, P., Sakka, P., Hoffmann, P., Holmans, P. A., Fischer, P., Riederer, P., Yang, Q., Marshall, R., Kalaria, R. N., Mayeux, R., Vandenberghe, R., Cecchetti, R., Ghidoni, R., Frikke-Schmidt, R., Sorbi, S., Hagg, S., Engelborghs, S., Helisalmi, S., Botne Sando, S., Kern, S., Archetti, S., Boschi, S., Fostinelli, S., Gil, S., Mendoza, S., Mead, S., Ciccone, S., Djurovic, S., Heilmann-Heimbach, S., Riedel-Heller, S., Kuulasmaa, T., del Ser, T., Lebouvier, T., Polak, T., Ngandu, T., Grimmer, T., Bessi, V., Escott-Price, V., Giedraitis, V., Deramecourt, V., Maier, W., Jian, X., Pijnenburg, Y. A. L., Smith, A. D., Saenz, A., Bizzarro, A., Lauria, A., Vacca, A., Solomon, A., Anastasiou, A., Richardson, A., Boland, A., Koivisto, A., Daniele, A., Greco, A., Marianthi, A., McGuinness, B., Fin, B., Ferrari, C., Custodero, C., Ferrarese, C., Ingino, C., Mangone, C., Reyes Toso, C., Martinez, C., Cuesta, C., Muchnik, C., Joachim, C., Ortiz, C., Besse, C., Johansson, C., Zoia, C. P., Laske, C., Anastasiou, C., Palacio, D. L., Politis, D. G., Janowitz, D., Craig, D., Mann, D. M., Neary, D., Jurgen, D., Daian, D., Belezhanska, D., Kohler, E., Castano, E. M., Koutsouraki, E., Chipi, E., De Roeck, E., Costantini, E., Vardy, E. R. L. C., Piras, F., Roveta, F., Prestia, F. A., Assogna, F., Salani, F., Sala, G., Lacidogna, G., Novack, G., Wilcock, G., Thonberg, H., Kolsch, H., Weber, H., Boecker, H., Etchepareborda, I., Piaceri, I., Tuomilehto, J., Lindstrom, J., Laczo, J., Johnston, J., Deleuze, J. -F., Harris, J., Schott, J. M., Priller, J., Bacha, J. I., Snowden, J., Lisso, J., Mihova, K. Y., Traykov, L., Morelli, L., Brusco, L. I., Rainer, M., Takalo, M., Bjerke, M., Del Zompo, M., Serpente, M., Sanchez Abalos, M., Rios, M., Peltonen, M., Herrman, M. J., Kohler, M., Rojo, M., Jones, M., Orsini, M., Medel, N., Olivar, N., Fox, N. C., Salvadori, N., Hooper, N. M., Galeano, P., Solis, P., Bastiani, P., Mecocci, P., Passmore, P., Heun, R., Antikainen, R., Olaso, R., Perneczky, R., Germani, S., Lopez-Garcia, S., Love, S., Mehrabian, S., Bagnoli, S., Kochen, S., Andreoni, S., Teipel, S., Todd, S., Pickering-Brown, S., Natunen, T., Tegos, T., Laatikainen, T., Strandberg, T., Polvikoski, T. M., Matoska, V., Ciullo, V., Cores, V., Solfrizzi, V., Lisetti, V., Sevillano, Z., Aguilera, N., Alarcon, E., Boada, M., Buendia, M., Canabate, P., Carracedo, A., Diego, S., Gailhajenet, A., Guitart, M., Ibarria, M., Lafuente, A., Maronas, O., Martin, E., Martinez, M. T., Marquie, M., Mauleon, A., Moreno, M., Orellana, A., Pancho, A., Peleja, E., Preckler, S., Real, L. M., Ruiz, A., Saez, M. E., Serrano-Rios, M., Tarraga, L., Vargas, L., Adarmes-Gomez, A. D., Alonso, M. D., Alvarez, V., Amer-Ferrer, G., Antequera, M., Bernal, M., Bullido, M. J., Burguera, J. A., Carrillo, F., Carrion-Claro, M., Casajeros, M. J., Clarimon, J., Cruz-Gamero, J. M., de Pancorbo, M. M., Escuela, R., Garrote-Espina, L., Garcia-Alberca, J. M., Garcia Madrona, S., Garcia-Ribas, G., Gomez-Garre, P., Hevilla, S., Jesus, S., Labrador Espinosa, M. A., Legaz, A., Lleo, A., Lopez de Munain, A., Macias-Garcia, D., Manzanares, S., Marin, M., Marin-Munoz, J., Marin, T., Martinez, B., Martinez, V., Martinez-Lage Alvarez, P., Medina, M., Mendioroz Iriarte, M., Mir, P., Molinuevo, J. L., Pastor, P., Perez Tur, J., Perinan-Tocino, T., Pineda-Sanchez, R., Pinol-Ripoll, G., Real de Asua, D., Rodrigo, S., Sanchez del Valle Diaz, R., Sanchez-Juan, P., Sastre, I., Vicente, M. P., Vigo-Ortega, R., Vivancos, L., Macleod, C., McCracken, C., Brayne, C., Bresner, C., Grozeva, D., Bellou, E., Sommerville, E. W., Matthews, F., Leonenko, G., Menzies, G., Windle, G., Harwood, J., Phillips, J., Bennett, K., Luckuck, L., Clare, L., Woods, R., Saad, S., Burholt, V., Kehoe, P. G., Perez-Tur, J., Scheltens, P., Holstege, H., Amouyel, P., Schellenberg, G. D., Williams, J., Seshadri, S., van Duijn, C. M., Mather, K. A., Sanchez-Valle, R., Blennow, K., Huisman, M., Andreassen, O. A., Posthuma, D., van der Flier, W. M., Ramirez, A., Lambert, J. -C., and van der Lee, S. J.
- Subjects
Age of Onset ,Aged ,Aged, 80 and over ,Alzheimer Disease ,Amyloid beta-Protein Precursor ,Apolipoproteins E ,Case-Control Studies ,Cohort Studies ,Datasets as Topic ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Genetic Predisposition to Disease ,Genome-Wide Association Study ,Heterozygote ,Humans ,Male ,Middle Aged ,Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide ,Risk Assessment ,Risk Factors ,Multifactorial Inheritance - Published
- 2021
40. Diagnostic Validity of the Smart Aging Serious Game: An Innovative Tool for Digital Phenotyping of Mild Neurocognitive Disorder
- Author
Isernia, Sara, Cabinio, M., Di Tella, Sonia, Pazzi, S., Vannetti, F., Gerli, F., Mosca, I. E., Lombardi, G., Macchi, C., Sorbi, S., Baglio, F., and Bozzali, M.
- Subjects
Male ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Aging ,digital medicine ,serious games ,Settore M-PSI/02 - PSICOBIOLOGIA E PSICOLOGIA FISIOLOGICA ,Trail Making Test ,Audiology ,Neuropsychological Tests ,Sensitivity and Specificity ,mild cognitive impairment ,Vascular ,medicine ,Dementia ,Humans ,Cognitive Dysfunction ,Neuropsychological assessment ,vascular cognitive impairment ,Aged ,Receiver operating characteristic ,medicine.diagnostic_test ,business.industry ,General Neuroscience ,mild neurocognitive disorder ,Dementia, Vascular ,Neuropsychology ,Montreal Cognitive Assessment ,telemonitoring ,Cognition ,General Medicine ,medicine.disease ,Mental Status and Dementia Tests ,Psychiatry and Mental health ,Clinical Psychology ,neuropsychological assessment ,Phenotype ,virtual reality ,Female ,Geriatrics and Gerontology ,business ,Neurocognitive - Abstract
Background: The Smart Aging Serious Game (SASG) is an ecologically-based digital platform used in mild neurocognitive disorders. Considering the higher risk of developing dementia for mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and vascular cognitive impairment (VCI), their digital phenotyping is crucial. A new understanding of MCI and VCI aided by digital phenotyping with SASG will challenge current differential diagnosis and open the perspective of tailoring more personalized interventions. Objective: To confirm the validity of SASG in detecting MCI from healthy controls (HC) and to evaluate its diagnostic validity in differentiating between VCI and HC. Methods: 161 subjects (74 HC: 37 males, 75.47±2.66 mean age; 60 MCI: 26 males, 74.20±5.02; 27 VCI: 13 males, 74.22±3.43) underwent a SASG session and a neuropsychological assessment (Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), Free and Cued Selective Reminding Test, Trail Making Test). A multi-modal statistical approach was used: receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves comparison, random forest (RF), and logistic regression (LR) analysis. Results: SASG well captured the specific cognitive profiles of MCI and VCI, in line with the standard neuropsychological measures. ROC analyses revealed high diagnostic sensitivity and specificity of SASG and MoCA (AUCs > 0.800) in detecting VCI versus HC and MCI versus HC conditions. An acceptable to excellent classification accuracy was found for MCI and VCI (HC versus VCI; RF: 90%, LR: 91%. HC versus MCI; RF: 75%; LR: 87%). Conclusion: SASG allows the early assessment of cognitive impairment through ecological tasks and potentially in a self-administered way. These features make this platform suitable for being considered a useful digital phenotyping tool, allowing a non-invasive and valid neuropsychological evaluation, with evident implications for future digital-health trails and rehabilitation.
- Published
- 2021
41. Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies
- Author
Munn-Chernoff, M.A. Johnson, E.C. Chou, Y.-L. Coleman, J.R.I. Thornton, L.M. Walters, R.K. Yilmaz, Z. Baker, J.H. Hübel, C. Gordon, S. Medland, S.E. Watson, H.J. Gaspar, H.A. Bryois, J. Hinney, A. Leppä, V.M. Mattheisen, M. Ripke, S. Yao, S. Giusti-Rodríguez, P. Hanscombe, K.B. Adan, R.A.H. Alfredsson, L. Ando, T. Andreassen, O.A. Berrettini, W.H. Boehm, I. Boni, C. Boraska Perica, V. Buehren, K. Burghardt, R. Cassina, M. Cichon, S. Clementi, M. Cone, R.D. Courtet, P. Crow, S. Crowley, J.J. Danner, U.N. Davis, O.S.P. de Zwaan, M. Dedoussis, G. Degortes, D. DeSocio, J.E. Dick, D.M. Dikeos, D. Dina, C. Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M. Docampo, E. Duncan, L.E. Egberts, K. Ehrlich, S. Escaramís, G. Esko, T. Estivill, X. Farmer, A. Favaro, A. Fernández-Aranda, F. Fichter, M.M. Fischer, K. Föcker, M. Foretova, L. Forstner, A.J. Forzan, M. Franklin, C.S. Gallinger, S. Giegling, I. Giuranna, J. Gonidakis, F. Gorwood, P. Gratacos Mayora, M. Guillaume, S. Guo, Y. Hakonarson, H. Hatzikotoulas, K. Hauser, J. Hebebrand, J. Helder, S.G. Herms, S. Herpertz-Dahlmann, B. Herzog, W. Huckins, L.M. Hudson, J.I. Imgart, H. Inoko, H. Janout, V. Jiménez-Murcia, S. Julià, A. Kalsi, G. Kaminská, D. Karhunen, L. Karwautz, A. Kas, M.J.H. Kennedy, J.L. Keski-Rahkonen, A. Kiezebrink, K. Kim, Y.-R. Klump, K.L. Knudsen, G.P.S. La Via, M.C. Le Hellard, S. Levitan, R.D. Li, D. Lilenfeld, L. Lin, B.D. Lissowska, J. Luykx, J. Magistretti, P.J. Maj, M. Mannik, K. Marsal, S. Marshall, C.R. Mattingsdal, M. McDevitt, S. McGuffin, P. Metspalu, A. Meulenbelt, I. Micali, N. Mitchell, K. Monteleone, A.M. Monteleone, P. Nacmias, B. Navratilova, M. Ntalla, I. O'Toole, J.K. Ophoff, R.A. Padyukov, L. Palotie, A. Pantel, J. Papezova, H. Pinto, D. Rabionet, R. Raevuori, A. Ramoz, N. Reichborn-Kjennerud, T. Ricca, V. Ripatti, S. Ritschel, F. Roberts, M. Rotondo, A. Rujescu, D. Rybakowski, F. Santonastaso, P. Scherag, A. Scherer, S.W. Schmidt, U. Schork, N.J. Schosser, A. Seitz, J. Slachtova, L. Slagboom, P.E. Slof-Op't Landt, M.C.T. Slopien, A. Sorbi, S. Świątkowska, B. Szatkiewicz, J.P. Tachmazidou, I. Tenconi, E. Tortorella, A. Tozzi, F. Treasure, J. Tsitsika, A. Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor, M. Tziouvas, K. van Elburg, A.A. van Furth, E.F. Wagner, G. Walton, E. Widen, E. Zeggini, E. Zerwas, S. Zipfel, S. Bergen, A.W. Boden, J.M. Brandt, H. Crawford, S. Halmi, K.A. Horwood, L.J. Johnson, C. Kaplan, A.S. Kaye, W.H. Mitchell, J. Olsen, C.M. Pearson, J.F. Pedersen, N.L. Strober, M. Werge, T. Whiteman, D.C. Woodside, D.B. Grove, J. Henders, A.K. Larsen, J.T. Parker, R. Petersen, L.V. Jordan, J. Kennedy, M.A. Birgegård, A. Lichtenstein, P. Norring, C. Landén, M. Mortensen, P.B. Polimanti, R. McClintick, J.N. Adkins, A.E. Aliev, F. Bacanu, S.-A. Batzler, A. Bertelsen, S. Biernacka, J.M. Bigdeli, T.B. Chen, L.-S. Clarke, T.-K. Degenhardt, F. Docherty, A.R. Edwards, A.C. Foo, J.C. Fox, L. Frank, J. Hack, L.M. Hartmann, A.M. Hartz, S.M. Heilmann-Heimbach, S. Hodgkinson, C. Hoffmann, P. Hottenga, J.-J. Konte, B. Lahti, J. Lahti-Pulkkinen, M. Lai, D. Ligthart, L. Loukola, A. Maher, B.S. Mbarek, H. McIntosh, A.M. McQueen, M.B. Meyers, J.L. Milaneschi, Y. Palviainen, T. Peterson, R.E. Ryu, E. Saccone, N.L. Salvatore, J.E. Sanchez-Roige, S. Schwandt, M. Sherva, R. Streit, F. Strohmaier, J. Thomas, N. Wang, J.-C. Webb, B.T. Wedow, R. Wetherill, L. Wills, A.G. Zhou, H. Boardman, J.D. Chen, D. Choi, D.-S. Copeland, W.E. Culverhouse, R.C. Dahmen, N. Degenhardt, L. Domingue, B.W. Frye, M.A. Gäebel, W. Hayward, C. Ising, M. Keyes, M. Kiefer, F. Koller, G. Kramer, J. Kuperman, S. Lucae, S. Lynskey, M.T. Maier, W. Mann, K. Männistö, S. Müller-Myhsok, B. Murray, A.D. Nurnberger, J.I. Preuss, U. Räikkönen, K. Reynolds, M.D. Ridinger, M. Scherbaum, N. Schuckit, M.A. Soyka, M. Treutlein, J. Witt, S.H. Wodarz, N. Zill, P. Adkins, D.E. Boomsma, D.I. Bierut, L.J. Brown, S.A. Bucholz, K.K. Costello, E.J. de Wit, H. Diazgranados, N. Eriksson, J.G. Farrer, L.A. Foroud, T.M. Gillespie, N.A. Goate, A.M. Goldman, D. Grucza, R.A. Hancock, D.B. Harris, K.M. Hesselbrock, V. Hewitt, J.K. Hopfer, C.J. Iacono, W.G. Johnson, E.O. Karpyak, V.M. Kendler, K.S. Kranzler, H.R. Krauter, K. Lind, P.A. McGue, M. MacKillop, J. Madden, P.A.F. Maes, H.H. Magnusson, P.K.E. Nelson, E.C. Nöthen, M.M. Palmer, A.A. Penninx, B.W.J.H. Porjesz, B. Rice, J.P. Rietschel, M. Riley, B.P. Rose, R.J. Shen, P.-H. Silberg, J. Stallings, M.C. Tarter, R.E. Vanyukov, M.M. Vrieze, S. Wall, T.L. Whitfield, J.B. Zhao, H. Neale, B.M. Wade, T.D. Heath, A.C. Montgomery, G.W. Martin, N.G. Sullivan, P.F. Kaprio, J. Breen, G. Gelernter, J. Edenberg, H.J. Bulik, C.M. Agrawal, A.
- Subjects
mental disorders - Abstract
Eating disorders and substance use disorders frequently co-occur. Twin studies reveal shared genetic variance between liabilities to eating disorders and substance use, with the strongest associations between symptoms of bulimia nervosa and problem alcohol use (genetic correlation [rg], twin-based = 0.23-0.53). We estimated the genetic correlation between eating disorder and substance use and disorder phenotypes using data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Four eating disorder phenotypes (anorexia nervosa [AN], AN with binge eating, AN without binge eating, and a bulimia nervosa factor score), and eight substance-use-related phenotypes (drinks per week, alcohol use disorder [AUD], smoking initiation, current smoking, cigarettes per day, nicotine dependence, cannabis initiation, and cannabis use disorder) from eight studies were included. Significant genetic correlations were adjusted for variants associated with major depressive disorder and schizophrenia. Total study sample sizes per phenotype ranged from ~2400 to ~537 000 individuals. We used linkage disequilibrium score regression to calculate single nucleotide polymorphism-based genetic correlations between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes. Significant positive genetic associations emerged between AUD and AN (rg = 0.18; false discovery rate q = 0.0006), cannabis initiation and AN (rg = 0.23; q < 0.0001), and cannabis initiation and AN with binge eating (rg = 0.27; q = 0.0016). Conversely, significant negative genetic correlations were observed between three nondiagnostic smoking phenotypes (smoking initiation, current smoking, and cigarettes per day) and AN without binge eating (rgs = −0.19 to −0.23; qs < 0.04). The genetic correlation between AUD and AN was no longer significant after co-varying for major depressive disorder loci. The patterns of association between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes highlights the potentially complex and substance-specific relationships among these behaviors. © 2020 Society for the Study of Addiction
- Published
- 2021
42. Erratum: Human iPSC-derived hippocampal spheroids: An innovative tool for stratifying Alzheimer disease patient-specific cellular phenotypes and developing therapies (Stem Cell Reports (2020) 15(1) (256–273), (S2213671120301922), (10.1016/j.stemcr.2020.06.001))
- Author
Pomeshchik, Y., Klementieva, O., Gil, J., Martinsson, I., Hansen, M. G., de Vries, T., Sancho-Balsells, A., Russ, K., Savchenko, E., Collin, A., Vaz, A. R., Bagnoli, S., Nacmias, B., Rampon, C., Sorbi, S., Brites, D., Marko-Varga, G., Kokaia, Z., Rezeli, M., Gouras, G. K., and Roybon, L.
- Subjects
Human iPSC-Derived Hippocampal Spheroids, Alzheimer Disease - Published
- 2021
43. Behavioural disorders in Alzheimer's disease: the descriptive and predictive role of brain 18F-fluorodesoxyglucose-positron emission tomography
- Author
Cappelletto, P., Polito, C., Berti, V., Lombardi, G., Lucidi, G., Bessi, V., Sorbi, S., and Ferrari, C.
- Subjects
Alzheimer's disease ,BPSD ,brain FDG-PET ,dementia ,Aged ,Brain ,Fluorodeoxyglucose F18 ,Humans ,Positron-Emission Tomography ,Retrospective Studies ,Tomography, X-Ray Computed ,Alzheimer Disease ,Problem Behavior - Published
- 2021
44. Progression of Behavioral Disturbances and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients With Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia
- Author
Benussi, A. (Alberto), Premi, E. (Enrico), Gazzina, S. (Stefano), Brattini, C. (Chiara), Bonomi, E. (Elisa), Alberici, P. (Paola), Jiskoot, L.C. (Lize), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Sánchez-Valle, R. (Raquel), Moreno, F. (Fermin), Laforce, R. (Robert), Graff, C. (Caroline), Synofzik, M. (Matthis), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Masellis, M. (Mario), Tartaglia, C. (Carmela), Rowe, J.B. (James), Finger, E. (Elizabeth), Vandenberghe, R. (Rik), De Mendonça, A. (Alexandre), Tagliavini, F. (Fabrizio), Santana, I. (Isabel), Ducharme, S. (Simon), Butler, C.R. (Chris R.), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Levin, J. (Johannes), Danek, A. (Adrian), Otto, M. (Markus), Frisoni, G.B. (Giovanni B.), Ghidoni, R. (Roberta), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Le Ber, I. (Isabelle), Pasquier, F. (Florence), Peakman, G. (Georgia), Todd, E. (Emily), Bocchetta, M. (Martina), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Borroni, B. (Barbara), Benussi, A. (Alberto), Premi, E. (Enrico), Gazzina, S. (Stefano), Brattini, C. (Chiara), Bonomi, E. (Elisa), Alberici, P. (Paola), Jiskoot, L.C. (Lize), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Sánchez-Valle, R. (Raquel), Moreno, F. (Fermin), Laforce, R. (Robert), Graff, C. (Caroline), Synofzik, M. (Matthis), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Masellis, M. (Mario), Tartaglia, C. (Carmela), Rowe, J.B. (James), Finger, E. (Elizabeth), Vandenberghe, R. (Rik), De Mendonça, A. (Alexandre), Tagliavini, F. (Fabrizio), Santana, I. (Isabel), Ducharme, S. (Simon), Butler, C.R. (Chris R.), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Levin, J. (Johannes), Danek, A. (Adrian), Otto, M. (Markus), Frisoni, G.B. (Giovanni B.), Ghidoni, R. (Roberta), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Le Ber, I. (Isabelle), Pasquier, F. (Florence), Peakman, G. (Georgia), Todd, E. (Emily), Bocchetta, M. (Martina), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), and Borroni, B. (Barbara)
- Abstract
Importance: Behavioral disturbances are core features of frontotemporal dementia (FTD); however, symptom progression across the course of disease is not well characterized in genetic FTD. Objective: To investigate behavioral symptom frequency and severity and their evolution and progression in different forms of genetic FTD. Design, Setting, and Participants: This longitudinal cohort study, the international Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI), was conducted from January 30, 2012, to May 31, 2019, at 23 multicenter specialist tertiary FTD research clinics in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland, and Canada. Participants included a consecutive sample of 232 symptomatic FTD gene variation carriers comprising 115 with variations in C9orf72, 78 in GRN, and 39 in MAPT. A total of 101 carriers had at least 1 follow-up evaluation (for a total of 400 assessments). Gene variations were included only if considered pathogenetic. Main Outcomes and Measures: Behavioral and neuropsychiatric symptoms were assessed across disease duration and evaluated from symptom onset. Hierarchical generalized linear mixed models were used to model behavioral and neuropsychiatric measures as a function of
- Published
- 2021
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45. Disease-related cortical thinning in presymptomatic granulin mutation carriers
- Author
Borrego-Écija, S. (Sergi), Sala-Llonch, R. (Roser), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Borroni, B. (Barbara), Moreno, F. (Fermin), Masellis, M. (Mario), Tartaglia, C. (Carmela), Graff, C. (Caroline), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Laforce, R. (Robert), Rowe, J.B. (James), Finger, E. (Elizabeth), Vandenberghe, R. (Rik), Tagliavini, F. (Fabrizio), De Mendonça, A. (Alexandre), Santana, I. (Isabel), Synofzik, M. (Matthis), Ducharme, S. (Simon), Levin, J. (Johannes), Danek, A. (Adrian), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Otto, M. (Markus), Butler, C. (Chris), Frisoni, G.B. (Giovanni B.), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Heller, C. (Carolin), Bocchetta, M. (Martina), Cash, D.M. (David M), Convery, R.S. (Rhian S), Moore, K.M. (Katrina M), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Sánchez-Valle, R. (Raquel), Rossor, M.N. (Martin N.), Fox, N.C. (Nick), Woollacott, I.O.C. (Ione O.C.), Shafei, R. (Rachelle), Greaves, C. (Caroline), Neason, M. (Mollie), Guerreiro, R. (Rita), Bras, J. (Jose), Thomas, D.L. (David L), Nicholas, J. (Jennifer), Mead, S. (Simon), Meeter, L.H.H. (Lieke), Panman, J.L. (Jessica), Papma, J.M. (Janne), Thornton, A.S. (Andrew), Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. (Yolande), Indakoetxea, B. (Begoña), Gabilondo, A. (Alazne), TaintaMD, M. (Mikel), de Arriba, M. (Maria), Gorostidi, A. (Ana), Zulaica, M. (Miren), Villanua, J. (Jorge), Diaz, Z. (Zigor), Olives, J. (Jaume), Lladó, A. (Albert), Balasa, M. (Mircea), Antonell, A. (Anna), Bargallo, N. (Nuria), Premi, E. (Enrico), Cosseddu, M. (Maura), Gazzina, S. (Stefano), Padovani, A. (Alessandro), Gasparotti, R. (Roberto), Archetti, S. (Silvana), Black, S. (Sandra), Mitchell, S. (Sara), Rogaeva, E. (Ekaterina), Freedman, M. (Morris), Keren, R. (Ron), Tang-Wai, D. (David), Öijerstedt, L. (Linn), Andersson, C. (Christin), Jelic, S. (Svetislav Svetislav), Thonberg, H. (Håkan), Arighi, A. (Andrea), Fenoglio, C. (Chiara), Scarpini MD, E. (Elio), Fumagalli, G. (Giorgio), Cope, T. (Thomas), Timberlake, C. (Carolyn), Rittman, T. (Timothy), Shoesmith, C. (Christen), Bartha, R. (Robart), Rademakers, S. (Suzanne), Wilke, C. (Carlo), Bender, B. (Benjamin), Bruffaerts, R. (Rose), Vandamme, P. (Philip), Vandenbulcke, M. (Mathieu), Maruta, C. (Carolina), Ferreira, C.B. (Catarina B.), Miltenberger, G. (Gabriel), Verdelho, A. (Ana), Afonso, S. (Sónia), Taipa, R. (Ricardo), Caroppo, P. (Paola), Di Fede, G. (Giuseppe), Giaccone, G. (Giorgio), Prioni, S. (Sara), Redaelli, V. (Veronica), Rossi, G. (Giacomina), Tiraboschi, P. (Pietro), Duro, D. (Diana), Rosario Almeida, M. (Maria), Castelo-Branco, M. (Miguel), João Leitão, M. (Maria), Tabuas-Pereira, M. (Miguel), Santiago, B. (Beatriz), Gauthier, S. (Serge), Rosa-Neto, P. (Pedro), Veldsman, M. (Michele), Flanagan, T. (Toby), Prix, C. (Catharina), Hoegen, T. (Tobias), Wlasich, E. (Elisabeth), Loosli, S. (Sandra), Schonecker, S. (Sonja), Semler, E. (Elisa), Anderl-Straub, S. (Sarah), Borrego-Écija, S. (Sergi), Sala-Llonch, R. (Roser), Swieten, J.C. (John) van, Borroni, B. (Barbara), Moreno, F. (Fermin), Masellis, M. (Mario), Tartaglia, C. (Carmela), Graff, C. (Caroline), Galimberti, D. (Daniela), Laforce, R. (Robert), Rowe, J.B. (James), Finger, E. (Elizabeth), Vandenberghe, R. (Rik), Tagliavini, F. (Fabrizio), De Mendonça, A. (Alexandre), Santana, I. (Isabel), Synofzik, M. (Matthis), Ducharme, S. (Simon), Levin, J. (Johannes), Danek, A. (Adrian), Gerhard, A. (Alex), Otto, M. (Markus), Butler, C. (Chris), Frisoni, G.B. (Giovanni B.), Sorbi, S. (Sandro), Heller, C. (Carolin), Bocchetta, M. (Martina), Cash, D.M. (David M), Convery, R.S. (Rhian S), Moore, K.M. (Katrina M), Rohrer, J.D. (Jonathan), Sánchez-Valle, R. (Raquel), Rossor, M.N. (Martin N.), Fox, N.C. (Nick), Woollacott, I.O.C. (Ione O.C.), Shafei, R. (Rachelle), Greaves, C. (Caroline), Neason, M. (Mollie), Guerreiro, R. (Rita), Bras, J. (Jose), Thomas, D.L. (David L), Nicholas, J. (Jennifer), Mead, S. (Simon), Meeter, L.H.H. (Lieke), Panman, J.L. (Jessica), Papma, J.M. (Janne), Thornton, A.S. (Andrew), Pijnenburg, Y.A.L. (Yolande), Indakoetxea, B. (Begoña), Gabilondo, A. (Alazne), TaintaMD, M. (Mikel), de Arriba, M. (Maria), Gorostidi, A. (Ana), Zulaica, M. (Miren), Villanua, J. (Jorge), Diaz, Z. (Zigor), Olives, J. (Jaume), Lladó, A. (Albert), Balasa, M. (Mircea), Antonell, A. (Anna), Bargallo, N. (Nuria), Premi, E. (Enrico), Cosseddu, M. (Maura), Gazzina, S. (Stefano), Padovani, A. (Alessandro), Gasparotti, R. (Roberto), Archetti, S. (Silvana), Black, S. (Sandra), Mitchell, S. (Sara), Rogaeva, E. (Ekaterina), Freedman, M. (Morris), Keren, R. (Ron), Tang-Wai, D. (David), Öijerstedt, L. (Linn), Andersson, C. (Christin), Jelic, S. (Svetislav Svetislav), Thonberg, H. (Håkan), Arighi, A. (Andrea), Fenoglio, C. (Chiara), Scarpini MD, E. (Elio), Fumagalli, G. (Giorgio), Cope, T. (Thomas), Timberlake, C. (Carolyn), Rittman, T. (Timothy), Shoesmith, C. (Christen), Bartha, R. (Robart), Rademakers, S. (Suzanne), Wilke, C. (Carlo), Bender, B. (Benjamin), Bruffaerts, R. (Rose), Vandamme, P. (Philip), Vandenbulcke, M. (Mathieu), Maruta, C. (Carolina), Ferreira, C.B. (Catarina B.), Miltenberger, G. (Gabriel), Verdelho, A. (Ana), Afonso, S. (Sónia), Taipa, R. (Ricardo), Caroppo, P. (Paola), Di Fede, G. (Giuseppe), Giaccone, G. (Giorgio), Prioni, S. (Sara), Redaelli, V. (Veronica), Rossi, G. (Giacomina), Tiraboschi, P. (Pietro), Duro, D. (Diana), Rosario Almeida, M. (Maria), Castelo-Branco, M. (Miguel), João Leitão, M. (Maria), Tabuas-Pereira, M. (Miguel), Santiago, B. (Beatriz), Gauthier, S. (Serge), Rosa-Neto, P. (Pedro), Veldsman, M. (Michele), Flanagan, T. (Toby), Prix, C. (Catharina), Hoegen, T. (Tobias), Wlasich, E. (Elisabeth), Loosli, S. (Sandra), Schonecker, S. (Sonja), Semler, E. (Elisa), and Anderl-Straub, S. (Sarah)
- Abstract
Mutations in the granulin gene (GRN) cause familial frontotemporal dementia. Understanding the structural brain changes in presymptomatic GRN carriers would enforce the use of neuroimaging biomarkers for early diagnosis and monitoring. We studied 100 presymptomatic GRN mutation carriers and 94 noncarriers from the Genetic Frontotemporal dementia initiative (GENFI), with MRI structural images. We analyzed 3T MRI structural images using the FreeSurfer pipeline to calculate the whole brain cortical thickness (CTh) for each subject. We also perform a vertex-wise general linear model to assess differences between groups in the relationship between CTh and diverse covariables as gender, age, the estimated years to onset and education. We also explored differences according to TMEM106B genotype, a possible disease modifier. Whole brain CTh did not differ between carriers and noncarriers. Both groups showed age-related cortical thinning. The group-by-age interaction analysis showed that this age-related cortical thinning was significantly greater in GRN carriers in the left superior frontal cortex. TMEM106B did not significantly influence the age-related cortical thinning. Our results validate and expand previous findings suggesting an
- Published
- 2021
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46. Leukocyte-derived ratios are associated with late-life any type dementia: a cross-sectional analysis of the Mugello study
- Author
Lombardi, G, Paganelli, R, Abate, M, Ireland, A, Molino-Lova, R, Sorbi, S, Macchi, C, Pellegrino, R, Di Iorio, A, Cecchi, F, Lombardi, G, Paganelli, R, Abate, M, Ireland, A, Molino-Lova, R, Sorbi, S, Macchi, C, Pellegrino, R, Di Iorio, A, and Cecchi, F
- Abstract
Immunosenescence, vascular aging, and brain aging, all characterized by elevated levels of inflammatory markers, are thought to share a common pathogenetic pathway: inflamm-aging. Retrospective cross-sectional analysis was conducted using data from the Mugello study (Tuscany, Italy), a representative Italian cohort of free-living nonagenarians. to assess the association between specific peripheral inflammation markers derived from white blood cell counts, and the diagnosis of dementia. All the variables of interest were reported for 411 subjects (110 males and 301 females) out of 475 enrolled in the study. Anamnestic dementia diagnosis was obtained from clinical certificate and confirmed by a General Practitioner, whereas leukocyte ratios were directly calculated from white blood cell counts. Body mass index and comorbidities were considered potential confounders. Diagnosis of any type dementia was certified in 73 cases (17.8%). Subjects affected by dementia were older, more frequently reported a previous stroke, had lower body mass index, and lower Mini-Mental-State-Examination score. Moreover, they had a higher lymphocyte count and lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio compared to the non-demented nonagenarians. We found that higher levels of lymphocyte counts are cross-sectionally associated with a clinical diagnosis of dementia. Furthermore, lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio is directly associated with any type of dementia, independently of age, sex, lymphocyte count, and comorbidities. Lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio may be considered a marker of immunological changes in the brain of dementia patients; moreover, it is low-cost, and easily available, thus enabling comparisons among different studies and populations, although the timeline and the extent of lymphocyte-to-monocyte ratio role in dementia development must be further investigated.
- Published
- 2021
47. Common variants in Alzheimer's disease and risk stratification by polygenic risk scores
- Author
de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernández, I, Montrreal, L, Antúnez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, González-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macías, E, Macías, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menéndez-González, M, Frank-García, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, García-Madrona, S, García-González, P, Alarcón-Martín, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Pérez-Cordón, A, Benussi, A, Rábano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonça, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gómez, A, Martín Montes, A, Sanabria, Á, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Ståhlbom, A, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbatón-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martínez Rodríguez, C, Muñoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grünblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Düzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Küçükali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbæk, G, Ortega, G, Chêne, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fließbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Löwenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martínez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nöthen, M, Fernández-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossù, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hägg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, Del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Andreoni, S, Ferrarese, C, Sala, G, Zoia, C, Kehoe, P, Garcia-Ribas, G, Sánchez-Juan, P, Pastor, P, Pérez-Tur, J, Piñol-Ripoll, G, Lopez de Munain, A, García-Alberca, J, Bullido, M, Álvarez, V, Lleó, A, Real, L, Mir, P, Medina, M, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Marquié, M, Sáez, M, Carracedo, Á, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sánchez-Valle, R, Serrano-Ríos, M, Orellana, A, Tárraga, L, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, Clarimón, J, Boada, M, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, Ruiz, A, de Rojas, Itziar, Moreno-Grau, Sonia, Tesi, Niccolo, Grenier-Boley, Benjamin, Andrade, Victor, Jansen, Iris E, Pedersen, Nancy L, Stringa, Najada, Zettergren, Anna, Hernández, Isabel, Montrreal, Laura, Antúnez, Carmen, Antonell, Anna, Tankard, Rick M, Bis, Joshua C, Sims, Rebecca, Bellenguez, Céline, Quintela, Inés, González-Perez, Antonio, Calero, Miguel, Franco-Macías, Emilio, Macías, Juan, Blesa, Rafael, Cervera-Carles, Laura, Menéndez-González, Manuel, Frank-García, Ana, Royo, Jose Luís, Moreno, Fermin, Huerto Vilas, Raquel, Baquero, Miquel, Diez-Fairen, Mónica, Lage, Carmen, García-Madrona, Sebastián, García-González, Pablo, Alarcón-Martín, Emilio, Valero, Sergi, Sotolongo-Grau, Oscar, Ullgren, Abbe, Naj, Adam C, Lemstra, Afina W, Benaque, Alba, Pérez-Cordón, Alba, Benussi, Alberto, Rábano, Alberto, Padovani, Alessandro, Squassina, Alessio, de Mendonça, Alexandre, Arias Pastor, Alfonso, Kok, Almar A L, Meggy, Alun, Pastor, Ana Belén, Espinosa, Ana, Corma-Gómez, Anas, Martín Montes, Angel, Sanabria, Ángela, DeStefano, Anita L, Schneider, Anja, Haapasalo, Annakaisa, Kinhult Ståhlbom, Anne, Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne, Hartmann, Annette M, Spottke, Annika, Corbatón-Anchuelo, Arturo, Rongve, Arvid, Borroni, Barbara, Arosio, Beatrice, Nacmias, Benedetta, Nordestgaard, Børge G, Kunkle, Brian W, Charbonnier, Camille, Abdelnour, Carla, Masullo, Carlo, Martínez Rodríguez, Carmen, Muñoz-Fernandez, Carmen, Dufouil, Carole, Graff, Caroline, Ferreira, Catarina B, Chillotti, Caterina, Reynolds, Chandra A, Fenoglio, Chiara, Van Broeckhoven, Christine, Clark, Christopher, Pisanu, Claudia, Satizabal, Claudia L, Holmes, Clive, Buiza-Rueda, Dolores, Aarsland, Dag, Rujescu, Dan, Alcolea, Daniel, Galimberti, Daniela, Wallon, David, Seripa, Davide, Grünblatt, Edna, Dardiotis, Efthimios, Düzel, Emrah, Scarpini, Elio, Conti, Elisa, Rubino, Elisa, Gelpi, Ellen, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy, Duron, Emmanuelle, Boerwinkle, Eric, Ferri, Evelyn, Tagliavini, Fabrizio, Küçükali, Fahri, Pasquier, Florence, Sanchez-Garcia, Florentino, Mangialasche, Francesca, Jessen, Frank, Nicolas, Gaël, Selbæk, Geir, Ortega, Gemma, Chêne, Geneviève, Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios, Rossi, Giacomina, Spalletta, Gianfranco, Giaccone, Giorgio, Grande, Giulia, Binetti, Giuliano, Papenberg, Goran, Hampel, Harald, Bailly, Henri, Zetterberg, Henrik, Soininen, Hilkka, Karlsson, Ida K, Alvarez, Ignacio, Appollonio, Ildebrando, Giegling, Ina, Skoog, Ingmar, Saltvedt, Ingvild, Rainero, Innocenzo, Rosas Allende, Irene, Hort, Jakub, Diehl-Schmid, Janine, Van Dongen, Jasper, Vidal, Jean-Sebastien, Lehtisalo, Jenni, Wiltfang, Jens, Thomassen, Jesper Qvist, Kornhuber, Johannes, Haines, Jonathan L, Vogelgsang, Jonathan, Pineda, Juan A, Fortea, Juan, Popp, Julius, Deckert, Jürgen, Buerger, Katharina, Morgan, Kevin, Fließbach, Klaus, Sleegers, Kristel, Molina-Porcel, Laura, Kilander, Lena, Weinhold, Leonie, Farrer, Lindsay A, Wang, Li-San, Kleineidam, Luca, Farotti, Lucia, Parnetti, Lucilla, Tremolizzo, Lucio, Hausner, Lucrezia, Benussi, Luisa, Froelich, Lutz, Ikram, M Arfan, Deniz-Naranjo, M Candida, Tsolaki, Magda, Rosende-Roca, Maitée, Löwenmark, Malin, Hulsman, Marc, Spallazzi, Marco, Pericak-Vance, Margaret A, Esiri, Margaret, Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, María, Dalmasso, Maria Carolina, Martínez-Larrad, María Teresa, Arcaro, Marina, Nöthen, Markus M, Fernández-Fuertes, Marta, Dichgans, Martin, Ingelsson, Martin, Herrmann, Martin J, Scherer, Martin, Vyhnalek, Martin, Kosmidis, Mary H, Yannakoulia, Mary, Schmid, Matthias, Ewers, Michael, Heneka, Michael T, Wagner, Michael, Scamosci, Michela, Kivipelto, Miia, Hiltunen, Mikko, Zulaica, Miren, Alegret, Montserrat, Fornage, Myriam, Roberto, Natalia, van Schoor, Natasja M, Seidu, Nazib M, Banaj, Nerisa, Armstrong, Nicola J, Scarmeas, Nikolaos, Scherbaum, Norbert, Goldhardt, Oliver, Hanon, Oliver, Peters, Oliver, Skrobot, Olivia Anna, Quenez, Olivier, Lerch, Ondrej, Bossù, Paola, Caffarra, Paolo, Dionigi Rossi, Paolo, Sakka, Paraskevi, Hoffmann, Per, Holmans, Peter A, Fischer, Peter, Riederer, Peter, Yang, Qiong, Marshall, Rachel, Kalaria, Rajesh N, Mayeux, Richard, Vandenberghe, Rik, Cecchetti, Roberta, Ghidoni, Roberta, Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth, Sorbi, Sandro, Hägg, Sara, Engelborghs, Sebastiaan, Helisalmi, Seppo, Botne Sando, Sigrid, Kern, Silke, Archetti, Silvana, Boschi, Silvia, Fostinelli, Silvia, Gil, Silvia, Mendoza, Silvia, Mead, Simon, Ciccone, Simona, Djurovic, Srdjan, Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Kuulasmaa, Teemu, Del Ser, Teodoro, Lebouvier, Thibaud, Polak, Thomas, Ngandu, Tiia, Grimmer, Timo, Bessi, Valentina, Escott-Price, Valentina, Giedraitis, Vilmantas, Deramecourt, Vincent, Maier, Wolfgang, Jian, Xueqiu, Pijnenburg, Yolande A L, Andreoni, Simona, Ferrarese, Carlo, Sala Gessica, Zoia, Chiara Paola, Kehoe, Patrick Gavin, Garcia-Ribas, Guillermo, Sánchez-Juan, Pascual, Pastor, Pau, Pérez-Tur, Jordi, Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard, Lopez de Munain, Adolfo, García-Alberca, Jose María, Bullido, María J, Álvarez, Victoria, Lleó, Alberto, Real, Luis M, Mir, Pablo, Medina, Miguel, Scheltens, Philip, Holstege, Henne, Marquié, Marta, Sáez, María Eugenia, Carracedo, Ángel, Amouyel, Philippe, Schellenberg, Gerard D, Williams, Julie, Seshadri, Sudha, van Duijn, Cornelia M, Mather, Karen A, Sánchez-Valle, Raquel, Serrano-Ríos, Manuel, Orellana, Adelina, Tárraga, Lluís, Blennow, Kaj, Huisman, Martijn, Andreassen, Ole A, Posthuma, Danielle, Clarimón, Jordi, Boada, Mercè, van der Flier, Wiesje M, Ramirez, Alfredo, Lambert, Jean-Charles, van der Lee, Sven J, Ruiz, Agustín, de Rojas, I, Moreno-Grau, S, Tesi, N, Grenier-Boley, B, Andrade, V, Jansen, I, Pedersen, N, Stringa, N, Zettergren, A, Hernández, I, Montrreal, L, Antúnez, C, Antonell, A, Tankard, R, Bis, J, Sims, R, Bellenguez, C, Quintela, I, González-Perez, A, Calero, M, Franco-Macías, E, Macías, J, Blesa, R, Cervera-Carles, L, Menéndez-González, M, Frank-García, A, Royo, J, Moreno, F, Huerto Vilas, R, Baquero, M, Diez-Fairen, M, Lage, C, García-Madrona, S, García-González, P, Alarcón-Martín, E, Valero, S, Sotolongo-Grau, O, Ullgren, A, Naj, A, Lemstra, A, Benaque, A, Pérez-Cordón, A, Benussi, A, Rábano, A, Padovani, A, Squassina, A, de Mendonça, A, Arias Pastor, A, Kok, A, Meggy, A, Pastor, A, Espinosa, A, Corma-Gómez, A, Martín Montes, A, Sanabria, Á, Destefano, A, Schneider, A, Haapasalo, A, Kinhult Ståhlbom, A, Tybjærg-Hansen, A, Hartmann, A, Spottke, A, Corbatón-Anchuelo, A, Rongve, A, Borroni, B, Arosio, B, Nacmias, B, Nordestgaard, B, Kunkle, B, Charbonnier, C, Abdelnour, C, Masullo, C, Martínez Rodríguez, C, Muñoz-Fernandez, C, Dufouil, C, Graff, C, Ferreira, C, Chillotti, C, Reynolds, C, Fenoglio, C, Van Broeckhoven, C, Clark, C, Pisanu, C, Satizabal, C, Holmes, C, Buiza-Rueda, D, Aarsland, D, Rujescu, D, Alcolea, D, Galimberti, D, Wallon, D, Seripa, D, Grünblatt, E, Dardiotis, E, Düzel, E, Scarpini, E, Conti, E, Rubino, E, Gelpi, E, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, E, Duron, E, Boerwinkle, E, Ferri, E, Tagliavini, F, Küçükali, F, Pasquier, F, Sanchez-Garcia, F, Mangialasche, F, Jessen, F, Nicolas, G, Selbæk, G, Ortega, G, Chêne, G, Hadjigeorgiou, G, Rossi, G, Spalletta, G, Giaccone, G, Grande, G, Binetti, G, Papenberg, G, Hampel, H, Bailly, H, Zetterberg, H, Soininen, H, Karlsson, I, Alvarez, I, Appollonio, I, Giegling, I, Skoog, I, Saltvedt, I, Rainero, I, Rosas Allende, I, Hort, J, Diehl-Schmid, J, Van Dongen, J, Vidal, J, Lehtisalo, J, Wiltfang, J, Thomassen, J, Kornhuber, J, Haines, J, Vogelgsang, J, Pineda, J, Fortea, J, Popp, J, Deckert, J, Buerger, K, Morgan, K, Fließbach, K, Sleegers, K, Molina-Porcel, L, Kilander, L, Weinhold, L, Farrer, L, Wang, L, Kleineidam, L, Farotti, L, Parnetti, L, Tremolizzo, L, Hausner, L, Benussi, L, Froelich, L, Ikram, M, Deniz-Naranjo, M, Tsolaki, M, Rosende-Roca, M, Löwenmark, M, Hulsman, M, Spallazzi, M, Pericak-Vance, M, Esiri, M, Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, M, Dalmasso, M, Martínez-Larrad, M, Arcaro, M, Nöthen, M, Fernández-Fuertes, M, Dichgans, M, Ingelsson, M, Herrmann, M, Scherer, M, Vyhnalek, M, Kosmidis, M, Yannakoulia, M, Schmid, M, Ewers, M, Heneka, M, Wagner, M, Scamosci, M, Kivipelto, M, Hiltunen, M, Zulaica, M, Alegret, M, Fornage, M, Roberto, N, van Schoor, N, Seidu, N, Banaj, N, Armstrong, N, Scarmeas, N, Scherbaum, N, Goldhardt, O, Hanon, O, Peters, O, Skrobot, O, Quenez, O, Lerch, O, Bossù, P, Caffarra, P, Dionigi Rossi, P, Sakka, P, Hoffmann, P, Holmans, P, Fischer, P, Riederer, P, Yang, Q, Marshall, R, Kalaria, R, Mayeux, R, Vandenberghe, R, Cecchetti, R, Ghidoni, R, Frikke-Schmidt, R, Sorbi, S, Hägg, S, Engelborghs, S, Helisalmi, S, Botne Sando, S, Kern, S, Archetti, S, Boschi, S, Fostinelli, S, Gil, S, Mendoza, S, Mead, S, Ciccone, S, Djurovic, S, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Riedel-Heller, S, Kuulasmaa, T, Del Ser, T, Lebouvier, T, Polak, T, Ngandu, T, Grimmer, T, Bessi, V, Escott-Price, V, Giedraitis, V, Deramecourt, V, Maier, W, Jian, X, Pijnenburg, Y, Andreoni, S, Ferrarese, C, Sala, G, Zoia, C, Kehoe, P, Garcia-Ribas, G, Sánchez-Juan, P, Pastor, P, Pérez-Tur, J, Piñol-Ripoll, G, Lopez de Munain, A, García-Alberca, J, Bullido, M, Álvarez, V, Lleó, A, Real, L, Mir, P, Medina, M, Scheltens, P, Holstege, H, Marquié, M, Sáez, M, Carracedo, Á, Amouyel, P, Schellenberg, G, Williams, J, Seshadri, S, van Duijn, C, Mather, K, Sánchez-Valle, R, Serrano-Ríos, M, Orellana, A, Tárraga, L, Blennow, K, Huisman, M, Andreassen, O, Posthuma, D, Clarimón, J, Boada, M, van der Flier, W, Ramirez, A, Lambert, J, van der Lee, S, Ruiz, A, de Rojas, Itziar, Moreno-Grau, Sonia, Tesi, Niccolo, Grenier-Boley, Benjamin, Andrade, Victor, Jansen, Iris E, Pedersen, Nancy L, Stringa, Najada, Zettergren, Anna, Hernández, Isabel, Montrreal, Laura, Antúnez, Carmen, Antonell, Anna, Tankard, Rick M, Bis, Joshua C, Sims, Rebecca, Bellenguez, Céline, Quintela, Inés, González-Perez, Antonio, Calero, Miguel, Franco-Macías, Emilio, Macías, Juan, Blesa, Rafael, Cervera-Carles, Laura, Menéndez-González, Manuel, Frank-García, Ana, Royo, Jose Luís, Moreno, Fermin, Huerto Vilas, Raquel, Baquero, Miquel, Diez-Fairen, Mónica, Lage, Carmen, García-Madrona, Sebastián, García-González, Pablo, Alarcón-Martín, Emilio, Valero, Sergi, Sotolongo-Grau, Oscar, Ullgren, Abbe, Naj, Adam C, Lemstra, Afina W, Benaque, Alba, Pérez-Cordón, Alba, Benussi, Alberto, Rábano, Alberto, Padovani, Alessandro, Squassina, Alessio, de Mendonça, Alexandre, Arias Pastor, Alfonso, Kok, Almar A L, Meggy, Alun, Pastor, Ana Belén, Espinosa, Ana, Corma-Gómez, Anas, Martín Montes, Angel, Sanabria, Ángela, DeStefano, Anita L, Schneider, Anja, Haapasalo, Annakaisa, Kinhult Ståhlbom, Anne, Tybjærg-Hansen, Anne, Hartmann, Annette M, Spottke, Annika, Corbatón-Anchuelo, Arturo, Rongve, Arvid, Borroni, Barbara, Arosio, Beatrice, Nacmias, Benedetta, Nordestgaard, Børge G, Kunkle, Brian W, Charbonnier, Camille, Abdelnour, Carla, Masullo, Carlo, Martínez Rodríguez, Carmen, Muñoz-Fernandez, Carmen, Dufouil, Carole, Graff, Caroline, Ferreira, Catarina B, Chillotti, Caterina, Reynolds, Chandra A, Fenoglio, Chiara, Van Broeckhoven, Christine, Clark, Christopher, Pisanu, Claudia, Satizabal, Claudia L, Holmes, Clive, Buiza-Rueda, Dolores, Aarsland, Dag, Rujescu, Dan, Alcolea, Daniel, Galimberti, Daniela, Wallon, David, Seripa, Davide, Grünblatt, Edna, Dardiotis, Efthimios, Düzel, Emrah, Scarpini, Elio, Conti, Elisa, Rubino, Elisa, Gelpi, Ellen, Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Eloy, Duron, Emmanuelle, Boerwinkle, Eric, Ferri, Evelyn, Tagliavini, Fabrizio, Küçükali, Fahri, Pasquier, Florence, Sanchez-Garcia, Florentino, Mangialasche, Francesca, Jessen, Frank, Nicolas, Gaël, Selbæk, Geir, Ortega, Gemma, Chêne, Geneviève, Hadjigeorgiou, Georgios, Rossi, Giacomina, Spalletta, Gianfranco, Giaccone, Giorgio, Grande, Giulia, Binetti, Giuliano, Papenberg, Goran, Hampel, Harald, Bailly, Henri, Zetterberg, Henrik, Soininen, Hilkka, Karlsson, Ida K, Alvarez, Ignacio, Appollonio, Ildebrando, Giegling, Ina, Skoog, Ingmar, Saltvedt, Ingvild, Rainero, Innocenzo, Rosas Allende, Irene, Hort, Jakub, Diehl-Schmid, Janine, Van Dongen, Jasper, Vidal, Jean-Sebastien, Lehtisalo, Jenni, Wiltfang, Jens, Thomassen, Jesper Qvist, Kornhuber, Johannes, Haines, Jonathan L, Vogelgsang, Jonathan, Pineda, Juan A, Fortea, Juan, Popp, Julius, Deckert, Jürgen, Buerger, Katharina, Morgan, Kevin, Fließbach, Klaus, Sleegers, Kristel, Molina-Porcel, Laura, Kilander, Lena, Weinhold, Leonie, Farrer, Lindsay A, Wang, Li-San, Kleineidam, Luca, Farotti, Lucia, Parnetti, Lucilla, Tremolizzo, Lucio, Hausner, Lucrezia, Benussi, Luisa, Froelich, Lutz, Ikram, M Arfan, Deniz-Naranjo, M Candida, Tsolaki, Magda, Rosende-Roca, Maitée, Löwenmark, Malin, Hulsman, Marc, Spallazzi, Marco, Pericak-Vance, Margaret A, Esiri, Margaret, Bernal Sánchez-Arjona, María, Dalmasso, Maria Carolina, Martínez-Larrad, María Teresa, Arcaro, Marina, Nöthen, Markus M, Fernández-Fuertes, Marta, Dichgans, Martin, Ingelsson, Martin, Herrmann, Martin J, Scherer, Martin, Vyhnalek, Martin, Kosmidis, Mary H, Yannakoulia, Mary, Schmid, Matthias, Ewers, Michael, Heneka, Michael T, Wagner, Michael, Scamosci, Michela, Kivipelto, Miia, Hiltunen, Mikko, Zulaica, Miren, Alegret, Montserrat, Fornage, Myriam, Roberto, Natalia, van Schoor, Natasja M, Seidu, Nazib M, Banaj, Nerisa, Armstrong, Nicola J, Scarmeas, Nikolaos, Scherbaum, Norbert, Goldhardt, Oliver, Hanon, Oliver, Peters, Oliver, Skrobot, Olivia Anna, Quenez, Olivier, Lerch, Ondrej, Bossù, Paola, Caffarra, Paolo, Dionigi Rossi, Paolo, Sakka, Paraskevi, Hoffmann, Per, Holmans, Peter A, Fischer, Peter, Riederer, Peter, Yang, Qiong, Marshall, Rachel, Kalaria, Rajesh N, Mayeux, Richard, Vandenberghe, Rik, Cecchetti, Roberta, Ghidoni, Roberta, Frikke-Schmidt, Ruth, Sorbi, Sandro, Hägg, Sara, Engelborghs, Sebastiaan, Helisalmi, Seppo, Botne Sando, Sigrid, Kern, Silke, Archetti, Silvana, Boschi, Silvia, Fostinelli, Silvia, Gil, Silvia, Mendoza, Silvia, Mead, Simon, Ciccone, Simona, Djurovic, Srdjan, Heilmann-Heimbach, Stefanie, Riedel-Heller, Steffi, Kuulasmaa, Teemu, Del Ser, Teodoro, Lebouvier, Thibaud, Polak, Thomas, Ngandu, Tiia, Grimmer, Timo, Bessi, Valentina, Escott-Price, Valentina, Giedraitis, Vilmantas, Deramecourt, Vincent, Maier, Wolfgang, Jian, Xueqiu, Pijnenburg, Yolande A L, Andreoni, Simona, Ferrarese, Carlo, Sala Gessica, Zoia, Chiara Paola, Kehoe, Patrick Gavin, Garcia-Ribas, Guillermo, Sánchez-Juan, Pascual, Pastor, Pau, Pérez-Tur, Jordi, Piñol-Ripoll, Gerard, Lopez de Munain, Adolfo, García-Alberca, Jose María, Bullido, María J, Álvarez, Victoria, Lleó, Alberto, Real, Luis M, Mir, Pablo, Medina, Miguel, Scheltens, Philip, Holstege, Henne, Marquié, Marta, Sáez, María Eugenia, Carracedo, Ángel, Amouyel, Philippe, Schellenberg, Gerard D, Williams, Julie, Seshadri, Sudha, van Duijn, Cornelia M, Mather, Karen A, Sánchez-Valle, Raquel, Serrano-Ríos, Manuel, Orellana, Adelina, Tárraga, Lluís, Blennow, Kaj, Huisman, Martijn, Andreassen, Ole A, Posthuma, Danielle, Clarimón, Jordi, Boada, Mercè, van der Flier, Wiesje M, Ramirez, Alfredo, Lambert, Jean-Charles, van der Lee, Sven J, and Ruiz, Agustín
- Abstract
Genetic discoveries of Alzheimer’s disease are the drivers of our understanding, and together with polygenetic risk stratification can contribute towards planning of feasible and efficient preventive and curative clinical trials. We first perform a large genetic association study by merging all available case-control datasets and by-proxy study results (discovery n = 409,435 and validation size n = 58,190). Here, we add six variants associated with Alzheimer’s disease risk (near APP, CHRNE, PRKD3/NDUFAF7, PLCG2 and two exonic variants in the SHARPIN gene). Assessment of the polygenic risk score and stratifying by APOE reveal a 4 to 5.5 years difference in median age at onset of Alzheimer’s disease patients in APOE ɛ4 carriers. Because of this study, the underlying mechanisms of APP can be studied to refine the amyloid cascade and the polygenic risk score provides a tool to select individuals at high risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
- Published
- 2021
48. Shared genetic risk between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes: Evidence from genome-wide association studies
- Author
Munn-Chernoff, MA, Johnson, EC, Chou, YL, Coleman, JRI, Thornton, LM, Walters, RK, Yilmaz, Z, Baker, JH, Hübel, C, Gordon, S, Medland, SE, Watson, HJ, Gaspar, HA, Bryois, J, Hinney, A, Leppä, VM, Mattheisen, M, Ripke, S, Yao, S, Giusti-Rodríguez, P, Hanscombe, KB, Adan, RAH, Alfredsson, L, Ando, T, Andreassen, OA, Berrettini, WH, Boehm, I, Boni, C, Boraska Perica, V, Buehren, K, Burghardt, R, Cassina, M, Cichon, S, Clementi, M, Cone, RD, Courtet, P, Crow, S, Crowley, JJ, Danner, UN, Davis, OS, Zwaan, M, Dedoussis, G, Degortes, D, DeSocio, JE, Dick, DM, Dikeos, D, Dina, C, Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M, Docampo, E, Duncan, LE, Egberts, K, Ehrlich, S, Escaramís, G, Esko, T, Estivill, X, Farmer, A, Favaro, A, Fernández-Aranda, F, Fichter, MM, Fischer, K, Föcker, M, Foretova, L, Forstner, AJ, Forzan, M, Franklin, CS, Gallinger, S, Giegling, I, Giuranna, J, Gonidakis, F, Gorwood, P, Gratacos Mayora, M, Guillaume, S, Guo, Y, Hakonarson, H, Hatzikotoulas, K, Hauser, J, Hebebrand, J, Helder, SG, Herms, S, Herpertz-Dahlmann, B, Herzog, W, Huckins, LM, Hudson, JI, Imgart, H, Inoko, H, Janout, V, Jiménez-Murcia, S, Julià, A, Kalsi, G, Kaminská, D, Karhunen, L, Karwautz, A, Kas, MJH, Kennedy, JL, Keski-Rahkonen, A, Kiezebrink, K, Kim, YR, Klump, KL, Knudsen, GP, La Via, MC, Le Hellard, S, Levitan, RD, Li, D, Lilenfeld, L, Lin, BD, Lissowska, J, Luykx, J, Magistretti, PJ, Maj, M, Mannik, K, Marsal, S, Marshall, CR, Mattingsdal, M, McDevitt, S, McGuffin, P, Metspalu, A, Meulenbelt, I, Micali, N, Mitchell, K, Monteleone, A M, Monteleone, P, Nacmias, B, Navratilova, M, Ntalla, I, O'Toole, JK, Ophoff, Roel, Padyukov, L, Palotie, A, Pantel, J, Papezova, H, Pinto, D, Rabionet, R, Raevuori, A, Ramoz, N, Reichborn-Kjennerud, T, Ricca, V, Ripatti, S, Ritschel, F, Roberts, M, Rotondo, A, Rujescu, D, Rybakowski, F, Santonastaso, P, Scherag, A, Scherer, SW, Schmidt, U, Schork, NJ, Schosser, A, Seitz, J, Slachtova, L, Slagboom, PE, Slof-Op't Landt, MCT, Slopien, A, Sorbi, S, ?wi?tkowska, B, Szatkiewicz, JP, Tachmazidou, I, Tenconi, E, Tortorella, A, Tozzi, F, Treasure, J, Tsitsika, A, Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor, M, Tziouvas, K, van Elburg, AA, van Furth, EF, Wagner, G, Walton, E, Widen, E, Zeggini, E, Zerwas, S, Zipfel, S, Bergen, AW, Boden, JM, Brandt, H, Crawford, S, Halmi, KA, Horwood, LJ, Johnson, C, Kaplan, AS, Kaye, WH, Mitchell, J E, Olsen, CM, Pearson, JF, Pedersen, NL, Strober, M, Werge, T, Whiteman, DC, Woodside, DB, Grove, J, Henders, AK, Larsen, J T, Parker, R, Petersen, LV, Jordan, J, Kennedy, MA, Birgegård, A, Lichtenstein, P, Norring, C, Landén, M, Mortensen, PB, Polimanti, R, McClintick, JN, Adkins, AE, Aliev, F, Bacanu, SA, Batzler, A, Bertelsen, S, Biernacka, JM, Bigdeli, TB, Chen, L S, Clarke, TK, Degenhardt, F, Docherty, AR, Edwards, AC, Foo, JC, Fox, L, Frank, J, Hack, LM, Hartmann, AM, Hartz, SM, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Hodgkinson, C, Hoffmann, P, Hottenga, JJ, Konte, B, Lahti, J, Lahti-Pulkkinen, M, Lai, D, Ligthart, L, Loukola, A, Maher, BS, Mbarek, H, McIntosh, AM, McQueen, MB, Meyers, JL, Milaneschi, Y, Palviainen, T, Peterson, RE, Ryu, E, Saccone, N L, Salvatore, JE, Sanchez-Roige, S, Schwandt, M, Sherva, R, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, Thomas, N, Wang, JCY, Webb, BT, Wedow, R, Wetherill, L, Wills, AG, Zhou, H, Boardman, JD, Chen, D, Choi, D S, Copeland, WE, Culverhouse, RC, Dahmen, N, Degenhardt, L, Domingue, BW, Frye, MA, Gäebel, W, Hayward, C, Ising, M, Keyes, M, Kiefer, F, Koller, G, Kramer, J (John), Kuperman, S, Lucae, S, Lynskey, MT, Maier, W, Mann, K, Männistö, S, Müller-Myhsok, B, Murray, AD, Nurnberger, JI, Preuss, U, Räikkönen, K, Reynolds, MD, Ridinger, M, Scherbaum, N, Schuckit, MA, Soyka, M, Treutlein, J, Witt, SH, Wodarz, N, Zill, P, Adkins, DE, Boomsma, DI, Bierut, LJ, Brown, S, Bucholz, KK, Costello, EJ, Wit, HJ, Diazgranados, N, Eriksson, JG, Farrer, LA, Foroud, TM, Gillespie, NA, Goate, AM, Goldman, D, Grucza, RA, Hancock, DB, Harris, KM, Hesselbrock, V, Hewitt, JK, Hopfer, CJ, Iacono, WG, Johnson, E O, Karpyak, VM, Kendler, KS, Kranzler, HR, Krauter, K, Lind, PA, McGue, M, MacKillop, J, Madden, PA, Maes, HH, Magnusson, PKE, Nelson, EC, Nöthen, MM, Palmer, AA, Penninx, BWJH, Porjesz, B, Rice, JP, Rietschel, M, Riley, BP, Rose, RJ, Shen, PH, Silberg, J, Stallings, MC, Tarter, RE, Vanyukov, MM, Vrieze, S, Wall, TL, Whitfield, JB, Zhao, H, Neale, BM, Wade, TD, Heath, AC, Montgomery, GW, Martin, NG, Sullivan, PF, Kaprio, J, Breen, G, Gelernter, J, Edenberg, HJ, Bulik, CM, Agrawal, A, Munn-Chernoff, MA, Johnson, EC, Chou, YL, Coleman, JRI, Thornton, LM, Walters, RK, Yilmaz, Z, Baker, JH, Hübel, C, Gordon, S, Medland, SE, Watson, HJ, Gaspar, HA, Bryois, J, Hinney, A, Leppä, VM, Mattheisen, M, Ripke, S, Yao, S, Giusti-Rodríguez, P, Hanscombe, KB, Adan, RAH, Alfredsson, L, Ando, T, Andreassen, OA, Berrettini, WH, Boehm, I, Boni, C, Boraska Perica, V, Buehren, K, Burghardt, R, Cassina, M, Cichon, S, Clementi, M, Cone, RD, Courtet, P, Crow, S, Crowley, JJ, Danner, UN, Davis, OS, Zwaan, M, Dedoussis, G, Degortes, D, DeSocio, JE, Dick, DM, Dikeos, D, Dina, C, Dmitrzak-Weglarz, M, Docampo, E, Duncan, LE, Egberts, K, Ehrlich, S, Escaramís, G, Esko, T, Estivill, X, Farmer, A, Favaro, A, Fernández-Aranda, F, Fichter, MM, Fischer, K, Föcker, M, Foretova, L, Forstner, AJ, Forzan, M, Franklin, CS, Gallinger, S, Giegling, I, Giuranna, J, Gonidakis, F, Gorwood, P, Gratacos Mayora, M, Guillaume, S, Guo, Y, Hakonarson, H, Hatzikotoulas, K, Hauser, J, Hebebrand, J, Helder, SG, Herms, S, Herpertz-Dahlmann, B, Herzog, W, Huckins, LM, Hudson, JI, Imgart, H, Inoko, H, Janout, V, Jiménez-Murcia, S, Julià, A, Kalsi, G, Kaminská, D, Karhunen, L, Karwautz, A, Kas, MJH, Kennedy, JL, Keski-Rahkonen, A, Kiezebrink, K, Kim, YR, Klump, KL, Knudsen, GP, La Via, MC, Le Hellard, S, Levitan, RD, Li, D, Lilenfeld, L, Lin, BD, Lissowska, J, Luykx, J, Magistretti, PJ, Maj, M, Mannik, K, Marsal, S, Marshall, CR, Mattingsdal, M, McDevitt, S, McGuffin, P, Metspalu, A, Meulenbelt, I, Micali, N, Mitchell, K, Monteleone, A M, Monteleone, P, Nacmias, B, Navratilova, M, Ntalla, I, O'Toole, JK, Ophoff, Roel, Padyukov, L, Palotie, A, Pantel, J, Papezova, H, Pinto, D, Rabionet, R, Raevuori, A, Ramoz, N, Reichborn-Kjennerud, T, Ricca, V, Ripatti, S, Ritschel, F, Roberts, M, Rotondo, A, Rujescu, D, Rybakowski, F, Santonastaso, P, Scherag, A, Scherer, SW, Schmidt, U, Schork, NJ, Schosser, A, Seitz, J, Slachtova, L, Slagboom, PE, Slof-Op't Landt, MCT, Slopien, A, Sorbi, S, ?wi?tkowska, B, Szatkiewicz, JP, Tachmazidou, I, Tenconi, E, Tortorella, A, Tozzi, F, Treasure, J, Tsitsika, A, Tyszkiewicz-Nwafor, M, Tziouvas, K, van Elburg, AA, van Furth, EF, Wagner, G, Walton, E, Widen, E, Zeggini, E, Zerwas, S, Zipfel, S, Bergen, AW, Boden, JM, Brandt, H, Crawford, S, Halmi, KA, Horwood, LJ, Johnson, C, Kaplan, AS, Kaye, WH, Mitchell, J E, Olsen, CM, Pearson, JF, Pedersen, NL, Strober, M, Werge, T, Whiteman, DC, Woodside, DB, Grove, J, Henders, AK, Larsen, J T, Parker, R, Petersen, LV, Jordan, J, Kennedy, MA, Birgegård, A, Lichtenstein, P, Norring, C, Landén, M, Mortensen, PB, Polimanti, R, McClintick, JN, Adkins, AE, Aliev, F, Bacanu, SA, Batzler, A, Bertelsen, S, Biernacka, JM, Bigdeli, TB, Chen, L S, Clarke, TK, Degenhardt, F, Docherty, AR, Edwards, AC, Foo, JC, Fox, L, Frank, J, Hack, LM, Hartmann, AM, Hartz, SM, Heilmann-Heimbach, S, Hodgkinson, C, Hoffmann, P, Hottenga, JJ, Konte, B, Lahti, J, Lahti-Pulkkinen, M, Lai, D, Ligthart, L, Loukola, A, Maher, BS, Mbarek, H, McIntosh, AM, McQueen, MB, Meyers, JL, Milaneschi, Y, Palviainen, T, Peterson, RE, Ryu, E, Saccone, N L, Salvatore, JE, Sanchez-Roige, S, Schwandt, M, Sherva, R, Streit, F, Strohmaier, J, Thomas, N, Wang, JCY, Webb, BT, Wedow, R, Wetherill, L, Wills, AG, Zhou, H, Boardman, JD, Chen, D, Choi, D S, Copeland, WE, Culverhouse, RC, Dahmen, N, Degenhardt, L, Domingue, BW, Frye, MA, Gäebel, W, Hayward, C, Ising, M, Keyes, M, Kiefer, F, Koller, G, Kramer, J (John), Kuperman, S, Lucae, S, Lynskey, MT, Maier, W, Mann, K, Männistö, S, Müller-Myhsok, B, Murray, AD, Nurnberger, JI, Preuss, U, Räikkönen, K, Reynolds, MD, Ridinger, M, Scherbaum, N, Schuckit, MA, Soyka, M, Treutlein, J, Witt, SH, Wodarz, N, Zill, P, Adkins, DE, Boomsma, DI, Bierut, LJ, Brown, S, Bucholz, KK, Costello, EJ, Wit, HJ, Diazgranados, N, Eriksson, JG, Farrer, LA, Foroud, TM, Gillespie, NA, Goate, AM, Goldman, D, Grucza, RA, Hancock, DB, Harris, KM, Hesselbrock, V, Hewitt, JK, Hopfer, CJ, Iacono, WG, Johnson, E O, Karpyak, VM, Kendler, KS, Kranzler, HR, Krauter, K, Lind, PA, McGue, M, MacKillop, J, Madden, PA, Maes, HH, Magnusson, PKE, Nelson, EC, Nöthen, MM, Palmer, AA, Penninx, BWJH, Porjesz, B, Rice, JP, Rietschel, M, Riley, BP, Rose, RJ, Shen, PH, Silberg, J, Stallings, MC, Tarter, RE, Vanyukov, MM, Vrieze, S, Wall, TL, Whitfield, JB, Zhao, H, Neale, BM, Wade, TD, Heath, AC, Montgomery, GW, Martin, NG, Sullivan, PF, Kaprio, J, Breen, G, Gelernter, J, Edenberg, HJ, Bulik, CM, and Agrawal, A
- Abstract
Eating disorders and substance use disorders frequently co-occur. Twin studies reveal shared genetic variance between liabilities to eating disorders and substance use, with the strongest associations between symptoms of bulimia nervosa and problem alcohol use (genetic correlation [rg], twin-based = 0.23-0.53). We estimated the genetic correlation between eating disorder and substance use and disorder phenotypes using data from genome-wide association studies (GWAS). Four eating disorder phenotypes (anorexia nervosa [AN], AN with binge eating, AN without binge eating, and a bulimia nervosa factor score), and eight substance-use-related phenotypes (drinks per week, alcohol use disorder [AUD], smoking initiation, current smoking, cigarettes per day, nicotine dependence, cannabis initiation, and cannabis use disorder) from eight studies were included. Significant genetic correlations were adjusted for variants associated with major depressive disorder and schizophrenia. Total study sample sizes per phenotype ranged from ~2400 to ~537 000 individuals. We used linkage disequilibrium score regression to calculate single nucleotide polymorphism-based genetic correlations between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotypes. Significant positive genetic associations emerged between AUD and AN (rg = 0.18; false discovery rate q = 0.0006), cannabis initiation and AN (rg = 0.23; q < 0.0001), and cannabis initiation and AN with binge eating (rg = 0.27; q = 0.0016). Conversely, significant negative genetic correlations were observed between three nondiagnostic smoking phenotypes (smoking initiation, current smoking, and cigarettes per day) and AN without binge eating (rgs = −0.19 to −0.23; qs < 0.04). The genetic correlation between AUD and AN was no longer significant after co-varying for major depressive disorder loci. The patterns of association between eating disorder- and substance-use-related phenotyp
- Published
- 2021
49. Progression of Behavioral Disturbances and Neuropsychiatric Symptoms in Patients With Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia
- Author
Benussi, A, Premi, E, Gazzina, S, Brattini, C, Bonomi, E, Alberici, A, Jiskoot, Lize, van Swieten, J.C., Sanchez-Valle, R, Moreno, F, Laforce, R, Graff, C, Synofzik, M, Galimberti, D, Masellis, M, Tartaglia, C, Rowe, JB, Finger, E, Vandenberghe, R, De Mendonca, A, Tagliavini, F, Santana, I, Ducharme, S, Butler, CR, Gerhard, A, Levin, J, Danek, A, Otto, M, Frisoni, G, Ghidoni, R, Sorbi, S, Le Ber, I, Pasquier, F, Peakman, G, Todd, E, Bocchetta, M, Rohrer, JD, Borroni, B, Benussi, A, Premi, E, Gazzina, S, Brattini, C, Bonomi, E, Alberici, A, Jiskoot, Lize, van Swieten, J.C., Sanchez-Valle, R, Moreno, F, Laforce, R, Graff, C, Synofzik, M, Galimberti, D, Masellis, M, Tartaglia, C, Rowe, JB, Finger, E, Vandenberghe, R, De Mendonca, A, Tagliavini, F, Santana, I, Ducharme, S, Butler, CR, Gerhard, A, Levin, J, Danek, A, Otto, M, Frisoni, G, Ghidoni, R, Sorbi, S, Le Ber, I, Pasquier, F, Peakman, G, Todd, E, Bocchetta, M, Rohrer, JD, and Borroni, B
- Abstract
Importance: Behavioral disturbances are core features of frontotemporal dementia (FTD); however, symptom progression across the course of disease is not well characterized in genetic FTD. Objective: To investigate behavioral symptom frequency and severity and their evolution and progression in different forms of genetic FTD. Design, Setting, and Participants: This longitudinal cohort study, the international Genetic FTD Initiative (GENFI), was conducted from January 30, 2012, to May 31, 2019, at 23 multicenter specialist tertiary FTD research clinics in the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Sweden, Finland, and Canada. Participants included a consecutive sample of 232 symptomatic FTD gene variation carriers comprising 115 with variations in C9orf72, 78 in GRN, and 39 in MAPT. A total of 101 carriers had at least 1 follow-up evaluation (for a total of 400 assessments). Gene variations were included only if considered pathogenetic. Main Outcomes and Measures: Behavioral and neuropsychiatric symptoms were assessed across disease duration and evaluated from symptom onset. Hierarchical generalized linear mixed models were used to model behavioral and neuropsychiatric measures as a function of disease duration and variation. Results: Of 232 patients with FTD, 115 (49.6%) had a C9orf72 expansion (median [interquartile range (IQR)] age at evaluation, 64.3 [57.5-69.7] years; 72 men [62.6%]; 115 White patients [100%]), 78 (33.6%) had a GRN variant (median [IQR] age, 63.4 [58.3-68.8] years; 40 women [51.3%]; 77 White patients [98.7%]), and 39 (16.8%) had a MAPT variant (median [IQR] age, 56.3 [49.9-62.4] years; 25 men [64.1%]; 37 White patients [94.9%]). All core behavioral symptoms, including disinhibition, apathy, loss of empathy, perseverative behavior, and hyperorality, were highly expressed in all gene variant carriers (>50% patients), with apathy being one of the most common and severe symptoms throughout the disease
- Published
- 2021
50. Education and occupation provide reserve in both ApoE ε4 carrier and noncarrier patients with probable Alzheimer’s disease
- Author
Garibotto, V., Borroni, B., Sorbi, S., Cappa, S. F., Padovani, A., and Perani, D.
- Published
- 2012
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