United States Department of the Interior, Office of Education (ED), Rugg, Earle U., Peik, Wesley E., Foster, Frank K., John, Walton C., and Raup, Robert B.
Of the problems attracting attention in the education of teachers, more are connected with curricula than with any other phase. Curricula for the preparation of teachers are diverse, and their revision should be made in the light of all available information. This survey gave special emphasis to an analysis of existing curricula for educating teachers and attempted to assemble the judgments of authorities in this field upon curriculum policies. This volume, the third of six, presents material in seven segments. Part I, Introduction, includes: (1) the plan and scope of curriculum studies; (2) the expanded program and scope of teacher education; and (3) admission and selection of prospective teachers. Part II, Curricula of Normal Schools and Teachers Colleges, covers: (1) objectives and functions of teacher education; (2) curriculum policies and practices in teachers colleges and normal schools; (3) curriculum patterns and their operation; (4) fields of specialization; (5) professional studies and treatment of subject-matter materials; (6) general education; (7) elections and prescriptions; (8) faculty personnel in representative courses; (9)content and method of representative courses; and (10) summary and recommendations. Part III, Teacher Education Curricula in Universities, Colleges, and Junior Colleges, describes: (1) teacher education aims of universities, colleges, and junior colleges; (2) curriculum practices and policies in the education of teachers; (3) the general curriculum patterns; (4) the general educational background of the teacher; (5) specialization and differentiation for teaching; (6) the courses in education; (7) electives and prescriptions; (8) institutional innovations and curriculum trends in subject fields; (9) the graduate curriculum for teachers; (10) instruction in representative courses; (11) curriculum issues; and (12) proposal and recommendations with special reference to the education of teachers in universities, colleges, and junior colleges. Part IV, The Training School in the Education of Teachers, includes: (1) nature of practice courses offered in different curricula; (2) policies, requirements, activities, and coordination practices; and (3) summary and recommendations. Part V, Summer Sessions for Teachers, addresses: (1) introduction: purposes of summer sessions; (2) calendar, enrollments, and financial and business policies; (3) the summer session staff; (4) curriculum trends and summer session training schools; and (5) summary and recommendations. Part VI, Graduate Work in the Education of Teachers, covers: (1) control, development, and present scope of graduate work; (2) views of authorities on mutual influences of the schools of education and the undergraduate school of education; and (3) doctors' degrees in education. Part VII, Educational Philosophies Held by the Faculty Members, includes: (1) the major issues and their meanings; (2) the findings and their interpretation; and (3) social philosophies. Appended are: (1) Figure 1--Relative emphasis to various aims of an index of emphasis by different types of higher institutions; Figure 2--A comparative study of the reaction of certain faculty groups on curricular proposals relating to the education of teachers; and Table A: Summary of institutional policies in teachers colleges and normal schools; (2) Table B1--Size of prescriptions according to a catalog analysis of 66 teachers colleges and normal schools; and Table B--The pattern of work taken by graduates of 20 teachers colleges; (3) Table C1--The Pattern of prescriptions according to a catalog analysis of 57 colleges and universities; and Table C--The patterns of work taken by 1,771 prospective teachers graduating from 24 colleges and universities; (4) Teachers' Views on Some Problems in General Educational Theory; and (5) A Social Study (Manly H. Harper) (Contains 185 footnotes, 127 tables, 14 figures, and 9 charts.) [Best copy available has been provided.]