4 results on '"Stanić, Karla"'
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- Author
Cvitković, Daniela, Salkičević Pišonić, Svjetlana, and Stanić, Karla
- Subjects
Problematic video gaming, ADHD, elementary school boys - Abstract
The aim of the study was to expand the current knowledge base on problematic video gaming and ADHD with three objectives: 1) are there differences in the length of video gaming between boys with ADHD and typically developing boys ; 2) what are the predictors of problematic video gaming in boys with ADHD ; 3) does problematic video gaming affect academic performance and does ADHD diagnosis moderate this relationship. Symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity/impulsivity scale (SNAP IV), the Problematic Video Game Scale, and the Video Game Patterns Questionnaire were administered to 127 parents of elementary school boys in Croatia, 57 of whom were parents of boys with a clinical ADHD diagnosis and 70 of whom were parents of typically developing boys. The results show that there are no differences in length of play between ADHD and typically developing boys. A hierarchical regression analysis showed that age, ADHD diagnosis, and length of play are predictors of problematic video gaming. Inattention symptoms alone, independent of ADHD diagnosis, are a significant predictor of problematic video game playing and academic achievement whereas it seems that hyperactivity and impulsivity symptoms are not predictors of problematic video gaming in boys.
- Published
- 2023
3. Impact of video games on the symptoms of ADHD disorder
- Author
Stanić, Karla, Cvitković, Daniela, Wagner Jakab, Ana, and Miholić, Damir
- Subjects
symptoms of ADHD ,effects of video games ,ADHD ,video games ,children of primary school age - Abstract
Cilj ovoga rada bio je ispitati povezanost između vrste pojedinih videoigara te učestalosti igranja sa simptomima nepažnje, hiperaktivnosti i impulzivnosti i školskim uspjehom kod djece osnovnoškolske dobi s ADHD-om i djece tipičnog razvoja. U fokusu istraživanja nalaze se djeca s ADHD-om dok djeca tipičnog razvoja čine kontrolnu skupinu. Ispitanici (N=127), roditelji djece s ADHD poremećajem i djece tipičnog razvoja osnovnoškolske dobi, ispunili su online anketni upitnik koji je, uz sociodemografska pitanja, sadržavao i pitanja iz SNAP-IV skale procjene za nastavnike i roditelje te interna pitanja koja su ispitivala navike igranja videoigara kod djece osnovnoškolske dobi. U radu se koristio kvantitativni pristup obrade podataka. Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na to da se vrijeme igranja videoigara kod dječaka s ADHD poremećajem i dječaka tipičnog razvoja statistički značajno ne razlikuje već da u radnom danu obje skupine igrača provode prosječno 2 sata igrajući videoigre dok vikendom dječaci s ADHD-om videoigre igraju prosječno 2, a dječaci tipičnog razvoja prosječno 3 sata. Kod dječaka tipičnog razvoja utvrđena je statistički značajna pozitivna povezanost između intenziteta simptoma nepažnje i duljine igranja videoigara te statistički značajna negativna povezanost između duljine igranja videoigara i školskoga uspjeha dok kod dječaka s ADHD-om na navedenim varijablama nije pronađena nikakva statistički značajna povezanost. Obje skupine dječaka najčešće su igrale akcijske igre preživljavanja, zatim internetske igre s velikim brojem igrača (MMORPG) te sportske videoigre. Dječaci tipičnog razvoja koji su igrali videoigre s većim ovisničkim potencijalom, poput internetskih igara s velikim brojem igrača (MMORPG), imali su statistički značajno više rezultate na podskalama hiperaktivnosti i impulzivnosti SNAP-IV skale procjene dok kod dječaka s ADHD-om nije utvrđena nikakva statistički značajna razlika između rezultata na SNAP-IV skali procjene ovisno o vrsti igre koje su ovi dječaci najčešće igrali. Količina vremena koju su roditelji provodili ispred ekrana u prosječnom danu u njihovo slobodno vrijeme nije bila statistički značajno povezana s količinom vremena koju su njihova djeca provodila ispred ekrana u radnom danu i vikendom. Unatoč jedinstvenosti na prostoru Republike Hrvatske, rezultate ovog istraživanja potrebno je tumačiti s dozom opreza s obzirom na njegova brojna ograničenja. Kao takvo, ovo istraživanje može roditeljima približiti problematiku svijeta videoigara te biti poticaj svim stručnjacima u čijem su fokusu djeca da nastave istraživati ovu temu., The aim of this work was to investigate the connection between the types of individual video games and the frequency of playing and the symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity and impulsivity and school performance in children with ADHD and those with typical development. The research focus is on children with ADHD, while children with typical development form the control group. Respondents (N=127), parents of children with ADHD and typically developing children of elementary school age, filled out an online questionnaire that, in addition to sociodemographic questions, also contained questions from the SNAP-IV assessment scale for teachers and parents and internal questions that examined habits playing video games in primary school children. The paper used a quantitative approach to data processing. The results of the research indicate that the time spent playing video games in boys with ADHD and boys with typical development does not statistically significantly differ, but that both groups of players spend an average of 2 hours playing video games on weekdays, while boys with ADHD play an average of 2 hours on weekends, and boys with typical development an average of 3 hours. In boys with typical development, a statistically significant positive correlation was found between the intensity of symptoms of inattention and the length of playing video games, and a statistically significant negative correlation between the length of playing video games and school success, while in boys with ADHD, no statistically significant correlation was found on the mentioned variables. Both groups of boys most often played survival action games, followed by massively multiplayer online games (MMORPGs) and sports video games. Typically developing boys who played video games with higher addictive potential, such as massively multiplayer online games (MMORPGs), had statistically significantly higher scores on the hyperactivity and impulsivity subscales of the SNAP-IV rating scale, while no statistically significant difference was found in boys with ADHD. significant difference between the scores on the SNAP-IV rating scale depending on the type of game these boys played most often. The amount of time parents spent in front of a screen on an average day in their free time was not statistically significantly related to the amount of time their children spent in front of a screen on weekdays and weekends. Despite the uniqueness of the territory of the Republic of Croatia, the results of this research should be interpreted with caution given its numerous limitations. As such, this research can bring the problems of the world of video games closer to parents and represent an incentive for all experts who focus on children to continue researching this topic.
- Published
- 2022
- Author
Stanić, Karla and Hanžek, Ljudevit
- Subjects
dreams ,critical thinking ,experiences ,dream argument ,skepticism - Abstract
U ovom radu nastoji se upoznati čitatelje s fenomenologijom snova, o kojima je prvi govorio Aristotel, ali vjerojatno filozofski najzanimljiviji argument donosi René Descartes. Poseban naglasak stavljen je na Descartesov argument iz sna, te se analiziraju kritike na isti. Zatim se, u prvom dijelu rada, kratko prikazuju možebitne funkcije snova koje su bile zagovarane kroz povijest. Uspoređuju se i teze o snovima kao halucinacijama, ali i kao produktu mašte, te se govori o snovima kao obliku kognitivnog postignuća kod djece. U drugom dijelu rada prikazuje se koliko su snovi subjektivno drugačija iskustva od onih uobičajenih, svjesnih iskustava u budnom stanju. Govori se o lucidnim snovima, ali i o izboru perspektive u snu te o utjecaju i mogućnosti kritičkog razmišljanja u snovima. Na kraju rada, obrađuje se autentičnost i sposobnost sjećanja na snove., This paper seeks to familiarize readers with the phenomenology of dreams, for the first time spoken by Aristotle but probably the most interesting philosophical argument brings René Descartes. Particular emphasis is placed on Descartes' dream argument, and as well objections replied. Then, in the first part, briefly displayed eventual function of dreams that were advocated throughout history. Theses about dreams as hallucinations but also as a product of imagination are compared, and dreams are discussed as a form of cognitive achievement in children. The second part of the paper shows how much dreams are subjectively different experiences from those usual, conscious experiences in the waking state. There is talk of lucid dreams, but also of the choice of perspective in a dream, and on the impact and possibility for critical thinking in dreams. At the end of the paper, the authenticity and ability to remember dreams are adressed.
- Published
- 2020
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