29 results on '"Tudisca V"'
Search Results
2. Firing technique characterization of black-slipped pottery in Praeneste by low field 2D NMR relaxometry
- Author
Tudisca, V., Casieri, C., Demma, F., Diaz, M., Piñol, L., Terenzi, C., and De Luca, F.
- Published
- 2011
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3. Differential localization to cytoplasm, nucleus or P-bodies of yeast PKA subunits under different growth conditions
- Author
Tudisca, V., Recouvreux, V., Moreno, S., Boy-Marcotte, E., Jacquet, M., and Portela, P.
- Published
- 2010
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4. An assessment of the Physical Education and Sport curriculum of the high school in Italy: official documents and points of view on their implementation
- Author
Valente A., Tudisca V., Demurtas P., and Tintori A.
- Subjects
Italy ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Physical Education ,Curriculum ,High school - Abstract
This report offers a summary of the high school Physical Education and Sport educational curriculum in Italy. The research was conducted within Do It Yourself! A participative approach to increase participation and engagement of high school students in Physical Education and Sport classes (DIYPES), a European Erasmus+ project whose final aim is proposing an innovative participative approach to physical education classes' development and employment, focused on high-school students' expressed needs and interests. The assessment of the current situation related to Physical Education and Sport teaching in Italian high schools, prerequisite for introducing any innovation, was performed following two complementary methodologies: a document analysis of the official documents defining the curriculum at national level, and interviews to 7 stakeholders - 4 high school teachers, 2 researchers and 1 policy maker - in order to gain various points of view on the implementation of the ministerial guidelines, considering in this way the different curriculum levels proposed by UNESCO.
- Published
- 2020
5. Il curriculum di scienze motorie e sportive nelle scuole superiori italiane e l'inclusione sociale
- Author
Tudisca V. and Valente A.
- Subjects
Italy ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION ,Physical Education ,Curriculum ,High school ,Sport - Abstract
According to the Lisbon Treaty and wide scientific literature, Sport is recognized as a social and educational tool. This paper assesses the Physical Education and Sport (pes) curriculum of the high school in Italy focusing on the issue of social inclusion by means of two complementary methodologies: an analysis of the official documents defining the curriculum at National level, and interviews to stakeholders to gain various points of view on the curriculum implementation. The study, conducted within the European project Do It Yourself ! A participative approach to increase participation and engagement of high school students in Physical Education and Sport classes (diypes), if on the one hand confirms the social role Sport can have in integrating disadvantaged students in the ministerial guidelines, on the other hand, it shows that it does not lead to social inclusion per se, if not intentionally oriented to this aim. A further reflection of the various actors involved is needed in order to promote the potentiality of teaching pes as a means towards social inclusion.
- Published
- 2019
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6. The gender issue in migrant representation: a case study on Italian school textbooks and online newspapers
- Author
Tudisca V. and Valente A.
- Subjects
Media ,Textbooks ,Italy ,Gender ,Migrants - Abstract
Si tratta di uno studio sulla rappresentazione delle donne migranti nei libri di testo e nei quotidiani online italiani, che mostra un problema di sotto-rappresentazione rispetto ai dati reali e discute la presenza di stereotipi.
- Published
- 2019
7. Le migrazioni nei testi dei manuali italiani di storia e geografia
- Author
Valente A., Tudisca V., Calcagno V., Formentini V., Piromalli L., Ronca V., Santurro M., Zampino L., and Caravita S.
- Subjects
libri di testo ,migrazioni ,educazione ,Italia - Abstract
Questa ricerca indaga la rappresentazione dei migranti e delle migrazioni nei libri di testo di Storia e Geografia nelle scuole secondarie italiane nel 2016, facendo seguito ad una prima indagine svolta nel 2011. Vengono riportati in questo capitolo i risul-tati dell'analisi dei testi scritti. I libri sono stati selezionati integrando elenchi prove-nienti da diverse fonti: Amazon, alcune grandi librerie e istituti scolastici di Roma, Napoli e Milano. Sono state elaborate griglie di analisi per rilevare lo spazio dedicato al tema e alle caratteristiche dei contenuti quali le dimensioni tematiche presentate, lo stile educativo adottato, il possibile utilizzo di designazioni improprie nel riferirsi ai migranti. L'apparizione nei libri di testo di specifici riferimenti alle politiche migra-torie testimonia l'acquisizione di elementi del dibattito in corso; nella trattazione emerge il riferimento alle politiche relative alla limitazione degli ingressi che supera-no, sebbene di misura, quelle di inclusione. Pur non mancando la rappresentazione dei migranti come problema, come minaccia alla sicurezza e all'identità, il racconto prevalente è quello di immigrato "vittima" costretta a lasciare il proprio paese; diffi-cilmente si lascia spazio alla dimensione dei migranti come portatori di diritti. Quando i migranti sono descritti come risorsa, si fa soprattutto riferimento all'aspetto economico, in seconda battuta a quello demografico, in ultima analisi a quello culturale; in comune c'è un'idea di accoglienza basata sulla "meritevolezza", al pari di quanto emerso nell'approccio normativo italiano.
- Published
- 2019
8. Role of measurable indicators in evidence-informed policy making - Romanian Case Study
- Author
Bozdog M. E., Dulf D., Sandu P., Tudisca V., Valente A., Aro A. R., and Cherechez R. M.
- Subjects
evidence-informed policy making ,Delphi ,indicators - Abstract
Background: The need for evidence-based policy making and for processes to better inform policy making has been deeply discussed in the past decades. To this aim, a Delphi process was implemented among the countries participating to the REPOPA project, including Romania, to validate, contextualize and implement with stakeholders four thematic sets of measurable indicators for evidence-informed policy making (EIPM). Methods: A half-a-day national conference (2016) preceded by two internet-based Delphi questionnaires (2015) were implemented in Romania as part of the Delphi process. A total of 8 experts participating in the national conference were chosen based on their expertise: sport for all, health promotion/public health, political sciences, education. The role of the experts was to analyze the sets of indicators, reach consensus and give recommendations for physical activity EIPM. Results: 23 indicators grouped in 4 sets were submitted to SWOT analysis and mapped to policy phases during the national conference. `Communication and Participation` set was clearly linked to the need of a comprehensive mapping of resources for communication and participation in EIPM processes (human, infrastructure/logistics, etc.). Additionally, other recommendations given for the `Documentation - Retrieval/Production` set of indicators were: building international partnerships among organizations; funding, organizing and using scientific research for policy making. Discussion: One of the outcomes of the Romanian REPOPA Delphi process was a list of recommendations given by experts. Among other, they agreed that the sets of indicators should be used for EIMP. Mapping the resources for EIPM is the foreseen next step in order to facilitate this process.
- Published
- 2019
9. Development of measurable indicators to enhance public health evidence-informed policy-making
- Author
Tudisca, V., Valente, A., Castellani, T., Stahl, T., Sandu, P., Dulf, D., Spitters, H.P.E.M., van de Goor, L.A.M., Radl-Karimi, C., Syed, A.M., Loncarevic, N., Lau, C.J., Roelofs, S., Bertram, M., Edwards, N., Arjo, A.R., Tudisca, V., Valente, A., Castellani, T., Stahl, T., Sandu, P., Dulf, D., Spitters, H.P.E.M., van de Goor, L.A.M., Radl-Karimi, C., Syed, A.M., Loncarevic, N., Lau, C.J., Roelofs, S., Bertram, M., Edwards, N., and Arjo, A.R.
- Abstract
Background: Ensuring health policies are informed by evidence still remains a challenge despite efforts devoted to this aim. Several tools and approaches aimed at fostering evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM) have been developed, yet there is a lack of availability of indicators specifically devoted to assess and support EIPM. The present study aims to overcome this by building a set of measurable indicators for EIPM intended to infer if and to what extent health-related policies are, or are expected to be, evidence-informed for the purposes of policy planning as well as formative and summative evaluations. Methods: The indicators for EIPM were developed and validated at international level by means of a two-round internet-based Delphi study conducted within the European project 'REsearch into POlicy to enhance Physical Activity' (REPOPA). A total of 82 researchers and policy-makers from the six European countries (Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, the United Kingdom) involved in the project and international organisations were asked to evaluate the relevance and feasibility of an initial set of 23 indicators developed by REPOPA researchers on the basis of literature and knowledge gathered from the previous phases of the project, and to propose new indicators. Results: The first Delphi round led to the validation of 14 initial indicators and to the development of 8 additional indicators based on panellists' suggestions; the second round led to the validation of a further 11 indicators, including 6 proposed by panellists, and to the rejection of 6 indicators. A total of 25 indicators were validated, covering EIPM issues related to human resources, documentation, participation and monitoring, and stressing different levels of knowledge exchange and involvement of researchers and other stakeholders in policy development and evaluation. Conclusion: The study overcame the lack of availability of indicators to
- Published
- 2018
10. La rappresentazione dei migranti nel contesto multimediale delle testate giornalistiche online europee
- Author
Tudisca V., Pelliccia A., Caruso M.G., Cerbara L., and Valente A.
- Subjects
Richiedenti asilo ,Analisi del discorso ,Rappresentazione visuale ,Rifugiati ,Digital media - Abstract
Nel 2016 il tema dell'immigrazione si è imposto come centrale nell'agenda europea, entrando in modo strutturale nel sistema dell'informazione. I media forniscono uno scenario essenziale per la formazione dell'opinione pubblica, la mobilizzazione politica e il supporto alle politiche, contribuendo attivamente alla "costruzione sociale della realtà". Questo è particolarmente vero per l'attuale "crisi" dei rifugiati. È stato infatti mostrato che la copertura mediatica contribuisce alla costruzione di rappresentazioni socialmente condivise di rifugiati e richiedenti asilo, con conseguenze sulla loro accettazione e integrazione. Finora gli studi sulla rappresentazione dei rifugiati e richiedenti asilo sono stati spesso condotti a livello nazionale piuttosto che basati su confronti tra diversi paesi e si sono concentrati soprattutto sull'analisi dei quotidiani cartacei. L'obiettivo della nostra ricerca è comprendere e analizzare l'immagine dei migranti che viene rappresentata alla società e che a sua volta contribuisce alla formazione e cristallizzazione di rappresentazioni sociali, sulla base di un confronto mirato tra versioni online di quotidiani generalisti di diversi paesi europei. I media online sono ormai parte della vita sociale, economica e culturale di molte società e che le caratteristiche tecnologiche delle pubblicazioni online - ipertestualità, interattività, multimedialità - ne fanno una nuova e specifica sostanza mediale rispetto al cartaceo, che consente loro di intercettare pubblici diversi. Abbiamo deciso di concentrarci sulla copertura di alcuni eventi del 2016 significativi rispetto alla crisi dei rifugiati e ai paesi scelti, che sono Italia, Francia, Grecia e Regno Unito, tra i primi 6 paesi europei per numero di prime richieste di asilo nel 2016. Come testate online abbiamo selezionato La Repubblica, Il Corriere della Sera, Il Fatto quotidiano, La Stampa, Il Giornale per l'Italia; I Kathimerini e I Efimerida ton Syntakton per la Grecia; Le Monde e Le Figaro per la Francia e The Guardian e The Daily Mail per il Regno Unito, privilegiando, per ogni paese, quelle a più ampia diffusione e considerando come criterio secondario l'equilibrio politico. Il metodo di analisi si è basato su uno studio sull'immagine dei migranti nei libri di testo di storia e geografia delle scuole secondarie inferiori e superiori, nel quale sono stati analizzati i testi e le immagini secondo alcune griglie validate a livello internazionale. Abbiamo sviluppato diverse griglie di analisi per le 3 unità documentarie testo, immagine e video, elementi che possono essere presenti all'interno di un singolo articolo sul web. Le griglie sono state concepite per esplorare, anche in relazione al paese o ai diversi eventi, l'immaginario relativo alla rappresentazione dei migranti, i valori che emergono rispetto alla relazione con i migranti, quali emozioni e azioni si mira a indurre nel lettore, le voci a cui viene dato spazio. La ricerca ha portato all'individuazione di 3994 unità documentarie - 645 testi, 3041 immagini e 308 video - a partire dalle quali abbiamo condotto un'analisi pilota basata sull'esame di 60 unità documentarie relative all'evento delle celebrazioni a Lampedusa per la giornata delle Memoria e dell'Accoglienza. L'analisi ha consentito di individuare alcuni elementi relativi alla rappresentazione dei migranti in un contesto istituzionale celebrativo di particolare rilevanza per l'Italia. I risultati mostrano che la costruzione dell'immaginario relativo ai migranti e alla migrazione si basa sulla rappresentazione visiva di migranti e di elementi che hanno anche un forte valore simbolico e che sono già da tempo entrati a far parte del nostro immaginario quali il mare e i barconi, dando particolare rilievo alla dimensione del viaggio come contesto. L'utilizzo di figure retoriche nel testo ha evidenziato l'accostamento tra mare e morte, rafforzato nelle immagini anche dalla presenza simbolica di fiori e bare. Abbiamo inoltre riscontrato che i migranti vengono rappresentati tendenzialmente in gruppo e che le immagini di migranti adulti e di genere maschile sono risultate prevalenti, il che sembrerebbe smentire il rischio di un essenzialismo culturale basato sulla femminilizzazione/infantilizzazione. Nel complesso l'atteggiamento dei testi degli articoli nei confronti dei migranti è risultato in prevalenza positivo, basato sull'accettazione morale rispetto alla questione migranti piuttosto che su una sua rappresentazione come problema. Nell'indurre emozioni nel lettore, sembra che le immagini - che abbiamo classificato secondo le topiche proposte da Luc Boltanski - giochino un ruolo prioritario rispetto al testo, caratterizzato prevalentemente da uno stile informativo. Questi primi risultati, che sembrerebbero smentire studi precedenti in cui l'informazione sui migranti è stata descritta come dominata da una visione problematica, dovranno essere approfonditi con il completamento dell'analisi.
- Published
- 2017
11. Neutron diffraction study of aqueous Laponite suspensions at the NIMROD diffractometer
- Author
Tudisca V, Angelini R, Ruzicka B, Zulian L, Soper AK, RICCI, Maria Antonietta, BRUNI, Fabio, Tudisca, V, Bruni, Fabio, Angelini, R, Ruzicka, B, Zulian, L, Soper, Ak, and Ricci, Maria Antonietta
- Published
- 2014
12. Defining domains of evidence-informed policymaking in the area of physical activity: pathway from frameworks to indicators
- Author
Loncarevic N., Bertram M., Tudisca V., Valente A., Aro A.R., and REPOPA WP1 partners
- Subjects
evidence-informed policy making ,Delphi ,indicators - Abstract
The contribute concerns the theoretical framework for the development of measurable indicators of evidence-informed policy making within the REPOPA European project.
- Published
- 2016
13. Delphi-based implementation and guidance development
- Author
Valente A., Tudisca V., Castellani T., Cori L., and Bianchi F.
- Subjects
evidence-informed policy making ,public health ,Delphi ,indicators ,co-production of knowledge - Abstract
This is the final report from Work Package 4 in the REsearch into POlicy to enhance Physical Activity (REPOPA) research project of research funded by the European Commission FP7 program. WP4 is built on research results, models and knowledge from the previous work packages, directly from WP1-WP2-WP3. The aim of WP4 was to draw together the results, developed methods, frameworks, indicators and best practices in the knowledge translation from research to policy making in physical activity promotion developed in WPs 1-3; to develop indicators of evidence-informed policy making by means of an international Delphi study; to test, validate and negotiate these results and products among the stakeholders from the participating countries and among representatives from other EU countries and to formulate into guidance resources and evidence briefs.
- Published
- 2016
14. Rapporto sulla comunicazione tra ricercatori e stakeholder: un caso di studio nel settore agro-biologico
- Author
Tudisca V.
- Subjects
agricoltura ,comunicazione della scienza ,Scienze bio-agroalimentari - Abstract
Il rapporto presenta i risultati di un'indagine realizzata nell'ambito del progetto premiale Gestione sostenibile della risorsa acqua in agricoltura - AQUA del Dipartimento Scienze Bio-Agroalimentari del CNR, che si è svolto tra ottobre 2014 e ottobre 2015. L'obiettivo dello studio è stato acquisire il punto di vista dei ricercatori del progetto e degli stakeholder con cui collaborano, soprattutto aziende agricole e amministratori, rispetto alla comunicazione della ricerca. Tra i risultati emersi da due questionari somministrati alle due categorie: l'interesse alla comunicazione è reciproco e non si riscontrano problemi di comunicazione tra settori diversi; entrambe le parti vorrebbero comunicare di più con i politici; gli stakeholder acquisiscono i risultati di ricerca soprattutto tramite eventi collettivi come conferenze o contatti individuali con i ricercatori. Gli stakeholder hanno inoltre proposto alcune soluzioni per migliorare la comunicazione con il mondo della ricerca.
- Published
- 2016
15. Indicators for evidence-informed policy making and policy phases in the Italian and Danish context
- Author
Tudisca, V., Radl-Karimi, C., Lau, C. L., Syed, A. M., Aro, A. R., and Valente, A.
- Subjects
evidence-informed policy making ,Delphi ,indicators - Abstract
Il contributo confronta la contestualizzazione degli indicatori di evidence-informed policy making sviluppati nel corso del progetto REPOPA in due diversi paesi, Italia e Danimarca.
- Published
- 2016
16. Delphi results on the feasibility, acceptance and feedback from the stakeholders
- Author
Valente A., Castellani T., and Tudisca V.
- Subjects
evidence-informed policy making ,Delphi ,indicators - Abstract
Il rapporto presenta riferimenti teorici metodologia e primi risultati del Delphi internazionale mirato allo sviluppo di indicatori di evidence-informed policy making nell'ambito del progetto europeo REPOPA.
- Published
- 2015
17. Indicators for evidence-informed policy making and policy phases in the Italian and Danish context
- Author
Tudisca, V, primary, Radl-Karimi, C, additional, Lau, CL, additional, Syed, AM, additional, Aro, AR, additional, and Valente, A, additional
- Published
- 2016
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18. REPOPA indicators for evidence-informed policy making validated by an international Delphi study
- Author
Tudisca, V, primary, Castellani, T, additional, Aro, AR, additional, Ståhl, T, additional, Van de Goor, I, additional, Radl-Karimi, C, additional, Spitters, H, additional, Syed, AM, additional, Rus, D, additional, Roelofs, S, additional, and Valente, A, additional
- Published
- 2016
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19. Contextualization of indicators for evidence-informed policy making: results from Denmark and Italy
- Author
Aro, AR, primary, Tudisca, V, additional, Radl-Karimi, C, additional, Lau, CJ, additional, Bertram, M, additional, Syed, AM, additional, Skovgaard, T, additional, Cori, L, additional, Bianchi, F, additional, and Valente, A, additional
- Published
- 2016
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20. Isotopic effect on the ageing phenomenon in a charged colloidal system
- Author
Tudisca V., Ricci M. A., Angelini R., and Ruzicka B.
- Subjects
isotopic effect ,colloidal system ,ageing ,phase transition - Abstract
A dynamic light scattering (DLS) investigation of the isotopic H/D substitution on water molecules in aqueous Laponite suspensions is reported for two Laponite weight concentrations (Cw = 1.5% and Cw = 3.0%). Increasing the deuterium percentage results in a slowing down of the dynamics for both concentrations, although the aging behavior of the suspensions is not qualitatively modified by the isotopic substitution. A scaling law for the isotopic effect is found. The relaxation times and the stretching parameters collapse on two distinct master curves, indicating that the two previously found dynamical behaviors of colloidal gels and glasses are preserved. These results may facilitate a large variety of experimental techniques and further theoretical investigations about the role of the solvent in determining the interaction potential.
- Published
- 2012
21. Firing technique characterization of black-glazed pottery in Praeneste by low resolution 2D NMR relaxometry
- Author
Tudisca, V, Casieri, C, Demma, F, Diaz, M, Pinol, L, Terenzi, Camilla, and DE LUCA, Francesco
- Published
- 2011
22. Neutron diffraction study of aqueous Laponite suspensions at the NIMROD diffractometer
- Author
Tudisca, V, Bruni, F, Scoppola, E, Angelini, R, Ruzicka, B, Zulian, L, Soper, A, Ricci, M, Soper, AK, Ricci, MA, ZULIAN, LAURA, Tudisca, V, Bruni, F, Scoppola, E, Angelini, R, Ruzicka, B, Zulian, L, Soper, A, Ricci, M, Soper, AK, Ricci, MA, and ZULIAN, LAURA
- Abstract
The process of dynamical arrest, leading to formation of different arrested states such as glasses and gels, along with the closely related process of aging, is central for both basic research and technology. Here we report on a study of the time-dependent structural evolution of two aqueous Laponite clay suspensions at different weight concentrations. Neutron diffraction experiments have been performed with the near and intermediate range order diffractometer (NIMROD) that allows studies of the structure of liquids and disordered materials over a continuous length scale ranging from 1 to 300 A° , i.e., from the atomistic to the mesoscopic scales. NIMROD is presently a unique diffractometer, bridging the length scales traditionally investigated by small angle neutron scattering or small angle x-ray scattering with that accessible by traditional diffractometers for liquids. Interestingly, we have unveiled a signature of aging of both suspensions in the length scale region of NIMROD. This phenomenon, ascribed to sporadic contacts between Laponite platelets at long times, has been observed with the sample arrested as gel or as repulsive glass. Moreover, water molecules within the layers closest to Laponite platelets surface show orientational and translational order, which maps into the crystalline structure of Laponite.
- Published
- 2014
23. Neutron diffraction study of aqueous Laponite suspensions at the NIMROD diffractometer
- Author
Tudisca, V., primary, Bruni, F., additional, Scoppola, E., additional, Angelini, R., additional, Ruzicka, B., additional, Zulian, L., additional, Soper, A. K., additional, and Ricci, M. A., additional
- Published
- 2014
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24. Isotopic effect on the aging dynamics of a charged colloidal system
- Author
Tudisca, V., primary, Ricci, M. A., additional, Angelini, R., additional, and Ruzicka, B., additional
- Published
- 2012
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25. Isotopic effect on the aging dynamics of a charged colloidal system
- Author
Roberta Angelini, Maria Antonietta Ricci, Barbara Ruzicka, Valentina Tudisca, Tudisca, V, Ricci, Maria Antonietta, Angelini, R, and Ruzicka, B.
- Subjects
Interaction potentials ,General Chemical Engineering ,Experimental techniques ,Isotopic substitution ,Mineralogy ,Dynamical behaviors ,Colloid ,Master curve ,Dynamic light scattering ,Stretching parameters ,Water molecule ,Molecule ,CLAY ,Colloidal system ,Isotopic effects ,GELS ,Aqueous solution ,Chemistry ,Dynamics (mechanics) ,Relaxation (NMR) ,General Chemistry ,Solvent ,Colloidal gels ,LAPONITE DISPERSIONS ,Deuterium ,Chemical physics ,Aging behavior ,Aging dynamics ,Laponite suspensions - Abstract
A dynamic light scattering (DLS) investigation of the isotopic H/D substitution on water molecules in aqueous Laponite suspensions is reported for two Laponite weight concentrations (C-w = 1.5% and C-w = 3.0%). Increasing the deuterium percentage results in a slowing down of the dynamics for both concentrations, although the aging behavior of the suspensions is not qualitatively modified by the isotopic substitution. A scaling law for the isotopic effect is found. The relaxation times and the stretching parameters collapse on two distinct master curves, indicating that the two previously found dynamical behaviors of colloidal gels and glasses are preserved. These results may facilitate a large variety of experimental techniques and further theoretical investigations about the role of the solvent in determining the interaction potential.
- Published
- 2012
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26. Development of measurable indicators to enhance public health evidence-informed policy-making.
- Author
Tudisca V, Valente A, Castellani T, Stahl T, Sandu P, Dulf D, Spitters H, Van de Goor I, Radl-Karimi C, Syed MA, Loncarevic N, Lau CJ, Roelofs S, Bertram M, Edwards N, and Aro AR
- Subjects
- Administrative Personnel, Delphi Technique, Europe, Exercise, Humans, Research Personnel, Evidence-Based Medicine, Health Policy, Policy Making, Public Health, Translational Research, Biomedical
- Abstract
Background: Ensuring health policies are informed by evidence still remains a challenge despite efforts devoted to this aim. Several tools and approaches aimed at fostering evidence-informed policy-making (EIPM) have been developed, yet there is a lack of availability of indicators specifically devoted to assess and support EIPM. The present study aims to overcome this by building a set of measurable indicators for EIPM intended to infer if and to what extent health-related policies are, or are expected to be, evidence-informed for the purposes of policy planning as well as formative and summative evaluations., Methods: The indicators for EIPM were developed and validated at international level by means of a two-round internet-based Delphi study conducted within the European project 'REsearch into POlicy to enhance Physical Activity' (REPOPA). A total of 82 researchers and policy-makers from the six European countries (Denmark, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands, Romania, the United Kingdom) involved in the project and international organisations were asked to evaluate the relevance and feasibility of an initial set of 23 indicators developed by REPOPA researchers on the basis of literature and knowledge gathered from the previous phases of the project, and to propose new indicators., Results: The first Delphi round led to the validation of 14 initial indicators and to the development of 8 additional indicators based on panellists' suggestions; the second round led to the validation of a further 11 indicators, including 6 proposed by panellists, and to the rejection of 6 indicators. A total of 25 indicators were validated, covering EIPM issues related to human resources, documentation, participation and monitoring, and stressing different levels of knowledge exchange and involvement of researchers and other stakeholders in policy development and evaluation., Conclusion: The study overcame the lack of availability of indicators to assess if and to what extent policies are realised in an evidence-informed manner thanks to the active contribution of researchers and policy-makers. These indicators are intended to become a shared resource usable by policy-makers, researchers and other stakeholders, with a crucial impact on fostering the development of policies informed by evidence.
- Published
- 2018
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27. Regulation of PKA activity by an autophosphorylation mechanism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Author
Solari CA, Tudisca V, Pugliessi M, Nadra AD, Moreno S, and Portela P
- Subjects
- Catalytic Domain physiology, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases genetics, Fermentation, Glucose pharmacology, Phosphorylation, Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzymology, Saccharomyces cerevisiae metabolism, Serine metabolism, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases metabolism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase) activity, as well as that of other AGC members, is regulated by multiple phosphorylations of its catalytic subunits. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the PKA regulatory subunit is encoded by the gene BCY1, and the catalytic subunits are encoded by three genes: TPK1, TPK2 and TPK3. Previously, we have reported that, following cAMP/PKA pathway activation, Tpk1 increases its phosphorylation status. Now, in vivo genetic and in vitro experiments indicate an autophosphorylation mechanism for Tpk1. Using array peptides derived from Tpk1, we identified Ser179 as a target residue. Tpk1 is phosphorylated on Ser179 in vivo during glucose stimulus. Reduction of the activation loop Thr241 phosphorylation increases Ser179 autophosphorylation. To evaluate the role of phosphorylation on Ser179, we made strains expressing tpk1S179A or tpk1S179D as the sole PKA kinase source. Our results suggest that Ser179 phosphorylation increases the reactivity towards the substrate without affecting the formation of the holoenzyme. Phenotypic readout analysis showed that Ser179 phosphorylation increases in vivo PKA activity, reducing cell survival, stress and lifespan. Ser179 phosphorylation increases Tpk1 cytoplasmic accumulation in glucose-grown cells. These results describe for the first time that an autophosphorylation mechanism on Tpk1 controls PKA activity in response to glucose availability.
- Published
- 2014
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28. The activation loop of PKA catalytic isoforms is differentially phosphorylated by Pkh protein kinases in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
- Author
Haesendonckx S, Tudisca V, Voordeckers K, Moreno S, Thevelein JM, and Portela P
- Subjects
- 3-Phosphoinositide-Dependent Protein Kinases, Amino Acid Motifs physiology, Amino Acid Sequence, Enzyme Activation physiology, Isoenzymes metabolism, Molecular Sequence Data, Mutagenesis, Phosphorylation genetics, Catalytic Domain physiology, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Catalytic Subunits metabolism, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Type I metabolism, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases metabolism, Protein Serine-Threonine Kinases physiology, Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzymology, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins metabolism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins physiology
- Abstract
PDK1 (phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase 1) phosphorylates and activates PKA (cAMP-dependent protein kinase) in vitro. Docking of the HM (hydrophobic motif) in the C-terminal tail of the PKA catalytic subunits on to the PIF (PDK1-interacting fragment) pocket of PDK1 is a critical step in this activation process. However, PDK1 regulation of PKA in vivo remains controversial. Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains three PKA catalytic subunits, TPK1, TPK2 and TPK3. We demonstrate that Pkh [PKB (protein kinase B)-activating kinase homologue] protein kinases phosphorylate the activation loop of each Tpk in vivo with various efficiencies. Pkh inactivation reduces the interaction of each catalytic subunit with the regulatory subunit Bcy1 without affecting the specific kinase activity of PKA. Comparative analysis of the in vitro interaction and phosphorylation of Tpks by Pkh1 shows that Tpk1 and Tpk2 interact with Pkh1 through an HM-PIF pocket interaction. Unlike Tpk1, mutagenesis of the activation loop site in Tpk2 does not abolish in vitro phosphorylation, suggesting that Tpk2 contains other, as yet uncharacterized, Pkh1 target sites. Tpk3 is poorly phosphorylated on its activation loop site, and this is due to the weak interaction of Tpk3 with Pkh1 because of the atypical HM found in Tpk3. In conclusion, the results of the present study show that Pkh protein kinases contribute to the divergent regulation of the Tpk catalytic subunits.
- Published
- 2012
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29. PKA isoforms coordinate mRNA fate during nutrient starvation.
- Author
Tudisca V, Simpson C, Castelli L, Lui J, Hoyle N, Moreno S, Ashe M, and Portela P
- Subjects
- Culture Media, Cytoplasmic Granules enzymology, Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-3 metabolism, Eukaryotic Initiation Factor-4G metabolism, Gene Expression Regulation, Fungal, Glucose deficiency, Isoenzymes metabolism, Peptide Chain Initiation, Translational, Poly(A)-Binding Proteins metabolism, Protein Subunits metabolism, Protein Transport, Ribosomal Proteins metabolism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae growth & development, Stress, Physiological, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Catalytic Subunits metabolism, Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinases metabolism, RNA, Messenger metabolism, Saccharomyces cerevisiae enzymology, Saccharomyces cerevisiae Proteins metabolism
- Abstract
A variety of stress conditions induce mRNA and protein aggregation into mRNA silencing foci, but the signalling pathways mediating these responses are still elusive. Previously we demonstrated that PKA catalytic isoforms Tpk2 and Tpk3 localise with processing and stress bodies in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Here, we show that Tpk2 and Tpk3 are associated with translation initiation factors Pab1 and Rps3 in exponentially growing cells. Glucose starvation promotes the loss of interaction between Tpk and initiation factors followed by their accumulation into processing bodies. Analysis of mutants of the individual PKA isoform genes has revealed that the TPK3 or TPK2 deletion affects the capacity of the cells to form granules and arrest translation properly in response to glucose starvation or stationary phase. Moreover, we demonstrate that PKA controls Rpg1 and eIF4G(1) protein abundance, possibly controlling cap-dependent translation. Taken together, our data suggest that the PKA pathway coordinates multiple stages in the fate of mRNAs in association with nutritional environment and growth status of the cell.
- Published
- 2012
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