97 results on '"Teodorescu, I"'
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2. Sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding in the estimation of marginal causal effects
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Ciocănea-Teodorescu, I, primary, Gabriel, E E, additional, and Sjölander, A, additional
- Published
- 2022
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3. Evidence for X(3872) in Pb-Pb Collisions and Studies of its Prompt Production at root s(NN)=5.02 TeV
- Author
Sirunyan, A. M., Tumasyan, A., Adam, W., Ambrogi, F., Bergauer, T., Dragicevic, M., Ero, J., Del, Valle, Escalante, A., Flechl, M., Fruhwirth, R., Jeitler, M., Krammer, N., Kratschmer, I, Liko, D., Madlener, T., Mikulec, I, Rad, N., Schieck, J., Schofbeck, R., Spanring, M., Waltenberger, W., Wulz, C-E, Zarucki, M., Drugakov, V, Mossolov, V, Gonzalez, Suarez, J., Darwish, M. R., Wolf, De, E. A., Croce, Di, Janssen, D., Kello, X., Lelek, T., Pieters, A., Sfar, M., Rejeb, H., Van, Haevermaet, Van, Mechelen, Van, Putte, Van, Remortel, Blekman, N., Bols, F., Chhibra, E. S., D'Hondt, S. S., Clercq, De, Lontkovskyi, J., Lowette, D., Marchesini, S., Moortgat, I, Python, S., Tavernier, Q., Van, Doninck, Van, Mulders, Beghin, P., Bilin, D., Clerbaux, B., Lentdecker, De, Delannoy, G., Dorney, H., Favart, B., Grebenyuk, L., Kalsi, A., Moureaux, A. K., Popov, L., Postiau, A., Starling, N., Thomas, E., L. V., Velde, Er, Vanlaer, C., Vannerom, P., Cornelis, D., Dobur, T., Khvastunov, D., Niedziela, I, Roskas, M., Skovpen, C., Tytgat, K., Verbeke, M., Vermassen, W., Vit, B., Bruno, M., Caputo, G., David, C., Delaere, P., Delcourt, C., Giammanco, M., Lemaitre, A., Prisci, V, Aro, J., Saggio, A., Vischia, P., Zobec, J., Alves, G. A., Silva, Correia, G., Hensel, C., Moraes, A., Batista Das Chagas, Belchior, E., Carvalho, W., Chinellato, J., Coelho, E., Costa, Da, E. M., Silveira, Da, Damiao, G. G., De Jesus, D., Martins, De Oliveira, C., Souza, De, Fonseca, S., Malbouisson, H., Martins, J., Figueiredo, Matos, D., Jaime, Medina, M., Almeida, De, Melo, M., Herrera, Mora, C., Mundim, L., Nogima, H., Prado Da Silva, Teles, W. L., Rebello, P., Rosas, Sanchez, L. J., Santoro, A., Sznajder, A., Thiel, M., Tonelli, Manganote, E. J., Da Silva De Araujo, Torres, F., Pereira, Vilela, A., Bernardes, C. A., Calligaris, L., Fern, ez Perez Tomei, Gregores, T. R., Lemos, E. M., Mercadante, D. S., Novaes, P. G., Padula, S. F., S, Ra, S., Aleks, Rov, Antchev, A., Hadjiiska, G., Iaydjiev, R., Misheva, P., Rodozov, M., Shopova, M., Sultanov, M., Bonchev, G., Dimitrov, M., Ivanov, A., Litov, T., Pavlov, L., Petkov, B., Petrov, P., Fang, A., Gao, W., Yuan, X., Ahmad, L., Hu, M., Wang, Z., Chen, Y., Chen, G. M., Chen, H. S., Jiang, M., Leggat, C. H., Liao, D., Liu, H., Spiezia, Z., Tao, A., Yazgan, J., Zhang, E., Zhang, H., Zhao, S., Agapitos, J., Ban, A., Levin, G., Li, A., Li, J., Li, L., Mao, Q., Qian, Y., Wang, S. J., Wang, D., Xiao, Q., Avila, M., Cabrera, C., Florez, A., Gonzalez, Hern, C. F., Ez, Segura, Delgado, M. A., Mejia, Guisao, Ruiz, Alvarez, J. D., Salazar, Gonzalez, C. A., Vanegas, Arbelaez, Godinovic, N., Lelas, N., Puljak, D., Sculac, I, Antunovic, T., Kovac, Z., Brigljevic, M., Ferencek, V, Kadija, D., Mesic, K., Roguljic, B., Starodumov, M., Susa, A., Ather, T., Attikis, M. W., Erodotou, A., Ioannou, E., Kolosova, A., Konstantinou, M., Mavromanolakis, S., Mousa, G., Nicolaou, J., Ptochos, C., Razis, F., Rykaczewski, P. A., Saka, H., Tsiakkouri, H., Finger, D., Finger, M., r. M., J, Kveton, A., Tomsa, J., Ayala, E., Jarrin, Carrera, E., Mahmoud, M. A., Mohammed, Y., Bhowmik, S., Antunes De Oliveira, Carvalho, A., Dewanjee, R. K., Ehataht, K., Kadastik, M., Raidal, M., Veelken, C., Eerola, P., Forthomme, L., Kirschenmann, H., Osterberg, K., Voutilainen, M., Garcia, F., Havukainen, J., Heikkila, J. K., Karimaki, V, Kim, M. S., Kinnunen, R., Lampen, T., Lassila-Perini, K., Laurila, S., Lehti, S., Linden, T., Siikonen, H., Tuominen, E., Tuominiemi, J., Luukka, P., Tuuva, T., Besancon, M., Couderc, F., Dejardin, M., Denegri, D., Fabbro, B., Faure, J. L., Ferri, F., Ganjour, S., Givernaud, A., Gras, P., Monchenault, De, Hamel, G., Jarry, P., Leloup, C., Lenzi, B., Locci, E., Malcles, J., R, Er, Rosowsky, J., Sahin, A., Savoy-Navarro, M. O., Titov, A., Yu, M., Ahuja, G. B., Amendola, S., Beaudette, C., Bonanomi, F., Busson, M., Charlot, P., Diab, C., Falmagne, B., Cassagnac, De, Granier, R., Kucher, I, Lobanov, A., Perez, Martin, C., Nguyen, M., Och, O, Paganini, C., Rembser, P., Salerno, J., Sauvan, R., Sirois, J. B., Zabi, Y., Zghiche, A., Agram, A., J-L, Rea, Bloch, J., Bourgatte, D., Brom, G., J-M, Chabert, Collard, E. C., Conte, C., Fontaine, E., J-C, Gele, Goerlach, D., Grimault, U., Bihan, Le, A-C, Tonon, Van, Hove, Gadrat, P., Beauceron, S., Bernet, S., Boudoul, C., Camen, G., Carle, C., Chanon, A., Chierici, N., Contardo, R., Depasse, D., Mamouni, El, Fay, H., Gascon, J., Gouzevitch, S., Ille, M., Jain, B., Laktineh, Sa, Lattaud, I. B., Lesauvage, H., Lethuillier, A., Mirabito, M., Perries, L., Sordini, S., Torterotot, V, Touquet, L., G. V., Donckt, Er, Viret, M., Toriashvili, S., Tsamalaidze, T., Autermann, Z., Feld, C., Klein, L., Lipinski, K., Meuser, M., Pauls, D., Preuten, A., Rauch, M., Schulz, M. P., Teroerde, J., Erdmann, M., Fischer, M., Ghosh, B., Hebbeker, S., Hoepfner, T., Keller, K., Mastrolorenzo, H., Merschmeyer, L., Meyer, M., Millet, A., Mocellin, P., Mondal, G., Mukherjee, S., Noll, S., Novak, D., Pook, A., Pozdnyakov, T., Quast, A., Radziej, T., Rath, M., Reithler, Y., Roemer, H., Schmidt, J., Schuler, A., Sharma, S. C., Wiedenbeck, A., Zaleski, S., Flugge, S., Ahmad, G., Haj, W., Hlushchenko, O., Kress, T., Muller, T., Nowack, A., Pistone, C., Pooth, O., Roy, D., Sert, H., Stahl, A., Martin, Aldaya, M., Asmuss, P., Babounikau, I, Bakhshiansohi, H., Beernaert, K., Behnke, O., Martinez, Bermudez, A., Bin, Anuar, Borras, A. A., Botta, K., Campbell, V, Cardini, A., Connor, A., Rodriguez, P., Consuegra, S., Contreras-Campana, C., Danilov, V, Wit, De, Defranchis, A., Pardos, M. M., Diez, C., Damiani, Dominguez, D., Eckerlin, G., Eckstein, D., Eichhorn, T., Elwood, A., Eren, E., Banos, Estevez, L. I., Gallo, E., Geiser, A., Grohsjean, A., Guthoff, M., Haranko, M., Harb, A., Jafari, A., Jomhari, N. Z., Jung, H., Kasem, A., Kasemann, M., Kaveh, H., Keaveney, J., Kleinwort, C., Knolle, J., Krucker, D., Lange, W., Lenz, T., Lidrych, J., Lipka, K., Lohmann, W., Mankel, R., Melzer-Pellmann, I-A, Meyer, A. B., Missiroli, M., Mnich, J., Mussgiller, A., Myronenko, V, Adan, Perez, D., Pflitsch, S. K., Pitzl, D., Raspereza, A., Saibel, A., Savitskyi, M., Scheurer, V, Schutze, P., Schwanenberger, C., Shevchenko, R., Singh, A., Ricardo, Sosa, R. E., Tholen, H., Turkot, O., Vagnerini, A., Van De Klundert, Walsh, M., Wen, R., Wichmann, Y., Wissing, K., Zenaiev, C., Zlebcik, O., Aggleton, R., Bein, R., Benato, S., Benecke, L., Dreyer, A., Ebrahimi, T., Feindt, A., Frohlich, F., Garbers, A., Garutti, C., Gonzalez, E., Gunnellini, D., Haller, P., Hinzmann, J., Karavdina, A., Kasieczka, A., Klanner, G., Kogler, R., Kovalchuk, R., Kurz, N., Kutzner, S., Lange, V, Lange, J., Malara, T., Multhaup, A., Niemeyer, J., Reimers, C. E. N., Rieger, A., Schleper, O., Schumann, P., Schw, S., T, J., Sonneveld, J., Stadie, H., Steinbruck, G., Vormwald, B., Zoi, I, Akbiyik, M., Baselga, M., Baur, S., Berger, T., Butz, E., Caspart, R., Chwalek, T., Boer, De, Dierlamm, W., Morabit, El, Faltermann, K., Giffels, N., Gottmann, M., Hartmann, A., Heidecker, F., Husemann, C., Iqbal, U., Kudella, M. A., Maier, S., Mitra, S., Mozer, S., Muller, M. U., Muller, D., Musich, Th, Nurnberg, M., Rabbertz, G., Savoiu, K., Schafer, D., Schnepf, D., Schroder, M., Shvetsov, M., Simonis, I, Ulrich, H. J., Wassmer, R., Weber, M., Wohrmann, M., Wolf, C., Wozniewski, R., Anagnostou, S., Asenov, G., Daskalakis, P., Geralis, G., Kyriakis, T., Loukas, A., Paspalaki, D., Stakia, G., Diamantopoulou, A., Karathanasis, M., Kontaxakis, G., Manousakis-katsikakis, P., Panagiotou, A., Papavergou, A., Saoulidou, I, Theofilatos, N., Vellidis, K., Vourliotis, K., Bakas, E., Kousouris, G., Papakrivopoulos, K., Tsipolitis, I, Zacharopoulou, G., Evangelou, A., Foudas, I, Gianneios, C., Katsoulis, P., Kokkas, P., Mallios, P., Manitara, S., Manthos, K., Papadopoulos, N., Strologas, I, Triantis, J., Tsitsonis, F. A., Bartok, D., Chudasama, M., Csanad, R., Major, M., P. M., Al, K., Mehta, A., Pasztor, G., Suranyi, O., Veres, I, Bencze, G., Hajdu, G., Horvath, C., Sikler, D., Veszpremi, F., Vesztergombi, V., Beni, G., Czellar, N., Karancsi, S., Molnar, J., Szillasi, J., Raics, Z., Teyssier, P., Trocsanyi, D., Ujvari, Z. L., Csorgo, B., Metzger, T., Nemes, W. J., Novak, F., Choudhury, T., Komaragiri, S., Tiwari, J. R., Bahinipati, P. C., Kar, S., Kole, C., Mal, G., Bindhu, P., Muraleedharan Nair, V. K., Nayak, A., Sahoo, D. K., Swain, S. K., Bansal, S., Beri, S. B., Bhatnagar, V, Chauhan, S., Dhingra, N., Gupta, R., Kaur, A., Kaur, M., Kaur, S., Kumari, P., Lohan, M., Meena, M., Eep, S, Sharma, K., Singh, S., Virdi, J. B., Walia, A. K., Bhardwaj, G., Choudhary, A., Garg, B. C., Gola, R. B., Keshri, M., Kumar, S., Ashok, Naimuddin, Priyanka, M., Ranjan, P., Shah, K., Aashaq, Sharma, Bhardwaj, R., Bharti, R., Bhattacharya, M., Bhattacharya, R., Bhaw, S., Eep, U., Bhowmik, D., Dutta, S., Ghosh, S., Gomber, B., Maity, M., Mondal, K., N, An, Purohit, S., Rout, A., Saha, P. K., Sarkar, G., Sharan, S., Singh, M., Thakur, B., Behera, S., Behera, P. K., Kalbhor, S. C., Muhammad, P., Pujahari, A., Sharma, P. R., Sikdar, A., Dutta, A. K., Jha, D., Mishra, V, Netrakanti, D. K., Pant, P. K., Shukla, L. M., Aziz, P., Bhat, T., Dugad, M. A., Mohanty, S., Sur, G. B., Verma, N., Ravindra, Kumar, Banerjee, S., Bhattacharya, S., Chatterjee, S., Das, P., Guchait, M., Karmakar, S., Majumder, G., Mazumdar, K., Sahoo, N., Sawant, S., Dube, S., Kansal, B., Kapoor, A., Kothekar, K., P, Ey, Rane, S., Rastogi, A., Sharma, A., Chenarani, S., Etesami, S., Khakzad, S. M., Najafabadi, M., Mohammadi, M., Naseri, M., Hosseinabadi, Rezaei, F., Felcini, M., Grunewald, M., Abbrescia, M., Aly, R., Calabria, C., Colaleo, A., Creanza, D., Cristella, L., Filippis, De, Palma, De, Florio, Di, Elmetenawee, A., Fiore, W., Gelmi, L., Iaselli, A., Ince, G., Lezki, M., Maggi, S., Maggi, G., Merlin, M., Miniello, J. A., My, G., Nuzzo, S., Pompili, S., Pugliese, A., Radogna, G., Ranieri, R., Selvaggi, A., Silvestris, G., Simone, L., Venditti, F. M., Verwilligen, R., Abbiendi, P., Battilana, G., Bonacorsi, C., Borgonovi, D., Braibant-Giacomelli, L., Campanini, S., Capiluppi, R., Castro, P., Cavallo, A., Codispoti, F. R., Cuffiani, G., Dallavalle, M., Fabbri, G. M., Fanfani, F., Fontanesi, A., Giacomelli, E., Giommi, P., Gr, L., I, C., Guiducci, L., Iemmi, F., Meo, Lo, Marcellini, S., Masetti, S., Navarria, G., Perrotta, F. L., Primavera, A., Rossi, F., Rovelli, A. M., Siroli, T., Tosi, G. P., Albergo, N., Costa, S., Mattia, Di, Potenza, A., Tricomi, R., Tuve, A., Barbagli, C., Cassese, G., Ceccarelli, A., Ciulli, R., Civinini, V, D'Aless, C., Ro, R., Fiori, F., Focardi, E., Latino, G., Lenzi, P., Meschini, M., Paoletti, S., Sguazzoni, G., Viliani, L., Benussi, L., Bianco, S., Piccolo, D., Bozzo, M., Ferro, F., Mulargia, R., Robutti, E., Tosi, S., Benaglia, A., Beschi, A., Brivio, F., Ciriolo, V, Dinardo, M. E., Dini, P., Gennai, S., Ghezzi, A., Govoni, P., Guzzi, L., Malberti, M., Malvezzi, S., Menasce, D., Monti, F., Moroni, L., Paganoni, M., Pedrini, D., Ragazzi, S., Fatis, De, Tabarelli, T., Valsecchi, D., Zuolo, D., Buontempo, S., Cavallo, N., Iorio, De, Crescenzo, Di, Fabozzi, A., Fienga, F., Galati, F., Iorio, G., Layer, A. O. M., Lista, L., Meola, L., Paolucci, S., Rossi, P., Sciacca, B., Voevodina, C., Azzi, E., Bacchetta, P., Bisello, N., Boletti, D., Bragagnolo, A., Carlin, A., Checchia, R., Manzano, P., De Castro, P., Dorigo, T., Dosselli, U., Gasparini, F., Gasparini, U., Gozzelino, A., Hoh, S. Y., Margoni, M., Meneguzzo, A. T., Pazzini, J., Presilla, M., Ronchese, P., Rossin, R., Simonetto, F., Tiko, A., Tosi, M., Zanetti, M., Zotto, P., Zucchetta, A., Zumerle, G., Braghieri, A., Fiorina, D., Montagna, P., Ratti, S. P., Re, V, Ressegotti, M., Riccardi, C., Salvini, P., Vai, I, Vitulo, P., Biasini, M., Bilei, G. M., Ciangottini, D., Fano, L., Lariccia, P., Leonardi, R., Manoni, E., Mantovani, G., Mariani, V, Menichelli, M., Rossi, A., Santocchia, A., Spiga, D., Rosov, K., Azzurri, P., Bagliesi, G., Bertacchi, V, Bianchini, L., Boccali, T., Castaldi, R., Ciocci, M. A., Dell'Orso, R., Donato, S., Giannini, L., Giassi, A., Grippo, M. T., Ligabue, F., Manca, E., Orli, M, Messineo, G., Palla, A., Rizzi, F., Rol, A., I, G., Chowdhury, Roy, S., Scribano, A., Spagnolo, P., Tenchini, R., Tonelli, G., Turini, N., Venturi, A., Verdini, P. G., Cavallari, F., Cipriani, M., Del, Re, Marco, Di, Diemoz, E., Longo, M., Meridiani, E., Organtini, P., G. P., Olfi, F., Paramatti, R., Quaranta, C., Rahatlou, S., Rovelli, C., Santanastasio, F., Soffi, L., Tramontano, R., Amapane, N., Arcidiacono, R., Argiro, S., Arneodo, M., Bartosik, N., Bellan, R., Bellora, A., Biino, C., Cappati, A., Cartiglia, N., Cometti, S., Costa, M., Covarelli, R., Demaria, N., Fern, Ez, Gonzalez, J. R., Kiani, B., Legger, F., Mariotti, C., Maselli, S., Migliore, E., Monaco, V, Monteil, E., Monteno, M., Obertino, M. M., Ortona, G., Pacher, L., Pastrone, N., Pelliccioni, M., Angioni, Pinna, G. L., Romero, A., Ruspa, M., Salvatico, R., Sola, V, Solano, A., Soldi, D., Staiano, A., Trocino, D., Belforte, S., Elise, C, Casarsa, V, Cossutti, M., Rold, Da, Della, Ricca, Vazzoler, G., Zanetti, F., Kim, A., Kim, B., Kim, D. H., Lee, G. N., Lee, J., Moon, S. W., C. S., Oh, Pak, Y. D., I, S., Sekmen, S., Son, D. C., Yang, Y. C., Kim, H., Moon, D. H., Francois, B., Kim, T. J., Park, J., Cho, S., Choi, S., Go, Y., Ha, S., Hong, B., Lee, K., Lee, K. S., Lim, J., Park, S. K., Roh, Y., Yoo, J., Goh, J., Kim, H. S., Almond, J., Bhyun, J. H., Choi, J., Jeon, S., Kim, J., Kim, J. S., Lee, H., Lee, S., Nam, K., Oh, M., S. B., Oh, Radburn-Smith, B. C., Yang, U. K., Yoo, H. D., Yoon, I, Jeon, D., Kim, J. H., Lee, J. S. H., Park, I. C., Watson, I. J., Choi, Y., Hwang, C., Jeong, Y., Lee, Y., Yu, I, Veckalns, V., Dudenas, V, Juodagalvis, A., Rinkevicius, A., Tamulaitis, G., Vaitkus, J., Idris, Mohamad, F., Abdullah, Wan, W. A. T., Yusli, M. N., Zolkapli, Z., Benitez, J. F., Hern, Ez, Castaneda, A., Quijada, Murillo, J. A., Palomo, Valencia, L., Castilla-Valdez, H., De La Cruz-Burelo, Heredia-De La Cruz, Lopez-Fern, I, Ez, R., Sanchez-Hern, Ez, Moreno, A., Carrillo, S., Oropeza, Barrera, Ramirez-Garcia, C., Vazquez, Valencia, Eysermans, F., Pedraza, J., I, Salazar, Ibarguen, H. A., Uribe, Estrada, Pineda, C., Morelos, A., Mijuskovic, J., Raicevic, N., Krofcheck, D., Bheesette, S., Butler, P. H., Lujan, P., Ahmad, A., Ahmad, M., Awan, M. I. M., Hassan, Q., Hoorani, H. R., Khan, W. A., Shah, M. A., Shoaib, M., Waqas, M., Avati, V, Grzanka, L., Malawski, M., Bialkowska, H., Bluj, M., Boimska, B., Gorski, M., Kazana, M., Szleper, M., Zalewski, P., Bunkowski, K., Byszuk, A., Doroba, K., Kalinowski, A., Konecki, M., Krolikowski, J., Olszewski, M., Walczak, M., Araujo, M., Bargassa, P., Bastos, D., Francesco, Di, Faccioli, A., Galinhas, P., Gallinaro, B., Hollar, M., Leonardo, J., Niknejad, N., Seixas, T., Shchelina, J., Strong, K., Toldaiev, G., Varela, O., Afanasiev, J., Bunin, S., Ershov, P., Golutvin, Y., Gorbunov, I, Kamenev, I, Karjavine, A., Korenkov, V, Lanev, V, Malakhov, A., Matveev, A., Mitsyn, V, Moisenz, V. V., Palichik, P., Perelygin, V, Shmatov, V, Skatchkov, S., Yuldashev, N., Zarubin, B. S., Zhiltsov, A., Chtchipounov, V, Golovtcov, L., Ivanov, V, Kim, Y., Kuznetsova, V, Levchenko, E., Murzin, P., Oreshkin, V, Smirnov, V, Sosnov, I, Sulimov, D., Uvarov, V, Vorobyev, L., Reev, A., Dermenev, Yu, Gninenko, A., Golubev, S., Karneyeu, N., Kirsanov, A., Krasnikov, M., Pashenkov, N., Tlisov, A., Toropin, D., Epshteyn, A., Gavrilov, V, Lychkovskaya, V, Nikitenko, N., Popov, A., Pozdnyakov, V, Safronov, I, Spiridonov, G., Stepennov, A., Toms, A., Vlasov, M., Zhokin, E., Aushev, A., Bychkova, T., Chistov, O., Danilov, R., Polikarpov, M., Tarkovskii, S., Reev, E., Azarkin, V, Dremin, M., Kirakosyan, I, Terkulov, M., Belyaev, A., Boos, A., Demiyanov, E., Ershov, A., Gribushin, A., Kodolova, A., Korotkikh, O., Lokhtin, V, Obraztsov, I, Petrushanko, S., Savrin, S., Snigirev, V, Vardanyan, A., Barnyakov, I, Blinov, A., Dimova, V, Kardapoltsev, T., Skovpen, L., Azhgirey, Y., Bayshev, I, Bitioukov, I, Kachanov, S., Konstantinov, V, D. M., Rik, P., Petrov, V, Ryutin, R., Slabospitskii, S., Sobol, A., Troshin, S., Tyurin, N., Uzunian, A., Volkov, A., Babaev, A., Iuzhakov, A., Okhotnikov, V, Borchsh, V, Ivanchenko, V, Tcherniaev, E., Adzic, P., Cirkovic, P., Dordevic, M., Milenovic, P., Milosevic, J., Stojanovic, M., Aguilar-Benitez, M., Alcaraz, Maestre, Alvarez, Fern, Ez, A., Bachiller, I, Barrio, Luna, Bedoya, M., Cristina, F., Brochero, Cifuentes, J. A., Carrillo, Montoya, Cepeda, C. A., Cerrada, M., Colino, M., De la Cruz, Delgado, Peris, Fern, A., Ramos, Ez, Flix, J. P., Fouz, J., M. C., Gonzalez, Lopez, Goy, Lopez, Hern, S., J. M., Ez, Josa, I, Moran, M., Navarro, Tobar, Perez-Calero, Yzquierdo, Puerta, Pelayo, Redondo, J., Romero, I, Sanchez, Navas, Soares, S., Triossi, M. S., Willmott, A., Albajar, C., Troconiz, De, Reyes-Almanza, J. F., Alvarez, Gonzalez, Cuevas, B., Erice, J., Fern, C., Menendez, Ez, Folgueras, J., Gonzalez, Caballero, Palencia, Cortezon, Ramon, Alvarez, Rodriguez, Bouza, V, Sanchez, Cruz, Cabrillo, S., Calderon, I. J., Chazin, Quero, Duarte, Campderros, Fern, J., Ez, M., Manteca, Ez, P. J., Garcia, Alonso, Gomez, A., Martinez, Rivero, Martinez Ruiz del Arbol, Matorras, P., Piedra, Gomez, Prieels, J., Ricci-Tam, C., Rodrigo, F., Ruiz-Jimeno, T., Russo, A., Scodellaro, L., Vila, L., Vizan, Garcia, Sonnadara, J. M., Dharmaratna, D. U. J., Wickramage, W. G. D., Aarrestad, N., Abbaneo, T. K., Akgun, D., Auffray, B., Auzinger, E., Baechler, G., Baillon, J., Ball, P., Barney, A. H., Bendavid, D., Bianco, J., Bocci, M., Bortignon, A., Bossini, P., Brondolin, E., Camporesi, E., Caratelli, T., Cerminara, A., Chapon, G., Cucciati, E., D'Enterria, G., Dabrowski, D., Daci, A., Daponte, N., David, V, Davignon, A., Roeck, De, Deile, A., Maria, Di, Dobson, R., Dunser, M., Dupont, M., Elliott-Peisert, N., Emriskova, A., Fallavollita, N., Fasanella, F., Fiorendi, D., Franzoni, S., Fulcher, G., Funk, J., Giani, W., Gigi, S., Gill, D., Glege, K., Gouskos, F., Gruchala, L., Guilbaud, M., Gulhan, M., Hegeman, D., Heidegger, J., Iiyama, C., Innocente, Y., James, V, Janot, T., Karacheban, P., Kaspar, O., Kieseler, J., Krammer, J., Kratochwil, M., Lange, N., Lecoq, C., Long, P., Lourenco, K., Malgeri, C., Mannelli, L., Massironi, M., Meijers, A., Mersi, F., Meschi, S., Moortgat, E., Mulders, F., Ngadiuba, M., Niedziela, J., Nourbakhsh, J., Orfanelli, S., Orsini, S., Pantaleo, L., Pape, F., Perez, L., Peruzzi, E., Petrilli, M., Petrucciani, A., Pfeiffer, G., Pierini, A., Pitters, M., Rabady, F. M., Racz, D., Rovere, M., Sakulin, M., Salfeld-Nebgen, H., Scarfi, J., Schafer, S., Schwick, C., Selvaggi, C., Sharma, M., Silva, A., Snoeys, P., Sphicas, W., Steggemann, P., Summers, J., Tavolaro, S., Treille, V. R., Tsirou, D., Van, Onsem, Vartak, G. P., Verzetti, A., Wozniak, M., Zeuner, K. A., Caminada, W. D., Deiters, L., Erdmann, K., Horisberger, W., Ingram, R., Kaestli, Q., Kotlinski, H. C., Langenegger, D., Rohe, U., Backhaus, T., Berger, M., Cal, P., Ri, A., Chernyavskaya, N., Dissertori, G., Dittmar, M., Donega, M., Dorfer, C., Espinosa, Gomez, T. A., Grab, C., Hits, D., Lustermann, W., Manzoni, R. A., Meinhard, M. T., Micheli, F., Musella, P., Nessi-Tedaldi, F., Pauss, F., Perovic, V, Perrin, G., Perrozzi, L., Pigazzini, S., Ratti, M. G., Reichmann, M., Reissel, C., Reitenspiess, T., Ristic, B., Ruini, D., Becerra, Sanz, D. A., Schonenberger, M., Shchutska, L., Olsson, Vesterbacka, M. L., Wallny, R., Zhu, D. H., Amsler, C., Botta, C., Brzhechko, D., Canelli, M. F., Cosa, De, Del, Burgo, Kilminster, R., Leontsinis, B., Mikuni, S., Neutelings, V. M., Rauco, I, Robmann, G., Schweiger, P., Takahashi, K., Wertz, Y., Kuo, S., Lin, C. M., Roy, W., Sarkar, A., Yu, T., Chang, S. S., Chao, P., Chen, K. F., Hou, P. H., W-S, Li, Y. Y., Lu, R-S, Paganis, Psallidas, E., Steen, A., Asavapibhop, A., Asawatangtrakuldee, B., Srimanobhas, C., Suwonj, N., Ee, N., Bat, A., Boran, F., Celik, A., Damarseckin, S., Demiroglu, Z. S., Dolek, F., Dozen, C., Dumanoglu, I, Gokbulut, G., Guler, Emine, Gurpinar, Guler, Y., Hos, I, Isik, C., Kangal, E. E., Kara, O., Topaksu, Kayis, A., Kiminsu, U., Onengut, G., Ozdemir, K., Simsek, A. E., Tok, U. G., Turkcapar, S., Zorbakir, I. S., Zorbilmez, C., Isildak, B., Karapinar, G., Yalvac, M., Atakisi, I. O., Gulmez, E., Kaya, M., Kaya, O., Tekten, S., Yetkin, E. A., Cakir, A., Cankocak, K., Komurcu, Y., Sen, S., Cerci, S., Kaynak, B., Ozkorucuklu, S., Cerci, Sunar, D., Grynyov, B., Levchuk, L., Bhal, E., Bologna, S., Brooke, J. J., Burns, D., Clement, E., Cussans, D., Flacher, H., Goldstein, J., Heath, G. P., Heath, H. F., Kreczko, L., Krikler, B., Paramesvaran, S., Sakuma, T., Nasr-Storey, El, Seif, S., Smith, V. J., Taylor, J., Titterton, A., Bell, K. W., Brew, C., Brown, R. M., Cockerill, D. J. A., Coughlan, J. A., Harder, K., Harper, S., Linacre, J., Manolopoulos, K., Newbold, D. M., Olaiya, E., Petyt, D., Reis, T., Schuh, T., Shepherd-Themistocleous, C. H., Thea, A., Tomalin, I. R., Williams, T., Bainbridge, R., Bloch, P., Bonomally, S., Borg, J., Breeze, S., Buchmuller, O., Bundock, A., Chahal, Gurpreet, Singh, Colling, D., Dauncey, P., Davies, G., Della, Negra, Everaerts, M., Hall, P., Iles, G., Komm, G., Langford, M., Lyons, J., Magnan, L., A-M, Malik, Martelli, S., Milosevic, A., Morton, V, Nash, A., Palladino, J., Pesaresi, V, Raymond, M., Richards, D. M., Rose, A., Scott, A., Seez, E., Shtipliyski, C., Stoye, A., Strebler, M., Tapper, T., Uchida, A., Virdee, K., Wardle, T., Webb, N., Winterbottom, S. N., Zecchinelli, D., Zenz, A. G., Cole, S. C., Hobson, J. E., Khan, P. R., Kyberd, A., Mackay, P., Reid, C. K., Teodorescu, I. D., Zahid, L., Brinkerhoff, S., Call, A., Caraway, K., Dittmann, B., Hatakeyama, J., Madrid, K., Mcmaster, C., Pastika, B., Smith, N., Bartek, C., Dominguez, R., Uniyal, A., Hern, R., Vargas, A. M., Buccilli, A., Cooper, I, Gleyzer, S., V, S., Henderson, C., Rumerio, P., West, C., Albert, A., Arcaro, D., Demiragli, Z., Gastler, D., Richardson, C., Rohlf, J., Sperka, D., Spitzbart, D., Suarez, I, Sulak, L., Zou, D., Benelli, G., Burkle, B., Coubez, X., Cutts, D., Duh, Y. T., Hadley, M., Heintz, U., Hogan, J. M., Kwok, K. H. M., Laird, E., Sberg, L, Lau, G., Lee, K. T., Narain, J., Sagir, M., Syarif, S., Usai, R., Wong, E., W. Y., Yu, Zhang, D., W. B., Brainerd, R., Breedon, C., Sanchez, R., Calderon De La Barca, M., Chertok, M., Conway, J., Conway, R., Cox, P. T., Erbacher, R., Flores, C., Funk, G., Jensen, F., Ko, W., Kukral, O., L, Er, Mulhearn, R., Pellett, M., Pilot, D., Shi, J., Taylor, M., Tos, D., Tripathi, K., Wang, M., Zhang, Z., Bachtis, F., Bravo, M., Cousins, C., Dasgupta, R., Florent, A., Hauser, A., Ignatenko, J., Mccoll, M., Nash, N., Regnard, W. A., Saltzberg, S., Schnaible, D., Stone, C., Valuev, B., Burt, V., Chen, K., Clare, Y., Gary, R., Shirazi, J. W., Ghiasi, S. M. A., Hanson, G., Karapostoli, G., Long, O. R., Manganelli, N., Negrete, Olmedo, M., Paneva, I, Si, M., Wimpenny, W., Yates, S., Zhang, B. R., Branson, Y., Chang, J. G., Cittolin, P., Cooperstein, S., Deelen, S., Derdzinski, N., Duarte, M., Gerosa, J., Gilbert, R., Hashemi, D., Klein, B., Krutelyov, D., Letts, V, Masciovecchio, J., May, M., Padhi, S., Pieri, S., Tadel, V, Wurthwein, M., Yagil, F., Della, Porta, Zevi, G., Amin, N., Ari, Bh, Campagnari, R., Citron, C., Dutta, M., Inc, V, Ela, J., Marsh, B., Mei, H., Ovcharova, A., Qu, H., Richman, J., Sarica, U., Stuart, D., Wang, S., Erson, D., Bornheim, A., Cerri, O., Dutta, I, Lawhorn, J. M., Lu, N., Mao, J., Newman, H. B., Nguyen, T. Q., Pata, J., Spiropulu, M., Vlimant, J. R., Xie, S., Zhu, R. Y., Alison, J., Rews, M. B., Ferguson, T., Mudholkar, T., Paulini, M., Sun, M., Vorobiev, I, Weinberg, M., Cumalat, J. P., Ford, W. T., Macdonald, E., Mulholl, T., Patel, R., Perloff, A., Stenson, K., Ulmer, K. A., Wagner, S. R., Alex, Er, Cheng, J., Chu, Y., Datta, J., Frankenthal, A., Mcdermott, A., Patterson, K., Quach, J. R., Ryd, D., Tan, A., Tao, S. M., Thom, Z., Wittich, J., Zientek, P., Abdullin, M., Albrow, S., Alyari, M., Apollinari, M., Apresyan, G., Apyan, A., Banerjee, A., Bauerdick, S., Beretvas, L. A. T., Berry, A., Berryhill, D., Bhat, J., Burkett, P. C., Butler, K., Canepa, J. N., Cerati, A., Cheung, G. B., Chlebana, H. W. K., Cremonesi, F., Elvira, M., Freeman, V. D., Gecse, J., Gottschalk, Z., Gray, E., Green, L., Grunendahl, D., Gutsche, S., Hanlon, O., Harris, J., Hasegawa, R. M., Heller, S., Hirschauer, R., Jayatilaka, J., Jindariani, B., Johnson, S., Joshi, M., Klijnsma, U., Klima, T., Kortelainen, B., Kreis, M. J., Lammel, B., Lewis, S., Lincoln, J., Lipton, D., Liu, R., Liu, M., Lykken, T., Maeshima, J., Marraffino, K., Mason, J. M., Mcbride, D., Merkel, P., Mrenna, P., Nahn, S., O'Dell, S., Papadimitriou, V, Pedro, V, Pena, K., Ravera, C., Hall, F., Reinsvold, A., Ristori, L., Schneider, B., Sexton-Kennedy, E., Soha, A., Spalding, W. J., Spiegel, L., Stoynev, S., Strait, J., Taylor, L., Tkaczyk, S., Tran, V, Uplegger, N., Va, L., Ering, E. W., Vidal, R., Weber, H. A., Woodard, A., Acosta, D., Avery, P., Bourilkov, D., Cadamuro, L., Cherepanov, V, Errico, F., Field, R. D., Guerrero, D., Joshi, B. M., Kim, M., Konigsberg, J., Korytov, A., K. H., Lo, Matchev, K., Menendez, N., Mitselmakher, G., Rosenzweig, D., Shi, K., Wang, J., Zuo, X., Joshi, Y. R., Adams, T., Askew, A., Hagopian, S., Hagopian, V, Johnson, K. F., Khurana, R., Kolberg, T., Martinez, G., Perry, T., Prosper, H., Schiber, C., Yohay, R., Zhang, J., Baarm, M. M., Hohlmann, M., Noonan, D., Rahmani, M., Saunders, M., Yumiceva, F., Adams, M. R., Apanasevich, L., Betts, R. R., Cavanaugh, R., Chen, X., Dittmer, S., Evdokimov, O., Gerber, C. E., Hangal, D. A., Hofman, D. J., Kumar, V, Mills, C., Oh, G., Roy, T., Tonjes, M. B., Varelas, N., Viinikainen, J., Wang, H., Wang, X., Wu, Z., Alhusseini, M., Bilki, B., Dilsiz, K., Durgut, S., Rajula, G, Haytmyradov, R. P., Khristenko, M., Koseyan, V, Merlo, O. K., J-P, Mestvirishvili, Moeller, A., Nachtman, A., Ogul, J., Onel, H., Ozok, Y., Penzo, F., Snyder, A., Tiras, C., Wetzel, E., Yi, J., Blumenfeld, K., Cocoros, B., Eminizer, A., Gritsan, N., V, A., Hung, W. T., Kyriacou, S., Maksimovic, P., Mantilla, C., Roskes, J., Swartz, M., Vami, T. A., Barrera, Baldenegro, C., Baringer, P., Bean, A., Boren, S., Bylinkin, A., Isidori, T., Khalil, S., King, J., Krintiras, G., Kropivnitskaya, A., Lindsey, C., Majumder, D., Mcbrayer, W., Minafra, N., Murray, M., Rogan, C., Royon, C., Ers, S, Schmitz, S., Takaki, E., Tapia, J. D., Wang, Q., Williams, J., Wilson, G., Duric, S., Kaadze, K., Kim, D., Maravin, Y., Mendis, D. R., Mitchell, T., Modak, A., Mohammadi, A., Rebassoo, F., Wright, D., Baden, A., Baron, O., Belloni, A., Eno, S. C., Feng, Y., Hadley, N. J., Jabeen, S., Jeng, G. Y., Kellogg, R. G., Mignerey, A. C., Nabili, S., Seidel, M., Skuja, A., Tonwar, S. C., Wang, L., Wong, K., Abercrombie, D., Allen, B., Bi, R., Br, T, Busza, S., Cali, W., D'Alfonso, I. A., Ceballos, M., Gomez, G., Goncharov, M., Harris, P., Hsu, D., Klute, M., Kovalskyi, D., Lee, Y-J, Luckey, P. D., Maier, B., Marini, A. C., Mcginn, C., Mironov, C., Narayanan, S., Niu, X., Paus, C., Rankin, D., Rol, Rol, C., Shi, G., Stephans, Z., Sumorok, G. S. F., Tatar, K., Velicanu, K., Wyslouch, T. W., Chatterjee, B., Evans, R. M., Guts, A., Hansen, S., Hiltbr, P., Jain, J., Kubota, Sh, Lesko, Y., Mans, Z., Revering, J., Rusack, M., Saradhy, R., Schroeder, R., Strobbe, N., Wadud, N., Acosta, M. A., Oliveros, J. G., Bloom, S., Chauhan, K., Claes, S., Fangmeier, D. R., Finco, C., Golf, L., Kamalieddin, F., Kravchenko, R., Siado, I, Snow, J. E., Stieger, G. R., Tabb, B., Agarwal, W., Harrington, G., Iashvili, C., Kharchilava, I., Mclean, A., Nguyen, C., Parker, D., Pekkanen, A., Rappoccio, J., Roozbahani, S., Alverson, B., Barberis, G., Freer, E., Haddad, C., Hortiangtham, Y., Madigan, A., Marzocchi, G., Morse, B., Nguyen, D. M., Orimoto, V, Skinnari, T., Tishelman-Charny, L., Wamorkar, A., Wang, T., Wisecarver, B., Wood, A., Bhattacharya, D., Bueghly, S., Fedi, J., Gilbert, G., Gunter, A., Hahn, T., Odell, K. A., Schmitt, N., Sung, M. H., Velasco, K., Bucci, M., Dev, R., Goldouzian, N., Hildreth, R., Anampa, M., Hurtado, K., Jessop, C., Karmgard, D. J., Lannon, K., Li, W., Loukas, N., Marinelli, N., Mcalister, I, Meng, F., Musienko, Y., Ruchti, R., Siddireddy, P., Smith, G., Taroni, S., Wayne, M., Wightman, A., Wolf, M., Alimena, J., Bylsma, B., Cardwell, B., Durkin, L. S., Francis, B., Hill, C., Ji, W., Lefeld, A., Ling, T. Y., Winer, B. L., Dezoort, G., Elmer, P., Hardenbrook, J., Haubrich, N., Higginbotham, S., Kalogeropoulos, A., Kwan, S., Lange, D., Lucchini, M. T., Luo, J., Marlow, D., Mei, K., Ojalvo, I, Olsen, J., Palmer, C., Piroue, P., Stickl, D., Tully, C., Malik, S., Norberg, S., Barker, A., Barnes, V. E., Chawla, R., Das, S., Gutay, L., Jones, M., Jung, A. W., Mahakud, B., Miller, D. H., Negro, G., Neumeister, N., Peng, C. C., Piperov, S., Qiu, H., Schulte, J. F., Trevisani, N., Wang, F., Xiao, R., Xie, W., Cheng, T., Dolen, J., Parashar, N., Baty, A., Behrens, U., Dildick, S., Ecklund, K. M., Freed, S., Geurts, F. J. M., Kilpatrick, M., Kumar, Arun, Padley, B. P., Redjimi, R., Roberts, J., Rorie, J., Shi, W., Leiton, Stahl, A. G., Tu, Z., Zhang, A., Bodek, A., Barbaro, De, Demina, P., Dulemba, R., Fallon, J. L., Ferbel, C., Galanti, T., Garcia-Bellido, M., Hindrichs, A., Khukhunaishvili, O., Ranken, A., Taus, E., Chiarito, R., Chou, B., J. P. G., Rakota, A., Gershtein, Y., Halkiadakis, E., Hart, A., Heindl, M., Hughes, E., Kaplan, S., Laflotte, I, Lath, A., Montalvo, R., Nash, K., Osherson, M., Salur, S., Schnetzer, S., Somalwar, S., Stone, R., Thomas, S., Acharya, H., Delannoy, A. G., Spanier, S., Bouhali, O., Dalchenko, M., Mattia, De, Delgado, M., Eusebi, A., Gilmore, R., Huang, J., Kamon, T., Kim, T., Luo, H., Malhotra, S., Marley, S., Mueller, D., Overton, R., Pernie, D., Rathjens, L., Safonov, D., Akchurin, A., Damgov, N., Guio, De, Hegde, F., Kunori, V, Lamichhane, S., Mengke, S. W., Muthumuni, T., Peltola, S., Undleeb, T., Volobouev, S., Wang, I, Whitbeck, Z., Greene, A., Gurrola, S., Janjam, A., Johns, R., Maguire, W., Melo, C., Ni, A., Padeken, H., Romeo, K., Sheldon, F., Tuo, P., Velkovska, S., Verweij, J., Arenton, M., Barria, M. W., Cox, P., Cummings, B., Hakala, G., Hirosky, J., Joyce, R., Ledovskoy, M., Neu, A., Tannenwald, C., Wang, B., Wolfe, Y., Xia, E., Harr, F., Karchin, R., Poudyal, P. E., Sturdy, N., Thapa, J., Black, P., Bose, K., Buchanan, T., Caillol, J., Carlsmith, C., Dasu, D., Bruyn, De, Dodd, I, Galloni, L., He, C., Herndon, H., Herve, M., Hussain, A., Lanaro, U., Loeliger, A., Loveless, A., Sreekala, R., Madhusudanan, J., Mallampalli, A., Pinna, D., Ruggles, T., Savin, A., Sharma, V, Smith, W. H., Teague, D., Trembath-reichert, S., and Cms, Collaboration
- Subjects
MODEL ,Physics and Astronomy ,High Energy Physics::Experiment ,QUARK-GLUON PLASMA ,Nuclear Experiment - Abstract
The first evidence for X(3872) production in relativistic heavy ion collisions is reported. The X(3872) production is studied in lead-lead (Pb-Pb) collisions at a center-of-mass energy of root s(NN) = 5.02 TeV per nucleon pair, using the decay chain X(3872) -> J/psi pi(+)pi(-) -> mu(+) mu(-) pi(+)pi(-). The data were recorded with the CMS detector in 2018 and correspond to an integrated luminosity of 1.7 nb(-1). The measurement is performed in the rapidity and transverse momentum ranges vertical bar y vertical bar < 1.6 and 15 < p(T) < 50 GeV/c. The significance of the inclusive X(3872) signal is 4.2 standard deviations. The prompt X(3872) to psi 2S yield ratio is found to be rho(Pb-Pb) = 1.08 +/- 0.49(stat) +/- 0.52(syst), to be compared with typical values of 0.1 for pp collisions. This result provides a unique experimental input to theoretical models of the X(3872) production mechanism, and of the nature of this exotic state.
- Published
- 2022
4. Cancer Risk Stratification of Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Men by Validated Methylation Markers Associated With Progression to Cancer
- Author
Zee, R.P. van der, Richel, O., Noesel, C.J. van, Ciocănea-Teodorescu, I., Splunter, A.P. van, Braak, T.J. Ter, Nathan, M., Cuming, T., Sheaff, M., Kreuter, A., Meijer, C., Quint, W.G., Vries, H.J.C. de, Prins, J.M., Steenbergen, R.D., Zee, R.P. van der, Richel, O., Noesel, C.J. van, Ciocănea-Teodorescu, I., Splunter, A.P. van, Braak, T.J. Ter, Nathan, M., Cuming, T., Sheaff, M., Kreuter, A., Meijer, C., Quint, W.G., Vries, H.J.C. de, Prins, J.M., and Steenbergen, R.D.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 235261.pdf (Publisher’s version ) (Open Access), BACKGROUND: High-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia (HGAIN; AIN2-3) is highly prevalent in HIV+ men, but only a minority of these lesions progress towards cancer. Currently, cancer progression risk cannot be established; therefore, no consensus exists on whether HGAIN should be treated. This study aimed to validate previously identified host cell DNA methylation markers for detection and cancer risk stratification of HGAIN. METHODS: A large independent cross-sectional series of 345 anal cancer, AIN3, AIN2, AIN1, and normal control biopsies of HIV+ men was tested for DNA methylation of 6 genes using quantitative methylation-specific PCR. We determined accuracy for detection of AIN3 and cancer (AIN3+) by univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis, followed by leave-one-out cross-validation. Methylation levels were assessed in a series of 10 anal cancer cases with preceding HGAIN at similar anatomic locations, and compared with the cross-sectional series. RESULTS: Methylation levels of all genes increased with increasing severity of disease (P < .05). HGAIN revealed a heterogeneous methylation pattern, with a subset resembling cancer. ZNF582 showed highest accuracy (AUC = 0.88) for AIN3+ detection, slightly improved by addition of ASCL1 and SST (AUC = 0.89), forming a marker panel. In the longitudinal series, HGAIN preceding cancer displayed high methylation levels similar to cancers. CONCLUSIONS: We validated the accuracy of 5 methylation markers for the detection of anal (pre-) cancer. High methylation levels in HGAIN were associated with progression to cancer. These markers provide a promising tool to identify HGAIN in need of treatment, preventing overtreatment of HGAIN with a low cancer progression risk.
- Published
- 2021
5. Study in the changes of the moisture content in wood
- Author
Teodorescu, I, primary, Erbaşu, R, additional, Branco, J M., additional, and Tăpuşi, D, additional
- Published
- 2021
- Full Text
- View/download PDF
- Author
- Published
- 2024
7. Evolocumab and clinical outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease
- Author
Sabatine, Marc S., Giugliano, Robert P., Keech, Anthony C., Honarpour, Narimon, Wiviott, Stephen D., Murphy, Sabina A., Kuder, Julia F., Wang, Huei, Liu, Thomas, Wasserman, Scott M., Sever, Peter S., Pedersen, Fish MP, Terje R., Abrahamsen, Te, Im, K, Kanevsky, E, Bonaca, Mp, Lira Pineda, A, Hanlon, K, Knusel, B, Somaratne, R, Kurtz, C, Scott, R, Accini Mendoza JL, Amerena, J, Badariene, J, Burgess, L, Ceska, R, Charng, Mj, Choi, D, Cobos, Jl, Dan, Ga, De Ferrari GM, Deedwania, Pc, Chopra, Vk, Erglis, A, Ezhov, Mv, Ferreira, J, Filipová, S, Gaciong, Za, Pasierski, T, Georgiev, Bg, Gonzalez-Galvez, G, Gouni-Berthold, I, Schäufele, T, Hirayama, A, Huber, K, Rammer, M, Kjaerulf Jensen, H, Wermuth, S, Jiang, L, Jukema, Jw, Kraydashenko, O, Leiter, La, Lewis, Bs, López-Miranda, J, Lorenzatti, Aj, Mach, F, Mcadam, B, Nilsson, L, Olsson, Å, Rallidis, L, Rogelio, Gg, Kerr Saraiva JF, Scheen, A, Schiele, F, Scott, Rs, Connolly, D, Siu, Cw, Tay, L, Thorgeirsson, G, Tikkanen, Mj, Tokgozoglu, Sl, Toth, K, Viigimaa, M, Wan Ahmad WA, Hennekens, Ch, Andreotti, F, Baigent, C, Brown, Wv, Davis, Br, Newcomer, Jw, Wood, Sk, Larosa, J, Ansell, B, Olsson, A, Lowe, C, Zahn, L, Awtry, E, Berger, C, Croce, K, Desai, A, Gelfand, E, Ho, C, Leeman, D, Link, M, Norden, A, Pande, A, Rost, N, Ruberg, F, Silverman, S, Singhal, A, Vita, J, Mackinnon, I, Vogel, Dr, Leon de la Fuente, R, Perna, E, Amuchastegui, M, Pacora, F, Hershson, A, Blumberg, E, Glenny, Ja, Colombo, H, Cuadrado, Ja, Nicolosi, L, Rojas, Cg, Ulla, Mr, Hasbani, Eg, Cuneo, C, Lopez Santi RG, Sanabria, Hd, Hrabar, A, Lozada, A, Begg, A, Lehman, S, Wittert, G, Juergens, C, Kostner, K, Beltrame, J, Simpson, R, Sinhal, A, Adams, M, Kritharides, L, Roberts Thomson, P, Cross, D, Thompson, P, Van Gaal, W, Cox, N, Farshid, A, Hammett, C, Garrahy, P, Prasan, A, Horrigan, M, Ebenbichler, C, Hanusch, U, Prager, R, Schernthaner, G, Luger, A, Siostrzonek, P, Toplak, H, Bergler-Klein, J, Paulweber, B, Sinzinger, H, Buysschaert, I, Thoeng, J, Vandekerckhove, H, Catez, E, Verheye, S, Descamps, O, Hoffer, E, Wollaert, B, Chenu, P, van de Borne, P, De Meulemeester, M, Friart, A, Charlier, F, De Raedt, H, Rietzschel, E, Roelandt, R, Lalmand, J, Tavares Russo LA, Reis, G, Duarte Barbosa EC, Vidotti, Mh, Fernandes Manenti ER, Dutra, O, Leaes, Pe, Rech, Rl, Bertolim Precoma, D, Nicolau, Jc, Amoedo, R, Eliaschewitz, Fg, Pereira, A, Kurtz Lisboa HR, Soares Piegas, L, Cunha Borges JL, Ferreira Rossi PR, Pimentel Filho, P, Bodanese, Lc, de Sa Cunha, R, Moura Jorge JC, Ardito, Wr, Barroso de Souza WK, Hissa, M, Izar, Mc, Manolova, A, Kitova, L, Kinova, E, Tzekova, M, Velchev, V, Tarnovska-Kadreva, R, Gotchev, D, Petrov, I, Raev, D, Trendafilova-Lazarova, D, Yotov, Y, Lazov, P, Rahimi, S, St Amour, E, Constance, C, Pesant, Y, Hess, A, Anderson, T, Sussex, B, Henein, S, Tsoukas, G, Pandey, As, Bergeron, J, Hart, R, Gosselin, G, Chehayeb, R, Hamet, P, Hartleib, M, Mukherjee, A, Halperin, F, Petrella, R, Bhargava, R, Lonn, E, Sabbah, E, Bata, I, Cha, J, Gaudet, D, Chapman, K, Murthy, D, Nigro, F, Rupka, D, Gossard, D, Gupta, M, Dowell, A, Mansour, S, Baass, A, Geadah, C, Huynh, T, Peterson, S, Poirier, P, Sabe-Affaki, G, Vertes, G, Crowley, D, Duchesne, L, Pincetti Jofre CP, Potthoff Cardenas, S, Conejeros Kindel, C, Saavedra Gajardo VA, Lanas Zanetti, F, Sepulveda Varela PA, Stockins Fernandez BA, Li, W, Li, D, Zhao, S, Li, Z, Wang, J, Yang, Y, Zhang, L, Yang, P, Zhang, X, Huang, H, Xue, L, Zheng, Z, Huang, W, Dai, H, Su, H, Zeng, X, Zheng, Y, Tang, Y, Yao, Z, Sun, Y, Du, Y, Ge, Z, Yan, J, Chen, X, Liu, F, Pei, H, Yang, X, Cui, H, Gu, Y, Yang, Z, Li, J, Lian, Y, Cui, Y, Wang, D, Jiang, J, Li, X, Chen, J, Mo, Z, Xu, P, He, Y, Zhou, C, Qu, P, Zhu, Y, Liu, Y, Shen, X, Gao, X, Terront Lozano MA, Moncada Corredor MA, Hernandez Triana, E, Botero Lopez, R, Coronel Arroyo JA, Quintero Baiz AE, Sanchez Vallejo, G, Arana Londoño, C, Molina de Salazar DI, Castellanos Bueno, R, Manzur Jattin, F, Cure Cure CA, Sotomayor Herazo, A, Spinar, J, Hala, T, Machkova, M, Klimsa, Z, Polasek, R, Jerabek, O, Kazdera, P, Pozdisek, Z, Vaclavik, J, Frana, P, Elbl, L, Kucera, D, Kryza, R, Malecha, J, Reichert, P, Sochor, K, Ludka, O, Kellnerova, I, Peterka, K, Zidkova, E, Cech, V, Brabec, T, Fiserova, N, Kvasnicka, J, Rosolova, H, Nemecek, E, Adamkova, V, Dunaj, M, Pojsl, S, Cepelak, M, Podpera, I, Kuchar, L, Rysava, D, Burianova, H, Spinarova, L, Skrobakova, J, Charvat, J, Homza, M, Zemanek, J, Koleckar, P, Karen, I, Krupicka, J, Blaha, V, Matuska, J, Brotanek, J, Cifkova, R, Kuchar, R, Vomacka, Z, Kosek, Z, Hulinsky, V, Krejcova, H, Kuchar, J, Jelinek, Z, Jelinek, P, Markdanner Lindgren, L, Saetre Lihn, A, Korsgaard Thomsen, K, Bronnum-Schou, J, Nielsen, H, Nielsen, T, Egstrup, K, Klausen, Ic, Mickley, H, Hove, J, Jeppesen, J, Melchior, T, Schmidt, Eb, Valter, I, Rosenthal, A, Kaik, J, Kork, A, Alt, I, Strand, J, Nieminen, S, Kahri, J, Suomi, J, Nyman, K, Strandberg, Te, Piippo, T, Savolainen, M, Vikman, S, Pucheu, Y, Cariou, B, Henry, P, Ferrari, E, Montalescot, G, Ferrieres, J, Roubille, F, Bonnet, B, Angoulvant, D, Range, G, Bammert, A, Delarche, N, Mariat, C, Cayla, G, Durlach, V, Coisne, D, Paillard, F, Rouzier, R, Goralski, M, Khanoyan, P, Cottin, Y, Ziegler, O, Khalife, K, Le Corvoisier, P, Motreff, P, Spaulding, C, Vanbelle, E, Bourhaial, H, Opitz, C, Kahrmann, G, Contzen, C, Appel, K, Schenkenberger, I, Rinke, A, Trenk, D, Maus, O, Karakas, M, Hanefeld, M, Darius, H, Hetzel, G, Münzel, T, Wöhrle, J, Stawowy, P, Marten, I, Isermann, B, Kast, P, Vorpahl, M, Bosiljanoff, P, Hengstenberg, C, Kassner, U, Salbach, P, Fischer, M, Steiner, S, Wagner, S, Kraatz, U, von Hodenberg, E, Weyland, K, Mantas, I, Tziakas, D, Bousboulas, S, Patsilinakos, S, Mertzanos, G, Panagoulis, C, Bilianou, H, Skoumas, I, Elisaf, M, Manolis, A, Moschos, N, Kochiadakis, G, Ntaios, G, Richter, D, Athyros, V, Kolovou, G, Danias, P, Melidonis, A, Fan, Kyy, Siu, Sc, Hornyik, A, Lakatos, F, Zilahi, Z, Nagy, K, Laszlo, Z, Peterfai, E, Lupkovics, G, Andreka, P, Merkely, B, Herczeg, B, Piros, Ga, Salamon, C, Mark, L, Papp, A, Szakal, I, Edes, I, Mohacsi, A, Tomcsanyi, J, Hajko, E, Nagy, A, Papp, E, Kiss, R, Karadi, I, Sigurdsson, A, Jain, A, Pai, R, Kothiwale, V, Kulkarni, G, Mahajan, A, Aggarwal, S, Mehta, V, Rajadhyaksha, G, Joshi, A, Khandait, V, Parmar, M, Tyagi, S, Airody Govinda, R, Dwivedi, Sk, Parikh, K, Pothineni, Rb, Solanki, B, O’Donnell, M, Crean, P, Barton, J, Shechter, M, Shotan, A, Klutstein, M, Chorin, E, Gavish, D, Kracoff, O, Atar, S, Rigler, S, Hasin, Y, Schiff, E, Merlini, P, Rapezzi, C, Pirro, M, Gonnelli, S, Floresta, Am, Mennuni, M, Ardissino, D, Senni, M, Marenzi, G, Marcucci, R, Sampietro, T, Cosmi, F, Perrone Filardi, P, De Caterina, R, Fedele, Francesco, Moretti, L, Biasucci, Lm, Ferri, C, Go, Y, Kiyosue, A, Higashi, Y, Tokunaga, T, Kawasaki, T, Sakagami, S, Namba, S, Saku, K, Oku, K, Arakawa, T, Iida, H, Nakamura, Y, Yamamoto, K, Hata, Y, Katsuda, Y, Koga, Y, Shimizu, M, Uehara, H, Kajiyama, S, Okamoto, H, Shinozaki, T, Fujino, Y, Funazaki, T, Higa, N, Kaigawa, K, Koike, A, Nakane, H, Sato, K, Satoh, Y, Shirasawa, K, Sugino, H, Tanabe, J, Uemura, O, Yoshimichi, G, Akai, A, Himeno, H, Inage, T, Inoko, M, Kadokami, T, Noguchi, Y, Yamashita, K, Yasumura, Y, Yuge, M, Hosokawa, S, Kawamitsu, K, Kozuma, K, Matsuo, H, Nakashima, E, Okada, M, Wada, A, Yokoya, K, Iwade, K, Kawabata, K, Tanno, H, Ako, J, Fujita, H, Izumiya, Y, Kanno, M, Nunohiro, T, Ohmura, H, Ueno, T, Kakurina, N, Jasinkevica, I, Stukena, I, Veze, I, Eglite, R, Teterovska, D, Sime, I, Strazdiene, V, Venceviciene, L, Gustiene, O, Radzeviciene-Jurgute, R, Kucinskiene, A, Maskon, O, Lee, Cy, Erng, T, Gan, Hw, Mohamed Yusof AK, Ramanathan, Gl, Liew, H, Lopez Alvarado, A, Nevarez Ruiz LA, De los Rios Ibarra MO, Bazzoni Ruiz AE, Ramos Lopez GA, Llamas Esperon GA, De la Peña Topete GDJ, Violante Ortiz RM, Illescas Diaz JJ, Leon Gonzalez, S, Sanchez Diaz CJ, Mendez Machado GF, Venegas Carrillo LA, Aldrete Velasco JA, Cardona Muñoz EG, Leiva Pons JL, Perez Alva JC, van der Zwaan, C, Oomen, A, van de Wal, R, Magro, M, Boswijk, D, Janus, C, Groutars, R, Tonino, W, Cornel, Jh, Oude Ophuis, A, Troquay, R, Liem, A, Westendorp, I, Van Hessen, M, Lok, D, De Nooijer, C, Den Hartog, F, Van Beek, E, Bendermacher, P, Jansen, R, Römer, T, Rensing, B, Hersbach, F, Herrman, J, Ladyjanskaia, G, Karalis, I, Linssen, G, Bokern, M, Visman, A, Kooij, A, Monajemi, H, Lieverse, A, Baker, J, Tie, S, Risberg, K, Hysing, J, Pedersen, T, Hoivik, Ho, Norheim, P, Solnor, L, Hovland, A, Kjaernli, T, Jocson, G, Coching, Rm, Batalla, E, Go, A, Habaluyas, R, Barcinas, R, Sy, Ra, Estepar, Ra, Germar, A, Trebacz, J, Szymkowiak, K, Wnetrzak-Michalska, R, Kopaczewski, J, Przekwas-Jaruchowska, M, Kania, G, Zabowka, M, Mirek-Bryniarska, E, Dabrowska, M, Napora, P, Konieczny, M, Spyra, J, Lysek, R, Pijanowski, Z, Grzegorzewski, B, Bednarkiewicz, Z, Kinasz, L, Antkowiak-Piatyszek, K, Stania, K, Szpajer, M, Staneta, P, Skonieczny, G, Ksiezycka-Majczynska, E, Blicharski, T, Piepiorka, M, Wozakowska-Kaplon, B, Zechowicz, T, Ilkowski, J, Lubiszewska, B, Hiczkiewicz, J, Wierzbicka, K, Kosior, D, Garbocz, P, Kubica, J, Raczak, G, Wozniak, I, Cygler, J, Kramarczuk, E, Bystryk, L, Pentela-Nowicka, J, Dabrowski, M, Podolec, P, Zieba, B, Mosiewicz, J, Dubaniewicz, W, Banach, M, Tyszecka, G, Lepich, T, Rychlewska-Hanczewska, A, Guzik, T, Monteiro, P, Pereira, H, Oliveira, L, Matos, P, Soares Goncalves, S, Leitao, A, Vasco Salgado, A, Timoteo, At, Pintilei, E, Badila, E, Militaru, C, Tudoran, M, Arsenescu-Georgescu, C, Mitu, F, Zdrenghea, D, Lighezan, D, Teodorescu, I, Popescu, Mi, Coman, I, Vintila, Mm, Vishnevsky, A, Lukyanov, Y, Blokhin, A, Kostenko, V, Shvarts, Y, Markov, V, Motylev, I, Dronov, D, Sherenkov, A, Barbarash, O, Shutemova, E, Bolshakova, O, Kobalava, Z, Voevoda, M, Treshkur, T, Zrazhevskiy, K, Pimenov, L, Solovev, O, Tarasov, N, Arkhipov, M, Freidlin, M, Shalaev, S, Yakhontova, P, Shustov, S, Goloshchekin, B, Panov, A, Bart, B, Bubnova, M, Gordeev, I, Osipova, I, Tereshenko, S, Solovieva, E, Meshkov, A, Zateyshchikov, D, Tan, Jl, Subramaniam, T, Pella, D, Fulop, P, Antalik, L, Dzupina, A, Banikova, A, Sosovec, D, Urgeova, L, Mazur, J, Hranai, M, Banik, M, Vinanska, D, Lennerova, J, Kovar, F, Pastrnakova, E, Uhliar, R, Blasko, P, Gonsorcik, J, Lukacova, J, Oriesek, R, Hatalova, K, du Toit, M, Ebrahim, I, Vawda, G, Lipschitz, S, Blignaut, S, Engelbrecht, J, Coetzer, Tf, Pretorius, M, Urbach, D, Badat, A, Pillay, S, Van Zyl, L, Abelson, M, van der Walt, E, Moodley, R, Jacovides, A, Oosthuysen, Wm, Klug, E, Lottering, H, Kok, J, Saaiman, J, Dawood, S, De Jong DM, Kapp, C, Makotoko, E, Bayat, J, Sarvan, M, Vally, T, Stapelberg, A, Kim, M, Bae, J, Cho, Y, Kim, S, Han, Kh, Her, S, Kim, B, Lee, S, Hong, B, Kim, W, Rha, S, Jeong, M, Shin, Gj, Vida Gutierrez, M, Valdes Chavarri, M, Pinto Sala, X, Gonzalez Juanatey JR, Civeira Murillo, F, Zamorano Gomez JL, Lekuona Goya, I, Iñiguez Romo, A, Cordero Fort, A, Ascaso Gimilio JF, Millan Nuñez-Cortes, J, Lindholm, C, Söderberg, S, Suutari, A, Berglund, S, Mooe, T, Kusiak, D, Bandh, S, Dahlén, G, Olsson, S, Witt, N, Tydén, P, Johansson, P, Cizinsky, S, Falck, G, Pettersson, Si, Rasmanis, G, Östergren, J, Moccetti, T, Beer, Hj, Eberli, F, Krähenbühl, S, Linka, A, Ackermann, D, Michel, P, Yeh, H, Tsai, Cf, Wu, C, Hsia, C, Juang, J, Hsieh, I, Lai, W, Huang, C, Hsieh, Y, Sahin, T, Duzenli, M, Yigit, Z, Demir, M, Yilmaz, Mb, Muderrisoglu, Ih, Kirma, C, Ercan, E, Kayikcioglu, L, Balbay, Y, Lymar, I, Kulynych, O, Prokhorov, O, Karpenko, O, Kraіz, I, Vakaliuk, I, Stanislavchuk, M, Korzh, O, Rudyk, I, Zhurba, S, Svishchenko, Y, Tseluyko, V, Gyrina, O, Reshotko, D, Kopytsya, M, Volkov, V, Myshanych, G, Rebrov, B, Rishko, M, Rudenko, L, Shatylo, V, Parkhomenko, O, Yena, L, Golovchenko, O, Sorokina, I, Malynovsky, Y, Ivan, P, Blagden, M, Dear, H, Mathew, A, Lagocki, S, Kondagunta, V, Ahsan, A, Mckinnon, C, Douglas, F, Thom, S, Fiore, G, Caulfield, M, Lynch, M, Thomas, H, Bain, S, Hall, A, Mcnally, D, Fisher, M, Keeling, P, Al-Bahrani, A, Lip, G, Ellery, A, Purohit, J, Travill, C, Cappuccio, F, Davis, G, Gaunt, R, Adlam, D, Asamoah, N, Jaafar, F, Mccormack, T, Jupp, B, Pye, M, Ainsworth, P, Chauhan, A, Paul, N, Fairlie, H, Fox, C, Muzulu, S, Trevelyan, J, Aggarwal, R, Issa, B, Saravanan, P, Cruickshank, K, Gorog, D, Heller, S, Newby, D, Nicolson, A, Hare, Po, Donnelly, P, Rutherfurd, S, de Belder, M, Finlayson, J, Harvey, J, Hoye, A, Kingston, D, Sarkar, D, Negahban, A, Webster, J, Wyatt, N, Muir, S, Cummings, M, Mackenzie, I, Senior, R, Capps, N, Fotherby, K, Mcintyre, H, Aldegather, J, Dixon, L, Saksena, R, Butler, R, Ramstad, D, Pierpont, B, Levinson, D, Mohammed, A, Haddad, T, Goel, A, Dave, K, Haught, Wh, Desire, A, Hershon, K, Napoli, M, Tami, L, Rothschild, R, Khurana, S, Gupta, D, Cheung, D, Hearne, S, Grubb, S, Miller, A, Baird, I, Marcus, A, Srivastava, S, Forgosh, L, Fritz, R, Mays, M, Bertolet, B, Reddy, J, Khan, M, Nakhle, S, Dill, S, Fishbein, G, Khan, B, Marais, H, Reschak, M, Malone, M, Nadar, V, Whitney, R, Reichman, A, Reyes, H, El Shahawy, M, Rabinowitz, A, Weinstein, D, Farhat, N, Onyema, D, Potu, R, Runquist, L, Barnum, O, Crater, T, Fialkow, J, Shah, A, Thompson, C, Wiseman, A, Doyle, T, Henderson, D, Herzog, W, Schnitzler, R, Carr, K, Davis, M, Nagajothi, N, Olsen, S, Rogers, W, Rubino, J, Singh, I, Tarleton, G, Bhagwat, R, Clardy, D, Jardula, M, Robinson, J, Torres, M, Vijay, N, Farris, N, Lillo, J, Moriarty, P, Recknor, C, Berlacher, P, Christensen, T, Gabra, N, Issa, M, Janik, M, Lawless, A, Molter, D, Stout, E, Brezina, B, Claxton, E, Linsky, R, Poock, J, Remler, R, Roseman, H, Schramm, E, Al-Joundi, T, Amin, J, Hitchcock, J, Isserman, S, Kirstein, J, Rider, J, Shalek, M, Sherman, H, Bernstein, M, Chandra, L, Hatharasinghe, R, Ibrahim, H, Iteld, B, Linzmeyer, K, Seaton, B, Zeig, S, Christofides, E, Dunbar, R, Griffin, S, Kohli, N, Koren, M, Pharr, W, Purdy, D, Spencer, R, Yeoman, G, Banerjee, S, Cheek, Hb, Engel, E, Hamroff, G, Huling, R, Kozlowski, L, Levin, P, Makam, S, Meengs, M, Bhushan, R, Erickson, B, Herman, L, Lo, E, Mcdowell, E, Mcgrew, F, Miller, M, Ord, J, Webel, R, Wilhoit, G, Wise, J, Yang, E, Budoff, M, Collins, J, Dauber, I, Dobkin, L, Focil, A, Gandy, W, Pasquini, J, Ramos, M, Rodriguez, D, Rosenson, R, Sanford, K, Schlau, A, Snyder, B, Stonesifer, L, Tang, A, De Souza, J, Elam, M III, French, J, Guyton, J, Hage Korban, E, Kereiakes, D, King, M, Loh, I, Navarro, J, Simons, R, Tobin, T, Younis, L, Aboufakher, R, Baldari, D, Ballantyne, C, Broughton, R, Eaton, C, Johnston, J, Simon, W, Thomson, S, Vora, K, Youngman, D, Alzohaili, O, Auerbach, E, Brown, C, Burrough, B, Chen, Y, Gilpatrick, M, Landzberg, J, Mitchell, C, Rice, L, Rubenfire, M, Sofley, Cw, Strobl, D, Atassi, K, Davila, W, Diogo, J, Fagan, T, Joffe, I, Krishna, J, Osea, E, Penny, W, Rowe, W, Shapiro, M, Welker, J, Benton, R, Dobratz, D, Fortuin, F, Graham, J, Henry, B, Kusnick, B, Lutskiy, M, Mcrae, A, Saway, W, Scott, J, Shah, M, Weinberg, B, Zarich, S, Acheatel, R, Case, C, Earl, J, Fernandez, S, Giugliano, G, Handelsman, Y, Hermany, P, Holder, S, Kashyap, M, Khan, A, Lader, E, Peniston, J, Raoof, T, Sacco, J, Shore, K, Spriggs, D, Stringam, S, Tahirkheli, N, Delgado, E, Derian, W, Greenwald, J, Harris, M, Jackson, R, Marhefka, G, Mcelveen, W, Mooss, A, Morris, P, Murray, J, Pearlstein, P, Raisinghani, A, Rezkalla, S, Sakhrani, L, Schreibman, D, Shaoulian, E, Steinsapir, J, Yataco, A, De La Cruz, A, Fredrick, M, Goldenberg, E, Lee, D, Mccullum, K, Mclellan, B, Stephens, L, Wilson, S, Alfieri, A, Mandviwala, M, Orourke, D, Samal, A, Schmedtje, J, Waxman, F, Carhart, R, Clements, B, Dyke, C, Ghali, J, Gruberg, L, Hack, T, Jehle, A, Pogue, B, Schooley, C, Shifrin, G., National Institute for Health Research, Amgen Inc, University of Zurich, Sabatine, Marc S, Sabatine, M, Giugliano, R, Keech, A, Honarpour, N, Wiviott, S, Murphy, S, Kuder, J, Wang, H, Liu, T, Wasserman, S, Sever, P, Pedersen, T, Fish, M, Abrahamsen, T, Im, K, Kanevsky, E, Bonaca, M, Lira Pineda, A, Hanlon, K, Knusel, B, Somaratne, R, Kurtz, C, Scott, R, Accini Mendoza, J, Amerena, J, Badariene, J, Burgess, L, Ceska, R, Charng, M, Choi, D, Cobos, J, Dan, G, De Ferrari, G, Deedwania, P, Chopra, V, Erglis, A, Ezhov, M, Ferreira, J, Filipova, S, Gaciong, Z, Pasierski, T, Georgiev, B, Gonzalez-Galvez, G, Gouni-Berthold, I, Schaufele, T, Hirayama, A, Huber, K, Rammer, M, Kjaerulf Jensen, H, Wermuth, S, Jiang, L, Jukema, J, Kraydashenko, O, Leiter, L, Lewis, B, Lopez-Miranda, J, Lorenzatti, A, Mach, F, Mcadam, B, Nilsson, L, Olsson, A, Rallidis, L, Rogelio, G, Kerr Saraiva, J, Scheen, A, Schiele, F, Connolly, D, Siu, C, Tay, L, Thorgeirsson, G, Tikkanen, M, Tokgozoglu, S, Toth, K, Viigimaa, M, Wan Ahmad, W, Hennekens, C, Andreotti, F, Baigent, C, Brown, W, Davis, B, Newcomer, J, Wood, S, Larosa, J, Ansell, B, Lowe, C, Zahn, L, Awtry, E, Berger, C, Croce, K, Desai, A, Gelfand, E, Ho, C, Leeman, D, Link, M, Norden, A, Pande, A, Rost, N, Ruberg, F, Silverman, S, Singhal, A, Vita, J, Mackinnon, I, Vogel, D, Leon de la Fuente, R, Perna, E, Amuchastegui, M, Pacora, F, Hershson, A, Blumberg, E, Glenny, J, Colombo, H, Cuadrado, J, Nicolosi, L, Rojas, C, Ulla, M, Hasbani, E, Cuneo, C, Lopez Santi, R, Sanabria, H, Hrabar, A, Lozada, A, Begg, A, Lehman, S, Wittert, G, Juergens, C, Kostner, K, Beltrame, J, Simpson, R, Sinhal, A, Adams, M, Kritharides, L, Roberts Thomson, P, Cross, D, Thompson, P, Van Gaal, W, Cox, N, Farshid, A, Hammett, C, Garrahy, P, Prasan, A, Horrigan, M, Ebenbichler, C, Hanusch, U, Prager, R, Schernthaner, G, Luger, A, Siostrzonek, P, Toplak, H, Bergler-Klein, J, Paulweber, B, Sinzinger, H, Buysschaert, I, Thoeng, J, Vandekerckhove, H, Catez, E, Verheye, S, Descamps, O, Hoffer, E, Wollaert, B, Chenu, P, van de Borne, P, De Meulemeester, M, Friart, A, Charlier, F, De Raedt, H, Rietzschel, E, Roelandt, R, Lalmand, J, Tavares Russo, L, Reis, G, Duarte Barbosa, E, Vidotti, M, Fernandes Manenti, E, Dutra, O, Leaes, P, Rech, R, Bertolim Precoma, D, Nicolau, J, Amoedo, R, Eliaschewitz, F, Pereira, A, Kurtz Lisboa, H, Soares Piegas, L, Cunha Borges, J, Ferreira Rossi, P, Pimentel Filho, P, Bodanese, L, de Sa Cunha, R, Moura Jorge, J, Ardito, W, Barroso de Souza, W, Hissa, M, Izar, M, Manolova, A, Kitova, L, Kinova, E, Tzekova, M, Velchev, V, Tarnovska-Kadreva, R, Gotchev, D, Petrov, I, Raev, D, Trendafilova-Lazarova, D, Yotov, Y, Lazov, P, Rahimi, S, St Amour, E, Constance, C, Pesant, Y, Hess, A, Anderson, T, Sussex, B, Henein, S, Tsoukas, G, Pandey, A, Bergeron, J, Hart, R, Gosselin, G, Chehayeb, R, Hamet, P, Hartleib, M, Mukherjee, A, Halperin, F, Petrella, R, Bhargava, R, Lonn, E, Sabbah, E, Bata, I, Cha, J, Gaudet, D, Chapman, K, Murthy, D, Nigro, F, Rupka, D, Gossard, D, Gupta, M, Dowell, A, Mansour, S, Baass, A, Geadah, C, Huynh, T, Peterson, S, Poirier, P, Sabe-Affaki, G, Vertes, G, Crowley, D, Duchesne, L, Pincetti Jofre, C, Potthoff Cardenas, S, Conejeros Kindel, C, Saavedra Gajardo, V, Lanas Zanetti, F, Sepulveda Varela, P, Stockins Fernandez, B, Li, W, Li, D, Zhao, S, Li, Z, Wang, J, Yang, Y, Zhang, L, Yang, P, Zhang, X, Huang, H, Xue, L, Zheng, Z, Huang, W, Dai, H, Su, H, Zeng, X, Zheng, Y, Tang, Y, Yao, Z, Sun, Y, Du, Y, Ge, Z, Yan, J, Chen, X, Liu, F, Pei, H, Yang, X, Cui, H, Gu, Y, Yang, Z, Li, J, Lian, Y, Cui, Y, Wang, D, Jiang, J, Li, X, Chen, J, Mo, Z, Xu, P, He, Y, Zhou, C, Qu, P, Zhu, Y, Liu, Y, Shen, X, Gao, X, Terront Lozano, M, Moncada Corredor, M, Hernandez Triana, E, Botero Lopez, R, Coronel Arroyo, J, Quintero Baiz, A, Sanchez Vallejo, G, Arana Londono, C, Molina de Salazar, D, Castellanos Bueno, R, Manzur Jattin, F, Cure Cure, C, Sotomayor Herazo, A, Spinar, J, Hala, T, Machkova, M, Klimsa, Z, Polasek, R, Jerabek, O, Kazdera, P, Pozdisek, Z, Vaclavik, J, Frana, P, Elbl, L, Kucera, D, Kryza, R, Malecha, J, Reichert, P, Sochor, K, Ludka, O, Kellnerova, I, Peterka, K, Zidkova, E, Cech, V, Brabec, T, Fiserova, N, Kvasnicka, J, Rosolova, H, Nemecek, E, Adamkova, V, Dunaj, M, Pojsl, S, Cepelak, M, Podpera, I, Kuchar, L, Rysava, D, Burianova, H, Spinarova, L, Skrobakova, J, Charvat, J, Homza, M, Zemanek, J, Koleckar, P, Karen, I, Krupicka, J, Blaha, V, Matuska, J, Brotanek, J, Cifkova, R, Kuchar, R, Vomacka, Z, Kosek, Z, Hulinsky, V, Krejcova, H, Kuchar, J, Jelinek, Z, Jelinek, P, Markdanner Lindgren, L, Saetre Lihn, A, Korsgaard Thomsen, K, Bronnum-Schou, J, Nielsen, H, Nielsen, T, Egstrup, K, Klausen, I, Mickley, H, Hove, J, Jeppesen, J, Melchior, T, Schmidt, E, Valter, I, Rosenthal, A, Kaik, J, Kork, A, Alt, I, Strand, J, Nieminen, S, Kahri, J, Suomi, J, Nyman, K, Strandberg, T, Piippo, T, Savolainen, M, Vikman, S, Pucheu, Y, Cariou, B, Henry, P, Ferrari, E, Montalescot, G, Ferrieres, J, Roubille, F, Bonnet, B, Angoulvant, D, Range, G, Bammert, A, Delarche, N, Mariat, C, Cayla, G, Durlach, V, Coisne, D, Paillard, F, Rouzier, R, Goralski, M, Khanoyan, P, Cottin, Y, Ziegler, O, Khalife, K, Le Corvoisier, P, Motreff, P, Spaulding, C, Vanbelle, E, Bourhaial, H, Opitz, C, Kahrmann, G, Contzen, C, Appel, K, Schenkenberger, I, Rinke, A, Trenk, D, Maus, O, Karakas, M, Hanefeld, M, Darius, H, Hetzel, G, Munzel, T, Wohrle, J, Stawowy, P, Marten, I, Isermann, B, Kast, P, Vorpahl, M, Bosiljanoff, P, Hengstenberg, C, Kassner, U, Salbach, P, Fischer, M, Steiner, S, Wagner, S, Kraatz, U, von Hodenberg, E, Weyland, K, Mantas, I, Tziakas, D, Bousboulas, S, Patsilinakos, S, Mertzanos, G, Panagoulis, C, Bilianou, H, Skoumas, I, Elisaf, M, Manolis, A, Moschos, N, Kochiadakis, G, Ntaios, G, Richter, D, Athyros, V, Kolovou, G, Danias, P, Melidonis, A, Fan, K, Siu, S, Hornyik, A, Lakatos, F, Zilahi, Z, Nagy, K, Laszlo, Z, Peterfai, E, Lupkovics, G, Andreka, P, Merkely, B, Herczeg, B, Piros, G, Salamon, C, Mark, L, Papp, A, Szakal, I, Edes, I, Mohacsi, A, Tomcsanyi, J, Hajko, E, Nagy, A, Papp, E, Kiss, R, Karadi, I, Sigurdsson, A, Jain, A, Pai, R, Kothiwale, V, Kulkarni, G, Mahajan, A, Aggarwal, S, Mehta, V, Rajadhyaksha, G, Joshi, A, Khandait, V, Parmar, M, Tyagi, S, Airody Govinda, R, Dwivedi, S, Parikh, K, Pothineni, R, Solanki, B, O'Donnell, M, Crean, P, Barton, J, Shechter, M, Shotan, A, Klutstein, M, Chorin, E, Gavish, D, Kracoff, O, Atar, S, Rigler, S, Hasin, Y, Schiff, E, Merlini, P, Rapezzi, C, Pirro, M, Gonnelli, S, Floresta, A, Mennuni, M, Ardissino, D, Senni, M, Marenzi, G, Marcucci, R, Sampietro, T, Cosmi, F, Perrone Filardi, P, De Caterina, R, Fedele, F, Moretti, L, Biasucci, L, Ferri, C, Go, Y, Kiyosue, A, Higashi, Y, Tokunaga, T, Kawasaki, T, Sakagami, S, Namba, S, Saku, K, Oku, K, Arakawa, T, Iida, H, Nakamura, Y, Yamamoto, K, Hata, Y, Katsuda, Y, Koga, Y, Shimizu, M, Uehara, H, Kajiyama, S, Okamoto, H, Shinozaki, T, Fujino, Y, Funazaki, T, Higa, N, Kaigawa, K, Koike, A, Nakane, H, Sato, K, Satoh, Y, Shirasawa, K, Sugino, H, Tanabe, J, Uemura, O, Yoshimichi, G, Akai, A, Himeno, H, Inage, T, Inoko, M, Kadokami, T, Noguchi, Y, Yamashita, K, Yasumura, Y, Yuge, M, Hosokawa, S, Kawamitsu, K, Kozuma, K, Matsuo, H, Nakashima, E, Okada, M, Wada, A, Yokoya, K, Iwade, K, Kawabata, K, Tanno, H, Ako, J, Fujita, H, Izumiya, Y, Kanno, M, Nunohiro, T, Ohmura, H, Ueno, T, Kakurina, N, Jasinkevica, I, Stukena, I, Veze, I, Eglite, R, Teterovska, D, Sime, I, Strazdiene, V, Venceviciene, L, Gustiene, O, Radzeviciene-Jurgute, R, Kucinskiene, A, Maskon, O, Lee, C, Erng, T, Gan, H, Mohamed Yusof, A, Ramanathan, G, Liew, H, Lopez Alvarado, A, Nevarez Ruiz, L, De los Rios Ibarra, M, Bazzoni Ruiz, A, Ramos Lopez, G, Llamas Esperon, G, De la Pena Topete, G, Violante Ortiz, R, Illescas Diaz, J, Leon Gonzalez, S, Sanchez Diaz, C, Mendez Machado, G, Venegas Carrillo, L, Aldrete Velasco, J, Cardona Munoz, E, Leiva Pons, J, Perez Alva, J, van der Zwaan, C, Oomen, A, van de Wal, R, Magro, M, Boswijk, D, Janus, C, Groutars, R, Tonino, W, Cornel, J, Oude Ophuis, A, Troquay, R, Liem, A, Westendorp, I, Van Hessen, M, Lok, D, De Nooijer, C, Den Hartog, F, Van Beek, E, Bendermacher, P, Jansen, R, Romer, T, Rensing, B, Hersbach, F, Herrman, J, Ladyjanskaia, G, Karalis, I, Linssen, G, Bokern, M, Visman, A, Kooij, A, Monajemi, H, Lieverse, A, Baker, J, Tie, S, Risberg, K, Hysing, J, Hoivik, H, Norheim, P, Solnor, L, Hovland, A, Kjaernli, T, Jocson, G, Coching, R, Batalla, E, Go, A, Habaluyas, R, Barcinas, R, Sy, R, Estepar, R, Germar, A, Trebacz, J, Szymkowiak, K, Wnetrzak-Michalska, R, Kopaczewski, J, Przekwas-Jaruchowska, M, Kania, G, Zabowka, M, Mirek-Bryniarska, E, Dabrowska, M, Napora, P, Konieczny, M, Spyra, J, Lysek, R, Pijanowski, Z, Grzegorzewski, B, Bednarkiewicz, Z, Kinasz, L, Antkowiak-Piatyszek, K, Stania, K, Szpajer, M, Staneta, P, Skonieczny, G, Ksiezycka-Majczynska, E, Blicharski, T, Piepiorka, M, Wozakowska-Kaplon, B, Zechowicz, T, Ilkowski, J, Lubiszewska, B, Hiczkiewicz, J, Wierzbicka, K, Kosior, D, Garbocz, P, Kubica, J, Raczak, G, Wozniak, I, Cygler, J, Kramarczuk, E, Bystryk, L, Pentela-Nowicka, J, Dabrowski, M, Podolec, P, Zieba, B, Mosiewicz, J, Dubaniewicz, W, Banach, M, Tyszecka, G, Lepich, T, Rychlewska-Hanczewska, A, Guzik, T, Monteiro, P, Pereira, H, Oliveira, L, Matos, P, Soares Goncalves, S, Leitao, A, Vasco Salgado, A, Timoteo, A, Pintilei, E, Badila, E, Militaru, C, Tudoran, M, Arsenescu-Georgescu, C, Mitu, F, Zdrenghea, D, Lighezan, D, Teodorescu, I, Popescu, M, Coman, I, Vintila, M, Vishnevsky, A, Lukyanov, Y, Blokhin, A, Kostenko, V, Shvarts, Y, Markov, V, Motylev, I, Dronov, D, Sherenkov, A, Barbarash, O, Shutemova, E, Bolshakova, O, Kobalava, Z, Voevoda, M, Treshkur, T, Zrazhevskiy, K, Pimenov, L, Solovev, O, Tarasov, N, Arkhipov, M, Freidlin, M, Shalaev, S, Yakhontova, P, Shustov, S, Goloshchekin, B, Panov, A, Bart, B, Bubnova, M, Gordeev, I, Osipova, I, Tereshenko, S, Solovieva, E, Meshkov, A, Zateyshchikov, D, Tan, J, Subramaniam, T, Pella, D, Fulop, P, Antalik, L, Dzupina, A, Banikova, A, Sosovec, D, Urgeova, L, Mazur, J, Hranai, M, Banik, M, Vinanska, D, Lennerova, J, Kovar, F, Pastrnakova, E, Uhliar, R, Blasko, P, Gonsorcik, J, Lukacova, J, Oriesek, R, Hatalova, K, du Toit, M, Ebrahim, I, Vawda, G, Lipschitz, S, Blignaut, S, Engelbrecht, J, Coetzer, T, Pretorius, M, Urbach, D, Badat, A, Pillay, S, Van Zyl, L, Abelson, M, van der Walt, E, Moodley, R, Jacovides, A, Oosthuysen, W, Klug, E, Lottering, H, Kok, J, Saaiman, J, Dawood, S, De Jong, D, Kapp, C, Makotoko, E, Bayat, J, Sarvan, M, Vally, T, Stapelberg, A, Kim, M, Bae, J, Cho, Y, Kim, S, Han, K, Her, S, Kim, B, Lee, S, Hong, B, Kim, W, Rha, S, Jeong, M, Shin, G, Vida Gutierrez, M, Valdes Chavarri, M, Pinto Sala, X, Gonzalez Juanatey, J, Civeira Murillo, F, Zamorano Gomez, J, Lekuona Goya, I, Iniguez Romo, A, Cordero Fort, A, Ascaso Gimilio, J, Millan Nunez-Cortes, J, Lindholm, C, Soderberg, S, Suutari, A, Berglund, S, Mooe, T, Kusiak, D, Bandh, S, Dahlen, G, Olsson, S, Witt, N, Tyden, P, Johansson, P, Cizinsky, S, Falck, G, Pettersson, S, Rasmanis, G, Ostergren, J, Moccetti, T, Beer, H, Eberli, F, Krahenbuhl, S, Linka, A, Ackermann, D, Michel, P, Yeh, H, Tsai, C, Wu, C, Hsia, C, Juang, J, Hsieh, I, Lai, W, Huang, C, Hsieh, Y, Sahin, T, Duzenli, M, Yigit, Z, Demir, M, Yilmaz, M, Muderrisoglu, I, Kirma, C, Ercan, E, Kayikcioglu, L, Balbay, Y, Lymar, I, Kulynych, O, Prokhorov, O, Karpenko, O, Kraіz, I, Vakaliuk, I, Stanislavchuk, M, Korzh, O, Rudyk, I, Zhurba, S, Svishchenko, Y, Tseluyko, V, Gyrina, O, Reshotko, D, Kopytsya, M, Volkov, V, Myshanych, G, Rebrov, B, Rishko, M, Rudenko, L, Shatylo, V, Parkhomenko, O, Yena, L, Golovchenko, O, Sorokina, I, Malynovsky, Y, Ivan, P, Blagden, M, Dear, H, Mathew, A, Lagocki, S, Kondagunta, V, Ahsan, A, Mckinnon, C, Douglas, F, Thom, S, Fiore, G, Caulfield, M, Lynch, M, Thomas, H, Bain, S, Hall, A, Mcnally, D, Fisher, M, Keeling, P, Al-Bahrani, A, Lip, G, Ellery, A, Purohit, J, Travill, C, Cappuccio, F, Davis, G, Gaunt, R, Adlam, D, Asamoah, N, Jaafar, F, Mccormack, T, Jupp, B, Pye, M, Ainsworth, P, Chauhan, A, Paul, N, Fairlie, H, Fox, C, Muzulu, S, Trevelyan, J, Aggarwal, R, Issa, B, Saravanan, P, Cruickshank, K, Gorog, D, Heller, S, Newby, D, Nicolson, A, Hare, P, Donnelly, P, Rutherfurd, S, de Belder, M, Finlayson, J, Harvey, J, Hoye, A, Kingston, D, Sarkar, D, Negahban, A, Webster, J, Wyatt, N, Muir, S, Cummings, M, Mackenzie, I, Senior, R, Capps, N, Fotherby, K, Mcintyre, H, Aldegather, J, Dixon, L, Saksena, R, Butler, R, Ramstad, D, Pierpont, B, Levinson, D, Mohammed, A, Haddad, T, Goel, A, Dave, K, Haught, W, Desire, A, Hershon, K, Napoli, M, Tami, L, Rothschild, R, Khurana, S, Gupta, D, Cheung, D, Hearne, S, Grubb, S, Miller, A, Baird, I, Marcus, A, Srivastava, S, Forgosh, L, Fritz, R, Mays, M, Bertolet, B, Reddy, J, Khan, M, Nakhle, S, Dill, S, Fishbein, G, Khan, B, Marais, H, Reschak, M, Malone, M, Nadar, V, Whitney, R, Reichman, A, Reyes, H, El Shahawy, M, Rabinowitz, A, Weinstein, D, Farhat, N, Onyema, D, Potu, R, Runquist, L, Barnum, O, Crater, T, Fialkow, J, Shah, A, Thompson, C, Wiseman, A, Doyle, T, Henderson, D, Herzog, W, Schnitzler, R, Carr, K, Davis, M, Nagajothi, N, Olsen, S, Rogers, W, Rubino, J, Singh, I, Tarleton, G, Bhagwat, R, Clardy, D, Jardula, M, Robinson, J, Torres, M, Vijay, N, Farris, N, Lillo, J, Moriarty, P, Recknor, C, Berlacher, P, Christensen, T, Gabra, N, Issa, M, Janik, M, Lawless, A, Molter, D, Stout, E, Brezina, B, Claxton, E, Linsky, R, Poock, J, Remler, R, Roseman, H, Schramm, E, Al-Joundi, T, Amin, J, Hitchcock, J, Isserman, S, Kirstein, J, Rider, J, Shalek, M, Sherman, H, Bernstein, M, Chandra, L, Hatharasinghe, R, Ibrahim, H, Iteld, B, Linzmeyer, K, Seaton, B, Zeig, S, Christofides, E, Dunbar, R, Griffin, S, Kohli, N, Koren, M, Pharr, W, Purdy, D, Spencer, R, Yeoman, G, Banerjee, S, Cheek, H, Engel, E, Hamroff, G, Huling, R, Kozlowski, L, Levin, P, Makam, S, Meengs, M, Bhushan, R, Erickson, B, Herman, L, Lo, E, Mcdowell, E, Mcgrew, F, Miller, M, Ord, J, Webel, R, Wilhoit, G, Wise, J, Yang, E, Budoff, M, Collins, J, Dauber, I, Dobkin, L, Focil, A, Gandy, W, Pasquini, J, Ramos, M, Rodriguez, D, Rosenson, R, Sanford, K, Schlau, A, Snyder, B, Stonesifer, L, Tang, A, De Souza, J, Elam, M, French, J, Guyton, J, Hage Korban, E, Kereiakes, D, King, M, Loh, I, Navarro, J, Simons, R, Tobin, T, Younis, L, Aboufakher, R, Baldari, D, Ballantyne, C, Broughton, R, Eaton, C, Johnston, J, Simon, W, Thomson, S, Vora, K, Youngman, D, Alzohaili, O, Auerbach, E, Brown, C, Burrough, B, Chen, Y, Gilpatrick, M, Landzberg, J, Mitchell, C, Rice, L, Rubenfire, M, Sofley, C, Strobl, D, Atassi, K, Davila, W, Diogo, J, Fagan, T, Joffe, I, Krishna, J, Osea, E, Penny, W, Rowe, W, Shapiro, M, Welker, J, Benton, R, Dobratz, D, Fortuin, F, Graham, J, Henry, B, Kusnick, B, Lutskiy, M, Mcrae, A, Saway, W, Scott, J, Shah, M, Weinberg, B, Zarich, S, Acheatel, R, Case, C, Earl, J, Fernandez, S, Giugliano, G, Handelsman, Y, Hermany, P, Holder, S, Kashyap, M, Khan, A, Lader, E, Peniston, J, Raoof, T, Sacco, J, Shore, K, Spriggs, D, Stringam, S, Tahirkheli, N, Delgado, E, Derian, W, Greenwald, J, Harris, M, Jackson, R, Marhefka, G, Mcelveen, W, Mooss, A, Morris, P, Murray, J, Pearlstein, P, Raisinghani, A, Rezkalla, S, Sakhrani, L, Schreibman, D, Shaoulian, E, Steinsapir, J, Yataco, A, De La Cruz, A, Fredrick, M, Goldenberg, E, Lee, D, Mccullum, K, Mclellan, B, Stephens, L, Wilson, S, Alfieri, A, Mandviwala, M, Orourke, D, Samal, A, Schmedtje, J, Waxman, F, Carhart, R, Clements, B, Dyke, C, Ghali, J, Gruberg, L, Hack, T, Jehle, A, Pogue, B, Schooley, C, and Shifrin, G
- Subjects
Male ,STATIN THERAPY ,2700 General Medicine ,Disease ,Cardiovascular ,PLACEBO-CONTROLLED TRIAL ,Gastroenterology ,0302 clinical medicine ,Anticholesteremic Agent ,Medicine ,Myocardial infarction ,11 Medical and Health Sciences ,ddc:616 ,Incidence ,Antibodies, Monoclonal ,General Medicine ,Cholesterol ,Cardiovascular Diseases ,Monoclonal ,Drug Therapy, Combination ,Proprotein Convertase 9 ,Antibody ,Aged ,Anticholesteremic Agents ,Atherosclerosis ,Cholesterol, LDL ,Double-Blind Method ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Humans ,Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors ,Hypercholesterolemia ,Least-Squares Analysis ,Middle Aged ,Medicine (all) ,REDUCING LIPIDS ,Human ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Evinacumab ,Clinical Trials and Supportive Activities ,PCSK9 INHIBITION ,Follow-Up Studie ,LDL ,03 medical and health sciences ,Drug Therapy ,Clinical Research ,LDL-C ,Least-Squares Analysi ,Science & Technology ,Unstable angina ,PCSK9 ,medicine.disease ,chemistry ,Clinical Biochemistry ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,Bococizumab ,FOURIER Steering Committee and Investigators ,Medical and Health Sciences ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,Antibodies monoclonal ,Cardiovascular Disease ,030212 general & internal medicine ,Stroke ,Humanized ,RISK ,biology ,PCSK9 Inhibitors ,10051 Rheumatology Clinic and Institute of Physical Medicine ,Heart Disease ,Atherosclerosi ,6.1 Pharmaceuticals ,Combination ,Cardiology ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized ,EZETIMIBE ,610 Medicine & health ,Antibodies ,Medicine, General & Internal ,General & Internal Medicine ,Internal medicine ,CORONARY-HEART-DISEASE ,In patient ,Heart Disease - Coronary Heart Disease ,Alirocumab ,Ldl cholesterol ,business.industry ,Evaluation of treatments and therapeutic interventions ,Evolocumab ,Good Health and Well Being ,Settore MED/11 - MALATTIE DELL'APPARATO CARDIOVASCOLARE ,biology.protein ,MODERATE ,Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitor ,business - Abstract
Background Evolocumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits proprotein convertase subtilisin–kexin type 9 (PCSK9) and lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels by approximately 60%. Whether it prevents cardiovascular events is uncertain. Methods We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 27,564 patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and LDL cholesterol levels of 70 mg per deciliter (1.8 mmol per liter) or higher who were receiving statin therapy. Patients were randomly assigned to receive evolocumab (either 140 mg every 2 weeks or 420 mg monthly) or matching placebo as subcutaneous injections. The primary efficacy end point was the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, or coronary revascularization. The key secondary efficacy end point was the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. The median duration of follow-up was 2.2 years. Results At 48 weeks, the least-squares mean percentage reduction in LDL cholesterol levels with evolocumab, as compared with placebo, was 59%, from a median baseline value of 92 mg per deciliter (2.4 mmol per liter) to 30 mg per deciliter (0.78 mmol per liter) (P
- Published
- 2017
8. Host Cell Deoxyribonucleic Acid Methylation Markers for the Detection of High-grade Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Anal Cancer
- Author
Zee, R.P. van der, Richel, O., Noesel, C.J. van, Novianti, P.W., Ciocanea-Teodorescu, I., Splunter, A.P. van, Duin, S., Berk, G.E. van den, Meijer, C., Quint, W.G., Vries, H.J.C. de, Prins, J.M., Steenbergen, R.D., Zee, R.P. van der, Richel, O., Noesel, C.J. van, Novianti, P.W., Ciocanea-Teodorescu, I., Splunter, A.P. van, Duin, S., Berk, G.E. van den, Meijer, C., Quint, W.G., Vries, H.J.C. de, Prins, J.M., and Steenbergen, R.D.
- Abstract
Contains fulltext : 215634.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access), BACKGROUND: High-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia (AIN2/3; HGAIN) is highly prevalent in human immunodeficiency virus positive (HIV+) men who have sex with men (MSM), but only a minority will eventually progress to cancer. Currently, the cancer risk cannot be established, and therefore all HGAIN is treated, resulting in overtreatment. We assessed host cell deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) methylation markers for detecting HGAIN and anal cancer. METHODS: Tissue samples of HIV+ men with anal cancer (n = 26), AIN3 (n = 24), AIN2 (n = 42), AIN1 (n = 22) and HIV+ male controls (n = 34) were analyzed for methylation of 9 genes using quantitative methylation-specific polymerase chain reaction. Univariable and least absolute shrinkage and selection operator logistic regression, followed by leave-one-out cross-validation, were used to determine the performance for AIN3 and cancer detection. RESULTS: Methylation of all genes increased significantly with increasing severity of disease (P < 2 x 10-6). HGAIN samples revealed heterogeneous methylation patterns, with a subset resembling cancer. Four genes (ASCL1, SST, ZIC1,ZNF582) showed remarkable performance for AIN3 and anal cancer detection (area under the curve [AUC] > 0.85). ZNF582 (AUC = 0.89), detected all cancers and 54% of AIN3 at 93% specificity. Slightly better performance (AUC = 0.90) was obtained using a 5-marker panel. CONCLUSIONS: DNA methylation is associated with anal carcinogenesis. A marker panel that includes ZNF582 identifies anal cancer and HGAIN with a cancer-like methylation pattern, warrantingvalidation studies to verify its potential for screening and management of HIV+ MSM at risk for anal cancer.
- Published
- 2019
9. Contribution to electrical discharge electron beam system for flue gas cleaning method
- Author
Cramariuc, R., Marin, Gh, Martin, D., Cramariuc, B., Teodorescu, I., Munteanu, V., and Ghiuta, V.
- Published
- 2000
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10. Rare complex malformations and iatrogenic postoperative stenoses of the urinary tract with late clinical effects and the steps towards restauration of normal functionality - clinical case.
- Author
Teodorescu, I. Daniela, Baston, C., Codoiu, C., Guler, M. S. S., Gîngu, C., and Sinescu, I.
- Subjects
URINARY organs ,STENOSIS ,PHYSICIAN-patient relations ,HUMAN abnormalities ,IMPLANTABLE catheters - Abstract
Congenital urinary obstruction is one of the most frequent conditions affecting the urinary tract in children. It may lead to significant long-term health consequences and the management of these pathologies represents a major challenge for urologists.[1] In cases where the patient presents with a complex pathology and an intricate medical and surgical history, retracing and understanding this history require a thorough anamnesis. Access to a state-of-theart Imaging department is vital in order to have the highest degree of accuracy in determining the diagnosis. The doctor-patient relationship plays a very important role and all available treatment options must be discussed. The cases should be resolved through as few surgeries as possible. When the full reconstruction of the urinary tract is not feasible, as a last resort remains total nephrectomy or partial nephrectomy - when possible. The urologist's approach should always also bear in mind the patient's quality of life and it is preferable to avoid long-term indwelling catheters. Postoperative follow-up after reconstructive surgeries must be done through high-performance imaging studies of the urinary tract. In this article we will present the case of a female patient with multiple congenital anomalies of the urinary tract and iatrogenic stenoses of the ureteropelvic junction and of the ipsilateral ureterovesical reimplantation site, following the reconstructive procedures she underwent during childhood. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2020
11. Evolocumab and clinical outcomes in patients with cardiovascular disease
- Author
Sabatine, M. S., Giugliano, R. P., Keech, A. C., Honarpour, N., Wiviott, S. D., Murphy, S. A., Kuder, J. F., Wang, H., Liu, T., Wasserman, S. M., Sever, P. S., Pedersen, T. R., Fish, M. P., Abrahamsen, T. E., Im, K., Kanevsky, E., Bonaca, M. P., Lira Pineda, A., Hanlon, K., Knusel, B., Somaratne, R., Kurtz, C., Scott, R., Accini Mendoza, J. L., Amerena, J., Badariene, J., Burgess, L., Ceska, R., Charng, M. J., Choi, D., Cobos, J. L., Dan, G. A., De Ferrari, G. M., Deedwania, P. C., Chopra, V. K., Erglis, A., Ezhov, M. V., Ferreira, J., Filipova, S., Gaciong, Z. A., Pasierski, T., Georgiev, B. G., Gonzalez-Galvez, G., Gouni-Berthold, I., Schaufele, T., Hirayama, A., Huber, K., Rammer, M., Kjaerulf Jensen, H., Wermuth, S., Jiang, L., Jukema, J. W., Kraydashenko, O., Leiter, L. A., Lewis, B. S., Lopez-Miranda, J., Lorenzatti, A. J., Mach, F., Mcadam, B., Nilsson, L., Olsson, A., Rallidis, L., Rogelio, G. G., Kerr Saraiva, J. F., Scheen, A., Schiele, F., Connolly, D., Siu, C. W., Tay, L., Thorgeirsson, G., Tikkanen, M. J., Tokgozoglu, S. L., Toth, K., Viigimaa, M., Wan Ahmad, W. A., Hennekens, C. H., Andreotti, F., Baigent, C., Brown, W. V., Davis, B. R., Newcomer, J. W., Wood, S. K., Larosa, J., Ansell, B., Lowe, C., Zahn, L., Awtry, E., Berger, C., Croce, K., Desai, A., Gelfand, E., Ho, C., Leeman, D., Link, M., Norden, A., Pande, A., Rost, N., Ruberg, F., Silverman, S., Singhal, A., Vita, J., Mackinnon, I., Vogel, D. R., Leon de la Fuente, R., Perna, E., Amuchastegui, M., Pacora, F., Hershson, A., Blumberg, E., Glenny, J. A., Colombo, H., Cuadrado, J. A., Nicolosi, L., Rojas, C. G., Ulla, M. R., Hasbani, E. G., Cuneo, C., Lopez Santi, R. G., Sanabria, H. D., Hrabar, A., Lozada, A., Begg, A., Lehman, S., Wittert, G., Juergens, C., Kostner, K., Beltrame, J., Simpson, R., Sinhal, A., Adams, M., Kritharides, L., Roberts Thomson, P., Cross, D., Thompson, P., Van Gaal, W., Cox, N., Farshid, A., Hammett, C., Garrahy, P., Prasan, A., Horrigan, M., Ebenbichler, C., Hanusch, U., Prager, R., Schernthaner, G., Luger, A., Siostrzonek, P., Toplak, H., Bergler-Klein, J., Paulweber, B., Sinzinger, H., Buysschaert, I., Thoeng, J., Vandekerckhove, H., Catez, E., Verheye, S., Descamps, O., Hoffer, E., Wollaert, B., Chenu, P., van de Borne, P., De Meulemeester, M., Friart, A., Charlier, F., De Raedt, H., Rietzschel, E., Roelandt, R., Lalmand, J., Tavares Russo, L. A., Reis, G., Duarte Barbosa, E. C., Vidotti, M. H., Fernandes Manenti, E. R., Dutra, O., Leaes, P. E., Rech, R. L., Bertolim Precoma, D., Nicolau, J. C., Amoedo, R., Eliaschewitz, F. G., Pereira, A., Kurtz Lisboa, H. R., Soares Piegas, L., Cunha Borges, J. L., Ferreira Rossi, P. R., Pimentel Filho, P., Bodanese, L. C., de Sa Cunha, R., Moura Jorge, J. C., Ardito, W. R., Barroso de Souza, W. K., Hissa, M., Izar, M. C., Manolova, A., Kitova, L., Kinova, E., Tzekova, M., Velchev, V., Tarnovska-Kadreva, R., Gotchev, D., Petrov, I., Raev, D., Trendafilova-Lazarova, D., Yotov, Y., Lazov, P., Rahimi, S., St Amour, E., Constance, C., Pesant, Y., Hess, A., Anderson, T., Sussex, B., Henein, S., Tsoukas, G., Pandey, A. S., Bergeron, J., Hart, R., Gosselin, G., Chehayeb, R., Hamet, P., Hartleib, M., Mukherjee, A., Halperin, F., Petrella, R., Bhargava, R., Lonn, E., Sabbah, E., Bata, I., Cha, J., Gaudet, D., Chapman, K., Murthy, D., Nigro, F., Rupka, D., Gossard, D., Gupta, M., Dowell, A., Mansour, S., Baass, A., Geadah, C., Huynh, T., Peterson, S., Poirier, P., Sabe-Affaki, G., Vertes, G., Crowley, D., Duchesne, L., Pincetti Jofre, C. P., Potthoff Cardenas, S., Conejeros Kindel, C., Saavedra Gajardo, V. A., Lanas Zanetti, F., Sepulveda Varela, P. A., Stockins Fernandez, B. A., Li, W., Li, D., Zhao, S., Li, Z., Wang, J., Yang, Y., Zhang, L., Yang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, H., Xue, L., Zheng, Z., Huang, W., Dai, H., Su, H., Zeng, X., Zheng, Y., Tang, Y., Yao, Z., Sun, Y., Du, Y., Ge, Z., Yan, J., Chen, X., Liu, F., Pei, H., Yang, X., Cui, H., Gu, Y., Yang, Z., Li, J., Lian, Y., Cui, Y., Wang, D., Jiang, J., Li, X., Chen, J., Mo, Z., Xu, P., He, Y., Zhou, C., Qu, P., Zhu, Y., Liu, Y., Shen, X., Gao, X., Terront Lozano, M. A., Moncada Corredor, M. A., Hernandez Triana, E., Botero Lopez, R., Coronel Arroyo, J. A., Quintero Baiz, A. E., Sanchez Vallejo, G., Arana Londono, C., Molina de Salazar, D. I., Castellanos Bueno, R., Manzur Jattin, F., Cure Cure, C. A., Sotomayor Herazo, A., Spinar, J., Hala, T., Machkova, M., Klimsa, Z., Polasek, R., Jerabek, O., Kazdera, P., Pozdisek, Z., Vaclavik, J., Frana, P., Elbl, L., Kucera, D., Kryza, R., Malecha, J., Reichert, P., Sochor, K., Ludka, O., Kellnerova, I., Peterka, K., Zidkova, E., Cech, V., Brabec, T., Fiserova, N., Kvasnicka, J., Rosolova, H., Nemecek, E., Adamkova, V., Dunaj, M., Pojsl, S., Cepelak, M., Podpera, I., Kuchar, L., Rysava, D., Burianova, H., Spinarova, L., Skrobakova, J., Charvat, J., Homza, M., Zemanek, J., Koleckar, P., Karen, I., Krupicka, J., Blaha, V., Matuska, J., Brotanek, J., Cifkova, R., Kuchar, R., Vomacka, Z., Kosek, Z., Hulinsky, V., Krejcova, H., Kuchar, J., Jelinek, Z., Jelinek, P., Markdanner Lindgren, L., Saetre Lihn, A., Korsgaard Thomsen, K., Bronnum-Schou, J., Nielsen, H., Nielsen, T., Egstrup, K., Klausen, I. C., Mickley, H., Hove, J., Jeppesen, J., Melchior, T., Schmidt, E. B., Valter, I., Rosenthal, A., Kaik, J., Kork, A., Alt, I., Strand, J., Nieminen, S., Kahri, J., Suomi, J., Nyman, K., Strandberg, T. E., Piippo, T., Savolainen, M., Vikman, S., Pucheu, Y., Cariou, B., Henry, P., Ferrari, E., Montalescot, G., Ferrieres, J., Roubille, F., Bonnet, B., Angoulvant, D., Range, G., Bammert, A., Delarche, N., Mariat, C., Cayla, G., Durlach, V., Coisne, D., Paillard, F., Rouzier, R., Goralski, M., Khanoyan, P., Cottin, Y., Ziegler, O., Khalife, K., Le Corvoisier, P., Motreff, P., Spaulding, C., Vanbelle, E., Bourhaial, H., Opitz, C., Kahrmann, G., Contzen, C., Appel, K., Schenkenberger, I., Rinke, A., Trenk, D., Maus, O., Karakas, M., Hanefeld, M., Darius, H., Hetzel, G., Munzel, T., Wohrle, J., Stawowy, P., Marten, I., Isermann, B., Kast, P., Vorpahl, M., Bosiljanoff, P., Hengstenberg, C., Kassner, U., Salbach, P., Fischer, M., Steiner, S., Wagner, S., Kraatz, U., von Hodenberg, E., Weyland, K., Mantas, I., Tziakas, D., Bousboulas, S., Patsilinakos, S., Mertzanos, G., Panagoulis, C., Bilianou, H., Skoumas, I., Elisaf, M., Manolis, A., Moschos, N., Kochiadakis, G., Ntaios, G., Richter, D., Athyros, V., Kolovou, G., Danias, P., Melidonis, A., Fan, K. Y. Y., Siu, S. C., Hornyik, A., Lakatos, F., Zilahi, Z., Nagy, K., Laszlo, Z., Peterfai, E., Lupkovics, G., Andreka, P., Merkely, B., Herczeg, B., Piros, G. A., Salamon, C., Mark, L., Papp, A., Szakal, I., Edes, I., Mohacsi, A., Tomcsanyi, J., Hajko, E., Nagy, A., Papp, E., Kiss, R., Karadi, I., Sigurdsson, A., Jain, A., Pai, R., Kothiwale, V., Kulkarni, G., Mahajan, A., Aggarwal, S., Mehta, V., Rajadhyaksha, G., Joshi, A., Khandait, V., Parmar, M., Tyagi, S., Airody Govinda, R., Dwivedi, S. K., Parikh, K., Pothineni, R. B., Solanki, B., O'Donnell, M., Crean, P., Barton, J., Shechter, M., Shotan, A., Klutstein, M., Chorin, E., Gavish, D., Kracoff, O., Atar, S., Rigler, S., Hasin, Y., Schiff, E., Merlini, P., Rapezzi, C., Pirro, M., Gonnelli, S., Floresta, A. M., Mennuni, M., Ardissino, D., Senni, M., Marenzi, G., Marcucci, R., Sampietro, T., Cosmi, F., Perrone Filardi, P., De Caterina, R., Fedele, F., Moretti, L., Biasucci, Luigi Marzio, Ferri, C., Go, Y., Kiyosue, A., Higashi, Y., Tokunaga, T., Kawasaki, T., Sakagami, S., Namba, S., Saku, K., Oku, K., Arakawa, T., Iida, H., Nakamura, Y., Yamamoto, K., Hata, Y., Katsuda, Y., Koga, Y., Shimizu, M., Uehara, H., Kajiyama, S., Okamoto, H., Shinozaki, T., Fujino, Y., Funazaki, T., Higa, N., Kaigawa, K., Koike, A., Nakane, H., Sato, K., Satoh, Y., Shirasawa, K., Sugino, H., Tanabe, J., Uemura, O., Yoshimichi, G., Akai, A., Himeno, H., Inage, T., Inoko, M., Kadokami, T., Noguchi, Y., Yamashita, K., Yasumura, Y., Yuge, M., Hosokawa, S., Kawamitsu, K., Kozuma, K., Matsuo, H., Nakashima, E., Okada, M., Wada, A., Yokoya, K., Iwade, K., Kawabata, K., Tanno, H., Ako, J., Fujita, H., Izumiya, Y., Kanno, M., Nunohiro, T., Ohmura, H., Ueno, T., Kakurina, N., Jasinkevica, I., Stukena, I., Veze, I., Eglite, R., Teterovska, D., Sime, I., Strazdiene, V., Venceviciene, L., Gustiene, O., Radzeviciene-Jurgute, R., Kucinskiene, A., Maskon, O., Lee, C. Y., Erng, T., Gan, H. W., Mohamed Yusof, A. K., Ramanathan, G. L., Liew, H., Lopez Alvarado, A., Nevarez Ruiz, L. A., De los Rios Ibarra, M. O., Bazzoni Ruiz, A. E., Ramos Lopez, G. A., Llamas Esperon, G. A., De la Pena Topete, G. D. J., Violante Ortiz, R. M., Illescas Diaz, J. J., Leon Gonzalez, S., Sanchez Diaz, C. J., Mendez Machado, G. F., Venegas Carrillo, L. A., Aldrete Velasco, J. A., Cardona Munoz, E. G., Leiva Pons, J. L., Perez Alva, J. C., van der Zwaan, C., Oomen, A., van de Wal, R., Magro, M., Boswijk, D., Janus, C., Groutars, R., Tonino, W., Cornel, J. H., Oude Ophuis, A., Troquay, R., Liem, A., Westendorp, I., Van Hessen, M., Lok, D., De Nooijer, C., Den Hartog, F., Van Beek, E., Bendermacher, P., Jansen, R., Romer, T., Rensing, B., Hersbach, F., Herrman, J., Ladyjanskaia, G., Karalis, I., Linssen, G., Bokern, M., Visman, A., Kooij, A., Monajemi, H., Lieverse, A., Baker, J., Tie, S., Risberg, K., Hysing, J., Hoivik, H. O., Norheim, P., Solnor, L., Hovland, A., Kjaernli, T., Jocson, G., Coching, R. M., Batalla, E., Go, A., Habaluyas, R., Barcinas, R., Sy, R. A., Estepar, R. A., Germar, A., Trebacz, J., Szymkowiak, K., Wnetrzak-Michalska, R., Kopaczewski, J., Przekwas-Jaruchowska, M., Kania, G., Zabowka, M., Mirek-Bryniarska, E., Dabrowska, M., Napora, P., Konieczny, M., Spyra, J., Lysek, R., Pijanowski, Z., Grzegorzewski, B., Bednarkiewicz, Z., Kinasz, L., Antkowiak-Piatyszek, K., Stania, K., Szpajer, M., Staneta, P., Skonieczny, G., Ksiezycka-Majczynska, E., Blicharski, T., Piepiorka, M., Wozakowska-Kaplon, B., Zechowicz, T., Ilkowski, J., Lubiszewska, B., Hiczkiewicz, J., Wierzbicka, K., Kosior, D., Garbocz, P., Kubica, J., Raczak, G., Wozniak, I., Cygler, J., Kramarczuk, E., Bystryk, L., Pentela-Nowicka, J., Dabrowski, M., Podolec, P., Zieba, B., Mosiewicz, J., Dubaniewicz, W., Banach, M., Tyszecka, G., Lepich, T., Rychlewska-Hanczewska, A., Guzik, T., Monteiro, P., Pereira, H., Oliveira, L., Matos, P., Soares Goncalves, S., Leitao, A., Vasco Salgado, A., Timoteo, A. T., Pintilei, E., Badila, E., Militaru, C., Tudoran, M., Arsenescu-Georgescu, C., Mitu, F., Zdrenghea, D., Lighezan, D., Teodorescu, I., Popescu, M. I., Coman, I., Vintila, M. M., Vishnevsky, A., Lukyanov, Y., Blokhin, A., Kostenko, V., Shvarts, Y., Markov, V., Motylev, I., Dronov, D., Sherenkov, A., Barbarash, O., Shutemova, E., Bolshakova, O., Kobalava, Z., Voevoda, M., Treshkur, T., Zrazhevskiy, K., Pimenov, L., Solovev, O., Tarasov, N., Arkhipov, M., Freidlin, M., Shalaev, S., Yakhontova, P., Shustov, S., Goloshchekin, B., Panov, A., Bart, B., Bubnova, M., Gordeev, I., Osipova, I., Tereshenko, S., Solovieva, E., Meshkov, A., Zateyshchikov, D., Tan, J. L., Subramaniam, T., Pella, D., Fulop, P., Antalik, L., Dzupina, A., Banikova, A., Sosovec, D., Urgeova, L., Mazur, J., Hranai, M., Banik, M., Vinanska, D., Lennerova, J., Kovar, F., Pastrnakova, E., Uhliar, R., Blasko, P., Gonsorcik, J., Lukacova, J., Oriesek, R., Hatalova, K., du Toit, M., Ebrahim, I., Vawda, G., Lipschitz, S., Blignaut, S., Engelbrecht, J., Coetzer, T. F., Pretorius, M., Urbach, D., Badat, A., Pillay, S., Van Zyl, L., Abelson, M., van der Walt, E., Moodley, R., Jacovides, A., Oosthuysen, W. M., Klug, E., Lottering, H., Kok, J., Saaiman, J., Dawood, S., De Jong, D. M., Kapp, C., Makotoko, E., Bayat, J., Sarvan, M., Vally, T., Stapelberg, A., Kim, M., Bae, J., Cho, Y., Kim, S., Han, K. H., Her, S., Kim, B., Lee, S., Hong, B., Kim, W., Rha, S., Jeong, M., Shin, G. J., Vida Gutierrez, M., Valdes Chavarri, M., Pinto Sala, X., Gonzalez Juanatey, J. R., Civeira Murillo, F., Zamorano Gomez, J. L., Lekuona Goya, I., Iniguez Romo, A., Cordero Fort, A., Ascaso Gimilio, J. F., Millan Nunez-Cortes, J., Lindholm, C., Soderberg, S., Suutari, A., Berglund, S., Mooe, T., Kusiak, D., Bandh, S., Dahlen, G., Olsson, S., Witt, N., Tyden, P., Johansson, P., Cizinsky, S., Falck, G., Pettersson, S. I., Rasmanis, G., Ostergren, J., Moccetti, T., Beer, H. J., Eberli, F., Krahenbuhl, S., Linka, A., Ackermann, D., Michel, P., Yeh, H., Tsai, C. F., Wu, C., Hsia, C., Juang, J., Hsieh, I., Lai, W., Huang, C., Hsieh, Y., Sahin, T., Duzenli, M., Yigit, Z., Demir, M., Yilmaz, M. B., Muderrisoglu, I. H., Kirma, C., Ercan, E., Kayikcioglu, L., Balbay, Y., Lymar, I., Kulynych, O., Prokhorov, O., Karpenko, O., Vakaliuk, I., Stanislavchuk, M., Korzh, O., Rudyk, I., Zhurba, S., Svishchenko, Y., Tseluyko, V., Gyrina, O., Reshotko, D., Kopytsya, M., Volkov, V., Myshanych, G., Rebrov, B., Rishko, M., Rudenko, L., Shatylo, V., Parkhomenko, O., Yena, L., Golovchenko, O., Sorokina, I., Malynovsky, Y., Ivan, P., Blagden, M., Dear, H., Mathew, A., Lagocki, S., Kondagunta, V., Ahsan, A., Mckinnon, C., Douglas, F., Thom, S., Fiore, G., Caulfield, M., Lynch, M., Thomas, H., Bain, S., Hall, A., Mcnally, D., Fisher, M., Keeling, P., Al-Bahrani, A., Lip, G., Ellery, A., Purohit, J., Travill, C., Cappuccio, F., Davis, G., Gaunt, R., Adlam, D., Asamoah, N., Jaafar, F., Mccormack, T., Jupp, B., Pye, M., Ainsworth, P., Chauhan, A., Paul, N., Fairlie, H., Fox, C., Muzulu, S., Trevelyan, J., Aggarwal, R., Issa, B., Saravanan, P., Cruickshank, K., Gorog, D., Heller, S., Newby, D., Nicolson, A., Hare, P. O., Donnelly, P., Rutherfurd, S., de Belder, M., Finlayson, J., Harvey, J., Hoye, A., Kingston, D., Sarkar, D., Negahban, A., Webster, J., Wyatt, N., Muir, S., Cummings, M., Mackenzie, I., Senior, R., Capps, N., Fotherby, K., Mcintyre, H., Aldegather, J., Dixon, L., Saksena, R., Butler, R., Ramstad, D., Pierpont, B., Levinson, D., Mohammed, A., Haddad, T., Goel, A., Dave, K., Haught, W. H., Desire, A., Hershon, K., Napoli, M., Tami, L., Rothschild, R., Khurana, S., Gupta, D., Cheung, D., Hearne, S., Grubb, S., Miller, A., Baird, I., Marcus, A., Srivastava, S., Forgosh, L., Fritz, R., Mays, M., Bertolet, B., Reddy, J., Khan, M., Nakhle, S., Dill, S., Fishbein, G., Khan, B., Marais, H., Reschak, M., Malone, M., Nadar, V., Whitney, R., Reichman, A., Reyes, H., El Shahawy, M., Rabinowitz, A., Weinstein, D., Farhat, N., Onyema, D., Potu, R., Runquist, L., Barnum, O., Crater, T., Fialkow, J., Shah, A., Thompson, C., Wiseman, A., Doyle, T., Henderson, D., Herzog, W., Schnitzler, R., Carr, K., Davis, M., Nagajothi, N., Olsen, S., Rogers, W., Rubino, J., Singh, I., Tarleton, G., Bhagwat, R., Clardy, D., Jardula, M., Robinson, J., Torres, M., Vijay, N., Farris, N., Lillo, J., Moriarty, P., Recknor, C., Berlacher, P., Christensen, T., Gabra, N., Issa, M., Janik, M., Lawless, A., Molter, D., Stout, E., Brezina, B., Claxton, E., Linsky, R., Poock, J., Remler, R., Roseman, H., Schramm, E., Al-Joundi, T., Amin, J., Hitchcock, J., Isserman, S., Kirstein, J., Rider, J., Shalek, M., Sherman, H., Bernstein, M., Chandra, L., Hatharasinghe, R., Ibrahim, H., Iteld, B., Linzmeyer, K., Seaton, B., Zeig, S., Christofides, E., Dunbar, R., Griffin, S., Kohli, N., Koren, M., Pharr, W., Purdy, D., Spencer, R., Yeoman, G., Banerjee, S., Cheek, H. B., Engel, E., Hamroff, G., Huling, R., Kozlowski, L., Levin, P., Makam, S., Meengs, M., Bhushan, R., Erickson, B., Herman, L., Lo, E., Mcdowell, E., Mcgrew, F., Miller, M., Ord, J., Webel, R., Wilhoit, G., Wise, J., Yang, E., Budoff, M., Collins, J., Dauber, I., Dobkin, L., Focil, A., Gandy, W., Pasquini, J., Ramos, M., Rodriguez, D., Rosenson, R., Sanford, K., Schlau, A., Snyder, B., Stonesifer, L., Tang, A., De Souza, J., Elam, M., French, J., Guyton, J., Hage Korban, E., Kereiakes, D., King, M., Loh, I., Navarro, J., Simons, R., Tobin, T., Younis, L., Aboufakher, R., Baldari, D., Ballantyne, C., Broughton, R., Eaton, C., Johnston, J., Simon, W., Thomson, S., Vora, K., Youngman, D., Alzohaili, O., Auerbach, E., Brown, C., Burrough, B., Chen, Y., Gilpatrick, M., Landzberg, J., Mitchell, C., Rice, L., Rubenfire, M., Sofley, C. W., Strobl, D., Atassi, K., Davila, W., Diogo, J., Fagan, T., Joffe, I., Krishna, J., Osea, E., Penny, W., Rowe, W., Shapiro, M., Welker, J., Benton, R., Dobratz, D., Fortuin, F., Graham, J., Henry, B., Kusnick, B., Lutskiy, M., Mcrae, A., Saway, W., Scott, J., Shah, M., Weinberg, B., Zarich, S., Acheatel, R., Case, C., Earl, J., Fernandez, S., Giugliano, G., Handelsman, Y., Hermany, P., Holder, S., Kashyap, M., Khan, A., Lader, E., Peniston, J., Raoof, T., Sacco, J., Shore, K., Spriggs, D., Stringam, S., Tahirkheli, N., Delgado, E., Derian, W., Greenwald, J., Harris, M., Jackson, R., Marhefka, G., Mcelveen, W., Mooss, A., Morris, P., Murray, J., Pearlstein, P., Raisinghani, A., Rezkalla, S., Sakhrani, L., Schreibman, D., Shaoulian, E., Steinsapir, J., Yataco, A., De La Cruz, A., Fredrick, M., Goldenberg, E., Lee, D., Mccullum, K., Mclellan, B., Stephens, L., Wilson, S., Alfieri, A., Mandviwala, M., Orourke, D., Samal, A., Schmedtje, J., Waxman, F., Carhart, R., Clements, B., Dyke, C., Ghali, J., Gruberg, L., Hack, T., Jehle, A., Pogue, B., Schooley, C., Shifrin, G., Biasucci L. M. (ORCID:0000-0002-6921-6497), Sabatine, M. S., Giugliano, R. P., Keech, A. C., Honarpour, N., Wiviott, S. D., Murphy, S. A., Kuder, J. F., Wang, H., Liu, T., Wasserman, S. M., Sever, P. S., Pedersen, T. R., Fish, M. P., Abrahamsen, T. E., Im, K., Kanevsky, E., Bonaca, M. P., Lira Pineda, A., Hanlon, K., Knusel, B., Somaratne, R., Kurtz, C., Scott, R., Accini Mendoza, J. L., Amerena, J., Badariene, J., Burgess, L., Ceska, R., Charng, M. J., Choi, D., Cobos, J. L., Dan, G. A., De Ferrari, G. M., Deedwania, P. C., Chopra, V. K., Erglis, A., Ezhov, M. V., Ferreira, J., Filipova, S., Gaciong, Z. A., Pasierski, T., Georgiev, B. G., Gonzalez-Galvez, G., Gouni-Berthold, I., Schaufele, T., Hirayama, A., Huber, K., Rammer, M., Kjaerulf Jensen, H., Wermuth, S., Jiang, L., Jukema, J. W., Kraydashenko, O., Leiter, L. A., Lewis, B. S., Lopez-Miranda, J., Lorenzatti, A. J., Mach, F., Mcadam, B., Nilsson, L., Olsson, A., Rallidis, L., Rogelio, G. G., Kerr Saraiva, J. F., Scheen, A., Schiele, F., Connolly, D., Siu, C. W., Tay, L., Thorgeirsson, G., Tikkanen, M. J., Tokgozoglu, S. L., Toth, K., Viigimaa, M., Wan Ahmad, W. A., Hennekens, C. H., Andreotti, F., Baigent, C., Brown, W. V., Davis, B. R., Newcomer, J. W., Wood, S. K., Larosa, J., Ansell, B., Lowe, C., Zahn, L., Awtry, E., Berger, C., Croce, K., Desai, A., Gelfand, E., Ho, C., Leeman, D., Link, M., Norden, A., Pande, A., Rost, N., Ruberg, F., Silverman, S., Singhal, A., Vita, J., Mackinnon, I., Vogel, D. R., Leon de la Fuente, R., Perna, E., Amuchastegui, M., Pacora, F., Hershson, A., Blumberg, E., Glenny, J. A., Colombo, H., Cuadrado, J. A., Nicolosi, L., Rojas, C. G., Ulla, M. R., Hasbani, E. G., Cuneo, C., Lopez Santi, R. G., Sanabria, H. D., Hrabar, A., Lozada, A., Begg, A., Lehman, S., Wittert, G., Juergens, C., Kostner, K., Beltrame, J., Simpson, R., Sinhal, A., Adams, M., Kritharides, L., Roberts Thomson, P., Cross, D., Thompson, P., Van Gaal, W., Cox, N., Farshid, A., Hammett, C., Garrahy, P., Prasan, A., Horrigan, M., Ebenbichler, C., Hanusch, U., Prager, R., Schernthaner, G., Luger, A., Siostrzonek, P., Toplak, H., Bergler-Klein, J., Paulweber, B., Sinzinger, H., Buysschaert, I., Thoeng, J., Vandekerckhove, H., Catez, E., Verheye, S., Descamps, O., Hoffer, E., Wollaert, B., Chenu, P., van de Borne, P., De Meulemeester, M., Friart, A., Charlier, F., De Raedt, H., Rietzschel, E., Roelandt, R., Lalmand, J., Tavares Russo, L. A., Reis, G., Duarte Barbosa, E. C., Vidotti, M. H., Fernandes Manenti, E. R., Dutra, O., Leaes, P. E., Rech, R. L., Bertolim Precoma, D., Nicolau, J. C., Amoedo, R., Eliaschewitz, F. G., Pereira, A., Kurtz Lisboa, H. R., Soares Piegas, L., Cunha Borges, J. L., Ferreira Rossi, P. R., Pimentel Filho, P., Bodanese, L. C., de Sa Cunha, R., Moura Jorge, J. C., Ardito, W. R., Barroso de Souza, W. K., Hissa, M., Izar, M. C., Manolova, A., Kitova, L., Kinova, E., Tzekova, M., Velchev, V., Tarnovska-Kadreva, R., Gotchev, D., Petrov, I., Raev, D., Trendafilova-Lazarova, D., Yotov, Y., Lazov, P., Rahimi, S., St Amour, E., Constance, C., Pesant, Y., Hess, A., Anderson, T., Sussex, B., Henein, S., Tsoukas, G., Pandey, A. S., Bergeron, J., Hart, R., Gosselin, G., Chehayeb, R., Hamet, P., Hartleib, M., Mukherjee, A., Halperin, F., Petrella, R., Bhargava, R., Lonn, E., Sabbah, E., Bata, I., Cha, J., Gaudet, D., Chapman, K., Murthy, D., Nigro, F., Rupka, D., Gossard, D., Gupta, M., Dowell, A., Mansour, S., Baass, A., Geadah, C., Huynh, T., Peterson, S., Poirier, P., Sabe-Affaki, G., Vertes, G., Crowley, D., Duchesne, L., Pincetti Jofre, C. P., Potthoff Cardenas, S., Conejeros Kindel, C., Saavedra Gajardo, V. A., Lanas Zanetti, F., Sepulveda Varela, P. A., Stockins Fernandez, B. A., Li, W., Li, D., Zhao, S., Li, Z., Wang, J., Yang, Y., Zhang, L., Yang, P., Zhang, X., Huang, H., Xue, L., Zheng, Z., Huang, W., Dai, H., Su, H., Zeng, X., Zheng, Y., Tang, Y., Yao, Z., Sun, Y., Du, Y., Ge, Z., Yan, J., Chen, X., Liu, F., Pei, H., Yang, X., Cui, H., Gu, Y., Yang, Z., Li, J., Lian, Y., Cui, Y., Wang, D., Jiang, J., Li, X., Chen, J., Mo, Z., Xu, P., He, Y., Zhou, C., Qu, P., Zhu, Y., Liu, Y., Shen, X., Gao, X., Terront Lozano, M. A., Moncada Corredor, M. A., Hernandez Triana, E., Botero Lopez, R., Coronel Arroyo, J. A., Quintero Baiz, A. E., Sanchez Vallejo, G., Arana Londono, C., Molina de Salazar, D. I., Castellanos Bueno, R., Manzur Jattin, F., Cure Cure, C. A., Sotomayor Herazo, A., Spinar, J., Hala, T., Machkova, M., Klimsa, Z., Polasek, R., Jerabek, O., Kazdera, P., Pozdisek, Z., Vaclavik, J., Frana, P., Elbl, L., Kucera, D., Kryza, R., Malecha, J., Reichert, P., Sochor, K., Ludka, O., Kellnerova, I., Peterka, K., Zidkova, E., Cech, V., Brabec, T., Fiserova, N., Kvasnicka, J., Rosolova, H., Nemecek, E., Adamkova, V., Dunaj, M., Pojsl, S., Cepelak, M., Podpera, I., Kuchar, L., Rysava, D., Burianova, H., Spinarova, L., Skrobakova, J., Charvat, J., Homza, M., Zemanek, J., Koleckar, P., Karen, I., Krupicka, J., Blaha, V., Matuska, J., Brotanek, J., Cifkova, R., Kuchar, R., Vomacka, Z., Kosek, Z., Hulinsky, V., Krejcova, H., Kuchar, J., Jelinek, Z., Jelinek, P., Markdanner Lindgren, L., Saetre Lihn, A., Korsgaard Thomsen, K., Bronnum-Schou, J., Nielsen, H., Nielsen, T., Egstrup, K., Klausen, I. C., Mickley, H., Hove, J., Jeppesen, J., Melchior, T., Schmidt, E. B., Valter, I., Rosenthal, A., Kaik, J., Kork, A., Alt, I., Strand, J., Nieminen, S., Kahri, J., Suomi, J., Nyman, K., Strandberg, T. E., Piippo, T., Savolainen, M., Vikman, S., Pucheu, Y., Cariou, B., Henry, P., Ferrari, E., Montalescot, G., Ferrieres, J., Roubille, F., Bonnet, B., Angoulvant, D., Range, G., Bammert, A., Delarche, N., Mariat, C., Cayla, G., Durlach, V., Coisne, D., Paillard, F., Rouzier, R., Goralski, M., Khanoyan, P., Cottin, Y., Ziegler, O., Khalife, K., Le Corvoisier, P., Motreff, P., Spaulding, C., Vanbelle, E., Bourhaial, H., Opitz, C., Kahrmann, G., Contzen, C., Appel, K., Schenkenberger, I., Rinke, A., Trenk, D., Maus, O., Karakas, M., Hanefeld, M., Darius, H., Hetzel, G., Munzel, T., Wohrle, J., Stawowy, P., Marten, I., Isermann, B., Kast, P., Vorpahl, M., Bosiljanoff, P., Hengstenberg, C., Kassner, U., Salbach, P., Fischer, M., Steiner, S., Wagner, S., Kraatz, U., von Hodenberg, E., Weyland, K., Mantas, I., Tziakas, D., Bousboulas, S., Patsilinakos, S., Mertzanos, G., Panagoulis, C., Bilianou, H., Skoumas, I., Elisaf, M., Manolis, A., Moschos, N., Kochiadakis, G., Ntaios, G., Richter, D., Athyros, V., Kolovou, G., Danias, P., Melidonis, A., Fan, K. Y. Y., Siu, S. C., Hornyik, A., Lakatos, F., Zilahi, Z., Nagy, K., Laszlo, Z., Peterfai, E., Lupkovics, G., Andreka, P., Merkely, B., Herczeg, B., Piros, G. A., Salamon, C., Mark, L., Papp, A., Szakal, I., Edes, I., Mohacsi, A., Tomcsanyi, J., Hajko, E., Nagy, A., Papp, E., Kiss, R., Karadi, I., Sigurdsson, A., Jain, A., Pai, R., Kothiwale, V., Kulkarni, G., Mahajan, A., Aggarwal, S., Mehta, V., Rajadhyaksha, G., Joshi, A., Khandait, V., Parmar, M., Tyagi, S., Airody Govinda, R., Dwivedi, S. K., Parikh, K., Pothineni, R. B., Solanki, B., O'Donnell, M., Crean, P., Barton, J., Shechter, M., Shotan, A., Klutstein, M., Chorin, E., Gavish, D., Kracoff, O., Atar, S., Rigler, S., Hasin, Y., Schiff, E., Merlini, P., Rapezzi, C., Pirro, M., Gonnelli, S., Floresta, A. M., Mennuni, M., Ardissino, D., Senni, M., Marenzi, G., Marcucci, R., Sampietro, T., Cosmi, F., Perrone Filardi, P., De Caterina, R., Fedele, F., Moretti, L., Biasucci, Luigi Marzio, Ferri, C., Go, Y., Kiyosue, A., Higashi, Y., Tokunaga, T., Kawasaki, T., Sakagami, S., Namba, S., Saku, K., Oku, K., Arakawa, T., Iida, H., Nakamura, Y., Yamamoto, K., Hata, Y., Katsuda, Y., Koga, Y., Shimizu, M., Uehara, H., Kajiyama, S., Okamoto, H., Shinozaki, T., Fujino, Y., Funazaki, T., Higa, N., Kaigawa, K., Koike, A., Nakane, H., Sato, K., Satoh, Y., Shirasawa, K., Sugino, H., Tanabe, J., Uemura, O., Yoshimichi, G., Akai, A., Himeno, H., Inage, T., Inoko, M., Kadokami, T., Noguchi, Y., Yamashita, K., Yasumura, Y., Yuge, M., Hosokawa, S., Kawamitsu, K., Kozuma, K., Matsuo, H., Nakashima, E., Okada, M., Wada, A., Yokoya, K., Iwade, K., Kawabata, K., Tanno, H., Ako, J., Fujita, H., Izumiya, Y., Kanno, M., Nunohiro, T., Ohmura, H., Ueno, T., Kakurina, N., Jasinkevica, I., Stukena, I., Veze, I., Eglite, R., Teterovska, D., Sime, I., Strazdiene, V., Venceviciene, L., Gustiene, O., Radzeviciene-Jurgute, R., Kucinskiene, A., Maskon, O., Lee, C. Y., Erng, T., Gan, H. W., Mohamed Yusof, A. K., Ramanathan, G. L., Liew, H., Lopez Alvarado, A., Nevarez Ruiz, L. A., De los Rios Ibarra, M. O., Bazzoni Ruiz, A. E., Ramos Lopez, G. A., Llamas Esperon, G. A., De la Pena Topete, G. D. J., Violante Ortiz, R. M., Illescas Diaz, J. J., Leon Gonzalez, S., Sanchez Diaz, C. J., Mendez Machado, G. F., Venegas Carrillo, L. A., Aldrete Velasco, J. A., Cardona Munoz, E. G., Leiva Pons, J. L., Perez Alva, J. C., van der Zwaan, C., Oomen, A., van de Wal, R., Magro, M., Boswijk, D., Janus, C., Groutars, R., Tonino, W., Cornel, J. H., Oude Ophuis, A., Troquay, R., Liem, A., Westendorp, I., Van Hessen, M., Lok, D., De Nooijer, C., Den Hartog, F., Van Beek, E., Bendermacher, P., Jansen, R., Romer, T., Rensing, B., Hersbach, F., Herrman, J., Ladyjanskaia, G., Karalis, I., Linssen, G., Bokern, M., Visman, A., Kooij, A., Monajemi, H., Lieverse, A., Baker, J., Tie, S., Risberg, K., Hysing, J., Hoivik, H. O., Norheim, P., Solnor, L., Hovland, A., Kjaernli, T., Jocson, G., Coching, R. M., Batalla, E., Go, A., Habaluyas, R., Barcinas, R., Sy, R. A., Estepar, R. A., Germar, A., Trebacz, J., Szymkowiak, K., Wnetrzak-Michalska, R., Kopaczewski, J., Przekwas-Jaruchowska, M., Kania, G., Zabowka, M., Mirek-Bryniarska, E., Dabrowska, M., Napora, P., Konieczny, M., Spyra, J., Lysek, R., Pijanowski, Z., Grzegorzewski, B., Bednarkiewicz, Z., Kinasz, L., Antkowiak-Piatyszek, K., Stania, K., Szpajer, M., Staneta, P., Skonieczny, G., Ksiezycka-Majczynska, E., Blicharski, T., Piepiorka, M., Wozakowska-Kaplon, B., Zechowicz, T., Ilkowski, J., Lubiszewska, B., Hiczkiewicz, J., Wierzbicka, K., Kosior, D., Garbocz, P., Kubica, J., Raczak, G., Wozniak, I., Cygler, J., Kramarczuk, E., Bystryk, L., Pentela-Nowicka, J., Dabrowski, M., Podolec, P., Zieba, B., Mosiewicz, J., Dubaniewicz, W., Banach, M., Tyszecka, G., Lepich, T., Rychlewska-Hanczewska, A., Guzik, T., Monteiro, P., Pereira, H., Oliveira, L., Matos, P., Soares Goncalves, S., Leitao, A., Vasco Salgado, A., Timoteo, A. T., Pintilei, E., Badila, E., Militaru, C., Tudoran, M., Arsenescu-Georgescu, C., Mitu, F., Zdrenghea, D., Lighezan, D., Teodorescu, I., Popescu, M. I., Coman, I., Vintila, M. M., Vishnevsky, A., Lukyanov, Y., Blokhin, A., Kostenko, V., Shvarts, Y., Markov, V., Motylev, I., Dronov, D., Sherenkov, A., Barbarash, O., Shutemova, E., Bolshakova, O., Kobalava, Z., Voevoda, M., Treshkur, T., Zrazhevskiy, K., Pimenov, L., Solovev, O., Tarasov, N., Arkhipov, M., Freidlin, M., Shalaev, S., Yakhontova, P., Shustov, S., Goloshchekin, B., Panov, A., Bart, B., Bubnova, M., Gordeev, I., Osipova, I., Tereshenko, S., Solovieva, E., Meshkov, A., Zateyshchikov, D., Tan, J. L., Subramaniam, T., Pella, D., Fulop, P., Antalik, L., Dzupina, A., Banikova, A., Sosovec, D., Urgeova, L., Mazur, J., Hranai, M., Banik, M., Vinanska, D., Lennerova, J., Kovar, F., Pastrnakova, E., Uhliar, R., Blasko, P., Gonsorcik, J., Lukacova, J., Oriesek, R., Hatalova, K., du Toit, M., Ebrahim, I., Vawda, G., Lipschitz, S., Blignaut, S., Engelbrecht, J., Coetzer, T. F., Pretorius, M., Urbach, D., Badat, A., Pillay, S., Van Zyl, L., Abelson, M., van der Walt, E., Moodley, R., Jacovides, A., Oosthuysen, W. M., Klug, E., Lottering, H., Kok, J., Saaiman, J., Dawood, S., De Jong, D. M., Kapp, C., Makotoko, E., Bayat, J., Sarvan, M., Vally, T., Stapelberg, A., Kim, M., Bae, J., Cho, Y., Kim, S., Han, K. H., Her, S., Kim, B., Lee, S., Hong, B., Kim, W., Rha, S., Jeong, M., Shin, G. J., Vida Gutierrez, M., Valdes Chavarri, M., Pinto Sala, X., Gonzalez Juanatey, J. R., Civeira Murillo, F., Zamorano Gomez, J. L., Lekuona Goya, I., Iniguez Romo, A., Cordero Fort, A., Ascaso Gimilio, J. F., Millan Nunez-Cortes, J., Lindholm, C., Soderberg, S., Suutari, A., Berglund, S., Mooe, T., Kusiak, D., Bandh, S., Dahlen, G., Olsson, S., Witt, N., Tyden, P., Johansson, P., Cizinsky, S., Falck, G., Pettersson, S. I., Rasmanis, G., Ostergren, J., Moccetti, T., Beer, H. J., Eberli, F., Krahenbuhl, S., Linka, A., Ackermann, D., Michel, P., Yeh, H., Tsai, C. F., Wu, C., Hsia, C., Juang, J., Hsieh, I., Lai, W., Huang, C., Hsieh, Y., Sahin, T., Duzenli, M., Yigit, Z., Demir, M., Yilmaz, M. B., Muderrisoglu, I. H., Kirma, C., Ercan, E., Kayikcioglu, L., Balbay, Y., Lymar, I., Kulynych, O., Prokhorov, O., Karpenko, O., Vakaliuk, I., Stanislavchuk, M., Korzh, O., Rudyk, I., Zhurba, S., Svishchenko, Y., Tseluyko, V., Gyrina, O., Reshotko, D., Kopytsya, M., Volkov, V., Myshanych, G., Rebrov, B., Rishko, M., Rudenko, L., Shatylo, V., Parkhomenko, O., Yena, L., Golovchenko, O., Sorokina, I., Malynovsky, Y., Ivan, P., Blagden, M., Dear, H., Mathew, A., Lagocki, S., Kondagunta, V., Ahsan, A., Mckinnon, C., Douglas, F., Thom, S., Fiore, G., Caulfield, M., Lynch, M., Thomas, H., Bain, S., Hall, A., Mcnally, D., Fisher, M., Keeling, P., Al-Bahrani, A., Lip, G., Ellery, A., Purohit, J., Travill, C., Cappuccio, F., Davis, G., Gaunt, R., Adlam, D., Asamoah, N., Jaafar, F., Mccormack, T., Jupp, B., Pye, M., Ainsworth, P., Chauhan, A., Paul, N., Fairlie, H., Fox, C., Muzulu, S., Trevelyan, J., Aggarwal, R., Issa, B., Saravanan, P., Cruickshank, K., Gorog, D., Heller, S., Newby, D., Nicolson, A., Hare, P. O., Donnelly, P., Rutherfurd, S., de Belder, M., Finlayson, J., Harvey, J., Hoye, A., Kingston, D., Sarkar, D., Negahban, A., Webster, J., Wyatt, N., Muir, S., Cummings, M., Mackenzie, I., Senior, R., Capps, N., Fotherby, K., Mcintyre, H., Aldegather, J., Dixon, L., Saksena, R., Butler, R., Ramstad, D., Pierpont, B., Levinson, D., Mohammed, A., Haddad, T., Goel, A., Dave, K., Haught, W. H., Desire, A., Hershon, K., Napoli, M., Tami, L., Rothschild, R., Khurana, S., Gupta, D., Cheung, D., Hearne, S., Grubb, S., Miller, A., Baird, I., Marcus, A., Srivastava, S., Forgosh, L., Fritz, R., Mays, M., Bertolet, B., Reddy, J., Khan, M., Nakhle, S., Dill, S., Fishbein, G., Khan, B., Marais, H., Reschak, M., Malone, M., Nadar, V., Whitney, R., Reichman, A., Reyes, H., El Shahawy, M., Rabinowitz, A., Weinstein, D., Farhat, N., Onyema, D., Potu, R., Runquist, L., Barnum, O., Crater, T., Fialkow, J., Shah, A., Thompson, C., Wiseman, A., Doyle, T., Henderson, D., Herzog, W., Schnitzler, R., Carr, K., Davis, M., Nagajothi, N., Olsen, S., Rogers, W., Rubino, J., Singh, I., Tarleton, G., Bhagwat, R., Clardy, D., Jardula, M., Robinson, J., Torres, M., Vijay, N., Farris, N., Lillo, J., Moriarty, P., Recknor, C., Berlacher, P., Christensen, T., Gabra, N., Issa, M., Janik, M., Lawless, A., Molter, D., Stout, E., Brezina, B., Claxton, E., Linsky, R., Poock, J., Remler, R., Roseman, H., Schramm, E., Al-Joundi, T., Amin, J., Hitchcock, J., Isserman, S., Kirstein, J., Rider, J., Shalek, M., Sherman, H., Bernstein, M., Chandra, L., Hatharasinghe, R., Ibrahim, H., Iteld, B., Linzmeyer, K., Seaton, B., Zeig, S., Christofides, E., Dunbar, R., Griffin, S., Kohli, N., Koren, M., Pharr, W., Purdy, D., Spencer, R., Yeoman, G., Banerjee, S., Cheek, H. B., Engel, E., Hamroff, G., Huling, R., Kozlowski, L., Levin, P., Makam, S., Meengs, M., Bhushan, R., Erickson, B., Herman, L., Lo, E., Mcdowell, E., Mcgrew, F., Miller, M., Ord, J., Webel, R., Wilhoit, G., Wise, J., Yang, E., Budoff, M., Collins, J., Dauber, I., Dobkin, L., Focil, A., Gandy, W., Pasquini, J., Ramos, M., Rodriguez, D., Rosenson, R., Sanford, K., Schlau, A., Snyder, B., Stonesifer, L., Tang, A., De Souza, J., Elam, M., French, J., Guyton, J., Hage Korban, E., Kereiakes, D., King, M., Loh, I., Navarro, J., Simons, R., Tobin, T., Younis, L., Aboufakher, R., Baldari, D., Ballantyne, C., Broughton, R., Eaton, C., Johnston, J., Simon, W., Thomson, S., Vora, K., Youngman, D., Alzohaili, O., Auerbach, E., Brown, C., Burrough, B., Chen, Y., Gilpatrick, M., Landzberg, J., Mitchell, C., Rice, L., Rubenfire, M., Sofley, C. W., Strobl, D., Atassi, K., Davila, W., Diogo, J., Fagan, T., Joffe, I., Krishna, J., Osea, E., Penny, W., Rowe, W., Shapiro, M., Welker, J., Benton, R., Dobratz, D., Fortuin, F., Graham, J., Henry, B., Kusnick, B., Lutskiy, M., Mcrae, A., Saway, W., Scott, J., Shah, M., Weinberg, B., Zarich, S., Acheatel, R., Case, C., Earl, J., Fernandez, S., Giugliano, G., Handelsman, Y., Hermany, P., Holder, S., Kashyap, M., Khan, A., Lader, E., Peniston, J., Raoof, T., Sacco, J., Shore, K., Spriggs, D., Stringam, S., Tahirkheli, N., Delgado, E., Derian, W., Greenwald, J., Harris, M., Jackson, R., Marhefka, G., Mcelveen, W., Mooss, A., Morris, P., Murray, J., Pearlstein, P., Raisinghani, A., Rezkalla, S., Sakhrani, L., Schreibman, D., Shaoulian, E., Steinsapir, J., Yataco, A., De La Cruz, A., Fredrick, M., Goldenberg, E., Lee, D., Mccullum, K., Mclellan, B., Stephens, L., Wilson, S., Alfieri, A., Mandviwala, M., Orourke, D., Samal, A., Schmedtje, J., Waxman, F., Carhart, R., Clements, B., Dyke, C., Ghali, J., Gruberg, L., Hack, T., Jehle, A., Pogue, B., Schooley, C., Shifrin, G., and Biasucci L. M. (ORCID:0000-0002-6921-6497)
- Abstract
BACKGROUND Evolocumab is a monoclonal antibody that inhibits proprotein convertase subtilisin-kexin type 9 (PCSK9) and lowers low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels by approximately 60%. Whether it prevents cardiovascular events is uncertain. METHODS We conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial involving 27,564 patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease and LDL cholesterol levels of 70 mg per deciliter (1.8 mmol per liter) or higher who were receiving statin therapy. Patients were randomly assigned to receive evolocumab (either 140 mg every 2 weeks or 420 mg monthly) or matching placebo as subcutaneous injections. The primary efficacy end point was the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, stroke, hospitalization for unstable angina, or coronary revascularization. The key secondary efficacy end point was the composite of cardiovascular death, myocardial infarction, or stroke. The median duration of follow-up was 2.2 years. RESULTS At 48 weeks, the least-squares mean percentage reduction in LDL cholesterol levels with evolocumab, as compared with placebo, was 59%, from a median baseline value of 92 mg per deciliter (2.4 mmol per liter) to 30 mg per deciliter (0.78 mmol per liter) (P<0.001). Relative to placebo, evolocumab treatment significantly reduced the risk of the primary end point (1344 patients [9.8%] vs. 1563 patients [11.3%]; hazard ratio, 0.85; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.79 to 0.92; P<0.001) and the key secondary end point (816 [5.9%] vs. 1013 [7.4%]; hazard ratio, 0.80; 95% CI, 0.73 to 0.88; P<0.001). The results were consistent across key subgroups, including the subgroup of patients in the lowest quartile for baseline LDL cholesterol levels (median, 74 mg per deciliter [1.9 mmol per liter]). There was no significant difference between the study groups with regard to adverse events (including new-onset diabetes and neurocognitive events), with the exception of injection-site reacti
- Published
- 2017
12. SEM investigations of iron surface ion erosion as a function of specimen temperature and incidence angle
- Author
Vasiliu, F., Teodorescu, I. A., and Glodeanu, F.
- Published
- 1975
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13. Local Recurrence 3 Years after Nephrectomy for pT3a pN1 Papillary Renal Cell Carcinoma – case report.
- Author
Teodorescu, I. D., Baston, C., Codoiu, C., Baston, O. M., and Sinescu, I.
- Subjects
RENAL cell carcinoma ,NEPHRECTOMY ,LYMPH nodes ,ADJUVANT treatment of cancer - Abstract
Introduction and Objectives. Papillary renal cell carcinoma is the second most common histological subtype of renal cell carcinoma, after the clear cell carcinoma. Materials and Methods. This is a case of a 48-year-old male with history of transperitoneal radical nephrectomy for a left renal mass, with a histopathological diagnosis of pT3a pN1 type 2 papillary renal cell carcinoma, Fuhrman grade 3, who developed large adenopathies three years after the excision of the primary tumor. Results. The histopathological analysis of the excised intraabdominal adenopathies confirmed the suspicion of lymph node metastasis from type 2 papillary renal cell carcinoma, Fuhrman grade 3. Nine months postoperatively the intraabdominal masses reappeared, at which point Sunitinib therapy was initiated, with favorable response: the significant reduction in size of the adenopathies after six months of treatment. Conclusions. The presence of positive lymph nodes on the surgical specimen should warrant the initiation of adjuvant chemotherapy with curative objective, as the sole removal of the affected lymph node is most likely not enough to cure the disease. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2018
- Author
Vittos, O., primary, Halici, F., additional, and Teodorescu, I., additional
- Published
- 2010
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- Author
TEODORESCU, I, primary
- Published
- 2006
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16. Über das Reflexionsvermögen und die Struktur von durch gleichzeitiges Aufdampfen der Komponenten erzeugten Cu−Sn und Au−Sn-Legierungen
- Author
Grigorescu, L., Hollos, G., Nachman, M., Teodorescu, I., and Toma, E.
- Published
- 1959
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- Author
Begu, L.-S., Teodorescu, I.-T., and Istrate, I.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC convergence ,ECONOMETRIC models ,ECONOMIC indicators ,ECONOMIC impact ,MARKOV processes ,ROMANIAN economy, 1989- - Abstract
Real convergence study began with the development of neoclassical models of growth and especially with the passage of econometric applications of these models. In this paper we present applications of indicators and patterns of convergence on the example of European Union member countries and some current economic impact assessments on the European convergence process. The study deals with the economic convergence of the European countries and especially the convergence of the EU countries, including Romania. The impact of the economic crisis in Romania is studied using the "St.Louis" model. At the end, the study presents several economic scenarios for a faster and easier recovery from the current crisis in Romania. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2010
18. Polygonization of NaCl single crystal surfaces by electron bombardment
- Author
AgRbiceanu, I. and Teodorescu, I.
- Abstract
The bombardment with electrons of NaCl crystals reveals in time a surface polygonization. This polygonization has been observed on the irradiated zones, as well as outside them. Our experiments have indicated that the polygonization is revealed only if the crystal is illuminated during or after the bombardment. Under the action of the light the nature of defects (especially the F centres) is changed and consequently is affecting the mechanical relaxation.
- Published
- 1969
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19. Influence of the incidence angie on iron and copper surface microtopography induced by ion bombardment
- Author
Teodorescu, I. A. and Vasiliu, F.
- Abstract
Ion bombardment of iron and copper surfaces, previously subjected to thermal etching, produces an ion eroded microtopography, strongly dependent on the incidence angle on specimen surface and on the initial microrelief (pyramidal growths at dislocations in iron, terraced microstructures in copper, different oriented crystallites and grain boundaries) showing various local inclinations to the parallel ion beam.The typical ion etching patterns (etch lines and 'scale-shaped' microstructures), occurring for inclined incidences on various crystalline solids (metals, ceramics, alkali halides) or amorphous materials (glass, glass-ceramics), can be explained on the basis of two factors: (a) the surface microgeometry existing before ion bombardment; (b) the angular dependence of the sputtering yield η=η(φ).The revealing of etch pits at dislocations instead of pyramids is not possible by prolonged ion bombardment on thermally etched ion surfaces. A simple model based on the influence of geometrical features is introduced for the estimation of the bombardment time, necessary for complete erosion of the pyramids on iron surface.
- Published
- 1972
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20. On the nature and mechanism of surface polygonization of NaCl and KCl single crystals produced by electron bombardment and illumination
- Author
Teodorescu, I. A. and Arsenovici, L. C.
- Abstract
The polygonization phenomenon observed on alkali halide surfaces, irradiated with electrons and subsequently illuminated, was studied by optical and electron microscopy. For the explanation of the nature and mechanism of this process, we have investigated the influence of light (containing the F-centre absorption band) on the development and annihilation in time of some polygonization lines, as well as the correlation of the polygonization patterns with dislocation etch pits and subgrain boundaries revealed by a selective chemical etching.Preceded by an optical bleaching effect which locally induces surface potential changes, the polygonization process is explained taking into account the mobility of unpinned charged dislocations and the surface atom migration. The disappearance of some polygonization lines may be produced by a vacancy-interstitial annihilation process.No identification was found between the polygonization patterns and the subgrain boundaries.
- Published
- 1972
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21. Alogliptin after acute coronary syndrome in patients with type 2 diabetes
- Author
White, W. B., Cannon, C. P., Heller, S. R., Nissen, S. E., Bergenstal, R. M., Bakris, G. L., Perez, A. T., Fleck, P. R., Mehta, C. R., Kupfer, S., Wilson, C., Cushman, W. C., Zannad, F., Aiub, J., Albisu, J., Alvarez, C., Astesiano, A., Barcudi, R., Bendersky, M., Bono, J., Bustos, B., Cartasegna, L., Caruso, O., Casabe, H., Castro, R., Colombo, H., Cuneo, C., Cura, F., Loredo, L., Dran, R., Fernandez, H., Garcia Pinna, J., Hrabar, A., Klyver Saleme, M., Luquez, H., Mackinnon, I., Maffei, L., Majul, C., Mallagray, M., Marino, J., Martinez, D., Martingano, R., Nul, D., Parody, M. L., Petrucci, J., Pieroni, M., Daniel Piskorz, Prado, A., Ramos, H., Resk, J., Rodriguez, M., Rojas, C., Sarjanovich, R., Sarries, A., Sessa, H., Silveiro, S., Sosa Liprandi, M. I., Tartaglione, J., Tonin, H., Vallejos, J., Vigo, S., Visco, V., Vita, N., Vogel, D., Vogelmann, O., Zaidman, C., Zangroniz, P., Colquhoun, D., Coverdale, S., Flecknoe-Brown, S., Hii, C. S., Roberts-Thomson, P., Drexel, H., Luger, A., Pieber, T., Cools, F., Ruige, J., Schoors, D., Vercammen, C., Wollaert, B., Alves Da Costa, F., Amodeo, C., Baggenstoss, R., Barbosa, E., Barroso Souza, W. K., Bassan, R., Borges, J. L., Botelho, R., Braile, M. C., Castello, H., Chrisman, C., Dos Santos, F., Faria Neto, J., Farsky, P., Fernandes Da Costa, A., Fraige Filho, F., Garbelini, B., Garcia, M. F., Garzon, P., Guimaraes, A. E., Herdy, A., Hernandes, M., Hilgemberg, S., Hissa, M., Jatene, J. A., Kormann, A., Leaes, P., Lima, F., Lisboa, H. R., Maia, L., Maia Da Silva, F., Maldonado Franco, D., Martin, J. F., Medeiros, A., Michalaros, Y., Miguel Leitao, A., Montenegro, S., Moraes Junior, J., Mota Gomes, M., Paiva, M. S., Precoma, D., Rabelo, A., Reis, G., Reis, H., Rossi, P., Saporito, W., Sarmento Leite, R., Silva, R. P., Silva Junior, D., Sousa, L., Sousa, A. C., Ueda, R., Vilas-Boas, F., Wainstein, M., Zago, A., Angelova, M., Apostolova, E., Daskalova, I., Delchev, A., Hristozov, K., Ilieva, M., Kovacheva, S., Lucheva, M., Temelkova, M., Toneva, A., Videva, V., Vuchkova, E., Bakbak, A., Carpentier, A., Chan, Y. K., Cheema, A., Chouinard, G., Conway, J., Dery, J. P., Dowell, A., Frechette, A., Jakubowski, M., Kelly, A., Ma, P., Maung, T. Z., Mehta, S., Parker, D., Pesant, Y., Polasek, P., Ransom, T., Syan, G., Vizel, S., Albornoz, F., Castro Galvez, P., Cobos, J. L., Conejeros, C., D Acuña Apablaza, M., Fajardo, G., Illanes Brochet, G., Lazcano, M. O., Pincetti, C., Potthoff, S., Raffo, C., Saavedra, V., Schnettler, M., Sepulveda, P., Stockins, B., Vejar, M., Accini, J. L., Cotes Aroca, C. H., Fernandez Ruiz, R. L., Orozco Linares, L. A., Vesga Angarita, B. E., Aganovic, I., Bagatin, J., Canecki-Varzic, S., Erzen, D. J., Knezevic, A., Maric, A., Milicevic, G., Popovic, Z., Rubes, J., Weiss, S. S., Dresslerova, I., Havelkova, J., Kucera, D., Machacek, J., Pumprla, J., May, O., Perrild, H., Aziz, M. A., El Badry, M., Hasanein, M., Airaksinen, J., Laine, M., Nyman, K., Vikman, S., Bonnet, J., Elbaz, M., Henry, P., Paillard, F., Petit, C., Tropeano, A. I., Behnke, T., Bornstein, S., Busch, K., Ebelt, H., Faghih, M., Fischer, H., Heuer, H., Paschke, R., Porner, T. C., Tangerding, G., Vöhringer, H. F., Adamson, K., Beatt, K., Bellary, S., Chapman, J., Cooke, A., Fisher, M., Gnudi, L., Jones, H., Kumar, S., Nagi, D., Oldroyd, K., Richardson, T., Robertson, D., Robinson, A., Saravanan, P., Viljoen, A., Wilding, J., Wilkinson, P., Wong, Y. K., Zoupas, C., Arango, J., Castellanos, J., Ceren Flores, C., Corona, V., Granados-Fuentes, A., Haase, F., Montenegro, P., Prado, J. H., Villalobos, R., Chow, F., Li, S. K., Li, J., Yan, P. Y., Yeung, V., Abel, T., Benedek, A., Dezso, E., Dudas, M., Édes, I., Fulop, G., Kovács, A., Lupkovics, G., Merkely, B., Nagy, A., Oroszlan, T., Palinkas, A., Papp, A., Patkay, J., Simon, E., Sitkei, E., Tabak, A., Tomcsányi, J., Abdullakutty, J., Abhyankar, A., Akalkotkar, U., Alexander, T., Arneja, J., Aslam, N., Babu, P. R., Babu, B. R., Banker, D., Bantwal, G., Bhimashankar, P. R., Calton, R. K., Chopda, M., Dande, A., Dani, S., Deshpande, N., Dhanwal, D., Dharmadhikari, A., Gadkari, M., Garg, N., Ghaisas, N., Goyal, N. K., Gupta, J. B., Jawahirani, A., Joseph, S., Kumar, R., Kumble, M., Mathavan, A., Mathur, A., Mohanan, P. P., Nair, A., Nair, T., Namjoshi, D., Pinto, R., Prakash, G., Purushotham, R., Raju, S., Ramachandran, P., Ramesh, S. S., Rao, B., Ravikishore, A., Reddy, G. R., Roy, S., Sadhu, N., Sastry, B. K., Singh, P., Srinivas, A., Thacker, H., Thanvi, S., Thomas, J., Adawi, F., Bashkin, A., Cohen, J., Harman-Boehm, I., Hasin, Y., Hayek, T., Iakobishvili, Z., Katz, A., Kracoff, O., Minuchin, O., Moriel, M., Mosseri, M., Omary, M., Wainstein, J., Weiss, A., Zeltser, D., Calabro, P., Derosa, G., Genovese, S., Novo, S., Olivieri, C., Piatti, P., Violini, R., Volpe, M., Ajioka, M., Amano, T., Arasaki, O., Daida, H., Fujimoto, K., Fujinaga, H., Higashiue, S., Hirohata, A., Hosokawa, S., Ikefuji, H., Inagaki, M., Iseki, H., Iwabuchi, M., Iwasaki, T., Kakishita, M., Katsuda, Y., Kawada, K., Kawajiri, K., Kawamitsu, K., Kobayashi, K., Komada, F., Komura, Y., Machida, M., Maemura, K., Matsubara, T., Matsubayashi, S., Matsumoto, T., Matsumoto, N., Mima, T., Miyamoto, N., Momiyama, Y., Morimoto, T., Murakami, M., Nakashima, E., Niijima, Y., Noda, T., Node, K., Nozaki, A., Nunohiro, T., Ogawa, T., Ono, Y., Saeki, T., Sakota, S., Sakuragi, S., Sasaki, T., Sato, Y., Sueyoshi, A., Suzuki, M., Takagi, G., Tanabe, J., Tanaka, S., Tei, I., Yamamoto, M., Yanagihara, K., Hong, T. J., Jeon, H. K., Kang, D. H., Kim, C. H., Kim, D. S., Kim, H. S., Kim, J. H., Kim, S. K., Kim, W. S., Kim, Y. K., Lee, S. R., Lee, K. W., Park, H. S., Pyun, W. B., Rha, S. W., Yoon, J., Yoon, K. H., Bennakhi, A., Geldnere, K., Sokolova, J., Teterovska, D., Dautaraite, V., Kakariekiene, V., Kavaliauskiene, R., Kucinskiene, A., Lasiene, J., Mickuviene, N., Palinauskas, A., Urboniene, A., Zilaitiene, B., Abdul Manap, H., Abidin, I. Z., Isa, S. H., Khir, A. M., Ng, K. H., Tan, F., Yusof, Z., Yusoff, K., Zambahari, R., Aguila-Marin, J., Aguilera Real, M., Alvarado-Ruiz, R., Alvarez Lopez, H., Arenas Leon, J., Bayram Llamas, E. A., Calvo Vargas, C., Carrillo Calvillo, J., Los Rios Ibarra, M., Dominguez-Reyes, C. A., Duarte, M., Elizondo, E., Fajardo Campos, P., Fanghanel-Salmon, G., Figueroa Sauceda, S., Gallegos Martinez, J., Garcia-Cantu, E., Garza Ruiz, J. A., Gonzalez Gonzalez, J. G., Guerrero Garza, M., Hernandez Herrera, C., Hernandez Munuzuri, J., Hernandez-Garcia, H., Jimenez Ramos, S., Laviada Molina, H., Lopez Villezca, D., Montano-Gonzalez, E., Nevarez Ruiz, L., Ramos Lopez, G., Reyes Araiza, R., Salazar-Gaytan, A., Salcido Vazquez, E., Sanchez Mijangos, H., Solis Morales, L., Benatar, J., Dixon, P., Nirmalaraj, K., Rosen, I., Scott, R., Young, S., Araoz Tarco, O., Barreda Cáceres, L., Benites Lopez, C., Camacho Cosavalente, L., Chavez Huapalla, E., Chois Malaga, A., Copaja Flores, A., Farfan Aspilcueta, J., Gallardo Rojas, W., Gallegos Cazorla, A., Galvez Caballero, D., Garcia Matheus, J., Garrido Carrasco, E., Gomez Sanchez, J., Hernandez Zuniga, J., Lu Galarreta, L., Luna, A., Manrique Hurtado, H., Orihuela Pastor, B., Pando Alvarez, R. M., Sanchez Povis, J., Torres Eguiluz, P., Valdivia Portugal, A., Vargas Gonzales, R., Zapata Rincon, L., Aquitania, G., Fortinez, J. T., Go, A., Gomez, M. H., Habaluyas, R., Jasul, G., Magno, M., Manalo, C. J., Mirasol, R., Morales-Palomares, E., Salvador, D. R., Sy, R. A., Tirador, L., Yao, C., Arciszewska, M., Bartkowiak, R., Czajkowska-Kaczmarek, E., Gil, R., Gniot, J., Janik, K., Janion, M., Jaworska, K., Jozwa, R., Kawecka-Jaszcz, K., Kawka-Urbanek, T., Kondys, M., Korecki, J., Korzeniak, R., Kowalisko, A., Krzeminska-Pakula, M., Kwiecien, J., Nessler, J., Odrowaz-Pieniazek, P., Piepiorka, M., Rajzer, M., Skokowska, E., Spyra, J., Sroka, M., Stasinska, T., Szymczyk, I., Trznadel-Morawska, I., Wysokinski, A., Mateus, P., Matos, P., Mimoso, J., Monteiro, P., Caballero, B., Garcia-Rinaldi, R., Gonzalez, E., Ortiz-Carrasquillo, R., Roman, A., Sierra, Y., Unger, N., Vazquez-Tanus, J., Alexandru, T., Busegeanu, M., Cozman, D. C., Fica, S., Minescu, B., Morosanu, M., Negrisanu, G. D., Pintilei, E., Pop, L., Szilagyi, I., Teodorescu, I., Tomescu, M., Barbarash, O., Chumakova, G., Churina, S., Dogadin, S., Dvoryashina, I., Esip, V., Glezer, M., Gordeev, I., Gordienko, A., Gratsiansky, N., Grineva, E., Khasanov, N., Kostenko, V., Meleshkevich, T., Mikhin, V., Morugova, T., Motylev, I., Nikolaev, K., Ponomareva, A., Repin, M., Reshetko, O., Shustov, S., Shutemova, E., Shvarts, Y., Simanenkov, V., Sobolev, K., Sukmanova, I., Timofeev, A., Tsyba, L., Varvarina, G., Vertkin, A., Vishnevsky, A., Volkov, D., Vorobiev, S., Vorokhobina, N., Yakhontov, D., Zonova, E., Zrazhevskiy, K., Damjanovic, S., Djordjevic, D., Pavlovic, M., Perunicic, J., Ristic, A., Stojkovic, S., Tasic, N., Bolvanska, N., Buganova, I., Dulkova, K., Dzupina, A., Fulop, P., Gergel, V., Kokles, M., Micko, K., Svoren, P., Urban, M., Vadinova, S., Vargova, A., Burgess, L., Coetzee, K., Du Toit, J., Gani, M., Joshi, P., Naiker, P., Nortje, H., Sarvan, M., Seeber, M., Siebert, M., Zyl, L., Wellmann, H., Calvo, C., La Hera, J., Teresa, L., Melero-Pita, A., Mesa, J., Parra Barona, J., Serrano, P., Soto, A., Tofe, S., Hornestam, B., Kempe, A., Rosenqvist, U., Rydberg, E., Tengmark, B. O., Torstensson, I., Chang, C. T., Hsia, T. L., Hsieh, I. C., Lai, W. T., Wu, C. J., Hutayanon, P., Kosachunhanun, N., Marapracertsak, M., Piamsomboon, C., Seekaew, S., Srimahachota, S., Sukhum, P., Suraamornkul, S., Tantiwong, P., Wongvipaporn, C., Amosova, K., Barna, O., Bazylevych, A., Berenfus, V., Dyadyk, A., Fushtey, I., Gyrina, O., Iabluchanskyi, M., Karpenko, O., Kaydashev, I., Korzh, O., Kulynych, R., Legkonogov, O., Mankovsky, B., Mostovoy, Y., Parkhomenko, O., Popik, G., Rudenko, L., Rudyk, I., Shevchuk, S., Sirenko, Y., Suprun, Y., Tryshchuk, N., Tseluyko, V., Vakaliuk, I., Al Mahmeed, W., Acheatel, R., Ahmad, A., Akbar, S., Akhter, F., Albirini, A., Alexander, A., Al-Joundi, B., Al-Joundi, T., Allen, G., Aloi, J., Alvarado, O., Alzohaili, O., Anderson, C., Arastu, A., Arena, C., Argoud, G., Ariani, M., Arora, C., Awasty, V., Barker, B., Barnum, O., Bartkowiak, A. J., Barzilay, J., Behrens, P., Belledonne, M., Bergman, B., Bilnoski, W., Bisognano, J., Bissette, S., Blumberg, E., Bonabi, N., Bradley, A., Breton, C., Britos, M., Broadstone, V., Budoff, M., Burge, M., Butman, S., Carroll, M., Challappa, K., Chepuri, V., Cherlin, R., Cheung, D., Coats, P., Collins, J., Cruz, H., Daboul, N., Damberg, G., David, W., Dean, J., Dedeke, E., Deeb, W., Dehaven, J., Dobs, A., Donelan, T., Dy, J., Dykstra, G., Eisen, H., Farris, N., Fattal, P., Fishman, N., Foster, M., Fredrickson, S., Gabra, N., Gabriel, J., Gatien, L., Giddings, S., Ginsberg, B., Gips, S., Glandt, M., Goldfein, A., Gordon, M., Gould, R., Graf, R., Graham, B., Graves, M., Grena, P., Hahn, R., Hamilton, D., Hamroff, G., Hanke, F., Haque, I., Harper, J., Harris, A., Harris, S., Henson, B., Hermanns, D., Herndon, W., Hershberger, V., Hyman, D., Isserman, S., Iteld, B., Jacob, M., Jaffrani, N., Jamal, A., Johnson, D., Johnson, G., Kaluski, E., Keller, R., Kereiakes, D., Khan, M., Khan, S., Klein, M., Knutson, T., Korban, E., Kozinn, M., Kraft, P., Kroeze, J., Kukuy, E., Lader, E., Laliotis, A., Lambert, C., Landau, C., Latif, K., Lee, K., Lester, F., Levenson, D., Levinson, D., Lewis, D., Litt, M., Littlefield, R., Lo, E., Lovell, C., Mahal, S., Makam, S., Mandviwala, M., Marar, I., Masri, B., Mattson, S., Mays, M., Mcgrew, F., Meengs, M., Mikell, F., Miller, M., Miranda, F., Moll, D., Multani, P., Munuswamy, K., Nallasivan, M., Nayles, L., Ong, S., Pacheco, T., Paez, H., Patel, S., Phillips, R., Pierpont, B., Prasad, J., Quinlan, E., Quion, J., Qureshi, M., Rahman, A., Raikhel, M., Ramanathan, K., Randhawa, P., Ravi, R., Reddy, R., Rendell, M., Rickner, K., Rictor, K., Rivas, J., Rosenblit, P., Rosenstock, J., Ross, S., Salacata, A., Saririan, M., Schima, S., Schlau, A., Schmedtje, J., Scott, C., Scott, D., Serru-Paez, A., Shah, R., Shah, A., Shaoulian, E., Shomali, M., Shubrook, J., Silver, K., Singh, S., Speer, J., Stevens, J., Stringam, S., Taussig, A., Taylor, A., Tee, H., Teixeira, G., Tilley, A., Toggart, E., Twahirwa, M., Unks, D., Vakili, B., Vora, K., Wang, X., Warner, A., Wefald, F., Weinberg, B., Weinstein, D., White, L., Wu, P., Yasuda, T., Yazdani, S., Yetman, C., Zarich, S., Zebrack, J., Fonseca, V. A., Mccullough, P. A., Desouza, C., Goff, D. C., Harrell, F. E., Menon, V., Sila, C., Kalahasti, V., Ahmed, S., Al Solaiman, F., Bennett, M., Cavender, M., Heil, B., Katzan, I., Monteleone, P., O Brien, B., Oommen, S., Senn, T., Sharma, J., Stegman, B., Uchino, K., Zishiri, E., Pasca, N., Brown, K., Scebbi, T., Atanasovski, I., Mccue, M., Streit, J., Oh, R., Bueno, O., Lee, D., Camisasca, R., Miyata, Y., Rubin, A., Williamson, N., Vara, S., Keeter, K., Ross, B., Los Reyes, A., Donnelly, J., Koshy-Hunt, S., Beers, B., Black, S., Buckley, M., Ephrem, M., Riley, B., West, N., Harre, M., Hsieh, R., Oshinyemi, K., Oka, Y., Matsui, N., Hoang, M., Doyle, C., Koziol, M., Lam, H., Edmonds, A., Azooz, W., Cao, C., Kim, D., Boeshaar, A., Dewindt, A., Nicholson, K., Smith, N., Hisada, M., Harding, S., Yoshioka, N., Gujral-Sandhu, K., Gans, J., Gresk, C., Kujawski, M. R., Villinski, A., Cosner, S., Johannsen, C., Barchha, N., and Knapp, B.
22. Effects of Fast-Neutron Irradiation on Nickel Thin Films
- Author
Teodorescu, I., primary and Glodeanu, A., additional
- Published
- 1960
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23. Influence of reactor irradiation on surface corrosion of pure iron
- Author
Teodorescu, I., primary and Zberea, I., additional
- Published
- 1967
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24. Radiation effects in thin films
- Author
Motoc, C., primary and Teodorescu, I., additional
- Published
- 1963
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25. The structure of tellurium thin films normally and obliquely deposited in vacuum
- Author
Agarbiceanu, I., primary, Cristea, P., additional, Teodorescu, I., additional, and Gheorghiţâ-Oancea, C., additional
- Published
- 1970
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26. Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an UO2-SiO2-gefügen bei verschiedenen urandioxidkonzentrationen
- Author
Glanz, G., primary and Teodorescu, I., additional
- Published
- 1970
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27. Dynamics of defoliating lepidoptera attacks and the control measuresin Romania's deciduous forests, 1953--1990
- Author
Simionescu, A. and Teodorescu, I.
- Subjects
- *
FORESTS & forestry - Published
- 1994
28. On the Nature and Mechanism of Surface Polygonization of NaCl and KCl Single Crystals Produced by Electron Bombardment and Illumination
- Author
Arsenovici, L. C. and Teodorescu, I. A.
- Subjects
LIGHTING ,POTASSIUM chloride ,SALT - Published
- 1972
29. Elektronenmikroskopische untersuchungen an UO 2-SiO 2-gefügen bei verschiedenen urandioxidkonzentrationen
- Author
Glanz, G. and Teodorescu, I.
- Published
- 1970
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30. GENERATOARE DE NEUTRONI. PRINCIPII SI UTILIZARI. (Neutron Generators. Principles and Applications).
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1969
31. Temperature influence on the polygonization phenomenon induced on NaCl surfaces bombarded with electrons and illuminated
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1974
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- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1968
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- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1961
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1969
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35. Accelerating of electrons into resonance cavities working in the E$sub 010$ mode
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1974
36. Charged particle beam scanning device
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1974
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1967
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1971
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1967
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1964
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1964
- Author
Teodorescu, I
- Published
- 1970
43. Comparative Performance of 4 Penicillin-Allergy Prediction Strategies in a Large Cohort.
- Author
Ghiordanescu IM, Ciocănea-Teodorescu I, Molinari N, Jelen A, Al-Ali O, Schrijvers R, Demoly P, and Chiriac AM
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Male, Middle Aged, Retrospective Studies, Adult, Aged, Predictive Value of Tests, Sensitivity and Specificity, Anti-Bacterial Agents adverse effects, Anaphylaxis diagnosis, Skin Tests, Cohort Studies, Drug Hypersensitivity diagnosis, Drug Hypersensitivity epidemiology, Penicillins adverse effects, Penicillins immunology
- Abstract
Background: A safe and pragmatic guide for labelling and delabelling patients with suspected penicillin allergy is mandatory., Objective: To compare the performance of 4 penicillin-allergy prediction strategies in a large independent cohort., Methods: We conducted a retrospective study for subjects presenting between January 2014 and December 2021 at the University Hospital of Montpellier, with a history of hypersensitivity to penicillins. The outcome targeted by the study was a positive penicillin-allergy test., Results: Of the 1,884 participants included, 382 (20.3%) had positive penicillin-allergy tests. The ENDA (European Network on Drug Allergy) and Blumenthal strategies yielded relatively high sensitivities and low specificities and, by design, did not misclassify any positive subjects with severe index reactions. The PEN-FAST <3 score had a negative predictive value of 90% (95% confidence interval [95% CI] 88%-91%), with a sensitivity of 66% (95% CI 62%-71%) and a specificity of 73% (95% CI 71%-75%), and incorrectly delabelled 18 subjects with anaphylaxis and 15 with other severe nonimmediate reactions. For the adapted Chiriac score, the specificity corresponding to 66% sensitivity was 73% (95% CI 70%-75%). Conversely, at a 73% specificity threshold, the sensitivity was 65% (95% CI, 61%-70%). Attempts to improve these prediction algorithms did not substantially enhance performance., Conclusions: The ENDA and Blumenthal strategies are safe for high-risk subjects, but their delabelling effectiveness is limited, leading to unnecessary avoidance. Conversely, the PEN-FAST and Chiriac scores are performant in delabelling, but more frequently misclassify high-risk subjects with positive penicillin-allergy tests. Selection of the most appropriate tool requires careful consideration of the target population and the desired goal., (Copyright © 2024 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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44. Skin Test Reactivity Patterns in Patients Allergic to Iodinated Contrast Media: A Refined View.
- Author
Ghiordanescu IM, Molinari N, Ciocănea-Teodorescu I, Schrijvers R, Motei C, Forsea AM, Demoly P, and Chiriac AM
- Subjects
- Humans, Female, Male, Middle Aged, Adult, Aged, Iodine Compounds adverse effects, Contrast Media adverse effects, Drug Hypersensitivity diagnosis, Drug Hypersensitivity epidemiology, Skin Tests, Iopamidol adverse effects, Iopamidol analogs & derivatives, Triiodobenzoic Acids adverse effects, Iohexol adverse effects, Iohexol analogs & derivatives
- Abstract
Background: Two-dimensional (2D) classifications of iodinated contrast media (ICM) are insufficient to explain the observed skin test (ST) reactivity patterns in patients with drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) to ICM., Objective: To refine the current view on allergic DHRs to ICM by analyzing ST reactivity patterns in patients with previous reactions to ICM., Methods: Patients with a history of DHR to ICM and positive STs, who presented at the University Hospital of Montpellier between 2004 and 2022, were included in the study. The relative difference between every two ICM products was measured by Manhattan distance and odds ratios were computed for all pairs of products in the immediate reaction (IR) and non-immediate reaction (NIR) ST groups., Results: A total of 181 patients were included in the study. Odds ratio analysis identified significant associations between classical cross-reactive ICM, such as iohexol-ioversol, iohexol-iomeprol, iomeprol-ioversol, and iohexol-iodixanol in the IR ST group and iohexol-ioversol, iopromide-iohexol, and iomeprol-ioversol in the NIR ST group. We also identified uncommon associations, such as ioxitalamate-amidotrizoate in the IR ST group and amidotrizoate-iopamidol and amidotrizoate-ioxitalamate in the NIR ST group. The results were reflected by the Manhattan distance, which suggested the existence of clusters containing the same classically associated ICM as well as uncommon associations, which we hypothesize to be related to similarities in the 3D structure of the respective ICM., Conclusions: Current chemical (2D) classifications cannot explain all observed ST reactivity patterns. Whether the 3D structure can be integrated into the current classifications to interpret the observed ST reactivity patterns and predict tolerance to alternative ICM requires further research., (Copyright © 2023 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2024
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45. Causal inference in survival analysis under deterministic missingness of confounders in register data.
- Author
Ciocănea-Teodorescu I, Goetghebeur E, Waernbaum I, Schön S, and Gabriel EE
- Subjects
- Humans, Data Interpretation, Statistical, Probability, Survival Analysis, Treatment Outcome, Models, Statistical
- Abstract
Long-term register data offer unique opportunities to explore causal effects of treatments on time-to-event outcomes, in well-characterized populations with minimum loss of follow-up. However, the structure of the data may pose methodological challenges. Motivated by the Swedish Renal Registry and estimation of survival differences for renal replacement therapies, we focus on the particular case when an important confounder is not recorded in the early period of the register, so that the entry date to the register deterministically predicts confounder missingness. In addition, an evolving composition of the treatment arms populations, and suspected improved survival outcomes in later periods lead to informative administrative censoring, unless the entry date is appropriately accounted for. We investigate different consequences of these issues on causal effect estimation following multiple imputation of the missing covariate data. We analyse the performance of different combinations of imputation models and estimation methods for the population average survival. We further evaluate the sensitivity of our results to the nature of censoring and misspecification of fitted models. We find that an imputation model including the cumulative baseline hazard, event indicator, covariates and interactions between the cumulative baseline hazard and covariates, followed by regression standardization, leads to the best estimation results overall, in simulations. Standardization has two advantages over inverse probability of treatment weighting here: it can directly account for the informative censoring by including the entry date as a covariate in the outcome model, and allows for straightforward variance computation using readily available software., (© 2023 The Authors. Statistics in Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.)
- Published
- 2023
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46. Target parameters and bias in non-causal change-score analyses with measurement errors.
- Author
Sjölander A, Gabriel EE, and Ciocănea-Teodorescu I
- Subjects
- Humans, Causality, Bias
- Abstract
In studies where the outcome is a change-score, it is often debated whether or not the analysis should adjust for the baseline score. When the aim is to make causal inference, it has been argued that the two analyses (adjusted vs. unadjusted) target different causal parameters, which may both be relevant. However, these arguments are not applicable when the aim is to make predictions rather than to estimate causal effects. When the scores are measured with error, there have been attempts to quantify the bias resulting from adjustment for the (mis-)measured baseline score or lack thereof. However, these bias results have been derived under an unrealistically simple model, and assuming that the target parameter is the unadjusted (for the true baseline score) association, thus dismissing the adjusted association as a possibly relevant target parameter. In this paper we address these limitations. We argue that, even if the aim is to make predictions, there are two possibly relevant target parameters; one adjusted for the baseline score and one unadjusted. We consider both the simple case when there are no measurement errors, and the more complex case when the scores are measured with error. For the latter case, we consider a more realistic model than previous authors. Under this model we derive analytic expressions for the biases that arise when adjusting or not adjusting for the (mis-)measured baseline score, with respect to the two possible target parameters. Finally, we use these expressions to discuss when adjustment is warranted in change-score analyses., (© 2023. The Author(s).)
- Published
- 2023
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47. A pilot sentinel surveillance system to monitor treatment and treatment outcomes of chronic hepatitis B and C infections in clinical centres in three European countries, 2019.
- Author
Nardone A, Nerlander L, Duffell E, Valenciano M, Buti M, Marcos-Fosch C, Nemeth-Blažić T, Popovici O, Vince A, Filip PV, Filipec T, Kosanović Ličina ML, Luksic B, Nonković D, Pop CS, Radu F, Teodorescu I, and Topan AV
- Subjects
- Humans, Antiviral Agents therapeutic use, Sentinel Surveillance, Retrospective Studies, Hepacivirus, Treatment Outcome, Hepatitis B virus, Hepatitis B, Chronic diagnosis, Hepatitis B, Chronic drug therapy, Hepatitis B, Chronic epidemiology, Hepatitis C, Chronic diagnosis, Hepatitis C, Chronic drug therapy, Hepatitis C, Chronic epidemiology, Hepatitis C epidemiology, Hepatitis B epidemiology
- Abstract
BackgroundThe World Health Organization European Action Plan 2020 targets for the elimination of viral hepatitis are that > 75% of eligible individuals with chronic hepatitis B (HBV) or hepatitis C (HCV) are treated, of whom > 90% achieve viral suppression.AimTo report the results from a pilot sentinel surveillance to monitor chronic HBV and HCV treatment uptake and outcomes in 2019.MethodsWe undertook retrospective enhanced data collection on patients with a confirmed chronic HBV or HCV infection presenting at one of seven clinics in three countries (Croatia, Romania and Spain) for the first time between 1 January 2019 and 30 June 2019. Clinical records were reviewed from date of first attendance to 31 December 2019 and data on sociodemographics, clinical history, laboratory results, treatment and treatment outcomes were collected. Treatment eligibility, uptake and case outcome were assessed.ResultsOf 229 individuals with chronic HBV infection, treatment status was reported for 203 (89%). Of the 80 individuals reported as eligible for treatment, 51% (41/80) were treated of whom 89% (33/37) had achieved viral suppression. Of 240 individuals with chronic HCV infection, treatment status was reported for 231 (96%). Of 231 eligible individuals, 77% (179/231) were treated, the majority of whom had received direct acting antivirals (99%, 174/176) and had achieved sustained virological response (98%, 165/169).ConclusionTreatment targets for global elimination were missed for HBV but not for HCV. A wider European implementation of sentinel surveillance with a representative sample of sites could help monitor progress towards achieving hepatitis control targets.
- Published
- 2023
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48. Adjustment for Disease Severity in the Test-Negative Study Design.
- Author
Ciocănea-Teodorescu I, Nason M, Sjölander A, and Gabriel EE
- Subjects
- Bias, Case-Control Studies, Cholera pathology, Cholera prevention & control, Cholera Vaccines therapeutic use, Humans, Infection Control methods, Models, Statistical, Odds Ratio, Patient Acceptance of Health Care statistics & numerical data, Treatment Outcome, Infections pathology, Research Design, Severity of Illness Index, Vaccines therapeutic use
- Abstract
The test-negative study design is often used to estimate vaccine effectiveness in influenza studies, but it has also been proposed in the context of other infectious diseases, such as cholera, dengue, or Ebola. It was introduced as a variation of the case-control design, in an attempt to reduce confounding bias due to health-care-seeking behavior, and has quickly gained popularity because of its logistic advantages. However, examination of the directed acyclic graphs that describe the test-negative design reveals that without strong assumptions, the estimated odds ratio derived under this sampling mechanism is not collapsible over the selection variable, such that the results obtained for the sampled individuals cannot be generalized to the whole population. In this paper, we show that adjustment for severity of disease can reduce this bias and, under certain assumptions, makes it possible to unbiasedly estimate a causal odds ratio. We support our findings with extensive simulations and discuss them in the context of recently published cholera test-negative studies of the effectiveness of cholera vaccines., (Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health 2021. This work is written by (a) US Government employee(s) and is in the public domain in the US.)
- Published
- 2021
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49. A cautionary note on a recently proposed sensitivity analysis for unmeasured confounding.
- Author
Ciocănea-Teodorescu I and Sjölander A
- Subjects
- Bias, Humans, Confounding Factors, Epidemiologic
- Published
- 2021
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50. Cancer Risk Stratification of Anal Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Positive Men by Validated Methylation Markers Associated With Progression to Cancer.
- Author
van der Zee RP, Richel O, van Noesel CJM, Ciocănea-Teodorescu I, van Splunter AP, Ter Braak TJ, Nathan M, Cuming T, Sheaff M, Kreuter A, Meijer CJLM, Quint WGV, de Vries HJC, Prins JM, and Steenbergen RDM
- Subjects
- Cross-Sectional Studies, HIV, Homosexuality, Male, Humans, Male, Risk Assessment, Anus Neoplasms genetics, Carcinoma in Situ genetics, HIV Infections complications, Papillomavirus Infections complications
- Abstract
Background: High-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia (HGAIN; AIN2-3) is highly prevalent in HIV+ men, but only a minority of these lesions progress towards cancer. Currently, cancer progression risk cannot be established; therefore, no consensus exists on whether HGAIN should be treated. This study aimed to validate previously identified host cell DNA methylation markers for detection and cancer risk stratification of HGAIN., Methods: A large independent cross-sectional series of 345 anal cancer, AIN3, AIN2, AIN1, and normal control biopsies of HIV+ men was tested for DNA methylation of 6 genes using quantitative methylation-specific PCR. We determined accuracy for detection of AIN3 and cancer (AIN3+) by univariable and multivariable logistic regression analysis, followed by leave-one-out cross-validation. Methylation levels were assessed in a series of 10 anal cancer cases with preceding HGAIN at similar anatomic locations, and compared with the cross-sectional series., Results: Methylation levels of all genes increased with increasing severity of disease (P < .05). HGAIN revealed a heterogeneous methylation pattern, with a subset resembling cancer. ZNF582 showed highest accuracy (AUC = 0.88) for AIN3+ detection, slightly improved by addition of ASCL1 and SST (AUC = 0.89), forming a marker panel. In the longitudinal series, HGAIN preceding cancer displayed high methylation levels similar to cancers., Conclusions: We validated the accuracy of 5 methylation markers for the detection of anal (pre-) cancer. High methylation levels in HGAIN were associated with progression to cancer. These markers provide a promising tool to identify HGAIN in need of treatment, preventing overtreatment of HGAIN with a low cancer progression risk., (© The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press for the Infectious Diseases Society of America.)
- Published
- 2021
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