A series of collections from Guadalupe y Calvo in southern Chihuahua State, Mexico, is described as a new species, Festuca diclina (Poaceae), and compared with similar species from Central America. Festuca diclina S. J. Darbyshire, sp. nov. TYPE: Mexico. Chihuahua: Mpio. Guadalupe y Calvo, Cerro de Mohinora, S de Guadalupe y Calvo, 3300 m, alpina-subalpina, en ladera rocosa, 27 Aug. 1987, McDonald & Martinez 2392 (holotype, DAO 661232; isotypes, TEX (ex DAO 591464), MEXU (ex DAO 592610)). Figure 1. Plantae perennes caespitosae, innovationibus intravaginalibus praeditae. Vaginae foliorum ima basi tantum integrae, vertice scabrae; ligulae 0.2-0.5 mm longae; laminae foliorum plicatae vel convolutae, 1.2-1.5 mm latae, abaxialiter ima basi scabrae, adaxialiter sparsim scabrae, 5-7-costatae, fasciculis sclerenchymaticis cum nervis infra et saepe supra conjunctis, non confluentibus. Culmi 30-75 cm longi, glabri. Paniculae 8-15 cm longae, plus minusve laxae, pyramidales, axe et ramulis glabris vel trichomatibus sparsis, ramulis interdum tortuosis. Spiculae 8-12 mm longae, (2-)3-4(-5) flosculis; glumae inferiores 2.4-4 mm longae, 1-nerviae; glumae superiores 3.5-5 mm longae, (1-)3-nerviae; rachillae trichomatibus 0.1-0.3 mm longae praeditae; lemmata lanceolata, glabra vel apice scabra, 1-3(-5)-nervia, 6-8 mm longa, interdum arista ad 1.0 mm longa; paleae 5.5-7 mm longae, bidentatae, apice piloso-hirsutae inter nervos, nervis cum trichomatibus 0.1-0.2 mm longis prope apicem; antherae interdum abortivae praesertim flosculis inferioribus, 34.2 mm longae; ovariorum apex dense pubescens. Caespitose, loosely tufted perennial (Fig. 1A); shoots intravaginal. Vegetative shoots to 25 cm tall, light green (not glaucous); sheaths rapidly decaying to fibers, the margins closed only at the base, the upper parts of the sheaths, collars, and lower abaxial blade surface retrorsely scabrous; auricles absent; ligules short, 0.2-0.5 mm long, acute to truncate, sometimes lacerate, puberulent apically and abaxially, membranous; blades plicate to convolute, adaxially sparsely scabrous, 1.2-1.5 mm wide on flattened blades (about 0.4-0.8 mm in the longest dimension of a cross section), with 7(-9) veins and 5-7 adaxial ribs; sclerenchyma in discrete fascicles opposite veins abaxially and usually adaxially (Fig. 2A-C), the fascicles usually joining veins abaxially and sometimes adaxially thus forming a girder between the epidermises through the veins (Fig. 2A). Culms 30-75 cm tall, glabrous; nodes black or brown, glabrous. Flag leaf sheath sometimes loose. Panicle open, pyramidal, 8-15 cm long; rachis glabrous below and sparsely scabrous on the angles above; branches + flexuous and sometimes sinuously undulating, 1 or 2 per node, glabrous or sparsely scabrous, the lowest 5-9 cm long. Spikelets 8-12 mm long, distal on the branches, with (2-)3-4(-5) florets; glumes chartaceous, glabrous or scabrous on the keel (especially apically), ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate with wide hyaline margins; lower glume 2.44 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glume 3.5-5 mm long, (1-)3-nerved; rachilla with hairs 0.1-0.3 mm long (Fig. 1C); lemmas 6-8 mm long, narrowly lanceolate (Fig. 1B), glabrous or scabrous-hirsute apically, 13(-5)-nerved (the lateral ones faint), the apex attenuate, sometimes with a terminal awn or mucro to 1.0 mm long; paleas subequal to the lemmas, 5.5-7 mm long, bidentate, apically pilose-hirsute between the nerves and with hairs 0.1-0.2 mm long on the nerves (Fig. 1 D, E); anthers sometimes abortive especially in lower florets, 3-4.2 mm long when developed; ovary apex densely pubescent (Fig. 1F); styles 2. Caryopses not seen. Specimen label data from the type collection describe the culms as up to 2 m high, although all specimens examined were much less. Distribution. Collections of Festuca diclina are known only from the vicinity of Guadalupe y Calvo, Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico, in montane pine forests at altitudes of 2950-3300 m. Festuca diclina belongs to Festuca subg. Festuca and is similar to F. hintoniana E. B. Alexeev (Figs. 1G-K, 2D) but differs primarily in the loose tufts with non-persistent sheaths decaying to separate fibers (densely tufted with persistent chartaceous sheaths in F. hintoniana), scabrous upper sheaths, collars, and lower leaf blades (not glabrous), narrower leaf blades (1.6-1.9 mm on flattened blades and 0.7-1.0 mm in longest dimension of transverse section in F. hintoniana), blade sclerenchyma in discrete fascicles (more or less continuous abaxial NovoN 5: 129-132. 1995. This content downloaded from on Sat, 09 Apr 2016 06:53:20 UTC All use subject to http://about.jstor.org/terms