90 results on '"Stabilumas"'
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2. The performance of the genetic gain and breeding progress of historical winter wheat cultivars set in the period from 1930 to 2013 in South-eastern Europe.
- Author
ILIN, Sonja, JOCKOVIĆ, Bojan, MIROSAVLJEVIĆ, Milan, MOMČILOVIĆ, Vojislava, AĆIN, Vladimir, ŽIVANČEV, Dragan, MIKIĆ, Sanja, and BRBAKLIĆ, Ljiljana
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WINTER wheat , *CULTIVARS , *WINTER grain , *WHEAT , *GRAIN yields , *GROWING season - Abstract
The aim of this study was to analyse the changes in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain yield and stability during the last century and to identify meteorological variables related to the cultivar performance in many-years research. A historical set of 47 winter wheat cultivars widely grown in the Pannonian Plain region during the period between 1930 and 2013 was studied. Field experiments with 47 winter wheat cultivars were conducted during ten growing seasons. Grain yield, main agronomic traits, protein content, and Zeleny sedimentation test were studied. The selected cultivars were widely grown and/or extensively used in breeding activities in Serbia and surrounding countries. The obtained results varied significantly across the growing seasons and breeding periods. The grain yield was closely related to winter wheat genetic gain. The genetic progress of grain yield was 48 kg ha-1 per year of cultivar release. Precipitation during winter, stem elongation, and mid and late grain filling stages were highly associated with the grain yield and genetic gain. Differences among the breeding periods were significant for the plant height. The cultivars of the 1st breeding period were the highest with an average plant height of 109 cm. The lowest plant height was recorded in the cultivars of the 5th and 6th breeding periods: 78.5 and 80.5 cm, respectively. Among the growing seasons, the average plant height ranged from 69.5 to 98.6 cm. The hectolitre weight varied from 77.6 to 79.6 kg hl-1. The thousand grain weight showed a small variation and ranged from 40.1 to 41.9 g. The protein content significantly varied among the breeding periods and growing seasons. Modern cultivars of the 6th (12.4%) and the 4th (12.5%) breeding periods had the lowest protein content, while the highest protein content (14.0%) was recorded in the initial cultivars of the 1st breeding period. The modern winter wheat cultivars showed a higher grain yield potential and stability than older ones. Therefore, the improvement of cultivars stability across different environmental conditions should represent a notable strategy for further increase of the winter wheat grain yield potential. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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3. Value of Hordeum vulgare L. genotypes in terms of yield and its stability.
- Author
Kozachenko, M. R., Solonechnyi, P. M., Zymohliad, O. V., Vasko, N. I., Vazhenina, O. Ye., Naumov, O. H., Kobyzeva, L. N., and Kolomatska, V. P.
- Abstract
Copyright of Agricultural Sciences / Zemès ukio Mokslai is the property of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences Publishers and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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Copyright of Vilnius University Proceedings is the property of Vilnius University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
5. Activity and isoenzyme composition of peroxidase in the vegetative organs of Japanese quince under steppe zone conditions.
- Author
Prisedsky, Yuriy, Kabar, Anatoliy, Lykholat, Yuriy, Martynova, Nadezhda, and Shupranova, Larysa
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Parameters of peroxidase complex are indicators of the adaptable processes which are taking place in plants under the environment influence. In this work the general activity dynamics and peroxidase isoenzyme composition in vegetative organs of Japanese quince (Chaenomeles Lindl.) were studied. The four species introduced in a steppe zone of Ukraine were researched: Ch. japonica (Thunb.) Lindl., Ch. speciosa (Sweet) Nak., Ch. cathayensis (Hemsl.) Schneid., Ch. × superba (Frahm) Red.). It was determined that the enzyme activity of these species possesses specific features subject to the phases of seasonal development and in response to the action of the hydrothermal stress. The highest enzyme activity in the period of intensive growth and flowering, with a subsequent sharp drop towards the middle of summer and further smoother decrease during the phase of physiological rest were observed in the leaves of Ch. speciosa and Ch. cathayensis. A higher peroxidase activity was a characteristic of Ch. japonica and Ch. × superba in the middle of the vegetative period, which can be considered a display of adaptation processes in the conditions of an unfavourable hydrothermal regime. The dynamics of changes in the quantitative composition of isoperoxidases was similar to the dynamics of enzyme activity. As a result of the generalization of the obtained data it is possible to consider that Ch. japonica and Ch. × superba are the steadiest in the conditions of the region. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2017
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6. Kvantinio taško ir fotosensibilizatoriaus-chlorino e6 komplekso stabilumo tyrimai ląstelių auginimo terpėse.
- Author
Kazlauskė, Evelina, Steponkienė, Simona, Karabanovas, Vitalijus, and Rotomskis, Ričardas
- Published
- 2023
7. Macroeconomic stability and transport companies’ sustainable development in the Eastern European Union
- Author
Michał Comporek, Magdalena Kowalska, and Anna Misztal
- Subjects
Economics and Econometrics ,sustainable development ,HF5001-6182 ,Rytų Europa (Eastern Europe) ,Macroeconomics ,transport companies ,economic growth ,eastern European Union ,Stabilumas ,economic analysis ,Įmonės. Bendrovės / Companies. Enterprises ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Sustainable development ,macroeconomic stability ,Business, Management and Accounting (miscellaneous) ,Business ,Ekonominė analizė. Prognozavimas / Economic analysis. Forecasting ,Transportas / Transport ,Ekonominė politika. Globalizacija. Integracija / Economic policy. Globalisation. Integration ,Stability ,Europos Sąjungos šalys (European Union countries) - Abstract
The paper’s primary aim is to evaluate the influence of macroeconomic stability on transport companies’ sustainable development in the eastern EU from 2008 to 2019. The first part discusses the theoretical problems. The empirical part includes the methodology, results of the research and conclusions. To determine the relationship between variables, we use Pearson’s R and the Ordinary Least Square Method. The contribution to knowledge is using the pentagon of macroeconomic stability to evaluate macroeconomic stabilisation’s influence on transport companies’ sustainable development. The results indicate that macroeconomic stability is one of the essential determinants of the transport companies’ sustainable development. According to Pearson’s R, the highest level of dependence is in Slovenia (0.96), Bulgaria (0.9), and Slovenia (0.83). The lowest is in Latvia (0.69). The OLS regression results indicate that the highest significance is in Slovakia (α1 = 1.994), the lowest is in Lithuania (α1 = 0.691). The states’ economic policies should favour the freedom to conduct business, create appropriate legal regulations, and support ecological investments. It is necessary to act for a stable and fair tax system, ensure access to finance. The issue is contemporary and requires further analysis. Keywords: sustainable development, economic growth, macroeconomic stability, transport companies, eastern European Union, economic analysis.
- Published
- 2022
8. Видозміни у виконанні музичного фольклору: еволюція чи просто варіативність?
- Author
Rimantas Sliuzinskas
- Subjects
Melody ,lcsh:M1-5000 ,History ,traditional folk singing practice ,changeability ,Stabilumas ,784.4:398.8(474.5) ,видозміна ,стійкість ,варіативність ,еволюція ,музичний фольклор ,традиційна практика фольклорного співу ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,evolution ,Pastovumas ,Meaning (existential) ,stability ,variability ,musical folklore ,Oral tradition ,видоизменяемость ,устойчивость ,вариативность ,эволюция ,музыкальный фольклор ,традиционная практика фольклорного пения ,Folk music ,Dainos / Songs ,Evoliucija ,Kintamumas ,lcsh:Music ,Folklore ,Kitimas ,General Engineering ,Variantiškumas ,Linguistics ,Choreography ,Muzika / Music ,Performing arts ,Singing ,Įvairumas - Abstract
Матеріали музичної фольклорної спадщини в історичному плані постійно і широко видозмінюються. Це наочно видно і у традиційній інструментальній музиці, і у народно- пісенному фольклорі, і у зразках традиційної хореографії. Нелегко зробити чіткий аналіз цього процесу, і нам в цьому допомагають безліч спеціальних досліджень присвячених даним темам. У статті викладено основні акценти та проведено головні вектори для подібного роду досліджень на декількох різних рівнях. Кожна мелодія певної традиційної пісні має безліч варіацій. Фольклорний виконавець не прагне до чіткої копії пісні, не прагне виконувати так, як він чув її від іншого виконавця. Таким чином, у фольклорних архівах Литви ми можемо знайти сотні варіантів тієї ж народної пісні, виконаних окремими співаками в різний час і в різних місцях. У нас є прекрасна можливість зробити порівняльний аналіз визначеної частини варіантів тієї або іншої мелодії (усі її варіації в живому виконанні записати неможливо), що існує в реальному фольклорному житті. І усі такі варіанти, зазвичай, виникають як у мелодії, так і у поетичних текстах. З іншого боку, ми також можемо бачити дуже чітку стабільність деяких найбільш важливих інтонацій, мотивів або фраз майже в усіх різних записах мелодії (і текстів, звичайно). Це демонструє нам свого роду дуже чіткі неписані правила, інтуїтивно відомі усім традиційним виконавцям фольклору як основні форми усієї усної традиції. Усі види музичного виконання на сцені так само мають свої особливі стандарти. Під час підготовки фольклорної програми на сцені ми повинні підігнати увесь репертуар в рамки чіткого часу і певної послідовності. Ми зобов’язані показувати тільки цікаві для глядачів і слухачів твори. Отже, традиційні фольклорні виконавці повинні уявити себе артистами сцени. Вони повинні повернути обличчя за правилами сцени, говорити, співати й виконувати музику досить голосно, посміхатися або плакати відповідно до заздалегідь запланованої програми. Які ще більш жахливі для них запити ми можемо їм запропонувати? Чи правильна це перспектива еволюції фольклору? Мета дослідження – визначити, теоретично і практично осмислити форми видозмін у виконанні музичного фольклору, маючи на увазі визначення його еволюції і варіативності. Методи дослідження – науковий аналіз, історичний, дедуктивний і порівняльний методи, узагальнення і гіпотеза. Наукова новизна дослідження передусім визначається застосуванням досвіду литовського етномузикознавства в розв’язанні загальних проблем розвитку музичної спадщини традиційної пісенності. Висновки. Усі ситуації, представлені в цій статті, ми хотіли б визначити як видозмінювання, варіативність або, принаймні, розвиток фольклору (чи у фольклорі). І деякі з них ми можемо розуміти як видозмінювання або розвиток усієї історії традиційної культури у вигляді фольклорної (музичної, словесної і т. п.) спадщини. Традиційний фольклор має свої основні закони. Нам не дозволено вимушено впливати на них. Ми можемо використати традиційні фольклорні елементи як копії первинних фольклорних предметів для усіх інших цілей, які нам потрібні в розвитку культури у всьому світі, але ми ніколи не зможемо знову перевтілитися в чіткі первинні зразки таких копій. У цьому суть вічного процесу – як видозміни фольклору, так і його еволюції., The musical folklore items use to have continuity of general changes in large scale historically. We can see it in the instrumental folk music, singing folklore, traditional choreography developments. It is not easy to make clear analysis of this process and we need a great number of special studies based on it. We can show only the main points or directions of this object in some different levels here. Each tune of particular traditional folk song has a great number of its variations. Each folklore performer does not want to make clear copy while singing the particular song the same way, as he has heard it from the other performer. So, we are able to find hundreds of the same folk tune variants, performed by particular singers in different times and various localities at the folklore archives in Lithuania. We have a nice possibility to make a comparative analysis of definite part (it is impossible to record all the performing variations) of this melody existing in real folklore life this way. And all variants are both in melodic lines and in poetic texts there, as a rule. On the other hand, we also can see the very clear stability of some the most important intonations, motives or phrases in almost all the different recordings of the melody (and text, of course). It shows us a sort of very clear non-written rules, known intuitively for all the traditional folklore performers as the basic forms of all the oral tradition. All sorts of music performance on the stage have their own specific standards. We have to make a folklore program in clear time and sequence. We have to show the interesting things for all the audience only. Therefore, traditional folklore performers have to make themselves as the artists. They have to turn their faces right way, to speak, to sing and to play music enough loudly, to smile and cry according to the stage program. What more terrible things we can ask them to do? Is it the right perspective of the folklore evolution? Thus, in this article we set the main goal – to define, theoretically and practically comprehend the forms of modifications performed by musical folklore, meaning the definitions of its evolution and variability. Methods – scientific analysis, historical, deductive and comparative methods, generalization and hypothesis. The novelty of the research is primarily determined by applying the experience of Lithuanian ethnomusicology in solving the general problems of the musical features development in traditional singing folklore. Conclusions. All the situations presented in this article we would like to define as the changeability, variability or at least developments of folklore (or in folklore). And some of them we can find as development and evolution of all the art and culture history using the folklore (musical, verbal etc.) essence or its elements. Traditional folklore has its own basic laws. We are not allowed to force and to influence them. We can use the traditional folklore elements as the copies of primary folklore items for all the other purposes we need in the history of worldwide culture, but we will never be able to make clear primary items from such copies. This is the essence of everlasting process of folklore changeability in one hand and evolution in another one., Материалы музыкального фольклорного наследия в историческом плане постоянно и широко видоизменяются. Это наглядно видно и в традиционной инструментальной музыке, и в народно-песенном фольклоре, и в образцах традиционной хореографии. Нелегко сделать четкий анализ этого процесса, и нам в этом помогают множество специальных исследований на эти темы. В статье мы можем показать лишь основные акценты и провести главные векторы для подобных исследований на нескольких разных уровнях. Каждая мелодия определенной традиционной песни имеет множество вариаций. Фольклорный исполнитель не стремится к четкой копии определенной песни таким же образом, как он слышал её от другого исполнителя. Таким образом, в фольклорных архивах Литвы мы можем найти сотни вариантов той же народной песни, исполненных отдельными певцами в разное время и в разных местах. У нас есть прекрасная возможность сделать сравнительный анализ определенной части вариантов той или иной мелодии (все её вариации в живом исполнении записать невозможно), существующей в реальной фольклорной жизни. И все такие варианты, как правило, возникают как в мелодических строках, так и в поэтических текстах. С другой стороны, мы также можем видеть очень четкую стабильность некоторых наиболее важных интонаций, мотивов или фраз почти во всех различных записях мелодии (и текстов, конечно). Это показывает нам своего рода очень четкие неписаные правила, интуитивно известные всем традиционным исполнителям фольклора как основные формы всей устной традиции. Все виды музыкального исполнения на сцене также имеют свои особые стандарты. Во время подготовки фольклорной программы на сцене мы должны подогнать весь репертуар в рамки четкого времени и в определенной последовательности. Мы обязаны показывать только интересные для зрителей и слушателей произведения. Итак, традиционные фольклорные исполнители должны представить себя артистами сцены. Они должны повернуть лица по правилам сцены, говорить, петь и играть музыку достаточно громко, улыбаться или плакать в соответствии с заранее намеченной программой. Какие ещё более ужасные для них запросы мы можем им предложить? Правильная ли это перспектива эволюции фольклора? Цель исследования – определить, теоретически и практически осмыслить формы видоизменений в исполнении музыкального фольклора, имея в виду определения его эволюции и вариативности. Методы исследования – научный анализ, исторический, дедуктивный и сравнительный методы, обобщение и гипотеза. Научная новизна исследования прежде всего определяется применением опыта литовского этномузыковедения в решении всеобщих проблем развития музыкального наследия традиционной песенности. Выводы. Все ситуации, представленные в этой статье, мы хотели бы определить, как видоизменяемость, вариативность или, по крайней мере, развитие фольклора (или в фольклоре). И некоторые из них мы можем понимать, как видоизменяемость или развитие всей истории традиционной культуры в виде фольклорного (музыкального, словесного и т. п.) наследия. Традиционный фольклор имеет свои основные законы. Нам не разрешено насильно влиять на них. Мы можем использовать традиционные фольклорные элементы в качестве копий первичных фольклорных предметов для всех других целей, которые нам нужны в развитии культуры во всём мире, но мы никогда не сможем обратно перевоплотиться в четкие первичные образцы таких копий. В этом суть вечного процесса – как видоизменяемости фольклора, так и его эволюции.
- Published
- 2019
9. Valuation of REIT impact on real estate market stability
- Author
Pilinkienė, Vaida
- Subjects
crisis ,real estate ,nekilnojamojo turtas ,stability ,poveikio vertinimas ,stabilumas ,REIT - Abstract
Real estate market stability is crucial for the well-being of the economy, thus any future innovation in this sector should be due-diligently analyzed before adaptation. One investment vehicle that has been left behind in Europe is “Real estate investment trust” (REIT). In short, it is a company that primarily conducts business in real estate and has unique governing laws. Since real estate market stability is crucial for the economy and the well-being of the society, before recommending adopting “REIT” company type, related risk to such companies should be analyzed. Therefore, the aim of this dissertation is to evaluate how REITs impact the real estate market stability by comparing performance differences between REITs and REOCs. This dissertation uses different modelling techniques like DEA analysis, GJR-GARCH and regression models to better understand firm efficiency, interest rate or market sensitivity and shock persistency on both micro and macro scales. The results of the final stability impact factor indicate that REIT were more liquid than REOC companies, countrywide had better stock returns, gave better dividends, and had less variance in most cases than REOC companies. However, in many cases REIT companies exhibited higher market and interest sensitivity, more severe shock persistency, were less efficient on a firm level and was more correlated with the market movements. This suggests that one investment company type cannot simply be interchanged for all purpose, and that future markets should carefully consider the strengths and weakness of both companies when adopting them., Nekilnojamojo turto (toliau – NT) rinkos stabilumas yra neįtikėtinai svarbus šalies ekonomikai, todėl kiekviena diegiama inovacija šiame sektoriuje turi būti atidžiai pamatuota. Vieno investicinės kompanijos tipo, kurio Europos šalyse yra pasigesta yra „Nekilnojamojo turto investiciniu trestas“ (angl. Real estate investment trust, REIT). Trumpai tariant, REIT yra investicinė kompanija, turinti savo teisinį statusą ir reglamentus bei atliekanti daugiausia savo investicinių operacijų NT sektoriuje. Kadangi, NT rinkos stabilumas yra gyvybiškai svarbus ne tik ekonomikai, bet ir žmonių gerovei, teikiant pasiūlymą „REITs“ režimą įgyvendinti, yra būtina moksliškai ištirti su ja susijusias rizikas. Dėl šios priežasties disertacijos tikslas yra įvertinti, kokį poveikį REIT turi NT rinkos stabilumui, lyginant REIT ir REOC veiklų rezultatų skirtumus. Šioje disertacijoje yra naudojami įvairialypiai modeliai kaip „DEA“, „GJR-GARCH“, ir regresija, su tikslu geriau suprasti įmonių efektyvumus, palūkanų ir rinkos jautrumą, bei šoko užsitęsimo lygį mikro ir makro lygmeniu. Poveikio NT rinkos stabilumo indikatorius konstatuoja, jog REIT kompanijos analizuojamu laikotarpiu buvo labiau likvidžios negu REOC kompanijos, šalių atžvilgiu generavo didesnę grąžą, mokėjo didesnius dividendus ir pasižymėjo mažesne variacija analizuotuose rodikliuose negu REOC kompanijos. Kita vertus, daugumoj atveju, REIT kompanijos buvo labiau jautrios rinkos ir palūkanų pokyčiams, turėjo stipresnį šoko užsitęsimo lygį, buvo mažiau efektyvios ir labiau koreliavo su bendros rinkos pokyčiais negu REOC kompanijos. Pastarieji empiriniai rezultatai, siūlo nenaudoti vieno investicijos kompanijos tipo visoms problemoms spręsti, todėl ateities rinkos turėtų atsakingai įvertinti privalumus ir trūkumus abiejų kompanijų tipų prieš jas adaptuojant.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
- Abstract
The issue of raw milk procurement cost level and fluctuation which inhibits strengthening negotiating positions of dairy product fabricants and probability of them staying competitive in the European Union, is examined. Scientific literature that analyzes risks of staple prices is overviewed in the article. The paper provides statistical data representing the situation of Lithuania in contrast with European Union rates. Global usage of prospective transactions and their possible influence on price regulation are analyzed. After examining statistical data and academic literature, conclusions are provided. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2015
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11. Automobilvežio stabilumo analizė
- Author
Medonaitė, Gabrielė and Tamokaitis, Saulius
- Subjects
car carrier ,transport ,transportas ,autovežis ,stability ,stabilumas - Abstract
Baigiamajame darbe buvo nagrinėjamas autovežio stabilumas. Didėjantis transporto priemonių srautas keliuose lemia didesnę avarijų riziką. Nustatyta, jog net 90 % avarijų įvyksta dėl žmogiškosios klaidos. To priežastis dažnai būna pasirinktas netinkamas greitis kelyje ir posūkiuose, netinkamai įvertinta kelio danga ar oro sąlygos. Nors sunkvežimiai patenka į avarijas rečiau, tačiau sunkiųjų transporto priemonių avarijų pasekmės gali būti daug rimtenės. Analizės metu buvo įvertinta veikianti išcentrinė jėga, įvertinti kritiniai virtimo ir slydimo greičiai atsižvelgiant į kelio dangos, posūkių spindulio sąlygas. Atlikus mokslinės literatūros analizę ir inžinerinius skaičiavimus daroma išvada, jog išcentrinė ir trinties jėgos, transporto priemonės greitis, posūkio spindulys turi didelę reikšmę autovežio stabilumui., This final work was about analysis of stability of the car carrier vehicle. Increasing traffic leads to a higher risk of accidents on the roads. It has been estimated that as many as 90% of accidents are caused by human error. This is often due to innapropriate speed on the roads and turns as well as poor assessment of road surface or weather conditions. Although trucks are less likely to be involved in accidents, the consequences of accidents of heavy vehicles can be much more severe. During the analysis, the acting centrifugal force, critical turning and sliding speeds were evaluated taking into account the conditions of the road surface and turning radius. After the analysis of the scientific literature and engineering calculations, it is concluded that centrifugal, frictional forces, vehicle speed, turning radius have a significant significance for the stability of the car carrier.
- Published
- 2021
12. Organinių skyles pernešančių puslaidininkių stabilumo ir būdų jam gerinti naudojant karbazolo bei ditien[3,2-b:2′, 3′-d]pirolo darinius tyrimas
- Author
Kasparavičius, Ernestas and Malinauskas, Tadas
- Subjects
monosluoksnis ,hole transporting material ,monolayer ,stability ,skyles pernesanti medžiaga ,perovskite solar cell ,perovskitiniai saules elementai ,stabilumas - Abstract
Alternatyvus energijos šaltinai gali aprūpinti vis didėjantį energijos poreikį, vienas iš perspektyviausių tokios energijos šaltinių - fotovoltinės sistemos. Per paskutinį dešimtmetį, dėl jų nesudėtingos gamybos ir aukšto efektyvumo, didelio mokslinio ir pramonės susidomėjimo sulaukė perovskitiniai saulės elementai. Ši technologija sparčiai artėja prie komercializavimo, tačiau šiai naujai technologijai reikia įveikti vieną iš paskutinių kliuvinių, įrenginių stabilumą. Šiame darbe buvo tirtos ir identifikuotos organinių skyles pernešančių medžiagų, naudojamų perovskitiniuose saulės elementuose, degradacijos priežastis. Tai pat, remiantis naujomis žiniomis, buvo susintetintos ir ištirtos naujos skyles pernešančios molekulės, galinčios sudaryti savitvarkius monosluoksnius ant elektrai laidžių oksidų paviršiaus. Su šiomis naujomis skyles pernešančiomis medžiagomis buvo pasiekti tandeminių saulės elementų efektyvumo rekordai., Alternative energy sources can supply the growing demand for energy and one of the most promising energy sources are photovoltaic systems. Over the last decade, perovskite solar cells have attracted considerable scientific and industrial interest due to their uncomplicated production and high efficiency. Perovskite solar cell technology is rapidly approaching commercialization, however, this new technology still lacks sufficient understanding on the stability of the devices. In this PhD thesis degradation pathways in organic hole transporting materials used in perovskite solar cells were identified. Using newly gained knowledge new hole-transporting molecules capable of forming self-assembled monolayers on the surface on electrically conductive oxides have been synthesized and investigated. Tandem solar cells, demonstrating record efficiency, have been achieved using these new hole-transferring materials.
- Published
- 2021
- Author
Kregzde, Arvydas
- Subjects
BUDGET deficits ,GROSS domestic product ,PUBLIC debts ,ECONOMICS ,SUSTAINABILITY ,DEBT management - Abstract
Copyright of Transformations in Business & Economics is the property of Vilnius University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Barabash, M.
- Abstract
The purpose of the research was to find out several ways to design real buildings with protective measures against progressive collapse. There are no uniform guidelines for choosing the type of finite element able to provide the necessary accuracy of the calculation model taking into account all the main factors affecting the strength and stability of the building. Therefore it is required to develop numerical methods for calculation on progressive collapse of buildings bearing structural elements in case of emergency. In addition, our task was to present a methodology that allows checking the stability of the building against progressive collapse. By the technique nonlinear analysis on special (emergency) regulations combination of loads and impacts is performed, including permanent and long-term regulatory burden and the impact of hypothetical local fractures bearing structures. This study was carried out on the high rise apartment complex with underground parking. In the empirical part of the study the main concern was to find out the reasons of progressive collapse of structures, taking into account stepwise assembly, building inspection performed rollover. Also the existing building retail and office complex "Gulliver" with public facilities and parking is considered, where computation was made on the progressive collapse of the upper slab technical floor. The calculation was carried out on plates or emergency landing helicopter crash on the floor slab. Analysis of the results leads to the following conclusions. To assess the real vitality of the building in an emergency situation, and resistance to progressive collapse it is recommended to count design taking into account physical and geometric nonlinearity and process modeling lifecycle. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2014
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15. Business orientation, efficiency, and credit quality across business cycle: Islamic versus conventional banking. Are there any lessons for Europe and Baltic States?
- Author
Nosheen and Abdul Rashid
- Subjects
Diferencinis poveikis ,Financial system ,trough ,Trough (economics) ,lcsh:K4430-4675 ,lcsh:HD72-88 ,Stabilumas ,lcsh:Economic growth, development, planning ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Business orientation ,credit quality ,Efektyvumas ,Business cycle ,ddc:330 ,Orientacija į verslą ,lcsh:Public finance ,Sistema- GMM ,Differential impact ,E32 ,Kreditas. Paskolos / Credit ,differential impact ,Įprasti bankai ,Cost structure ,system-GMM ,Islam ,Ekonominė padėtis / Economic conditions ,stability ,conventional banks ,peak ,efficiency ,Political Science and International Relations ,Z12 ,G20 ,G21 ,Sistema-AAM ,Business ,Islamic banks ,Pikas ,General Economics, Econometrics and Finance - Abstract
This paper empirically investigates the difference between Islamic and conventional banks in terms of business dynamics, cost structure, credit quality, and stability. It also examines the difference in the response of two types of banks during peak and trough phases of the business cycle. The analysis is carried out for a sample of 280 banks in 20 countries over the 1995–2014 period. The results reveal that Islamic banks are more involved in fee-based business, are less cost-efficient, have higher credit quality, and have higher capitalization than conventional banks. We also find that Islamic banks outperformed conventional banks with regard to their credit quality and stability indicators during the trough phase of the business cycle. The improved performance seems to be due to the differences in the provisioning strategies of the two types of banks, the non-aggressive lending profile of Islamic banks, and investment in real assets. Finally, based on the empirical findings, the paper also highlights potential lessons that conventional banks in Baltic States, which were severely hit by the 2007–2008 global financial crisis, can draw from Islamic banking principles.
- Published
- 2019
16. Analysis and optimization of elastic-plastic framing structures under complex constraints.
- Author
Gervytė, Agnė and Jarmolajeva, Ela
- Subjects
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MATERIAL plasticity , *CONSTRAINTS (Physics) , *STIFFNESS (Engineering) , *ALGORITHMS - Abstract
The paper presents a mathematical model for bar cross-sectional optimization of steel structureunder strength, stiffness and stability constraints. The theory of mathematical programming of extremum energy principles has been used for developing the introduced model. Solving a non-linear mathematical problem is subject to theMatLabprogramming environment. Because of the existing relationship between elastic response values and the optimized parameters of the structure, the problem has been calculated iteratively. The calculation algorithm has been applied to a frame with a truss span. The framing structure has been discretized by finite bar elements. The minimum volume of the structure that has not reached full plastic collapse but its individual members have experienced plastic deformation has been designed. According to the obtained optimal project, standard tube profiles have been chosen. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Garbenytė, Toma, Poškaitis, Vytautas, Zaveckas, Vidmantas, Šiupšinskas, Laimonas, and Gudas, Rimtautas
- Subjects
BACKACHE exercise therapy ,HYPOTHESIS ,BACKACHE ,PHYSICAL therapy ,LUMBOSACRAL region ,PHYSICAL therapists ,PATIENTS - Abstract
Copyright of Education. Physical Training. Sport / Ugdymas. Kûno kultûra. Sportas is the property of Lithuanian Sports University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
- Author
- Subjects
SLOVAKIAN economy, 19930 ,POLITICAL corruption ,SMALL business ,COMMUNITY development ,MICROECONOMICS - Abstract
Copyright of Intellectual Economics is the property of Intellectual Economics / Mykolas Romeris University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2013
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- Author
Kolesnikov, Dmitrij and Subačius, Rimantas
- Subjects
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STRUCTURAL analysis (Engineering) , *WATER , *DIESEL motors , *PARTICLES , *MIXTURES - Abstract
The paper examines the structural features and properties of fuel blends and fuel emulsions, presents an overview of formulas obtained getting stable emulsions and analyses the results of experimental studies on preparing mixtures made of different quantities of diesel and various additives considering certain parameters. The article discusses the dependence of the size of resulting particles of water in the emulsion and describes an impact of various additives on the size of particles and time for blend delamination. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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- Author
Zachovajevienė, Brigita, Šiupšinskas, Laimonas, Zachovajevas, Pavelas, Milonas, Daimantas, and Lapinskaitė, Loreta
- Subjects
PROSTATE cancer ,PROSTATECTOMY ,PELVIC floor ,DIAPHRAGM (Anatomy) ,ABDOMINAL muscles ,STATISTICAL correlation - Abstract
Copyright of Education. Physical Training. Sport / Ugdymas. Kûno kultûra. Sportas is the property of Lithuanian Sports University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Eimantas, Nerijus, Paulauskas, Henrikas, Skaisgirytė, Beata, Kudrevičius, Justas, Brazaitis, Marius, and Berneckė, Vaida
- Subjects
COGNITIVE testing ,SHORT-term memory ,ATTENTION ,STATISTICAL correlation ,SPATIAL memory ,NEUROPSYCHOLOGY - Abstract
Copyright of Education. Physical Training. Sport / Ugdymas. Kûno kultûra. Sportas is the property of Lithuanian Sports University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
Absatova, Marfuga
- Subjects
PEACE ,CULTURAL relations ,TERRORISM ,RITES & ceremonies ,PUBLIC officers ,SPIRITUALITY - Abstract
Copyright of Pedagogy Studies / Pedagogika is the property of Vytautas Magnus University and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2012
- Author
- Subjects
QUALITY of life ,INTERPERSONAL relations ,UNIVERSITIES & colleges ,COLLEGE graduates ,PHYSIOLOGICAL therapeutics ,ORAL hygiene - Abstract
Copyright of Applied Research in Health & Social Sciences: Interface & Interaction / Sveikatos ir Socialinių Mokslų Taikomieji Tyrimai: Sandūra ir Sąveika is the property of Klaipeda State College and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2011
- Author
Vansauskas, Vidmantas and Bogdevičius, Marijonas
- Subjects
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AUTOMOBILE driving , *DYNAMICS , *THREE-dimensional display systems , *PAVEMENTS , *TRANSPORTATION - Abstract
The article reviews the stability of an automobile on the road pavement with ruts. The problems of road safety depend on many factors. One of those is the quality of the road surface. Big heavy lorries deform the road surface causing ruts especially in the first line of the road. The article analyzes the influence of the geometry of ruts on the stability of the automobile. A mathematical model of a 3D automobile and the interaction between wheels and the road surface and the geometry of the road surface are presented. The mathematical criterion of the stability of the moving automobile on the road surface with ruts is laid down. The results of mathematical simulation and the criterion of the stability of the moving automobile (60 km/h) on the road surface depending on the depth of ruts are introduced. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2009
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- Author
Leika, Mindaugas
- Subjects
CENTRAL banking industry ,BANKING industry ,MONETARY policy ,FINANCIAL institutions ,BUSINESS cycles ,FINANCIAL crises - Abstract
Copyright of Monetary Studies (Bank of Lithuania) is the property of Bank of Lithuania and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2008
- Author
Pavelko, I. and Pavelko, V.
- Subjects
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STRENGTH of materials , *MATERIAL fatigue , *BENDING (Metalwork) , *BENDING stresses , *AIRPLANE design , *AERONAUTICS , *AERODYNAMICS - Abstract
The aim of this paper is the analysis of rod cross-ply bending and stability of rod systems in the presence of cracks. The power concept (its theoretical base is Maxwell's theorem about the reciprocity of displacements) and linear fracture mechanics methods for research of mechanical properties of rod systems in the presence of cracks nave been used. The main equation of the rod cross-ply bending and the common solution of this equation were obtained. The expression of the relationship between rod deflection and the disturbing cross-force was obtained. Some transcendental equation allows defining the inferior boundary of critical force of rod with a crack. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2004
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- Author
Danek, V.
- Subjects
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The stability of the asymmetric flight regimes, where the couplings between longitudinal and lateral aerodynamic characteristics are significantly influencing each other, is investigated here. The system matrix is enlarged by the coupling matrixes. In the coupling matrixes and basic matrixes, the influence of the roll angle and the sideslip angle is included. The built-up computational model was applied for investigation of the dynamic stability with six degrees of freedom at the real aeroplane, where the mutual strong aerodynamic couplings of longitudinal and lateral-directional motions, caused by the interference between wing and fuselage, were demonstrated by the results from the tunnel tests. The aeroplane is a twin-engine high-wing monoplane. The influence of propeller and engine rotate parts of gyroscopic effect is ignored. The analyses have shown the more significant influence of sideslip angle than roll angle on dynamic stability parameters. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2003
28. Linking between Renewable Energy, CO2 Emissions, and Economic Growth: Challenges for Candidates and Potential Candidates for the EU Membership
- Author
Dalia Streimikiene, Anatolii Pavlyk, Tetyana Vasylieva, Yuriy Bilan, Tetyana Pimonenko, and Oleksii Lyulyov
- Subjects
Priežastinis ryšys ,Macroeconomics ,Renewable energy ,Panel unit root tests ,causal relationship ,growth ,Geography, Planning and Development ,lcsh:TJ807-830 ,lcsh:Renewable energy sources ,Augimas ,Growth ,Management, Monitoring, Policy and Law ,CO2 emissions ,panel unit root tests ,Gross domestic product ,Energija. Energetika / Energy. Energetics ,Stabilumas ,Tvarumas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Economics ,lcsh:Environmental sciences ,Consumption (economics) ,lcsh:GE1-350 ,Cointegration ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,business.industry ,lcsh:Environmental effects of industries and plants ,Causal relationship ,Energy consumption ,stability ,sustainability ,renewable energy ,Error correction model ,lcsh:TD194-195 ,Sustainability ,Unit root ,business ,Stability - Abstract
This paper investigates the impact of renewable energy sources (RESs), CO2 emissions, macroeconomics, and the political stability in a country on the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The authors analyse the dynamics of RESs use, CO2 emissions, and GDP development and also test the following hypotheses: (1) The country&rsquo, s economic growth is related to the energy consumption, in terms of both human resources and capital, (2) the share of the renewable energy consumption of the total energy consumption has a positive impact on the economic growth, and (3) the share of the renewable energy consumption of the total energy consumption is unrelated to the economic growth. To test the above hypotheses, the authors use the modified Cobb-Douglas production function, which also considers RES production volumes, CO2 emissions, and economic growth. The study employs data between 1995 to 2015 from the candidate and potential candidate countries for the EU membership. The data are drawn from the World Bank and Eurostat. The analyses entail panel unit root tests, Pedroni panel cointegration tests, fully modified OLS (FMOLS), dynamic OLS (DOLS) panel cointegration techniques, and the Vector Error Correction model (VECM). The findings confirm the relationship between RESs, CO2 emissions, and the GDP. For the EU countries, RESs as human resources and capital have an impact on the GDP. Moreover, the results reveal a correction retraction when the economic growth leads to an increase in renewable energy consumption. The investigation also finds that candidate and potential candidate countries for the EU membership should foster renewable energy development. The authors conclude that developing affordable and effective instruments and mechanisms to boost the RES implementation is necessary to decrease the anthropogenic impact on the environment (in particular, decreasing CO2 emissions) without any attendant reduction in the economic growth.
- Published
- 2019
29. Elektros energetikos sistemos silpnojo signalo stabilumas
- Author
Karobčikas, Martynas and Baranauskas, Virginijus
- Subjects
tarpsisteminiai švytavimai ,power system ,inter-area oscillations ,power system stabilizer ,eigenvalue analysis ,savųjų reikšmių analizė ,švytavimų slopintuvas ,elektros energetikos sistema ,stability ,stabilumas - Abstract
Įgyvendinant Baltijos šalių elektros energetikos sistemos strateginius projektus, siekiama sinchronizuotis su kontinentinės Europos tinklais. Dėl pasikeitusios sistemos struktūros gali atsirasti stabilumo ir patikimumo užtikrinimo problemų. Tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti Baltijos šalių energetikos sistemos silpnojo signalo stabilumą ir nustatyti galimų problemos sprendimo metodų efektyvumą. Pagrindiniai tyrimo uždaviniai: atlikti tiriamos sistemos modalinę analizę, identifikuoti optimalias švytavimų slopinimo įrenginių diegimo vietas, patikrinti jų efektyvumą modeliuojant sistemos dinaminius procesus. Tiriamasis modelis sudaromas Baltijos šalių 330 kV perdavimo tinklui, apimant esamus aukštos įtampos nuolatinės srovės keitiklius, o dinaminis modelis realizuojamas pagal tipinius parametrus. Tiriamajame darbe švytavimų charakteringiesiems dažniams aptikti taikoma tiesinės sistemos savųjų reikšmių analizė. Analizuojami šeši sistemos darbo režimai, kurie atspindi tipines bei ribines sistemos darbo sąlygas. Aptiktų charakteringųjų dažnių slopinimo metodų efektyvumui įvertinti modeliuojami atvejai, kai sistema veikia su ir be švytavimo slopinimo įrenginių, ir kai papildoma linija stiprinamas probleminis pjūvis tarp atskirų sistemos dalių. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamas taikytų švytavimo slopinimo metodų efektyvumo įvertinimas., The implementation of the strategic projects of the Baltic power system is aimed at synchronizing with continental European networks. Due to the changed structure of the system stability and reliability problems could arise. The aim of the study is to evaluate small-signal stability of the Baltic power system and to determine the effectiveness of possible problem-solving methods. The main tasks of the study: to carry out a modal analysis of the system under investigation, to identify the optimal places for the oscillations damping devices installation, to check their efficiency by modeling the dynamic processes of the system. The research model is being developed for the 330 kV transmission network of the Baltic States including existing high voltage direct current converters, and the dynamic model is implemented according to typical parameters. In this study, linear system eigenvalue analysis method is used to detect oscillation modes. Six system operating modes are analyzed, which defines the typical and boundary conditions of the system. To evaluate the effectiveness of the oscillation damping methods several cases are modeled when the systems works with and without oscillation damping devices, and when the additional transmission line is modeled in restrictive cross-border between the individual parts of the system. At the end of the study, efficiency estimation of the applied oscillation damping methods is presented.
- Published
- 2018
30. Corrosion effect for steel bridges stiffness, stability and safe factor
- Author
Prakash, Mani Dhinakaran Prince and Zadlauskas, Saulius
- Subjects
korozija ,stiffness ,corrosion ,standumas ,deflection ,saugos faktorius ,deformacija ,safety factor ,stability ,stabilumas - Abstract
The paper analyzes the strength and deformability of the Bridge across the Minija River, built in Lithuania, in assessing the influence of steel corrosion. The bridge over the Minija River was built in 1921 according to German design standards DIN 1072. The bridge is two spans; the bridge overlay consists of two arched type metal trusses. In this work, theoretical calculations are made of the changes in the stresses and the deflection of the bridge if the cross-sectional area of the metal retaining elements is reduced. After the visual inspection of the bridge, it was found that from 10 to 15 percent there is a decrease in the cross-sectional area of the bearing elements due to corrosion in them. In the work, the safety of the bridge (evaluating the influence of corrosion and other possible factors) was proposed to estimate the safety factor of the bridge. The bridge's safety factor depends on the strength of the bridge, the impact of heavy vehicles, the dynamics of the bridge, the variables and the constant load factors. The thesis provides an in-depth analysis of how the bridge's safety factor varies in different scenarios: if an inspection changes, dynamic loads increase if the overlay dynamic coefficient increases, or if several parameters deteriorate at the same time. At the end of the paper, conclusions and recommendations regarding the strength, deformability and safe operation of the bridge are presented., Darbe analizuojama Lietuvoje pastatyto tilto per Minijos upę stiprumas ir deformatyvumas įvertinant plieno korozijos įtaką. Tiltas per Minijos upę buvo pastatytas 1921 m. pagal vokiškas tiltų projektavimo normas DIN 1072. Tiltas yra dviejų tarpatramių, tilto perdangą sudaro dvi arkinio tipo metalinės santvaros. Darbe atlikti teoriniai skaičiavimai, kaip keičiasi įtempiai ir tilto įlinkis, jei sumažinamas metalinių laikančiųjų elementų skerspjūvio plotas. Atlikus tilto vizualią apžiūrą buvo nustatyta, kad nuo 10 iki 15 procentų yra sumažėjęs laikančiųjų elementų skerspjūvio plotas dėl korozijos juose. Darbe pasiūlyta tilto saugą (įvertinat korozijos įtaką ir kitus galimus veiksnius) įvertinti apskaičiuojant tilto saugos faktorių. Tilto saugos faktorius priklauso nuo tilto būklės, sunkiasvorių transporto priemonių sukeliamo poveikio, tilto dinamikos, kintamų ir nuolatinių apkrovų patikimumo koeficientų. Darbe pateikta išsami analizė, kaip keičiasi tilto saugos faktorius esant skirtingiems scenarijams: jei keičiasi apžiūra, jei didėja dinaminės apkrovos, jei didėja perdangos dinamiškumo koeficientas, ar jei prastėja keli parametrai vienu metu. Darbo gale pateiktos išvados ir rekomendacijos dėl tilto stiprumo, deformatyvumo ir saugaus jo eksploatavimo.
- Published
- 2018
31. Likopenas pomidoruose ir pomidorų produktuose: jo stabilumas ir izomerizacija perdirbimo ir laikymo metu
- Author
Urbonavičienė, Dalia
- Subjects
pomidorai ,izomerizacija ,technologijos ,technology ,tomato ,isomerisation ,stability ,lycopene ,likopenas ,stabilumas - Abstract
Perdirbant pomidorus susidaro dideli kiekiai šalutinių pomidorų perdirbimo produktų (žievelių, sėklų). Pomidorų nokimo metu žievelėse yra sukaupiamas didžiausias karotenoidų (ypač likopeno) kiekis. Šalutiniai perdirbimo produktai yra didelė ekologinė problema, tačiau, nepaisant to, tai pigus alternatyvus biologiškai vertingų junginių šaltinis. Šiame darbe gauti tyrimų duomenys praplečia mokslines žinias apie technologinių procesų parametrus, kurie turi įtakos likopeno ir kitų karotenoidų ekstrakcijai iš pomidorų ir pomidorų šalutinių perdirbimo produktų, taip pat technologinių procesų parametrus, kurie daro įtaką likopeno stabilumui ir izomerizacijai perdirbimo ir laikymo metu. Žinios apie likopeno ekstrakciją, stabilumą ir izomerizaciją yra naudingos kuriant ir gaminant preparatus su cis-likopeno izomerų ekstraktais ir gaminant maisto produktus ar jų ingredientus su didesniu kiekiu biologiškai veiklių karotenoidų., The industrial processing of tomatoes into tomato products generates large amounts of by-products (peel, pulp and seeds). These by-products create major disposal problems for the industry in terms of costs and potential negative impact on the environment, but they also represent a promising, low-cost source of carotenoids (primarily lycopene) which may be used in the end-products because of their favourable nutritional and technological properties. The data obtained in this study may be useful for understanding the combination of the technological process factors which influence the liberation and extraction of lycopene and other carotenoids from tomatoes and tomato by-products, as well as the factors which affect the stability and isomerisation of lycopene during processing and storage. The knowledge regarding lycopene extraction, stability and isomerisation might be helpful for the development and production of lycopene cis-isomers-rich preparations and to manufacture foods or their ingredients with enhanced levels of bioaccessible carotenoids.
- Published
- 2017
32. Lycopene in tomatoes and tomato products: stability and isomerisation during processing and storage
- Author
Urbonavičienė, Dalia and Viškelis, Pranas
- Subjects
pomidorai ,izomerizacija ,technologijos ,technology ,tomato ,isomerisation ,stability ,lycopene ,likopenas ,stabilumas - Abstract
The industrial processing of tomatoes into tomato products generates large amounts of by-products (peel, pulp and seeds). These by-products create major disposal problems for the industry in terms of costs and potential negative impact on the environment, but they also represent a promising, low-cost source of carotenoids (primarily lycopene) which may be used in the end-products because of their favourable nutritional and technological properties. The data obtained in this study may be useful for understanding the combination of the technological process factors which influence the liberation and extraction of lycopene and other carotenoids from tomatoes and tomato by-products, as well as the factors which affect the stability and isomerisation of lycopene during processing and storage. The knowledge regarding lycopene extraction, stability and isomerisation might be helpful for the development and production of lycopene cis-isomers-rich preparations and to manufacture foods or their ingredients with enhanced levels of bioaccessible carotenoids., Perdirbant pomidorus susidaro dideli kiekiai šalutinių pomidorų perdirbimo produktų (žievelių, sėklų). Pomidorų nokimo metu žievelėse yra sukaupiamas didžiausias karotenoidų (ypač likopeno) kiekis. Šalutiniai perdirbimo produktai yra didelė ekologinė problema, tačiau, nepaisant to, tai pigus alternatyvus biologiškai vertingų junginių šaltinis. Šiame darbe gauti tyrimų duomenys praplečia mokslines žinias apie technologinių procesų parametrus, kurie turi įtakos likopeno ir kitų karotenoidų ekstrakcijai iš pomidorų ir pomidorų šalutinių perdirbimo produktų, taip pat technologinių procesų parametrus, kurie daro įtaką likopeno stabilumui ir izomerizacijai perdirbimo ir laikymo metu. Žinios apie likopeno ekstrakciją, stabilumą ir izomerizaciją yra naudingos kuriant ir gaminant preparatus su cis-likopeno izomerų ekstraktais ir gaminant maisto produktus ar jų ingredientus su didesniu kiekiu biologiškai veiklių karotenoidų.
- Published
- 2017
33. Skirtingų kineziterapijos metodų poveikis juosmeninės stuburo dalies nespecifiniui lėtiniui skausmui
- Author
Dukauskas, Gediminas and Valatkienė, Dovilė
- Subjects
nugaros skausmas ,endurance ,back pain ,stability ,stabilumas ,ištvermė - Abstract
Darbo probleminis klausimas: Kokia įtaka turi skirtingi kineziterapijos metodai, juosmeninės stuburo dalies nespecifiniui lėtiniui skausmui? Darbo objektas: Skirtingų kineziterapijos metodų poveikis, juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmams, liemens raumenų ištvermei ir stabilumui. Darbo metodas: 1. Mokslinės literatūros analizė. 2. Eksperimentas - Testavimas. Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti taikomų kineziterapijos metodų poveikį juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmo mažinimui Rezultatai: Išanalizavus gautus rezultatus, galima teigti, kad pratimai su pakabinamų diržų sistema yra veiksmingesni už stabilizavimo pratimus, mažinant juosmeninės stuburo dalies nespecifinius letinius nugaros skausmus, taip pat stiprinant liemens raumenų ištvermę, bei stabilumą. Išvados: 1. Žmogaus stuburas yra sudarytas iš. 33-34 slankstelių. Stuburas yra suskirstytas į keletą dalių: kaklinę, krūtininę, juosmeninę, kryžkaulinę ir uodekigaulinę. Juosmeniniai stuburo daliai padeda judėti ją supantys raumenys, kartu su raiščiais stuburui jie suteikia stabilumo. Stuburui judėti leidžia biokinematinę porą, kuri yra sudaryta iš dviejų slankstelių ir juos jungančių jungčių. Per šias biokinematines poras vyksta stuburo lenkimo, tiesimo, ir sukimo judesiai. Jaučiant nugaros skausmus, dėl liemens raumenų silpnumo ar disbalanso efektyviausia taikyti, liemenį stabilizuojančių raumenų ištvermę didinančias metodikas. 2. Taikant pakabinamų diržų sistemos TRX ir stabilizavimo pratimus, ir išanalizavus tyrimo duomenis buvo galima teigti, kad abi metodikos buvo efektyvios mažinant juosmeninės stuburo dalies skausmui. Tačiau, grupei kuriai buvo taikyti pratimai su TRX pakabinamų diržų sistema buvo efektyvesni ir skausmas sumažėjo daugiau. 3. Abi metodikos, tiek TRX pakabinamų diržų, tiek stabilizavimo pratimų paveikė juosmeninės stuburo dalies stabilumą, bei raumenų ištvermę. Antrosios grupės, kuriai buvo taikyti TRX pakabinamų diržų sistemos pratimai, liemens statinės raumenų ištvermės rezultatai buvo geresni už pirmosios grupės kuriai buvo taikyti stabilizavimo pratimai. Išanalizavus liemens raumenų stabilumą, antrosios grupės rezultatai buvo taip pat geresni už pirmosios, tad galima teigti, kad pratimai su TRX pakabinamų diržų sistema yra efektyvesni, treniruojant liemens raumenų ištvermę ir stabilumą., The main question under the research: The effects of different physical therapy methods for lumbar spine nonspecific chronic pain? The object of the research: Different methods of physical therapy effect for lower back pain, trunk muscle endurance and core stability. The methods used: 1. Analysis of the scientific literature, 2. Testing of patients studied. The goal of the research: To analyze effect of the applicable physical therapy methods to lumbar back pain reduction Results: The results of the analysis obtained, it can be said that the exercises withTRX suspended belt system is more effective than stabilization exercises, reducing lumbar spine nonspecific chronic low back pain, and the strengthening of the trunk muscle endurance and stability Conclusion: 1. The human spine is composed of. 33-34 vertebrae. The spine is divided into several parts: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and kryžkaulinę uodekigaulinę. Lumbar spine helps to move it to the surrounding muscles and ligaments of the spine together they provide stability. Spinal movement allows biokinematic pair which is composed of two vertebrae and their connections. Through these biokinematic pairs are spinal flexion, extension and rotation movements. Feeling back pain due to muscle weakness waist or imbalance effective to apply waist stabilizer endurance enhancing techniques. 2. For the purposes of suspended belt system TRX and stabilization exercises, and analysis of the survey data could be argued that both methods were effective in reducing lower back pain. However, a group which has been applied to the TRX exercises suspended belt system was efficient and decreased pain more. 3. The both methodology TRX hanging belts and stabilization exercises affected the stability of the lumbar spine, and muscle endurance. The second group, which has been applied TRX exercises suspended belt system, static trunk muscle endurance results were better than the first group which was to apply stabilization exercises. The analysis of the stability of the trunk muscles, the second group results were also better than the first, so it can be said that the exercises with the TRX suspended belt system is more efficient, by training the trunk muscle endurance and stability.
- Published
- 2017
34. Paskirstytų generatorių stabilumo tyrimas
- Author
Strižanas, Aurimas and Slušnys, Dainius
- Subjects
sinchroninis ,synchronous ,distributed generators ,stability ,biokuras ,paskirstyti generatoriai ,stabilumas ,biofuels - Abstract
Stiprėjant mažos galios elektrinių poreikiui yra statomi nedidelės galios elektros energijos generatoriai, dar kitaip vadinami paskirstytais generatoriais. Šie generatoriai statomi vartotojo teritorijoje arba šalia jos. Paskirstyti generatoriai, elektros energiją atiduoda tiesiai į skirstomąjį tinklą arba vartotojui. Šiame darbe bus nagrinėjami du paskirstyti generatoriai. Abu šie generatoriai - biodyzeliniai. Biodyzelinis generatorius ypatingas tuo, kad gali būti tiek stacionariu, tiek laikinu energijos šaltiniu. Šis generatorius gali būti įjungtas tiesiogiai į skirstomąjį tinklą ir tuo pačiu gali dirbti autonominiu režimu. Taip pat generatoriaus dyzelinis variklis gali naudoti biokurą arba kitaip vadinamą biodyzeliną. Darbo tikslas – atlikti paskirstytųjų generatorių sistemos stabilumo tyrimus., The rising demand for small power plants led to building low power electricity generators, also known as distributed generators. These generators are built on users teritory or close to it. Distributed generators give electric energy straight to distribution network or the user. In this work, two distributed generators will be examined. Both of these generators are biodiesel. Biodiesel generator is special in the way, that it can be used both as stationary and temporary energy source. This generator can be connected directly to distribution network and also can work on autonomous mode. Also the diesel engine of the generator can run on biofuel or as we can call it - biodiesel. Work objective - perform stability tests on distributed generators system.
- Published
- 2017
35. The modification of poly-disperse models on the stability of evaporated milk
- Author
Janarthanan, Jayalakshmi and Leskauskaitė, Daiva
- Subjects
carboxymethyl cellulose ,evaporated milk ,k-carrageenan ,išgarintas pienas ,mikrobų transgliutaminazę ,stability ,K-karageninas ,karboksimetilceliuliozė ,microbial transglutaminase ,stabilumas - Abstract
This thesis provides a quantification of physical changes in the evaporated milk stored at 30⁰C temperature, with the aim of increasing the stability of the product during storage that would favor the hot places and for long distance transportation. Thus, many types of research work have been performed to stabilize evaporated milk using different food hydrocolloids. This research thesis focuses on the utilization of hydrocolloids such as k- carrageenan (marine polysaccharide), carboxymethylcellulose and an enzyme microbial transglutaminase to enhance the stability and increase the viscosity of evaporated milk stored at 30⁰C. The steady-shear rate rheological properties, L*a*b* values, pH, dry matter content, fat content and oil droplet particle size distribution of EM under supplementation of different concentrations of k- carrageenan (0.001 %, 0.002 %, 0.003 %, 0.004 %, 0.005 %), carboxymethylcellulose (0.001%, 0.00050% and 0.00025%) and inoculation with transglutaminase (120U g-1 of protein) at different pH from (6.3 to 6.7) were evaluated. There was a greater influence on the physio-chemical properties of the EM by the addition of k-Car and CMC and by the treatment of EM with TG. The changes in colour values of the samples during the storage manifested the occurrence of Maillard reaction. The proteolysis in the samples was evident and this can be attributed to the decrease in the pH of the samples. The dry matter and fat content was higher in the upper phase than the lower phase after the separation of two phases in the samples. The flow behavior had a good fit with an Ostwald model (R2 > 0.97) and the EM samples exhibited pseudoplastic behavior and poly dispersal distribution of particle size. Due to cross-linking of milk protein, higher molecular weight macromolecules found at pH 6.6 and 6.7 in the skimmed milk. The addition of different concentration of CMC to evaporated milk had no positive impact on the stability of EM stored at 30⁰C. The samples with 0.005% of k-carrageenan had no cream separation throughout the storage period. The cross-linking of proteins by the inoculation of TG into evaporated milk did not prevent the seperation of fat and protein in the evaporated milk during the storage at 30⁰C., Tai darbas teikia fizinių pokyčių saugomi ne 30⁰C temperatūroje sutirštintas pienas su padidinti produkto stabilumą siekiant kiekybiškai sandėliavimo kad būtų naudai karštose vietose metu ir tolimojo gabenimo. Taigi, buvo atlikta daug rūšių mokslinių tyrimų darbe stabilizuoti sutirštintas pienas naudojant skirtingus maisto hydrokoloidów. Šis tyrimas darbas orientuota į hidrocoloidų, tokių kaip k- karageninas (jūrų polisacharido) panaudojimas, karboksimetilceliuliozės ir fermentą, mikrobų transgliutaminazės sustiprinti stabilumą ir padidinti saugomi ne 30⁰C išgarinto pieno klampumas. Pastovus-poslinkio greičiui, reologinių savybių, L * a * b * vertės, pH, sausosios medžiagos kiekis, riebalų kiekis ir aliejinės lašų dalelių dydžio pasiskirstymas EM pagal papildais skirtingų koncentracijų k- karageninas (0,001%, 0,002%, 0,003% , 0,004%, 0,005%), karboksimetilceliuliozės (0,001%, 0,00050% ir 0,00025%) ir skiepijimas transgliutaminazės (120U g-1 baltymų) skirtingu pH yra nuo 6,3 iki 6,7 () buvo įvertintas. Ten buvo didesnis įtaka fizikines-chemines savybes EM, kurį atlieka k-Car ir CMC Be to, ir nustatant EM gydymo TG. Į spalvotų vertybių mėginių pokyčiai laikymo metu pasireiškia į Mailardo reakcijos atsiradimo. Į mėginių proteolysis buvo akivaizdu ir tai gali būti siejama su į mėginių pH sumažėjimas. Sausosios medžiagos ir riebalų kiekis buvo didesnis viršutiniame etapo nei apatinė fazė po to, kai dviem etapais atskyrimo mėginių. Srauto elgesį turėjo gerai tinka su Ostvaldo modelį (R2> 0,97) ir EM mėginių eksponuojama pseudoplastic elgesį ir poli PASKLIDIMO pasiskirstymą dalelių dydžio. Dėl tinklinant pieno baltymų, kurie buvo rasti, esant pH 6.6 ir 6.7 nugriebto pieno didesnės molekulinės masės makromolekulių. Skirtingų koncentracijos CMC į sutirštintas pienas to neturėjo teigiamos įtakos EM stabilumo saugomi ne 30⁰C. Su 0,005% K-karagenino mėginiai neturėjo grietinėlės atskyrimą visą saugojimo laiką. Susiuvimą baltymų pagal TG inokuliuojant išgarinto pieno nesutrukdė riebalų ir baltymų išgarintos pieno seperation ties 30⁰C laikymo metu.
- Published
- 2017
36. Automobilio skersinio stovumo stabilizatoriaus tyrimas
- Author
Zobėla, Artūras and Lukoševičius, Vaidas
- Subjects
pakaba ,stabilizatorius ,anti-roll bar ,vehicle ,suspension ,svyravimai ,stability ,stabilumas ,automobilis - Abstract
Baigiamajame magistro darbe nagrinėjama automobilio skersinio stovumo stabilizatoriaus konstrukcija, veikimo principas, jo tipai bei standumas. Stabilizatoriai gali būti: atjungiamieji, susukamieji, iš anglies pluošto-aliuminio ar įvairių skirtingų geometrinių formų. Tiriamajame projekte modeliuojamas stabilizatorius programomis „Ansys parametric design language“ ir „SolidWorks“ bei analizuojami standartinių formų stabilizatoriai. Skaičiavimai atliekami trimis skirtingais būdais: analitiniu, strypiniu bei vientiso kūno baigtiniais elementais. Taip pat bandiniui, pagamintam iš standartinio automobilio stabilizatoriaus, atliktas tempimo bandymas. Kad poslinkio skaičiavimų rezultatai būtų tikslesni, modeliuojant stabilizatorių, medžiaga pasirenkama pagal gautus rezultatus iš tempimo bandymo bei įvertinamos jo geometrinės charakteristikos, kurios įtakoja stabilizatoriaus standumą. Skirtingais skaičiavimais gauti rezultatai palyginami tarpusavyje ir įvertinami rezultatų skirtumai. Taip pat baigiamajame magistro darbe buvo atlikta parametrų koreliacija, iš kurios yra matoma, jog stabilizatoriaus masė turi tiesioginį ryšį su išoriniais stabilizatoriaus matmenimis, o netiesioginis ryšys pasireiškia tarp išorinio skersmens bei standumo., The final Master thesis analyses car anti - roll bar construction, operating principle, its types and stiffness. Sway bars can be: detachable, torsion, from carbon fiber or various different geometrical figures. In the research is used „ Ansys parametric design language” and „ SolidWorks “programs to model anti-roll bar. It also analyses standard anti-roll bar shapes. For the counting is used three different ways: analytical, solid189 and solid187. To try, the model that was made from a standard car anti-roll bar, was used the tension test. To accomplish more accurate results, while modeling anti roll-bar, in the research the material is selected by the results of previous tests. Furthermore, the geometrical characteristics are measured very carefully, because of its influence on the anti-roll bar stiffness. The differences are evaluated after all the results are compared with each other. Also in the final Master thesis was made a parameter correlation. This correlation shows that, anti-roll bar weight has a direct connection with external anti-roll bar size, and that the external diameter has indirect connection with stiffness.
- Published
- 2017
37. Krovumo įtakos lengvojo automobilio kėbulo posvyriams tyrimas
- Author
Tamkevičius, Rimvydas and Dzerkelis, Vytautas
- Subjects
MSC Adams ,kėbulas ,krovinys ,load ,stability ,car body ,stabilumas - Abstract
Baigiamojo magistro darbo tikslas naudojantis „MSC Adams“ programa ištirti lengvojo automobilio stabilumą, esant skirtingoms apkrovos sąlygoms. Pirmoje dalyje apžvelgiamos automobiliuose naudojamos elektroninės saugumo sistemos. Nustatyta padangos ir kelio kontakto sąveika. Antroje dalyje pateikta lengvojo automobilio dinaminio modelio kūrimo metodika, aprašyti apkrovimo atvejai. Trečioje dalyje pateikta automobilių stabilumo bandymai bei jų atlikimo tvarka. Išanalizuoti gauti rezultatai. Pateikti grafikai ir diagramos. Atlikta gautų rezultatų analizė., The final master work is using MSC Adams' program to investigate the stability of the car under different load conditions. The first part provides an overview of the cars used in the electronic security system. Determine the tire road contact interactions. The second part of the vehicle's dynamic model, used to describe the load cases. The third part of the car stability tests and their practices. To analyze the results. The graphs and charts. The calculated results analysis.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Kęstutis Peleckis
- Subjects
Process (engineering) ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Geography, Planning and Development ,Scientific literature ,The negotiator’s emotional needs ,Negotiation ,Stabilumas ,Tvarumas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Consistency (negotiation) ,Emotional control in negotiations ,Emotions in negotiations ,Emotional expression ,Conversation ,Sustainability organizations ,Emocijos / Emotions ,media_common ,Emotional management ,Nuoseklumas ,Renewable Energy, Sustainability and the Environment ,business.industry ,Darnumas ,Derybos ,Public relations ,Negotiations ,Derybininko emociniai poreikiai ,Sustainability ,Expression (architecture) ,Emotional control ,Economic system ,Psychology ,business ,Stability ,Safety Research - Abstract
The article analyzes the expression of emotions and their management in negotiations in the aspect of coherence and stability. Even in the first half of the twentieth century and in the middle, negotiations meant modest, reserved conversation of unfeeling gentlemen, assuming that all behavior associated with the negotiation is rational from the beginning to the end. Emotions were seen just as a brake of the negotiation process and effectiveness. An attempt was made to create a rational negotiating environment in which there is no place to emotions. The research shows that emotions can play a crucial role in negotiating communication and in decision– making (about 80% of the decisions are adopted on the basis of emotions). It is therefore necessary to learn how to manage emotions in negotiations – both tactical and strategic and ensuring consistency and emotional stability of behavior. The paper based on the analysis of scientific literature, systematic, comparative, logical and synthesis methods tries to disclose the key aspects of the emotional expression in negotiations, justifying the need, opportunities and ways to manage the emotions of the negotiating process.
- Published
- 2013
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39. Financial comparison of Western Balkan and Baltic Sea states using the CAMEL approach
- Author
Katarzyna Kubiszewska
- Subjects
050208 finance ,Serbija (Serbia) ,05 social sciences ,Kroatija (Croatia) ,Stabilumas ,Fishery ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Baltic sea ,Latvija (Latvia) ,0502 economics and business ,Economics ,050207 economics ,Banking sector ,Stability ,Estija (Estonia) ,Bankų sektorius ,Makedonija (Macedonia) - Abstract
This article aims to compare the situation in the banking sectors of two regions that have much in common due to their political and economic history: the Western Balkan states of Serbia, Croatia, and Macedonia and the Baltic Sea states of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia. It presents three approaches to defining banking stability that can be found in literature and carries out a preliminary analysis of the financial performance of the discussed banking sectors using the CAMEL approach. Although in 2010 the banking sectors of the Baltic Sea states were in a worse shape than the banking sectors of the Western Balkan states, it has been proved that the banking sectors in countries in which the process of economic transformation has been completed could recover from a crisis faster than states that are still undergoing this process. Economic transformation is essential for the further development of the market economy and the sooner it is completed, the sooner the banking sector can develop and the easier it will be to recover from a crisis or an external shock.
- Published
- 2017
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40. Pramoginio bagio stabilumo tyrimas
- Author
Maskolaitis, Tomas and Juodvalkis, Darius
- Subjects
dynamic ,buggy ,dinamika ,bagis ,stability ,stabilumas - Abstract
Šiame darbe atliekami savadarbio pramoginio bagio stabilumo tyrimai. Sukonstruotas bagis varomas galiniais ratais, bet neturi varančios ašies diferencialo. Transporto priemones, neturinčias varančios ašies diferencialo, draudžiama eksploatuoti bendrojo naudojimo keliais, nes tai nesaugu. Siekiant nustatyti tokios transporto priemonės galimybes judėti kreivalinijinėmis trajektorijomis, atlikti natūriniai eksperimentai. Gautus rezultatus patvirtina analitiniai tyrimai ir skaitinis modelis sudarytas Adams aplinkoje., This paper discusses a project of research a buggy for recreational riding. The buggy is a one seat vehicle with a motorcycle engine built in the back. The engine powers the rear axle. The buggy has steering and breaking systems of a car. The frame of the buggy is made of tubular profile design steel pipes. The work carried out an analysis of stability characteristics of the buggy. Also stability characteristics were calculated with numerical model. The vehicle was tested in experimental studies, and the results were compared with theoretical stability characteristics of the buggy.
- Published
- 2016
41. Liemens stabilumo ir mobilumo bei ūmių ir lėtinių apatinės nugaros dalies skausmų sąsajos
- Author
Žukauskaitė, Agnė and Zachovajevas, Pavelas
- Subjects
back ,nugara ,mobilumas ,pain ,stability ,stabilumas ,skausmas ,mobility - Abstract
Tyrimo objektas. Liemens stabilumo ir mobilumo sąsajos pacientams, besiskundžiantiems ūmiais ir lėtiniais apatinės nugaros dalies skausmais Tyrimo problema. Ar stebimos liemens stabilumo ir mobilumo sąsajos ūmiu ir lėtiniu apatinės nugaros dalies skausmu besiskundžiančių pacientų tarpe? Apatinės nugaros dalies skausmas sukelia didelę negalią, socialines, individualias problemas ir yra tarp trijų dažniausiai pasitaikančių nusiskundimų. Moksliniais tyrimais nustatyta, kad šį skausmą bent kartą per gyvenimą patiria 80 procentų asmenų ir tiek pat patiria jo pasikartojimo epizodus. Didžioji dalis apatinės nugaros dalies skausmo atvejų yra dėl nežinomų priežasčių. Esant apatinės nugaros dalies skausmui yra stebimi stabilumo ir mobilumo pokyčiai. Tytimo tikslas – įvertinti liemens stabilumo ir mobilumo sąsajas pacientams, besiskundžiantiems ūmiais ir lėtiniais apatinės nugaros dalies skausmais. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Įvertinti liemens stabilumą, mobilumą, skausmą ir negalią prieš ir po taikyto gydymo esant ūmiam apatinės nugaros dalies skausmui. 2. Įvertinti liemens stabilumą, mobilumą, skausmą ir negalią prieš ir po taikyto gydymo esant lėtiniam apatinės nugaros dalies skausmui. 3. Nustatyti liemens stabilumo ir mobilumo sąsajas esant ūmiam ir lėtiniam apatinės nugaros dalies skausmui. Išvados: 1. Prieš gydymą ūmius apatinės nugaros dalies skausmus patiriantiems pacientams nustatytas nugaros ir pilvo raumenų tarpusavio pusiausvyros sutrikimas, stiprus skausmas, vidutinė funkcinė negalia, o skersinio pilvo raumens aktyvumas ir juosmens mobilumas normos ribose. Gydymo pabaigoje padidėjo nugaros raumenų ištvermė, juosmeninės stuburo dalies lenkimo amplitudė, sumažėjo skausmas ir funkcinė negalia. 2. Prieš gydymą lėtinius apatinės nugaros dalies skausmus patiriantiems pacientams nustatytas vidutinio intensyvumo skausmas, sunki funkcinė negalia, o nugaros ir pilvo raumenų tarpusavio pusiausvyra, skersinio pilvo raumens aktyvumas bei juosmens mobilumas normos ribose. Gydymo pabaigoje padidėjo nugaros ir pilvo raumenų ištvermė, juosmeninės stuburo dalies tiesimo amplitudė, sumažėjo skausmas ir funkcinė negalia. 3. Lėtinius apatinės nugaros dalies skausmus patiriančių pacientų liemens stabilumas ir mobilumas funkciškai susiję vidutinio stiprumo tiesinės priklausomybės ryšiais. Tiesiamųjų liemens raumenų statinė ištvermė su liemens tiesimo judesio amplitude, o statinė pilvo raumenų ištvermė su liemens lenkimo judesio amplitude, o po gydymo liemens tiesiamųjų raumenų statinė ištvermė su liemens lenkimo judesio amplitude., Object of research. Connections between core stability and mobility of patients with chronic and acute low back pain. Problem. Are there connections between core stability and mobility in patients with acute or chronic low back pain? Low back pain creates a pain – related disability, social and individual problems and is one of three most common complaints. It is established by many scientific researches that 80 percent of people experience this pain at least once in a lifetime and the same percent of people suffer from reccurent episodes of this pain. Most cases of low back pain happen because of unknow causes. In cases of low back pain there are often changes in core stability and mobility. Aim of research: to evaluate connections between core stability and mobility of patients suffering from acute or chronic low back pain. Goals of research: 1. Evaluate core stability, mobility, pain and disability before and after application of treatment of patients with acute low back pain. 2. Evaluate core stability, mobility, pain and disability before and after application of treatment of patients with chronic low back pain. 3. Establish connections between core stability and mobility for patients with acute and with chronic low back pain before and after applied treatment. Conclusions: 1. For patients with acute low back pain before the treatment there was established imbalance between abdominal and back muscles, intense pain and medium level of functional disability, but activity of oblique muscle and low back mobility were within the norm. After the treatment endurance of back muscles, range of low back flexion increased also pain level and level of functional disability diminished. 2. For patients with chronic low back pain before treatment there was established medium intensity pain level, severe functional disability, but balance between abdominal and back muscles, activity of oblique muscle and low back mobility were within the norm. Endurance of back muscles, abdominal muscles and range of motion of low back extension increased and level of pain and functional disability diminished after the treatment. 3. There is a moderate correlation between core stability and mobility of patients with low back pain. There is also the same correlation between static endurance of core extensors and range of motion of low back extension, and static endurance of abdominal muscles and range of motion of trunk flexion, and after the treatment there is a correlation between static endurance of core extensors and range of motion of trunk flexion.
- Published
- 2016
42. CAMELS+T approach for banks’ soundness assessment: evidence from the Baltics
- Author
Jurevičienė, Daiva and Skvarciany, Viktorija
- Subjects
Mobili bankininkystė ,Internet ,Mobile banking ,Analitinis hierarchijos procesas (AHP) ,Traditional internet ,Fuzzy analitinis hierarchijos procesas (AHP) ,Internetas / Internet ,Traditional ,Trust ,Apytikslis analitinės hierarchijos procesas (AHP) ,Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP) ,Stabilumas ,Analitinės hierarchijos procesas (AHP) ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Tradicinis ,Soundness ,CAMELS+T model ,Garsumas ,Analytic hierarchy process (AHP) ,Pasitikėjimas ,Tradicinis internetas - Abstract
The findings of the research contribute towards commercial banks’ soundness assessment. The current study focuses on the importance of customers’ trust for banks’ soundness and the expanded CAMELS+T model was suggested where “T” stands for customer trust. For testing CAMELS+T model expert evaluation method was used Pairwise comparison method was used for factors’ ranking. The outcomes of the experts’ pairwise comparison were generated using analytic hierarchy process (AHP) based on classical and balanced scales and fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP) technique. The model was tested in the Baltic countries. Three forms of banking were analysed: traditional banking, internet banking and mobile banking in the current research. The results of the study showed that customer trust is one of the vital factors positively influencing the soundness of commercial banks. Therefore, the results contribute to the studies relating bank performance, as it confirms that trust is a powerful tool in commercial banks’ soundness building process. The results of the research are useful for commercial banks’ soundness’ assessment as soundness is considered the factor that is necessary not only for customer retention but also for customer acquisition. The findings have implications on the development of the strategy and the policy of commercial banks. Moreover, the results are valuable for investors as the soundness of commercial bank is the criterion investors should take into consideration while choosing a bank they are going to work with. Keywords: trust, soundness, traditional, internet, mobile banking, CAMELS+T model, analytic hierarchy process (AHP), fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
- Published
- 2016
43. Vėjo elektrinių dinaminio stabilumo tyrimas
- Author
Babelis, Arvydas and Ažubalis, Mindaugas
- Subjects
dynamic ,trikdis ,režimas ,dinaminis ,wind ,mode ,trigger ,stability ,stabilumas ,vėjas - Abstract
Magistro baigiamajame darbe atliekami Lietuvos vakarų ir pietvakarių regiono elektros energetikos sistemos dinaminio stabilumo skaičiavimai. Skaičiavimai atliekami numatant, kad vėjo parkų instaliuota galia bus išplėsta iki 753 MW. Tiriami režimai yra žiemos maksimumo ir vasaros minimumo. Jie skaičiuojami su PSSE programa. Visi skaičiavimai šiame darbe yra perspektyviniai ir atliekami 2016 ir 2030 metams. Ieškomi ribiniai trumpojo jungimo laikai prie kurių sistema jau pereina į kritinį režimą ir sistema praranda dinaminį stabilumą ir po trikdžio jau neatsistato. Stebima kaip kinta stabilumas po trikdžio atskiruose mazguose priklausomai nuo atstumo kur įvyko trikdis. Taip pat apžvelgiamas dabartinis vėjo elektrinių pasiskirstymas, paplitimas ir diegiamos galios prognozės., In the master’s task there are accomplished electrical power system calculations of dynamic stability control in west and southwest regions of Lithuania. These calculations are made with perspective that in the future power of wind power plants will be expended until 753 MW. In this research there are four steps of calculations. With PSSE program was simulated winter maximum mode for 2016 and 2030 years and summer minimum mode for the same years. Limitary short circuit time was searched then dynamic stability of electrical power system comes to critical point and don’t recovers. Dynamic stability was tracked not only in short circuit point but in the other points too. It was observed how dynamic stability depends on distance between triggered point and the other points without trigger. Moreover it was researched how system recovers depending on distance. Also reviewed wind power plants, their pervasion and predictions of their growing power in Lithuania.
- Published
- 2015
44. Korėtų slėgio indų stiprumo ir stabilumo tyrimas
- Author
Kukis, Mindaugas and Žiliukas, Antanas
- Subjects
sandwich ,daugiasluoksnis ,stability ,slėginis indas ,strength ,stabilumas ,pressure vessel ,stiprumas - Abstract
Disertacijoje tiriamas korėtų slėgio indų stiprumas ir stabilumas, kadangi korėtos konstrukcijos turi daug pranašumų lyginant su monolitinėmis. Indo cilindrinė sienelė daugiasluoksnė su įvairios konstrukcijos technologiškai nesudėtingais intarpais. Stiprumo tyrime taikomi trys stiprumo kriterijai, o stabilumo atliekama tiesinė ir netiesinė klupdymo analizė. Skaitinių tyrimo rezultatų verfikavimui atliekami eksperimentiniai bandymai. Siekiant minimuozuoti korėtų slėgio indų masę atliekamas optimizavimas., Strength and stability investigation of cellular pressure vessel is made in the thesis. Cellular constructions have many advantages comparing to monolithic ones. Vessel’s wall (of the cylindrical part) is multilayered with various structures of technologically simple porous inserts. Three strength criteria were applied in strength analysis. Linear and non-linear stability tests were performed in stability analysis. Experimental tests were implemented for verification of the computational analysis. Mass minimization optimization was performed for cellular pressure vessels.
- Published
- 2015
- Author
Naginevičius, Vytenis, Lendraitis, Vitas, Vilniaus Gedimino technikos universitetas, and Lietuvos mokslų akademija
- Subjects
TA1001-1280 ,Vožtuvas-purkštukas ,Valve-injector ,Mechanical Engineering ,Modelis ,valve‐injector ,Frequency ,Stabilumas ,Transportation engineering ,Condition of motion ,Judėjimo sąlygos ,Automotive Engineering ,valveâ€injector ,Stability ,Model ,Virpesiai - Abstract
In the report the short review of the constructional peculiarities of electro-magnetic fuel injectors is discussed. The alternative mechanism constructions operated by vibrations and their operation principles are described. The mathematical model of the system is created. The motion existence conditions as well as stable and unstable moving element positions in the system are analyzed. The vibration excitation schemes in the standing wave mode and changing the tube fastening modes in the system are reviewed. The perspectives of new construction development and application are defined., Pateikta trumpa elektromagnetinių kuro įpurškimo purkštuvų konstrukcinių ypatumų apžvalga, aprašytos alternatyvių vibracijomis valdomų įpurškimo mechanizmų konstrukcijos ir jų veikimo principai. Sudarytas tiriamos sistemos matematinis modelis, analizuojamos aprašomų judesių egzistavimo sąlygos ir stabilios bei nestabilios judančių elementų padėtys sistemoje. Pateiktos virpesių žadinimo schemos stovinčių bangų pavidalu, keičiant vamzdžių tvirtinimo sąlygas. Apibrėžiamos naujų konstrukcijų tobulinimo ir panaudojimo perspektyvos.
- Published
- 2004
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46. Europos Sąjungos valstybių skolos stabilumas
- Author
Kregždė, Arvydas
- Subjects
Deficito riba ,Pastovi būsena ,Ceiling of budget ,Steady state ,Biudžetas / Budget ,Stabilumas ,Valstybės finansai. Biudžetas / Public finance. Budget ,Tvarumas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Sustainability ,Budget ,Deficit limit ,Budget deficit ,Government debt - Abstract
Šiame straipsnyje valstybės skolos stabilumas apibrėžiamas kaip reiškinys, kai skolos dydis nekinta laike. Straipsnyje įrodoma, kad Augimo ir stabilumo pakto reikalavimas, kad šalies biudžeto deficitas neviršytų 3 % BVP, neužtikrina, kad valstybės skola bus stabili arba neaugs per laiką. Europos Sąjungos valstybių skolos dydis ir BVP augimas yra labai skirtingas, todėl vienoms šalims 3 % biudžeto deficitas gali lemti ženklų skolos augimą, o kitoms šalims- jo mažėjimą. Ši išvada pagrįsta Europos Sąjungos statistiniais duomenimis ir integraliniu skolos augimo modeliu. Planuojant valstybės biudžetą, turėtų būti atsižvelgiama ne tik į Stabilumo ir augimo pakto reikalavimus, bet ir prognozuojamus ekonominius indikatorius, taip pat skolos dydžio modeliavimo rezultatus. The steady state of debt in this article means that the stock of government debt does not change over the time. The paper reveals that the rule of the Stability and Growth Pact concerning the ceiling of 3% for the budget deficit is not sufficient to have a steady or non-increasing state of the debt. Great varieties of GDP growth and initial outstanding stock of the debt in the Ell countries allow very substantial growth of the debt as well as decrease of the debt for individual country, despite the rule of 3% in place. The conclusions are based on the statistical data and the model of integral presentation form of the debt. The Stability and Growth Pact requirements should be put together with economic indicators of individual country and simulation of the debt development in the future defining the budget deficit and managing country debt.
- Published
- 2015
47. The Impact of GDP structure on the stability of Okun’s law in Lithuania
- Author
Pesliakaitė, Jurgita
- Subjects
Neapibrėžtumas ,Okuno taisyklė ,Okun's law ,Okun's coefficient ,Uncertainty ,BVP struktūra ,GDP ,Okun law ,Stabilumas ,Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Okuno dėsnis ,GDP structure ,Nedarbas / Unemployment ,BVP ,impact ,Okuno koeficientas ,Poveikis ,Stability - Published
- 2015
48. Application of derivatives market for controlling risks of commodity prices
- Author
Drazdauskienė, Rasa and Stasytytė, Viktorija
- Subjects
Lietuva (Lithuania) ,Vertė ,Žaliavų kainų rizika ,Valdymas / Management ,Kvota ,Ateities sandoris ,Stabilumas - Abstract
Nagrinėjama žaliavinio pieno supirkimo kainų lygio ir svyravimo problema, neleidžianti stiprinti pieno gamintojų derybinių pozicijų ir išlikti konkurencingiems Europos Sąjungos kontekste. Apžvelgta mokslinė literatūra, nagrinėjanti žaliavų kainų riziką. Pateikti statistiniai duomenys, parodantys Lietuvos situaciją lyginant su Europos Sąjungos rodikliais. Atlikta ateities sandorių panaudojimo pasaulyje analizė. Nustatyta galima ateities sandorių įtaka kainų reguliavimui. Išnagrinėjus statistinius duomenis ir mokslinę literatūrą pateiktos išvados. The issue of raw milk procurement cost level and fluctuation which inhibits strengthening negotiating positions of dairy product fabricants and probability of them staying competitive in the European Union, is examined. Scientific literature that analyzes risks of staple prices is overviewed in the article. The paper provides statistical data representing the situation of Lithuania in contrast with European Union rates. Global usage of prospective transactions and their possible influence on price regulation are analyzed. After examining statistical data and academic literature, conclusions are provided.
- Published
- 2015
49. Hiperbolinės lygties su nelokaliosiomis kraštinėmis sąlygomis skirtuminio sprendinio stabilumas
- Author
Novickij, Jurij, Ivanauskas, Feliksas, and Vilnius University
- Subjects
Integral conditions ,hiperbolinė lygtis [Raktiniai žodžiai] ,Spectrum ,Baigtinių skirtumų metodas ,Integralinės sąlygos ,Nelokaliosios kraštinės sąlygos ,Nonlocal conditions ,Finite difference scheme ,hyperbolic equation [Spektras Keywords] ,Stability ,Stabilumas - Abstract
Darbo tikslas — ištirti baigtiniu skirtumu metodo antrosios eiles hiperbolinio tipo diferencialinei lygciai su nelokaliosiomis integralinemis kraštinemis salygomis stabiluma. Siekiant numatyto tikslo buvo sprendžiami šie uždaviniai: • išnagrinetas antrosios eiles hiperbolines lygties trisluoksnes skirtumines schemos suvedimas i dvisluoksne skirtumine schema; • išanalizuotas skirtuminio operatoriaus perejimo matricos spektras; • gauta pakankamoji skirtumines schemos stabilumo salyga, nusakoma nelokaliuju salygu parametrais; • atlikti skaitiniai eksperimentai, patvirtinantys teorines išvadas. Nurodyta stabilumo salyga yra esmine, sprendžiant hiperbolinio tipo uždavinius su pakankamai didelemis T reikšmemis. Skirtuminio operatoriaus perejimo matricos spektro tyrimo metodika gali buti pritaikyta placios klases diferencialiniu lygciu su nelokaliosiomis salygomis stabilumui tirti. On the stability of an explicit difference scheme for hyperbolic equation with integral conditions. The aim of the work is stability analysis of solution of finite difference method for hyperbolic equations. Trying to achieve formulated aim these tasks were solved: • a method of transformation of three-layered finite difference scheme into two-layered one was investigated; • a spectrum of transition matrix subject to the properties of second order differential operator Lambda was studied; • stability conditions of hyperbolic type equations with nonlocal conditions subject to boundary parameters were obtained; • numerical experiments, confirming theoretical derivations were made. Derived results could be used to solve one-dimensional tasks with hyperbolic equations in different sciences, to analyse spectrum structure of mathematical models and construct new numerical methods for solving hyperbolic PDEs.
- Published
- 2014
50. Puskietės emulsinės sistemos v/a su bičių vašku modeliavimas ir kokybės vertinimas
- Author
Petraitytė, Jūratė, Inkėnienė, Asta Marija, Kalvėnienė, Zenona, Savickienė, Nijolė, Janulis, Valdimaras, Ivanauskas, Liudas, Savickas, Arūnas, Briedis, Vitalis, Ramanauskienė, Kristina, Jakštas, Valdas, Drakšienė, Gailutė, Radžiūnas, Raimondas, Skyrius, Vaidas, Barsteigienė, Zita, Marksienė, Rūta, Brusokas, Valdemaras, Ževžikovas, Andrejus, Vitkevičius, Konradas, Gumbrevičius, Gintautas, Ragažinskienė, Ona, Maruška, Audrius, Martinėnas, Žydrūnas, Kuncaitė, Giedrė, Zulanienė, Eglė Audronė, Jakubauskas, Mindaugas, Budrikienė, Aušra, Švarcaitė, Jūratė, Marcinkevičienė, Rasa, Balanaškienė, Rima, and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences
- Subjects
Semisolid preparation ,Puskietė sistema ,Emulsion w/o ,Beeswax ,Pharmacy ,Bičių vaškas ,Stability ,Emulsija v/a ,Stabilumas - Abstract
Emulsijos yra patrauklios išvaizdos, universalūs produktai, jų naudojimas yra paprastas bei priimtinas, dėl to jos yra ypač dažnai sutinkamos dermatologijoje, gydant įvairias odos ligas. Stabilus puskietis emulsinis pagrindas iš natūralių medžiagų yra aktualus, nes turi dideles pritaikymo galimybes kosmetinių ir gydomųjų kremų gamyboje. Tyrimo objektas – puskietė emulsinė sistema vanduo aliejuje iš natūralių medžiagų su bičių vašku, kaip vaistinių medžiagų nešiklis dermatologiniams preparatams. Darbo tikslas – puskietės emulsinės sistemos vanduo aliejuje (v/a) su bičių vašku sumodeliavimas ir modelinės medžiagos – askorbo rūgšties atpalaidavimo iš sumodeliuotos sistemos įvertinimas biofarmaciniu in vitro tyrimu. Tyrimo uždaviniai: parinkti puskietės emulsinės sistemos sudėtį, remiantis ortogonaliu statistiniu planu, ir atrinkti stabilius pavyzdžius pagal pasirinktus vertinimo kriterijus (tinkamas pH, klampa, mikrostruktūra bei juslinės savybės); nustatyti puskiečių emulsinių sistemų fizikocheminius rodiklius (pH, klampą, mikrostruktūrą) bei įvertinti jų stabilumą po 1 ir 3 mėn.; įvertinti bičių vaško įtaką puskiečių emulsinių sistemų klampai, stabilumui, juslinėms savybėms bei askorbo rūgšties atpalaidavimui iš puskietės emulsinės sistemos; įvertinti modelinės medžiagos – askorbo rūgšties atpalaidavimą iš tiriamų puskiečių emulsinių sistemų, atliekant biofarmacinį tyrimą in vitro per pusiau pralaidžią membraną; atlikti emulsinės sistemos juslinių savybių ir kokybės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] Emulsion has an attractive conformation and is an universal product. It‘s usage is simple and acceptable. For this reason, it is often used in dermatology for curing different skin disease. Stable semisolid emulsion base from natural materials is relevant because it has a big variety of use in cosmetic and remedial cream production. The object of research – the system of semisolid emulsion water in oil from natural materials and beeswax as a carrier of medical materials in dermatological preparations. The aim of the work – modeling the system of semisolid emulsion water in oil with the beeswax and modeling materials as liberation ascorbic acid from simulated system and it‘s biopharmacy evaluation by in vitro research. The task of research: to choose the composition of semisolid emulsion system on the ground of orthogonal statistic plan and select stable samples according to evaluation criterion (the proper pH, viscosity, microstructure and organoleptic properties); to rate physicochemical rates of the system of semisolid emulsion (pH, viscosity, microstructure) and evaluate their stability after 1 and 3 months; to evaluate the influence of beeswax on the viscosity, stability, sensual properties and the liberation of ascorbic acid from the system of semisolid emulsion; to evaluate modeling materials – the liberation of ascorbic acid from investigative system of semisolid emulsion carrying out biopharmacy research in vitro through semi-permeable membrane; to evaluate sensual... [to full text]
- Published
- 2014
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